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% 个人信息
info = {
% 论文的中文标题
title = {Lipschitz函数的若干性质},
% 论文的英文标题
title* = {
Some properties of the Lipschitz functions
% 学院
major = {数学与统计学学院},
% 专业
department = {数学与应用数学(试验)},
% 年级
level = {2017},
% 姓名
author = {夏康玮},
% 学号
student-id = {2017214294},
% 指导教师
supervisor = {李工宝 \quad 教授},
% 论文中文关键词,用英文“,”隔开
keywords = {
% 论文英文关键词,用英文“,”隔开
keywords* = {
Lipschitz functions,
Hausdorff measure,
Hausdorff dimension
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% \frontmatter开启论文前置部分
% 前置部分包含目录、中英文摘要以及符号表等
% 目录
% 中文摘要
Lipschitz 函数作为 1 阶 H\"older 连续函数的像集与图像的Hausdorff 测度和 Hausdorff 维数具有特殊的性质; Rademacher 证明了 $R^n$ 上的 Lipschitz 函数的可微性. 本文主要通过系统梳理测度论有关基础理论知识并对参考书籍中一些必要的或是欠严谨的地方进行适当补充, 给出 Rademacher 定理以及 Hausdorff 测度有关性质相对自封闭的证明, 使得学过实变函数论的本科生能够较为容易地理解与学习。
% 英文摘要
As H\"older continuous functions with exponent 1, the Lipschitz functions' images and graphes have some special properties with respect to their Hausdorff measures and Hausdorff dimensions; the differentiability of Lipschitz functions on $R^n$ have been proved by Rademacher. By systematically sorting out the basic theoretical knowledge of measure theory and appropriately supplementing some necessary or less rigorous points in the books referred to, we provide relatively self-closed proofs of Rademacher's Theorem and some properties involving Hausdorff measures, which makes it easier for undergraduates who have learned the theory of real functions to understand and learn.
% 符号表
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$x$ & 坐标 \\
$p$ & 动量 \\
$\psi(x)$ & 波函数 \\
% \mainmatter进入论文主体部分
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%%%% 致谢 %%%%
%%%% 附录 %%%%
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