同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/ShellCheck 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Copyright 2012-2019 Vidar Holen
This file is part of ShellCheck.
ShellCheck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ShellCheck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import qualified ShellCheck.Analyzer
import ShellCheck.Checker
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Interface
import ShellCheck.Regex
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.CheckStyle
import ShellCheck.Formatter.Format
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.Diff
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.GCC
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.JSON
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.JSON1
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.TTY
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.Quiet
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
data Flag = Flag String String
data Status =
| SomeProblems
| SupportFailure
| SyntaxFailure
| RuntimeException
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
instance Semigroup Status where
(<>) = max
instance Monoid Status where
mempty = NoProblems
mappend = (Data.Semigroup.<>)
data Options = Options {
checkSpec :: CheckSpec,
externalSources :: Bool,
sourcePaths :: [FilePath],
formatterOptions :: FormatterOptions,
minSeverity :: Severity
defaultOptions = Options {
checkSpec = emptyCheckSpec,
externalSources = False,
sourcePaths = [],
formatterOptions = newFormatterOptions {
foColorOption = ColorAuto
minSeverity = StyleC
usageHeader = "Usage: shellcheck [OPTIONS...] FILES..."
options = [
Option "a" ["check-sourced"]
(NoArg $ Flag "sourced" "false") "Include warnings from sourced files",
Option "C" ["color"]
(OptArg (maybe (Flag "color" "always") (Flag "color")) "WHEN")
"Use color (auto, always, never)",
Option "i" ["include"]
(ReqArg (Flag "include") "CODE1,CODE2..") "Consider only given types of warnings",
Option "e" ["exclude"]
(ReqArg (Flag "exclude") "CODE1,CODE2..") "Exclude types of warnings",
Option "f" ["format"]
(ReqArg (Flag "format") "FORMAT") $
"Output format (" ++ formatList ++ ")",
Option "" ["list-optional"]
(NoArg $ Flag "list-optional" "true") "List checks disabled by default",
Option "" ["norc"]
(NoArg $ Flag "norc" "true") "Don't look for .shellcheckrc files",
Option "o" ["enable"]
(ReqArg (Flag "enable") "check1,check2..")
"List of optional checks to enable (or 'all')",
Option "P" ["source-path"]
(ReqArg (Flag "source-path") "SOURCEPATHS")
"Specify path when looking for sourced files (\"SCRIPTDIR\" for script's dir)",
Option "s" ["shell"]
(ReqArg (Flag "shell") "SHELLNAME")
"Specify dialect (sh, bash, dash, ksh)",
Option "S" ["severity"]
(ReqArg (Flag "severity") "SEVERITY")
"Minimum severity of errors to consider (error, warning, info, style)",
Option "V" ["version"]
(NoArg $ Flag "version" "true") "Print version information",
Option "W" ["wiki-link-count"]
(ReqArg (Flag "wiki-link-count") "NUM")
"The number of wiki links to show, when applicable",
Option "x" ["external-sources"]
(NoArg $ Flag "externals" "true") "Allow 'source' outside of FILES",
Option "" ["help"]
(NoArg $ Flag "help" "true") "Show this usage summary and exit"
getUsageInfo = usageInfo usageHeader options
printErr = lift . hPutStrLn stderr
parseArguments :: [String] -> ExceptT Status IO ([Flag], [FilePath])
parseArguments argv =
case getOpt Permute options argv of
(opts, files, []) -> return (opts, files)
(_, _, errors) -> do
printErr $ concat errors ++ "\n" ++ getUsageInfo
throwError SyntaxFailure
formats :: FormatterOptions -> Map.Map String (IO Formatter)
formats options = Map.fromList [
("checkstyle", ShellCheck.Formatter.CheckStyle.format),
("diff", ShellCheck.Formatter.Diff.format options),
("gcc", ShellCheck.Formatter.GCC.format),
("json", ShellCheck.Formatter.JSON.format),
("json1", ShellCheck.Formatter.JSON1.format),
("tty", ShellCheck.Formatter.TTY.format options),
("quiet", ShellCheck.Formatter.Quiet.format options)
formatList = intercalate ", " names
names = Map.keys $ formats (formatterOptions defaultOptions)
getOption [] _ = Nothing
getOption (Flag var val:_) name | name == var = return val
getOption (_:rest) flag = getOption rest flag
getOptions options name =
map (\(Flag _ val) -> val) . filter (\(Flag var _) -> var == name) $ options
split char str =
split' str []
split' (a:rest) element =
if a == char
then reverse element : split' rest []
else split' rest (a:element)
split' [] element = [reverse element]
toStatus = fmap (either id id) . runExceptT
getEnvArgs = do
opts <- getEnv "SHELLCHECK_OPTS" `catch` cantWaitForLookupEnv
return . filter (not . null) $ opts `splitOn` mkRegex " +"
cantWaitForLookupEnv :: IOException -> IO String
cantWaitForLookupEnv = const $ return ""
main = do
params <- getArgs
envOpts <- getEnvArgs
let args = envOpts ++ params
status <- toStatus $ do
(flags, files) <- parseArguments args
process flags files
exitWith $ statusToCode status
statusToCode status =
case status of
NoProblems -> ExitSuccess
SomeProblems -> ExitFailure 1
SyntaxFailure -> ExitFailure 3
SupportFailure -> ExitFailure 4
RuntimeException -> ExitFailure 2
process :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> ExceptT Status IO Status
process flags files = do
options <- foldM (flip parseOption) defaultOptions flags
verifyFiles files
let format = fromMaybe "tty" $ getOption flags "format"
let formatters = formats $ formatterOptions options
formatter <-
case Map.lookup format formatters of
Nothing -> do
printErr $ "Unknown format " ++ format
printErr "Supported formats:"
mapM_ (printErr . write) $ Map.keys formatters
throwError SupportFailure
where write s = " " ++ s
Just f -> ExceptT $ fmap Right f
sys <- lift $ ioInterface options files
lift $ runFormatter sys formatter options files
runFormatter :: SystemInterface IO -> Formatter -> Options -> [FilePath]
-> IO Status
runFormatter sys format options files = do
header format
result <- foldM f NoProblems files
footer format
return result
f :: Status -> FilePath -> IO Status
f status file = do
newStatus <- process file `catch` handler file
return $ status `mappend` newStatus
handler :: FilePath -> IOException -> IO Status
handler file e = reportFailure file (show e)
reportFailure file str = do
onFailure format file str
return RuntimeException
process :: FilePath -> IO Status
process filename = do
input <- siReadFile sys Nothing filename
either (reportFailure filename) check input
check contents = do
let checkspec = (checkSpec options) {
csFilename = filename,
csScript = contents
result <- checkScript sys checkspec
onResult format result sys
return $
if null (crComments result)
then NoProblems
else SomeProblems
parseEnum name value list =
case filter ((== value) . fst) list of
[(name, value)] -> return value
[] -> do
printErr $ "Unknown value for --" ++ name ++ ". " ++
"Valid options are: " ++ (intercalate ", " $ map fst list)
throwError SupportFailure
parseColorOption value =
parseEnum "color" value [
("auto", ColorAuto),
("always", ColorAlways),
("never", ColorNever)
parseSeverityOption value =
parseEnum "severity" value [
("error", ErrorC),
("warning", WarningC),
("info", InfoC),
("style", StyleC)
parseOption flag options =
case flag of
Flag "shell" str ->
fromMaybe (die $ "Unknown shell: " ++ str) $ do
shell <- shellForExecutable str
return $ return options {
checkSpec = (checkSpec options) {
csShellTypeOverride = Just shell
Flag "exclude" str -> do
new <- mapM parseNum $ filter (not . null) $ split ',' str
let old = csExcludedWarnings . checkSpec $ options
return options {
checkSpec = (checkSpec options) {
csExcludedWarnings = new ++ old
Flag "include" str -> do
new <- mapM parseNum $ filter (not . null) $ split ',' str
let old = csIncludedWarnings . checkSpec $ options
return options {
checkSpec = (checkSpec options) {
csIncludedWarnings =
if null new
then old
else Just new `mappend` old
Flag "version" _ -> do
liftIO printVersion
throwError NoProblems
Flag "list-optional" _ -> do
liftIO printOptional
throwError NoProblems
Flag "help" _ -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn getUsageInfo
throwError NoProblems
Flag "externals" _ ->
return options {
externalSources = True
Flag "color" color -> do
option <- parseColorOption color
return options {
formatterOptions = (formatterOptions options) {
foColorOption = option
Flag "source-path" str -> do
let paths = splitSearchPath str
return options {
sourcePaths = (sourcePaths options) ++ paths
Flag "sourced" _ ->
return options {
checkSpec = (checkSpec options) {
csCheckSourced = True
Flag "severity" severity -> do
option <- parseSeverityOption severity
return options {
checkSpec = (checkSpec options) {
csMinSeverity = option
Flag "wiki-link-count" countString -> do
count <- parseNum countString
return options {
formatterOptions = (formatterOptions options) {
foWikiLinkCount = count
Flag "norc" _ ->
return options {
checkSpec = (checkSpec options) {
csIgnoreRC = True
Flag "enable" value ->
let cs = checkSpec options in return options {
checkSpec = cs {
csOptionalChecks = (csOptionalChecks cs) ++ split ',' value
-- This flag is handled specially in 'process'
Flag "format" _ -> return options
Flag str _ -> do
printErr $ "Internal error for --" ++ str ++ ". Please file a bug :("
return options
die s = do
printErr s
throwError SupportFailure
parseNum ('S':'C':str) = parseNum str
parseNum num = do
unless (all isDigit num) $ do
printErr $ "Invalid number: " ++ num
throwError SyntaxFailure
return (Prelude.read num :: Integer)
ioInterface :: Options -> [FilePath] -> IO (SystemInterface IO)
ioInterface options files = do
inputs <- mapM normalize files
cache <- newIORef emptyCache
configCache <- newIORef ("", Nothing)
return SystemInterface {
siReadFile = get cache inputs,
siFindSource = findSourceFile inputs (sourcePaths options),
siGetConfig = getConfig configCache
emptyCache :: Map.Map FilePath String
emptyCache = Map.empty
get cache inputs rcSuggestsExternal file = do
map <- readIORef cache
case Map.lookup file map of
Just x -> return $ Right x
Nothing -> fetch cache inputs rcSuggestsExternal file
fetch cache inputs rcSuggestsExternal file = do
ok <- allowable rcSuggestsExternal inputs file
if ok
then (do
(contents, shouldCache) <- inputFile file
when shouldCache $
modifyIORef cache $ Map.insert file contents
return $ Right contents
) `catch` handler
if rcSuggestsExternal == Just False
then return $ Left (file ++ " was not specified as input, and external files were disabled via directive.")
else return $ Left (file ++ " was not specified as input (see shellcheck -x).")
handler :: IOException -> IO (Either ErrorMessage String)
handler ex = return . Left $ show ex
allowable rcSuggestsExternal inputs x =
if fromMaybe (externalSources options) rcSuggestsExternal
then return True
else do
path <- normalize x
return $ path `elem` inputs
normalize x =
canonicalizePath x `catch` fallback x
fallback :: FilePath -> IOException -> IO FilePath
fallback path _ = return path
-- Returns the name and contents of .shellcheckrc for the given file
getConfig cache filename = do
path <- normalize filename
let dir = takeDirectory path
(previousPath, result) <- readIORef cache
if dir == previousPath
then return result
else do
paths <- getConfigPaths dir
result <- findConfig paths
writeIORef cache (dir, result)
return result
findConfig paths =
case paths of
(file:rest) -> do
contents <- readConfig file
if isJust contents
then return contents
else findConfig rest
[] -> return Nothing
-- Get a list of candidate filenames. This includes .shellcheckrc
-- in all parent directories, plus the user's home dir and xdg dir.
-- The dot is optional for Windows and Snap users.
getConfigPaths dir = do
let next = takeDirectory dir
rest <- if next /= dir
then getConfigPaths next
else defaultPaths `catch`
((const $ return []) :: IOException -> IO [FilePath])
return $ (dir </> ".shellcheckrc") : (dir </> "shellcheckrc") : rest
defaultPaths = do
home <- getAppUserDataDirectory "shellcheckrc"
xdg <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "shellcheckrc"
return [home, xdg]
readConfig file = do
exists <- doesFileExist file
if exists
then do
(contents, _) <- inputFile file `catch` handler file
return $ Just (file, contents)
return Nothing
handler :: FilePath -> IOException -> IO (String, Bool)
handler file err = do
putStrLn $ file ++ ": " ++ show err
return ("", True)
andM a b arg = do
first <- a arg
if not first then return False else b arg
findM p = foldr go (pure Nothing)
go x acc = do
b <- p x
if b then pure (Just x) else acc
findSourceFile inputs sourcePathFlag currentScript rcSuggestsExternal sourcePathAnnotation original =
if isAbsolute original
let (_, relative) = splitDrive original
in find relative original
find original original
find filename deflt = do
sources <- findM ((allowable rcSuggestsExternal inputs) `andM` doesFileExist) $
(adjustPath filename):(map ((</> filename) . adjustPath) $ sourcePathFlag ++ sourcePathAnnotation)
case sources of
Nothing -> return deflt
Just first -> return first
scriptdir = dropFileName currentScript
adjustPath str =
case (splitDirectories str) of
("SCRIPTDIR":rest) -> joinPath (scriptdir:rest)
_ -> str
inputFile file = do
(handle, shouldCache) <-
if file == "-"
then return (stdin, True)
else do
h <- openBinaryFile file ReadMode
reopenable <- hIsSeekable h
return (h, not reopenable)
hSetBinaryMode handle True
contents <- decodeString <$> hGetContents handle -- closes handle
seq (length contents) $
return (contents, shouldCache)
-- Decode a char8 string into a utf8 string, with fallback on
-- ISO-8859-1. This avoids depending on additional libraries.
decodeString = decode
decode [] = []
decode (c:rest) | isAscii c = c : decode rest
decode (c:rest) =
let num = (fromIntegral $ ord c) :: Int
next = case num of
_ | num >= 0xF8 -> Nothing
| num >= 0xF0 -> construct (num .&. 0x07) 3 rest
| num >= 0xE0 -> construct (num .&. 0x0F) 2 rest
| num >= 0xC0 -> construct (num .&. 0x1F) 1 rest
| True -> Nothing
case next of
Just (n, remainder) -> chr n : decode remainder
Nothing -> c : decode rest
construct x 0 rest = do
guard $ x <= 0x10FFFF
return (x, rest)
construct x n (c:rest) =
let num = (fromIntegral $ ord c) :: Int in
if num >= 0x80 && num <= 0xBF
then construct ((x `shiftL` 6) .|. (num .&. 0x3f)) (n-1) rest
else Nothing
construct _ _ _ = Nothing
verifyFiles files =
when (null files) $ do
printErr "No files specified.\n"
printErr $ usageInfo usageHeader options
throwError SyntaxFailure
printVersion = do
putStrLn "ShellCheck - shell script analysis tool"
putStrLn $ "version: " ++ shellcheckVersion
putStrLn "license: GNU General Public License, version 3"
putStrLn "website: https://www.shellcheck.net"
printOptional = do
mapM f list
list = sortOn cdName ShellCheck.Analyzer.optionalChecks
f item = do
putStrLn $ "name: " ++ cdName item
putStrLn $ "desc: " ++ cdDescription item
putStrLn $ "example: " ++ cdPositive item
putStrLn $ "fix: " ++ cdNegative item
putStrLn ""
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。