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USBMap.py 65.33 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
# encoding: utf-8
import os, sys, re, json, binascii, shutil
from Scripts import run, utils, ioreg, plist, reveal
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
class USBMap:
def __init__(self):
self.u = utils.Utils("USB定制工具")
# Verify running os
if not sys.platform.lower() == "darwin":
self.u.head("Wrong OS!")
print("USBMap 只能在 macOS 上运行!")
self.r = run.Run()
self.i = ioreg.IOReg()
self.re = reveal.Reveal()
self.map_hubs = True # Enable to show hub ports/devices in mapping
self.controllers = None
self.smbios = None
self.os_build_version = "Unknown"
self.os_version = "0.0.0"
self.usb_port = re.compile("Apple[a-zA-Z0-9]*USB\d*[A-Z]+Port,")
self.usb_cont = re.compile("Apple[a-zA-Z0-9]*USB[0-9A-Z]+,")
self.usb_hub = re.compile("Apple[a-zA-Z0-9]*USB\d+[a-zA-Z]*Hub,")
self.usb_hubp = re.compile("Apple[a-zA-Z0-9]*USB\d+[a-zA-Z]*HubPort,")
self.usb_ext = [
re.compile("<class [a-zA-Z0-9]*BluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport,"),
re.compile("^(?!.*IOUSBHostDevice@).*<class IOUSBHostDevice,") # Matches IOUSBHostDevice classes that are *not* named IOUSBHostDevice (avoids entry spam in discovery)
] # List of extra objects to match against
self.discover_wait = 5
self.default_names = ("XHC1","EHC1","EHC2")
self.cs = u"\u001b[32;1m"
self.ce = u"\u001b[0m"
self.bs = u"\u001b[36;1m"
self.rs = u"\u001b[31;1m"
self.nm = u"\u001b[35;1m"
self.ioreg = self.populate_ioreg()
self.by_ioreg = None
self.usb_list = "./Scripts/USB.plist"
self.output = "./Results"
self.ssdt_path = os.path.join(self.output,"SSDT-USB-Reset.dsl")
self.rsdt_path = os.path.join(self.output,"SSDT-RHUB-Reset.dsl")
self.kext_path = os.path.join(self.output,"USBMap.kext")
self.info_path = os.path.join(self.kext_path,"Contents","Info.plist")
self.legacy_kext_path = os.path.join(self.output,"USBMapLegacy.kext")
self.legacy_info_path = os.path.join(self.legacy_kext_path,"Contents","Info.plist")
self.oc_patches = os.path.join(self.output,"patches_OC.plist")
self.clover_patches = os.path.join(self.output,"patches_Clover.plist")
self.merged_list = OrderedDict()
# Load the USB list as needed
if os.path.exists(self.usb_list):
with open(self.usb_list,"rb") as f:
self.merged_list = plist.load(f,dict_type=OrderedDict)
except: pass
if not isinstance(self.merged_list,dict): self.merged_list = OrderedDict()
self.connected_controllers = self.populate_controllers()
# Get illegal names
self.plugin_path = "/System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBHostFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns"
self.illegal_names = self.get_illegal_names()
def get_illegal_names(self):
if not self.smbios or not os.path.exists(self.plugin_path):
return [x for x in self.default_names] # No SMBIOS, fall back on defaults
illegal_names = []
for plugin in os.listdir(self.plugin_path):
plug_path = os.path.join(self.plugin_path,plugin)
info_path = os.path.join(plug_path,"Contents","Info.plist")
if plugin.startswith(".") or not os.path.isdir(plug_path): continue # Skip invisible or non-directories
# Got a valid directory - let's check the Info.plist
if not os.path.exists(info_path): continue # Doesn't exist
# Try to load, then walk the structure
with open(info_path,"rb") as f:
plist_data = plist.load(f)
except: continue # Borked Info.plist - skip
for key in plist_data:
if not key.startswith("IOKitPersonalities"): continue
# Got the proper key, let's walk the structure
walk_dict = plist_data[key]
for k in walk_dict:
# Find out if we have a model and IONameMatch here
smbios_entry = walk_dict[k]
if not all((x in smbios_entry for x in ("model","IONameMatch"))): continue # No matches
# Got both - let's see if the SMBIOS is ours
if not smbios_entry["model"] == self.smbios: continue # Mismatch, skip
# Take note of the IONameMatch, and add it to the illegal_names list
return sorted(list(set(illegal_names)))
def get_map_list(self):
map_list = [self.usb_cont,self.usb_port,self.usb_hub]+self.get_usb_ext_list()
if self.map_hubs: map_list.append(self.usb_hubp)
return map_list
def get_port_map_list(self):
map_list = [self.usb_port]
if self.map_hubs: map_list.append(self.usb_hubp)
return map_list
def get_usb_ext_list(self):
usb_ext_list = [x for x in self.usb_ext] # Ensure we only take a copy of the list
if self.map_hubs: usb_ext_list.append(self.usb_hubp) # Get hub ports if we're mapping hubs
return usb_ext_list
def get_matching_controller(self,controller_name,from_cont=None,into_cont=None):
from_cont = from_cont if from_cont != None else self.controllers
into_cont = into_cont if into_cont != None else self.merged_list
assert controller_name in from_cont # Can't match if it doesn't exist!
# We try matching by most specific to most general, location -> pcidebug -> ioservice -> acpi -> name@addr -> name
for check in ("locationid","pci_debug","ioservice_path","acpi_path"):
cont_adj = next((x for x in into_cont if from_cont[controller_name].get(check,None) == into_cont[x].get(check,"Unknown")),None)
if cont_adj: return cont_adj
# Didn't match - we can't rely on just names as there might be multiple PXSX devices
return None
def merge_controllers(self,from_cont=None,into_cont=None):
from_cont = from_cont if from_cont != None else self.controllers
into_cont = into_cont if into_cont != None else self.merged_list
# Helper function to combine from_cont's settings with into_cont's
for cont in from_cont:
# Skip any that don't exist - controllers don't materialize out of nothing
# They do apparently change addresses though - so try to match by name... this *hopes* that
# the users has setup unique names for all controllers first.
cont_adj = self.get_matching_controller(cont,from_cont,into_cont)
if not cont_adj: cont_adj = cont
# Ensure we have a ports dict
last_step = into_cont
for step in (cont_adj,"ports"):
if not step in last_step: last_step[step] = {}
last_step = last_step[step]
# Pull any missing information in
for key in from_cont[cont]:
if key == "ports": continue # Handle ports separately
into_cont[cont_adj][key] = from_cont[cont][key]
# Only pull saved items into the new dict
for port_num in from_cont[cont]["ports"]:
port = from_cont[cont]["ports"][port_num]
mort = into_cont[cont_adj]["ports"].get(port_num,{})
# Let's walk the keys
for key in port:
# Merge item lists as sets to avoid duplicates
if key == "items":
new_items = []
for x in mort.get("items",[])+port.get("items",[]):
if not x in new_items: new_items.append(x)
mort["items"] = new_items
elif key == "enabled":
# Don't override explicit settings from the edit screen
if port.get(key,None) != None and mort.get(key,None) == None:
mort[key] = port[key]
elif key in ("name","id") and key in mort: continue # Skip the name and id to always use the most recent
else: mort[key] = port[key]
# Reset the into_cont port
into_cont[cont_adj]["ports"][port_num] = mort
return into_cont
def save_plist(self,controllers=None):
if controllers == None: controllers = self.merged_list
# Ensure the lists are the same
with open(self.usb_list,"wb") as f:
return True
except Exception as e:
print("Could not save to USB.plist! {}".format(e))
return False
def sanitize_ioreg(self,ioreg):
# Walks the passed ioreg and attempts to fix devices with newlines in their names
# by replacing them with spaces
return_list = isinstance(ioreg,list)
if return_list: ioreg = "\n".join(ioreg)
new_ioreg = ""
combine_last = False
for line in ioreg.split("\n"):
new_ioreg += line+(" " if "+-o" in line and not " <class" in line else "\n")
return new_ioreg.split("\n") if return_list else new_ioreg
def populate_ioreg(self):
if os.path.exists("ioreg.txt"):
with open("ioreg.txt","rb") as f:
ioreg = f.read().decode("utf-8",errors="ignore").split("\n")
self.i.ioreg = {"IOService":ioreg}
ioreg = self.i.get_ioreg()
return self.sanitize_ioreg(ioreg)
def check_controllers(self):
if not self.controllers: self.controllers = self.populate_controllers()
assert self.controllers # Error if it's not populated after forcing
return self.controllers
def check_by_ioreg(self,force=False):
if force or not self.by_ioreg: self.by_ioreg = self.get_by_ioreg()
assert self.by_ioreg # Error if it's not populated after updating
return self.by_ioreg
def get_obj_from_line(self, line):
# Breaks a line into usable components - returns a dict on success, None on error
return {
"id":line.split("id ")[-1],
"name":line.lstrip().split(" <class")[0],
"type":line.split("<class ")[1].split(",")[0],
except Exception as e:
return None # Bad values - bail
def get_by_ioreg(self):
# Get a dict of all populated ports and their AppleUSBDevices
if os.path.exists("ioreg.txt"):
with open("ioreg.txt","rb") as f:
ioreg = f.read().decode("utf-8",errors="ignore")
ioreg = self.r.run({"args":["ioreg","-c","IOUSBDevice","-w0"]})[0]
ioreg = self.sanitize_ioreg(ioreg)
# Trim the list down to only what we want
valid = [x.replace("|"," ").replace("+-o ","").split(", registered")[0] for x in ioreg.split("\n") if any((y.search(x) for y in self.get_map_list()))]
# Initialize our dict
ports = {"items":{}}
for index,wline in enumerate(valid):
# Walk until we find a valid device, then walk backward to figure out the pathing
if any((x.search(wline) for x in self.get_usb_ext_list())):
obj = self.get_obj_from_line(wline)
if not obj: continue # bad value - skip
path = [obj]
last_indent = obj["indent"]
# Walk in reverse, keeping track of only port/hub/controller objects that are less indented
for line in valid[index::-1]:
obj = self.get_obj_from_line(line)
if not obj: continue # bad value - skip
if obj["indent"] >= last_indent: continue # Only check for parent objects
# Reset our indent to ensure the next check
last_indent = obj["indent"]
# We got a USB port, hub, or controller - add it
if self.usb_cont.search(line): break # We hit a controller, break out to avoid nesting under another
# Reverse the path order to reflect top-level elements
path = path[::-1]
map_hub = True # Assume we map unless a parent is XHCI - then aggregate XHCI hubs under the parent ports
if any(("XHCI" in x["type"] for x in path)):
# Let's omit USB hub ports from XHCI controller outputs as we do not map these and they just add clutter
if self.usb_hubp.search(path[-1]["line"]): continue # Ends on a hub port - bail
# Strip out any other hub ports
path = [x for x in path if not self.usb_hubp.search(x["line"])]
map_hub = False
# Walk the paths, and add them by id to the ports dict
last_root = ports
# Iterate each path element and ensure it exists in the ports dict
for p in path:
# Check the type to see if we got a device - if so, disable
# map_hub to avoid mapping external device hubs
if p["type"] == "IOUSBHostDevice": map_hub = False
p["map_hub"] = map_hub
if not p["id"] in last_root["items"]:
# Add it if it doesn't exist
last_root["items"][p["id"]] = p
# Reset our reference to the current scope
last_root = last_root["items"][p["id"]]
return ports
def map_inheritance(self,top_level,level=1,indent=" "):
# Iterates through all "items" entries in the top_level dict
# and returns a formatted string showing inheritance
if not "items" in top_level: return []
text = []
for v in top_level["items"]:
check_entry = top_level["items"][v]
is_hub = self.usb_hub.search(check_entry.get("line","Unknown"))
try: name,addr = check_entry.get("name","Unknown").split("@")
addr = "Unknown"
name = check_entry.get("name",check_entry.get("type","Unknown"))
value = (indent * level) + "- {}{}".format(name, " (HUB-{})".format(addr) if is_hub and check_entry.get("map_hub",False) and self.map_hubs else "")
# Verify if we're on a hub and mapping those
if is_hub and check_entry.get("map_hub",False) and self.map_hubs:
# Got a hub - this will be mapped elsewhere
# Check if we have items to map
if len(check_entry.get("items",[])):
# We have items!
return text
def get_port_from_dict(self,port_id,top_level):
if port_id in top_level["items"]: return top_level["items"][port_id]
for port in top_level["items"]:
test_port = self.get_port_from_dict(port_id,top_level["items"][port])
if test_port: return test_port
return None
def get_items_for_port(self,port_id,indent=" "):
port = self.get_port_from_dict(port_id,self.check_by_ioreg())
if not port: return [] # No items, or the port wasn't found?
return self.map_inheritance(port)
def get_ports_and_devices_for_controller(self,controller,indent=" "):
assert controller in self.controllers # Error if the controller doesn't exist
port_dict = OrderedDict()
for port_num in sorted(self.controllers[controller]["ports"]):
port = self.controllers[controller]["ports"][port_num]
# The name of each entry should be "PortName - PortNum (Controller)"
port_num = self.hex_dec(self.hex_swap(port["port"]))
entry_name = "{} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {}".format(port["name"],port["type"],port["port"],port["address"],port.get("connector",-1),controller,self.controllers[controller]["parent"])
port_dict[entry_name] = self.get_items_for_port(port["id"],indent=indent)
return port_dict
def get_ports_and_devices(self,indent=" "):
# Returns a dict of all ports and their connected devices
port_dict = OrderedDict()
for x in self.controllers:
return port_dict
def get_populated_count_for_controller(self,controller):
port_dict = self.get_ports_and_devices_for_controller(controller)
return len([x for x in port_dict if len(port_dict[x])])
def get_ioservice_path(self,check_line):
line_id = "id "+check_line.split(", registered")[0].split("id ")[-1]
for index,line in enumerate(self.ioreg):
if not line_id in line: continue
# Walk backwards, keeping track of any stepped up path elements
indent = -1
path = []
for l in self.ioreg[index::-1]:
if not " <class" in l: continue # Only consider classes
l_check = l.replace("|"," ").replace("+-o","")
i_check = len(l_check) - len(l_check.lstrip())
if i_check < indent or indent == -1: # Got a step up - add it
entry = l_check.lstrip().split(" <class")[0]
if entry == self.smbios: break # We got our SMBIOS - bail
indent = i_check
return "IOService:/"+"/".join(path[::-1])
return None
def populate_controllers(self):
assert self.ioreg != None # Error if we have no ioreg to iterate
self.smbios = None
controllers = OrderedDict()
# Trim the list down to only what we want
valid = [x.replace("|"," ").replace("+-o ","").split(", registered")[0] for x in self.ioreg if any((y.search(x) for y in self.get_map_list()))]
for index,wline in enumerate(valid):
# Walk until we find a port, then walk backward to figure out the controller
if not any((x.search(wline) for x in self.get_port_map_list())): continue
# We got a port - go backward until we find the controller/hub, but outright bail if we find a device
obj = self.get_obj_from_line(wline)
if not obj: continue # bad value - skip
# Reorganize the dict slightly
obj["full_name"] = obj["name"]
obj["address"] = obj["name"].split("@")[-1]
obj["name"] = obj["full_name"].split("@")[0]
obj["items"] = []
# Find its port number first in the full ioservice dump
port_primed = False
for line in self.ioreg:
if port_primed:
if line.replace("|","").strip() == "}":
break # We hit the end of that port
if '"port" = ' in line:
obj["port"] = line.split("<")[1].split(">")[0]
if '"UsbConnector" = ' in line:
try: obj["connector"] = int(line.split(" = ")[1].strip())
except: obj["connector"] = -1 # Unknown
if obj.get("port") and obj.get("connector"): break
# Verify by full name and id
if obj["full_name"] in line and obj["id"] in line:
port_primed = True # We found it!
last_indent = obj["indent"]
controller = last_hub = None
# Walk in reverse, keeping track of only port/hub/controller objects that are less indented
for line in valid[index::-1]:
check_obj = self.get_obj_from_line(line)
if not check_obj: continue # Bad data
if check_obj["indent"] >= last_indent: continue # Only check for parent objects
# Reset our indent to ensure the next check
last_indent = check_obj["indent"]
if any((x.search(line) for x in self.get_usb_ext_list())):
controller = last_hub = None
break # Bail on valid device
elif self.usb_hub.search(line):
# Retain the last-seen hub device
last_hub = self.get_obj_from_line(line)
elif self.usb_cont.search(line):
controller = self.get_obj_from_line(line)
break # Bail if we hit a controller - as those don't nest
if not controller: continue # No controller, nothing to do
# Ensure the top-level controller is listed
add_name = cont_full = controller["name"]
cont_name, cont_addr = cont_full.split("@")
if not cont_full in controllers:
# Ensure the parent controller exists regardless
controllers[cont_full] = controller
controllers[cont_full]["name"] = cont_name
controllers[cont_full]["address"] = cont_addr
controllers[cont_full]["ports"] = OrderedDict()
if last_hub and not "XHCI" in controller["type"]:
# We got a hub that we can map
add_name = "HUB-{}".format(last_hub["name"].split("@")[-1])
if not add_name in controllers:
controllers[add_name] = {}
for key in last_hub: controllers[add_name][key] = last_hub[key]
controllers[add_name]["is_hub"] = True
controllers[add_name]["name"],controllers[add_name]["address"] = last_hub["name"].split("@")
controllers[add_name]["locationid"] = self.hex_dec(controllers[add_name]["address"]) # Only add the location for USB 2 HUBs
controllers[add_name]["ports"] = OrderedDict()
controllers[add_name]["parent"] = "HUB-"+controllers[add_name]["address"]
controllers[add_name]["parent_name"] = controller["name"] if controller else "HUB"
controllers[add_name]["ports"][obj["port"]] = obj
# Walk the controllers and retain the parent_name, acpi_path, and _ADR values
parent = parent_name = acpi_path = acpi_addr = pcidebug = None
for acpi_line in self.ioreg:
if "<class IOPlatformExpertDevice," in acpi_line:
self.smbios = acpi_line.split("+-o ")[1].split("<class")[0].strip()
elif '"acpi-path"' in acpi_line:
acpi_path = acpi_line.split('"')[-2]
elif "<class IOPCIDevice," in acpi_line:
# Let's get the parent name and acpi_addr - it'll look like @1F,3 - but we want it in 0x001F0003 format
parent = acpi_line.split("+-o ")[1].split(" <class")[0]
parent_name,temp_addr = parent.split("@")
major,minor = temp_addr.split(",") if "," in temp_addr else temp_addr,"0"
acpi_addr = "0x{}{}".format(major.rjust(4,"0"),minor.rjust(4,"0"))
acpi_addr = "Zero" if acpi_addr == "0x00000000" else acpi_addr
except Exception as e:
acpi_addr = None
elif '"pcidebug"' in acpi_line:
pcidebug = acpi_line.split('"')[-2]
# Try to get the object@address
current_obj = acpi_line.split("+-o ")[1].split(" <class")[0]
except: continue
if current_obj in controllers:
controllers[current_obj]["parent"] = parent
controllers[current_obj]["parent_name"] = parent_name
controllers[current_obj]["acpi_path"] = acpi_path
controllers[current_obj]["acpi_address"] = acpi_addr if acpi_addr else "Zero"
controllers[current_obj]["pci_debug"] = pcidebug
# Reset the temp vars
parent_name = acpi_addr = acpi_path = None
# Let's get the IOService path for each controller
for controller in controllers:
path = self.get_ioservice_path(controllers[controller]["line"])
if not path: continue
controllers[controller]["ioservice_path"] = path
return controllers
def build_kext(self,modern=True,legacy=False,padded_to=0,skip_disabled=False):
if not modern and not legacy: return # wut - shouldn't happen
self.u.resize(80, 24)
empty_controllers = []
skip_empty = True
if padded_to <= 0: # Only check if we're not padding
for x in self.merged_list:
ports = self.merged_list[x]["ports"]
if all((ports[y].get("enabled",False) == False for y in ports)):
if len(empty_controllers):
if all((x in empty_controllers for x in self.merged_list)):
# No ports selected at all... silly people
self.u.head("No Ports Selected")
print("There are no ports enabled!")
print("Please enable at least one port and try again.")
self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return to the menu...")
while True:
self.u.head("Controller Validation")
print("Found empty controllers!")
print("The following controllers have no enabled ports:\n")
for x in empty_controllers:
print(" - {}".format(x))
e = self.u.grab("Choose whether to (i)gnore or (d)isable them: ")
if not len(e): continue
if e.lower() in ("i","ignore","d","disable"):
skip_empty = e.lower() in ("i","ignore")
# Build the kext
title = []
if modern: title.append(os.path.basename(self.kext_path))
if legacy: title.append(os.path.basename(self.legacy_kext_path))
self.u.head("Build {}".format(" and ".join(title)))
print("Generating Info.plist{}...".format("" if len(title)==1 else "s"))
if modern: self.check_and_build(self.kext_path,self.info_path,skip_empty=skip_empty,legacy=False,skip_disabled=skip_disabled,padded_to=padded_to)
if legacy: self.check_and_build(self.legacy_kext_path,self.legacy_info_path,skip_empty=skip_empty,legacy=True,skip_disabled=skip_disabled,padded_to=padded_to)
self.re.reveal(self.kext_path if modern else self.legacy_kext_path,True)
self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return to the menu...")
def check_and_build(self,kext_path,info_path,skip_empty=True,legacy=False,skip_disabled=False,padded_to=0):
info_plist = self.build_info_plist(skip_empty=skip_empty,legacy=legacy,skip_disabled=skip_disabled,padded_to=padded_to)
if os.path.exists(kext_path):
print("Located existing {} - removing...".format(os.path.basename(kext_path)))
print("Creating bundle structure...")
print("Writing Info.plist...")
with open(info_path,"wb") as f:
def build_info_plist(self,skip_empty=True,legacy=False,skip_disabled=False,padded_to=0):
output_plist = {
"CFBundleDevelopmentRegion": "English",
"CFBundleGetInfoString": "v1.0",
"CFBundleIdentifier": "com.corpnewt.USBMap",
"CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion": "6.0",
"CFBundleName": "USBMap",
"CFBundlePackageType": "KEXT",
"CFBundleShortVersionString": "1.0",
"CFBundleSignature": "????",
"CFBundleVersion": "1.0",
"IOKitPersonalities": {}, # Consider IOKitPersonalities_x86_64 on 10.15+
"OSBundleRequired": "Root"
for x in self.merged_list:
if padded_to > 0: # Generate fake ports for a guessed-injector
padded_to = 30 if padded_to > 30 else padded_to
ports = {}
for a in range(padded_to):
addr = self.hex_swap(hex(a+1)[2:].rjust(8,"0"))
ports[addr] = {"type":"Unknown","port":addr,"enabled":True}
ports = self.merged_list[x]["ports"]
if all((ports[y].get("enabled",False) == False for y in ports)) and skip_empty:
# Got an empty controller, bail
top_port = hs_port = ss_port = uk_port = 0
top_data = self.hex_to_data("00000000")
providers = (
new_entry = {
"CFBundleIdentifier": "com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMergeNub" if legacy else "com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHostMergeProperties",
"IOClass": "AppleUSBMergeNub" if legacy else "AppleUSBHostMergeProperties", # Consider AppleUSBHostMergeProperties on 10.15+
"IONameMatch": self.merged_list[x].get("parent_name"),
"IOPathMatch": self.merged_list[x].get("ioservice_path"),
"IOParentMatch": {
"IOPropertyMatch": {
"pcidebug": self.merged_list[x].get("pci_debug")
# Provider class for OHCI, UHCI, EHCI, USB 2.0 hubs, and XHCI based on controller type - falls back to XHCI on no match
"IOProviderClass": next((y[1] for y in providers if y[0] in self.merged_list[x]["type"]),"AppleUSBXHCIPCI"),
"IOProviderMergeProperties": {
"kUSBMuxEnabled": False,
"port-count": 0,
"ports": {}
"model": self.smbios
pop_keys = ("IONameMatch","locationID","IOPathMatch","IOParentMatch")
save_key = "IONameMatch"
if "locationid" in self.merged_list[x]:
# We have a hub - save the loc id and up the IOProbeScore
new_entry["locationID"] = self.merged_list[x]["locationid"]
new_entry["IOProviderClass"] = "AppleUSB20InternalHub"
new_entry["IOProbeScore"] = 5000
save_key = "locationID"
elif "pci_debug" in self.merged_list[x]:
# Better matching than IONameMatch and IOPathMatch
save_key = "IOParentMatch"
elif "ioservice_path" in self.merged_list[x]:
# We have a more elegant way to match than the ham-fisted IONameMatch
save_key = "IOPathMatch"
# Pop any keys we won't use
for key in pop_keys:
if key == save_key: continue
if "XHCI" in self.merged_list[x]["type"]:
# Only add the kUSBMuxEnabled property to XHCI controllers
new_entry["IOProviderMergeProperties"]["kUSBMuxEnabled"] = True
for port_num in sorted(ports):
port = ports[port_num]
# Increment values
if port["type"] == "Unknown":
# Unknown port - we're padding
uk_port += 1
port_name = self.get_numbered_name("UK00",uk_port,False)
elif "USB3" in port["type"]:
# All USB 3+ ports are SSxx
ss_port += 1
port_name = self.get_numbered_name("SS00",ss_port,False)
# USB 2 personalties of XHCI are HSxx, otherwise PRTx
hs_port += 1
port_name = self.get_numbered_name("HS00" if "XHCI" in self.merged_list[x]["type"] else "PRT0",hs_port,False)
# Make sure the port is enabled
if not port.get("enabled",False) and skip_disabled: continue # Disabled, skip it
# Check port number
port_number = self.hex_dec(self.hex_swap(port["port"]))
if port.get("enabled") and port_number > top_port:
top_port = port_number
top_data = self.hex_to_data(port["port"])
# Check port type prioritizing overrides if found
usb_connector = port.get("type_override", 3 if "XHCI" in self.merged_list[x]["type"] else 0)
# Add the port with the connector type and port number
new_entry["IOProviderMergeProperties"]["ports"][port_name] = {
"UsbConnector": usb_connector,
"port" if port.get("enabled") else "#port": self.hex_to_data(port["port"])
# Retain any comments
if "comment" in port:
new_entry["IOProviderMergeProperties"]["ports"][port_name]["Comment"] = port["comment"]
new_entry["IOProviderMergeProperties"]["port-count"] = top_data # Keep track of the highest port number used
# Ensure we have a unique entry name
entry_name = self.smbios+"-"+x.split("@")[0]
entry_num = 0
while True:
test_name = entry_name
if entry_num > 0: test_name += "-{}".format(entry_num)
if not test_name in output_plist["IOKitPersonalities"]:
entry_name = test_name
entry_num += 1
output_plist["IOKitPersonalities"][entry_name]= new_entry
return output_plist
# Helper methods
def check_hex(self, value):
# Remove 0x
return re.sub(r'[^0-9A-Fa-f]+', '', value.lower().replace("0x", ""))
def hex_to_data(self, value):
return plist.wrap_data(binascii.unhexlify(self.check_hex(value).encode("utf-8")))
def hex_swap(self, value):
input_hex = self.check_hex(value)
if not len(input_hex): return None
# Normalize hex into pairs
input_hex = list("0"*(len(input_hex)%2)+input_hex)
hex_pairs = [input_hex[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(input_hex), 2)]
hex_rev = hex_pairs[::-1]
hex_str = "".join(["".join(x) for x in hex_rev])
return hex_str.upper()
def hex_dec(self, value):
value = self.check_hex(value)
try: dec = int(value, 16)
except: return None
return dec
def port_to_num(self, value, pad_to=2):
value = self.check_hex(value)
try: return str(int(self.hex_swap(value),16)).rjust(pad_to)
except: pass
return "-1".rjust(pad_to)
def discover_ports(self):
# Iterates every 5 seconds showing any newly populated ports
self.merged_list = self.merge_controllers()
total_ports = OrderedDict()
last_ports = OrderedDict()
last_list = []
pad = 11
while True:
extras = 0
last_w = 80
self.u.head("Discover USB Ports")
check_ports = self.get_ports_and_devices()
# Walk them and check for differences
new_last_list = []
for i,x in enumerate(check_ports):
if len(check_ports[x]) > len(total_ports.get(x,[])): # Only append to keep track of all the items plugged in
total_ports[x] = [y for y in check_ports[x]]
if last_ports and len(check_ports[x]) > len(last_ports.get(x,[])):
if new_last_list: last_list = [x for x in new_last_list] # Migrate the list over as needed
# Snapshot the last seen ports to last_ports
for x in check_ports:
last_ports[x] = [y for y in check_ports[x]]
# Enumerate the ports
last_cont = None
cont_count = {}
for index,port in enumerate(check_ports):
n,t,p,a,e,c,r = port.split(" | ")
if len(total_ports.get(port,[])): cont_count[c] = cont_count.get(c,0)+1
if last_cont != c:
print(" ----- {}{} Controller{} -----".format(self.cs,r,self.ce))
last_cont = c
extras += 1
line = "{}. {} | {} | {} ({}) | {} | Type {}".format(str(index+1).rjust(2),n,t,self.port_to_num(p),p,a,e)
if len(line) > last_w: last_w = len(line)
self.cs if any((port==x[1] for x in last_list)) else self.bs if len(total_ports.get(port,[])) else "",
self.ce if len(total_ports.get(port,[])) else ""
# Initialize the last controller seen
if last_cont == None: last_cont = c
original = self.controllers[c]["ports"][p]
merged_c = self.get_matching_controller(c,self.controllers,self.merged_list) # Try to get the merged version for comments, if possible
if not merged_c: merged_c = c # Ensure we have a controller if there wasn't a matching one
# Ensure we have self.merged_list[merged_c]["ports"][p] == {} at least
last_step = self.merged_list
for step in (merged_c,"ports",p):
if not step in last_step: last_step[step] = {}
last_step = last_step[step]
merged_p = self.merged_list[merged_c]["ports"][p]
# Save the items if there were any
if len(total_ports.get(port,[])):
new_items = original.get("items",[])
new_items.extend([x for x in total_ports[port] if not x in original.get("items",[])])
original["items"] = new_items
original["enabled"] = True
if merged_p.get("comment",None):
extras += 1
print(" {}{}{}".format(self.nm, merged_p["comment"], self.ce))
if len(check_ports[port]):
extras += len(check_ports[port])
# List the controllers and their port counts
pop_list = []
for cont in self.controllers:
try: parent = self.controllers[cont]["parent"]
except: parent = cont # Fall back on the original name
count = cont_count.get(cont,0)
pop_list.append("{}{}: {:,}{}".format(
self.cs if 0 < count < 16 else self.rs,
print(", ".join(pop_list))
temp_h = index+1+extras+pad+(1 if last_list else 0)
h = temp_h if temp_h > 24 else 24
self.u.resize(last_w, h)
print("输入 Q[回车确认] 停止")
if last_list:
print("输入N 按回车【输入自定义名称】{} {}".format(
"" if len(last_list)==1 else "s",
", ".join([str(x[0]) for x in last_list])
out = self.u.grab("等待 {:,} second{}: ".format(self.discover_wait,"" if self.discover_wait == 1 else "s"), timeout=self.discover_wait)
if not out or not len(out):
if out.lower() == "q":
if out.lower() == "n" and last_list:
# Let's set a nickname for this port
self.merged_list = self.merge_controllers()
def get_name(self, port_list):
# Helper method to add a custom name ("comment") to the passed ports
# Gather the originals first
originals = []
name_list = []
pad = 11
# Iterate the ports
for index,port in port_list:
n,t,p,a,e,c,r = port.split(" | ")
assert c in self.merged_list # Verify the controller is there
assert p in self.merged_list[c]["ports"] # Verify the port is also there
# Locate the original
original = self.merged_list[c]["ports"][p]
nickname = original.get("comment",None)
# Format and color the entry
name_list.append("{}{}. {}{} = {}:\n{}".format(
self.nm+nickname+self.ce if nickname else "None",
name_text = "\n".join(name_list)
# Get the target window height
temp_h = len(name_text.split("\n"))+pad
h = temp_h if temp_h > 24 else 24
self.u.resize(80, h)
while True:
# Display all the ports we intend to rename
print("C. 清除自定义名称")
print("Q. 回到扫描端口")
menu = self.u.grab("请输入端口的名称{} {}: ".format(
"" if len(port_list)==1 else "s",
", ".join([str(x[0]) for x in port_list])
if not len(menu):
if menu.lower() in ("c","none"):
for original in originals:
elif menu.lower() == "q":
for original in originals:
original["comment"] = menu
def print_types(self):
self.u.resize(80, 24)
self.u.head("USB 类型")
types = "\n".join([
"0: A 型连接器",
"1: 迷你 AB 连接器",
"2: 内存 卡",
"3: USB 3.0 标准-A 连接器",
"4: USB 3.0 标准-B 连接器",
"5: USB 3.0 Micro-B 连接器",
"6: USB 3.0 Micro-AB 连接器",
"7: USB 3.0 Power-B 连接器",
"8: C 型连接器 - 仅限 USB2",
"9: C 型连接器 - USB2 和 SS 带开关",
"10: C 型连接器 - USB2 和 SS 不带开关",
"11 - 254:保留",
print("根据 ACPI 6.2 规范.")
self.u.grab("按 [enter] 返回菜单...")
def edit_plist(self):
pad = 28
while True:
self.u.resize(80, 24) # Resize smaller to force proper positioning
ports = [] # An empty list for index purposees
extras = 0
last_w = 80
self.u.head("编辑 USB 端口")
if not self.merged_list:
return self.u.grab("按 [enter] 返回菜单...")
index = 0
counts = OrderedDict()
for cont in self.merged_list:
print(" ----- {}{} Controller{} -----".format(self.cs,self.merged_list[cont]["parent"],self.ce))
extras += 1
counts[cont] = 0
for port_num in sorted(self.merged_list[cont]["ports"]):
index += 1
port = self.merged_list[cont]["ports"][port_num]
if port.get("enabled",False): counts[cont] += 1 # Increment the port counter for the selected controller
usb_connector = port.get("type_override", 3 if "XHCI" in self.merged_list[cont]["type"] else 0)
line = "[{}] {}. {} | {} | {} ({}) | {} | Type {}".format(
"#" if port.get("enabled",False) else " ",
if len(line) > last_w: last_w = len(line)
self.bs if port.get("enabled",False) else "",
self.ce if port.get("enabled",False) else ""
if port.get("comment",None):
extras += 1
print(" {}{}{}".format(self.nm, port["comment"], self.ce))
if len(port.get("items",[])):
extras += len(port["items"])
# List the controllers and their port counts
pop_list = []
for cont in counts:
try: parent = self.merged_list[cont]["parent"]
except: parent = cont # Fall back on the original name
pop_list.append("{}{}: {:,}{}".format(
self.cs if 0 < counts[cont] < 16 else self.rs,
print(", ".join(pop_list))
print("K. 构建 USBMap.kext(Catalina10.15 及更新版本)")
print(" - AppleUSBHostMergeProperties, 最小内核支持=19.0.0")
print("L. 构建 USBMapLegacy.kext(Mojave 10.14 及更早版本)")
print(" - AppleUSBMergeNub, 最大内核支持=18.9.9")
print("B. 构建 USBMap.kext 和 USBMapLegacy.kext")
print("A. 全 选")
print("N. 选择 无")
print("P. 启用所有填充端口")
print("D. 禁用所有空端口")
print("C. 清除检测到的项目")
print("T. 显示类型")
print("M. 主菜单")
print("Q. 退出")
print("- 选择端口以用逗号分隔的列表进行切换(例如 1,2,3,4,5)")
print("- 使用此公式设置端口范围 R:1-15:On/Off")
print("- 使用此公式更改类型 T:1,2,3,4,5:t 其中 t 是类型")
print("- 使用此公式设置自定义名称 C:1,2:Name - Name = None 清除")
temp_h = index+1+extras+pad
h = temp_h if temp_h > 24 else 24
self.u.resize(last_w, h)
menu = self.u.grab("请做出您的选择: ")
if not len(menu):
elif menu.lower() == "q":
self.u.resize(80, 24)
elif menu.lower() == "m":
elif menu.lower() == "k":
elif menu.lower() == "l":
elif menu.lower() == "b":
elif menu.lower() in ("n","a"):
# Iterate all ports and deselect them
for port in ports:
port["enabled"] = True if menu.lower() == "a" else False
elif menu.lower() == "p":
# Select all populated ports
for port in ports:
if port.get("items",[]): port["enabled"] = True
elif menu.lower() == "d":
# Deselect any empty ports
for port in ports:
if not port.get("items",[]): port["enabled"] = False
elif menu.lower() == "c":
# Clear items from all ports
for port in ports: port["items"] = []
elif menu.lower() == "t":
elif menu[0].lower() == "r":
# Should be a range
nums = [int(x) for x in menu.split(":")[1].replace(" ","").split("-")]
a,b = nums[0]-1,nums[-1]-1 # Get the first and last - then determine which is larger
if b < a: a,b = b,a # Flip them around if need be
if not all((0 <= x < len(ports) for x in (a,b))): continue # Out of bounds, skip
# Ge the on/off value
toggle = menu.split(":")[-1].lower()
if not toggle in ("on","off"): continue # Invalid - skip
for x in range(a,b+1):
ports[x]["enabled"] = toggle == "on"
# Check if we need to toggle
elif menu[0].lower() == "t":
# We should have a type
nums = [int(x) for x in menu.split(":")[1].replace(" ","").split(",")]
t = int(menu.split(":")[-1])
for x in nums:
x -= 1
if not 0 <= x < len(ports): continue # Out of bounds, skip
# Valid index
ports[x]["type_override"] = t
elif menu[0].lower() == "c":
# We should have a new name
nums = [int(x) for x in menu.split(":")[1].replace(" ","").split(",")]
name = menu.split(":")[-1]
for x in nums:
x -= 1
if not 0 <= x < len(ports): continue # Out of bounds, skip
# Valid index
if name.lower() == "none": ports[x].pop("comment",None)
else: ports[x]["comment"] = name
# Maybe a list of numbers?
nums = [int(x) for x in menu.replace(" ","").split(",")]
for x in nums:
x -= 1
if not 0 <= x < len(ports): continue # Out of bounds, skip
ports[x]["enabled"] = not ports[x].get("enabled",False)
def get_safe_acpi_path(self, path):
return None if path == None else ".".join([x.split("@")[0] for x in path.split("/") if len(x) and not ":" in x])
def get_numbered_name(self, base_name, number, use_hex=True):
if use_hex: number = hex(number).replace("0x","").upper()
else: number = str(number)
return base_name[:-1*len(number)]+number
def generate_renames(self, cont_list):
used_names = [x for x in self.illegal_names]
used_names.extend([self.connected_controllers[x]["parent_name"].upper() for x in self.connected_controllers if self.connected_controllers[x].get("parent_name",None)])
oc_patches = {"ACPI":{"Patch":[]}}
clover_patches = {"ACPI":{"DSDT":{"Patches":[]}}}
zero = plist.wrap_data(binascii.unhexlify("00000000"))
for cont in cont_list:
con_type = "XHCI"
print("Checking {}...".format(cont))
c_type = self.connected_controllers[cont]["type"]
if "XHCI" in c_type:
print(" - XHCI 设备")
elif "EHCI" in c_type:
print(" - XHCI 设备")
con_type = "EH01"
else: print(" - 未知类型 - 使用 XHCI")
print(" - 收集独特的名字...")
# Now we have the base - let's increment!
starting_number = 1 if con_type == "EH01" else 2
while True:
name = self.get_numbered_name(con_type,starting_number)
if not name in used_names:
starting_number += 1
# We should have a unique name here, add the info
print(" --> Got {}".format(name))
cname = cont.split("@")[0].ljust(4,"_")
find = plist.wrap_data(cname.encode("utf-8"))
repl = plist.wrap_data(name.encode("utf-8"))
comm = "Rename {} to {}".format(cname,name)
c_patch = {
oc_patch = {
"OemTableId": zero,
print("Saving patches_OC.plist...")
if not os.path.exists(self.output): os.mkdir(self.output)
with open(self.oc_patches,"wb") as f:
print("Saving patches_Clover.plist...")
with open(self.clover_patches,"wb") as f:
self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return to the menu...")
def generate_acpi_renames(self, cont_list):
used_names = [x for x in self.illegal_names]
used_names.extend([self.connected_controllers[x]["parent_name"].upper() for x in self.connected_controllers if self.connected_controllers[x].get("parent_name",None)])
self.u.head("Rename Devices")
ssdt = """//
// SSDT to rename PXSX, XHC1, EHC1, EHC2, and other conflicting device names
DefinitionBlock ("", "SSDT", 2, "CORP", "UsbReset", 0x00001000)
* Start copying here if you're adding this info to an SSDT-USB-Reset!
parents = []
devices = []
for cont in cont_list:
con_type = "XHCI"
print("Checking {}...".format(cont))
c_type = self.connected_controllers[cont]["type"]
acpi_path = self.get_safe_acpi_path(self.connected_controllers[cont]["acpi_path"])
if not acpi_path:
print(" - ACPI path not found - skipping.")
acpi_parent = ".".join(acpi_path.split(".")[:-1])
acpi_addr = self.connected_controllers[cont]["acpi_address"]
if "XHCI" in c_type:
print(" - XHCI device")
elif "EHCI" in c_type:
print(" - EHCI device")
con_type = "EH01"
else: print(" - Unknown type - using XHCI")
print(" - ACPI Path: {}".format(acpi_path))
print(" --> ACPI Parent Path: {}".format(acpi_parent))
print(" - ACPI _ADR: {}".format(acpi_addr))
print(" - Gathering unique name...")
# Now we have the base - let's increment!
starting_number = 1 if con_type == "EH01" else 2
while True:
name = self.get_numbered_name(con_type,starting_number)
if not name in used_names:
starting_number += 1
# We should have a unique name here, add the info
print(" --> Got {}".format(name))
if not len(devices):
print("No valid devices - nothing to build.")
return self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return to the menu...")
print("Building SSDT-USB-Reset.dsl...")
# Add the parents as needed
for parent in sorted(list(set(parents))):
ssdt += " External ({}, DeviceObj)\n".format(parent)
if len(parents): ssdt+="\n" # Add a newline after the parents for formatting
for device in devices:
# Get the info and build the SSDT
acpi_path, name, acpi_addr, acpi_parent = device
ssdt += " External ({}, DeviceObj)\n".format(acpi_path)
ssdt += """
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
Return (Zero)
Return (0x0F)
Device ([[new_device]])
Name (_ADR, [[address]]) // _ADR: Address
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
# Add the footer
ssdt += """ /*
* End copying here if you're adding this info to an SSDT-USB-Reset!
print("Saving to SSDT-USB-Reset.dsl...")
if not os.path.exists(self.output): os.mkdir(self.output)
with open(self.ssdt_path,"w") as f:
self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return to the menu...")
def reset_rhubs(self,rhub_paths):
self.u.head("Reset RHUBs")
ssdt = """//
// SSDT to reset RHUB devices on XHCI controllers to force hardware querying of ports
// WARNING: May conflict with existing SSDT-USB-Reset! Verify names and paths before
// merging!
DefinitionBlock ("", "SSDT", 2, "CORP", "RHBReset", 0x00001000)
* Start copying here if you're adding this info to an existing SSDT-USB-Reset!
print("Building SSDT-RHUB-Reset.dsl...")
for rhub in sorted(list(set(rhub_paths))):
print("Resetting {}...".format(rhub))
ssdt += " External ({}, DeviceObj)\n".format(rhub)
ssdt += """
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
Return (Zero)
Return (0x0F)
# Add the footer
ssdt += """ /*
* End copying here if you're adding this info to an SSDT-USB-Reset!
if not os.path.exists(self.output): os.mkdir(self.output)
with open(self.rsdt_path,"w") as f:
def main(self):
self.u.resize(80, 24)
needs_rename = []
rhub_paths = []
c_check = [x for x in self.connected_controllers if not self.connected_controllers[x].get("is_hub",False)]
if not len(c_check): print(" - {}None{}".format(self.rs,self.ce))
# We have controllers - let's show them
pad = max(len(self.connected_controllers[x]["parent"]) for x in c_check)
names = [self.connected_controllers[x]["parent_name"] for x in c_check]
for x in c_check:
if "locationid" in self.connected_controllers[x]: continue # don't show hubs in this list
acpi = self.get_safe_acpi_path(self.connected_controllers[x].get("acpi_path",None))
name = self.connected_controllers[x]["parent_name"]
par = self.connected_controllers[x]["parent"]
if name in self.illegal_names:
self.controllers.pop(x,None) # Remove it from the controllers to map
print(" - {}{}{} @ {} ({}{}{})".format(self.rs,par.rjust(pad),self.ce,acpi if acpi else "Unknown ACPI Path",self.rs,"Needs Rename" if name in self.illegal_names else "Not Unique",self.ce))
else: print(" - {}{}{} @ {}".format(self.cs,par.rjust(pad),self.ce,acpi if acpi else "Unknown ACPI Path"))
if not "XHCI" in self.connected_controllers[x]["type"]: continue # Only check XHCI for RHUB paths
# Get the RHUB name - mirrors the controller name if actually "RHUB"
if acpi:
rhub_name = "RHUB" if x.split("@")[0].upper() == self.connected_controllers[x]["parent_name"] else x.split("@")[0].upper()
rhub_path = ".".join([acpi,rhub_name])
print(" \\-> {}RHUB{} @ {}".format(self.bs,self.ce,rhub_path))
print("{}D. 发现端口{}{}".format(
self.rs if needs_rename else "",
" (Will Ignore Invalid Controllers)" if needs_rename else "",
print("{}P. 编辑和创建 USBMap.kext{}{}".format(
"" if self.merged_list else self.rs,
"" if self.merged_list else " (Must Discover Ports First)",
print("{}K. 创建虚拟USBMap.kext{}{}".format(
"" if self.merged_list else self.rs,
"" if self.merged_list else " (Must Discover Ports First)",
print("R. 重置所有检测到的端口")
if os.path.exists(self.usb_list):
print("B. 备份检测到的端口列表")
if needs_rename:
print("A. 为冲突的控制器生成 ACPI 重命名")
print("L. 为冲突的控制器生成 Plist 重命名")
if rhub_paths:
print("H. 生成 ACPI 以重置 RHUB ({}可能与现有的 SSDT-USB-Reset.aml 冲突!{})".format(self.rs,self.ce))
print("Q. 退出")
menu = self.u.grab("请选择一个选项: ")
if not len(menu):
if menu.lower() == "q":
self.u.resize(80, 24)
if menu.lower() == "k" and self.merged_list:
elif menu.lower() == "r":
# Reset the merged_list and repopulate the controllers
self.merged_list = OrderedDict()
if os.path.exists(self.usb_list):
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to remove USB.plist! {}".format(e))
elif menu.lower() == "b" and os.path.exists(self.usb_list):
if not os.path.exists(self.output): os.mkdir(self.output)
output = os.path.join(self.output,"USB-{}.plist".format(datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H.%M")))
try: shutil.copyfile(self.usb_list,output)
except: pass
if os.path.exists(output): self.re.reveal(output,True)
elif menu.lower() == "d":
if not len(self.controllers):
print("您可能需要 plist/ACPI 重命名才能发现")
return self.u.grab("按[回车]返回...")
elif menu.lower() == "p" and self.merged_list:
elif menu.lower() == "a" and needs_rename:
elif menu.lower() == "l" and needs_rename:
elif menu.lower() == "h" and rhub_paths:
if __name__ == '__main__':
u = USBMap()
while True:
马建仓 AI 助手