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m3d 提交于 2023-06-01 10:25 . init
* m3d源码场景 请勿下载后售卖
* gitee:https://gitee.com/m3d
* b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yG4y1m7dF/
Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJjMzU2ZTQyYy1iOTU5LTQ5MDQtOGNkNC0yYzcxMTI1ZDJiZGQiLCJpZCI6NzY1OTcsImlhdCI6MTYzOTU2MDcwOH0.kbWigipGD6l2OPBGpnkkN6dzp8NuNjoHNNM1NF4gaIo';
let viewer;
let imagerLayer;
let googleTileset;
let snowEffect;
let rainEffect;
// 默认视角
Cesium.Camera.DEFAULT_VIEW_RECTANGLE = Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(90, -20, 110, 90);
* 初始化viewer
const initViewer = () => {
viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('sceneContainer', {
infoBox: false,
shouldAnimate: false,
vrButton: false,
geocoder: true,
homeButton: false,
sceneModePicker: false,
baseLayerPicker: false,
navigationHelpButton: false,
animation: false,
timeline: true,
fullscreenButton: false,
viewer._cesiumWidget._creditContainer.style.display = "none";
viewer.resolutionScale = 1.2;
viewer.scene.msaaSamples = 4;
viewer.postProcessStages.fxaa.enabled = true;
viewer.scene.globe.depthTestAgainstTerrain = true;
viewer.scene.debugShowFramesPerSecond = true;
viewer.scene.globe.enableLighting = true;
viewer.scene.fog.minimumBrightness = 0.5;
viewer.scene.fog.density = 2.0e-4 * 1.2;
viewer.scene.globe.atmosphereLightIntensity = 20;
viewer.scene.globe.atmosphereBrightnessShift = -0.01;
imagerLayer = viewer.imageryLayers.get(0);
viewer.scene.highDynamicRange = false;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.bloom.enabled = false;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.bloom.uniforms.contrast = 119;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.bloom.uniforms.brightness = -0.4;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.bloom.uniforms.glowOnly = false;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.bloom.uniforms.delta = 0.9;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.bloom.uniforms.sigma = 3.78;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.bloom.uniforms.stepSize = 5;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.bloom.uniforms.isSelected = false;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.ambientOcclusion.enabled = false;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.ambientOcclusion.uniforms.intensity = 1.5;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.ambientOcclusion.uniforms.bias = 0.4;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.ambientOcclusion.uniforms.lengthCap = 0.45;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.ambientOcclusion.uniforms.stepSize = 1.8;
viewer.scene.postProcessStages.ambientOcclusion.uniforms.blurStepSize = 1.0;
* 初始化场景
const initScene = async () => {
try {
googleTileset = await Cesium.createGooglePhotorealistic3DTileset(undefined, {
customShader: new Cesium.CustomShader({
uniforms: {
u_lightColor: {
type: Cesium.UniformType.VEC3,
value: new Cesium.Cartesian3(1, 1, 1),
u_snowAlpha: {
type: Cesium.UniformType.FLOAT,
value: 0.,
u_rainAlpha: {
type: Cesium.UniformType.FLOAT,
value: 0.,
fragmentShaderText: `
#define MAX_RADIUS 2
// Set to 1 to hash twice. Slower, but less patterns.
#define DOUBLE_HASH 0
// Hash functions shamefully stolen from:
// https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4djSRW
#define HASHSCALE1 .1031
#define HASHSCALE3 vec3(.1031, .1030, .0973)
float hash12(vec2 p)
vec3 p3 = fract(vec3(p.xyx) * HASHSCALE1);
p3 += dot(p3, p3.yzx + 19.19);
return fract((p3.x + p3.y) * p3.z);
vec2 hash22(vec2 p)
vec3 p3 = fract(vec3(p.xyx) * HASHSCALE3);
p3 += dot(p3, p3.yzx+19.19);
return fract((p3.xx+p3.yz)*p3.zy);
void fragmentMain(FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material) {
vec3 positionEC = fsInput.attributes.positionEC;
vec3 positionMC = fsInput.attributes.positionMC;
vec2 uv = fsInput.attributes.texCoord_0 * 500.;
vec3 pos_dx = dFdx(positionEC);
vec3 pos_dy = dFdy(positionEC);
vec3 normalEC = normalize(cross(pos_dx, pos_dy));
vec4 positionWC = normalize(czm_inverseView * vec4(positionEC,1.0));
vec3 normalWC = normalize(czm_inverseViewRotation * normalEC);
float time = czm_frameNumber / 60.0;
vec2 p0 = floor(uv);
vec2 circles = vec2(0.);
for (int j = -MAX_RADIUS; j <= MAX_RADIUS; ++j)
for (int i = -MAX_RADIUS; i <= MAX_RADIUS; ++i)
vec2 pi = p0 + vec2(i, j);
vec2 hsh = hash22(pi);
vec2 hsh = pi;
vec2 p = pi + hash22(hsh);
float t = fract(0.3*time + hash12(hsh));
vec2 v = p - uv;
float d = length(v) - (float(MAX_RADIUS) + 1.)*t;
float h = 1e-3;
float d1 = d - h;
float d2 = d + h;
float p1 = sin(31.*d1) * smoothstep(-0.6, -0.3, d1) * smoothstep(0., -0.3, d1);
float p2 = sin(31.*d2) * smoothstep(-0.6, -0.3, d2) * smoothstep(0., -0.3, d2);
circles += 0.5 * normalize(v) * ((p2 - p1) / (2. * h) * (1. - t) * (1. - t));
circles /= float((MAX_RADIUS*2+1)*(MAX_RADIUS*2+1));
vec3 n = vec3(circles, sqrt(1. - dot(circles, circles)));
material.diffuse = mix(material.diffuse, vec3(1.0) , u_snowAlpha * smoothstep(0., .5, dot(positionWC.xyz, normalWC)));
material.diffuse = mix(material.diffuse, vec3((n * vec3(1.2)).r) , u_rainAlpha * smoothstep(0., .5, dot(positionWC.xyz, normalWC)));
material.diffuse *= min(max(0.0, dot(normalEC, czm_sunDirectionEC) * 1.0) + u_lightColor, 1.0);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error loading Photorealistic 3D Tiles tileset.
snowEffect = new Cesium.PostProcessStage({
fragmentShader: `
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D colorTexture;
uniform sampler2D depthTexture;
in vec2 v_textureCoordinates;
float time;
#define HASHSCALE1 .1031
#define HASHSCALE3 vec3(.1031, .1030, .0973)
#define HASHSCALE4 vec3(.1031, .1030, .0973, .1099)
float SIZE_RATE = 0.1;
float XSPEED = 0.2;
float YSPEED = 0.5;
float LAYERS = 10.;
float Hash11(float p)
vec3 p3 = fract(vec3(p) * HASHSCALE1);
p3 += dot(p3, p3.yzx + 19.19);
return fract((p3.x + p3.y) * p3.z);
vec2 Hash22(vec2 p)
vec3 p3 = fract(vec3(p.xyx) * HASHSCALE3);
p3 += dot(p3, p3.yzx+19.19);
return fract((p3.xx+p3.yz)*p3.zy);
vec2 Rand22(vec2 co)
float x = fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(122.9898,783.233))) * 43758.5453);
float y = fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(457.6537,537.2793))) * 37573.5913);
return vec2(x,y);
vec3 SnowSingleLayer(vec2 uv,float layer){
vec3 acc = vec3(0.3);
uv = uv * (2.0+layer);
float xOffset = uv.y * (((Hash11(layer)*2.-1.)*0.5+1.)*XSPEED);
float yOffset = (YSPEED*time);
uv += vec2(xOffset,yOffset);
vec2 rgrid = Hash22(floor(uv)+(31.1759*layer));
uv = fract(uv);
uv -= (rgrid*2.-1.0) * 0.35;
uv -=0.5;
float r = length(uv);
float circleSize = 0.08*(1.0+0.3*sin(time*SIZE_RATE));
float val = smoothstep(circleSize,-circleSize,r);
vec3 col = vec3(val,val,val)* rgrid.x ;
return col;
void main()
time = czm_frameNumber / 120.0;
vec3 col = vec3(0.3, .3, .3);
// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy/czm_viewport.zw;
uv *= vec2(czm_viewport.z/czm_viewport.w,1.0);
vec3 acc = vec3(0,0,0);
for (float i=0.;i<LAYERS;i++) {
acc += SnowSingleLayer(uv,i);
out_FragColor = mix( texture(colorTexture, v_textureCoordinates), vec4(acc,1.0) , 0.5);
snowEffect.enabled = false;
rainEffect = new Cesium.PostProcessStage({
fragmentShader: `
uniform sampler2D colorTexture;
in vec2 v_textureCoordinates;
float hash(float x){
return fract(sin(x*23.3)*13.13);
void main(){
float time = czm_frameNumber / 120.0;
vec2 resolution = czm_viewport.zw;
vec2 uv=(gl_FragCoord.xy*2.-resolution.xy)/min(resolution.x,resolution.y);
vec3 c=vec3(.6,.7,.8);
float a=-.4;
float si=sin(a),co=cos(a);
float v=1.-sin(hash(floor(uv.x*100.))*2.);
float b=clamp(abs(sin(20.*time*v+uv.y*(5./(2.+v))))-.95,0.,1.)*20.;
out_FragColor = mix(texture(colorTexture, v_textureCoordinates), vec4(c, 1), 0.5);
rainEffect.enabled = false;
* 初始化场景事件
const initEvent = () => {
let _sn = 0;
const updateScene = () => {
const sd = Cesium.Cartesian3.normalize(viewer.scene.sun._boundingVolume.center, new Cesium.Cartesian3);
const vd = Cesium.Cartesian3.normalize(viewer.camera.position, new Cesium.Cartesian3);
const sn = parseFloat(Cesium.Cartesian3.dot(vd, sd).toFixed(3))
if (sn === _sn) return false;
// viewer.postProcessStages.bloom.enabled = false;
// viewer.scene.postProcessStages.ambientOcclusion.enabled = true;
const value = Cesium.Math.clamp(sn, 0.05, 2.0);
if (imagerLayer)
imagerLayer.brightness = value + 0.3;
if (googleTileset)
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_lightColor.value =
Cesium.Color.multiplyByScalar(Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString("#ffffff"), value, new Cesium.Color);
if (sn < 0) {
// viewer.postProcessStages.bloom.enabled = true;
// viewer.scene.postProcessStages.ambientOcclusion.enabled = false;
_sn = sn;
viewer.scene.postRender.addEventListener(() => updateScene());
destination: { x: -2411264.0506999483, y: 5392065.788032695, z: 2404130.5345600643 },
orientation: {
heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(73.17599066543983),
pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(-14.283769462808346),
roll: Cesium.Math.toRadians(0.006227514695949802)
viewer.clock.currentTime = Cesium.JulianDate.fromIso8601("2023-04-14T04:00:00Z");
const closeEffect = () => {
snowEffect.enabled = false;
rainEffect.enabled = false;
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_snowAlpha.value = 0.;
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_rainAlpha.value = 0.;
setTimeout(() => {
document.getElementById("view").onclick = function () {
viewer.scene.globe.show = false;
destination: { x: -3018599.8547373875, y: 4933800.6373264985, z: 2683549.3590823035 },
orientation: {
heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(122.99145068799807),
pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(-23.795390458891127),
roll: Cesium.Math.toRadians(0.0011079070749852415)
duration: 6,
easingFunction: Cesium.EasingFunction.CIRCULAR_OUT,
complete: () => {
setTimeout(() => {
destination: { x: 1329597.4708824896, y: -4661613.093307401, z: 4137106.7058978938 },
orientation: {
heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(53.26771563981157),
pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(-28.91764530646933),
roll: Cesium.Math.toRadians(359.99632942190806)
duration: 6,
easingFunction: Cesium.EasingFunction.CIRCULAR_OUT,
complete: () => {
setTimeout(() => {
destination: { x: -2418077.1476918706, y: 5386854.353530804, z: 2408511.7725730916 },
orientation: {
heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(180.77344403307322),
pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(-29.413972355525768),
roll: Cesium.Math.toRadians(0.006019668414439345)
duration: 5,
easingFunction: Cesium.EasingFunction.CIRCULAR_OUT,
complete: () => {
viewer.scene.globe.show = true;
}, 6000)
}, 6000)
document.getElementById("snow").onclick = function () {
rainEffect.enabled = false;
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_rainAlpha.value = 0.;
snowEffect.enabled = !snowEffect.enabled;
let interval;
if (snowEffect.enabled) {
interval = setInterval(() => {
if (googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_snowAlpha.value >= 1.0) {
return false;
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_snowAlpha.value += 0.01;
}, 20)
} else
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_snowAlpha.value = 0., window.clearInterval(interval);
document.getElementById("rain").onclick = function () {
snowEffect.enabled = false;
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_snowAlpha.value = 0.;
rainEffect.enabled = !rainEffect.enabled;
let interval;
if (rainEffect.enabled) {
interval = setInterval(() => {
if (googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_rainAlpha.value >= 0.5) {
return false;
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_rainAlpha.value += 0.05;
}, 20)
} else
googleTileset.customShader.uniforms.u_rainAlpha.value = 0., window.clearInterval(interval);
}, 5000);
const main = async () => {
await initScene();
new window.WOW().init();
function showUI() {
<div id="topUI" class="topUI wow bounceInDown" data-wow-duration="3.0s">
<a class="bvideo" href="https://space.bilibili.com/432028432">可视化场景分享</a>
<a class="view" id="view" href="#">视图切换</a>
<a class="snow" id="snow" href="#">雪天动画</a>
<a class="rain" id="rain" href="#">雨天动画</a>
function closeLoading() {
function showLoading() {
window.onload = main;
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