from jqdatasdk import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
cost_sold = 0.0013 # 卖出手续费比率
cost_buy = 0.0003 # 买入手续费比率
benjin = 1000000 # 本金为1000000
auth('13585176258', 'Wlc990108***') # 登录joinquant
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) # 显示全部行
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) # 显示全部列
delta_T = 1 # 默认是隔天卖出,如为2就是隔两天卖出
# 股票池以及获取数据的时间参数
do_get_data = False # 是否爬取数据,爬一次以后之后只要直接从本地读就可以了,设为True则是爬取
stock = list(get_all_securities(types='stock').index) # 默认股票池为所有股票
start_date = '2020-8-1' # 开始日期
end_date = '2021-11-28' # 结束日期
# 策略选股是否执行
# 1表示麻花策略选股, 2表示五星策略选股, 3表示红三兵策略选股,其他数字表示不执行策略选股,由于都执行过一次,所以设为0,直接从本地读就可以
# 这一步耗时较长
select_strategy = 0
# 生成交割单是否执行以及所用的策略
jgd_strategy = 1 # 1表示生成麻花策略交割单, 2表示生成五星策略交割单, 3表示生成五星策略交割单
do_get_jgd = True # 是否生成交割单, 回测代码需要对应的交割单,默认为生成
# 保存交割单的路径
path = "D:\\WLC_Project\\Wlc's_Python_project\\stock_strategy\\data\\"
def ma(series, n): # 简单移动平均
return pd.Series.rolling(series, n).mean()
def hhv(series, n): # 最大值
return pd.Series.rolling(series, n).max()
def llv(series, n): # 最小值
return pd.Series.rolling(series, n).min()
# 爬取数据
def get_stock_data(flag):
if flag:
tmp_df = get_price(stock, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date,
fields=['open', 'close', 'low', 'high'], panel=False, skip_paused=True)
tmp_df = tmp_df.sort_values(by=['code', 'time'])
tmp_df.to_csv('stock.csv', index=False)
# 麻花策略选股
def mahua(df, flag):
if flag:
selection = dict()
for security in stock:
stock_data = df.loc[df['code'] == security]
stock_data = stock_data.reset_index(drop=True) # 重置索引,不然用的是df的索引
CLOSE = stock_data['close']
HIGH = stock_data['high']
LOW = stock_data['low']
OPEN = stock_data['open']
MA5 = round(ma(CLOSE, 5), 2)
MA8 = round(ma(CLOSE, 8), 2)
MA13 = round(ma(CLOSE, 13), 2)
MA21 = round(ma(CLOSE, 21), 2)
MA34 = round(ma(CLOSE, 34), 2)
MA55 = round(ma(CLOSE, 55), 2)
stock_data['MA5'] = MA5
stock_data['MA8'] = MA8
stock_data['MA13'] = MA13
print("正在对" + security + "进行回测..")
for i in range(54, len(stock_data) - 2): # 到最后一天的前2天,不然做不了t+1
# A1赋值:B1=B2 OR B2=B3 OR B1=B3 且要求最近3日存在A1
A1 = 0
if MA5[i] == MA8[i] or MA5[i - 1] == MA8[i - 1] or MA5[i - 2] == MA8[i - 2] or MA8[i] == MA13[i] or MA8[
i - 1] == MA13[i - 1] or MA8[i - 2] == MA13[i - 2] or MA5[i] == MA13[i] or MA5[i - 1] == MA13[
i - 1] or \
MA5[i - 2] == MA13[i - 2]:
A1 = 1
if A1 == 0:
# A2赋值:最近34日存在收盘价/1日前的收盘价>1.09 AND C=最高价
A2 = 0
for j in range(i - 33, i + 1):
if CLOSE[j] / CLOSE[j - 1] > 1.09 and CLOSE[j] == HIGH[j]:
A2 = 1
if A2 == 0:
# A3赋值:从前4日到前0日持续收盘价的13日简单移动平均>收盘价的34日简单移动平均AND收盘价的21日简单移动平均>收盘价的55日简单移动平均
A3 = 1
for j in range(i - 4, i + 1):
if MA13[j] <= MA34[j]:
A3 = 0
if MA21[i] <= MA55[i]:
A3 = 0
if A3 == 0:
# A4没用到,略过
# A5赋值:开盘价<B1和B2的较小值和B3的较小值 AND 收盘价>B1和B2的较大值和B3的较大值
A5 = 0
if OPEN[i] < min(min(MA5[i], MA8[i]), MA13[i]) and CLOSE[i] > max(max(MA5[i], MA8[i]), MA13[i]):
A5 = 1
if A5 == 0:
# A6赋值:(最高价-收盘价)>=(开盘价-最低价) AND 收盘价/开盘价<1.08 AND 收盘价=5日内收盘价的最高值
A6 = 0
if (HIGH[i] - CLOSE[i]) >= (OPEN[i] - LOW[i]) and CLOSE[i] / OPEN[i] < 1.08 and CLOSE[i] == \
hhv(CLOSE, 5)[
A6 = 1
# A7赋值:B1和B2的较大值和B3的较大值/B1和B2的较小值和B3的较小值<1.012
A7 = 0
if max(max(MA5[i], MA8[i]), MA13[i]) / min(min(MA5[i], MA8[i]), MA13[i]) < 1.012:
A7 = 1
if A7 == 0:
# A8赋值:收盘价/开盘价>1.08 AND 最高价=21日内最高价的最高值
A8 = 0
if CLOSE[i] / OPEN[i] > 1.08 and HIGH[i] == hhv(HIGH, 21)[i]:
A8 = 1
time = stock_data.loc[i + 1]['time'] # 第二天开盘买入
code = stock_data.loc[i + 1]['code']
# print(time)
# print(A1)
# print(A2)
# print(A3)
# print(A5)
# print(A7)
# print(MA13[i] > MA21[i])
# print(A6)
# print(A8)
if MA13[i] > MA21[i] and (A6 == 1 or A8 == 1):
if selection.__contains__(time): # 构建该天的前三天出现红三兵现象股票的字典,做t+1
selection[time] = [code]
# print(selection)
np.save('mahua_selection.npy', selection)
# 红三兵策略选股
def hongsanbing(df, flag):
if flag:
selection = dict()
for security in stock:
security = '600856.XSHG'
stock_data = df.loc[df['code'] == security]
stock_data = stock_data.reset_index(drop=True) # 重置索引,不然用的是df的索引
print("正在对" + security + "进行回测..")
for i in range(3, len(stock_data) - delta_T): # 到最后一天的前一天,不然做不了t+1
# 三个红线
if stock_data.loc[i - 1]['close'] > stock_data.loc[i - 1]['open'] and stock_data.loc[i - 2]['close'] > \
stock_data.loc[i - 2]['open'] and stock_data.loc[i - 3]['close'] > stock_data.loc[i - 3][
# k线长度>=2倍
if (stock_data.loc[i - 1]['close'] - stock_data.loc[i - 1]['open']) >= 2 * (
stock_data.loc[i - 2]['close'] - stock_data.loc[i - 2]['open']) and \
(stock_data.loc[i - 2]['close'] - stock_data.loc[i - 2]['open']) >= 2 * (
stock_data.loc[i - 3]['close'] - stock_data.loc[i - 3]['open']):
# 开盘价大于前一天收盘价
if stock_data.loc[i - 1]['open'] >= stock_data.loc[i - 2]['close'] and \
stock_data.loc[i - 2]['open'] >= stock_data.loc[i - 3]['close']:
print(stock_data.loc[i - 3:i + 1])
time = stock_data.loc[i]['time']
code = stock_data.loc[i]['code']
if selection.__contains__(time): # 构建该天的前三天出现红三兵现象股票的字典,做t+1
selection[time] = [code]
np.save('hongsanbing_selection.npy', selection)
# 五星策略选股
def wuxing(df, flag):
if flag:
selection = dict()
for security in stock:
stock_data = df.loc[df['code'] == security]
stock_data = stock_data.reset_index(drop=True) # 重置索引,不然用的是df的索引
CLOSE = stock_data['close']
HIGH = stock_data['high']
LOW = stock_data['low']
OPEN = stock_data['open']
MA5 = ma(CLOSE, 5)
HIGH5 = hhv(HIGH, 5)
HIGH55 = hhv(HIGH, 55)
print("正在对" + security + "进行回测..")
for i in range(54, len(stock_data) - 2): # 到最后一天的前2天,不然做不了t+1
# A1赋值:从前4日到前0日持续收盘价>=开盘价 AND 4日前的收盘价/5日前的收盘价>1.04
# AND 从前4日到前0日持续开盘价>收盘价的5日简单移动平均
A1 = 0
if CLOSE[i] >= OPEN[i] and CLOSE[i - 1] >= OPEN[i - 1] and CLOSE[i - 2] >= OPEN[i - 2] and CLOSE[
i - 3] >= OPEN[i - 3] \
and CLOSE[i - 4] >= OPEN[i - 4] and CLOSE[i - 4] / CLOSE[i - 5] > 1.04 and OPEN[i] > MA5[i] and \
OPEN[i - 1] > \
MA5[i - 1] and OPEN[i - 2] > MA5[i - 2] and OPEN[i - 3] > MA5[i - 3] and OPEN[i - 4] > MA5[
i - 4]:
A1 = 1
if A1 == 0:
# B赋值:收盘价-开盘价
# A2赋值:B<4日前的B AND 1日前的B<4日前的B AND 2日前的B<4日前的B AND 1日前的B<4日前的B
A2 = 0
if B[i] < B[i - 4] and B[i - 1] < B[i - 4] and B[i - 2] < B[i - 4] and B[i - 3] < B[i - 4]:
A2 = 1
if A2 == 0:
# A3赋值:从前3日到前0日持续收盘价/1日前的收盘价<1.09
A3 = 0
if CLOSE[i] / CLOSE[i - 1] < 1.09 and CLOSE[i - 1] / CLOSE[i - 2] < 1.09 and CLOSE[i - 2] / CLOSE[
i - 3] < 1.09 and \
CLOSE[i - 3] / CLOSE[i - 4] < 1.09:
A3 = 1
if A3 == 0:
time = stock_data.loc[i + 1]['time'] # 第二天开盘买入
code = stock_data.loc[i + 1]['code']
if HIGH55[i] == HIGH5[i]:
if selection.__contains__(time): # 构建该天的前三天出现红三兵现象股票的字典,做t+1
selection[time] = [code]
np.save('wuxing_selection.npy', selection)
def get_jgd(df, flag):
if flag:
global benjin # 本金需要变动,因此使用global声明
if jgd_strategy == 1:
sel = np.load('mahua_selection.npy', allow_pickle=True).item()
elif jgd_strategy == 2:
sel = np.load('wuxing_selection.npy', allow_pickle=True).item()
elif jgd_strategy == 3:
sel = np.load('hongsanbing_selection.npy', allow_pickle=True).item()
selection = dict()
for i in sorted(sel): # 对字典按时间进行排序
selection[i] = sel[i]
trade_days = get_trade_days(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) # 获取交易日期
transaction = dict() # 判断某一日是用来买还是卖
for i in trade_days:
transaction[str(i)] = 0 # 默认为0 表示该天不作操作, 1表示买, 2表示卖, 3表示由于之前买了花完了钱,所以现在没钱再买了
# print(transaction)
keys = list(transaction.keys())
trade_days = list(selection.keys())
# print(len(trade_days))
j = 0
# 得到哪些天用来买入,哪些天用来清仓
for i in range(len(keys)):
if j == len(trade_days):
if keys[i] != trade_days[j]:
j += 1
if transaction[keys[i]] == 2 or transaction[keys[i]] == 3:
transaction[keys[i]] = 1 # 该天设为买入
for k in range(1, delta_T):
if i + k == len(keys):
transaction[keys[i + k]] = 3 # 3表示由于之前买了花完了钱,还没卖掉,所以现在没钱再买了
if i + delta_T >= len(keys):
transaction[keys[i + delta_T]] = 2 # 隔T天卖掉,设为2,由于是收盘价卖出,所以也不能卖
# 生成交割单
j = 0
jgd = pd.DataFrame(columns=['成交日期', '证券代码', '买卖标志', '成交数量', '成交价格'])
for day in transaction.keys():
if transaction[day] == 1: # 买入操作
print("正在生成" + day + "的交易信息")
stock_list = selection[day]
stock_count = len(stock_list)
money_per_stock = benjin / stock_count # 如果有多个股就平均持仓买入
for i in stock_list:
tmp = df.loc[(df['time'] == day) & (df['code'] == i)]
if i[7:] == 'XSHE': # 依旧按照bigquant的交割单格式
tmp_code = i[0:7] + 'SZA'
elif i[7:] == 'XSHG':
tmp_code = i[0:7] + 'SHA'
price = float(tmp['open'])
vol = int(money_per_stock / ((1 + cost_buy) * 100 * price)) * 100 # 股票只能一手一手买入
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame({'成交日期': day, '证券代码': tmp_code, '买卖标志': '买入', '成交数量': vol, '成交价格': price},
jgd = jgd.append(tmp_df, ignore_index=True) # 交割单添加一行
j += 1
benjin -= vol * price * (1 + cost_buy)
for i in stock_list:
tmp = df.loc[df.loc[((df['time'] == day) & (df['code'] == i))].index[0] + delta_T] # 找到卖出那一天的数据
# 防止越界
if tmp['code'] != i or df.loc[((df['time'] == day) & (df['code'] == i))].index[0] + delta_T >= len(
if i[7:] == 'XSHE': # 依旧按照bigquant的交割单格式
tmp_code = i[0:7] + 'SZA'
elif i[7:] == 'XSHG':
tmp_code = i[0:7] + 'SHA'
price = float(tmp['close']) # 收盘价卖出
vol = jgd.loc[j - stock_count]['成交数量']
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(
{'成交日期': tmp['time'], '证券代码': tmp_code, '买卖标志': '卖出', '成交数量': vol, '成交价格': price},
jgd = jgd.append(tmp_df, ignore_index=True) # 交割单添加一行
j += 1
benjin += vol * price * (1 - cost_sold)
jgd = jgd.sort_values(by=['成交日期'], ascending=False)
if jgd_strategy == 1:
jgd.to_csv(path + "mahua_deltaT=" + str(delta_T) + ".csv", index=False)
elif jgd_strategy == 2:
jgd.to_csv(path + "wuxing_deltaT=" + str(delta_T) + ".csv", index=False)
elif jgd_strategy == 3:
jgd.to_csv(path + "hongsanbing_deltaT=" + str(delta_T) + ".csv", index=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
do_wuxing_strategy = False # 是否执行策略进行选股,执行一次以后会把选股字典保存在本地,第二次可以直接读取,不用再执行,要重新执行就设为True
do_hongsanbin_strategy = False
do_mahua_strategy = False
if select_strategy == 1:
do_mahua_strategy = True
elif select_strategy == 2:
do_wuxing_strategy = True
elif select_strategy == 3:
do_hongsanbin_strategy = True
stock_df = pd.read_csv('stock.csv')
# print(stock_df.head())
mahua(stock_df, do_mahua_strategy)
hongsanbing(stock_df, do_hongsanbin_strategy)
wuxing(stock_df, do_wuxing_strategy)
get_jgd(stock_df, do_get_jgd)
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