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inception_v3_svm_test.py 5.59 KB
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mapeijue 提交于 2022-02-19 20:21 . 第一个版本的提交
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
@Author: mpj
@Date : 2022/2/16 19:01
@version V1.0
import os
import pickle
import time
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import common
from log import log, destroyLog
# what and where
model_dir = './imagenet/classify_image_graph_def.pb'
images_dir = './caltech_101_images/test/'
# 是否导入特征处理好的文件直接用来分类
isLoadModel = False
log.debug("*** test start ***")
# Classifier performance
def run_classifier(clf, x_test_data, y_test_data, acc_str, matrix_header_str):
common.run_classifier(clf, None, None, x_test_data, y_test_data, acc_str, matrix_header_str, isTrain=False)
# TensorFlow inception-v3 feature extraction
def extract_features(list_images):
"""Extract bottleneck features"""
nb_features = 2048
test_features = np.empty((len(list_images), nb_features))
test_labels = []
# 'pool_3:0': A tensor containing the next-to-last layer containing 2048 float description of the image.
# 'DecodeJpeg/contents:0': A tensor containing a string providing JPEG encoding of the image.
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess:
next_to_last_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('pool_3:0')
common.predict_feature(test_features, test_labels, list_images, next_to_last_tensor, sess)
return test_features, test_labels
if __name__ == '__main__':
global_start_time = time.time()
# Read in images and extract features
# get images - labels are from the subdirectory names
if os.path.exists('model/test_features') and isLoadModel:
log.debug('Pre-extracted test_features and labels found. Loading them ...')
test_features = pickle.load(open('model/test_features', 'rb'))
test_labels = pickle.load(open('model/test_labels', 'rb'))
# get the images and the labels from the subdirectory names
list_images = common.get_images_list(images_dir)
# extract features
test_features, test_labels = extract_features(list_images)
# save, so they can be used without re-running the last step which can be quite long
pickle.dump(test_features, open('model/test_features', 'wb'))
pickle.dump(test_labels, open('model/test_labels', 'wb'))
log.debug('CNN features obtained and saved.')
# t-sne feature plot
if os.path.exists('model/tsne_test_features.npz') and isLoadModel:
log.debug('t-sne tsne_test_features found. Loading ...')
tsne_test_features = np.load('model/tsne_test_features.npz')['tsne_features']
log.debug('No t-sne tsne_test_features found. Obtaining ...')
tsne_test_features = TSNE().fit_transform(test_features)
np.savez('model/tsne_test_features', tsne_features=tsne_test_features)
log.debug('t-sne tsne_test_features obtained and saved.')
common.plot_features(test_labels, tsne_test_features, "tsne_test_features", isTrain=False)
# Classification
# prepare training and test datasets
X_test, y_test = test_features, test_labels
log.debug('test datasets prepared.')
log.debug('Test dataset size: %d' % len(X_test))
# classify the images with a Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM)
log.debug('Support Vector Machine LinearSVC starting ...')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/LinearSVC.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-LinearSVC Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%", "LinearSVC Confusion matrix")
log.debug('Support Vector Machine SVC finished.')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/SVC.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-SVC Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%", "SVC Confusion matrix")
# classify the images with an Extra Trees Classifier
log.debug('Extra Trees Classifier starting ...')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/ExtraTreesClassifier.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-ET Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%", "Extra Trees Confusion matrix")
# classify the images with a Random Forest Classifier
log.debug('Random Forest Classifier starting ...')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/RandomForestClassifier.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-RF Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%", "Random Forest Confusion matrix")
# classify the images with a k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier
log.debug('K-Nearest Neighbours Classifier starting ...')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/KNeighborsClassifier.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-KNN Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%", "K-Nearest Neighbor Confusion matrix")
# classify the image with a Multi-layer Perceptron Classifier
log.debug('Multi-layer Perceptron Classifier starting ...')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/MLPClassifier.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-MLP Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%", "Multi-layer Perceptron Confusion matrix")
# classify the images with a Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier
log.debug('Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier starting ...')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/GaussianNB.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-GNB Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%", "Gaussian Naive Bayes Confusion matrix")
# classify the images with a Linear Discriminant Analysis Classifier
log.debug('Linear Discriminant Analysis Classifier starting ...')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/LinearDiscriminantAnalysis.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-LDA Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%", "Linear Discriminant Analysis Confusion matrix")
# classify the images with a Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Classifier
log.debug('Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Classifier starting ...')
clf = pickle.load(open('./model/QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis.pkl', 'rb'))
run_classifier(clf, X_test, y_test, "CNN-QDA Accuracy: {0:0.1f}%",
"Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Confusion matrix")
log.debug(f'test classification finished total time: {time.time() - global_start_time}')
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