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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/jarun/googler
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Arun Prakash Jana 提交于 2021-01-21 13:49 . Prepare for release v4.3.2
googler 4.3.2
- Fix html class of result nodes (#393, fixes #392)
- Do not sabotage stdin of url_handler (#386)
googler 4.3.1
- several important parser fixes
- retire Python v3.5, add v3.9
googler 4.3
- fix recent break due to server-side changes
- option `-e`/`--exclude` to exclude site from results
- option `-g`/`--geoloc` to specify geolocation
- replace uuid1 with uuid4 in request
googler 4.2
- support GUI platform browsers on WSL
- support Wayland native copier `wl-copy`
- program options `--ipv4`, `--ipv6`; ipv4 preferred by default
- deduplicate results
- fix sitelinks parsing
- combine consecutive whitespaces
- fix extraction of matched keywords
- fix match highlighting
- no additional blank line for empty abstracts
- undocumented debug option `--parse` to parse dumped HTML
googler 4.1
What's in?
- search Google Videos
- options `--from` and `--to` to specify date range for search
- update parser to handle new layout for Google News results
- strip trailing comma from metadata
- add auto-generated packages for new distros, remove obsolete
googler 4.0
What's in?
- Switch to modern UA and fix parser to handle new result format
- Text-wrapping
googler 3.9
What's in?
- fix issue - `googler` showing "No results."
- show matched keywords in bold in result abstracts
- option `--colorize` for more control on colors
- better support for colors on Windows
- switch to CircleCI from Travis
- option `--noua` is deprecated (noop) and will be removed in future
googler 3.8
What's in?
- A complete parser rewrite
- Visual redesign of the output format
- Text-wrapping for CJK wide characters
- Refresh current page on URL expansion toggle
- Available on Raspbian testing and Chocolatey
- Several important fixes
googler 3.7.1
What's in?
- Custom user agent
- Fix to unescape auto-completions
googler 3.7
What's in?
- Support xclip as a clipboard utility on *nix
- Support GNU Screen and tmux as clipboard fallback
- Support Termux clipboard on Android
googler 3.6
What's in?
- Decode auto-completion info as per charset in response header
- Ignore trailing `/` in proxy
- Some heath sites added to googler @t
- User agent updated to Firefox 60
- Availability on Fedora and openSUSE
- More auto-generated packages
googler 3.5
What's in?
- URL folding to show only domain name
- Omniprompt key `c` to copy URL to clipboard
- Support env var `DISABLE_PROMPT_COLOR` to disable prompt color (see #203)
Note: Python 3.3 reached EOL, will not be supported anymore.
googler 3.4
What's in?
- Support custom URL handler script or cli utility (option `--url-handler`)
- Support text browser override with GUI browser (omniprompt key `O`)
- A stunning project logo! (designed by @zmwangx)
googler 3.3
What's in?
- Search auto-completion (using completion scripts)
- Python 3.6 support
- Automated release package builds using PackageCore
googler 3.2
What's in?
- Basic authentication with `--proxy`
- Option `--unfilter` to include similar results
- New googler @ts : Manga Reader, Mac Rumors, OMG! Ubuntu!
- Fix: skip certain card results with `--noua`
- options `--json` and `--exact` decoupled
googler 3.1
What's in?
- Search result metadata (e.g. IMDB rating)
- Multi-site search
- Browse numeric ranges at omniprompt
- googler@ - Financial Times, The Pirate Bay added
googler 3.0
- Introducing [googler @t](https://github.com/jarun/googler#googler-t) add-on!
- Open multiple indices from omniprompt
- Open all indices from omniprompt
- Option `--enable-browser-output` is now `--show-browser-logs`
- Multiple bug fixes
googler 2.9
- `googler` is on Debian and Ubuntu official releases now. In addition, there's
a PPA in place to install the latest program releases from.
- Omniprompt option to search exact keywords on auto-correction
- Push cmdline arguments to readline history (simplifies editing the keywords)
- Added check to ensure UTF-8 encoding
- Support 3 HTTP redirections before failing to connect
- Support environment variable https_proxy
- Python 3.5.3 compliance for TLS 1.2
- Removed deb package generation scripts
googler 2.8
- Add option --notweak to disable TCP optimizations and forced TLS 1.2.
- Limited self-upgrade options to -U or --upgrade. Removed --update.
googler v2.7
- Show google services abstract with User Agent disabled.
- In-place self-upgrade mechanism.
- Fix integration with text-based browsers.
- Set process title to googler if setproctitle is installed.
googler v2.6
- Option `--noua` to disable UA (default - enabled).
- Logging and auto-completion script changes.
googler v2.5.1
- Enable TCP/IP optimizations only for Linux. This fails on OS X.
NOTE: The optimizations do not work on Linux 2.4 and earlier either.
googler v2.5
- Python 2.x support is discontinued.
- googler is now available on [Debian Sid](https://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/googler)
- Invoking `googler` without search keywords shows omniprompt
- Introduced options -h and --help to show program help and exit
- Support cookie
- Use TLS 1.2 (Python 3.4 and above)
- Omniprompt key to unfilter filtered similar results
- HTTPS proxy support (non-TLS 1.2 supported)
- News time shown in cyan by default
- Tons of code, logging and debug improvements (thanks Zhiming)
googler v2.4.1
**NOTICE:** Python 2.x support is deprecated now. While it's still
possible to use Python 2.x by editing the shebang, we have found
issues with Python 2.x (e.g. readline doesn't work) which don't
have a satisfactory solution without impacting other features.
Python 2.x support will be completely removed in the next version.
- Sitelinks support
- Customizable colours
- Context in News results
- .deb package for Debian and Ubuntu family
- Basic support for terminal emulators having ANSI escape sequence support on Windows
- New omniprompt option -f to jump to first results page
- New omniprompt key -o to open the current search in browser
- Shorter omniprompt
- Non-interactive mode to fetch results and exit
- JSON output support
- A complete re-write of the HTML parser
googler v2.3
- Google Site Search support (option -w)
- Auto-completion scripts for Zsh, Bash and Fish shells
- All Google top level domains supported
- Show time for news
- Integrated omniprompt help
- Move to argparse
- Additional long options easier to remember
- Graceful SIGINT handler
- Add version to debug logs
AND ...
- An *awesssome* asciinema recording for the README from Zhiming
googler v2.2
- Show quotes in text and title
- Option to disable automatic spelling correction
- User agent identifier added for all requests
- Improved concise omniprompt with color inversion to work as a page separator
- Set column size to auto when sys.stderr is not a tty
- Decode HTTPS response in UTF-8
- Dynamically detect python version using /usr/bin/env
- Handle EOF (Ctrl-d) at omniprompt
- Refactored code
- Modularized code for repetitive logic
- Unnecessary code removal
- Dump full HTML response in debug mode
- Homebrew integration
- Travis integration
- A better readme in 100% markdown and ToC with references
googler v2.1
- Project renamed to googler, same as the utility
- Gzip compression to fetch data
- Improved continuous search (works without the `g` key at prompt now. Check
Example 10 in README for exceptions)
- Skip Google News, Images links and ads
- Show skipped link count
google-cli v2.0
- IMPORTANT fix for issue #19: Google replaced "li" with "div" as search result
separator. Users must update to this release or latest dev version for
google-cli to work.
- Handle formatting on Mac OS X in emacs eshell (or any terminal envornment
where number of columns returned is 0).
- PEP 8 style adaptation. Thanks @shaggytwodope!
google-cli v1.9
- Skip results without any URL (Google custom results like time, define etc.).
- Use readline library to support arrow keys in input.
- Support installation on OSX. Thanks @ibaaj.
- Pre-check negative index before attempting to open URL.
- Handle exception: "socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known"
due to connection throttle on low-bandwidth.
- Print correct Exception in case of connection timeout.
google-cli v1.8
- Added timeout to HTTPSConnection()
- Redirected stdout and stderr to suppress all warning & error messages when
opening results in Firefox
google-cli v1.7
- Added support for redirection and piping
- Used stderr instead of stdin to determine console geometry
google-cli v1.6
- Changed incremental search key from s to g keeping in mind that users may use
g as the alias for googler.
- Handle httplib.BadStatusLine exception. This happens if the connection is
closed due to inactivity. Now googler will reconnect and re-issue the search.
google-cli v1.5
New capabilities
- Incremental search support from the same running instance
- Utility name changed to googler to void any copyright infringements
google-cli v1.2
New capabilities
- Open result in browser using index number (thanks jeremija)
- Google News support
- Time limit search by hours
- Country specific search (28 top-level domains added)
- Add switch to enable debug logs
- Removed file type specific search option -f in favour of filetype:mime Google
- Convert %22 to " (double quote) in URLs
- Inputs other than n, p or number (+ Enter) exit
- Fix failure to open URL with " (double quotes) in browser
- Fix version information in manpage
- Get rid of Google Chrome debug/error messages in console when opening URL
google-cli v1.1
New capabilities
- Add Python 3.x support
- Add UTF-8 request and response
[both the contributions are from Narrat]
NOTE: The next change in queue is to support opening the URLs in browser. As we
can see during preliminary tests, there are several issues around Google Chrome
and its mods. This release works as a stable release before we hop on.
google-cli v1.0
New capabilities
- HTTPS support
- Navigate as in regular google search
- File type in search as an option
- Time limited search (day, week, month, year)
- Show full text snippet of search results
- Unicode in URL support
- Honour -j even if -n is not used and open the result in browser
- Skip browser to show result in console for empty URL, e.g., first result of
'define hello'
- Handle google redirections (error 302)
- Throw error in case of google error due to unusual activity from IP
- Adapt to new google HTML response
- Fixed character encoding problem in URL e.g. double quotes (%22) changed to
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