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index.php 32.81 KB
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require "include/bittorrent.php";
require "memcache.php";
if ($showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes') {
require_once ("imdb/imdb.class.php");
if ($showpolls_main == "yes") {
$choice = $_POST["choice"];
if ($CURUSER && $choice != "" && $choice < 256 && $choice == floor($choice)) {
$res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM polls ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 1") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) or die($lang_index['std_no_poll']);
$pollid = $arr["id"];
$hasvoted = get_row_count("pollanswers", "WHERE pollid=" . sqlesc($pollid) . " && userid=" . sqlesc($CURUSER["id"]));
if ($hasvoted)
stderr($lang_index['std_error'], $lang_index['std_duplicate_votes_denied']);
sql_query("INSERT INTO pollanswers VALUES(0, " . sqlesc($pollid) . ", " . sqlesc($CURUSER["id"]) . ", " . sqlesc($choice) . ")") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$Cache->delete_value('current_poll_result', true);
if (mysql_affected_rows() != 1)
stderr($lang_index['std_error'], $lang_index['std_vote_not_counted']);
KPS("+", $pollvote_bonus, $userid);
header("Location: " . get_protocol_prefix() . "$BASEURL/");
} else
stderr($lang_index['std_error'], $lang_index['std_option_unselected']);
//if (!ipv6ip(findip()))//判断IP地址。
// print("<div align=center>" . $lang_index['text_not_ipv6'] . "</div>");
// print("<div align=center>" . $lang_index['text_is_ipv6'] . findip() . $lang_index['text_visit_here'] . "</div>");
// ------------- start: recent news ------------------//
print("<h2>" . $lang_index['text_recent_news'] . (get_user_class() >= $newsmanage_class ? " - <font class=\"small\">[<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"news.php\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_news_page'] . "</b></a>]</font>" : "") . "</h2>");
$Cache->new_page('recent_news', 86400, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
$res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT " . (int) $maxnewsnum_main) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
print("<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"text\"><div style=\"margin-left: 16pt;\">\n");
$news_flag = 0;
while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
if ($news_flag < 1) {
print("<a href=\"javascript: klappe_news('a" . $array['id'] . "')\"><img class=\"minus\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" id=\"pica" . $array['id'] . "\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" title=\"" . $lang_index['title_show_or_hide'] . "\" />&nbsp;" . date("Y.m.d", strtotime($array['added'])) . " - " . "<b>" . $array['title'] . "</b></a>");
print("<div id=\"ka" . $array['id'] . "\" style=\"display: block;\"> " . format_comment($array["body"], 0) . " </div> ");
$news_flag = $news_flag + 1;
} else {
print("<a href=\"javascript: klappe_news('a" . $array['id'] . "')\"><br /><img class=\"plus\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" id=\"pica" . $array['id'] . "\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" title=\"" . $lang_index['title_show_or_hide'] . "\" />&nbsp;" . date("Y.m.d", strtotime($array['added'])) . " - " . "<b>" . $array['title'] . "</b></a>");
print("<div id=\"ka" . $array['id'] . "\" style=\"display: none;\"> " . format_comment($array["body"], 0) . " </div> ");
print("<br />[<a class=\"faqlink\" href=\"news.php?action=edit&newsid=" . $array['id'] . "\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_e'] . "</b></a>] | ");
print("[<a class=\"faqlink\" href=\"news.php?action=delete&newsid=" . $array['id'] . "\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_d'] . "</b></a>]");
echo $Cache->next_row();
while ($Cache->next_row()) {
echo $Cache->next_part();
if (get_user_class() >= $newsmanage_class)
echo $Cache->next_part();
echo $Cache->next_row();
// ------------- end: recent news ------------------//
// ------------- start: hot and classic movies ------------------//
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquerylib/jquery.infinite-carousel.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquerylib/jquery.infinite-carousel.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery('#slider-stage').carousel('#previous', '#next');
jQuery('#viewport').carousel('#simplePrevious', '#simpleNext');
$type = array();
if ($showmovies['hot'] == "yes")
$type[] = 'hot';
if ($showmovies['classic'] == "yes")
$type[] = 'classic';
$Cache->new_page('hotclassic_index', 600, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
$countnum = 0;
print ("<h2>" . $lang_index['text_hotmovies'] . $lang_index['text_classicmovies'] . "</h2>");
print ("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\"><tr><td>");
print("<div class=\"demo\">");
print("<div style=\"width: 100%\" id=\"sliderBloc\">");
print("<a id=\"previous\">Previous</a>");
print("<div style=\"width: 95%\" id=\"slider-stage\">");
print("<div style=\"width: 100%;\" id=\"slider-list\">");
foreach ($type as $type_each) {
$result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM torrents WHERE picktype = " . sqlesc($type_each) . " AND instr(descr,'[attach]') AND seeders >0 ORDER BY Rand() LIMIT 10") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$picdescr = htmlspecialchars($row['descr']);
$piclocale = stripos($picdescr, "[attach]");
$pic = substr($picdescr, $piclocale + 8, 32);
$picresult = sql_query("SELECT location,thumb FROM attachments WHERE dlkey = " . sqlesc($pic)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$picrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($picresult);
if ($picrow['thumb'] == "1")
print ("<a class=\"theme\" href=\"details.php?id=" . $row['id'] . "&amp;hit=1\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . "\"><img src=\"attachments/" . $picrow['location'] . ".thumb.jpg\" height=120px width=100px></a>");
print ("<a class=\"theme\" href=\"details.php?id=" . $row['id'] . "&amp;hit=1\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . "\"><img src=\"attachments/" . $picrow['location'] . "\" height=120px width=100px></a>");
if (!$countnum)
print ("<a class=\"theme\" href=\"#\"><img src=\"pic/imdb_pic/nophoto.gif\" height=120px width=100px></a>");
print("<a id=\"next\">Next</a>");
print ("</td></tr></table>");
echo $Cache->next_row();
if ($showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes' && ($showmovies['hot'] == "yes" || $showmovies['classic'] == "yes")) {
$type = array('hot', 'classic');
foreach ($type as $type_each) {
if ($showmovies[$type_each] == 'yes' && (!isset($CURUSER) || $CURUSER['show' . $type_each] == 'yes')) {
$Cache->new_page($type_each . '_resources', 900, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
$imdbcfg = new imdb_config();
$res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM torrents WHERE picktype = " . sqlesc($type_each) . " AND seeders > 0 AND url != '' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 30") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
$movies_list = "";
$count = 0;
$allImdb = array();
while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
$pro_torrent = get_torrent_promotion_append($array[sp_state], 'word');
if ($imdb_id == parse_imdb_id($array["url"])) {
if (array_search($imdb_id, $allImdb) !== false) { //a torrent with the same IMDb url already exists
$allImdb[] = $imdb_id;
$photo_url = $imdbcfg->photodir . $imdb_id . $imdbcfg->imageext;
if (file_exists($photo_url))
$thumbnail = "<img width=\"101\" height=\"140\" src=\"" . $photo_url . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"poster\" />";
} else
$thumbnail = "<a href=\"details.php?id=" . $array['id'] . "&amp;hit=1\" onmouseover=\"domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', '" . htmlspecialchars("<font class=\'big\'><b>" . (addslashes($array['name'] . $pro_torrent)) . "</b></font><br /><font class=\'medium\'>" . (addslashes($array['small_descr'])) . "</font>") . "', 'trail', true, 'delay', 0,'lifetime',5000,'styleClass','nicetitle','fadeMax', 98,'maxWidth', 600);\">" . $thumbnail . "</a>";
$movies_list .= $thumbnail;
if ($count >= 9)
<h2><?php echo $lang_index['text_' . $type_each . 'movies'] ?></h2>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><td class="text nowrap" align="center">
<?php echo $movies_list ?></td></tr></table>
echo $Cache->next_row();
// ------------- end: hot and classic movies ------------------//
// ------------- start: shoutbox ------------------//
if ($showshoutbox_main == "yes") {
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
userAutoTips({id: "shbox_text"});
var shoutbox_value = 0;
setInterval(check_shoutbox_new, 60000);
function check_shoutbox_new() {
$.get("shoutbox_new.html", function (result) {
var value = parseInt(result);
if ((shoutbox_value < value && shoutbox_value > 0) || value == 0) {
$("[name=sbox]").attr("src", $("[name=sbox]").attr("src"));
shoutbox_value = value;
var time = 0;
function checkTime() {
var nowTime = new Date();
var interval = nowTime - time;
if (interval > 5000) {
time = nowTime;
return true;
} else {
return false;
function stateChangeIE(_frame) {
if (_frame.readyState == "complete")//state: loading, interactive, complete
function stateChangeFirefox(_frame) {
function AutoHeight() {
if (document.readyState != 'complete')
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
} else
var ifobj = document.getElementById("mainFrame");
ifobj.style.height = ifobj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 0 + "px";
catch (e)
<h2><?= $lang_index['text_shoutbox'] ?></h2>
print("<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"text\">\n");
if ($Advertisement->enable_ad()) {
$shout_ad = $Advertisement->get_ad('shoutindex');
print("<div id=\"ad_shoutindex\">" . $shout_ad[0] . "</div>");
//print("<iframe src='shoutbox.php?type=shoutbox' width='100%' height='320px' id='mainFrame' onreadystatechange='stateChangeIE(this)' onload='stateChangeFirefox(this)' name='sbox' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' frameborder='0'></iframe><br /><br />\n");
print("<iframe src='shoutbox.php?type=shoutbox' width='100%' height='320px' name='sbox' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' frameborder='0'></iframe><br /><br />\n");
print("<form action='shoutbox.php' method='get' target='sbox' name='shbox' onsubmit=\"return checkTime();\">\n");
print("<label for='shbox_text'>" . $lang_index['text_message'] . "</label><input type='text' name='shbox_text' id='shbox_text' size='100' style='width: 85%; border: 1px solid gray;' /> <input type='submit' id='hbsubmit' class='btn' name='shout' value=\"" . $lang_index['sumbit_shout'] . "\" />");
if ($CURUSER['hidehb'] != 'yes' && $showhelpbox_main == 'yes')
print("<input type='submit' id='toguest' class='btn' name='toguest' value=\"" . $lang_index['sumbit_to_guest'] . "\" />");
print("<input type='reset' class='btn' value=\"" . $lang_index['submit_clear'] . "\" /> <input type='hidden' name='sent' value='yes' /><input type='hidden' name='type' value='shoutbox' /><br />\n");
print(smile_row("shbox", "shbox_text")); //表情
// ------------- end: shoutbox ------------------//
// ------------- start: funbox ------------------//
if ($showfunbox_main == "yes" && (!isset($CURUSER) || $CURUSER['showfb'] == "yes")) {
// Get the newest fun stuff
if (!$row = $Cache->get_value('current_fun_content')) {
$result = sql_query("SELECT fun.*, IF(ADDTIME(added, '1 0:0:0') < NOW(),true,false) AS neednew FROM fun WHERE status != 'banned' AND status != 'dull' ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 1") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$Cache->cache_value('current_fun_content', $row, 1043);
if (!$row) { //There is no funbox item
print("<h2>" . $lang_index['text_funbox'] . (get_user_class() >= $newfunitem_class ? "<font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"fun.php?action=new\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_new_fun'] . "</b></a>]</font>" : "") . "</h2>");
} else {
$totalvote = $Cache->get_value('current_fun_vote_count');
if ($totalvote == "") {
$totalvote = get_row_count("funvotes", "WHERE funid = " . sqlesc($row['id']));
$Cache->cache_value('current_fun_vote_count', $totalvote, 756);
$funvote = $Cache->get_value('current_fun_vote_funny_count');
if ($funvote == "") {
$funvote = get_row_count("funvotes", "WHERE funid = " . sqlesc($row['id']) . " AND vote='fun'");
$Cache->cache_value('current_fun_vote_funny_count', $funvote, 756);
//check whether current user has voted
$funvoted = get_row_count("funvotes", "WHERE funid = " . sqlesc($row['id']) . " AND userid=" . sqlesc($CURUSER[id]));
print ("<h2>" . $lang_index['text_funbox']);
if ($CURUSER) {
print("<font class=\"small\">" . (get_user_class() >= $log_class ? " - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"log.php?action=funbox\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_more_fun'] . "</b></a>]" : "") . ($row['neednew'] && get_user_class() >= $newfunitem_class ? " - [<a class=altlink href=\"fun.php?action=new\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_new_fun'] . "</b></a>]" : "" ) . ( ($CURUSER['id'] == $row['userid'] || get_user_class() >= $funmanage_class) ? " - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"fun.php?action=edit&amp;id=" . $row['id'] . "&amp;returnto=index.php\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_edit'] . "</b></a>]" : "") . (get_user_class() >= $funmanage_class ? " - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"fun.php?action=delete&amp;id=" . $row['id'] . "&amp;returnto=index.php\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_delete'] . "</b></a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"fun.php?action=ban&amp;id=" . $row['id'] . "&amp;returnto=index.php\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_ban'] . "</b></a>]" : "") . "</font>");
print("<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"text\">");
print("<iframe src=\"fun.php?action=view\" width='100%' height='300' frameborder='0' name='funbox' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'></iframe><br /><br />\n");
if ($CURUSER) {
$funonclick = " onclick=\"funvote(" . $row['id'] . ",'fun'" . ")\"";
$dullonclick = " onclick=\"funvote(" . $row['id'] . ",'dull'" . ")\"";
print("<span id=\"funvote\"><b>" . $funvote . "</b>" . $lang_index['text_out_of'] . $totalvote . $lang_index['text_people_found_it'] . ($funvoted ? "" : "<font class=\"striking\">" . $lang_index['text_your_opinion'] . "</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" class='btn' name='fun' id='fun' " . $funonclick . " value=\"" . $lang_index['submit_fun'] . "\" />&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" class='btn' name='dull' id='dull' " . $dullonclick . " value=\"" . $lang_index['submit_dull'] . "\" />") . "</span><span id=\"voteaccept\" style=\"display: none;\">" . $lang_index['text_vote_accepted'] . "</span>");
// ------------- end: funbox ------------------//
// ------------- start: latest forum posts ------------------//
if ($showlastxforumposts_main == "yes" && $CURUSER)
$res = sql_query("SELECT posts.id AS pid, posts.userid AS userpost, posts.added, topics.id AS tid, topics.subject, topics.forumid, topics.views, forums.name FROM posts, topics, forums WHERE posts.topicid = topics.id AND topics.forumid = forums.id AND minclassread <=" . sqlesc(get_user_class()) . " ORDER BY posts.id DESC LIMIT 5") or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);
if(mysql_num_rows($res) != 0)
print("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\"><tr><td class=\"colhead\" width=\"100%\" align=\"left\">".$lang_index['col_topic_title']."</td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">".$lang_index['col_view']."</td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">".$lang_index['col_author']."</td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"left\">".$lang_index['col_posted_at']."</td></tr>");
while ($postsx = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
print("<tr><td><a href=\"forums.php?action=viewtopic&amp;topicid=".$postsx["tid"]."&amp;page=p".$postsx["pid"]."#pid".$postsx["pid"]."\"><b>".htmlspecialchars($postsx["subject"])."</b></a><br />".$lang_index['text_in']."<a href=\"forums.php?action=viewforum&amp;forumid=".$postsx["forumid"]."\">".htmlspecialchars($postsx["name"])."</a></td><td align=\"center\">".$postsx["views"]."</td><td align=\"center\">" . get_username($postsx["userpost"]) ."</td><td>".gettime($postsx["added"])."</td></tr>");
// ------------- end: latest forum posts ------------------//
// ------------- start: polls ------------------//
if ($CURUSER && $showpolls_main == "yes") {
// Get current poll
if (!$arr = $Cache->get_value('current_poll_content')) {
$res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM polls ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$Cache->cache_value('current_poll_content', $arr, 7226);
if (!$arr)
$pollexists = false;
$pollexists = true;
print("<h2>" . $lang_index['text_polls']);
if (get_user_class() >= $pollmanage_class) {
print("<font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"makepoll.php?returnto=main\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_new'] . "</b></a>]\n");
if ($pollexists) {
print(" - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"makepoll.php?action=edit&amp;pollid=" . $arr[id] . "&amp;returnto=main\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_edit'] . "</b></a>]\n");
print(" - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"log.php?action=poll&amp;do=delete&amp;pollid=" . $arr[id] . "&amp;returnto=main\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_delete'] . "</b></a>]");
print(" - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"polloverview.php?id=" . $arr[id] . "\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_detail'] . "</b></a>]");
if ($pollexists) {
$pollid = 0 + $arr["id"];
$userid = 0 + $CURUSER["id"];
$question = $arr["question"];
$o = array($arr["option0"], $arr["option1"], $arr["option2"], $arr["option3"], $arr["option4"],
$arr["option5"], $arr["option6"], $arr["option7"], $arr["option8"], $arr["option9"],
$arr["option10"], $arr["option11"], $arr["option12"], $arr["option13"], $arr["option14"],
$arr["option15"], $arr["option16"], $arr["option17"], $arr["option18"], $arr["option19"]);
print("<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"text\" align=\"center\">\n");
print("<table width=\"59%\" class=\"main\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\"><tr><td class=\"text\" align=\"left\">");
print("<p align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></p>\n");
// Check if user has already voted
$res = sql_query("SELECT selection FROM pollanswers WHERE pollid=" . sqlesc($pollid) . " AND userid=" . sqlesc($CURUSER["id"])) or sqlerr();
$voted = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
if ($voted) { //user has already voted
$uservote = $voted["selection"];
$Cache->new_page('current_poll_result', 3652, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
// we reserve 255 for blank vote.
$res = sql_query("SELECT selection FROM pollanswers WHERE pollid=" . sqlesc($pollid) . " AND selection < 20") or sqlerr();
$tvotes = mysql_num_rows($res);
$vs = array();
$os = array();
// Count votes
while ($arr2 = mysql_fetch_row($res))
$vs[$arr2[0]] ++;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($o); ++$i) {
if ($o[$i])
$os[$i] = array($vs[$i], $o[$i], $i);
function srt($a, $b) {
if ($a[0] > $b[0])
return -1;
if ($a[0] < $b[0])
return 1;
return 0;
// now os is an array like this: array(array(123, "Option 1", 1), array(45, "Option 2", 2))
print("<table class=\"main\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n");
$i = 0;
while ($a = $os[$i]) {
if ($tvotes == 0)
$p = 0;
$p = round($a[0] / $tvotes * 100);
print("<tr><td width=\"1%\" class=\"embedded nowrap\">" . $a[1] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td width=\"99%\" class=\"embedded nowrap\"><img class=\"bar_end\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"\" /><img ");
print(" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" style=\"width: " . ($p * 3) . "px;\" alt=\"\" /><img class=\"bar_end\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"\" /> $p%</td></tr>\n");
$tvotes = number_format($tvotes);
print("<p align=\"center\">" . $lang_index['text_votes'] . " " . $tvotes . "</p>\n");
echo $Cache->next_row();
$i = 0;
while ($Cache->next_row()) {
echo $Cache->next_part();
if ($i == $uservote)
echo "class=\"sltbar\"";
echo "class=\"unsltbar\"";
echo $Cache->next_part();
echo $Cache->next_row();
else { //user has not voted yet
print("<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\n");
$i = 0;
while ($a = $o[$i]) {
print("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"choice\" value=\"" . $i . "\">" . $a . "<br />\n");
print("<br />");
print("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"choice\" value=\"255\">" . $lang_index['radio_blank_vote'] . "<br />\n");
print("<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"btn\" value=\"" . $lang_index['submit_vote'] . "\" /></p>");
if ($voted && get_user_class() >= $log_class)
print("<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"log.php?action=poll\">" . $lang_index['text_previous_polls'] . "</a></p>\n");
// ------------- end: polls ------------------//
// ------------- start: latest torrents ------------------//
if ($showlastxtorrents_main == "yes") {
$result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM torrents where visible='yes' ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 5") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {
print ("<h2>" . $lang_index['text_last_five_torrent'] . "</h2>");
print ("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\"><tr><td class=\"colhead\" width=\"100%\">" . $lang_index['col_name'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">" . $lang_index['col_seeder'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">" . $lang_index['col_leecher'] . "</td></tr>");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
print ("<tr><a href=\"details.php?id=" . $row['id'] . "&amp;hit=1\"><td><a href=\"details.php?id=" . $row['id'] . "&amp;hit=1\"><b>" . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . "</b></td></a><td align=\"center\">" . $row['seeders'] . "</td><td align=\"center\">" . $row['leechers'] . "</td></tr>");
print ("</table>");
// ------------- end: latest torrents ------------------//
// ------------- start: stats ------------------//
if ($showstats_main == "yes") {
<h2><?php echo $lang_index['text_tracker_statistics'] ?></h2>
<table width="100%"><tr><td class="text" align="center">
<table width="60%" class="main" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
$Cache->new_page('stats_users', 3000, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
$registered = number_format(get_row_count("users"));
$unverified = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE status='pending'"));
$totalonlinetoday = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE last_access >= " . sqlesc(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", (TIMENOW - 86400)))));
$totalonlineweek = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE last_access >= " . sqlesc(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", (TIMENOW - 604800)))));
$VIP = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_VIP));
$donated = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE donor = 'yes'"));
$warned = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE warned='yes'"));
$disabled = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE enabled='no'"));
$registered_male = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE gender='Male'"));
$registered_female = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE gender='Female'"));
twotd($lang_index['row_users_active_today'], $totalonlinetoday);
twotd($lang_index['row_users_active_this_week'], $totalonlineweek);
twotd($lang_index['row_registered_users'], $registered . " / " . number_format($maxusers));
twotd($lang_index['row_unconfirmed_users'], $unverified);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_VIP, false, false, true), $VIP);
twotd($lang_index['row_donors'] . " <img class=\"star\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Donor\" />", $donated);
twotd($lang_index['row_warned_users'] . " <img class=\"warned\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"warned\" />", $warned);
twotd($lang_index['row_banned_users'] . " <img class=\"disabled\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"disabled\" />", $disabled);
twotd($lang_index['row_male_users'], $registered_male);
twotd($lang_index['row_female_users'], $registered_female);
echo $Cache->next_row();
<tr><td colspan="4" class="rowhead">&nbsp;</td></tr>
$Cache->new_page('stats_torrents', 1800, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
$torrents = number_format(get_row_count("torrents", "WHERE visible = 'yes' AND banned = 'no'")); //非断种,且不在回收站的(活种)
$dead = number_format(get_row_count("torrents", "WHERE visible='no'"));
$seeders = get_row_count("peers", "WHERE seeder='yes'");
$leechers = get_row_count("peers", "WHERE seeder='no'");
if ($leechers == 0)
$ratio = 0;
$ratio = round($seeders / $leechers * 100);
$activewebusernow = get_row_count("users", "WHERE last_access >= " . sqlesc(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", (TIMENOW - 900))));
$activewebusernow = number_format($activewebusernow);
$activetrackerusernow = number_format(get_single_value("peers", "COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))"));
$peers = number_format($seeders + $leechers);
$seeders = number_format($seeders);
$leechers = number_format($leechers);
$totaltorrentssize = mksize(get_row_sum("torrents", "size"));
$totaluploaded = get_row_sum("users", "uploaded");
$totaldownloaded = get_row_sum("users", "downloaded");
$totaldata = $totaldownloaded + $totaluploaded;
twotd($lang_index['row_torrents'], $torrents);
twotd($lang_index['row_dead_torrents'], $dead);
twotd($lang_index['row_seeders'], $seeders);
twotd($lang_index['row_leechers'], $leechers);
twotd($lang_index['row_peers'], $peers);
twotd($lang_index['row_seeder_leecher_ratio'], $ratio . "%");
twotd($lang_index['row_active_browsing_users'], $activewebusernow);
twotd($lang_index['row_tracker_active_users'], $activetrackerusernow);
twotd($lang_index['row_total_size_of_torrents'], $totaltorrentssize);
twotd($lang_index['row_total_uploaded'], mksize($totaluploaded));
twotd($lang_index['row_total_downloaded'], mksize($totaldownloaded));
twotd($lang_index['row_total_data'], mksize($totaldata));
echo $Cache->next_row();
<tr><td colspan="4" class="rowhead">&nbsp;</td></tr>
$Cache->new_page('stats_classes', 4535, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
$peasants = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_PEASANT));
$users = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_USER));
$powerusers = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_POWER_USER));
$eliteusers = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_ELITE_USER));
$crazyusers = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_CRAZY_USER));
$insaneusers = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_INSANE_USER));
$veteranusers = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_VETERAN_USER));
$extremeusers = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_EXTREME_USER));
$ultimateusers = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_ULTIMATE_USER));
$nexusmasters = number_format(get_row_count("users", "WHERE class=" . UC_NEXUS_MASTER));
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_PEASANT, false, false, true) . " <img class=\"leechwarned\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"leechwarned\" /> ", $peasants);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_USER, false, false, true), $users);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_POWER_USER, false, false, true), $powerusers);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_ELITE_USER, false, false, true), $eliteusers);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_CRAZY_USER, false, false, true), $crazyusers);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_INSANE_USER, false, false, true), $insaneusers);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_VETERAN_USER, false, false, true), $veteranusers);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_EXTREME_USER, false, false, true), $extremeusers);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_ULTIMATE_USER, false, false, true), $ultimateusers);
twotd(get_user_class_name(UC_NEXUS_MASTER, false, false, true), $nexusmasters);
echo $Cache->next_row();
// ------------- end: stats ------------------//
// ------------- start: tracker load ------------------//
if ($showtrackerload == "yes") {
$uptimeresult = exec('uptime');
if ($uptimeresult) {
<h2><?php echo $lang_index['text_tracker_load'] ?></h2>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"><tr><td class="text" align="center">
//uptime, work in *nix system
print ("<div align=\"center\">" . trim($uptimeresult) . "</div>");
// ------------- end: tracker load ------------------//
// ------------- start: disclaimer ------------------//
<h2><?php echo $lang_index['text_disclaimer'] ?></h2>
<table width="100%"><tr><td class="text">
<?php echo $lang_index['text_disclaimer_content'] ?>
// ------------- end: disclaimer ------------------//
// ------------- start: links ------------------//
print("<h2>" . $lang_index['text_links']);
if (get_user_class() >= $applylink_class)
print("<font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"linksmanage.php?action=apply\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_apply_for_link'] . "</b></a>]</font>");
if (get_user_class() >= $linkmanage_class) {
print("<font class=\"small\">");
print(" - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"linksmanage.php\"><b>" . $lang_index['text_manage_links'] . "</b></a>]\n");
$Cache->new_page('links', 86400, false);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
$res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM links ORDER BY `range` DESC, id ASC") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
$links = "";
while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
$links .= "<a href=\"" . $array['url'] . "\" title=\"" . $array['title'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $array['name'] . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print("<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"text\">" . trim($links) . "</td></tr></table>");
echo $Cache->next_row();
// ------------- end: links ------------------//
$USERUPDATESET[] = "last_home = " . sqlesc(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$Cache->delete_value('user_' . $CURUSER["id"] . '_unread_news_count');
马建仓 AI 助手