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signature.py 5.38 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author: kerlomz <kerlomz@gmail.com>
from functools import wraps
from constants import ServerType
from utils import *
class InvalidUsage(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, code=None):
self.message = message
self.success = False
self.code = code
def to_dict(self):
rv = {'code': self.code, 'message': self.message, 'success': self.success}
return rv
class Signature(object):
""" api signature authentication """
def __init__(self, server_type: ServerType, conf: Config):
self.conf = conf
self._except = Response(self.conf.response_def_map)
self._auth = []
self._timestamp_expiration = 120
self.request = None
self.type = server_type
def set_auth(self, auth):
self._auth = auth
def _check_req_timestamp(self, req_timestamp):
""" Check the timestamp
@pram req_timestamp str,int: Timestamp in the request parameter (10 digits)
if len(str(req_timestamp)) == 10:
req_timestamp = int(req_timestamp)
now_timestamp = SignUtils.timestamp()
if now_timestamp - self._timestamp_expiration <= req_timestamp <= now_timestamp + self._timestamp_expiration:
return True
return False
def _check_req_access_key(self, req_access_key):
""" Check the access_key in the request parameter
@pram req_access_key str: access key in the request parameter
if req_access_key in [i['accessKey'] for i in self._auth if "accessKey" in i]:
return True
return False
def _get_secret_key(self, access_key):
""" Obtain the corresponding secret_key according to access_key
@pram access_key str: access key in the request parameter
secret_keys = [i['secretKey'] for i in self._auth if i.get('accessKey') == access_key]
return "" if not secret_keys else secret_keys[0]
def _sign(self, args):
""" MD5 signature
@param args: All query parameters (public and private) requested in addition to signature
if "sign" in args:
access_key = args["accessKey"]
query_string = '&'.join(['{}={}'.format(k, v) for (k, v) in sorted(args.items())])
query_string = '&'.join([query_string, self._get_secret_key(access_key)])
return SignUtils.md5(query_string).upper()
def _verification(self, req_params, tornado_handler=None):
""" Verify that the request is valid
@param req_params: All query parameters requested (public and private)
req_signature = req_params["sign"]
req_timestamp = req_params["timestamp"]
req_access_key = req_params["accessKey"]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidUsage(**self._except.INVALID_PUBLIC_PARAMS)
except Exception:
raise InvalidUsage(**self._except.UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR)
if self.type == ServerType.FLASK or self.type == ServerType.SANIC:
from flask.app import HTTPException, json
# NO.1 Check the timestamp
if not self._check_req_timestamp(req_timestamp):
raise HTTPException(response=json.jsonify(self._except.INVALID_TIMESTAMP))
# NO.2 Check the access_id
if not self._check_req_access_key(req_access_key):
raise HTTPException(response=json.jsonify(self._except.INVALID_ACCESS_KEY))
# NO.3 Check the sign
if req_signature == self._sign(req_params):
return True
raise HTTPException(response=json.jsonify(self._except.INVALID_QUERY_STRING))
elif self.type == ServerType.TORNADO:
from tornado.web import HTTPError
# NO.1 Check the timestamp
if not self._check_req_timestamp(req_timestamp):
return tornado_handler.write_error(self._except.INVALID_TIMESTAMP['code'])
# NO.2 Check the access_id
if not self._check_req_access_key(req_access_key):
return tornado_handler.write_error(self._except.INVALID_ACCESS_KEY['code'])
# NO.3 Check the sign
if req_signature == self._sign(req_params):
return True
return tornado_handler.write_error(self._except.INVALID_QUERY_STRING['code'])
raise Exception('Unknown Server Type')
def signature_required(self, f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
if self.type == ServerType.FLASK:
from flask import request
params = request.json
elif self.type == ServerType.TORNADO:
from tornado.escape import json_decode
params = json_decode(args[0].request.body)
elif self.type == ServerType.SANIC:
params = args[0].json
raise UserWarning('Illegal type, the current version is not supported at this time.')
result = self._verification(params, args[0] if self.type == ServerType.TORNADO else None)
if result is True:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
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