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Setup your project

  1. Open your IDE or source code editor and select the option to clone the repository

    Cloning github fork to Visual Studio Code
  2. Paste the copied clone link in the URL field and submit.

    Cloning github fork to Visual Studio Code

Setting up debugging

  1. Configuring Airflow database connection
  • Airflow is by default configured to use SQLite database. Configuration can be seen on local machine ~/airflow/airflow.cfg under sql_alchemy_conn.

  • Installing required dependency for MySQL connection in airflow-env on local machine.

    $ pyenv activate airflow-env
    $ pip install PyMySQL
  • Now set sql_alchemy_conn = mysql+pymysql://root:@ in file ~/airflow/airflow.cfg on local machine.

  1. Debugging an example DAG
  • In Visual Studio Code open airflow project, directory /files/dags of local machine is by default mounted to docker machine when breeze airflow is started. So any DAG file present in this directory will be picked automatically by scheduler running in docker machine and same can be seen on

  • Copy any example DAG present in the /airflow/example_dags directory to /files/dags/.

  • Add a __main__ block at the end of your DAG file to make it runnable. It will run a back_fill job:

    if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Add "AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR": "DebugExecutor" to the "env" field of Debug configuration.

    • Using the Run view click on Create a launch.json file

      Add Debug Configuration to Visual Studio Code Add Debug Configuration to Visual Studio Code Add Debug Configuration to Visual Studio Code
    • Change "program" to point to an example dag and add "env" and "python" fields to the new Python configuration

          "configurations": [
              "program": "${workspaceFolder}/files/dags/example_bash_operator.py",
              "env": {
                  "PYTHONUNBUFFERED": "1",
                  "AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR": "DebugExecutor"
               "python": "${env:HOME}/.pyenv/versions/airflow/bin/python"
      Add environment variable to Visual Studio Code Debug configuration
  • Now Debug an example dag and view the entries in tables such as dag_run, xcom etc in mysql workbench.

Creating a branch

  1. Click on the branch symbol in the status bar

    Creating a new branch
  2. Give a name to a branch and checkout

    Giving a name to a branch

Follow the Quick start for typical development tasks.

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