同步操作将从 Thund1r/daily-info 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Author: Thund1r thund1r@foxmail.com
Date: 2022-09-22 14:34:31
LastEditTime: 2022-10-18 10:59:14
Description: 处理所有数据与网页
Copyright (c) 2022 by Thund1r thund1r@foxmail.com, All Rights Reserved.
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import config
import os
import api
import days
import diy
import weather
import covid
link = config.get("link")
pictype = config.get("pictype")
msgtype = str(config.get("msgtype")) if config.get("msgtype") else "1"
agentid = config.get("agentid")
# 处理所有信息
def handle_msg():
info_list = []
multi_list = []
pic_type = pictype
own_link = link
own_pic = diy.get_my_pic()
own_title = diy.get_my_title()
own_content = diy.get_my_content()
# 接受今日日期数据
today_data = days.get_today()
today_date = today_data["today_date"]
# 接收必应数据
bing_pic = ""
bing_tip = ""
bing_flag = 1
bing_data = api.get_bing()
if bing_data:
bing_pic = bing_data["bing_pic"]
bing_tip = bing_data["bing_tip"]
art_title = today_date
art_content = own_content
art_pic = api.get_random_pic()
if own_pic or own_title or pic_type:
if own_pic:
art_pic = own_pic
if own_title:
art_title += "\n" + own_title
art_title, art_title, art_content, art_pic, None))
elif bing_tip and bing_pic:
art_pic = bing_pic
art_title = art_title + "\n" + bing_tip
art_title, art_title, art_content, art_pic, None))
bing_flag = 0
art_pic = art_pic if pic_type != "none" else None
# 下面加入各数据的顺序即在卡片上显示的顺序
# 不需要的数据请在下面对应的段落操作
# 不需要出现在单图文的请删除info_list.append(XXX)
# 不需要出现在多图文的请删除multi_list.append(XXX)
# 都不要的数据直接删除一整段即可
# 加入天气数据
weather_tip = weather.get_map_weather()
if weather_tip:
weather_tip, "Weather", weather_tip, None, None))
# 加入日期提醒数据
days_tip = days.get_map_days()
if days_tip:
days_tip, "Days", days_tip, None, None))
# 加入疫情数据
yq_tip = covid.get_map_yq()
if yq_tip:
yq_tip, "COVID-19", yq_tip, None, None))
# 加入必应数据
if bing_flag and bing_pic and bing_tip:
"🖼️ "+bing_tip, "Bing", "🖼️ "+bing_tip, bing_pic, None))
# 加入金山词霸数据
ciba_data = api.get_ciba()
if ciba_data:
ciba_tip = ciba_data["ciba_tip"]
ciba_pic = ciba_data["ciba_pic"]
ciba_tip, "iCiba", ciba_tip, ciba_pic, None))
# 加入ONE一个数据
one_data = api.get_one()
if one_data:
one_tip = one_data["one_tip"]
one_pic = one_data["one_pic"]
one_tip, "ONE·一个", one_tip, one_pic, None))
# 加入自定义XXX数据可以放置在下方,务必注意缩进,格式参考上方的加入ONE一个数据
# # 加入XXX图文数据
# XXX_data = api.get_XXX()
# if XXX_data:
# XXX_tip = XXX_data["XXX_tip"]
# # 没有pic就删除下面这一句
# XXX_pic = XXX_data["XXX_pic"]
# # 单图文添加数据,不需要就删除下面这一句
# info_list.append(XXX_tip)
# # 多图文添加数据,不需要就删除下面这一整句
# multi_list.append(handle_multi(
# out_title, inner_title, content, pic, link))
# # out_title多图文卡片标题, inner_title多图文展示页内标题, content多图文内容, pic多图文头图, link自定义跳转链接
# # 没有的参数就填None,不能五个参数都没有
# 处理文本格式
art_content = "\n\n".join(info_list)
html_content = art_content.replace("\n", "\\n")
page_content = replace_symbol(art_content)
page_title = replace_symbol(art_title)
page_pic = art_pic
art_url = None
beta_url = None
if own_link:
beta_url = f"{own_link}?t={page_title}&p={page_pic}&c={page_content}"
art_url = beta_url if len(
beta_url) < 1000 else beta_url[:1000]+"······"
article = ""
if msgtype == "1":
article = [{
"title": art_title,
"description": art_content,
"url": art_url,
"picurl": art_pic
article = list(filter(None, multi_list))
# 封装企业微信数据
wecom_data = {
"touser": "@all",
"toparty": "",
"totag": "",
"msgtype": "news",
"agentid": agentid,
"news": {
"articles": article
"enable_id_trans": 0,
"enable_duplicate_check": 0,
"duplicate_check_interval": 1800
# 封装测试号数据
beta_data = {
"art_url": beta_url,
"art_content": art_content
# 封装html可用数据
html_data = {
"p": art_pic,
"t": art_title,
"c": html_content
# 封装所有数据
msg_data = {
"wecom_data": wecom_data,
"html_data": html_data,
"beta_data": beta_data
return msg_data
# 处理多图文内容
def handle_multi(out_title, inner_title, content, pic, art_link):
if msgtype != "2":
return None
if out_title or inner_title or content or pic or art_link:
if out_title is None:
if content:
out_title = content
elif inner_title:
out_title = inner_title
out_title = "查看图片"
picurl = pic or api.get_random_pic()
inner_title = replace_symbol(inner_title)
content = replace_symbol(content)
multi_url = None
if art_link is None:
own_link = link
if own_link:
multi_url = f"{own_link}?t={inner_title}&p={picurl}&c={content}"
if len(multi_url) > 1000:
multi_url = multi_url[:1000]+"······"
multi_url = art_link
return {
"title": out_title,
"url": multi_url,
"picurl": picurl
return None
# 处理个别字符替换
def replace_symbol(str_data):
return str_data.replace("&", "%26").replace(
"'", "%27").replace("\n", "\\n") if str_data else None
# 处理图文详情页
def handle_html(html_data):
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "show.html"), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
html = f.read()
p = html_data.get("p")
t = html_data.get("t")
c = html_data.get("c")
if p and p != "none" and p != "None":
html = html.replace('class="pic" style="display:none;',
'class="pic" style="').replace("<&p&>", p)
if t and t != "none" and t != "None":
t = t.replace("\\n", "<br/>")
html = html.replace('class="title" style="display:none;',
'class="title" style="').replace("<&t&>", t)
if c and c != "none" and c != "None":
c = c.replace("\\n", "<br/>")
html = html.replace('class="content" style="display:none;',
'class="content" style="').replace("<&c&>", c)
return html
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