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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/esnet/iperf
bootstrap.sh 1.48 KB
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#! /bin/sh
# iperf, Copyright (c) 2014, The Regents of the University of
# California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject
# to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of
# Energy). All rights reserved.
# If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
# software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer
# Department at TTD@lbl.gov.
# NOTICE. This software is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.
# As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others
# acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
# worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative
# works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five
# (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained
# from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent
# five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself
# and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
# irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
# prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform
# publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
# This code is distributed under a BSD style license, see the LICENSE
# file for complete information.
# When changes are made to the build infrastructure, invoke this
# script to regenerate all of the autotools-built files.
# Normally, this is only of use to developers.
autoreconf -fi
rm -rf config.cache
马建仓 AI 助手