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CIVITAS-John 提交于 2021-12-06 11:19 . Translation fixes
"all": {
"identity": "all",
"display_name": "all?",
"short_original": "Checks if a reporter is true for all the agents in an agentset.",
"short_description": "檢查報告指令對主體集合中的所有主體是否都為真。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"and": {
"identity": "and",
"display_name": "and",
"short_original": "Checks if both provided conditions are true.",
"short_description": "檢查兩個條件是否都為真。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Small Worlds"
"any": {
"identity": "any",
"display_name": "any?",
"short_original": "Checks if there is at least one agent in an agentset.",
"short_description": "檢查在主體集合中是否有任何主體。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"ask": {
"identity": "ask",
"display_name": "ask",
"short_original": "Asks agents to do things.",
"short_description": "讓主體或主體集合執行一些命令。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"breed": {
"identity": "breed",
"display_name": "breed",
"short_original": "Defines a custom breed of turtles.",
"short_description": "定義海龜的種類或變種。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Bacterial Infection",
"Disease Solo",
"Rabbit Grass Weeds",
"Wolf Sheep Predation"
"ceiling": {
"identity": "ceiling",
"display_name": "ceiling",
"short_original": "Rounds a number up to the nearest integer.",
"short_description": "將數字向上取整。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"GasLab Circular Particles",
"Traffic 2 Lanes",
"Chaos in a Box",
"ca": {
"identity": "ca",
"display_name": "ca",
"short_original": "Clears all the drawings, turtles, plots, etc., leaving a blank slate.",
"short_description": "清除所有工程圖,海龜,地塊等,保留空白狀態。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"clear-all": {
"identity": "clear-all",
"display_name": "clear-all",
"short_original": "Clears all the drawings, turtles, plots, etc., leaving a blank slate.",
"short_description": "清除所有畫圖,海龜,圖表等,返回到初始狀態。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"clear-patches": {
"identity": "clear-patches",
"display_name": "clear-patches",
"short_original": "Clears the patches by resetting all patch variables to their default initial values and making them black.",
"short_description": "將所有格子的變量設置為初始值。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Disease Solo",
"Simple Kinetics 3",
"Simple Birth Rates"
"clear-turtles": {
"identity": "clear-turtles",
"display_name": "clear-turtles",
"short_original": "Removes all the turtles as well as resets the numbering of turtles.",
"short_description": "移除所有海龜,同時重置海龜數量計數器。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Grand Canyon",
"Disease Solo",
"CA 1D Elementary",
"Simple Birth Rates"
"color": {
"identity": "color",
"display_name": "color",
"short_original": "Built-in turtle characteristic that reports the color of a turtle and allows us to change it.",
"short_description": "海龜或鏈接的內置變量,可以改變海龜或鏈接的顏色。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Bacterial Infection",
"count": {
"identity": "count",
"display_name": "count",
"short_original": "Counts the number of agents in an agentset.",
"short_description": "計算主體集合中的主體數量。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Peppered Moths",
"Plant Growth"
"create-links-with": {
"identity": "create-links-with",
"display_name": "create-links-with",
"short_original": "Creates links with every agent in an agentset.",
"short_description": "與主體集合中的每個主體創建鏈接。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Team Assembly",
"CRISPR Bacterium",
"Membrane Formation",
"Virus on a Network"
"crt": {
"identity": "crt",
"display_name": "crt",
"short_original": "Creates turtles with random colors and headings at the center of the world.",
"short_description": "在世界中心創建具有隨機顏色和標題的海龜。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"Plant Growth"
"create-turtles": {
"identity": "create-turtles",
"display_name": "create-turtles",
"short_original": "Creates turtles with random colors and headings at the center of the world.",
"short_description": "創建具有隨機顏色和方向的一組海龜。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"Plant Growth"
"die": {
"identity": "die",
"display_name": "die",
"short_original": "Removes a turtle or link from the world.",
"short_description": "從世界上移除海龜或鏈接。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"Bug Hunt Camouflage"
"diffuse": {
"identity": "diffuse",
"display_name": "diffuse",
"short_original": "Spreads a patch characteristic to its neighbors.",
"short_description": "向目前格子相鄰的八個格子散布變量。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"distance": {
"identity": "distance",
"display_name": "distance",
"short_original": "Reports the distance from one turtle/patch agent to another.",
"short_description": "返回從來源主體到目標主體的距離。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Flocking Vee Formations",
"BeeSmart Hive Finding",
"end": {
"identity": "end",
"display_name": "end",
"short_original": "Concludes a procedure.",
"short_description": "結束一個程序。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Rock Paper Scissors",
"El Farol",
"Traffic Grid"
"face": {
"identity": "face",
"display_name": "face",
"short_original": "Changes a turtle's heading towards another turtle or patch.",
"short_description": "轉向面對一個特定的主體。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Disease Solo",
"Voronoi - Emergent",
"facexy": {
"identity": "facexy",
"display_name": "facexy",
"short_original": "Changes a turtle's heading towards a specific point (x, y) in the world.",
"short_description": "使海龜面向特定坐標(x,y)。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Ant Lines",
"Bidding Market",
"floor": {
"identity": "floor",
"display_name": "floor",
"short_original": "Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.",
"short_description": "將數字向下取整。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Simple Birth Rates",
"Traffic Grid",
"CRISPR Bacterium"
"forward": {
"identity": "forward",
"display_name": "forward",
"short_original": "Makes a turtle move in any number of units on a straight path.",
"short_description": "使海龜在目前的方向上前進一段距離。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Bidding Market",
"Vector Fields",
"CRISPR Ecosystem",
"Wolf Sheep Predation"
"fd": {
"identity": "fd",
"display_name": "fd",
"short_original": "Makes a turtle move in any number of units on a straight path.",
"short_description": "使海龜沿直線路徑以任意數量的單位移動。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Bidding Market",
"Vector Fields",
"CRISPR Ecosystem",
"Wolf Sheep Predation"
"globals": {
"identity": "globals",
"display_name": "globals",
"short_original": "Defines variables that can be accessed throughout the whole model and has the same value for all the agents.",
"short_description": "定義可以在整個模型中被使用的變量。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Giant Component",
"Fruit Wars"
"hatch": {
"identity": "hatch",
"display_name": "hatch",
"short_original": "Makes a turtle make any number of new turtles that are identical to itself.",
"short_description": "從已有的海龜創建新的海龜。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Chaos in a Box",
"Reactor Top Down",
"Galton Box"
"if": {
"identity": "if",
"display_name": "if",
"short_original": "Carries out a provided set of rules (code) if a given condition is true. Does nothing if a given condition is false.",
"short_description": "有條件地運行命令。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Reactor X-Section",
"DLA Alternate Linear",
"ifelse": {
"identity": "ifelse",
"display_name": "ifelse",
"short_original": "Carries out one set of rules if a given condition is true, and another set of rules if a given condition is false.",
"short_description": "如果條件為真,則執行特定的代碼,否則,執行其他代碼。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Crystallization Basic",
"Hotelling's Law",
"Traffic Grid"
"ifelse-value": {
"identity": "ifelse-value",
"display_name": "ifelse-value",
"short_original": "Picks a value based on a provided list of condition-value pairs.",
"short_description": "根據不同的條件,執行不同的代碼。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Sunflower Emergent",
"DLA Alternate"
"in-cone": {
"identity": "in-cone",
"display_name": "in-cone",
"short_original": "Reports members of an agentset within a \"cone-of-vision\" of an agent.",
"short_description": "返回主體集合內位于來源主體的“視錐體”內的成員。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Flocking Vee Formations",
"BeeSmart Hive Finding",
"Bug Hunt Speeds",
"in-radius": {
"identity": "in-radius",
"display_name": "in-radius",
"short_original": "Reports members of an agentset within a certain radius of an agent.",
"short_description": "返回主體集合內距離調用主體一段距離的成員。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"GasLab Circular Particles",
"Fruit Wars",
"Fairy Circles"
"layout-circle": {
"identity": "layout-circle",
"display_name": "layout-circle",
"short_original": "Places turtles in a circle circle around the center of the world.",
"short_description": "在世界中心周圍將海龜均勻地圍成一圈。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Giant Component",
"Small Worlds",
"Spread of Disease"
"left": {
"identity": "left",
"display_name": "left",
"short_original": "Turns a turtle certain amount of degrees to the left.",
"short_description": "向左旋轉一定角度。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"let": {
"identity": "let",
"display_name": "let",
"short_original": "Creates a local variable that only exists within a procedure or a statement surrounded with brackets (`[ ]`).",
"short_description": "創建一個局部變量。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Disease Solo",
"link-neighbors": {
"identity": "link-neighbors",
"display_name": "link-neighbors",
"short_original": "Reports all agents connected to a turtle with links.",
"short_description": "返回鏈接連接的所有主體。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Membrane Formation",
"Giant Component",
"Small Worlds",
"Language Change"
"links": {
"identity": "links",
"display_name": "links",
"short_original": "Reports an agentset that contains all the links in a model.",
"short_description": "返回模型中所有鏈接的主體集合。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Virus on a Network",
"Preferential Attachment",
"Team Assembly",
"Small Worlds"
"max": {
"identity": "max",
"display_name": "max",
"short_original": "Reports the highest value in a provided list.",
"short_description": "返回列表中的最大值。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Ant Lines",
"Grand Canyon",
"Fruit Wars"
"max-n-of": {
"identity": "max-n-of",
"display_name": "max-n-of",
"short_original": "Reports a list of top values in a provided list.",
"short_description": "從列表中取出最大的幾個值,作為列表返回。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Simple Economy",
"Simple Viral Marketing"
"max-pxcor": {
"identity": "max-pxcor",
"display_name": "max-pxcor",
"short_original": "Reports the largest x-coordinate of the patches in a model.",
"short_description": "返回格子的最大x坐標。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Urban Suite - Economic Disparity",
"Traffic Grid Goal",
"Blood Sugar Regulation"
"max-pycor": {
"identity": "max-pycor",
"display_name": "max-pycor",
"short_original": "Reports the largest y-coordinate of the patches in a model.",
"short_description": "返回格子的最大y坐標。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Fruit Wars",
"Sunflower Biomorphs",
"Galton Box"
"mean": {
"identity": "mean",
"display_name": "mean",
"short_original": "Reports the average of a provided list of numerical values.",
"short_description": "返回值列表的平均值。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"CRISPR Ecosystem"
"member": {
"identity": "member",
"display_name": "member?",
"short_original": "Reports true if a value is within a list or if an agent is in an agentset.",
"short_description": "檢查值是否在列表中,或者主體是否在主體集合中。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Fairy Circles",
"Small Worlds",
"Traffic Grid Goal"
"min-pxcor": {
"identity": "min-pxcor",
"display_name": "min-pxcor",
"short_original": "Reports the smallest x-coordinate of the patches in a model.",
"short_description": "返回格子的最小x坐標。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Blood Sugar Regulation",
"Ant Lines"
"min-pycor": {
"identity": "min-pycor",
"display_name": "min-pycor",
"short_original": "Reports the smallest y-coordinate of the patches in a model.",
"short_description": "返回格子的最小y坐標。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Galton Box",
"mod": {
"identity": "mod",
"display_name": "mod",
"short_original": "Performs the modulo operation; reports the remainder from the division of the first number by the second number.",
"short_description": "執行取模運算,返回兩個數字的余數。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Flocking Vee Formations",
"Fruit Wars"
"move-to": {
"identity": "move-to",
"display_name": "move-to",
"short_original": "Moves a turtle to set its x and y coordinates to be the same as another turtle or patch.",
"short_description": "使海龜移動到另一只海龜或格子處。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Membrane Formation",
"Grand Canyon"
"myself": {
"identity": "myself",
"display_name": "myself",
"short_original": "Reports the original turtle that asked another turtle to follow some rules.",
"short_description": "指代正在運行程序的主體。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Sunflower Biomorphs",
"Fairy Circles"
"n-of": {
"identity": "n-of",
"display_name": "n-of",
"short_original": "Reports \"n\" randomly picked agents from an agentset or items from a list.",
"short_description": "從主體集合中隨機返回n個成員。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Virus on a Network"
"neighbors": {
"identity": "neighbors",
"display_name": "neighbors",
"short_original": "Reports an agentset containing the eight neighboring patches.",
"short_description": "返回包含八個(含對角線)相鄰格子的主體集合。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"neighbors4": {
"identity": "neighbors4",
"display_name": "neighbors4",
"short_original": "Reports an agentset containing the four neighboring patches in cardinal directions (north, west, south, east).",
"short_description": "返回包含四個(不含對角線)相鄰格子的主體集合。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"nobody": {
"identity": "nobody",
"display_name": "nobody",
"short_original": "A special value that helps checking if an agent exists or not.",
"short_description": "指代不存在的主體。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"of": {
"identity": "of",
"display_name": "of",
"short_original": "Reports the value of an agent-owned variable.",
"short_description": "從其他上下文中返回主體變量的值。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Urban Suite - Recycling",
"Language Change"
"one-of": {
"identity": "one-of",
"display_name": "one-of",
"short_original": "Reports one randomly picked member from a provided agentset or list.",
"short_description": "從一個主體集合中隨機選擇一個主體。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Fairy Circles"
"or": {
"identity": "or",
"display_name": "or",
"short_original": "Checks if either of two provided conditions is true.",
"short_description": "檢查兩個條件中的任何一個是否為真。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"GasLab Atmosphere",
"Bidding Market",
"Wealth Distribution"
"other": {
"identity": "other",
"display_name": "other",
"short_original": "Reports an agentset which is the same as the input agentset but omits the agent that used this primitive.",
"short_description": "返回主體集合中除了來源主體之外的其他成員。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Fruit Wars"
"patch": {
"identity": "patch",
"display_name": "patch",
"short_original": "Reports a specific patch at the provided (x,y) conditions.",
"short_description": "指代特定格子的x和y坐標。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Ant Lines",
"Rumor Mill"
"patch-ahead": {
"identity": "patch-ahead",
"display_name": "patch-ahead",
"short_original": "Reports the single patch that is the given distance “ahead” of this turtle",
"short_description": "返回距離海龜前進方向特定距離的一個格子。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Climate Change",
"Traffic Intersection"
"patches": {
"identity": "patches",
"display_name": "patches",
"short_original": "Reports an agentset that contains all the patches in a model.",
"short_description": "返回模型中所有格子組成的主體集合。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Peppered Moths",
"Blood Sugar Regulation",
"Rock Paper Scissors"
"patches-own": {
"identity": "patches-own",
"display_name": "patches-own",
"short_original": "Defines custom characteristics (variables) for patches. Each custom characteristic can have a different value for each patch.",
"short_description": "聲明一個屬于格子的變量。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Diffusion Graphics",
"Grand Canyon",
"pcolor": {
"identity": "pcolor",
"display_name": "pcolor",
"short_original": "Reports a patch's color and changes a patch's color when used with the set primitive.",
"short_description": "格子的內置變量,指示格子的顏色。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Vision Evolution",
"Rock Paper Scissors",
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"Bacterial Infection"
"pen-down": {
"identity": "pen-down",
"display_name": "pen-down",
"short_original": "Starts tracing the movement of the turtle on patches.",
"short_description": "開始繪制海龜的運動軌跡。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Turtles Circling",
"Bidding Market",
"GasLab Single Collision",
"pen-up": {
"identity": "pen-up",
"display_name": "pen-up",
"short_original": "Stops tracing a turtle's movement.",
"short_description": "停止繪制海龜的運動軌跡。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Turtles Circling",
"Bidding Market",
"GasLab Single Collision",
"random": {
"identity": "random",
"display_name": "random",
"short_original": "Reports a random whole number between 0 and a specified number.",
"short_description": "生成一個指定范圍內的隨機整數。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Sunflower Biomorphs",
"Fairy Circles"
"random-float": {
"identity": "random-float",
"display_name": "random-float",
"short_original": "Reports a random number with decimal points between 0 and a specified number.",
"short_description": "生成一個指定范圍內的隨機實數(非整數)。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Climate Change",
"Galton Box",
"random-normal": {
"identity": "random-normal",
"display_name": "random-normal",
"short_original": "Reports a random number with decimal points that is picked from over a normal distribution with a specified mean and standard deviation.",
"short_description": "根據正態分布隨機產生一個數字。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Sex Ratio Equilibrium"
"repeat": {
"identity": "repeat",
"display_name": "repeat",
"short_original": "Performs a provided set of rules (commands) repeatedly for a specified number of times.",
"short_description": "將指令集重復執行n次。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Disease Solo",
"Flocking Vee Formations",
"Peppered Moths",
"Ant Lines"
"reset-ticks": {
"identity": "reset-ticks",
"display_name": "reset-ticks",
"short_original": "Sets the tick counter to 0.",
"short_description": "將時間周期計數器設置為0。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"Climate Change"
"right": {
"identity": "right",
"display_name": "right",
"short_original": "Changes a turtle's heading a certain amount of degrees to the right.",
"short_description": "向右旋轉一定角度。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Bacteria Hunt Speeds",
"DLA Simple"
"round": {
"identity": "round",
"display_name": "round",
"short_original": "Reports the integer that is nearest to a specified value.",
"short_description": "將數字四舍五入到最接近的整數。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Sex Ratio Equilibrium",
"Bug Hunt Camouflage",
"Bacterial Infection",
"Blood Sugar Regulation"
"scale-color": {
"identity": "scale-color",
"display_name": "scale-color",
"short_original": "Reports a shade of a base hue (color) based on where a speficied value falls is within a specified range (min-max).",
"short_description": "根據給定的值,生成一個基本色調的陰影。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"semicolon": {
"identity": "semicolon",
"display_name": "semicolon",
"short_original": "Starts a comments to take notes on a line of code. anything that follows a semicolon (;) will not be considered code.",
"short_description": "分號(;)用于標記代碼注釋。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"set": {
"identity": "set",
"display_name": "set",
"short_original": "Changes the value of a variable (global, local, or agent-owned).",
"short_description": "設置變量的值。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"Climate Change"
"setxy": {
"identity": "setxy",
"display_name": "setxy",
"short_original": "Moves a turtle to the exact location defined by the provided x and y coordinates.",
"short_description": "通過X和Y坐標設置海龜的位置。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Vision Evolution",
"shape": {
"identity": "shape",
"display_name": "shape",
"short_original": "Reports a turtles or link's shape and changes a turtle's or link's shape when used with the set primitive.",
"short_description": "海龜和鏈接的內置變量,指示了它的外觀。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Urban Suite - Pollution",
"Traffic Intersection",
"Ant Lines"
"sort-by": {
"identity": "sort-by",
"display_name": "sort-by",
"short_original": "Reports a sorted version of a provided list based on a user-defined comparison.",
"short_description": "根據用戶定義的比較函數對列表進行排序。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"4 Block Stalagmites",
"GasLab Circular Particles",
"CRISPR Bacterium",
"Ask Ordering Example"
"sort-on": {
"identity": "sort-on",
"display_name": "sort-on",
"short_original": "Reports a sorted version of a provided agentset based on a user-defined comparison.",
"short_description": "根據已有報告指令的值,將主體集合排序。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"DNA Protein Synthesis",
"Rnd Example"
"sprout": {
"identity": "sprout",
"display_name": "sprout",
"short_original": "Creates new turtles at the center of a patch.",
"short_description": "在格子中創建新的海龜。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Ant Lines",
"Fairy Circles"
"tick": {
"identity": "tick",
"display_name": "tick",
"short_original": "Advances the tick counter by 1.",
"short_description": "增加時間周期計數器(默認為1)。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"BeeSmart Hive Finding",
"tie": {
"identity": "tie",
"display_name": "tie",
"short_original": "Turns a link between two turtles into a rigid connection so that the movement of one turtle impacts the movement of the other.",
"short_description": "用一個鏈接將兩只海龜綁定起來,使他們能一起移動。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Vision Evolution",
"DNA Replication Fork",
"Bug Hunt Environmental Changes",
"Connected Chemistry 8 Gas Particle Sandbox"
"to": {
"identity": "to",
"display_name": "to",
"short_original": "Begins a command procedure",
"short_description": "開始一個指令程序。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"to-report": {
"identity": "to-report",
"display_name": "to-report",
"short_original": "Begin a procedure to create a custom reporter.",
"short_description": "運行創建自定義報告指令程序。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Rock Paper Scissors",
"towards": {
"identity": "towards",
"display_name": "towards",
"short_original": "Reports the angle of the caller towards an agent.",
"short_description": "返回來源主體與目標主體的夾角角度。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Chaos in a Box",
"Bug Hunt Coevolution",
"GenEvo 1 Genetic Switch",
"Traffic 2 Lanes"
"turtle": {
"identity": "turtle",
"display_name": "turtle",
"short_original": "Reports a specific turtle that has the provided unique number.",
"short_description": "返回具有某一獨特編號的海龜。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Wolf Sheep Predation",
"Bug Hunt Camouflage"
"turtles": {
"identity": "turtles",
"display_name": "turtles",
"short_original": "Reports an agentset that contains all the turtles in a model.",
"short_description": "返回模型中所有海龜的主體集合。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Disease Solo",
"Flocking Vee Formations",
"Peppered Moths",
"Ant Lines"
"turtles-here": {
"identity": "turtles-here",
"display_name": "turtles-here",
"short_original": "Reports the agentset of all the turtles on a caller's patch.",
"short_description": "返回來源格子上所有海龜的主體集合。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"El Farol",
"Chemical Equilibrium"
"turtles-own": {
"identity": "turtles-own",
"display_name": "turtles-own",
"short_original": "Declare a variable that belongs to turtles.",
"short_description": "聲明一個屬于海龜的變量。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Disease Solo",
"Flocking Vee Formations",
"Wolf Sheep Predation"
"while": {
"identity": "while",
"display_name": "while",
"short_original": "Begins a loop that runs as long as the reporter returns true. ",
"short_description": "開始一個循環,直到函數返回 true (為真)時結束。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
"Traffic Basic",
"Sunflower Biomorphs"
"with": {
"identity": "with",
"display_name": "with",
"short_original": "Reports a subset of the original agentset that only contains the agents with specified characteristics.",
"short_description": "根據一定條件,縮小主體集合的范圍。",
"search_terms": [
"agents": [
"see_also": [
"library_models": [
马建仓 AI 助手