同步操作将从 赵瑞阳/对抗样本检测 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
DDPM Script Version Apr 17th 2023
import os
import gc
from datetime import datetime
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from torchvision import transforms
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
from torch.cuda import amp
from torchmetrics import MeanMetric
from IPython.display import display
from tools import get, make_a_grid_based_cv2_npy, cv2_to_pil, make_a_grid_based_PIL_npy, frames2vid_for_cv2frames
class Diffusion_setting:
def __init__(self, num_diffusion_timesteps=1000, img_shape=(3, 64, 64), device="cpu"):
self.num_diffusion_timesteps = num_diffusion_timesteps
self.img_shape = img_shape
self.device = device
def initialize(self):
# calculate all the settings for every timesteps, store in a tensor matrix
# BETAs & ALPHAs required at different places in the Algorithm.
self.betas = self.get_betas() # a set of all beta(i)s
self.alphas = 1 - self.betas # a set of all alpha(i)s
self.one_by_sqrt_alpha_s = 1. / torch.sqrt(self.alphas)
self.sqrt_beta_s = torch.sqrt(self.betas) # the var for denoising
# a single calculated cumulative values
self.alpha_cumulative = torch.cumprod(self.alphas, dim=0)
self.sqrt_alpha_cumulative = torch.sqrt(self.alpha_cumulative)
self.sqrt_one_minus_alpha_cumulative = torch.sqrt(1 - self.alpha_cumulative)
def get_betas(self):
# linear schedule, following original ddpm paper
scale = 1000 / self.num_diffusion_timesteps # scale to 1 (under 1000 timesteps)
beta_start = scale * 1e-5
beta_end = scale * 0.02
return torch.linspace(beta_start, beta_end, self.num_diffusion_timesteps,
dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
def forward_diffusion(DS: Diffusion_setting, X_0: torch.Tensor, timestep: torch.Tensor):
Diffuse X(0) directly to the X(t) of the timestep t
Mathematically we proved the X(t) can be calculated based on Betas (Alphas) and X(0) and a ep ~ N(0,1)
:param DS: Diffusion_settings
:param X_0: input image batch
:param timestep: a batch of timesteps required to be diffused [B]
:return: Diffused X(t)
# sample a batch of Noise ~ N(0,1)
eps = torch.randn_like(X_0) # [B,C,H,W]
# Images scaled to X_t_batch/sqrt(alpha_t)
mean = get(DS.sqrt_alpha_cumulative, idxs=timestep) * X_0 # [B,1,1,1] * [B,C,H,W] = [B,C,H,W]
# Noises scaled to X_t_batch/[1-sqrt(alpha_all)]
std_dev = get(DS.sqrt_one_minus_alpha_cumulative, idxs=timestep) # [B,1,1,1]
# X_t_batch of scaled inputs + scaled noise
sample = mean + std_dev * eps # [B,C,H,W] + [B,1,1,1] * [B,C,H,W] = [B,C,H,W]
return sample, eps # return ... , gt noise --> model predicts this)
# Algorithm 1: Training with forward
def train_one_epoch(model, DS, dataloader, optimizer, loss_scaler, loss_fn, epoch, total_epochs, timesteps, device):
Training (estimating the noise used in diffusing)
for each sample the timestep t is randomly assigned and then diffused to that step
:param model:
:param DS: Diffusion_settings
:param dataloader:
:param optimizer:
:param loss_scaler:
:param loss_fn:
:param epoch:
:param total_epochs:
:param timesteps: total timesteps in ddpm setting
:param device:
# use MeanMetric to log loss
loss_record = MeanMetric()
with tqdm(total=len(dataloader), dynamic_ncols=True) as tq:
tq.set_description(f"Train :: Epoch: {epoch}/{total_epochs}")
for X_0_batch, _ in dataloader:
# Assign a batch of timesteps to each X0 sample
batch_timesteps = torch.randint(low=1, high=timesteps, size=(X_0_batch.shape[0],), device=device)
# Diffuse the batch of X0 to their required step of t
X_t_batch, Real_noise_batch = forward_diffusion(DS, X_0_batch, batch_timesteps)
with amp.autocast():
# the model are asked to predict the noise added in diffusing
Pred_noise = model(X_t_batch, batch_timesteps)
loss = loss_fn(Real_noise_batch, Pred_noise)
# optimizer and scaler do the loss bp and update
# log the noise predication loss
loss_value = loss.detach().item()
# tqdm print loss val
tq.set_postfix_str(s=f"Loss: {loss_value:.4f}")
# MeanMetric calculate loss mean
mean_loss = loss_record.compute().item()
# tqdm print mean_loss val
tq.set_postfix_str(s=f"Epoch Loss: {mean_loss:.4f}")
return mean_loss
def Denoising_onestep(model, DS: Diffusion_setting, X_t: torch.Tensor, timestep: torch.Tensor, start_at_T=False):
Denoise X(t) to the X(t-1) using estimated noise at the timestep t
Mathematically we proved the X(t) can be calculated based on Betas (Alphas) and X(0) and a ep ~ N(0,1)
:param model:
:param DS: Diffusion_settings
:param X_t: input diffused-image batch : [B,C,H,W]
:param timestep: a batch of timesteps required to be denoised: [B]
:param start_at_T: the perturbation at step 0 (T) should be 0
:return: X_t-1
# sample a batch of Noise ~ N(0,1)
eps = torch.randn_like(X_t) if not start_at_T else torch.zeros_like(X_t)
# based on XT to guess what are 'added noise' (denoise)
predicted_noise = model(X_t, timestep)
beta_t = get(DS.betas, timestep) # [B] a batch of beta_t
one_by_sqrt_alpha_t = get(DS.one_by_sqrt_alpha_s, timestep) # [B] a batch of 1/sqrt(alpha_t)
sqrt_one_minus_alpha_cumulative_t = get(DS.sqrt_one_minus_alpha_cumulative,
timestep) # [B] a batch of sqrt(1-alpha_all)
mean = one_by_sqrt_alpha_t * (X_t - (beta_t / sqrt_one_minus_alpha_cumulative_t) * predicted_noise)
var = get(DS.sqrt_beta_s, timestep) # todo here, the authors take the sqrt(beta_t) from diffusing process
# instead of mathematical results of [1-alpha_cumulative(t-1)] * beta_t / [1-alpha_cumulative(t)]
X_t_minus_1 = mean + var * eps
return X_t_minus_1
def reverse_diff(model, DS, timesteps=1000, img_shape=(3, 64, 64), num_images=5, nrow=8, device="cpu",
save_path=None, generate_video=True):
# Assign a batch of X(T) (Noise ~ N(0,1)) to x_t (t = T)
x_T = torch.randn((num_images, *img_shape), device=device) # [num_images, C, H, W]
x_t = x_T # the first X_t
if generate_video: # build the results into frames of a video
frames_list = [] # all frames
# step by step de-noising
for time_step in tqdm(iterable=reversed(range(1, timesteps)), total=timesteps - 1, dynamic_ncols=False,
desc="Sampling :: ", position=0):
# Assign a batch of timesteps (value all at t) to each X(t): [B]
timesteps_batch = torch.ones(num_images, dtype=torch.long, device=device) * time_step
x_t = Denoising_onestep(model, DS, x_t, timesteps_batch, start_at_T=True if time_step == 1 else False)
# put the intermediate results into a frame
if generate_video:
# the generated image is C,H,W and C is RGB format (PIL), values in 0-1 range
grid_cv2_npy = make_a_grid_based_cv2_npy(x_t, nrow=nrow)
# added to all the frames
if generate_video: # Generate and save video of the entire reverse process
frames2vid_for_cv2frames(frames_list, save_path)
# Display the image at the final timestep of the reverse process.
pil_image = cv2_to_pil(frames_list[-1]) # PIL format
return None
# Algorithm 2: Inference with Denoise Sampling
def reverse_diffusion(model,png_file,DS, timesteps=1000, img_shape=(3, 64, 64), num_images=5, nrow=8, device="cpu",
save_path=None, generate_video=True,):
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((32, 32)), # 调整图片尺寸
transforms.ToTensor(), # 转换为张量
transforms.Normalize((0.5), (0.5))
X_img = Image.open(png_file)
# 创建一个BytesIO对象
# img_io = BytesIO()
# # 保存图片到BytesIO对象,降低质量
# X_img.save(img_io, 'JPEG', quality=90)
# # 重新打开压缩后的图片
# img_io.seek(0)
# X_img= Image.open(img_io)
image = transform(X_img)
# print(x1.shape) #[1, 28, 28]
image = image.unsqueeze(0)
# # # # # Assign a batch of X(T) (Noise ~ N(0,1)) to x_t (t = T)
# D_S = Diffusion_setting()
# # # # #
# timestep = torch.Tensor([199])
# X_t, eps = forward_diffusion(D_S, image, timestep)
# x_T = torch.randn((num_images, *img_shape), device=device) # [num_images, C, H, W]
x_t =image.to(device) # the first X_t
if generate_video: # build the results into frames of a video
frames_list = [] # all frames
# step by step de-noising
for time_step in tqdm(iterable=reversed(range(1, timesteps)), total=timesteps - 1, dynamic_ncols=False,
desc="Sampling :: ", position=0):
# Assign a batch of timesteps (value all at t) to each X(t): [B]
timesteps_batch = torch.ones(num_images, dtype=torch.long, device=device) * time_step
x_t = Denoising_onestep(model, DS, x_t, timesteps_batch, start_at_T=True if time_step == 1 else False)
# put the intermediate results into a frame
if generate_video:
# the generated image is C,H,W and C is RGB format (PIL), values in 0-1 range
grid_cv2_npy = make_a_grid_based_cv2_npy(x_t, nrow=nrow)
# added to all the frames
if generate_video: # Generate and save video of the entire reverse process
frames2vid_for_cv2frames(frames_list, save_path)
# Display the image at the final timestep of the reverse process.
pil_image = cv2_to_pil(frames_list[-1]) # PIL format
return None
else: # Display and save the image at the final timestep of the reverse process.
pil_image = make_a_grid_based_PIL_npy(x_t, nrow=nrow)
pil_image.save(save_path, format=save_path[-3:].upper()) # save PIL image
display(pil_image) # show PIL image
return None
def train(model, sd, dataloader, optimizer, scaler, loss_fn, img_shape, total_epochs, timesteps,
log_dir, checkpoint_dir, generate_video=False, device='cpu', checkpoint_name="ddpm.tar"):
ext = ".mp4" if generate_video else ".png"
for epoch in range(1, total_epochs + 1):
# Algorithm 1: Training
train_one_epoch(model, sd, dataloader, optimizer, scaler, loss_fn, epoch,
total_epochs=total_epochs, timesteps=timesteps,
if epoch % 5 == 0:
save_path = os.path.join(log_dir, f"{epoch}{ext}")
# Algorithm 2: Sampling
reverse_diffusion(model, sd, timesteps=timesteps, img_shape=img_shape,
num_images=32, generate_video=generate_video,
save_path=save_path, device=device)
# clear_output()
checkpoint_dict = {
"opt": optimizer.state_dict(),
"scaler": scaler.state_dict(),
"model": model.state_dict()
torch.save(checkpoint_dict, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_name))
del checkpoint_dict
def inference(model, png_file, sd,img_shape, num_images=64, timesteps=1000, nrow=8,
log_dir="inference_results", generate_video=False, device='cpu'):
os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
ext = ".mp4" if generate_video else ".png"
filename = f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}{ext}"
save_path = os.path.join(log_dir, filename)
print('save_path:', save_path)
return save_path
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