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* Copyright (C) [2020] Futurewei Technologies, Inc. All rights reverved.
* OpenArkFE is licensed under the Mulan PSL v1.
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* See the Mulan PSL v1 for more details.
This file defines Rule Actions supported in both Autogen and Parser. The cooperation between
all modules are as below.
1. The Action names in .spec files should be one of Actions below.
2. Autogen generates rule tables in gen_xxx.h/cpp files. It user ActionId.
3. AST maintains a table which is basically a mapping between ActionId and the corresponding
utility functions.
4. The utility functions will (1) do the validation (2) create the tree node.
[NOTE] This file only contains actions to create common tree node seen in most programming
languages. If a language has tree nodes not covered here, they can be defined in its
dedicated directory.
[Format] The Format tells the parameters it needs when writing .spec files.
It also shows the internal parameters when parser creates the AST tree node.
* BuildField
Format: BuildField(parent, field-name)
It takes two arguments. The first is parent tree node. The second is the field.
It also handles a much more complicated case, where 'field-name' is actually a list
of identifiers. This actually tells more than one levels down to the children
* BuildBlock
Format: BuildBlock(block-tree)
Block is widely used in many scenarios, like function body, class body, or just a block.
It only takes one parameter which is the root node of block tree.
* AddToBlock
Format: AddToBlock(tree)
Assume mLastTreeNode is the BlockNode to be added to. Add 'tree' to BlockNode.
* BuildParenthesis
Format: BuildParenthesis(Expression)
Returns mLastTreeNode.
* BuildCast
Format: BuildCast(DestType, Expression)
Cast Expression to DestType. Returns mLastTreeNode.
* BuildBinaryOperation
Format: BuildBinaryOperation(Left operand, Operator, Right Operand)
* BuildUnaryOperation
Format: BuildUnaryOperation(Operator, Operand)
This is the prefix unary operation. It's the default mode of a unary operation. So we don't
give it a name like BuildPreUnaryOperation...
* BuildPostfixOperation
Format: BuildPostfixOperation(Operator, Operand)
This is the postfix unary operation.
* BuildNewOperation
Format: BuildNewOperation(class-name, argument-list, class-body)
This is to build a 'new' operation, which is generally a class instance creation.
If class-body is not empty, this defines an anonymous class.
* AddLabel
Format: AddLabel(Stmt-or-expr, Label)
It returns the statment or expr with label attached.
* BuildAssignment
Format: BuildAssignment(Left operand, Operator, Right Operand)
The operator is the assignment in the language
The reason we take Operator as an operand is there could be different types of assignment,
like +=, -=, etc.
* BuildReturn
Format: BuildReturn(return-value)
* BuildCondBranch
Format: BuildCondBranch(cond-expre)
* AddCondBranchTrueStatement
Format: BuildCondBranch(true-expre)
* AddCondBranchFalseStatement
Format: BuildFalseBranch(false-expre)
* BuildBreak
Build a break statement. The break point could be an identifier or empty.
* BuildForLoop
BuildForLoop(init, cond, update, body)
Build a common for loop. 'init' could be a list of expression, 'cond' should be boolean
expression, 'update' could be a list of expression. 'body' could be a single statement
or a block or empty.
* BuildWhileLoop
Format : BuildWhileLoop(cond, body)
* BuildDoLoop
Format : BuildDoLoop(cond, body)
* BuildSwitchLabel
The only argument is the expression of 'case'.
* BuildDefaultSwitchLabel
Format: BuildDefaultSwitchLabel()
It takes NO argument. This is to build 'default' label.
* BuildOneCase
Format : BuildOneCase(label, statement)
It takes two arguments. First is the tree node of label built by BuildSwitchLabel.
The second the statements under this label.
* BuildAllCases
Format : BuildAllCases(list-of-cases)
It builds the body of the switch statement. It includes all cases.
The only argument is the tree node of all-cases.
* BuildSwitch
Format : BuildSwitch(cond-expr, all-cases)
* BuildDecl
Format: BuildDecl(Type, Variable)
The Decl will be added to its scope. Every Decl has a scope which is the nearest one
enclosing it.
[NOTE] It's usually combined with BuildVarList().
* BuildVarList
Format: BuildVarlList(Variable_A, Variable_B)
Please see examples in java/stmt.spec or java/stmt.block.spec
1) This is the build a list of variables. This could be used in multiple place, as long as
they have the syntax like: a, b, c. For example, in variable declarations like
int a, b;
or in function parameters like
foo (a ,b);
Right now we only support two parameters. It can be extended later if needed.
2) The ',' in between is a separator which could be varied between different languages. some
language may use whitespace as separator between variables.
3) The result will be a VariableListNode, which contains a list of IdentifierNode (Variable).
4) If a variable is a tree containing multiple variables, the function will do a consolidatation
to put all the variables in the list, and removing the tree from the resulting tree.
5) If a variable is a already a VariableListNode, 4) is applied too.
* BuildClass
Format: BuildClass(classIdentifier)
* SetClassIsJavaEnum
Format: SetClassIsJavaEnum()
This is specifically for Java Enum which is a special kind of class.
* AddSuperClass
Format: AddSuperClass(superclassIdentifier)
* AddSuperInterface
Format: AddSuperInterface(superInterfaceIdentifier)
* AddClassBody
Format: AddClassBody(classbody)
Add a classbody to mLastTreeNode, which should be a ClassNode.
'classbody' is usually a Block which is generated by BuildBlock.
* AddModifier
Format: AddModifier(Modifier list)
Modifier could be Annotation or Attribute.
AddModifier is attached together with its previous BuildDecl. Both BuildDecl and AddModifier
are in the same rule. The modifiers will be applied to the tree node of BuildDecl().
* AddModifierTo
Format: AddModifierTo(Tree, Modifier list)
Modifier could be Annotation or Attribute.
This is another format of adding modifier. The first argument is the tree to be applied to.
This function doesn't depend on any already built declarator. An example is
rule VariableDeclarator : VariableDeclaratorId + ZEROORONE('=' + VariableInitializer)
attr.action: AddModifierTo(%1, %2)
* AddInitTo
Format: AddInitTo(Target, InitValue)
The first argument is the target declarator, or expression, or etc. The second is the init value.
An example is
rule VariableDeclarator : VariableDeclaratorId + ZEROORONE('=' + VariableInitializer)
attr.action: AddInitTo(%1, %2)
* BuildAnnotationType
Format: BuildAnnotationType(annotation-name)
* BuildAnnotation
Format: BuildAnnotation(annotation-name)
* AddAnnotationTypeBody
Format: AddAnnotationTypeBody(annotation-type-body)
* BuildDim
Format: BuildDim(annotation-of-dim)
Build one dimension with possible annotation
* BuildDims
Format: BuildDims(the-first-set-of-dims, the-rest-dims)
Build multiple dimensions. The first set of dimensions is the first parameter, this could be
multiple dimension already. The second parameter tells the rest of dimensions.
* AddDims
Format: AddDims(dims)
Add the dimensions into the mLastTreeNode.
* AddDimsTo
Format: AddDimsTo(var, dims)
Add the dimensions into var.
* BuildFunction
Format: BuildFunction(function-Identifier)
* AddParams
Format: AddParams(parameters)
Adds the parameters into the mLastTreeNode.
* BuildCall
Format: BuildCall(function)
To build a call site. The method is 'function'.
Format: BuildCall()
To build a call site. The method is mLastTreeNode which was just created.
* AddArguments
Format: AddArguments(Arguments)
Adds the Arguments into the mLastTreeNode, which should be the CallNode just created.
* BuildConstructor
Format: BuildConstructor(function-Identifier)
This is almost the same as BuildFunction, except it has no return type.
* BuildInstInit
Format: BuildInstInit(block-tree, or an existing block node)
It takes one argument, either a tree, or an existing block node.
This is the same as BuildBlock, except setting it's a instance initializer.
This is to accomadate Java spec. C++ has different syntax/semantic regarding
instance initializer.
* AddFunctionBody
Format: AddFunctionBody(funcbody)
Add a funcbody to mLastTreeNode, which should be a FunctionNode.
'funcbody' is usually a Block which is generated by BuildBlock.
* AddFunctionBodyTo
Format: AddFunctionBodyTo(func, funcbody)
Add a funcbody to func, which should be a FunctionNode.
'funcbody' is usually a Block which is generated by BuildBlock.
* AddTypeTo
Format: AddTypeTo(tree, type)
* BuildThrows
Format: BuildThrows(tree)
It builds a list of thrown exceptions. It's actually a PassNode.
* AddThrowsTo
Format: AddThrowsTo(tree, throws)
It builds a list of thrown exceptions. It's actually a PassNode with >1 exception,
or just a simple IdentifierNode with exception name. It returns the tree with
throws attached.
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