同步操作将从 xiangyuecn/RSA-csharp 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
@echo off
::[zh_CN] 在Windows系统中双击运行这个脚本文件,自动完成.cs文件编译和运行。需先安装了.NET Framework 4.5+,或者.NET Core SDK(支持.NET Core 2.0及以上版本,.NET 5+)
::[en_US] Double-click to run this script file in the Windows system, and automatically complete the compilation and operation of the .cs file. Need to install .NET Framework 4.5+ or .NET Core SDK (support .NET Core 2.0 and above, .NET 5+)
::If you have BouncyCastle encryption enhancement library (BouncyCastle.xxxx.dll), please directly copy the corresponding version of the dll file to the root directory of this source code. After compiling and running, you can get all encryption signature mode support
::chcp 437
set isZh=0
ver | find "版本%qjkTTT%" > nul && set isZh=1
goto Run
if "%isZh%"=="1" echo %~1
if "%isZh%"=="0" echo %~2
cd /d %~dp0
call:echo2 "显示语言:简体中文 %cd%" "Language: English %cd%"
call:echo2 "选择编译运行模式,请输入编号: " "Select the compilation and running mode, please enter the number:"
call:echo2 " 1. 使用.NET Framework进行编译(支持.NET Framework 4.5及以上版本) " " 1. Use .NET Framework to compile (support .NET Framework 4.5 and above)"
call:echo2 " 2. 使用.NET Core进行编译(支持.NET Core 2.0及以上版本,.NET 5+) " " 2. Use .NET Core to compile (support .NET Core 2.0 and above, .NET 5+)"
call:echo2 " 3. 退出 " " 3. Exit"
set step=&set /p step=^>
if "%step%"=="1" goto RunFramework
if "%step%"=="2" goto RunDotnet
if "%step%"=="3" goto End
call:echo2 "编号无效,请重新输入! " "The number is invalid, please re-enter!"
goto Run
set dllName=%~1
set dllPath=target\%~1
if not exist %dllPath% set dllPath=
if "%dllPath%"=="" goto dllPath_End
call:echo2 "检测到已生成的dll:%dllPath%,是否使用此dll参与测试?(Y/N) N " "Generated dll detected: %dllPath%, do you want to use this dll to participate in the test? (Y/N) N"
set step=&set /p step=^>
if /i not "%step%"=="Y" set dllPath=
if not "%dllPath%"=="" (
call:echo2 "dll参与测试:%dllPath%" "dll participates in the test: %dllPath%"
call:findDLL "RSA-CSharp.NET-Standard.dll"
::.NET CLI telemetry https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/telemetry
call:echo2 "正在读取.NET Core版本: " "Reading .NET Core Version:"
dotnet --version
if errorlevel 1 (
call:echo2 "需要安装.NET Core SDK [支持.NET Core 2.0及以上版本,.NET 5+] 才能使用.NET Core模式编译运行.cs文件,或者尝试选择.NET Framework模式进行编译。可以到 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/dotnet 下载安装.NET Core SDK " "You need to install .NET Core SDK [support .NET Core 2.0 and above, .NET 5+] to compile and run .cs files using .NET Core mode, or try to select .NET Framework mode for compilation. You can go to https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet to download and install the .NET Core SDK"
goto Pause
set rootDir=rsaTest
call:echo2 "正在创.NET Core项目%rootDir%..." "Creating .NET Core project %rootDir%..."
if not exist %rootDir% (
md %rootDir%
) else (
del %rootDir%\* /Q > nul
cd %rootDir%
dotnet new console
if errorlevel 1 goto if_dncE
if not exist %rootDir%*proj goto if_dncE
goto dncE_if
call:echo2 "创建项目命令执行失败 " "The command to create a project failed to execute"
goto Pause
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b %rootDir%*proj') do (
for /f "delims=" %%v in (%%f) do (
set a=%%v
set "a=!a:<PropertyGroup>=<PropertyGroup> <DefineConstants>$(DefineConstants);RSA_BUILD__NET_CORE</DefineConstants>!"
set "a=!a:Nullable>enable=Nullable>disable!"
if not "%dllPath%"=="" (
set "a=!a:</Project>=<ItemGroup><Reference Include='rsaDLL'><HintPath>%dllName%</HintPath><Private>True</Private></Reference></ItemGroup></Project>!"
echo !a!>>tmp.txt
move tmp.txt %%f > nul
call:echo2 "已修改proj项目配置文件:%%f,已启用RSA_BUILD__NET_CORE条件编译符号 " "Modified proj project configuration file: %%f, enabled RSA_BUILD__NET_CORE conditional compilation symbol"
cd ..
if "%dllPath%"=="" (
xcopy *.cs %rootDir% /Y > nul
) else (
xcopy Program.cs %rootDir% /Y > nul
xcopy %dllPath% %rootDir% /Y > nul
if exist *.dll (
xcopy *.dll %rootDir% /Y > nul
cd %rootDir%
call:echo2 "正在编译.NET Core项目%rootDir%..." "Compiling .NET Core project %rootDir%..."
dotnet run -cmd=1 -zh=%isZh%
goto Pause
call:findDLL "RSA-CSharp.NET-Framework.dll"
if not exist target\RSA-CSharp.NET-Framework.dll (
call:findDLL "RSA-CSharp.NET-Standard.dll"
cd /d C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.*
set FwDir=%cd%\
::set FwDir=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\xxxx\
echo .NET Framework Path: %FwDir%
call:echo2 "正在读取.NET Framework版本: " "Reading .NET Framework Version:"
%FwDir%MSBuild /ver
if errorlevel 1 (
call:echo2 "需要安装.NET Framework 4.5及以上版本才能使用.NET Framework模式编译运行.cs文件,或者尝试选择.NET Core模式进行编译。可以到 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/dotnet-framework 下载安装.NET Framework " "You need to install .NET Framework 4.5 or above to compile and run .cs files using .NET Framework mode, or try to select .NET Core mode for compilation. You can go to https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework to download and install .NET Framework"
goto Pause
cd /d %~dp0
set rootDir=rsaTestFw
call:echo2 "正在创建.NET Framework项目%rootDir%..." "Creating .NET Framework project %rootDir%..."
if not exist %rootDir% (
md %rootDir%
) else (
del %rootDir%\* /Q > nul
if "%dllPath%"=="" (
xcopy *.cs %rootDir% /Y > nul
) else (
xcopy Program.cs %rootDir% /Y > nul
xcopy %dllPath% %rootDir% /Y > nul
if exist *.dll (
xcopy *.dll %rootDir% /Y > nul
cd %rootDir%
call:echo2 "正在编译.NET Framework项目%rootDir%..." "Compiling .NET Framework project %rootDir%..."
set rd=
if not "%dllPath%"=="" set rd=/r:"%dllName%"
%FwDir%csc /t:exe /r:"%FwDir%System.Numerics.dll" %rd% /out:%rootDir%.exe *.cs
if errorlevel 1 (
call:echo2 "项目%rootDir%编译失败 " "Compilation failed for project %rootDir%"
goto Pause
%rootDir%.exe -cmd=1 -zh=%isZh%
goto Run
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