同步操作将从 9miao.com/CrossApp 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#### CrossApp 1.0.2 更新内容:
#####2.修正iOS 64位系统下触摸失灵的bug
#### CrossApp 1.0.0 更新内容:
#####2.完美支持iOS 64位
#####3.完美支持android 5.0+
#####7.增加获取当前连接的wifi的信息(包括名称 mac地址 等级)
#####8.增加获取wifi列表包括名称 mac地址 等级
####CrossApp 1.0.0 Update:#####1. Added animation system CAViewAnimationDemo contains animation sample#####2. Support 64-bit#####3. Support Android 5. 0+#####4. Optimized CASegmentControl interface#####5. Fixed bug that's caused by video player DLL in 0.6.1 version#####6. Fixed bug that CATextField crashed in Android platform in 0.6.1 version#####8. Added obtaining the info of current connected wifi (Including name, mac address and level)#####7. Added obtaining wifi list (Including name, mac address and level)Only available on Android platform#####9. Turning on/off Bluetooth devices, starting to search Bluetooth devices, stopping to search Bluetooth devices and obtaining the info of Bluetooth devices including name and addressOnly available on Android platform#####10. Added one-key to create project graphic tool in mac#####11. Other Details Tweaking
#### CrossApp 0.6.1 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0.6.1 Update:
#####Fixed bug that user cannot compile and engine unstable in 0.6.0 version
#### CrossApp 0.6.0 更新内容:
删除extensions/GUI/CAUIHelper 文件
删除extensions/studio/CAStudioViewController 文件
增加extensions/studio/CAStudioViewParser 文件
在iOS平台,增加extensions/device/Device_ios/Reachability 文件
添加Frameworks : MediaPlayer 与 SystemConfiguration
####CrossApp 0.6.0 Update
#####1. Added video player CAVideoPlayerController class
Streaming video, MP4, flv, avi, mpeg, mov and other video formats support, not available on win32 platform for now.
#####2. Added API of device
1. Obtain network status, wifi or 3g judgement and if network is available or not
2. Obtain current battery level
3. Obtain and set current volume
4. When user updates their app version, system will auto download and add into notification bar in Android; their current interface will jump to AppStore in iOS
#####3. Optimized CAAlertView
1. UI was changed into iOS style 2. Optimized code structure
#####4. Optimized CASegmentControl
1. UI was changed into iOS style 2. Optimized code structure
#####5. Optimized CAView
Optimized sub view management performance
#####6. Fixed bug that sometimes cursor is in wrong position when typing text in CATextField
#####7. File directory change
Deleted extensions/GUI/CAUIHelper;
Deleted extensions/studio/CAStudioViewController;
Added extensions/studio/CAStudioViewParser
In iOS platform, added extensions/device/Device_ios/Reachability and Frameworks : MediaPlayer and SystemConfiguration
Java files alteration in Android platform
#####8. Other Details Tweaking
This update contains many file changes, for previous version users, please manually add and delete files referring to update item 7. And CrossApp team offers our applogies to you for the inconvenience has caused you.
#### CrossApp 0.5.0 更新内容:
####CrossApp 0.5.0 Update:
#####1. Optimized CANavigationController
1. Modified the controlled navigationBar into multiple ones
2. And port the properties of previous navigationBar to CANavigationController.
#####2. Optimized CATabBarController
Port the properties of previous tabBar to CATabBarController.
#####3. Optimized CAPickerView
1. Fixed bug that sometimes system does not have a return value for the selected result
2. Optimized performance
#####4. Optimized base64
1. Fixed bug that base64 cannot be compiled in win32
2. Added Encode method
#####5. Optimized touch event distributed mechanism
Fixed bug that user needs to click two times to switch edit status between multiple CATextField.
#####6. Other Details Tweaking
We removed the JavaScript version of this C++ engine, and will release a separate JavaScript version in the future.
##This update affects some interfaces in CANavigationController and CATabBarController, and we offer our apologies to you for the inconvenience has caused you.
#### CrossApp 0.4.3 更新内容:
在此,特别鸣谢github为 Jeff ,CrossApp官方群名为 广州-201103L 的网友为我们提交的优化
在此,特别鸣谢CrossApp官方群名为 觉今是而昨非 的网友为我们提交的优化
#### CrossApp 0. 4. 3 Update:
#####1. Fixed bug that md5 cannot be compiled in win32
#####2. Added HttpClient’s support to postData in post file
#####3. Fixed bug that text insert error in CATextView and CATextField
#####4. Fixed bug that CATextView’s cursor does not blink
#####5. Optimized the default dimensions of some controls and components
#####6. Fix some compiling warnings in win32
Here, special thanks to Jeff from Github and a friend naming "Canton - 201103L" from CrossApp official QQ group for their submitted optimizations.<br/>
#####7. Fixed bug that system act touchBegin two times when touch event dispatch sometimes<br/>
Here, special thanks to a friend naming “Juejinshierzuofei” from CrossApp official QQ group for his submitted optimization.<br/>
#### CrossApp 0.4.2 更新内容:
WebView基于原生内置浏览器控件封装而成,该控件功能强大,除了具有一般View的属性和设置外,还可以对url请求、页面加载、渲染、页面交互进行强大的处理。不仅可以通过loadUrl方法设置当前webView需要访问的网址,还可以加载绝⼤部分的常见文件 html\htm pdf、doc、ppt、txt等等。
#### CrossApp 0.4.2 Update:
#####1. Added WebView Controls
WebView is an encapsulation based on native built-in browser control. It has great functionalities, aside from possessing normal View attributes and set, WebView is fully capable of dealing with url request, page load, rendering, page interacitve. And it’s not only able to set current webView desirable access url via loadUrl method, but also capable of loading most of common file types such as html\htm, pdf, doc, ppt, txt etc.
#####2. Fixed CAImage breakdown bug in previous version
#####3. Other Details Tweaking
#### CrossApp 0.4.1 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0.4.1 Update:
##### 1. Added Umeng statistics sdk (third-party library)
iOS and Android platform support
##### 2. Added Share SDK social share (third-party library)
iOS and Android platform support
##### 3. CrossApp-js version update
##### 4. Fixed some bugs
##### 5. Optimized some details
#### CrossApp 0.3.10 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0.3.10 Update:
#####1. Added CrossAppStyle
Text message model class, supports to obtain corresponding height, width and other info after CALabel text rendering.<br/>
#####2. Optimized Text Memory Usage
#####3. Optimized Text Default Line Spacing
#####4. Optimized Text Uses Traditional Chinese Character Library by Default on iOS and Mac Platform
#####5. Optimized Text Performance Second Time
#####6. Optimized DownloadManager
Optimized DownloadManager, fixed bug that user cannot instant stop and delete download order<br/>
#####7. Fixed Bug That CADevice Was Not Correctly Added to VS in Previous Release
#####8. Other Details Tweaking
#### CrossApp 0.3.9 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0. 3. 9 Update:
#####1. Added text bold functionality on CALabel
#####2. Added text bold italic functionality on CALabel
#####3. Added text underline functionality on CALabel
#####4. Optimized DownloadManager
Optimized file download management system and fixed header file reference bug from previous release<br/>
#####5. Rearranged device related system interface
For example: GPS info obtaining, camera and photo album calling and address book obtaining etc.<br/>
#####6. Added sliding right on secondary interface to return upper-level interface functionality on CANavigationController
#####7. Optimized OpenGL clipping functionality’s slight error
#####8. Optimized OpenGL imaging coordinates’s slight error
#####9. Other details tweaking
rebuild project and copy files in Classes and Resources<br/>
#### CrossApp 0.3.8 更新内容:
基本支持CrossApp 0.3.8的所有功能
#### CrossApp 0. 3. 8 Update:
#####1. CrossApp-javascript version integration
Basic support for all functionalities of CrossApp 0. 3. 8<br/>
#####2. Added CATextView
multi-line text input control, its usage is similar with CATextField<br/>
#####3. Added DownloadManager
file download management system<br/>
#####4. Added text line spacing interface
#####5. Text raw edge issue optimization
#####6. Touch experience optimization of CAScrollView and other slide containers control
#####7. Other details tweaking
rebuild project and copy files in Classes and Resources<br/>
#### CrossApp 0.3.7 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0. 3. 7 Update:
#####1. Touch Distributed System Optimization
#####2. Fixed CATabBarController’s Bug
#####3. Fixed CATextField’s Bug
#####4. Fixed text loading mechanism in Mac platform
#####5. Other details tweaking
Recopy java files into android project
#### CrossApp 0.3.6 更新内容:
#####7.修正CACollectionViewDataSource 的代理方法命名
##virtual unsigned int numberOfSectionsInCollectioView()
##virtual unsigned int numberOfSections(CACollectionView *collectionView)
##virtual unsigned int numberOfRowsInSectionCollectionView(CACollectionView *collectionView, unsigned int section)
##virtual unsigned int numberOfRowsInSection(CACollectionView *collectionView, unsigned int section)
#### CrossApp.0 3. 6 Update:
##### 1. Added CAPullToRefreshView
Added pull up and pull down refresh plug-ins of CAListView, CATableView and CACollectionView, please view their usage in CollectionViewTest of demo. Removed pull up and pull down refresh monitoring agent of older version CATableView.<br/>
##### 2. Added page turning effect of left and right swipe gestures
You are required to manually set relative properties to launch this effect.<br/>
##### 3. Touch Event Distributed System Optimization
Added functionality that supports system auto switching to monitor parent container after child container slides to end when same direction sliding container is nested.<br/>
##### 4. CAProgress Optimization
##### 5. CAScale9ImageView Optimization
##### 6. Deleted CAImageView Interface
##### 7. Amended Agent Method Naming of CACollectionViewDataSource
##virtual unsigned int numberOfSectionsInCollectioView()<br/>
##is changed as<br/>
##virtual unsigned int numberOfSections(CACollectionView *collectionView)<br/>
##virtual unsigned int numberOfRowsInSectionCollectionView(CACollectionView *collectionView, unsigned int section)<br/>
##is changed as<br/>
##virtual unsigned int numberOfRowsInSection(CACollectionView *collectionView, unsigned int section)<br/>
#### Suggestion:
Note seventh item’s amendment, if you use this agent method, you should follow the same name of it.<br/>
#### CrossApp 0.3.5 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0. 3. 5 Update:
##### 1. Added CAStepper
A number input control which is able to progressively input number.<br/>
##### 2. Modified CAAlertView Interface
Rewrote the interface.<br/>
##### 3. CATextField Optimization
Fixed bug and added agent monitoring method.<br/>
##### 4. CAProgress Optimization
##### 5. CASegmentedControl Optimization
##### 6. Text display Optimization
##### 7. Deleted rapidjson
#### Suggestion:
#1. Recopy java files into android project
#2. In xcode, you need to delete rapidjson folder of extensions directory
#3. Copy default material of new control from demo
#### CrossApp 0.3.4 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0. 3. 4 Update:
##### 1. Added CADrawerController
Drawer view controller<br/>
##### 2. Added CAListView
CATableView’s simplified version, and added horizontal arrangement functionality<br/>
##### 3. Added CAPageControl
pageView page progress indicator<br/>
##### 4. CAActivityIndicatorView Optimization
Added customized image interface, and added customized background image interface<br/>
##### 5. CAImageView Optimization
Added image adaptation mode interface which supports: fully-stretched, fully-stretched with no distortion and cut excess part, fully-displayed with no distortion and centered, fully-displayed with no distortion and stay same height, fully-displayed with no distortion and stay same width.<br/>
##### 6. CATextField Optimization
Modified background setting interface<br/>
##### 7. CASegmentedControl Optimization
Added interfaces and fixed some bugs<br/>
##### 8. CAPickerView Optimization
Added interfaces and fixed some bugs<br/>
##### 9. Fixed and Optimized Other Bugs
#### CrossApp 0.3.3 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0. 3. 3 Update:
#####1. Added CAActivityIndicatorView
Load status view.<br/>
#####2. Text Performance Optimization
Added cache mechanism, text performance had another improvement.<br/>
#####3. CATabBar Optimization
Added some methods and interfaces.<br/>
#####4. CATableView and CACollectionView Optimization
Added section’s Header and Footer’s hovering effect.<br/>
#####5. CATextField Optimization
Optimized and fixed some bugs.<br/>
#####6. Other CAVector, CADeque, CAList
Optimized some interfaces. Added the mutual transformation among three containers.<br/>
#####7. Fixed and Optimized other Bugs
#### CrossApp 0.3.2 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0. 3. 2 Update:
#####1. Added md5 Encryption Class
#####2. Added CACalendar
Date & Time classes<br/>
#####3. Rewrite CATextField
Rewrite-version textField has a better efficiency<br/>
#####4. CAPageView Optimization
Added callmonitoring current selected page of callback method for CAPageView<br/>
#####5. CALabel Optimization
Added sizetoFit method for modifying label’s own size into text actual size<br/>
#####6. Fixed Other Bugs
####【正式版】CrossApp 0.3.1 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0. 3. 1 Update
##### 1. Added CAPickerView
List selector, a commonly used control in smartphone, is able to provide a series of multi-value options via rotative sliding menu, display information to users as well as collecting users’ input.<br/>
##### 2. Added CAPageView
Page turning sliding container, a commonly used control in smartphone, is able to implement page turning effect by monitoring fingers’ swipe gestures.<br/>
##### 3. Added CAIndexPath2E and CAIndexPath3E
Two and three dimensional index class<br/>
##### 4. Added Cell Reuse Mechanism of CATableView and CACollectionView
Reuse mechanism enables CATableView and CACollectionView to bear mass data volume display pressure, and improve UE.<br/>
##### 5. Touch Distributed System Optimization
We optimized touch distributed system, and now it can distribute touch event in a more humanized style.<br/>
##### 6. httpClient Optimization
The previous single asynchronous threaded httpClient is changed into a max 16 asynchronous threaded one<br/>
##### 7. Fixed CAList and CADeque’s Bug
##### 8. Fixed bug that CATextField had crash in some phone models
####【正式版】CrossApp 0.3.0 更新内容:
CrossApp UI界面编辑器正式推出,这将会大大的加快开发者们开发移动应用的速度。
#### CrossApp 0.3.0 Update:
#####1. CrossApp-Design Release
CorssApp UI interface editor officially releases, which will significantly improve the mobile application development efficiency of developers.
#####2. Great Text Performance Optimization
We rewrote the text mechanism, and the text loading rate on Android was increased by 80% as well as 50% on iOS.
#####3. Rendering Performance Optimization
The rendering frame rate was greatly improved which is almost on the same level with native application performance, and it’s even better in some circumstances. (our official website has the detailed test index value documents, please download and view)
#####4. CANavigationController Optimization
we optimized CANavigationController, and its interface management efficiency was significantly improved.
#####5. CANavigationBar Optimization
Added port for setting title and button text color.
Fixed bug in background Image updating.
#####6. CASwitch Optimization
This CASwitch optimization is specific to UE.
#####7. Fixed CATableView and CACollectionView
Fixed bug in CATableView and CACollectionView selected item setting.
#####8. Added support for CrossApp-Design file exporting.
####9. Added New Demo (a response to our developers’ strong demand)
For your convenience, our new demo contains detailed demonstration for every CrossApp control.
#####Statement: this version is CrossApp’s first official version which is almost on the same level with native application’s performance, and has reached the development standard for making commercial products. Here we officially give permission to developers to produce any commercial mobile products with CrossApp.
Mobile application development engine CrossApp, with open source, cross-platform features, is based on MIT open source protocols, and developers could freely use it to produce any business projects without any misgivings whatsoever.
####CrossApp beta 0.2.1 更新内容:
添加控件CACollectionView,比CATalbeView 更加复杂的控件诞生,强大的功能可满足很多界面需求。
####CrossApp beta 0.2.1 Update:
#####1.Added container class
Add CAVector, CADeque, CAList, CAMap and CAMultimap.
#####2.Added controls
Add control CACollectionView which is more complicated than CATableView, and its great function could meet many interfaces’ demands.
#####3.Added adaptive corrected parameter
Added adaptive corrected parameter and take iPhone4 as standard, and this parameter enables all other mobile devices’ displayed view physical size are same with iPhone4.
#####4.Fixed bug
Fixed bug that touch event’s memory leak.
#####5.Fixed bug
Fixed bug that CAAlertView had breakdown in particular circumstance.
#####6.Codes optimization
Optimized CATableView agent method.
#####7.Files completion
Added lost files of 2.0 versions.
####CrossApp beta 0.2.0(重要更新) 更新内容:
触摸事件分发 现在针对滑动容器优化
#####8.添加一件部署安卓环境, 下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qW6ql32
####CrossApp beta 0.2.0 Update: (Important changes)
#####1.Arranged engine directory structure
Arranged directory structure and changed some class name
#####2.Touch event dispatch optimization
We optimized sliding container of touch event dispatch
#####3.Added CAAlertView control
In prompt box, if button number is less than three, they are arranged in horizontal mode, if the number is greater than three, arranged in vertical mode and put into sliding container.
#####4.CALabel optimization
#####5.Complemented CATextField function
#####6.Fixed some bugs
#####7.Added one-key project building
#####8.Added one-key Android environment deployment, download: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qW6ql32
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.11(重要更新) 更新内容:
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.11 Update: (Important changes)
#####1.Default engine theme style change
The new style is more attractive and has a greater suitability.
#####2.CAScale9ImageView rewriting
We rewrote 9 rectangle gird because of the previous version had function defects, and the new version supports unidirectional zoom-out.
#####3.CALabel optimization
We optimized CALabel’s structure and performance, and will do it in the future.
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.10 更新内容:
同样 CCMoveTo、CCMoveBy也被引擎所抛弃
修复之前代理回调方法virtual void scrollViewWillBeginDragging(CAScrollView* view){};
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.10 Update:
#####1.CAImageView optimization
Optimized CAImageView, and fixed bug that wrong display problem when adding sub view in CAImageView, now you are free to add sub view in CAImageView.
#####2.Delete ccColor3B and add CAColor4B
Deleted ccColor3B and replace all ccColor3B with CAColor4B, added transparency attribute.
#####3.Deleted Opacity attribute and added new alpha attribute
Alpha attribute is float type with 0 – 1.0f value range, alpha attribute setting can directly influence all sub views’ transparency.
#####4.Completely delete position attribute
CCMoveTo and CCMoveBy are also deleted from our engine
#####5.Fixed the GPS bug of Android platform
Fixed bug that application cannot be started because of Android cellphone did not open GPS
#####6.Fixed CAScrollView bug
Fixed bug that agent callback method ‘void scrollViewWillBeginDragging(CAScrollView* view){};’ has a wrong trigger timing.
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.9 更新内容:
#####5.添加动画相关 CCFrameTo 与 CCCenterTo
可以动态的修改 frame与center
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.9 Update:
#####1.Touch event bug modification
Fixed bug that Instant release after clicking button on sliding layer is not triggered
#####2.CATabBar optimization
Experience optimization on CATabBar
#####3.CATabBar and CANavigationBar optimization
It’s able to dynamic update CATabBar and CANavigationBar display data via ViewController
#####4.CAButton and CASegmentedControl optimization
Fixed bug that wrong text display size
#####5.Fixed bug that blank screen appears when returning from background in Android system
Previously, if we return from background in Android system, there is certain of probability that blank screen appears
#####6.Added animation related CCFrameTo and CCCenterTo
You can dynamically modify frame and center
#####7.Added suspension drawer function of viewController
You can call any viewController’s presentModalViewController and dismissModalViewController to display and dismiss
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.8 更新内容:
添加CANavigationController 替换当前CAViewController的功能
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.8 Update:
Added CANavigationController left and right button customization
Added win32 input function in CATextField
Added CANavigationController, and replace current CAViewController’s function
Fixed bug that quickly clicking button on slidable container of touch dispatch system is unable to trigger button event
Fixed bug that occasional crashes caused by touch event in win32
Optimize CASegmentedControl
Optimize CANavigationBar height and layout in portrait mode
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.7 更新内容:
修复CATextField在 win32 与mac平台编译报错的问题
修复TabBarController当前viewController不是第一项时 显示与隐藏 tabBar时画面出错的问题
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.7 Update:
Fixed CATextField compiling error report problem on win32 and Mac platform.
Fixed picture error report problem in displaying and hiding tabBar when current viewController of TabBArController is not the first item.
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.6 更新内容:
#####1. 添加CASlider:
在此特别鸣谢 9秒ID为juguanhui的 美女程序员,为我们提供了优质的控件源码。
#####2. 添加CASegmentedControl:
在此特别鸣谢 9秒ID为juguanhui的 美女程序员,为我们提供了优质的控件源码。
#####3. 触摸事件分发规则优化,添加CAResponder类
#####4. CATextField功能补全:
#####5. 添加CATabBarController 、CANavigationController新功能
增加 CATabBarController 、CANavigationController 隐藏 其Bar的功能
#####6. 修改部分bug
2.修正调用CCDirector中setNotificationNode(CAView* view)不起作用的bug
#####7. win32平台向下兼容至VS2012
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.6 Update:
#####1. Added CASlider:
Special thanks to a beautiful female programmer (9miao ID: juguanhui) for providing superior controls source codes for us.
#####2. Added CASegmentedControl:
Segmented Controller<br/>
Special thanks to a beautiful female programmer (9miao ID: juguanhui) for providing superior controls source codes for us.
#####3. Touch event dispatch rules optimization, added CAResponder class.
This optimization makes touch event dispatch become more intelligent and development process simple and easy.
#####4. CATextField functions completion:
1.Added keyboard type selecting on text field<br/>
2.Added hiding display character ※<br/>
3.Added cursor movement, insert and delete<br/>
4.Added functions such as obtaining keyboard height and others<br/>
5.Only support iOS and Android for now<br/>
#####5. Added new functions of CATabBarController and CANavigationController
Support tabBarController switching to viewController animation effect<br/>
Added TabBar and NavigationBar hiding function<br/>
#####6. Fixed some bugs
1.Fixed bug: setting ZOder before addSubview in CAView is invalid<br/>
2.Fixed bug: calling setNotificationNode(CAView* view) in CCDirector is invalid<br/>
3.Fixed bug: scrollView indicator's display and hiding timing are wrong<br/>
#####7. Backward compatible to VS2012 on win32 platform
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.5 更新内容:
#####1. 添加CASwitch:
在此特别鸣谢 9秒ID为juguanhui的 美女程序员,为我们提供了优质的控件源码。
#####2. 触摸事件分发规则修改:
#####3. 增加GPS定位功能:
#####4. 增加相册选择照片并返回照片图片数据功能:
#####5. 增加从摄像头拍照并返回照片图片数据功能:
#####6. 增加获取手机通讯录联系人信息的功能:
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.5 Update:
#####1. Added CASwitch:
Special thanks to a beautiful female programmer (9miao ID: juguanhui) for providing superior controls source codes for us. Juguanhui cannot upload codes via git for some reasons, so this time the controls sources code was submitted and uploaded by 9miao worker.
#####2. Touch event dispatch rules modification:
The new touch event does not have to be registered, and you can implement cctouchBegin and other functions monitoring by only inheriting all child classes of CAView. In addition, it’s unable to obtain event monitoring outside of view rectangular region when you touch screen.<br/>
The new touch event is dispatched from parent view to child view, so even if your touchBegin event spot is in child view rectangular region, you cannot obtain touch event on condition that the touchBegin event is outside of parent view rectangular region.<br/>
#####3. Added GPS location function:
Support iOS and Android for now, no WP8.
#####4. Added photo select from album and photo picture data return function:
Support iOS and Android for now, no WP8.
#####5. Added photo taking from webcam and photo picture data return function:
Support iOS and Android for now, no WP8.
#####6. Added mobile address book contacts information obtaining function:
Support iOS and Android for now, no WP8.
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.4 更新内容:
#####1. 耗电优化:
#####2. CAButton修改:
增加新的属性 AllowsSelected(包含set,get),默认为false。如果为true,则开启选中模式。在这种模式下。按钮会在选中与默认状态之间切换。即,如果当前为默认状态,按下按钮并抬起,按钮切换到选中状态,再次按下并抬起,则按钮又切换回普通状态。同时,我们可以用getSelected()方法来及时的获取当前按钮属于2种状态中的哪一种
#####3. CASchedule(经原有CCSchedule修改):
**a) 简化用法:**启动停止等操作只需调用相应静态方法即可
**b) 内存管理修改:**之前启动定时器,针对pTarget的引用计数会+1,以防止因pTarget的释放造成程序崩溃。现在启用了新的机制,已经可以完全避免以上问题,因此在启动定时器后不再对pTarget的引用计数+1,在pTarget释放后自动停止相关定时器
**c) 新特点:**当pTarget为CAViewController或者其派生类型时,CAViewController的view不显示时,定时器会自动暂停,当重新显示时,会自动恢复。除此之外,在pTarget释放前不会有变化
#####4. Demo位置变动
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.4 Update:
#####1.Power Consumption Optimization:
A program is continuously redrawing at general 60 frame rates in its life cycle because of the rendering-driven mode of cocos2d-x rendering, but the shortcoming of this mode is the relatively considerable power consumption. Obviously this continuous redraw mode is quite a waste for program, so we change the rendering mechanism into event-driven mode based on application features. In this rendering mode the redraw is only triggered by outside, if not the screen is static and rendering stops, so as to achieve energy saving goal.
#####2.CAButton Modification:
Added new attribute AllowsSelected (including set, get), default value is false. If value is true then selected mode is started. In this mode, the button status will switch between selected and default: if current status is default one, press button and release and button will switch to selected status; press and release again and button will switch back to default status. However, we can promptly judge and know current button status by using getSelected () method.
#####3.CASchedule (modified based on CCSchedule):
**a) Simplify usage: ** start, stop and other operation can be acted by calling corresponding static methods.<br/>
**b) Memory management modification: ** previously when we start timer, reference counting on pTarget will plus 1 for the purpose of avoiding program crashed caused by pTarget release. Now the new mechanism we deployed could completely solve the above problem: this mechanism enables system to stop plus 1 on pTarget reference counting after timer starts and auto-stop related timer after pTarget release.<br/>
**c) New feature: ** when pTarget is derived type of CAViewController or others and the view of CAViewController is not displayed, timer will auto pause; it will auto recover when the view is displayed. In addition, it will not change before pTarget releases.<br/>
#####4.Demo Location Change
Demo location is moved to samples folder from projects.
####Contributors: juguanhui,
#### 9miao Lab Original
Click to view CrossApp engine detailed description:<br/>
####Recent Controls Writing Plan:
Reminder: CAAlertView<br/>
View paging controller: CAPageControl<br/>
Blocks of text input control: CATextView<br/>
Load status controller: CAActivity<br/>
Webpage load control: CAWebView<br/>
#####1. textField:
**a) **文字内容长度自由限制
**b) **光标移动到文字内容任意位置编辑功能
**c) **换行输入功能
#####2. tableView:
**a) **cell的复用
**b) **cell编辑功能(删除、插入等)
**c) **cell的一些模板属性的添加
####Existed Controls Missing Features:
#####1. textField:
**a) ** free control on text content length<br/>
**b) ** text editing when cursor is at anywhere of content<br/>
**c) **line feed input<br/>
#####2. tableView:
**a) **cell reuse<br/>
**b) **cell editing (delete, insert and others)<br/>
**c) **added some template attributes of cell<br/>
####【正式版】CrossApp 0.3.1 更新内容:
#### CrossApp 0.3.1 Update:
#####1. Added CAPickerView
List selector, a commonly used control in smartphone, is able to provide a series of multi-value options via rotative sliding menu, display information to users as well as collecting users’ input.
#####2. Added CAPageView
Page turning sliding container, a commonly used control in smartphone, is able to implement page turning effect by monitoring fingers’ swipe gestures.
#####3. Added CAIndexPath2E and CAIndexPath3E
Two and three dimensional index class
#####4. Added Cell Reuse Mechanism of CATableView and CACollectionView
Reuse mechanism enables CATableView and CACollectionView to bear mass data volume display pressure, and improve UE.
#####5. Touch Distributed System Optimization
We optimized touch distributed system, and now it can distribute touch event in a more humanized style.
#####6. httpClient Optimization
The previous single asynchronous threaded httpClient is changed into a max 16 asynchronous threaded one
#####7. Fixed CAList and CADeque’s Bug
#####8. Fixed bug that CATextField had crash in some phone models
####【正式版】CrossApp 0.3.0 更新内容:
CrossApp UI界面编辑器正式推出,这将会大大的加快开发者们开发移动应用的速度。
#### CrossApp 0.3.0 Update:
#####1. CrossApp-Design Release
CorssApp UI interface editor officially releases, which will significantly improve the mobile application development efficiency of developers.
#####2. Great Text Performance Optimization
We rewrote the text mechanism, and the text loading rate on Android was increased by 80% as well as 50% on iOS.
#####3. Rendering Performance Optimization
The rendering frame rate was greatly improved which is almost on the same level with native application performance, and it’s even better in some circumstances. (our official website has the detailed test index value documents, please download and view)
#####4. CANavigationController Optimization
we optimized CANavigationController, and its interface management efficiency was significantly improved.
#####5. CANavigationBar Optimization
Added port for setting title and button text color.
Fixed bug in background Image updating.
#####6. CASwitch Optimization
This CASwitch optimization is specific to UE.
#####7. Fixed CATableView and CACollectionView
Fixed bug in CATableView and CACollectionView selected item setting.
#####8. Added support for CrossApp-Design file exporting.
####9. Added New Demo (a response to our developers’ strong demand)
For your convenience, our new demo contains detailed demonstration for every CrossApp control.
#####Statement: this version is CrossApp’s first official version which is almost on the same level with native application’s performance, and has reached the development standard for making commercial products. Here we officially give permission to developers to produce any commercial mobile products with CrossApp.
Mobile application development engine CrossApp, with open source, cross-platform features, is based on MIT open source protocols, and developers could freely use it to produce any business projects without any misgivings whatsoever.
####CrossApp beta 0.2.1 更新内容:
添加控件CACollectionView,比CATalbeView 更加复杂的控件诞生,强大的功能可满足很多界面需求。
####CrossApp beta 0.2.1 Update:
#####1.Added container class
Added CAVector, CADeque, CAList, CAMap and CAMultimap.
#####2.Add controls
Added control CACollectionView which is more complicated than CATableView, and its great function could meet many interfaces’ demands.
#####3.Added adaptive corrected parameter
Added adaptive corrected parameter and take iPhone4 as standard, and this parameter enables all other mobile devices’ displayed view physical size are same with iPhone4.
#####4.Fixed bug
Fixed bug that touch event’s memory leak.
#####5.Fixed bug
Fixed bug that CAAlertView had breakdown in particular circumstance.
#####6.Codes optimization
Optimized CATableView agent method.
#####7.Files completion
Added lost files of 2.0 versions.
####CrossApp beta 0.2.0(重要更新) 更新内容:
触摸事件分发 现在针对滑动容器优化
#####8.添加一件部署安卓环境, 下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qW6ql32
####CrossApp beta 0.2.0 Update: (Important changes)
#####1.Arranged engine directory structure
Arranged directory structure and changed some class name
#####2.Touch event dispatch optimization
We optimized sliding container of touch event dispatch
#####3.Added CAAlertView control
In prompt box, if button number is less than three, they are arranged in horizontal mode, if the number is greater than three, arranged in vertical mode and put into sliding container.
#####4.CALabel optimization
#####5.Complemented CATextField function
#####6.Fixed some bugs
#####7.Added one-key project building
#####8.Added one-key Android environment deployment, download: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qW6ql32
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.11(重要更新) 更新内容:
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.11 Update: (Important changes)
#####1.Default engine theme style change
The new style is more attractive and has a greater suitability.
#####2.CAScale9ImageView rewriting
We rewrote 9 rectangle gird because of the previous version had function defects, and the new version supports unidirectional zoom-out.
#####3.CALabel optimization
We optimized CALabel’s structure and performance, and will do it in the future.
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.10 更新内容:
同样 CCMoveTo、CCMoveBy也被引擎所抛弃
修复之前代理回调方法virtual void scrollViewWillBeginDragging(CAScrollView* view){};
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.10 Update:
#####1.CAImageView optimization
Optimized CAImageView, and fixed bug that wrong display problem when adding sub view in CAImageView, now you are free to add sub view in CAImageView.
#####2.Deleted ccColor3B and added CAColor4B
Deletet ccColor3B and replace all ccColor3B with CAColor4B, added transparency attribute.
#####3.Deleted Opacity attribute and added new alpha attribute
Alpha attribute is float type with 0 – 1.0f value range, alpha attribute setting can directly influence all sub views’ transparency.
#####4.Completely delete position attribute
CCMoveTo and CCMoveBy are also deleted from our engine
#####5.Fixed the GPS bug of Android platform
Fixed bug that application cannot be started because of Android cellphone did not open GPS
#####6.Fixed CAScrollView bug
Fixed bug that agent callback method ‘void scrollViewWillBeginDragging(CAScrollView* view){};’ has a wrong trigger timing.
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.9 更新内容:
#####5.添加动画相关 CCFrameTo 与 CCCenterTo
可以动态的修改 frame与center
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.9 Update:
#####1.Touch event bug modification
Fixed bug that Instant release after clicking button on sliding layer is not triggered
#####2.CATabBar optimization
Experience optimization on CATabBar
#####3.CATabBar and CANavigationBar optimization
It’s able to dynamic update CATabBar and CANavigationBar display data via ViewController
#####4.CAButton and CASegmentedControl optimization
Fixed bug that wrong text display size
#####5.Fixed bug that blank screen appears when returning from background in Android system
Previously, if we return from background in Android system, there is certain of probability that blank screen appears
#####6.Added animation related CCFrameTo and CCCenterTo
You can dynamically modify frame and center
#####7.Added suspension drawer function of viewController
You can call any viewController’s presentModalViewController and dismissModalViewController to display and dismiss
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.8 更新内容:
添加CANavigationController 替换当前CAViewController的功能
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.8 Update:
Added CANavigationController left and right button customization
Added win32 input function in CATextField
Added CANavigationController, and replace current CAViewController’s function
Fixed bug that quickly clicking button on slidable container of touch dispatch system is unable to trigger button event
Fixed bug that occasional crashes caused by touch event in win32
Optimize CASegmentedControl
Optimize CANavigationBar height and layout in portrait mode
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.7 更新内容:
修复CATextField在 win32 与mac平台编译报错的问题
修复TabBarController当前viewController不是第一项时 显示与隐藏 tabBar时画面出错的问题
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.7 Update:
Fixed CATextField compiling error report problem on win32 and Mac platform.
Fixed picture error report problem in displaying and hiding tabBar when current viewController of TabBArController is not the first item.
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.6 更新内容:
#####1. 添加CASlider:
在此特别鸣谢 9秒ID为juguanhui的 美女程序员,为我们提供了优质的控件源码。
#####2. 添加CASegmentedControl:
在此特别鸣谢 9秒ID为juguanhui的 美女程序员,为我们提供了优质的控件源码。
#####3. 触摸事件分发规则优化,添加CAResponder类
#####4. CATextField功能补全:
#####5. 添加CATabBarController 、CANavigationController新功能
增加 CATabBarController 、CANavigationController 隐藏 其Bar的功能
#####6. 修改部分bug
2.修正调用CCDirector中setNotificationNode(CAView* view)不起作用的bug
#####7. win32平台向下兼容至VS2012
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.6 Update:
#####1. Added CASlider:
Special thanks to a beautiful female programmer (9miao ID: juguanhui) for providing superior controls source codes for us.
#####2. Added CASegmentedControl:
Segmented Controller<br/>
Special thanks to a beautiful female programmer (9miao ID: juguanhui) for providing superior controls source codes for us.
#####3. Touch event dispatch rules optimization, add CAResponder class.
This optimization makes touch event dispatch become more intelligent and development process simple and easy.
#####4. CATextField functions completion:
1.Added keyboard type selecting on text field<br/>
2.Added hiding display character ※<br/>
3.Added cursor movement, insert and delete<br/>
4.Added functions such as obtaining keyboard height and others<br/>
5.Only support iOS and Android for now<br/>
#####5. Added new functions of CATabBarController and CANavigationController
Support tabBarController switching to viewController animation effect<br/>
Added TabBar and NavigationBar hiding function<br/>
#####6. Fixed some bugs
1.Fixed bug: setting ZOder before addSubview in CAView is invalid<br/>
2.Fixed bug: calling setNotificationNode(CAView* view) in CCDirector is invalid<br/>
3.Fixed bug: scrollView indicator's display and hiding timing are wrong<br/>
#####7. Backward compatible to VS2012 on win32 platform
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.5 更新内容:
#####1. 添加CASwitch:
在此特别鸣谢 9秒ID为juguanhui的 美女程序员,为我们提供了优质的控件源码。
#####2. 触摸事件分发规则修改:
#####3. 增加GPS定位功能:
#####4. 增加相册选择照片并返回照片图片数据功能:
#####5. 增加从摄像头拍照并返回照片图片数据功能:
#####6. 增加获取手机通讯录联系人信息的功能:
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.5 Update:
#####1. Added CASwitch:
Special thanks to a beautiful female programmer (9miao ID: juguanhui) for providing superior controls source codes for us. Juguanhui cannot upload codes via git for some reasons, so this time the controls sources code was submitted and uploaded by 9miao worker.
#####2. Touch event dispatch rules modification:
The new touch event does not have to be registered, and you can implement cctouchBegin and other functions monitoring by only inheriting all child classes of CAView. In addition, it’s unable to obtain event monitoring outside of view rectangular region when you touch screen.<br/>
The new touch event is dispatched from parent view to child view, so even if your touchBegin event spot is in child view rectangular region, you cannot obtain touch event on condition that the touchBegin event is outside of parent view rectangular region.<br/>
#####3. Added GPS location function:
Support iOS and Android for now, no WP8.
#####4. Added photo select from album and photo picture data return function:
Support iOS and Android for now, no WP8.
#####5. Added photo taking from webcam and photo picture data return function:
Support iOS and Android for now, no WP8.
#####6. Added mobile address book contacts information obtaining function:
Support iOS and Android for now, no WP8.
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.4 更新内容:
#####1. 耗电优化:
#####2. CAButton修改:
增加新的属性 AllowsSelected(包含set,get),默认为false。如果为true,则开启选中模式。在这种模式下。按钮会在选中与默认状态之间切换。即,如果当前为默认状态,按下按钮并抬起,按钮切换到选中状态,再次按下并抬起,则按钮又切换回普通状态。同时,我们可以用getSelected()方法来及时的获取当前按钮属于2种状态中的哪一种
#####3. CASchedule(经原有CCSchedule修改):
**a) 简化用法:**启动停止等操作只需调用相应静态方法即可
**b) 内存管理修改:**之前启动定时器,针对pTarget的引用计数会+1,以防止因pTarget的释放造成程序崩溃。现在启用了新的机制,已经可以完全避免以上问题,因此在启动定时器后不再对pTarget的引用计数+1,在pTarget释放后自动停止相关定时器
**c) 新特点:**当pTarget为CAViewController或者其派生类型时,CAViewController的view不显示时,定时器会自动暂停,当重新显示时,会自动恢复。除此之外,在pTarget释放前不会有变化
#####4. Demo位置变动
####CrossApp alpha 0.1.4 Update:
#####1.Power Consumption Optimization:
A program is continuously redrawing at general 60 frame rates in its life cycle because of the rendering-driven mode of cocos2d-x rendering, but the shortcoming of this mode is the relatively considerable power consumption. Obviously this continuous redraw mode is quite a waste for program, so we change the rendering mechanism into event-driven mode based on application features. In this rendering mode the redraw is only triggered by outside, if not the screen is static and rendering stops, so as to achieve energy saving goal.
#####2.CAButton Modification:
Added new attribute AllowsSelected (including set, get), default value is false. If value is true then selected mode is started. In this mode, the button status will switch between selected and default: if current status is default one, press button and release and button will switch to selected status; press and release again and button will switch back to default status. However, we can promptly judge and know current button status by using getSelected () method.
#####3.CASchedule (modified based on CCSchedule):
**a) Simplify usage: ** start, stop and other operation can be acted by calling corresponding static methods.<br/>
**b) Memory management modification: ** previously when we start timer, reference counting on pTarget will plus 1 for the purpose of avoiding program crashed caused by pTarget release. Now the new mechanism we deployed could completely solve the above problem: this mechanism enables system to stop plus 1 on pTarget reference counting after timer starts and auto-stop related timer after pTarget release.<br/>
**c) New feature: ** when pTarget is derived type of CAViewController or others and the view of CAViewController is not displayed, timer will auto pause; it will auto recover when the view is displayed. In addition, it will not change before pTarget releases.<br/>
#####4.Demo Location Change
Demo location is moved to samples folder from projects.
####Contributors: juguanhui,
#### 9miao Lab Original
Click to view CrossApp engine detailed description:<br/>
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