package main

import (



var Version string

// const ReservedSpace int64 = 512 * 1024 * 1024 // 512Mb

var cli struct {
	Port    string `default:"7090" help:"port to listen on"`
	LogsDir string `default:"/var/log" help:"directory to store logs"`

	// Config vars
	DryRun         bool     `env:"DRY_RUN" default:"true" help:"perform a dry-run rather than actual work"`
	NotifyPlan     int      `env:"NOTIFY_PLAN" default:"0" help:"notify via email after plan operation has completed (unraid notifications must be set up first): 0 - No notifications; 1 - Simple notifications; 2 - Detailed notifications"`
	NotifyTransfer int      `env:"NOTIFY_TRANSFER" default:"0" help:"notify via email after transfer operation has completed (unraid notifications must be set up first): 0 - No notifications; 1 - Simple notifications; 2 - Detailed notifications"`
	ReservedAmount uint64   `env:"RESERVED_AMOUNT" default:"1" help:"Minimun Amount of space to reserve"`
	ReservedUnit   string   `env:"RESERVED_UNIT" default:"Gb" help:"Reserved Amount unit: Gb or %"`
	RsyncArgs      []string `env:"RSYNC_ARGS" default:"-X" help:"custom rsync arguments"`
	Verbosity      int      `env:"VERBOSITY" default:"0" help:"include rsync output in log files: 0 (default) - include; 1 - do not include"`
	RefreshRate    int      `env:"REFRESH_RATE" default:"1000" help:"how often to refresh the ui while running a command (in milliseconds)"`

	Boot cmd.Boot `cmd:"" default:"1" help:"start processing"`

func main() {
	// Users can set some value that falls below ReservedSpace, but during planning we force ReservedSpace if
	// reservation is less than that
	// Also, if they enter some unrecognized unit, we will used ReservedSpace (in planning as well)
	// ctx := kong.Parse(&cli, kong.Vars{
	// 	"reserved_amount": strconv.FormatUint(common.ReservedSpace/1024/1024, 10),
	// })
	ctx := kong.Parse(&cli)

		Filename:   filepath.Join(cli.LogsDir, "unbalanced.log"),
		MaxSize:    10, // megabytes
		MaxBackups: 10,
		MaxAge:     28, //days
		// Compress:   true, // disabled by default

	log.Printf("cli: %+v", cli)

	err := ctx.Run(&domain.Context{
		Port: cli.Port,
		Config: domain.Config{
			Version:        Version,
			DryRun:         cli.DryRun,
			NotifyPlan:     cli.NotifyPlan,
			NotifyTransfer: cli.NotifyTransfer,
			ReservedAmount: cli.ReservedAmount,
			ReservedUnit:   cli.ReservedUnit,
			RsyncArgs:      cli.RsyncArgs,
			Verbosity:      cli.Verbosity,
			RefreshRate:    cli.RefreshRate,
		Hub: pubsub.New(23),