* 头文件生成类
* @author Administrator
class HeaderFile {
// 数据根目录
private $basePath = '';
// 版本文件名
private $verInfoFilename = 'Version-Info.json';
// 产品头文件存放路径
private $headerFilePosition = 'F:\360yunpan\www\git.oschina.net\aliyun-openapi-cpp-sdk\src';
// 产品头文件扩展名
private $headerFileSuffix = '.h';
// 产品源文件存放路径
private $sourceFilePosition = 'F:\360yunpan\www\git.oschina.net\aliyun-openapi-cpp-sdk\src';
// 产品源文件扩展名
private $sourceFileSuffix = '.cc';
// 当前产品目录
private $curProdPath = '';
// 当前产品名
private $curProdName = '';
// 当前产品API版本
private $curProdAPIVersion = '';
* 获取产品目录名
* @param string $path
public function getProdPath($path) {
$this->basePath = $path;
$arr = null;
if ($handle = opendir ( $path )) {
while ( false !== ($file = readdir ( $handle )) ) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fileobj = $path . DS . $file;
if (is_dir ( $fileobj )) { // dir
$arr [] = $fileobj;
} else { // file
closedir ( $handle );
return $arr;
* 生成文件
* @param array $pathArr
public function genFiles($pathArr) {
$arr = null;
foreach ( $pathArr as $path ) {
$lastVer = $this->getLastVersionPath ( $path );
$this->curProdPath = $path;
$this->curProdAPIVersion = $lastVer;
$verInfoFile = $path . DS . $lastVer . DS . $this->verInfoFilename;
$verInfo = file_get_contents ( $verInfoFile );
$verInfoArr = json_decode ( $verInfo, true );
// print_r($verInfoArr);die;
$prodClassName = $this->genProdClassName ( $verInfoArr ['product'] );
$arr [] = $prodClassName;
//$apis = $verInfoArr ['apis'] ['apis'];
$apis = $this->getApis ( $path . DS . $lastVer . DS . 'Api' );
// 生成接口头文件
$apiHeader = $this->genAPIHeaherFile ( $prodClassName, $apis );
// 生成接口源文件
$apiSource = $this->genAPISourceFile ( $prodClassName, $apis );
// 生成头文件
$this->genProdHeaherFile ( $prodClassName, $apis, $apiHeader );
// 生成源文件
$this->genProdSourceFile ( $prodClassName, $apis, $apiSource );
return $arr;
* 生成头文件
* @param unknown $prodName
* @param unknown $apis
public function genProdHeaherFile($prodClassName, $apis, $apiHeader) {
$headerTpl = file_get_contents ( './template/prodheader.tpl' );
// 命名空间
$ns = 'AliYun' . substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) );
$content = str_replace ( '{upperClassName}', strtoupper ( substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) ).'Service' ), $headerTpl );
$content = str_replace ( '{upperNamespace}', strtoupper ( $ns ), $content );
$content = str_replace ( '{coreNS}', 'AliYunCore', $content );
$content = str_replace ( '{className}', $prodClassName, $content );
$content = str_replace ( '{namespace}', $ns, $content );
$content = str_replace ( '{requestClasses}', implode('', $apiHeader), $content );
$memberFuncContents = $this->genMemberFuncDefine ( $apis );
$content = str_replace ( '{memberFunc}', $memberFuncContents, $content );
$this->writeProdHeaderFile ( $prodClassName, $content );
* 生成源文件
* @param unknown $prodName
* @param unknown $apis
public function genProdSourceFile($prodClassName, $apis, $apiSource) {
$sourceTpl = file_get_contents ( './template/prodsource.tpl' );
// 命名空间
$ns = 'AliYun' . substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) );
$content = str_replace ( '{className}', $prodClassName, $sourceTpl );
$content = str_replace ( '{namespace}', $ns, $content );
$content = str_replace ( '{requestClasses}', implode('', $apiSource), $content );
$headerFileName = substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) ).'Service.h';
$content = str_replace ( '{headerFileName}', $headerFileName, $content );
$memberFuncImpl = $this->genMemberFuncImpl ( $prodClassName, $apis );
$content = str_replace ( '{memberFunc}', $memberFuncImpl, $content );
$this->writeProdSourceFile ( $prodClassName, $content );
// 生成API头文件
public function genAPIHeaherFile($prodClassName, $apis) {
$headerTpl = file_get_contents ( './template/reqheader.tpl' );
$ns = 'AliYun' . substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) );
$prodName = substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) );
foreach ( $apis as $api ) {
$filename = $this->curProdPath . DS . $this->curProdAPIVersion . DS . 'Api' . DS . $api . '.json';
// version中有但是无对应json
if (! file_exists ( $filename ))
$apiClassName = $prodName . $api . 'Request';
$content = str_replace ( '{upperClassName}', strtoupper ( $apiClassName ), $headerTpl );
$content = str_replace ( '{className}', $apiClassName, $content );
$content = str_replace ( '{namespace}', $ns, $content );
$content = str_replace ( '{upperNamespace}', strtoupper ( $ns ), $content );
$content = str_replace ( '{coreNS}', 'AliYunCore', $content );
$path = 'aliyun-cpp-sdk-' . $this->curProdName;
if (! file_exists ( $this->headerFilePosition . DS . $path )) {
mkdir ( $this->headerFilePosition . DS . $path, 0777 );
$filename = $this->headerFilePosition . DS . $path . DS . $apiClassName . $this->headerFileSuffix;
//$this->wroteToFile ( $filename, $content );
$classes[] = $content."\n";
return $classes;
// 生成API源文件
public function genAPISourceFile($prodClassName, $apis) {
$sourceTpl = file_get_contents ( './template/reqsource.tpl' );
$ns = 'AliYun' . substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) );
$prodName = substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) );
foreach ( $apis as $api ) {
$filename = $this->curProdPath . DS . $this->curProdAPIVersion . DS . 'Api' . DS . $api . '.json';
// version中有但是无对应json
if (! file_exists ( $filename ))
$apiJSON = file_get_contents ( $filename );
$order = array( "\r\n" , "\n" , "\r", "\t" );
$replace = '' ;
$apiJSON = str_replace ( $order , $replace , $apiJSON );
$apiArr = json_decode ( $apiJSON, true );
$apiClassName = $prodName . $api . 'Request';
$content = str_replace ( '{className}', $apiClassName, $sourceTpl );
$content = str_replace ( '{namespace}', $ns, $content );
$constructorImpl = $this->genConstructorImpl ( $apiArr );
$content = str_replace ( '{constructorImpl}', $constructorImpl, $content );
$path = 'aliyun-cpp-sdk-' . $this->curProdName;
if (! file_exists ( $this->headerFilePosition . DS . $path )) {
mkdir ( $this->sourceFilePosition . DS . $path, 0777 );
$filename = $this->sourceFilePosition . DS . $path . DS . $apiClassName . $this->sourceFileSuffix;
//$this->wroteToFile ( $filename, $content );
$classes[] = $content."\n";
return $classes;
* 写头文件
* @param string $prodName
* @param string $content
private function writeProdHeaderFile($prodClassName, $content) {
$path = 'aliyun-cpp-sdk-' . $this->curProdName;
if (! file_exists ( $this->headerFilePosition . DS . $path )) {
mkdir ( $this->headerFilePosition . DS . $path, 0777 );
//e.g. EcsService.h/EcsService.cc
$filename = substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) ).'Service';
$filename = $this->headerFilePosition . DS . $path . DS . $filename . $this->headerFileSuffix;
$this->wroteToFile ( $filename, $content );
* 写源文件
* @param string $prodName
* @param string $content
private function writeProdSourceFile($prodClassName, $content) {
$path = 'aliyun-cpp-sdk-' . $this->curProdName;
if (! file_exists ( $this->sourceFilePosition . DS . $path )) {
mkdir ( $this->headerFilePosition . DS . $path, 0777 );
$filename = substr ( $prodClassName, 0, stripos ( $prodClassName, 'client' ) ).'Service';
$filename = $this->sourceFilePosition . DS . $path . DS . $filename . $this->sourceFileSuffix;
$this->wroteToFile ( $filename, $content );
* 生成标准类名
* @param string $str
private function genProdClassName($str) {
$str = str_replace ( '_', '-', $str );
$this->curProdName = strtolower ( $str );
$arr = explode ( '-', $str );
$name = null;
foreach ( $arr as $val ) {
$name .= ucwords ( $val );
$name .= 'Client';
return $name;
* 获取最新的API最新版本目录
* @param string $prodPath
private function getLastVersionPath($prodPath) {
$subDirs = $this->getSubDirs ( $prodPath );
$lastVer = max ( $subDirs );
// return $prodPath . DS . $lastVer;
return $lastVer;
* 获取子目录数组
* @param string $path
private function getSubDirs($path) {
$arr = null;
if ($handle = opendir ( $path )) {
while ( false !== ($file = readdir ( $handle )) ) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fileobj = $path . DS . $file;
if (is_dir ( $fileobj )) { // dir
$arr [] = $file;
} else { // file
closedir ( $handle );
return $arr;
private function getSubFiles($path) {
$arr = null;
if ($handle = opendir ( $path )) {
while ( false !== ($file = readdir ( $handle )) ) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fileobj = $path . DS . $file;
if (is_dir ( $fileobj )) { // dir
} else { // file
$arr [] = $file;
closedir ( $handle );
return $arr;
* 生成成员函数定义
private function genMemberFuncDefine($apis) {
$memFunc = null;
foreach ( $apis as $api ) {
$memFunc [] = "\tstd::string " . $api . "(const std::string ¶m);";
return implode ( PHP_EOL, $memFunc );
* 生成成员函数实现
private function genMemberFuncImpl($prodName, $apis) {
$memFunc = null;
foreach ( $apis as $api ) {
$memFunc [] = "string $prodName::" . $api . "(const string ¶m){
return typeid(*this).name();
return implode ( PHP_EOL, $memFunc );
* 写文件
* @param unknown $filename
* @param unknown $content
private function wroteToFile($filename, $content) {
$fp = @fopen ( $filename, 'w' );
if (flock ( $fp, LOCK_EX )) { // 进行排它型锁定
fwrite ( $fp, $content );
flock ( $fp, LOCK_UN ); // 释放锁定
fclose ( $fp );
* 获取api数组
* @param unknown $path
private function getApis($path) {
$apiFiles = $this->getSubFiles ( $path );
foreach ( $apiFiles as $k => $v ) {
$apiFiles [$k] = substr ( $v, 0, strpos ( $v, '.' ) );
return $apiFiles;
* 生成API请求构造函数实现
* @param unknown $arr
private function genConstructorImpl($arr) {
$code [] = "//set the default value of the public parameters. \n";
$httpMethod = stripos ( $arr ['isvProtocol'] ['method'], 'GET' ) !== false ? 'GET' : $arr ['isvProtocol'] ['method'];
$code [] = "\tthis->HttpMethod = \"" . $httpMethod . "\";\n";
$protocol = $arr ['isvProtocol'] ['protocol']=='HTTPS'?'HTTPS':'HTTP';
$code [] = "\tthis->Protocol = \"" . $protocol . "\";\n";
$code [] = "\tthis->Domain = \"\";\n";
$pattern = isset ( $arr ['isvProtocol'] ['pattern'] ) ? $arr ['isvProtocol'] ['pattern'] : '';
$code [] = "\tthis->Path = \"" . $pattern . "\";\n";
$ProductName = strtolower(str_replace ( '_', '-', $arr ['product'] ));
$code [] = "\tthis->ProductName = \"" . $ProductName . "\";\n";
$code [] = "\tthis->Action = \"" . $arr ['name'] . "\";\n";
$code [] = "\tthis->Version = \"" . $arr ['version'] . "\";\n";
$code [] = "\tthis->Format = \"JSON\";\n";
$code [] = "\tthis->SignatureMethod = \"HMAC-SHA1\";\n";
$code [] = "\tthis->SignatureVersion = \"1.0\";\n";
$code [] = "\t\n";
$code [] = "\t//set the position and default value for the business parameters. \n";
$params = $arr ['parameters'] ['parameters'];
foreach ( $params as $param ) {
$code [] = "\tthis->KVMap[\"" . $param ['tagName'] . "\"] = \"\";\n";
$code [] = "\tthis->KPMap[\"" . $param ['tagName'] . "\"] = \"" . $param ['tagPosition'] . "\";\n";
return implode ( '', $code );
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