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takesearchuser.php 44.97 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
mojie126 提交于 2015-01-13 10:57 . 增加POST来源验证函数
require "include/bittorrent.php";
function bark($msg) {
global $lang_topten;
genbark($msg, $lang_topten['std_error']);
if (get_user_class() < $topten_class) {
stderr($lang_topten['std_sorry'], $lang_topten['std_permission_denied_only'] . get_user_class_name_zh($topten_class, false, true, true) . $lang_topten['std_or_above_can_view'], false);
function usershare_table($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
global $CURUSER;
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
<td class="colhead"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_rank'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_user'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_uploaded'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_ul_speed'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_downloaded'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_dl_speed'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_ratio'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_joined'] ?> </td>
$num = 0;
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
if ($a["downloaded"]) {
$ratio = $a["uploaded"] / $a["downloaded"];
$color = get_ratio_color($ratio);
$ratio = number_format($ratio, 2);
if ($color)
$ratio = "<font color=\"$color\">$ratio</font>";
} else
$ratio = $lang_topten['text_inf'];
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$num</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($a["userid"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . mksize($a["uploaded"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . mksize($a["upspeed"]) . "/s" .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . mksize($a["downloaded"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . mksize($a["downspeed"]) . "/s" .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . $ratio .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . gettime($a["added"], true, false) . "</td></tr>");
function _torrenttable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
<td class="colhead" align="center"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_rank'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_name'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"><?php echo "<img class=\"snatched\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"snatched\" title=\"" . $lang_topten['title_sna'] . "\" />" ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_data'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"><?php echo "<img class=\"seeders\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"seeders\" title=\"" . $lang_topten['title_se'] . "\" />" ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"><?php echo "<img class=\"leechers\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"leechers\" title=\"" . $lang_topten['title_le'] . "\" />" ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_to'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_ratio'] ?></td>
$num = 0;
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
if ($a["leechers"]) {
$r = $a["seeders"] / $a["leechers"];
$ratio = "<font color=\"" . get_ratio_color($r) . "\">" . number_format($r, 2) . "</font>";
} else
$ratio = $lang_topten['text_inf'];
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$num</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"details.php?id=" . $a["id"] . "&amp;hit=1\"><b>" .
$a["name"] . "</b></a></td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($a["times_completed"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . mksize($a["data"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($a["seeders"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($a["leechers"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . ($a["leechers"] + $a["seeders"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">$ratio</td>\n");
function countriestable($res, $frame_caption, $what) {
global $CURUSER;
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
<td class="colhead"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_rank'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_country'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"><?php echo $what ?></td>
$num = 0;
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
if ($what == $lang_topten['col_users'])
$value = number_format($a["num"]);
elseif ($what == $lang_topten['col_uploaded'])
$value = mksize($a["ul"]);
elseif ($what == $lang_topten['col_average'])
$value = mksize($a["ul_avg"]);
elseif ($what == $lang_topten['col_ratio'])
$value = number_format($a["r"], 2);
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$num</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\"><table border=\"0\" class=\"main\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td class=\"embedded\">" .
"<img align=\"center\" src=\"pic/flag/$a[flagpic]\" alt=\"\" /></td><td class=\"embedded\" style='padding-left: 5px'><b>$a[name]</b></td>" .
"</tr></table></td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">$value</td></tr>\n");
function peerstable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_username'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_upload_rate'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_download_rate'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\">" . get_username($arr["userid"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\">" . mksize($arr["uprate"]) . "/s</td><td class=\"rowfollow\">" . mksize($arr["downrate"]) . "/s</td></tr>\n");
function bonustable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_username'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_bonus'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($arr["id"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["seedbonus"], 1) . "</td></tr>\n");
function prolinkclicktable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_username'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_clicks'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($arr["userid"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["count"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function charityTable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_username'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_bonus'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($arr["id"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["charity"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function cmttable($res, $frame_caption, $col2_name) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_username'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $col2_name . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($arr["userid"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["num"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function locationtable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_location'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_number'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($arr["location_name"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["num"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function postable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_username'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_topics'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_posts'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($arr["userid"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["usertopics"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["userposts"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function bigtopic_table($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_subject'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_posts'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
// topics_posts.topicid, topics_posts.postnum, forums.id as forumid
$topic = "<a href =\"forums.php?action=viewtopic&forumid=" . $arr["forumid"] . "&topicid=" . $arr["topicid"] . "\">" . $arr["topicsubject"] . "</a>";
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . $topic . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["postnum"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function donortable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_username'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_donated_usd'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_donated_cny'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($arr["id"]) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["donated"], 2) . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["donated_cny"], 2) . "</td></tr>\n");
function clienttable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_name'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_number'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . $arr["client_name"] . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["client_num"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function lastsearch_table($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_keyword'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_datetime'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"torrents.php?search=" . rawurlencode($arr["keywords"]) . "\">" . $arr["keywords"] . "</a></td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . gettime($arr["adddate"], true, false) . "</td></tr>\n");
function search_ranktable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_keyword'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_times'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"torrents.php?search=" . rawurlencode($arr["keywords"]) . "\">" . $arr["keywords"] . "</a></td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["count"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function supply_snatchtable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
global $CURUSER;
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
<td class="colhead"><?php echo $lang_topten['col_rank'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_user'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_torrent_uploaded'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_uploaded'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_torrent_downloaded'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_downloaded'] ?></td>
<td class="colhead" align="right"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_ratio'] ?> </td>
<td class="colhead" align="left"> <?php echo $lang_topten['col_joined'] ?> </td>
$num = 0;
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
if ($a["downloaded"]) {
$ratio = $a["uploaded"] / $a["downloaded"];
$color = get_ratio_color($ratio);
$ratio = number_format($ratio, 2);
if ($color)
$ratio = "<font color=\"$color\">$ratio</font>";
} else
$ratio = $lang_topten['text_inf'];
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$num</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . get_username($a["userid"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($a["supplied"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . mksize($a["uploaded"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($a["snatched"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . mksize($a["downloaded"]) .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . $ratio .
"</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . gettime($a["added"]) . "</td></tr>");
function stylesheettable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_name'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_number'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . $arr["stylesheet_name"] . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["stylesheet_num"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
function languagetable($res, $frame_caption) {
global $lang_topten;
begin_frame($frame_caption, true);
print("<tr><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_rank'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_name'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_topten['col_number'] . "</td></tr>");
$n = 1;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">$n</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . $arr["lang_name"] . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"right\">" . number_format($arr["lang_num"]) . "</td></tr>\n");
$type = isset($_GET["type"]) ? 0 + $_GET["type"] : 0;
if (!in_array($type, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)))
$type = 1;
$limit = isset($_GET["lim"]) ? 0 + $_GET["lim"] : false;
$subtype = isset($_GET["subtype"]) ? $_GET["subtype"] : false;
print("<p align=\"center\">" .
($type == 1 && !$limit ? "<b>" . $lang_topten['text_users'] . "</b>" : "<a href=\"topten.php?type=1\">" . $lang_topten['text_users'] . "</a>") . " | " .
($type == 2 && !$limit ? "<b>" . $lang_topten['text_torrents'] . "</b>" : "<a href=\"topten.php?type=2\">" . $lang_topten['text_torrents'] . "</a>") . " | " .
($type == 3 && !$limit ? "<b>" . $lang_topten['text_countries'] . "</b>" : "<a href=\"topten.php?type=3\">" . $lang_topten['text_countries'] . "</a>") . " | " .
//($type == 4 && !$limit ? "<b>".$lang_topten['text_peers']."</b>" : "<a href=\"topten.php?type=4\">".$lang_topten['text_peers']."</a>") . " | " .
($type == 5 && !$limit ? "<b>" . $lang_topten['text_community'] . "</b>" : "<a href=\"topten.php?type=5\">" . $lang_topten['text_community'] . "</a>") . " | " .
//($type == 7 && !$limit ? "<b>".$lang_topten['text_search']."</b>" : "<a href=\"topten.php?type=7\">".$lang_topten['text_search']."</a>") . " | " .
($type == 6 && !$limit ? "<b>" . $lang_topten['text_other'] . "</b>" : "<a href=\"topten.php?type=6\">" . $lang_topten['text_other'] . "</a>") . "</p>\n");
if (!$limit || $limit > 250)
$limit = 10;
$cachename = "topten_type_" . $type . "_limit_" . $limit . "_subtype_" . $subtype;
$cachetime = 60 * 60; // 60 minutes
$Cache->new_page($cachename, $cachetime, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
if ($type == 1) {
$mainquery = "SELECT id as userid, username, added, uploaded, downloaded, uploaded / (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added)) AS upspeed, downloaded / (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added)) AS downspeed FROM users WHERE enabled = 'yes'";
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "ul") {
$order = "uploaded DESC";
$r = sql_query($mainquery . " ORDER BY $order " . " LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
usershare_table($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_uploaders'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=ul\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=ul\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "dl") {
$order = "downloaded DESC";
$r = sql_query($mainquery . " ORDER BY $order " . " LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
usershare_table($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_downloaders'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=dl\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=dl\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "uls") {
$order = "upspeed DESC";
$extrawhere = " AND uploaded > 53687091200";
$r = sql_query($mainquery . $extrawhere . " ORDER BY $order " . " LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
usershare_table($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_fastest_uploaders'] . "<font class=\"small\">" . $lang_topten['text_fastest_up_note'] . "</font>" . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=uls\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=uls\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "dls") {
$order = "downspeed DESC";
$r = sql_query($mainquery . " ORDER BY $order " . " LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
usershare_table($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_fastest_downloaders'] . "<font class=\"small\">" . $lang_topten['text_fastest_note'] . "</font>" . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=dls\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=dls\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "bsh") {
$order = "uploaded / downloaded DESC";
$extrawhere = " AND downloaded > 53687091200";
$r = sql_query($mainquery . $extrawhere . " ORDER BY $order " . " LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
usershare_table($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_best_sharers'] . "<font class=\"small\">" . $lang_topten['text_sharers_note'] . "</font>" . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=bsh\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=bsh\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "wsh") {
$order = "uploaded / downloaded ASC, downloaded DESC";
$extrawhere = " AND downloaded > 53687091200";
$r = sql_query($mainquery . $extrawhere . " ORDER BY $order " . " LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
usershare_table($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_worst_sharers'] . $lang_topten['text_sharers_note'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=wsh\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=wsh\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "sp")
$r = sql_query( "SELECT users_torrents.userid, users_torrents.supplied, users_torrents.uploaded, users_torrents.downloaded, users_torrents.added, COUNT(snatched.id) as snatched FROM (SELECT users.id as userid, COUNT(torrents.id) as supplied, users.uploaded, users.downloaded, users.added from users LEFT JOIN torrents ON torrents.owner = users.id GROUP BY userid) as users_torrents LEFT JOIN snatched ON snatched.userid = users_torrents.userid where snatched.finished='yes' AND snatched.torrentid IN(SELECT id FROM torrents where torrents.owner != users_torrents.userid) GROUP BY users_torrents.userid ORDER BY users_torrents.supplied DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
supply_snatchtable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_most_supplied'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=sp\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=sp\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "sn")
$r = sql_query( "SELECT users_torrents.userid, users_torrents.supplied, users_torrents.uploaded, users_torrents.downloaded, users_torrents.added, COUNT(snatched.id) as snatched FROM (SELECT users.id as userid, COUNT(torrents.id) as supplied, users.uploaded, users.downloaded, users.added from users LEFT JOIN torrents ON torrents.owner = users.id GROUP BY userid) as users_torrents LEFT JOIN snatched ON snatched.userid = users_torrents.userid where snatched.finished='yes' AND snatched.torrentid IN(SELECT id FROM torrents where torrents.owner != users_torrents.userid) GROUP BY users_torrents.userid ORDER BY snatched DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
supply_snatchtable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_most_snatched'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=sn\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=sn\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
} elseif ($type == 2) {
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "act") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON t.id = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY seeders + leechers DESC, seeders DESC, added ASC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
_torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_active_torrents'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=act\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=act\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "sna") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON t.id = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY times_completed DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
_torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_snatched_torrents'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&lim=25&subtype=sna\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=sna\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mdt") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON t.id = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND times_completed > 0 GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY data DESC, added ASC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
_torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_data_transferred_torrents'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=mdt\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=mdt\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "bse") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON t.id = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND seeders >= 5 GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY seeders / leechers DESC, seeders DESC, added ASC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
_torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_best_seeded_torrents'] . "<font class=\"small\">" . $lang_topten['text_best_seeded_torrents_note'] . "</font>" . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=bse\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=bse\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "wse") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed) AS data FROM torrents AS t WHERE leechers > 0 AND times_completed > 0 ORDER BY seeders / leechers ASC, leechers DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
_torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_worst_seeded_torrents'] . "<font class=\"small\">" . $lang_topten['text_worst_seeded_torrents_note'] . "</font>" . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=wse\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=wse\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
} elseif ($type == 3) {
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "us") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT name, flagpic, COUNT(users.country) as num FROM countries LEFT JOIN users ON users.country = countries.id GROUP BY name ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
countriestable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_countries_users'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=us\">Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_users']);
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "ul") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT c.name, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded) AS ul FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON u.country = c.id WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY c.name ORDER BY ul DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
countriestable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_countries_uploaded'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=ul\">Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_uploaded']);
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "avg") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT c.name, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded)/count(u.id) AS ul_avg FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON u.country = c.id WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY c.name HAVING sum(u.uploaded) > 1099511627776 AND count(u.id) >= 100 ORDER BY ul_avg DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
countriestable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_countries_per_user'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=avg\">Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_average']);
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "r") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT c.name, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded)/sum(u.downloaded) AS r FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON u.country = c.id WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY c.name HAVING sum(u.uploaded) > 1099511627776 AND sum(u.downloaded) > 1099511627776 AND count(u.id) >= 100 ORDER BY r DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
countriestable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_countries_ratio'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=r\">Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_ratio']);
elseif ($type == 4)
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "ul")
$r = sql_query( "SELECT users.id AS userid, username,snatched.upspeed AS uprate, snatched.downspeed AS downrate FROM peers LEFT JOIN snatched ON snatched.userid = peers.userid AND snatched.torrentid = peers.torrent LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = peers.userid ORDER BY uprate DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
peerstable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_fastest_uploaders'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=ul\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=ul\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "dl")
$r = sql_query("SELECT users.id AS userid, username,snatched.upspeed AS uprate, snatched.downspeed AS downrate FROM peers LEFT JOIN snatched ON snatched.userid = peers.userid AND snatched.torrentid = peers.torrent LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = peers.userid ORDER BY downrate DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
peerstable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_fastest_downloaders'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=dl\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=dl\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mloc")
$r = sql_query( "SELECT FROM peers LEFT JOIN locations ON peers.ip GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY commentnum DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
locationtable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_most_locations'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a href=\"topten.php?type=$type&lim=100&subtype=mloc>".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a href=\"topten.php?type=$type&lim=250&subtype=mloc>".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
*/ elseif ($type == 5) {
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mtop") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT users_topics.userid, users_topics.usertopics, COUNT(posts.id) as userposts FROM (SELECT users.id as userid, COUNT(topics.id) as usertopics from users LEFT JOIN topics ON users.id = topics.userid GROUP BY users.id) as users_topics LEFT JOIN posts ON users_topics.userid = posts.userid GROUP BY users_topics.userid ORDER BY usertopics DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
postable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_topic'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=mtop\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=mtop\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mpos") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT users_topics.userid, users_topics.usertopics, COUNT(posts.id) as userposts FROM (SELECT users.id as userid, COUNT(topics.id) as usertopics from users LEFT JOIN topics ON users.id = topics.userid GROUP BY users.id) as users_topics LEFT JOIN posts ON users_topics.userid = posts.userid GROUP BY users_topics.userid ORDER BY userposts DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
postable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_post'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=mpos\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=mpos\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($reviewenabled == 'yes' && ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mrev")) {
$r = sql_query("SELECT users.id as userid, COUNT(reviews.id) as num FROM users LEFT JOIN reviews ON users.id = reviews.user GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
cmttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_reviewer'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=mrev\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=mrev\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_reviews']);
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mcmt") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT users.id as userid, COUNT(comments.id) as num FROM users LEFT JOIN comments ON users.id = comments.user GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
cmttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_commenter'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=mcmt\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=mcmt\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_comments']);
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "btop") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT topics_posts.topicid, topics_posts.topicsubject, topics_posts.postnum, forums.id as forumid FROM (SELECT topics.id as topicid, topics.subject as topicsubject, COUNT(posts.id) as postnum, topics.forumid FROM topics LEFT JOIN posts ON topics.id = posts.topicid GROUP BY topics.id) as topics_posts LEFT JOIN forums ON topics_posts.forumid = forums.id AND forums.minclassread <= 1 ORDER BY postnum DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
bigtopic_table($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_biggest_topics'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=btop\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=btop\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
} elseif ($type == 6) {
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "bo") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY seedbonus DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
bonustable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_bonuses'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=bo\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=bo\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($prolinkpoint_bonus) {
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "pl") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT userid, COUNT(id) AS count FROM prolinkclicks GROUP BY userid ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
prolinkclicktable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_clicks'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=pl\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=pl\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "charity") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY charity DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
charityTable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_charity_giver'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=charity\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=charity\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($enabledonation == 'yes') {
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "do_usd") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT id, donated, donated_cny from users where donated > 0 ORDER BY donated DESC, donated_cny DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
donortable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_donated_USD'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=do_usd\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=do_usd\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "do_cny") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT id, donated, donated_cny from users where donated_cny > 0 ORDER BY donated DESC, donated_cny DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
donortable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_donated_CNY'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=do_cny\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=do_cny\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mbro")
$r = sql_query( "SELECT id, donated, donated_cny from users where donated_cny > 0 ORDER BY donated DESC, donated_cny DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
donortable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_most_browser'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=mbro\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=mbro\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mcli") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT agent_allowed_family.family as client_name, COUNT(users.id) as client_num from users RIGHT JOIN agent_allowed_family ON agent_allowed_family.id = users.clientselect GROUP BY clientselect ORDER BY client_num DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
clienttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_client'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=mcli\">" . $lang_topten['text_one_hundred'] . "</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=mcli\">" . $lang_topten['text_top_250'] . "</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "ss") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT stylesheets.name as stylesheet_name, COUNT(users.id) as stylesheet_num from users JOIN stylesheets ON stylesheets.id = users.stylesheet GROUP BY stylesheet ORDER BY stylesheet_num DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
stylesheettable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_stylesheet'] . ($limit == 10 ? "<font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=ss\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=ss\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "lang") {
$r = sql_query("SELECT language.lang_name as lang_name, COUNT(users.id) as lang_num from users JOIN language ON language.id = users.lang WHERE site_lang=1 GROUP BY lang ORDER BY lang_num DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
languagetable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "$limit " . $lang_topten['text_most_language'] . ($limit == 10 ? "<font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=lang\">Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""));
elseif ($type == 7) // search
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "lse")
$r = sql_query( "SELECT keywords, adddate from suggest ORDER BY adddate DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
lastsearch_table($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_latest_search'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=lse\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=lse\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "tcmo")
$current_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), 1, date("Y"));
$r = sql_query("SELECT keywords, COUNT(id) as count FROM suggest WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(adddate) >" . $current_month . " GROUP BY keywords ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
search_ranktable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_current_month_search'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=tcmo\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=tcmo\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "tlmo")
$last_month_begin = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, 1, date("Y"));
$last_month_end = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m")-1, date("t",$last_month_begin), date("Y"));
$r = sql_query("SELECT keywords, COUNT(id) as count FROM suggest WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(adddate) >" . $last_month_begin . " AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(adddate) <" . $last_month_end . " GROUP BY keywords ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
search_ranktable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_last_month_search'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=tlmo\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=tlmo\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "tcy")
$current_year = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1 , 1, date("Y"));
$r = sql_query("SELECT keywords, COUNT(id) as count FROM suggest WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(adddate) >" . $current_year . " GROUP BY keywords ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
search_ranktable($r, $lang_topten['text_top']."$limit ".$lang_topten['text_current_year_search'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=100&amp;subtype=tcy\">".$lang_topten['text_one_hundred']."</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type=$type&amp;lim=250&amp;subtype=tcy\">".$lang_topten['text_top_250']."</a>]</font>" : ""));
print("<p><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_topten['text_this_page_last_updated'] . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ", " . $lang_topten['text_started_recording_date'] . $datefounded . $lang_topten['text_update_interval'] . "</font></p>");
echo $Cache->next_row();
马建仓 AI 助手