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.build.ps1 11.73 KB
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# Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
param (
[ValidateSet('Community', 'Enterprise')]
[string]$Edition = (property Edition Community),
[string]$GO = (property GO 'go'),
[string]$TargetOS = (property GOOS ''),
[string]$Target = $IsWindows ? 'bin\tidb-server.exe' : 'bin\tidb-server',
[string]$BuildFlags = '',
[switch]$Race = $false,
[switch]$Check = $false,
[uint]$P = (property P 8),
[string]$ExplainTests = ''
if (-not (Test-Path (Join-Path 'tools' 'bin'))) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory (Join-Path 'tools' 'bin') | Out-Null
$gopath = Resolve-Path (& $GO env -json | ConvertFrom-Json).GOPATH
$packages = & $GO list ./... | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*cmd*' }
$directories = $packages -replace 'github.com/pingcap/tidb/', ''
$sources = Get-ChildItem -Path $directories -Filter '*.go'
$testFlags = @('-X', "'github.com/pingcap/tidb/config.checkBeforeDropLDFlag=1'")
function Get-ToolPath ($name, $dir = (Resolve-Path 'tools\bin')) {
$exe = $IsWindows ? "$name.exe" : $name
Join-Path $dir -ChildPath $exe
$tools = @{
Path = Resolve-Path tools/check
Mod = Resolve-Path tools/check/go.mod
FailPoint = @{
Src = 'github.com/pingcap/failpoint/failpoint-ctl'
Path = (Get-ToolPath 'failpoint-ctl')
Errcheck = @{
Src = 'github.com/kisielk/errcheck'
Path = (Get-ToolPath 'errcheck')
Revive = @{
Src = 'github.com/mgechev/revive'
Path = (Get-ToolPath 'revive')
Unconvert = @{
Src = 'github.com/mdempsky/unconvert'
Path = (Get-ToolPath 'unconvert')
StaticCheck = @{
Src = 'honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck'
Path = (Get-ToolPath 'staticcheck' (Join-Path $gopath bin))
Linter = @{
Path = (Get-ToolPath 'golangci-lint')
task BuildFailPoint -Inputs go.mod -Outputs $tools.FailPoint.Path {
exec { & $GO build -o $tools.FailPoint.Path $tools.FailPoint.Src }
function Enable-FailPoint {
Get-ChildItem . -Recurse -Directory | Where-Object { $_ -cnotmatch '(\.git|tools|\.idea)' } |
ForEach-Object { exec { & $tools.FailPoint.Path enable $_ } }
task EnableFailPoint BuildFailPoint, {
function Disable-FailPoint {
Get-ChildItem . -Recurse -Directory | Where-Object { $_ -cnotmatch '(\.git|tools|\.idea)' } |
ForEach-Object { exec { & $tools.FailPoint.Path disable $_ } }
task DisableFailPoint BuildFailPoint, {
task BuildErrcheck -Inputs $tools.Mod -Outputs $tools.Errcheck.Path {
Set-Location $tools.Path
exec { & $GO build -o $tools.Errcheck.Path $tools.Errcheck.Src }
task RunErrcheck BuildErrcheck, {
$exclude = Join-Path $tools.Path errcheck_excludes.txt
exec { & $tools.Errcheck.Path -exclude $exclude -ignoretests -blank $packages }
task BuildRevive -Inputs $tools.Mod -Outputs $tools.Revive.Path {
Set-Location $tools.Path
exec { & $GO build -o $tools.Revive.Path $tools.Revive.Src }
task RunRevive BuildRevive, {
$config = Join-Path $tools.Path revive.toml
exec { & $tools.Revive.Path -formatter friendly -config $config $packages }
task BuildUnconvert -Inputs $tools.Mod -Outputs $tools.Unconvert.Path {
Set-Location $tools.Path
exec { & $GO build -o $tools.Unconvert.Path $tools.Unconvert.Src }
task RunUnconvert BuildUnconvert, {
exec { & $tools.Unconvert.Path ./... }
task BuildStaticCheck -Inputs go.mod -Outputs $tools.StaticCheck.Path {
exec { & $GO get $tools.StaticCheck.Src }
task RunStaticCheck BuildStaticCheck, {
exec { & $tools.StaticCheck.Path ./... }
task DownloadLinter -If (-not (Test-Path $tools.Linter.Path)) {
$goEnv = exec { & $GO env -json } | ConvertFrom-Json
$version = '1.30.0'
$os = $goEnv.GOHOSTOS
$arch = $goEnv.GOHOSTARCH
$ext = ($os -eq 'windows') ? 'zip' : 'tar.gz'
$dir = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([System.Guid]::NewGuid())
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir | Out-Null
$url = "https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/releases/download/v$version/golangci-lint-$version-$os-$arch.$ext"
$archive = Join-Path $dir "download.$ext"
Write-Output "downloading $url"
Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile $archive
$IsWindows ? (Expand-Archive $archive $dir) : (exec { tar -C $dir -xzf $archive })
$bin = $IsWindows ? 'golangci-lint.exe' : 'golangci-lint'
Copy-Item (Join-Path $dir "golangci-lint-$version-$os-$arch\$bin") $tools.Linter.Path
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $dir
task RunLinter DownloadLinter, {
exec { & $tools.Linter.Path run -v --disable-all --deadline=3m --enable=misspell --enable=ineffassign --enable=varcheck $directories }
task GoModTidy {
exec { & $GO mod tidy }
task CheckTestSuite {
Get-ChildItem . -Directory | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch 'vendor' } |
ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem $_ -Recurse -Filter '*_test.go' } |
ForEach-Object { Select-String $_ -Pattern 'type (test.*Suite.*) struct' -CaseSensitive } |
ForEach-Object {
$dir = Split-Path $_.Path
$suite = $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value
$sources = Get-ChildItem $dir -Recurse -Filter '*_test.go'
$enabled = $sources | ForEach-Object {
Select-String $_ -Pattern "_ = (check\.)?(Suite|SerialSuites)\((&?$suite{|new\($suite\))" -CaseSensitive
if (-not $enabled) {
$hasCase = $sources | ForEach-Object { Select-String $_ -Pattern "func \((.* )?\*?$suite\) Test" -CaseSensitive }
if ($hasCase) {
throw "$suite in $dir is not enabled"
task RunGoVet {
exec { go vet -all $packages }
task FormatCode {
if ((Get-Content tidb-server\main.go -Raw) -match "\r\n$") {
Write-Build Red "Gofmt is skiped due to it will reformat CRLF. Please check your git core.autocrlf setting."
else {
exec { gofmt -s -l -w $directories }
Set-Location (Resolve-Path cmd\importcheck)
exec { & $GO run . ../.. }
# Synopsis: Check code quality with some analyzers.
task Check FormatCode, RunErrCheck, RunUnconvert, RunRevive, GoModTidy, CheckTestSuite, RunLinter, RunGoVet, RunStaticCheck
# Synopsis: Build TiDB server.
task Build -Inputs ($sources + 'go.mod', 'go.sum') -Outputs $Target {
$build = @('build', '-tags', 'codes', $BuildFlags)
if ($Race) {
$build += '-race'
$version = (git describe --tags --dirty --always)
$gitHash = (git rev-parse HEAD)
$gitBranch = (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
$buildTime = (Get-Date -UFormat '+%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S')
$flags = @(
'-X', "'github.com/pingcap/parser/mysql.TiDBReleaseVersion=$version'",
'-X', "'github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/versioninfo.TiDBGitHash=$gitHash'",
'-X', "'github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/versioninfo.TiDBGitBranch=$gitBranch'",
'-X', "'github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/versioninfo.TiDBBuildTS=$buildTime'"
'-X', "'github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/versioninfo.TiDBEdition=$Edition'"
if ($Check) {
$flags += $testFlags
$build += @(
'-ldflags', "`"$flags`"",
'-o', $Target, 'tidb-server/main.go'
$Task.Data = $env:GOOS
$env:GOOS = $TargetOS
exec { & $GO $build }
} -Done {
$env:GOOS = $Task.Data
task BuildExplainTest -Inputs (Get-ChildItem cmd\explaintest\* -Include '*.go') -Outputs (Get-ToolPath 'explain_test' 'cmd\explaintest') {
Set-Location cmd\explaintest
$output = $IsWindows ? 'explain_test.exe' : 'explain_test'
exec { & $GO build -o $output }
# Synopsis: Run explain tests.
task ExplainTest -If (-not ((Get-Content cmd\explaintest\r\explain.result -Raw) -match "\r\n$")) Build, BuildExplainTest, {
function Find-Prot {
while ($true) {
$port = Get-Random -Minimum 4000 -Maximum 65535
$listener = [System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener]$port;
try {
return $port
catch {
finally {
$tidbPath = Resolve-Path $Target
Set-Location cmd\explaintest
$explaintest = if ($IsWindows) { '.\explain_test.exe' } else { Resolve-Path '.\explain_test' }
exec { & $GO build -o $explaintest }
$port, $status = (Find-Prot), (Find-Prot)
$logPath = 'explain-test.out'
$tidbArgs = @('-P', "$port", '-status', "$status", '-config', 'config.toml', '-store', 'mocktikv')
$tidb = Start-Process -FilePath $tidbPath -ArgumentList $tidbArgs -RedirectStandardOutput $logPath -NoNewWindow -PassThru
Write-Output "TiDB server(Handle: $($tidb.Handle)) started"
$Task.Data = $tidb
Start-Sleep 5
if ($ExplainTests -eq '') {
Write-Output 'run all explain test cases'
else {
Write-Output "run explain test cases: $ExplainTests"
exec { & $explaintest -port "$port" -status "$status" --log-level=error $ExplainTests }
} -Done {
if ($Task.Data) {
# Synopsis: Check dependency.
task CheckDep {
$list = go list -json github.com/pingcap/tidb/store/tikv | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($list.Imports | Where-Object { Select-String -Pattern '^github.com/pingcap/parser$' -InputObject $_ }) {
throw 'incorrect import of github.com/pingcap/parser'
# Synopsis: Run unit tests.
task GoTest BuildFailPoint, {
$Task.Data = @{
logLevel = $env:log_level
tz = $env:TZ
$env:log_level = 'fatal'
$env:TZ = 'Asia/Shanghai'
exec { & $GO test -p $P -ldflags "`"$testFlags`"" -cover $packages '-check.p' true '-check.timeout' 4s }
} -Done {
$env:log_level = $Task.Data.logLevel
$env:TZ = $Task.Data.tz
# Synopsis: Run tests with race detecter enabled.
task GoRaceTest BuildFailPoint, {
$Task.Data = @{
logLevel = $env:log_level
tz = $env:TZ
$env:log_level = 'debug'
$env:TZ = 'Asia/Shanghai'
exec { & $GO test -p $P -timeout 20m -race $packages }
} -Done {
$env:log_level = $Task.Data.logLevel
$env:TZ = $Task.Data.tz
# Synopsis: Run tests with leak checker enabled.
task GoLeakTest BuildFailPoint, {
$Task.Data = @{
logLevel = $env:log_level
tz = $env:TZ
$env:log_level = 'debug'
$env:TZ = 'Asia/Shanghai'
exec { & $GO test -p $P -tags leak $packages }
} -Done {
$env:log_level = $Task.Data.logLevel
$env:TZ = $Task.Data.tz
# Synopsis: Run some tests with real TiKV.
task TiKVIntegrationTest BuildFailPoint, {
{ & $GO test -p $P github.com/pingcap/tidb/store/tikv -with-tikv=true }
} -Done {
# Synopsis: Ensure generated code is up to date.
task GoGenerate {
exec { & $GO generate ./... }
if (exec { git status -s } | ForEach-Object { (-split $_)[1] } |
ForEach-Object { Select-String $_ -Pattern '^# Code generated .* DO NOT EDIT\.$' -CaseSensitive }) {
throw 'Your commit is changed after running go generate ./..., it should not happen.'
# Synopsis: Run common tests.
task Test ExplainTest, CheckDep, GoTest, GoGenerate
# Synopsis: Check and Test.
task Dev Check, Test
# Synopsis: Build TiDB server.
task . Build
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