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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2
iTerm2.sdef 28.43 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
<dictionary title="iTerm2 Terminology">
<suite name="Standard Suite" code="????" description="Common classes and commands for all applications.">
<enumeration name="save options" code="savo">
<enumerator name="yes" code="yes " description="Save the file."/>
<enumerator name="no" code="no " description="Do not save the file."/>
<enumerator name="ask" code="ask "
description="Ask the user whether or not to save the file."/>
<command name="count" code="corecnte"
description="Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.">
<cocoa class="NSCountCommand"/>
<direct-parameter type="specifier"
description="the object whose elements are to be counted"/>
<parameter name="each" code="kocl" type="type" optional="yes"
description="The class of objects to be counted.">
<cocoa key="ObjectClass"/>
<result type="integer" description="the number of elements"/>
<command name="delete" code="coredelo" description="Delete an object.">
<cocoa class="NSDeleteCommand"/>
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object to delete"/>
<command name="duplicate" code="coreclon"
description="Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.">
<cocoa class="NSCloneCommand"/>
<direct-parameter type="specifier"
description="the object(s) to duplicate"/>
<parameter name="to" code="insh" type="location specifier"
description="The location for the new object(s).">
<cocoa key="ToLocation"/>
<parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" type="record" optional="yes"
description="Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s).">
<cocoa key="WithProperties"/>
<command name="exists" code="coredoex" description="Verify if an object exists.">
<cocoa class="NSExistsCommand"/>
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object in question"/>
<result type="boolean" description="true if it exists, false if not"/>
<command name="make" code="corecrel" description="Make a new object.">
<cocoa class="NSCreateCommand"/>
<parameter name="new" code="kocl" type="type"
description="The class of the new object.">
<cocoa key="ObjectClass"/>
<parameter name="at" code="insh" type="location specifier" optional="yes"
description="The location at which to insert the object.">
<cocoa key="Location"/>
<parameter name="with data" code="data" type="any" optional="yes"
description="The initial contents of the object.">
<cocoa key="ObjectData"/>
<parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" type="record" optional="yes"
description="The initial values for properties of the object.">
<cocoa key="KeyDictionary"/>
<result type="specifier" description="to the new object"/>
<command name="move" code="coremove"
description="Move object(s) to a new location.">
<cocoa class="NSMoveCommand"/>
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object(s) to move"/>
<parameter name="to" code="insh" type="location specifier"
description="The new location for the object(s).">
<cocoa key="ToLocation"/>
<class name="application" code="capp"
description="The application's top-level scripting object.">
<cocoa class="iTermApplication"/>
<property name="current window" code="Crwn" type="window"
description="The frontmost window">
<cocoa key="currentScriptingWindow" />
<property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" access="r"
description="The name of the application."/>
<property name="frontmost" code="pisf" type="boolean" access="r"
description="Is this the frontmost (active) application?">
<cocoa key="isActive"/>
<property name="version" code="vers" type="text" access="r"
description="The version of the application."/>
<element type="window" access="r">
<cocoa key="orderedScriptingWindows"/>
<class name="window" code="cwin" description="A window.">
<cocoa class="iTermScriptingWindow"/>
<!-- Prior to 3.0.4, id was a string with code "ID " that had a value like "window-1" which
coincides with the unique identifier used in a window's object specifier. Issue 4825 points
out this is problematic because integral window IDs are useful as arguments to
screencapture -l. So the old id is now available as "alternate identifier" and id is now the
standard integer value. -->
<property name="id" code="ID " description="The unique identifier of the session." type="integer" access="r">
<cocoa key="uniqueID"/>
<property name="alternate identifier" code="Twid" description="The alternate unique identifier of the session." type="text" access="r">
<cocoa key="windowIdentifier"/>
<property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" access="r"
description="The full title of the window.">
<cocoa key="title"/>
<property name="index" code="pidx" type="integer"
description="The index of the window, ordered front to back.">
<cocoa key="orderedIndex"/>
<property name="bounds" code="pbnd" type="rectangle"
description="The bounding rectangle of the window.">
<cocoa key="boundsAsQDRect"/>
<property name="closeable" code="hclb" type="boolean" access="r"
description="Whether the window has a close box.">
<cocoa key="hasCloseBox"/>
<property name="miniaturizable" code="ismn" type="boolean" access="r"
description="Whether the window can be minimized.">
<cocoa key="isMiniaturizable"/>
<property name="miniaturized" code="pmnd" type="boolean"
description="Whether the window is currently minimized.">
<cocoa key="isMiniaturized"/>
<property name="resizable" code="prsz" type="boolean" access="r"
description="Whether the window can be resized.">
<cocoa key="isResizable"/>
<property name="visible" code="pvis" type="boolean"
description="Whether the window is currently visible.">
<cocoa key="isVisible"/>
<property name="zoomable" code="iszm" type="boolean" access="r"
description="Whether the window can be zoomed.">
<cocoa key="isZoomable"/>
<property name="zoomed" code="pzum" type="boolean"
description="Whether the window is currently zoomed.">
<cocoa key="isZoomed"/>
<property name="frontmost" description="Whether the window is currently the frontmost window." code="pisf" type="boolean">
<cocoa key="scriptFrontmost"/>
<responds-to command="close">
<cocoa method="handleCloseScriptCommand:"/>
<!-- iTerm2 -->
<responds-to command="select">
<cocoa method="handleSelectCommand:"/>
<responds-to command="create tab with default profile">
<cocoa method="handleCreateTabWithDefaultProfileCommand:" />
<responds-to command="create tab">
<cocoa method="handleCreateTabCommand:" />
<element type="tab" access="r">
<cocoa key="tabs" />
<property name="current tab" code="Crtb" type="tab"
description="The currently selected tab">
<cocoa key="currentTab" />
<property name="current session" code="Wcsn" type="session"
description="The current session in a window">
<cocoa key="currentSession" />
<property name="is hotkey window" code="ihkw" type="boolean"
description="Whether the window is a hotkey window.">
<cocoa key="isHotkeyWindow"/>
<property name="hotkey window profile" code="hkwp" type="text"
description="If the window is a hotkey window, this gives the name of the profile that created the window. ">
<cocoa key="hotkeyWindowProfile"/>
<responds-to command="reveal hotkey window">
<cocoa method="handleRevealHotkeyWindowCommand:"/>
<responds-to command="hide hotkey window">
<cocoa method="handleHideHotkeyWindowCommand:"/>
<responds-to command="toggle hotkey window">
<cocoa method="handleToggleHotkeyWindowCommand:"/>
<!-- compatibility -->
<property name="position" description="The position of the window, relative to the upper left corner of the screen." code="ppos" type="point">
<cocoa key="scriptPosition" />
<i>Deprecated; use bounds instead.</i>
<property name="origin" description="The position of the window, relative to the lower left corner of the screen." code="pori" type="point">
<cocoa key="scriptOrigin" />
<i>Deprecated; use bounds instead.</i>
<property name="size" description="The width and height of the window" code="psiz" type="point">
<cocoa key="scriptSize" />
<i>Deprecated; use bounds instead.</i>
<property name="frame" description="The bounding rectangle, relative to the lower left corner of the screen." code="pfra" type="rectangle">
<cocoa key="scriptFrame" />
<i>Deprecated; use bounds instead.</i>
<suite name="iTerm2 Suite" code="Itrm" description="Classes just for the iTerm2 application.">
<command name="close" code="coreclos" description="Close a document.">
<cocoa class="NSCloseCommand"/>
<direct-parameter type="specifier"
description="the session, tab, or window to close."/>
<command name="request cookie" code="Itrmrqck" description="Request a Python API cookie">
<cocoa class="iTermRequestCookieCommand" />
<parameter name="and key for app named" code="Rcsn" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Name of script using the cookie. This is shown in the console.">
<cocoa key="appName"/>
<result type="text"
description="A cookie that can be used to connect to the Python API endpoint" />
<command name="create tab" code="Itrmntwp"
description="Create a new tab">
<direct-parameter type="specifier"
description="the session, tab, or window to close."/>
<parameter name="with profile" code="Ntwp" type="text"
description="The profile name">
<cocoa key="profile" />
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="tab" description="The tab that was created" />
<command name="create tab with default profile" code="Itrmntwn"
description="Create a new tab with the default profile">
<direct-parameter type="specifier"
description="The window in which to create a new tab"/>
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="tab" description="The tab that was created" />
<command name="create window with profile" code="Itrmnwwp"
description="Create a new window">
<cocoa class="iTermNewWindowCommand" />
<direct-parameter description="The profile name">
<type type="text"/>
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="window" description="The window that was created"/>
<command name="create hotkey window with profile" code="Itrmnhwp"
description="Create a hotkey window">
<cocoa class="iTermNewHotkeyWindowCommand" />
<direct-parameter description="The profile name">
<type type="text"/>
<result type="window" description="The window that was created"/>
<command name="launch API script named" code="Itrmlasn"
description="Launch API script by name">
<cocoa class="iTermLaunchAPIScriptCommand" />
<direct-parameter description="The script’s name">
<type type="text"/>
<parameter name="arguments" code="Asar" optional="yes"
description="Arguments to pass to script">
<cocoa key="arguments"/>
<type type="text" list="yes"/>
<command name="invoke API expression" code="Itrmiaex"
description="Invokes an expression, such as a registered function.">
<cocoa class="iTermInvokeAPIExpressionCommand" />
<direct-parameter description="The expression to invoke, such as a function call.">
<type type="text"/>
<result type="text" description="String representation of the result, if available. Function calls’ return values are not available." />
<command name="create window with default profile" code="Itrmnwwn"
description="Create a new window with the default profile">
<cocoa class="iTermNewWindowCommand" />
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="window" description="The window that was created"/>
<command name="write" code="Itrmsntx"
description="Send text as though it was typed.">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The session to send to"/>
<parameter name="contents of file" code="Cofl" type="file"
description="Filename to send the contents of" optional="yes">
<cocoa key="contentsOfFile"/>
<parameter name="text" code="Text" type="text"
description="Text to send" optional="yes">
<cocoa key="text"/>
<parameter name="newline" code="Wtnl" type="boolean"
description="If newline should be added to end of text (default: yes)" optional="yes">
<cocoa key="newline"/>
<command name="select" code="Itrmslct"
description="Make receiver visible and selected.">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<command name="split vertically" code="Itrmsplv"
description="Split a session vertically.">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<parameter name="with profile" code="Prfl" type="text"
description="Name of profile for new session.">
<cocoa key="profile" />
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="session" description="The session that was created"/>
<command name="split vertically with default profile" code="Itrmsvdp"
description="Split a session vertically, using the default profile for the new session">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="session" description="The session that was created"/>
<command name="split vertically with same profile" code="Itrmsvsp"
description="Split a session vertically, using the original session's profile for the new session">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="session" description="The session that was created"/>
<command name="split horizontally" code="Itrmsplh"
description="Split a session horizontally.">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<parameter name="with profile" code="Prfl" type="text"
description="Name of profile for new session.">
<cocoa key="profile" />
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="session" description="The session that was created"/>
<command name="split horizontally with default profile" code="Itrmshdp"
description="Split a session horizontally, using the default profile for the new session">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="session" description="The session that was created"/>
<command name="split horizontally with same profile" code="Itrmshsp"
description="Split a session horizontally, using the original session's profile for the new session">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<parameter name="command" code="Nwcm" type="text" optional="yes"
description="Shell command to run">
<cocoa key="command"/>
<result type="session" description="The session that was created"/>
<command name="variable" code="Itrmvarb"
description="Returns the value of a session variable with the given name">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<parameter name="named" code="Namd" type="text" optional="no"
description="Name of variable">
<cocoa key="name"/>
<result type="text" description="The variable's value"/>
<command name="set variable" code="Itrmsvar"
description="Sets the value of a session variable">
<direct-parameter type="specifier" description="The object to send to"/>
<parameter name="named" code="Namd" type="text" optional="no"
description="Name of variable">
<cocoa key="name"/>
<parameter name="to" code="Tovl" type="text" optional="no"
description="New value">
<cocoa key="value"/>
<result type="text" description="The variable's value"/>
<command name="reveal hotkey window" code="Itrmrhkw"
description="Reveals a hotkey window. Only to be called on windows that are hotkey windows.">
<direct-parameter type="specifier"
description="The window in which to create a new tab"/>
<command name="hide hotkey window" code="Itrmhhkw"
description="Hides a hotkey window. Only to be called on windows that are hotkey windows.">
<direct-parameter type="specifier"
description="The window in which to create a new tab"/>
<command name="toggle hotkey window" code="Itrmthkw"
description="Toggles the visibility of a hotkey window. Only to be called on windows that are hotkey windows.">
<direct-parameter type="specifier"
description="The window in which to create a new tab"/>
<value-type name="RGB color" code="cRGB">
<cocoa class="NSColor"/>
<class name="tab" code="Trmt" description="A terminal tab">
<cocoa class="PTYTab"/>
<element type="session" access="r">
<cocoa key="sessions"/>
<responds-to command="close">
<cocoa method="handleCloseCommand:"/>
<responds-to command="select">
<cocoa method="handleSelectCommand:"/>
<property name="current session" code="Wcsn" type="session"
description="The current session in a tab">
<cocoa key="currentSession" />
<property name="index" code="Indx" type="integer"
description="Index of tab in parent tab view control">
<cocoa key="indexOfTab" />
<class name="session" code="Trms" description="A terminal session">
<cocoa class="PTYSession"/>
<responds-to command="close">
<cocoa method="handleCloseCommand:"/>
<responds-to command="write">
<cocoa method="handleWriteScriptCommand:"/>
<responds-to command="select">
<cocoa method="handleSelectCommand:"/>
<responds-to command="split vertically">
<cocoa method="handleSplitVertically:" />
<responds-to command="split vertically with default profile">
<cocoa method="handleSplitVerticallyWithDefaultProfile:" />
<responds-to command="split vertically with same profile">
<cocoa method="handleSplitVerticallyWithSameProfile:" />
<responds-to command="split horizontally">
<cocoa method="handleSplitHorizontally:" />
<responds-to command="split horizontally with default profile">
<cocoa method="handleSplitHorizontallyWithDefaultProfile:" />
<responds-to command="split horizontally with same profile">
<cocoa method="handleSplitHorizontallyWithSameProfile:" />
<property name="id" code="ID " description="The unique identifier of the session." type="text" access="r">
<cocoa key="guid"/>
<property name="is processing" code="Prcs" type="boolean"
description="The session has received output recently.">
<cocoa key="isProcessing" />
<property name="is at shell prompt" code="Iaps" type="boolean"
description="The terminal is at the shell prompt. Requires shell integration.">
<cocoa key="isAtShellPrompt" />
<property name="columns" code="Cols" type="integer">
<cocoa key="columns" />
<property name="rows" code="Rows" type="integer">
<cocoa key="rows" />
<property name="tty" code="Stty" type="text" access="r">
<cocoa key="tty" />
<property name="contents" code="Cntt" type="text" description="The currently visible contents of the session.">
<cocoa key="text" />
<property name="text" description="The currently visible contents of the session." code="pcnt" type="text" access="r">
<cocoa key="text" />
<property name="color preset" code="Copr" type="text">
<cocoa key="colorPresetName" />
<property name="background color" code="Co00" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="backgroundColor" />
<property name="bold color" code="Co01" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="boldColor" />
<property name="cursor color" code="Co02" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="cursorColor" />
<property name="cursor text color" code="Co03" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="cursorTextColor" />
<property name="foreground color" code="Co04" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="foregroundColor" />
<property name="selected text color" code="Co05" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="selectedTextColor" />
<property name="selection color" code="Co06" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="selectionColor" />
<property name="ANSI black color" code="Co07" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBlackColor" />
<property name="ANSI red color" code="Co08" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiRedColor" />
<property name="ANSI green color" code="Co09" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiGreenColor" />
<property name="ANSI yellow color" code="Co10" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiYellowColor" />
<property name="ANSI blue color" code="Co11" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBlueColor" />
<property name="ANSI magenta color" code="Co12" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiMagentaColor" />
<property name="ANSI cyan color" code="Co13" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiCyanColor" />
<property name="ANSI white color" code="Co14" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiWhiteColor" />
<property name="ANSI bright black color" code="Co15" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBrightBlackColor" />
<property name="ANSI bright red color" code="Co16" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBrightRedColor" />
<property name="ANSI bright green color" code="Co17" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBrightGreenColor" />
<property name="ANSI bright yellow color" code="Co18" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBrightYellowColor" />
<property name="ANSI bright blue color" code="Co19" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBrightBlueColor" />
<property name="ANSI bright magenta color" code="Co20" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBrightMagentaColor" />
<property name="ANSI bright cyan color" code="Co21" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBrightCyanColor" />
<property name="ANSI bright white color" code="Co22" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="ansiBrightWhiteColor" />
<property name="underline color" code="Co23" type="RGB color">
<cocoa key="underlineColor" />
<property name="use underline color" code="Undl" type="boolean"
description="Whether the use a dedicated color for underlining.">
<cocoa key="useUnderlineColor"/>
<property name="background image" code="Bgim" type="text">
<cocoa key="backgroundImagePath" />
<property name="name" code="pnam" type="text">
<cocoa key="name" />
<property name="transparency" code="Trns" type="real">
<cocoa key="transparency" />
<property name="unique ID" code="Uniq" type="text" access="r">
<cocoa key="guid" />
<property name="profile name" code="Pfnm" description="The session's profile name" type="text" access="r">
<cocoa key="profileNameForScripting"/>
<property name="answerback string" code="Answ" description="ENQ Answerback string" type="text">
<cocoa key="answerBackString"/>
<responds-to command="variable">
<cocoa method="handleVariableNamedCommand:"/>
<responds-to command="set variable">
<cocoa method="handleSetVariableNamedCommand:"/>
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