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%% Any Suggestions : Chaopeng Guo <guochaopeng@swc.neu.edu.cn>
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\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao \song 东北大学本科生毕业设计(论文)}
\fancyhead[R] {\wuhao \song 郑重声明}
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\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao Northeastern University Graduation Design (Thesis)}
\fancyhead[R] {\wuhao \song 摘\quad 要}
\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao \song 东北大学本科生毕业设计(论文)}
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\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao \song 东北大学本科生毕业设计(论文)}
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\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao \song 东北大学本科生毕业设计(论文)}
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\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao Northeastern University Graduation Design (Thesis)}
\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao \song 东北大学本科生毕业设计(论文)}
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\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao Northeastern University Graduation Design (Thesis)}
\fancyhead[R] {\xiaowu \song References}
\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao \song 东北大学本科生毕业设计(论文)}
\fancyhead[R] {\xiaowu \song 参考文献 }
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\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao Northeastern University Graduation Design (Thesis)}
\fancyhead[L] {\wuhao \song 东北大学本科生毕业设计(论文)}
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\makebox[3.5cm][s]{指导老师:} & \@zhsupervisor\quad \@zhsupervisortwo \\
\hei \erhao \@zhtitle
作者姓名: & \@zhauthor \\
校内指导老师: & \@zhsupervisor \\
校外指导老师: & \@zhsupervisortwo \\
单位名称: & \@campusname \\
专业名称: & \@zhmajor \\
{\sihao \song 东\ 北\ 大\ 学}
{\sihao \song \@zhthesisdate}
\hei \erhao \@entitle
Author: & \@enauthor \\
Supervisor: & \@ensupervisor \\
Enterprise Supervisor: & \@ensupervisortwo \\
Coolege: & \@encampusname \\
Major: & \@enmajor \\
{\sihao Northeastern University}
{\sihao \song \@enthesisdate}
\hei \erhao \@zhtitle
作者姓名: & \@zhauthor \\
校内指导老师: & \@zhsupervisor \\
校外指导老师: & \@zhsupervisortwo \\
单位名称: & \@campusname \\
专业名称: & \@zhmajor \\
{\sihao \song 东\ 北\ 大\ 学}
{\sihao \song \@zhthesisdate}
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\makebox[3.5cm][s]{指导老师:} & \@zhsupervisor\quad \@zhsupervisortwo \\
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\makebox[3.5cm][s]{学院名称:} & \@campusname \\[3mm]
\makebox[3.5cm][s]{专业名称:} & \@zhmajor \\[3mm]
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\makebox[3.5cm][s]{指导老师:} & \@zhsupervisor\quad \@zhsupervisortitle \\[3mm]
& \@zhsupervisortwo\quad\@zhsupervisortwotitle \\[2mm]
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\hei \erhao \@zhtitle
作者姓名: & \@zhauthor \\
校内指导老师: & \@zhsupervisor \\
校外指导老师: & \@zhsupervisortwo \\
单位名称: & \@campusname \\
专业名称: & \@zhmajor \\
{\sihao \song 东\ 北\ 大\ 学}
{\sihao \song \@zhthesisdate}
% \begin{spacing}{1.2}%%行间距变为double-space
By \@enauthor
Supervisor: & \@ensupervisor \\[2mm]
Associate Supervisor: & \@ensupervisortwo \\
{\sihao \centering Northeastern University}
{\sihao \centering \@enthesisdate}
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