同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/CockroachDB 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# Copyright 2014 The Cockroach Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
# WARNING: This Makefile is not easily understood. If you're here looking for
# typical Make invocations to build the project and run tests, you'll be better
# served by running `make help`.
# Maintainers: the output of `make help` is automatically generated from the
# double-hash (##) comments throughout this Makefile. Please submit
# improvements!
ifneq (,$(findstring v3.,v$(MAKE_VERSION)))
$(info $(yellow)Warning: your version of `make` seems old; your build may fail!$(term-reset))
# We need to define $(GO) early because it's needed for defs.mk.
GO ?= go
# xgo is needed also for defs.mk.
override xgo := GOFLAGS= $(GO)
# defs.mk stores cached values of shell commands to avoid recomputing them on
# every Make invocation. This has a small but noticeable effect, especially on
# noop builds.
# This needs to be the first rule because we're including build/defs.mk
# first thing below, and Make needs to know how to build it.
.SECONDARY: build/defs.mk
build/defs.mk: Makefile build/defs.mk.sig
@GOFLAGS= build/go-version-check.sh $(GO) || { echo "Disable this check with IGNORE_GOVERS=1." >&2; exit 1; }
@echo "macos-version = $$(sw_vers -productVersion 2>/dev/null | grep -oE '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')" > $@.tmp
@echo "GOEXE = $$($(xgo) env GOEXE)" >> $@.tmp
@echo "NCPUS = $$({ getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN || sysctl -n hw.ncpu || nproc; } 2>/dev/null)" >> $@.tmp
@echo "UNAME = $$(uname)" >> $@.tmp
@echo "HOST_TRIPLE = $$($$($(GO) env CC) -dumpmachine)" >> $@.tmp
@echo "GO_ENV_CC = $$(which $$($(GO) env CC))" >> $@.tmp
@echo "GO_ENV_CXX = $$(which $$($(GO) env CXX))" >> $@.tmp
@echo "GIT_DIR = $$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)" >> $@.tmp
@echo "GITHOOKSDIR = $$(test -d .git && echo '.git/hooks' || git rev-parse --git-path hooks)" >> $@.tmp
@echo "have-defs = 1" >> $@.tmp
@set -e; \
if ! cmp -s $@.tmp $@; then \
mv -f $@.tmp $@; \
echo "Detected change in build system. Rebooting make." >&2; \
else rm -f $@.tmp; fi
include build/defs.mk
# Nearly everything below this point needs to have the vendor directory ready
# for use and will depend on bin/.submodules-initialized. In order to
# ensure this is available before the first "include" directive depending
# on it, we'll have it listed first thing.
# Note how the actions for this rule are *not* using $(GIT_DIR) which
# is otherwise defined in defs.mk above. This is because submodules
# are used in the process of defining the .mk files included by the
# Makefile, so it is not yet defined by the time
# `.submodules-initialized` is needed during a fresh build after a
# checkout.
.SECONDARY: bin/.submodules-initialized
gitdir=$$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null || true); \
if test -n "$$gitdir"; then \
git submodule update --init --recursive; \
mkdir -p $(@D)
touch $@
# If the user wants to persist customizations for some variables, they
# can do so by defining `customenv.mk` in their work tree.
-include customenv.mk
ifeq "$(findstring bench,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" "bench"
$(if $(TESTS),$(error TESTS cannot be specified with `make bench` (did you mean BENCHES?)))
$(if $(BENCHES),$(error BENCHES can only be specified with `make bench`))
# Prevent invoking make with a specific test name without a constraining
# package.
ifneq "$(filter bench% test% stress%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
ifeq "$(PKG)" ""
$(if $(subst -,,$(TESTS)),$(error TESTS must be specified with PKG (e.g. PKG=./pkg/sql)))
$(if $(subst -,,$(BENCHES)),$(error BENCHES must be specified with PKG (e.g. PKG=./pkg/sql)))
ifneq "$(TYPE)" ""
$(error Make no longer understands TYPE. Use 'build/builder.sh mkrelease $(subst release-,,$(TYPE))' instead)
# dep-build is set to non-empty if the .d files should be included.
# This definition makes it empty when only the targets "help" and/or "clean"
# are specified.
build-with-dep-files := $(or $(if $(MAKECMDGOALS),,implicit-all),$(filter-out help clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
## Which package to run tests against, e.g. "./pkg/foo".
PKG := ./pkg/...
## Tests to run for use with `make test`
TESTS := .
## Benchmarks to run for use with `make bench`.
## Space delimited list of logic test files to run, for make testlogic/testccllogic/testoptlogic.
## Name of a logic test configuration to run, for make testlogic/testccllogic/testoptlogic.
## (default: all configs. It's not possible yet to specify multiple configs in this way.)
## Regex for matching logic test subtests. This is always matched after "FILES"
## if they are provided.
## Test timeout to use for the linter.
## Test timeout to use for regular tests.
## Test timeout to use for race tests.
## Test timeout to use for acceptance tests.
## Test timeout to use for benchmarks.
## Extra flags to pass to the go test runner, e.g. "-v --vmodule=raft=1"
## Flags to pass to `go test` invocations that actually run tests, but not
## elsewhere. Used for the -json flag which we'll only want to pass
## selectively. There's likely a better solution.
## Extra flags to pass to `stress` during `make stress`.
## Cluster to use for `make roachprod-stress`
## Verbose allows turning on verbose output from the cmake builds.
## Indicate the base root directory where to install
DUPLFLAGS := -t 100
ARCHIVE := cockroach.src.tgz
STARTFLAGS := -s type=mem,size=1GiB --logtostderr
BUILDTARGET := ./pkg/cmd/cockroach
INSTALL := install
prefix := /usr/local
bindir := $(prefix)/bin
# We always want to build from the vendor directory.
# Avoid reusing GOFLAGS as that is overwritten by various release processes.
ifeq "$(findstring -j,$(shell ps -o args= $$PPID))" ""
ifdef NCPUS
$(info Running make with -j$(NCPUS))
help: ## Print help for targets with comments.
@echo "Usage:"
@echo " make [target...] [VAR=foo VAR2=bar...]"
@echo ""
@echo "Useful commands:"
@grep -Eh '^[a-zA-Z._-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf " $(cyan)%-30s$(term-reset) %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@echo ""
@echo "Useful variables:"
@awk 'BEGIN { RS = "" ; FS = "\n" } /^## /{split($$NF, a, ":="); printf " $(cyan)%-30s$(term-reset)", a[1]; x=1; while ( x<NF ) { c = substr($$x, 4); printf " %-30s", c; x++} print ""}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort
@echo ""
@echo "Typical usage:"
@printf " $(cyan)%s$(term-reset)\n %s\n\n" \
"make test" "Run all unit tests." \
"make test PKG=./pkg/sql" "Run all unit tests in the ./pkg/sql package" \
"make test PKG=./pkg/sql/parser TESTS=TestParse" "Run the TestParse test in the ./pkg/sql/parser package." \
"make bench PKG=./pkg/sql/parser BENCHES=BenchmarkParse" "Run the BenchmarkParse benchmark in the ./pkg/sql/parser package." \
"make testlogic" "Run all base, opt exec builder, and CCL logic tests." \
"make testccllogic" "Run all CCL SQL logic tests." \
"make testoptlogic" "Run all opt exec builder SQL logic tests." \
"make testbaselogic" "Run all the OSS SQL logic tests." \
"make testlogic FILES='prepare|fk'" "Run the logic tests in the files named prepare and fk (the full path is not required)." \
"make testlogic FILES=fk SUBTESTS='20042|20045'" "Run the logic tests within subtests 20042 and 20045 in the file named fk." \
"make testlogic TESTCONFIG=local" "Run the logic tests for the cluster configuration 'local'." \
"make fuzz" "Run all fuzz tests for 12m each (or whatever the default TESTTIMEOUT is)." \
"make fuzz PKG=./pkg/sql/... TESTTIMEOUT=1m" "Run all fuzz tests under the sql directory for 1m each." \
"make fuzz PKG=./pkg/sql/sem/tree TESTS=Decimal TESTTIMEOUT=1m" "Run the Decimal fuzz tests in the tree directory for 1m."
BUILDTYPE := development
# Build C/C++ with basic debugging information.
CFLAGS += -g1
# TODO(benesch): remove filter-outs below when golang/go#26144 and
# golang/go#16651, respectively, are fixed.
CGO_CFLAGS = $(filter-out -g%,$(CFLAGS))
CGO_LDFLAGS = $(filter-out -static,$(LDFLAGS))
# certain time based fail if UTC isn't the default timezone
# We intentionally use LINKFLAGS instead of the more traditional LDFLAGS
# because LDFLAGS has built-in semantics that don't make sense with the Go
# toolchain.
override LINKFLAGS = -X github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.typ=$(BUILDTYPE) -extldflags "$(LDFLAGS)"
TAR ?= tar
# Ensure we have an unambiguous GOPATH.
GOPATH := $(shell $(GO) env GOPATH)
ifneq "$(or $(findstring :,$(GOPATH)),$(findstring ;,$(GOPATH)))" ""
$(error GOPATHs with multiple entries are not supported)
GOPATH := $(realpath $(GOPATH))
ifeq "$(strip $(GOPATH))" ""
$(error GOPATH is not set and could not be automatically determined)
ifeq "$(filter $(GOPATH)%,$(CURDIR))" ""
$(error Current directory "$(CURDIR)" is not within GOPATH "$(GOPATH)")
ifeq "$(GOPATH)" "/"
$(error GOPATH=/ is not supported)
$(info GOPATH set to $(GOPATH))
# We install our vendored tools to a directory within this repository to avoid
# overwriting any user-installed binaries of the same name in the default GOBIN.
GO_INSTALL := GOBIN='$(abspath bin)' GOFLAGS= $(GO) install
# Prefer tools we've installed with go install and Yarn to those elsewhere on
# the PATH.
export PATH := $(abspath bin):$(PATH)
# HACK: Make has a fast path and a slow path for command execution,
# but the fast path uses the PATH variable from when make was started,
# not the one we set on the previous line. In order for the above
# line to have any effect, we must force make to always take the slow path.
# Setting the SHELL variable to a value other than the default (/bin/sh)
# is one way to do this globally.
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8941110/how-i-could-add-dir-to-path-in-makefile/13468229#13468229
# We also force the PWD environment variable to $(CURDIR), which ensures that
# any programs invoked by Make see a physical CWD without any symlinks. The Go
# toolchain does not support symlinks well (for one example, see
# https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24359). This may be fixed when GOPATH is
# deprecated, so revisit whether this workaround is necessary then.
export SHELL := env PWD=$(CURDIR) bash
ifeq ($(SHELL),)
$(error bash is required)
# Invocation of any NodeJS script should be prefixed by NODE_RUN. See the
# comments within node-run.sh for rationale.
NODE_RUN := build/node-run.sh
# make-lazy converts a recursive variable, which is evaluated every time it's
# referenced, to a lazy variable, which is evaluated only the first time it's
# used. See: http://blog.jgc.org/2016/07/lazy-gnu-make-variables.html
override make-lazy = $(eval $1 = $$(eval $1 := $(value $1))$$($1))
# GNU tar and BSD tar both support transforming filenames according to a regular
# expression, but have different flags to do so.
TAR_XFORM_FLAG = $(shell $(TAR) --version | grep -q GNU && echo "--xform='flags=r;s'" || echo "-s")
$(call make-lazy,TAR_XFORM_FLAG)
# MAKE_TERMERR is set automatically in Make v4.1+, but macOS is still shipping
# v3.81.
MAKE_TERMERR ?= $(shell [[ -t 2 ]] && echo true)
# This is how you get a literal space into a Makefile.
space := $(eval) $(eval)
# Color support.
yellow = $(shell { tput setaf 3 || tput AF 3; } 2>/dev/null)
cyan = $(shell { tput setaf 6 || tput AF 6; } 2>/dev/null)
term-reset = $(shell { tput sgr0 || tput me; } 2>/dev/null)
$(call make-lazy,yellow)
$(call make-lazy,cyan)
$(call make-lazy,term-reset)
# Warn maintainers for if ccache is not found.
ifeq (, $(shell which ccache))
$(info $(yellow)Warning: 'ccache' not found, consider installing it for faster builds$(term-reset))
# Warn maintainers if bazel is not found.
ifeq (, $(shell which bazel))
$(info $(yellow)Warning: 'bazel' not found (`brew install bazelisk` for macs)$(term-reset))
# Force vendor directory to rebuild.
.PHONY: vendor_rebuild
vendor_rebuild: bin/.submodules-initialized
$(GO_INSTALL) -v -mod=mod github.com/goware/modvendor
# Tell Make to delete the target if its recipe fails. Otherwise, if a recipe
# modifies its target before failing, the target's timestamp will make it appear
# up-to-date on the next invocation of Make, even though it is likely corrupt.
# See: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Errors.html#Errors
# Targets that name a real file that must be rebuilt on every Make invocation
# should depend on .ALWAYS_REBUILD. (.PHONY should only be used on targets that
# don't name a real file because .DELETE_ON_ERROR does not apply to .PHONY
# targets.)
ifneq ($(GIT_DIR),)
# If we're in a git worktree, the git hooks directory may not be in our root,
# so we ask git for the location.
# Note that `git rev-parse --git-path hooks` requires git 2.5+.
GITHOOKS := $(subst githooks/,$(GITHOOKSDIR)/,$(wildcard githooks/*))
$(GITHOOKSDIR)/%: githooks/%
@echo installing $<
@rm -f $@
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@ln -s ../../$(basename $<) $(dir $@)
CLUSTER_UI_JS := pkg/ui/cluster-ui/dist/main.js
$(CLUSTER_UI_JS): $(shell find pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui/src -type f | sed 's/ /\\ /g') pkg/ui/yarn.installed pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/src/js/protos.d.ts | bin/.submodules-initialized
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui yarn build
.SECONDARY: pkg/ui/yarn.installed
pkg/ui/yarn.installed: pkg/ui/package.json pkg/ui/yarn.lock | bin/.submodules-initialized
@# Do not install optional dependencies as far as they are required for UI development only
@# and should not be installed for production builds.
@# Also some linux distributions (that are used as development env) don't support some of
@# optional dependencies (i.e. cypress) so it is important to make these deps optional.
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui yarn install --ignore-optional --offline
@# We remove this broken dependency again in pkg/ui/webpack.config.js.
@# See the comment there for details.
rm -rf pkg/ui/node_modules/@types/node
touch $@
vendor/modules.txt: | bin/.submodules-initialized
# Update the git hooks and install commands from dependencies whenever they
# change.
# These should be synced with `./pkg/cmd/import-tools/main.go`.
bin/.bootstrap: $(GITHOOKS) vendor/modules.txt | bin/.submodules-initialized
@$(GO_INSTALL) -v \
github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell \
github.com/cockroachdb/crlfmt \
github.com/cockroachdb/gostdlib/cmd/gofmt \
github.com/cockroachdb/gostdlib/x/tools/cmd/goimports \
github.com/golang/mock/mockgen \
github.com/cockroachdb/stress \
github.com/cockroachdb/tools/cmd/stringer \
github.com/goware/modvendor \
github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/cmd/swagger \
github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway \
github.com/kevinburke/go-bindata/go-bindata \
github.com/kisielk/errcheck \
github.com/mattn/goveralls \
github.com/mibk/dupl \
github.com/mmatczuk/go_generics/cmd/go_generics \
github.com/pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc/cmd/protoc-gen-doc \
github.com/wadey/gocovmerge \
golang.org/x/lint/golint \
golang.org/x/perf/cmd/benchstat \
golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goyacc \
golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/shadow/cmd/shadow \
honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck \
touch $@
# The following section handles building our C/C++ dependencies. These are
# common because both the root Makefile and protobuf.mk have C dependencies.
host-is-macos := $(findstring Darwin,$(UNAME))
host-is-mingw := $(findstring MINGW,$(UNAME))
ifdef host-is-macos
# On macOS 10.11, XCode SDK v8.1 (and possibly others) indicate the presence of
# symbols that don't exist until macOS 10.12. Setting MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
# to the host machine's actual macOS version works around this. See:
# https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/issues/494.
export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET ?= $(macos-version)
# Cross-compilation occurs when you set TARGET_TRIPLE to something other than
# HOST_TRIPLE. You'll need to ensure the cross-compiling toolchain is on your
# path and override the rest of the variables that immediately follow as
# necessary. For an example, see build/builder/cmd/mkrelease, which sets these
# variables appropriately for the toolchains baked into the builder image.
is-cross-compile := 1
target-is-windows := $(findstring w64,$(TARGET_TRIPLE))
target-is-macos := $(findstring darwin,$(TARGET_TRIPLE))
target-is-linux := $(findstring linux,$(TARGET_TRIPLE))
# CMAKE_TARGET_MESSAGES=OFF prevents CMake from printing progress messages
# whenever a target is fully built to prevent spammy output from make when
# c-deps are all already built. Progress messages are still printed when actual
# compilation is being performed.
cmake-flags := -DCMAKE_TARGET_MESSAGES=OFF $(if $(host-is-mingw),-G 'MSYS Makefiles')
configure-flags :=
# Use xcmake-flags when invoking CMake on binaries for the target
# platform (i.e., the cross-compiled platform, if specified); use plain
# cmake-flags when invoking CMake on libraries/binaries for the host platform.
# Similarly for xconfigure-flags and configure-flags, and xgo and GO.
xcmake-flags := $(cmake-flags) $(EXTRA_XCMAKE_FLAGS)
xconfigure-flags := $(configure-flags) $(EXTRA_XCONFIGURE_FLAGS)
# If we're cross-compiling, inform Autotools and CMake.
ifdef is-cross-compile
xconfigure-flags += --host=$(TARGET_TRIPLE) CC=$(XCC) CXX=$(XCXX)
override xgo := GOFLAGS= GOOS=$(XGOOS) GOARCH=$(XGOARCH) CC=$(XCC) CXX=$(XCXX) $(xgo)
C_DEPS_DIR := $(abspath c-deps)
KRB5_SRC_DIR := $(C_DEPS_DIR)/krb5
# Derived build variants.
use-stdmalloc := $(findstring stdmalloc,$(TAGS))
# In MinGW, cgo flags don't handle Unix-style paths, so convert our base path to
# a Windows-style path.
# TODO(benesch): Figure out why. MinGW transparently converts Unix-style paths
# everywhere else.
ifdef host-is-mingw
BUILD_DIR := $(shell cygpath -m $(BUILD_DIR))
KRB5_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/krb5
LIBJEMALLOC := $(JEMALLOC_DIR)/lib/libjemalloc.a
LIBEDIT := $(LIBEDIT_DIR)/src/.libs/libedit.a
LIBPROJ := $(PROJ_DIR)/lib/libproj$(if $(target-is-windows),_4_9).a
LIBKRB5 := $(KRB5_DIR)/lib/libgssapi_krb5.a
DYN_LIB_DIR := lib
DYN_EXT := so
ifdef target-is-macos
DYN_EXT := dylib
ifdef target-is-windows
DYN_EXT := dll
LIBGEOS := $(DYN_LIB_DIR)/libgeos.$(DYN_EXT)
$(if $(use-stdmalloc),,$(LIBJEMALLOC)) \
$(if $(target-is-windows),,$(LIBEDIT)) \
# We only include krb5 on linux, non-musl builds.
ifeq "$(findstring linux-gnu,$(TARGET_TRIPLE))" "linux-gnu"
KRB_CPPFLAGS := $(KRB5_DIR)/include
KRB_DIR := $(KRB5_DIR)/lib
override TAGS += gss
# Go does not permit dashes in build tags. This is undocumented.
native-tag := $(subst -,_,$(TARGET_TRIPLE))$(if $(use-stdmalloc),_stdmalloc)
# In each package that uses cgo, we inject include and library search paths into
# files named zcgo_flags_{native-tag}.go. The logic for this is complicated so
# that Make-driven builds can cache the state of builds for multiple
# configurations at once, while still allowing the use of `go build` and `go
# test` for the configuration most recently built with Make.
# Building with Make always adds the `make` and {native-tag} tags to the build.
# Unsuffixed flags files (zcgo_flags.cgo) have the build constraint `!make` and
# are only compiled when invoking the Go toolchain directly on a package-- i.e.,
# when the `make` build tag is not specified. These files are rebuilt whenever
# the build signature changes (see build/defs.mk.sig), and so reflect the target
# triple that Make was most recently invoked with.
# Suffixed flags files (e.g. zcgo_flags_{native-tag}.go) have the build
# constraint `{native-tag}` and are built the first time a Make-driven build
# encounters a given native tag or when the build signature changes (see
# build/defs.mk.sig). These tags are unset when building with the Go toolchain
# directly, so these files are only compiled when building with Make.
pkg/cli \
pkg/cli/clisqlshell \
pkg/server/status \
pkg/ccl/gssapiccl \
pkg/geo/geoproj \
vendor/github.com/knz/go-libedit/unix-package := libedit_unix
CGO_UNSUFFIXED_FLAGS_FILES := $(addprefix ./,$(addsuffix /zcgo_flags.go,$(CGO_PKGS)))
CGO_SUFFIXED_FLAGS_FILES := $(addprefix ./,$(addsuffix /zcgo_flags_$(native-tag).go,$(CGO_PKGS)))
CGO_FLAGS_FILES := $(BASE_CGO_FLAGS_FILES) vendor/github.com/knz/go-libedit/unix/zcgo_flags_extra.go
$(BASE_CGO_FLAGS_FILES): Makefile build/defs.mk.sig | bin/.submodules-initialized
@echo "regenerating $@"
@echo >> $@
@echo '//go:build $(if $(findstring $(native-tag),$@),$(native-tag),!make)' >> $@
@echo '// +build $(if $(findstring $(native-tag),$@),$(native-tag),!make)' >> $@
@echo >> $@
@echo 'package $(if $($(@D)-package),$($(@D)-package),$(notdir $(@D)))' >> $@
@echo >> $@
@echo '// #cgo CPPFLAGS: $(addprefix -I,$(JEMALLOC_DIR)/include $(KRB_CPPFLAGS))' >> $@
@echo '// #cgo LDFLAGS: $(addprefix -L,$(JEMALLOC_DIR)/lib $(LIBEDIT_DIR)/src/.libs $(KRB_DIR) $(PROJ_DIR)/lib)' >> $@
@echo 'import "C"' >> $@
vendor/github.com/knz/go-libedit/unix/zcgo_flags_extra.go: Makefile | bin/.submodules-initialized
@echo "regenerating $@"
@echo >> $@
@echo 'package $($(@D)-package)' >> $@
@echo >> $@
@echo '// #cgo CPPFLAGS: -DGO_LIBEDIT_NO_BUILD' >> $@
@echo '// #cgo !windows LDFLAGS: -ledit -lncurses' >> $@
@echo 'import "C"' >> $@
# We need to ensure that changes to a dependency's configure or CMake flags
# below cause the corresponding dependency to be rebuilt. It would be correct to
# have the dependencies list this file itself as a prerequisite, but *all*
# dependencies would be rebuilt, likely unnecessarily, whenever this file
# changed. Instead, we give each dependency its own marker file, DEP-rebuild, as
# a prerequisite.
# It's not important *what* goes in the marker file, so long as its contents
# change in the same commit as the configure flags. This causes Git to touch the
# marker file when switching between revisions that span the change. For
# simplicity, just sequentially bump the version number within.
# NB: the recipes below nuke *all* build artifacts when a dependency's configure
# flags change. In theory, we could rely on the dependency's build system to
# only rebuild the affected objects, but in practice dependencies on configure
# flags are not tracked correctly, and these stale artifacts can cause
# particularly hard-to-debug errors.
$(JEMALLOC_SRC_DIR)/configure.ac: | bin/.submodules-initialized
$(JEMALLOC_SRC_DIR)/configure: $(JEMALLOC_SRC_DIR)/configure.ac
cd $(JEMALLOC_SRC_DIR) && autoconf
$(JEMALLOC_DIR)/Makefile: $(C_DEPS_DIR)/jemalloc-rebuild $(JEMALLOC_SRC_DIR)/configure
rm -rf $(JEMALLOC_DIR)
mkdir -p $(JEMALLOC_DIR)
@# NOTE: If you change the configure flags below, bump the version in
@# $(C_DEPS_DIR)/jemalloc-rebuild. See above for rationale.
cd $(JEMALLOC_DIR) && $(JEMALLOC_SRC_DIR)/configure $(xconfigure-flags) --enable-prof
$(KRB5_SRC_DIR)/src/configure.in: | bin/.submodules-initialized
$(KRB5_SRC_DIR)/src/configure: $(KRB5_SRC_DIR)/src/configure.in
cd $(KRB5_SRC_DIR)/src && autoreconf
$(KRB5_DIR)/Makefile: $(C_DEPS_DIR)/krb5-rebuild $(KRB5_SRC_DIR)/src/configure
rm -rf $(KRB5_DIR)
mkdir -p $(KRB5_DIR)
@# NOTE: If you change the configure flags below, bump the version in
@# $(C_DEPS_DIR)/krb5-rebuild. See above for rationale.
@# If CFLAGS is set to -g1 then make will fail.
@# We specify -fcommon to get around duplicate definition errors in recent gcc.
cd $(KRB5_DIR) && env -u CXXFLAGS CFLAGS="-fcommon" $(KRB5_SRC_DIR)/src/configure $(xconfigure-flags) --enable-static --disable-shared
$(GEOS_DIR)/Makefile: $(C_DEPS_DIR)/geos-rebuild | bin/.submodules-initialized
rm -rf $(GEOS_DIR)
mkdir -p $(GEOS_DIR)
@# NOTE: If you change the CMake flags below, bump the version in
@# $(C_DEPS_DIR)/geos-rebuild. See above for rationale.
cd $(GEOS_DIR) && \
@# Copy geos/export.h to the capi include directory to avoid needing multiple include
@# directories.
mkdir $(GEOS_DIR)/capi/geos
cp $(GEOS_SRC_DIR)/include/geos/export.h $(GEOS_DIR)/capi/geos
$(PROJ_DIR)/Makefile: $(C_DEPS_DIR)/proj-rebuild | bin/.submodules-initialized
rm -rf $(PROJ_DIR)
mkdir -p $(PROJ_DIR)
$(LIBEDIT_SRC_DIR)/configure.ac: | bin/.submodules-initialized
$(LIBEDIT_SRC_DIR)/configure: $(LIBEDIT_SRC_DIR)/configure.ac
cd $(LIBEDIT_SRC_DIR) && autoconf
$(LIBEDIT_DIR)/Makefile: $(C_DEPS_DIR)/libedit-rebuild $(LIBEDIT_SRC_DIR)/configure
rm -rf $(LIBEDIT_DIR)
mkdir -p $(LIBEDIT_DIR)
@# NOTE: If you change the configure flags below, bump the version in
@# $(C_DEPS_DIR)/libedit-rebuild. See above for rationale.
cd $(LIBEDIT_DIR) && $(LIBEDIT_SRC_DIR)/configure $(xconfigure-flags) --disable-examples --disable-shared
# Most of our C and C++ dependencies use Makefiles that are generated by CMake,
# which are rather slow, taking upwards of 500ms to determine that nothing has
# changed. The no-op case is the common case, as C and C++ code is modified
# rarely relative to Go code.
# So, for speed, we want to avoid invoking our C and C++ dependencies' build
# systems when nothing has changed. We apply a very coarse heuristic that works
# well in practice: if every file in a given library's source tree is older than
# the compiled library, then the compiled library must be up-to-date.
# Normally, you'd accomplish this in Make itself by declaring a prerequisite for
# every file in the library's source tree. For example, you'd have a rule like
# this for protoc:
# $(PROTOC): $(PROTOC_DIR)/Makefile $(shell find c-deps/protobuf)
# $(MAKE) -C $(PROTOC_DIR) protoc
# Note the prerequisite that shells out to the 'find' command. Unfortunately,
# this winds up being as slow as unconditionally invoking the child build
# system! The cost of repeated find invocations, one per command, adds up, plus
# Make needs to stat all of the resulting files, and it seems to do so
# sequentially.
# Instead, we unconditionally run the recipe for each C and C++ dependency, via
# .ALWAYS_REBUILD, but condition the execution of the dependency's build system
# on the output of uptodate, a Go binary of our own design. uptodate walks and
# stats the directory tree in parallel, and can make the up-to-date
# determination in under 20ms.
@uptodate $@ $(JEMALLOC_SRC_DIR) || $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(JEMALLOC_DIR) build_lib_static
ifdef is-cross-compile
ifdef target-is-macos
geos_require_install_name_tool := 1
ifdef target-is-linux
geos_require_patchelf := 1
# For dlopen to work with OSX from any location, we need the @rpath directory prefix.
# However, no matter what CMake flags I try, cross-compiling OSX does not output
# the correct rpath locations. As such, use the install-name-tool to do the work
# of setting the correct rpaths on OSX.
GEOS_NATIVE_LIB_DIR = $(GEOS_DIR)/$(if $(target-is-windows),bin,lib)
ifdef geos_require_install_name_tool
$(LIBGEOS): libgeos_inner .ALWAYS_REBUILD
$(TARGET_TRIPLE)-install_name_tool -id @rpath/libgeos.3.8.1.dylib lib/libgeos.dylib
$(TARGET_TRIPLE)-install_name_tool -id @rpath/libgeos_c.1.dylib lib/libgeos_c.dylib
$(TARGET_TRIPLE)-install_name_tool -change "$(GEOS_NATIVE_LIB_DIR)/libgeos.3.8.1.dylib" "@rpath/libgeos.3.8.1.dylib" lib.docker_amd64/libgeos_c.dylib
else ifdef geos_require_patchelf
# We apply a similar fix for linux, allowing one to dlopen libgeos_c.so without
# dlopening libgeos.so. Setting the rpath in the CMakeLists.txt does not work
# for cross compilation.
$(LIBGEOS): libgeos_inner .ALWAYS_REBUILD
patchelf --set-rpath '/usr/local/lib/cockroach/' lib/libgeos_c.so
patchelf --set-soname libgeos.so lib/libgeos.so
patchelf --replace-needed libgeos.so.3.8.1 libgeos.so lib/libgeos_c.so
$(LIBGEOS): libgeos_inner .ALWAYS_REBUILD
libgeos_inner: $(GEOS_DIR)/Makefile bin/uptodate .ALWAYS_REBUILD
@uptodate $(GEOS_NATIVE_LIB_DIR)/libgeos.$(DYN_EXT) $(GEOS_SRC_DIR) || $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(GEOS_DIR) geos_c
mkdir -p $(DYN_LIB_DIR)
rm -f $(DYN_LIB_DIR)/lib{geos,geos_c}.$(DYN_EXT)
cp -L $(GEOS_NATIVE_LIB_DIR)/lib{geos,geos_c}.$(DYN_EXT) $(DYN_LIB_DIR)
$(LIBPROJ): $(PROJ_DIR)/Makefile bin/uptodate .ALWAYS_REBUILD
@uptodate $@ $(PROJ_SRC_DIR) || $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(PROJ_DIR) proj
$(LIBEDIT): $(LIBEDIT_DIR)/Makefile bin/uptodate .ALWAYS_REBUILD
@uptodate $@ $(LIBEDIT_SRC_DIR) || $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(LIBEDIT_DIR)/src
$(LIBKRB5): $(KRB5_DIR)/Makefile bin/uptodate .ALWAYS_REBUILD
@uptodate $@ $(KRB5_SRC_DIR)/src || $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(KRB5_DIR)
# Convenient names for maintainers. Not used by other targets in the Makefile.
.PHONY: libjemalloc libgeos libproj libkrb5
libedit: $(LIBEDIT)
libjemalloc: $(LIBJEMALLOC)
libgeos: $(LIBGEOS)
libproj: $(LIBPROJ)
libkrb5: $(LIBKRB5)
override TAGS += make $(native-tag)
# Some targets (protobuf) produce different results depending on the sort order;
# set LC_ALL so this is consistent across systems.
export LC_ALL=C
# defs.mk.sig attempts to capture common cases where defs.mk needs to be
# recomputed, like when compiling for a different platform or using a different
# Go binary. It is not intended to be perfect. Upgrading the compiler toolchain
# in place will go unnoticed, for example. Similar problems exist in all Make-
# based build systems and are not worth solving.
build/defs.mk.sig: sig = $(PATH):$(CURDIR):$(GO):$(GOPATH):$(CC):$(CXX):$(TARGET_TRIPLE):$(BUILDTYPE):$(IGNORE_GOVERS)
build/defs.mk.sig: .ALWAYS_REBUILD
@echo '$(sig)' | cmp -s - $@ || echo '$(sig)' > $@
COCKROACH := ./cockroach$(SUFFIX)
COCKROACHOSS := ./cockroachoss$(SUFFIX)
COCKROACHSHORT := ./cockroachshort$(SUFFIX)
COCKROACHSQL := ./cockroach-sql$(SUFFIX)
pkg/util/log/severity/severity_generated.go \
pkg/util/log/channel/channel_generated.go \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/eventlog_channels_generated.go \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/json_encode_generated.go \
pkg/sql/parser/sql.go \
pkg/sql/parser/helpmap_test.go \
pkg/sql/parser/help_messages.go \
pkg/sql/lexbase/tokens.go \
pkg/sql/lexbase/keywords.go \
PROTOBUF_TARGETS := bin/.go_protobuf_sources bin/.gw_protobuf_sources
bin/.docgen_bnfs \
bin/.docgen_functions \
docs/generated/redact_safe.md \
bin/.docgen_http \
bin/.docgen_logformats \
docs/generated/logsinks.md \
docs/generated/logging.md \
pkg/col/coldata/vec.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colconv/datum_to_vec.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colconv/vec_to_datum.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/and_or_projection.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/hash_aggregator.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/is_null_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/ordered_synchronizer.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/quicksort.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/rowstovec.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/select_in.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/sort.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/sorttopk.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/sort_partitioner.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/substring.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/values_differ.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/vec_comparators.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_any_not_null_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_avg_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_bool_and_or_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_concat_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_count_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_default_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_min_max_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_sum_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/hash_sum_int_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_any_not_null_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_avg_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_bool_and_or_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_concat_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_count_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_default_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_min_max_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_sum_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/ordered_sum_int_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/window_avg_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/window_bool_and_or_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/window_concat_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/window_count_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/window_min_max_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/window_sum_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecagg/window_sum_int_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecbase/cast.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecbase/const.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecbase/distinct.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexeccmp/default_cmp_expr.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexechash/hashtable_distinct.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexechash/hashtable_full_default.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexechash/hashtable_full_deleting.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexechash/hash_utils.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/crossjoiner.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/hashjoiner.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoinbase.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_exceptall.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_fullouter.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_inner.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_intersectall.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_leftanti.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_leftouter.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_leftsemi.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_rightanti.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_rightouter.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecjoin/mergejoiner_rightsemi.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecproj/default_cmp_proj_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecproj/proj_const_left_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecproj/proj_const_right_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecproj/proj_like_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecproj/proj_non_const_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecsel/default_cmp_sel_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecsel/selection_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecsel/sel_like_ops.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecspan/span_assembler.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecspan/span_encoder.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/first_value.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/lag.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/last_value.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/lead.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/min_max_removable_agg.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/ntile.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/nth_value.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/range_offset_handler.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/rank.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/relative_rank.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/row_number.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/window_aggregator.eg.go \
pkg/sql/colexec/colexecwindow/window_framer.eg.go \
pkg/sql/opt/memo/expr.og.go \
pkg/sql/opt/operator.og.go \
pkg/sql/opt/xform/explorer.og.go \
pkg/sql/opt/norm/factory.og.go \
pkg/sql/opt/rule_name.og.go \
pkg/sql/opt/rule_name_string.go \
pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.og.go \
pkg/sql/opt/exec/explain/explain_factory.og.go \
pkg/sql/opt/exec/explain/plan_gist_factory.og.go \
# removed-files is a list of files that used to exist in the
# repository that need to be explicitly cleaned up to prevent build
# failures.
removed-files = pkg/ui/distccl/bindata.go
removed-files-to-remove = $(strip $(foreach f,$(removed-files),$(wildcard $(f))))
ifneq ($(removed-files-to-remove),)
CLEANUP_TARGETS = clean-removed-files
.PHONY: clean-removed-files
ifneq ($(removed-files-to-remove),)
rm -f $(removed-files-to-remove)
test-targets := \
check test testshort testslow testrace testraceslow testdeadlock testbuild \
stress stressrace \
roachprod-stress roachprod-stressrace \
testlogic testbaselogic testccllogic testoptlogic
go-targets-ccl := \
bin/workload \
go-install \
bench benchshort \
check test testshort testslow testrace testraceslow testdeadlock testbuild \
stress stressrace \
roachprod-stress roachprod-stressrace \
generate \
lint lintshort
go-targets := $(go-targets-ccl) $(COCKROACHOSS) $(COCKROACHSHORT) $(COCKROACHSQL)
all: build
.PHONY: c-deps
c-deps: $(C_LIBS_CCL) | $(C_LIBS_DYNAMIC)
build-mode = build -o $@
go-install: build-mode = install
$(COCKROACH) go-install generate: pkg/ui/assets.ccl.installed
$(COCKROACHOSS): BUILDTARGET = ./pkg/cmd/cockroach-oss
$(COCKROACHOSS): $(C_LIBS_OSS) pkg/ui/assets.oss.installed | $(C_LIBS_DYNAMIC)
$(COCKROACHSHORT): BUILDTARGET = ./pkg/cmd/cockroach-short
$(COCKROACHSQL): BUILDTARGET = ./pkg/cmd/cockroach-sql
$(COCKROACHSQL): $(if $(target-is-windows),,$(LIBEDIT))
# For test targets, add a tag (used to enable extra assertions).
$(test-targets): TAGS += crdb_test
$(go-targets-ccl): $(C_LIBS_CCL) | $(C_LIBS_DYNAMIC)
BUILDINFO = .buildinfo/tag .buildinfo/rev
## Override for .buildinfo/tag
$(go-targets): override LINKFLAGS += \
-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.tag=$(if $(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(shell cat .buildinfo/tag))" \
-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.rev=$(shell cat .buildinfo/rev)" \
-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.cgoTargetTriple=$(TARGET_TRIPLE)" \
$(if $(BUILDCHANNEL),-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.channel=$(BUILDCHANNEL)") \
$(if $(BUILD_TAGGED_RELEASE),-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/util/log.crashReportEnv=$(if $(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(shell cat .buildinfo/tag))")
# The build.utcTime format must remain in sync with TimeFormat in
# pkg/build/info.go. It is not installed in tests or in `buildshort` to avoid
# busting the cache on every rebuild.
$(COCKROACH) $(COCKROACHOSS) go-install: override LINKFLAGS += \
-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.utcTime=$(shell date -u '+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')"
settings-doc-gen = $(if $(filter buildshort,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(COCKROACHSHORT),$(COCKROACH))
docs/generated/settings/settings.html: $(settings-doc-gen)
@$(settings-doc-gen) gen settings-list --format=rawhtml > $@
docs/generated/settings/settings-for-tenants.txt: $(settings-doc-gen)
@$(settings-doc-gen) gen settings-list --without-system-only > $@
SETTINGS_DOC_PAGES := docs/generated/settings/settings.html docs/generated/settings/settings-for-tenants.txt
# Note: We pass `-v` to `go build` and `go test -i` so that warnings
# from the linker aren't suppressed. The usage of `-v` also shows when
# dependencies are rebuilt which is useful when switching between
# normal and race test builds.
.PHONY: go-install
$(xgo) $(build-mode) -v $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' $(BUILDTARGET)
# The build targets, in addition to producing a Cockroach binary, silently
# regenerate SQL diagram BNFs and some other doc pages. Generating these docs
# doesn't really belong in the build target, but when they were only part of the
# generate target it was too easy to forget to regenerate them when necessary
# and burn a CI cycle.
# We check these docs into version control in the first place in the hope that
# the diff of the generated docs that shows up in Reviewable, 'git diff', etc.
# makes it obvious when a commit has broken the docs. For example, it's very
# easy for changes to the SQL parser to result in unintelligible railroad
# diagrams. When the generated files are not checked in, the breakage goes
# unnoticed until the docs team comes along, potentially months later. Much
# better to make the developer who introduces the breakage fix the breakage.
.PHONY: build buildoss buildshort
build: ## Build the CockroachDB binary.
buildoss: ## Build the CockroachDB binary without any CCL-licensed code.
buildshort: ## Build the CockroachDB binary without the admin UI and RocksDB.
build: $(COCKROACH)
buildoss: $(COCKROACHOSS)
buildshort: $(COCKROACHSHORT)
build buildoss buildshort: $(if $(is-cross-compile),,$(DOCGEN_TARGETS))
build buildshort: $(if $(is-cross-compile),,$(SETTINGS_DOC_PAGES))
# For historical reasons, symlink cockroach to cockroachshort.
# TODO(benesch): see if it would break anyone's workflow to remove this.
.PHONY: install
install: ## Install the CockroachDB binary.
install: $(COCKROACH)
$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
$(INSTALL) -m 755 $(COCKROACH) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/cockroach
.PHONY: start
start: $(COCKROACH)
# Build, but do not run the tests.
# PKG is expanded and all packages are built and moved to their directory.
.PHONY: testbuild
$(xgo) list -tags '$(TAGS)' -f \
'$(xgo) test -v $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '\''$(TAGS)'\'' -ldflags '\''$(LINKFLAGS)'\'' -c {{.ImportPath}} -o {{.Dir}}/{{.Name}}.test' $(PKG) | \
testshort: override TESTFLAGS += -short
testdeadlock: TAGS += deadlock
testrace: ## Run tests with the Go race detector enabled.
testrace stressrace roachprod-stressrace: override GOFLAGS += -race
testrace stressrace roachprod-stressrace: export GORACE := halt_on_error=1
testrace stressrace roachprod-stressrace: TESTTIMEOUT := $(RACETIMEOUT)
# Directory scans in the builder image are excruciatingly slow when running
# Docker for Mac, so we filter out the 20k+ UI dependencies that are
# guaranteed to be irrelevant to save nearly 10s on every Make invocation.
FIND_RELEVANT := find ./pkg -name node_modules -prune -o
bench: ## Run benchmarks.
bench benchshort: TESTS := -
bench benchshort: BENCHES := .
bench benchshort: TESTTIMEOUT := $(BENCHTIMEOUT)
# -benchtime=1ns runs one iteration of each benchmark. The -short flag is set so
# that longer running benchmarks can skip themselves.
benchshort: override TESTFLAGS += -benchtime=1ns -short
.PHONY: check test testshort testrace testdeadlock testlogic testbaselogic testccllogic testoptlogic bench benchshort
test: ## Run tests.
check test testshort testrace testdeadlock bench benchshort:
$(xgo) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -run "$(TESTS)" $(if $(BENCHES),-bench "$(BENCHES)") -timeout $(TESTTIMEOUT) $(PKG) $(TESTFLAGS)
.PHONY: stress stressrace
stress: ## Run tests under stress.
stressrace: ## Run tests under stress with the race detector enabled.
stress stressrace:
$(xgo) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -exec 'stress $(STRESSFLAGS)' -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -run "$(TESTS)" -timeout 0 $(PKG) $(filter-out -v,$(TESTFLAGS)) -v -args -test.timeout $(TESTTIMEOUT)
.PHONY: roachprod-stress roachprod-stressrace
roachprod-stress roachprod-stressrace: bin/roachprod-stress
# The bootstrap target creates, among other things, ./bin/stress.
@if [ -z "$(CLUSTER)" ]; then \
echo "ERROR: missing or empty CLUSTER; create one via:"; \
echo "roachprod create \$$USER-stress -n 20 --gce-machine-type=n1-standard-8 --local-ssd=false"; \
exit 1; \
build/builder.sh make bin/.bootstrap
build/builder.sh mkrelease amd64-linux-gnu test GOFLAGS="$(GOFLAGS)" TESTFLAGS="-v -c -o $(notdir $(patsubst %/,%,$(PKG))).test" PKG=$(PKG) TAGS="$(TAGS)"
bin/roachprod-stress $(CLUSTER) $(patsubst github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/%,./%,$(PKG)) $(STRESSFLAGS) -- \
-test.run "$(TESTS)" $(filter-out -v,$(TESTFLAGS)) -test.v -test.timeout $(TESTTIMEOUT); \
testlogic: testbaselogic testoptlogic testccllogic
testbaselogic: ## Run SQL Logic Tests.
testbaselogic: bin/logictest
testccllogic: ## Run SQL CCL Logic Tests.
testccllogic: bin/logictestccl
testoptlogic: ## Run SQL Logic Tests from opt package.
testoptlogic: bin/logictestopt
logic-test-selector := $(if $(TESTCONFIG),^$(TESTCONFIG)$$)/$(if $(FILES),^$(subst $(space),$$|^,$(FILES))$$)/$(SUBTESTS)
testbaselogic: TESTS := TestLogic/$(logic-test-selector)
testccllogic: TESTS := TestCCLLogic/$(logic-test-selector)
testoptlogic: TESTS := TestExecBuild/$(logic-test-selector)
# Note: we specify -config here in addition to the filter on TESTS
# above. This is because if we only restrict in TESTS, this will
# merely cause Go to skip the sub-tests that match the pattern. It
# does not prevent loading and initializing every default config in
# turn (including setting up the test clusters, etc.). By specifying
# -config, the extra initialization overhead is averted.
testbaselogic testccllogic testoptlogic: TESTFLAGS := -test.v $(if $(FILES),-show-sql) $(if $(TESTCONFIG),-config $(TESTCONFIG))
testbaselogic testccllogic testoptlogic:
cd $($(<F)-package) && $(<F) -test.run "$(TESTS)" -test.timeout $(TESTTIMEOUT) $(TESTFLAGS)
testraceslow: override GOFLAGS += -race
.PHONY: testslow testraceslow
testslow testraceslow: override TESTFLAGS += -v
testslow testraceslow:
$(xgo) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -run "$(TESTS)" $(if $(BENCHES),-bench "$(BENCHES)") -timeout $(TESTTIMEOUT) $(PKG) $(TESTFLAGS) | grep -F ': Test' | sed -E 's/(--- PASS: |\(|\))//g' | awk '{ print $$2, $$1 }' | sort -rn | head -n 10
.PHONY: acceptance
acceptance: export TESTTIMEOUT := $(TESTTIMEOUT)
acceptance: ## Run acceptance tests.
.PHONY: compose
compose: export TESTTIMEOUT := $(TESTTIMEOUT)
compose: ## Run compose tests.
.PHONY: dupl
dupl: bin/.bootstrap
-name '*.go' \
-not -name '*.pb.go' \
-not -name '*.pb.gw.go' \
-not -name '*_string.go' \
-not -name 'sql.go' \
-not -name 'irgen.go' \
-not -name '*.ir.go' \
| dupl -files $(DUPLFLAGS)
.PHONY: generate
generate: ## Regenerate generated code.
$(GO) generate $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' $(PKG)
$(MAKE) execgen
lint lintshort: TESTTIMEOUT := $(LINTTIMEOUT)
.PHONY: lint
lint: override TAGS += lint
lint: ## Run all style checkers and linters.
lint: bin/returncheck bin/roachvet bin/optfmt
@if [ -t 1 ]; then echo '$(yellow)NOTE: `make lint` is very slow! Perhaps `make lintshort`?$(term-reset)'; fi
@# Run 'go build -i' to ensure we have compiled object files available for all
@# packages. In Go 1.10, only 'go vet' recompiles on demand. For details:
@# https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/golang-dev/qfa3mHN4ZPA/X2UzjNV1BAAJ.
$(xgo) build -i -v $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' $(PKG)
$(xgo) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) ./pkg/testutils/lint -v $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -timeout $(TESTTIMEOUT) -run 'Lint/$(TESTS)'
.PHONY: lintshort
lintshort: override TAGS += lint
lintshort: ## Run a fast subset of the style checkers and linters.
lintshort: bin/roachvet bin/optfmt
$(xgo) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) ./pkg/testutils/lint -v $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -short -timeout $(TESTTIMEOUT) -run 'TestLint/$(TESTS)'
.PHONY: protobuf
protobuf: ## Regenerate generated code for protobuf definitions.
# pre-push locally runs most of the checks CI will run. Notably, it doesn't run
# the acceptance tests.
.PHONY: pre-push
pre-push: ## Run generate, lint, and test.
pre-push: generate lint test ui-lint ui-test
! git status --porcelain | read || (git status; git --no-pager diff -a 1>&2; exit 1)
# archive builds a source tarball out of this repository. Files in the special
# directory build/archive/contents are inserted directly into $(ARCHIVE_BASE).
# All other files in the repository are inserted into the archive with prefix
# $(ARCHIVE_BASE)/src/github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach to allow the extracted
# archive to serve directly as a GOPATH root.
.PHONY: archive
archive: ## Build a source tarball from this repository.
archive: $(ARCHIVE)
gzip -c $< > $@
# ARCHIVE_EXTRAS are hard-to-generate files and their prerequisites that are
# pre-generated and distributed in source archives to minimize the number of
# dependencies required for end-users to build from source.
pkg/ui/assets.ccl.installed pkg/ui/assets.oss.installed
# TODO(benesch): Make this recipe use `git ls-files --recurse-submodules`
# instead of scripts/ls-files.sh once Git v2.11 is widely deployed.
$(ARCHIVE).tmp: ARCHIVE_BASE = cockroach-$(if $(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(shell cat .buildinfo/tag))
echo "$(if $(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(shell cat .buildinfo/tag))" > .buildinfo/tag
scripts/ls-files.sh | $(TAR) -cf $@ -T - $(TAR_XFORM_FLAG),^,$(ARCHIVE_BASE)/src/github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/, $^
(cd build/archive/contents && $(TAR) -rf ../../../$@ $(TAR_XFORM_FLAG),^,$(ARCHIVE_BASE)/, *)
@mkdir -p $@
# Do not use plumbing commands, like git diff-index, in this target. Our build
# process modifies files quickly enough that plumbing commands report false
# positives on filesystems with only one second of resolution as a performance
# optimization. Porcelain commands, like git diff, exist to detect and remove
# these false positives.
# For details, see the "Possible timestamp problems with diff-files?" thread on
# the Git mailing list (http://marc.info/?l=git&m=131687596307197).
.buildinfo/tag: | .buildinfo
@{ git describe --tags --dirty --match=v[0-9]* 2> /dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD; } | tr -d \\n > $@
.buildinfo/rev: | .buildinfo
@git rev-parse HEAD > $@
ifneq ($(GIT_DIR),)
# If we're in a Git checkout, we update the buildinfo information on every build
# to keep it up-to-date.
.buildinfo/tag: .ALWAYS_REBUILD
.buildinfo/rev: .ALWAYS_REBUILD
GOGO_PROTOBUF_PATH := ./vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf
GOGOPROTO_PROTO := $(GOGO_PROTOBUF_PATH)/gogoproto/gogo.proto
PROMETHEUS_PATH := ./vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_model
ERRORS_PATH := ./vendor/github.com/cockroachdb/errors
ERRORS_PROTO := $(ERRORS_PATH)/errorspb/errors.proto
COREOS_PATH := ./vendor/go.etcd.io
GRPC_GATEWAY_GOOGLEAPIS_PACKAGE := github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis
# Map protobuf includes to the Go package containing the generated Go code.
PROTO_MAPPINGS := $(PROTO_MAPPINGS)Mgoogle/api/annotations.proto=google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations,
PROTO_MAPPINGS := $(PROTO_MAPPINGS)Mgoogle/protobuf/timestamp.proto=github.com/gogo/protobuf/types,
PROTO_MAPPINGS := $(PROTO_MAPPINGS)Mgoogle/protobuf/any.proto=github.com/gogo/protobuf/types,
PROTO_MAPPINGS := $(PROTO_MAPPINGS)Mgoogle/protobuf/duration.proto=github.com/gogo/protobuf/types,
GW_SERVER_PROTOS := ./pkg/server/serverpb/admin.proto ./pkg/server/serverpb/status.proto ./pkg/server/serverpb/authentication.proto
GW_TS_PROTOS := ./pkg/ts/tspb/timeseries.proto
GW_SOURCES := $(GW_PROTOS:%.proto=%.pb.gw.go)
GO_PROTOS := $(sort $(shell $(FIND_RELEVANT) -type f -name '*.proto' -print))
GO_SOURCES := $(GO_PROTOS:%.proto=%.pb.go)
PBJS := $(NODE_RUN) pkg/ui/node_modules/.bin/pbjs
PBTS := $(NODE_RUN) pkg/ui/node_modules/.bin/pbts
# Unlike the protobuf compiler for Go and C++, the protobuf compiler for
# JavaScript only needs the entrypoint protobufs to be listed. It automatically
# compiles any protobufs the entrypoints depend upon.
JS_PROTOS_CCL := $(filter %/ccl/storageccl/engineccl/enginepbccl/stats.proto,$(GO_PROTOS))
UI_JS_CCL := pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/ccl/src/js/protos.js
UI_TS_CCL := pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/ccl/src/js/protos.d.ts
UI_JS_OSS := pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/src/js/protos.js
UI_TS_OSS := pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/src/js/protos.d.ts
$(GOGOPROTO_PROTO): bin/.submodules-initialized
$(ERRORS_PROTO): bin/.submodules-initialized
bin/.go_protobuf_sources: $(GO_PROTOS) $(GOGOPROTO_PROTO) $(ERRORS_PROTO) bin/.bootstrap bin/protoc-gen-gogoroach
$(FIND_RELEVANT) -type f -name '*.pb.go' -exec rm {} +
set -e; for dir in $(sort $(dir $(GO_PROTOS))); do \
buf protoc -Ipkg -I$(GOGO_PROTOBUF_PATH) -I$(COREOS_PATH) -I$(PROMETHEUS_PATH) -I$(GRPC_GATEWAY_GOOGLEAPIS_PATH) -I$(ERRORS_PATH) --gogoroach_out=$(PROTO_MAPPINGS)plugins=grpc,import_prefix=github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/:./pkg $$dir/*.proto; \
gofmt -s -w $(GO_SOURCES)
touch $@
bin/.gw_protobuf_sources: $(GW_SERVER_PROTOS) $(GW_TS_PROTOS) $(GO_PROTOS) $(GOGOPROTO_PROTO) $(ERRORS_PROTO) bin/.bootstrap
$(FIND_RELEVANT) -type f -name '*.pb.gw.go' -exec rm {} +
buf protoc -Ipkg -I$(GOGO_PROTOBUF_PATH) -I$(ERRORS_PATH) -I$(COREOS_PATH) -I$(PROMETHEUS_PATH) -I$(GRPC_GATEWAY_GOOGLEAPIS_PATH) --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true,request_context=true:./pkg $(GW_SERVER_PROTOS)
buf protoc -Ipkg -I$(GOGO_PROTOBUF_PATH) -I$(ERRORS_PATH) -I$(COREOS_PATH) -I$(PROMETHEUS_PATH) -I$(GRPC_GATEWAY_GOOGLEAPIS_PATH) --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true,request_context=true:./pkg $(GW_TS_PROTOS)
gofmt -s -w $(GW_SOURCES)
@# TODO(jordan,benesch) This can be removed along with the above TODO.
goimports -w $(GW_SOURCES)
touch $@
# The next two rules must be kept exactly the same except the CCL one depends
# on one additional proto. They generate the pbjs files from the protobuf
# definitions, which then act is inputs to the pbts compiler, which creates
# typescript definitions for the proto files afterwards.
$(UI_JS_CCL): $(GW_PROTOS) $(GO_PROTOS) $(JS_PROTOS_CCL) pkg/ui/yarn.installed | bin/.submodules-initialized
# Add comment recognized by reviewable.
$(PBJS) -t static-module -w es6 --strict-long --keep-case --path pkg --path ./vendor/github.com --path $(GOGO_PROTOBUF_PATH) --path $(ERRORS_PATH) --path $(COREOS_PATH) --path $(PROMETHEUS_PATH) --path $(GRPC_GATEWAY_GOOGLEAPIS_PATH) $(filter %.proto,$(GW_PROTOS) $(JS_PROTOS_CCL)) >> $@
$(UI_JS_OSS): $(GW_PROTOS) $(GO_PROTOS) pkg/ui/yarn.installed | bin/.submodules-initialized
# Add comment recognized by reviewable.
$(PBJS) -t static-module -w es6 --strict-long --keep-case --path pkg --path ./vendor/github.com --path $(GOGO_PROTOBUF_PATH) --path $(ERRORS_PATH) --path $(COREOS_PATH) --path $(PROMETHEUS_PATH) --path $(GRPC_GATEWAY_GOOGLEAPIS_PATH) $(filter %.proto,$(GW_PROTOS)) >> $@
# End of PBJS-generated files.
$(UI_TS_CCL): $(UI_JS_CCL) pkg/ui/yarn.installed
$(UI_TS_OSS): $(UI_JS_OSS) pkg/ui/yarn.installed
# Add comment recognized by reviewable.
$(PBTS) $< >> $@
STYLINT := ./node_modules/.bin/stylint
TSC := ./node_modules/.bin/tsc
KARMA := ./node_modules/.bin/karma
WEBPACK := ./node_modules/.bin/webpack
WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER := ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server
WEBPACK_DASHBOARD := ./opt/node_modules/.bin/webpack-dashboard
.PHONY: ui-generate
ui-generate: pkg/ui/assets.ccl.installed
.PHONY: ui-fonts
.PHONY: ui-topo
ui-topo: pkg/ui/yarn.installed
.PHONY: ui-lint
ui-lint: pkg/ui/yarn.installed $(UI_PROTOS_OSS) $(UI_PROTOS_CCL)
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console $(STYLINT) -c .stylintrc styl
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console $(TSC)
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console yarn lint
@if $(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console yarn list | grep phantomjs; then echo ^ forbidden UI dependency >&2; exit 1; fi
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui yarn --cwd pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui lint
# DLLs are Webpack bundles, not Windows shared libraries. See "DLLs for speedy
# builds" in the UI README for details.
UI_CCL_DLLS := pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/dist/protos.ccl.dll.js pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/dist/vendor.oss.dll.js
UI_CCL_MANIFESTS := pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/protos.ccl.manifest.json pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/vendor.oss.manifest.json
UI_OSS_DLLS := $(subst .ccl,.oss,$(UI_CCL_DLLS))
UI_OSS_MANIFESTS := $(subst .ccl,.oss,$(UI_CCL_MANIFESTS))
# (Ab)use pattern rules to teach Make that this one Webpack command produces two
# files. Normally, Make would run the recipe twice if dist/FOO.js and
# FOO-manifest.js were both out-of-date. [0]
# XXX: Ideally we'd scope the dependency on $(UI_PROTOS*) to the appropriate
# protos DLLs, but Make v3.81 has a bug that causes the dependency to be ignored
# [1]. We're stuck with this workaround until Apple decides to update the
# version of Make they ship with macOS or we require a newer version of Make.
# Such a requirement would need to be strictly enforced, as the way this fails
# is extremely subtle and doesn't present until the web UI is loaded in the
# browser.
# [0]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3077254/1122351
# [1]: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?19108
pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/dist/%.oss.dll.js pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/%.oss.manifest.json: pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/webpack.%.js pkg/ui/yarn.installed $(CLUSTER_UI_JS) $(UI_PROTOS_OSS)
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console $(WEBPACK) -p --config webpack.$*.js --env.dist=oss
pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/dist/%.ccl.dll.js pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/%.ccl.manifest.json: pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/webpack.%.js pkg/ui/yarn.installed $(CLUSTER_UI_JS) $(UI_PROTOS_CCL)
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console $(WEBPACK) -p --config webpack.$*.js --env.dist=ccl
.PHONY: ui-test
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console $(KARMA) start
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui yarn ci
.PHONY: ui-test-watch
ui-test-watch: $(UI_CCL_DLLS) $(UI_CCL_MANIFESTS)
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console $(KARMA) start --no-single-run --auto-watch & \
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui yarn test
.PHONY: ui-test-debug
ui-test-debug: $(UI_DLLS) $(UI_MANIFESTS)
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console $(KARMA) start --browsers Chrome --no-single-run --debug --auto-watch
.SECONDARY: pkg/ui/assets.ccl.installed pkg/ui/assets.oss.installed
pkg/ui/assets.ccl.installed: $(UI_CCL_DLLS) $(UI_CCL_MANIFESTS) $(UI_JS_CCL) $(shell find pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/ccl -type f)
pkg/ui/assets.oss.installed: $(UI_OSS_DLLS) $(UI_OSS_MANIFESTS) $(UI_JS_OSS)
pkg/ui/assets.%.installed: pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/webpack.app.js $(shell find pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/src pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/styl -type f) | bin/.bootstrap
find pkg/ui/dist$*/assets -mindepth 1 -not -name .gitkeep -delete
for dll in $(shell find pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/dist -name '*.dll.js' -type f); do \
echo $$dll | sed -E "s/.oss.dll.js|.ccl.dll.js/.dll.js/" | sed -E "s|^.*\/|pkg/ui/dist$*/assets/|" | xargs -I{} cp $$dll {};\
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console $(WEBPACK) --config webpack.app.js --env.dist=$*
touch $@
$(NODE_RUN) -C pkg/ui yarn install --check-files --offline
touch $@
.PHONY: ui-watch-secure
ui-watch-secure: override WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_FLAGS += --https
ui-watch-secure: export TARGET ?= https://localhost:8080/
.PHONY: ui-watch
ui-watch: export TARGET ?= http://localhost:8080
ui-watch ui-watch-secure: PORT := 3000
ui-watch ui-watch-secure: $(UI_CCL_DLLS) pkg/ui/yarn.opt.installed
# TODO (koorosh): running two webpack dev servers doesn't provide best performance and polling changes.
# it has to be considered to use something like `parallel-webpack` lib.
# `node-run.sh` wrapper is removed because this command is supposed to be run in dev environment (not in docker of CI)
# so it is safe to run yarn commands directly to preserve formatting and colors for outputs
yarn --cwd pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui build:watch & \
yarn --cwd pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console webpack-dev-server --config webpack.app.js --env.dist=ccl --port $(PORT) --mode "development" $(WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_FLAGS)
.PHONY: ui-clean
ui-clean: ## Remove build artifacts.
find pkg/ui/distccl/assets pkg/ui/distoss/assets -mindepth 1 -not -name .gitkeep -delete
rm -rf pkg/ui/assets.ccl.installed pkg/ui/assets.oss.installed
rm -rf pkg/ui/dist/*
rm -f pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/*manifest.json
rm -rf pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui/dist
.PHONY: ui-maintainer-clean
ui-maintainer-clean: ## Like clean, but also remove installed dependencies
ui-maintainer-clean: ui-clean
rm -rf pkg/ui/node_modules pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console/node_modules pkg/ui/yarn.installed pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui/node_modules
.SECONDARY: pkg/sql/parser/gen/sql.go.tmp
pkg/sql/parser/gen/sql.go.tmp: pkg/sql/parser/gen/sql-gen.y bin/.bootstrap
set -euo pipefail; \
ret=$$(cd pkg/sql/parser/gen && goyacc -p sql -o sql.go.tmp sql-gen.y); \
if expr "$$ret" : ".*conflicts" >/dev/null; then \
echo "$$ret"; exit 1; \
# The lex package needs to know about all tokens, because the encode
# functions and lexing predicates need to know about keywords, and
# keywords map to the token constants. Therefore, generate the
# constant tokens in the lex package primarily.
pkg/sql/lexbase/tokens.go: pkg/sql/parser/gen/sql.go.tmp
(echo "// Code generated by make. DO NOT EDIT."; \
echo; \
echo "package lexbase"; \
echo; \
grep '^const [A-Z][_A-Z0-9]* ' $^) > $@.tmp || rm $@.tmp
mv -f $@.tmp $@
# The lex package is now the primary source for the token constant
# definitions. Modify the code generated by goyacc here to refer to
# the definitions in the lex package.
pkg/sql/parser/sql.go: pkg/sql/parser/gen/sql.go.tmp | bin/.bootstrap
(echo "// Code generated by goyacc. DO NOT EDIT."; \
cat $^ | \
sed -E 's/^const ([A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*) =.*$$/const \1 = lexbase.\1/g') > $@.tmp || rm $@.tmp
mv -f $@.tmp $@
goimports -w $@
# This modifies the grammar to:
# - improve the types used by the generated parser for non-terminals
# - expand the help rules.
# For types:
# Determine the types that will be migrated to union types by looking
# at the accessors of sqlSymUnion. The first step in this pipeline
# prints every return type of a sqlSymUnion accessor on a separate line.
# The next step regular expression escapes these types. The third
# (prepending) and the fourth (appending) steps build regular expressions
# for each of the types and store them in the file. (We make multiple
# regular expressions because we ran into a limit of characters for a
# single regex executed by sed.)
# Then translate the original syntax file, with the types determined
# above being replaced with the union type in their type declarations.
.SECONDARY: pkg/sql/parser/gen/sql-gen.y
pkg/sql/parser/gen/sql-gen.y: pkg/sql/parser/sql.y pkg/sql/parser/replace_help_rules.awk
mkdir -p pkg/sql/parser/gen
set -euo pipefail; \
awk '/func.*sqlSymUnion/ {print $$(NF - 1)}' pkg/sql/parser/sql.y | \
sed -e 's/[]\/$$*.^|[]/\\&/g' | \
sed -e "s/^/s_(type|token) <(/" | \
awk '{print $$0")>_\\1 <union> /* <\\2> */_"}' > pkg/sql/parser/gen/types_regex.tmp; \
sed -E -f pkg/sql/parser/gen/types_regex.tmp < pkg/sql/parser/sql.y | \
awk -f pkg/sql/parser/replace_help_rules.awk | \
sed -Ee 's,//.*$$,,g;s,/[*]([^*]|[*][^/])*[*]/, ,g;s/ +$$//g' > $@.tmp || rm $@.tmp
mv -f $@.tmp $@
rm pkg/sql/parser/gen/types_regex.tmp
pkg/sql/lexbase/reserved_keywords.go: pkg/sql/parser/sql.y pkg/sql/parser/reserved_keywords.awk | bin/.bootstrap
awk -f pkg/sql/parser/reserved_keywords.awk < $< > $@.tmp || rm $@.tmp
mv -f $@.tmp $@
gofmt -s -w $@
pkg/sql/lexbase/keywords.go: pkg/sql/parser/sql.y pkg/sql/lexbase/allkeywords/main.go | bin/.bootstrap
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags all-keywords pkg/sql/lexbase/allkeywords/main.go < $< > $@.tmp || rm $@.tmp
mv -f $@.tmp $@
gofmt -s -w $@
# This target will print unreserved_keywords which are not actually
# used in the grammar.
.PHONY: sqlparser-unused-unreserved-keywords
sqlparser-unused-unreserved-keywords: pkg/sql/parser/sql.y pkg/sql/parser/unreserved_keywords.awk
@for kw in $$(awk -f pkg/sql/parser/unreserved_keywords.awk < $<); do \
if [ $$(grep -c $${kw} $<) -le 2 ]; then \
echo $${kw}; \
fi \
pkg/sql/parser/helpmap_test.go: pkg/sql/parser/gen/sql-gen.y pkg/sql/parser/help_gen_test.sh | bin/.bootstrap
@pkg/sql/parser/help_gen_test.sh < $< >$@.tmp || rm $@.tmp
mv -f $@.tmp $@
gofmt -s -w $@
pkg/sql/parser/help_messages.go: pkg/sql/parser/sql.y pkg/sql/parser/help.awk | bin/.bootstrap
awk -f pkg/sql/parser/help.awk < $< > $@.tmp || rm $@.tmp
mv -f $@.tmp $@
gofmt -s -w $@
bin/.docgen_bnfs: bin/docgen
rm -f docs/generated/sql/bnf/*.bnf
docgen grammar bnf docs/generated/sql/bnf --quiet
touch $@
bin/.docgen_functions: bin/docgen
docgen functions docs/generated/sql --quiet
touch $@
bin/.docgen_logformats: bin/docgen
docgen logformats docs/generated/logformats.md
touch $@
bin/.docgen_http: bin/docgen bin/.bootstrap
docgen http \
--gendoc ./bin/protoc-gen-doc \
--out docs/generated/http \
--protoc-flags "-Ipkg -I$(GOGO_PROTOBUF_PATH) -I$(COREOS_PATH) -I$(GRPC_GATEWAY_GOOGLEAPIS_PATH) -I$(ERRORS_PATH) -I$(PROMETHEUS_PATH) ./pkg/server/serverpb/status.proto ./pkg/server/serverpb/admin.proto ./pkg/server/status/statuspb/status.proto"
touch $@
.PHONY: docs/generated/redact_safe.md
./build/bazelutil/generate_redact_safe.sh >$@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
@mv -f $@.tmp $@
#### WARNING ####
# You must keep this list in sync with the list in `pkg/util/log/eventpb/PROTOS.bzl`.
# Order matters!!
pkg/util/log/eventpb/events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/debug_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/ddl_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/misc_sql_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/privilege_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/role_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/zone_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/session_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/sql_audit_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/cluster_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/job_events.proto \
pkg/util/log/eventpb/health_events.proto \
LOGSINKDOC_DEP = pkg/util/log/logconfig/config.go
docs/generated/logsinks.md: pkg/util/log/logconfig/gen.go $(LOGSINKDOC_DEP) | bin/.bootstrap
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) $< <$(LOGSINKDOC_DEP) >$@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
mv -f $@.tmp $@
docs/generated/eventlog.md: pkg/util/log/eventpb/gen.go $(EVENTLOG_PROTOS) | bin/.go_protobuf_sources
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) $< eventlog.md $(EVENTLOG_PROTOS) >$@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
mv -f $@.tmp $@
pkg/util/log/eventpb/eventlog_channels_generated.go: pkg/util/log/eventpb/gen.go $(EVENTLOG_PROTOS) | bin/.go_protobuf_sources
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) $< eventlog_channels_go $(EVENTLOG_PROTOS) >$@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
mv -f $@.tmp $@
pkg/util/log/eventpb/json_encode_generated.go: pkg/util/log/eventpb/gen.go $(EVENTLOG_PROTOS) | bin/.go_protobuf_sources
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) $< json_encode_go $(EVENTLOG_PROTOS) >$@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
mv -f $@.tmp $@
docs/generated/logging.md: pkg/util/log/gen/main.go pkg/util/log/logpb/log.proto | bin/.bootstrap
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) $^ logging.md $@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
mv -f $@.tmp $@
docs/generated/swagger/spec.json: pkg/server/api*.go bin/.bootstrap
pkg/util/log/severity/severity_generated.go: pkg/util/log/gen/main.go pkg/util/log/logpb/log.proto | bin/.bootstrap
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) $^ severity.go $@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
mv -f $@.tmp $@
pkg/util/log/channel/channel_generated.go: pkg/util/log/gen/main.go pkg/util/log/logpb/log.proto | bin/.bootstrap
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) $^ channel.go $@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
mv -f $@.tmp $@
pkg/util/log/log_channels_generated.go: pkg/util/log/gen/main.go pkg/util/log/logpb/log.proto | bin/.bootstrap
$(GO) run $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) $^ log_channels.go $@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
mv -f $@.tmp $@
.PHONY: execgen
execgen: ## Regenerate generated code for the vectorized execution engine.
execgen: $(EXECGEN_TARGETS) bin/execgen
for i in $(EXECGEN_TARGETS); do echo EXECGEN $$i && ./bin/execgen -fmt=false $$i > $$i; done
goimports -w $(EXECGEN_TARGETS)
# Add a catch-all rule for any non-existent execgen generated
# files. This prevents build errors when switching between branches
# that introduce or remove execgen generated files as these files are
# persisted in bin/%.d dependency lists (e.g. in bin/logictest.d).
%.eg.go: ;
optgen-defs := pkg/sql/opt/ops/*.opt
optgen-norm-rules := pkg/sql/opt/norm/rules/*.opt
optgen-xform-rules := pkg/sql/opt/xform/rules/*.opt
optgen-exec-defs := pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.opt
pkg/sql/opt/memo/expr.og.go: $(optgen-defs) bin/optgen
optgen -out $@ exprs $(optgen-defs)
pkg/sql/opt/operator.og.go: $(optgen-defs) bin/optgen
optgen -out $@ ops $(optgen-defs)
pkg/sql/opt/rule_name.og.go: $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-norm-rules) $(optgen-xform-rules) bin/optgen
optgen -out $@ rulenames $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-norm-rules) $(optgen-xform-rules)
pkg/sql/opt/rule_name_string.go: pkg/sql/opt/rule_name.go pkg/sql/opt/rule_name.og.go bin/.bootstrap
stringer -output=$@ -type=RuleName $(filter %.go,$^)
pkg/sql/opt/xform/explorer.og.go: $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-xform-rules) bin/optgen
optgen -out $@ explorer $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-xform-rules)
pkg/sql/opt/norm/factory.og.go: $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-norm-rules) bin/optgen
optgen -out $@ factory $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-norm-rules)
pkg/sql/opt/exec/factory.og.go: $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-exec-defs) bin/optgen
optgen -out $@ execfactory $(optgen-exec-defs)
pkg/sql/opt/exec/explain/explain_factory.og.go: $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-exec-defs) bin/optgen
optgen -out $@ execexplain $(optgen-exec-defs)
pkg/sql/opt/exec/explain/plan_gist_factory.og.go: $(optgen-defs) $(optgen-exec-defs) bin/optgen
optgen -out $@ execplangist $(optgen-exec-defs)
.PHONY: clean-c-deps
rm -rf $(JEMALLOC_DIR)
rm -rf $(GEOS_DIR)
rm -rf $(PROJ_DIR)
rm -rf $(KRB5_DIR)
.PHONY: unsafe-clean-c-deps
git -C $(JEMALLOC_SRC_DIR) clean -dxf
git -C $(GEOS_SRC_DIR) clean -dxf
git -C $(PROJ_SRC_DIR) clean -dxf
git -C $(KRB5_SRC_DIR) clean -dxf
.PHONY: cleanshort
cleanshort: ## Clean up go build artifacts and go proto-generated code.
rm -rf bin/.go_protobuf_sources bin/.gw_protobuf_sources
-$(GO) clean $(GOFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -i github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach...
$(FIND_RELEVANT) -type f -name '*.test' -exec rm {} +
for f in cockroach*; do if [ -f "$$f" ]; then rm "$$f"; fi; done
rm -rf $(ARCHIVE) pkg/sql/parser/gen
.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Like cleanshort, but also includes C++ artifacts, Bazel artifacts, and the go build cache.
clean: cleanshort clean-c-deps
rm -rf build/defs.mk*
-$(GO) clean $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -i -cache github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach...
$(FIND_RELEVANT) -type f -name 'zcgo_flags*.go' -exec rm {} +
if command -v bazel &> /dev/null; then bazel clean --expunge; fi
rm -rf artifacts bin
.PHONY: maintainer-clean
maintainer-clean: ## Like clean, but also remove some auto-generated SQL parser, optgen, and UI protos code.
maintainer-clean: clean ui-maintainer-clean
.PHONY: unsafe-clean
unsafe-clean: ## Like maintainer-clean, but also remove all untracked/ignored files.
unsafe-clean: maintainer-clean unsafe-clean-c-deps
git clean -dxf
# The following rules automatically generate dependency information for Go
# binaries. See [0] for details on the approach.
# [0]: http://make.mad-scientist.net/papers/advanced-auto-dependency-generation/
bins = \
bin/allocsim \
bin/benchmark \
bin/cockroach-oss \
bin/cockroach-short \
bin/cockroach-sql \
bin/compile-builds \
bin/dev \
bin/docgen \
bin/execgen \
bin/fuzz \
bin/generate-binary \
bin/terraformgen \
bin/github-post \
bin/github-pull-request-make \
bin/gossipsim \
bin/langgen \
bin/protoc-gen-gogoroach \
bin/publish-artifacts \
bin/publish-provisional-artifacts \
bin/optfmt \
bin/optgen \
bin/reduce \
bin/returncheck \
bin/roachvet \
bin/roachprod \
bin/roachprod-stress \
bin/roachtest \
bin/skip-test \
bin/teamcity-trigger \
bin/uptodate \
bin/urlcheck \
bin/whoownsit \
# `xbins` contains binaries that should be compiled for the target architecture
# (not the host), and should therefore be built with `xgo`.
xbins = \
testbins = \
bin/logictest \
bin/logictestopt \
# Mappings for binaries that don't live in pkg/cmd.
execgen-package = ./pkg/sql/colexec/execgen/cmd/execgen
langgen-package = ./pkg/sql/opt/optgen/cmd/langgen
optfmt-package = ./pkg/sql/opt/optgen/cmd/optfmt
optgen-package = ./pkg/sql/opt/optgen/cmd/optgen
logictest-package = ./pkg/sql/logictest
logictestccl-package = ./pkg/ccl/logictestccl
logictestopt-package = ./pkg/sql/opt/exec/execbuilder
terraformgen-package = ./pkg/roachprod/vm/aws/terraformgen
logictest-bins := bin/logictest bin/logictestopt bin/logictestccl
# Additional dependencies for binaries that depend on generated code.
# TODO(benesch): Derive this automatically. This is getting out of hand.
bin/workload bin/docgen bin/execgen bin/roachtest bin/roachvet $(logictest-bins): $(SQLPARSER_TARGETS) $(LOG_TARGETS) $(PROTOBUF_TARGETS)
bin/workload bin/docgen bin/roachtest $(logictest-bins): $(LIBPROJ) $(CGO_FLAGS_FILES)
bin/roachtest $(logictest-bins): $(C_LIBS_CCL) $(CGO_FLAGS_FILES) $(OPTGEN_TARGETS) | $(C_LIBS_DYNAMIC)
PREREQS := GOFLAGS= bin/prereqs
has-build-info = \
bin/roachprod \
bin/roachtest \
$(has-build-info): override LINKFLAGS += \
-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.tag=$(if $(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(BUILDINFO_TAG),$(shell cat .buildinfo/tag))" \
-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.rev=$(shell cat .buildinfo/rev)" \
-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.cgoTargetTriple=$(TARGET_TRIPLE)" \
$(if $(BUILDCHANNEL),-X "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/build.channel=$(BUILDCHANNEL)")
$(bins): bin/%: bin/%.d | bin/prereqs bin/.submodules-initialized
@echo go install -v $*
$(PREREQS) $(if $($*-package),$($*-package),./pkg/cmd/$*) > $@.d.tmp
mv -f $@.d.tmp $@.d
$(GO_INSTALL) -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -v $(if $($*-package),$($*-package),./pkg/cmd/$*)
$(xbins): bin/%: bin/%.d | bin/prereqs bin/.submodules-initialized
@echo go build -v $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -o $@ $*
$(PREREQS) $(if $($*-package),$($*-package),./pkg/cmd/$*) > $@.d.tmp
mv -f $@.d.tmp $@.d
$(xgo) build -v $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -o $@ $(if $($*-package),$($*-package),./pkg/cmd/$*)
$(testbins): bin/%: bin/%.d | bin/prereqs $(SUBMODULES_TARGET)
@echo go test -c $($*-package)
$(PREREQS) -bin-name=$* -test $($*-package) > $@.d.tmp
mv -f $@.d.tmp $@.d
$(xgo) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) $(GOFLAGS) $(GOMODVENDORFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LINKFLAGS)' -c -o $@ $($*-package)
bin/prereqs: ./pkg/cmd/prereqs/*.go | bin/.submodules-initialized
@echo go install -v ./pkg/cmd/prereqs
@$(GO_INSTALL) -v ./pkg/cmd/prereqs
.PHONY: fuzz
fuzz: ## Run fuzz tests.
fuzz: bin/fuzz
bin/fuzz $(TESTFLAGS) -tests $(TESTS) -timeout $(TESTTIMEOUT) $(PKG)
# Short hand to re-generate all bazel BUILD files. (Does the same thing as
# `./dev generate bazel`.)
.PHONY: bazel-generate
@echo 'Generating DEPS.bzl and BUILD files using gazelle'
# No need to include all the dependency files if the user is just
# requesting help or cleanup.
ifneq ($(build-with-dep-files),)
.SECONDARY: bin/%.d
.PRECIOUS: bin/%.d
bin/%.d: ;
include $(wildcard bin/*.d)
# Make doesn't expose a list of the variables declared in a given file, so we
# resort to sed magic. Roughly, this sed command prints VARIABLE in lines of the
# following forms:
# [export] VARIABLE [:+?]=
# TARGET-NAME: [export] VARIABLE [:+?]=
# The additional complexity below handles whitespace and comments.
# The special comments at the beginning are for GitHub/Go/Reviewable:
# https://github.com/golang/go/issues/13560#issuecomment-277804473
# https://github.com/Reviewable/Reviewable/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-tell-reviewable-that-a-file-is-generated-and-should-not-be-reviewed
# Note how the 'prefix' variable is manually appended. This is required by Homebrew.
.SECONDARY: build/variables.mk
build/variables.mk: Makefile build/archive/contents/Makefile pkg/ui/Makefile build/defs.mk
@echo '# Code generated by Make. DO NOT EDIT.' > $@.tmp
@echo '# GENERATED FILE DO NOT EDIT' >> $@.tmp
@echo 'define VALID_VARS' >> $@.tmp
@sed -nE -e '/^ /d' -e 's/([^#]*)#.*/\1/' \
-e 's/(^|^[^:]+:)[ ]*(export)?[ ]*([[:upper:]_]+)[ ]*[:?+]?=.*/ \3/p' $^ \
| sort -u >> $@.tmp
@echo ' prefix' >> $@.tmp
@echo 'endef' >> $@.tmp
@set -e; \
if ! cmp -s $@.tmp $@; then \
mv -f $@.tmp $@; \
else rm -f $@.tmp; fi
# Print an error if the user specified any variables on the command line that
# don't appear in this Makefile. The list of valid variables is automatically
# rebuilt on the first successful `make` invocation after the Makefile changes.
# TODO(peter): Figure out how to disallow overriding of variables that
# are not in the valid list from the environment. The problem is that
# any environment variable becomes a make variable and environments
# are dirty. For instance, my includes GREP_COLOR.
include build/variables.mk
$(foreach v,$(filter-out $(strip $(VALID_VARS)),$(.VARIABLES)),\
$(if $(findstring command line,$(origin $v)),$(error Variable '$v' is not recognized by this Makefile)))
# Cypress e2e tests
.PHONY: db-console-e2e-test
db-console-e2e-test: pkg/ui/yarn.opt.installed
cd pkg/ui/workspaces/db-console && yarn cypress:run
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