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kitten-scientists.user.js 75.30 KB
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zhaolinxu 提交于 2019-01-09 14:12 . 汉化
// ==UserScript==
// @name Kitten Scientists
// @namespace http://www.reddit.com/r/kittensgame/comments/34gb2u/kitten_scientists_automation_script/
// @description Launch Kitten Scientists
// @include *bloodrizer.ru/games/kittens/*
// @include file:///*kitten-game*
// @version 1.3.2
// @grant none
// @copyright 2015, cameroncondry
// ==/UserScript==
// ==========================================
// Begin Kitten Scientist's Automation Engine
// ==========================================
var version = '小猫科学家 版本 1.3.2';
var address = '19ZBVyaXQhikcuUszY2MVRb1MGL2YqicDX';
// Game will be referenced in loadTest function
var game = null;
var run = function() {
var options = {
// When debug is enabled, messages that go to the game log are also logged using window.console.
debug: false,
// The interval at which the internal processing loop is run, in milliseconds.
interval: 2000,
// The default color for KS messages in the game log (like enabling and disabling items).
msgcolor: '#aa50fe', // dark purple
// The color for activity summaries.
summarycolor: '#009933', // light green
// The color for log messages that are about activities (like festivals and star observations).
activitycolor: '#E65C00', // orange
// The color for resources with stock counts higher than current resource max
stockwarncolor: '#DD1E00',
// Should activity be logged to the game log?
showactivity: true,
// The default consume rate.
consume: 0.6,
// How many messages to keep in the game log.
logMessages: 100,
// The default settings for game automation.
auto: {
// Settings related to KS itself.
engine: {
// Should any automation run at all?
enabled: false
faith: {
// Should praising be automated?
enabled: true,
// At what percentage of the faith storage capacity should KS praise the sun?
trigger: 0.99,
// Which religious upgrades should be researched?
items: {
// Order of the Sun
solarchant: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
scholasticism: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
goldenSpire: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
sunAltar: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
stainedGlass: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
solarRevolution: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
basilica: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
templars: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
apocripha: {require: 'faith', enabled: false},
transcendence: {require: 'faith', enabled: true},
festival: {
// Should festivals be held automatically?
enabled: true
hunt: {
// Should hunters be sent on hunts automatically?
enabled: true,
// At what percentage of the catpower storage capacity should KS send hunters on hunts?
trigger: 0.6
build: {
// Should buildings be built automatically?
enabled: true,
// When a building requires a certain resource (this is what their *require* property refers to), then
// this is the percentage of the storage capacity of that resource, that has to be met for the building
// to be built.
trigger: 0.75,
// The items that be automatically built.
// Every item can define a required resource. This resource has to be available at a certain capacity for
// the building to be built. The capacity requirement is defined by the trigger value set for the section.
// Additionally, for upgradeable buildings, the item can define which upgrade stage it refers to.
// For upgraded buildings, the ID (or internal name) of the building can be controlled through the *name*
// property. For other buildings, the key of the item itself is used.
items: {
// housing
hut: {require: 'wood', enabled: false},
logHouse: {require: 'minerals', enabled: false},
mansion: {require: 'titanium', enabled: false},
// craft bonuses
workshop: {require: 'minerals', enabled: true},
factory: {require: 'titanium', enabled: true},
// production
field: {require: 'catnip', enabled: true},
pasture: {require: 'catnip', enabled: true, stage: 0},
solarFarm: {require: 'titanium', enabled: true, stage: 1, name: 'pasture'},
mine: {require: 'wood', enabled: true},
lumberMill: {require: 'minerals', enabled: true},
aqueduct: {require: 'minerals', enabled: true, stage: 0},
hydroPlant: {require: 'titanium', enabled: true, stage: 1, name: 'aqueduct'},
oilWell: {require: 'coal', enabled: true},
quarry: {require: 'coal', enabled: true},
// conversion
smelter: {require: 'minerals', enabled: true},
biolab: {require: 'science', enabled: false},
calciner: {require: 'titanium', enabled: false},
reactor: {require: 'titanium', enabled: false},
accelerator: {require: 'titanium', enabled: false},
steamworks: {require: false, enabled: false},
magneto: {require: false, enabled: false},
// science
library: {require: 'wood', enabled: true},
academy: {require: 'wood', enabled: true},
observatory: {require: 'iron', enabled: true},
// other
amphitheatre: {require: 'minerals', enabled: true, stage: 0},
broadcastTower: {require: 'titanium', enabled: true, stage: 1, name: 'amphitheatre'},
tradepost: {require: 'gold', enabled: true},
chapel: {require: 'minerals', enabled: true},
temple: {require: 'gold', enabled: true},
mint: {require: false, enabled: false},
unicornPasture: {require: false, enabled: true},
ziggurat: {require: false, enabled: true},
chronosphere: {require: 'unobtainium', enabled: true},
// storage
barn: {require: 'wood', enabled: true},
harbor: {require: false, enabled: false},
warehouse: {require: false, enabled: false}
space: {
// Should space buildings be built automatically?
enabled: false,
// The functionality of the space section is identical to the build section. It just needs to be treated
// seperately, because the game internals are slightly different.
trigger: 0.95,
items: {
// Cath
spaceElevator: {require: 'unobtainium', enabled: false},
sattelite: {require: 'titanium', enabled: false},
spaceStation: {require: 'oil', enabled: false},
// Moon
moonOutpost: {require: 'uranium', enabled: false},
moonBase: {require: 'unobtainium', enabled: false},
// Dune
planetCracker: {require: 'science', enabled: false},
hydrofracturer: {require: 'science', enabled: false},
spiceRefinery: {require: 'science', enabled: false},
// Piscine
researchVessel: {require: 'titanium', enabled: false},
orbitalArray: {require: 'eludium', enabled: false},
// Helios
sunlifter: {require: 'eludium', enabled: false},
containmentChamber: {require: 'science', enabled: false},
// T-Minus
cryostation: {require: 'eludium', enabled: false},
// Kairo
spaceBeacon: {require: 'antimatter', enabled: false},
// Yarn
terraformingStation: {require: 'antimatter', enabled: false},
hydroponics: {require: 'kerosene', enabled: false},
// Centaurus
tectonic: {require: 'antimatter', enabled: false}
craft: {
// Should resources be crafted automatically?
enabled: true,
// Every item can define a required resource with the *require* property.
// At what percentage of the storage capacity of that required resource should the listed resource be crafted?
trigger: 0.95,
// The items that can be crafted.
// In addition to the *require* property, which is explained above, items can also define a *max*. If they
// do, no more than that resource will be automatically produced. This feature can not be controlled through
// the UI and is not used for any resource by default.
// The *limited* property tells KS to only craft the resource once per season.
items: {
wood: {require: 'catnip', max: 0, limited: false, enabled: true},
beam: {require: 'wood', max: 0, limited: false, enabled: true},
slab: {require: 'minerals', max: 0, limited: false, enabled: true},
steel: {require: 'coal', max: 0, limited: false, enabled: true},
plate: {require: 'iron', max: 0, limited: false, enabled: true},
alloy: {require: 'titanium', max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
concrete: {require: false, max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
gear: {require: false, max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
scaffold: {require: false, max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
ship: {require: false, max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
tanker: {require: false, max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
parchment: {require: false, max: 0, limited: true, enabled: true},
manuscript: {require: 'culture', max: 0, limited: true, enabled: true},
compendium: {require: 'science', max: 0, limited: true, enabled: true},
blueprint: {require: 'science', max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
kerosene: {require: 'oil', max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
megalith: {require: false, max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
eludium: {require: 'unobtainium', max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false},
thorium: {require: 'uranium', max: 0, limited: true, enabled: false}
trade: {
// Should KS automatically trade?
enabled: true,
// Every trade can define a required resource with the *require* property.
// At what percentage of the storage capacity of that required resource should the trade happen?
trigger: 0.95,
// Trades can be limited to only happen during specific seasons. This is because trades with certain races
// are more effective during specific seasons.
// The *allowcapped* property allows us to trade even if the sold resources are at their cap.
items: {
dragons: {enabled: false, require: 'titanium', allowcapped: false,
summer: true, autumn: true, winter: true, spring: true},
zebras: {enabled: true, require: false, allowcapped: false,
summer: true, autumn: true, winter: true, spring: true},
lizards: {enabled: false, require: 'minerals', allowcapped: false,
summer: true, autumn: false, winter: false, spring: false},
sharks: {enabled: false, require: 'iron', allowcapped: false,
summer: false, autumn: false, winter: true, spring: false},
griffins: {enabled: false, require: 'wood', allowcapped: false,
summer: false, autumn: true, winter: false, spring: false},
nagas: {enabled: false, require: false, allowcapped: false,
summer: false, autumn: false, winter: false, spring: true},
spiders: {enabled: false, require: false, allowcapped: false,
summer: false, autumn: true, winter: false, spring: false},
leviathans: {enabled: false, require: 'unobtainium', allowcapped: true,
summer: true, autumn: true, winter: true, spring: true}
resources: {
furs: {stock: 1000},
unobtainium: {consume: 1.0}
// GameLog Modification
// ====================
// Add a message filter for trades
if (!game.console.filters.trade){
game.console.filters.trade = {
title: "贸易",
enabled: true,
unlocked: true
// Increase messages displayed in log
game.console.maxMessages = 1000;
var printoutput = function (args) {
var color = args.pop();
args[1] = args[1] || 'ks-default';
// update the color of the message immediately after adding
var msg = game.msg.apply(game, args);
$(msg.span).css('color', color);
if (options.debug && console) console.log(args);
// Used for option change messages and other special notifications
var message = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var activity = function () {
if (options.showactivity) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var activityClass = args.length > 1 ? ' type_' + args.pop() : '';
args.push('ks-activity' + activityClass);
var summary = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var warning = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if (console) console.log(args);
// Core Engine for Kitten Scientists
// =================================
var Engine = function () {
this.buildManager = new BuildManager();
this.spaceManager = new SpaceManager();
this.craftManager = new CraftManager();
this.tradeManager = new TradeManager();
this.religionManager = new ReligionManager();
this.villageManager = new TabManager('Village');
Engine.prototype = {
buildManager: undefined,
spaceManager: undefined,
craftManager: undefined,
tradeManager: undefined,
religionManager: undefined,
villageManager: undefined,
loop: undefined,
start: function () {
if (this.loop) return;
this.loop = setInterval(this.iterate.bind(this), options.interval);
stop: function () {
if (!this.loop) return;
this.loop = undefined;
iterate: function () {
if (options.auto.festival.enabled) this.holdFestival();
if (options.auto.build.enabled) this.build();
if (options.auto.space.enabled) this.space();
if (options.auto.craft.enabled) this.craft();
if (options.auto.trade.enabled) this.trade();
if (options.auto.hunt.enabled) this.hunt();
if (options.auto.faith.enabled) this.worship();
worship: function () {
var builds = options.auto.faith.items;
var buildManager = this.religionManager;
var craftManager = this.craftManager;
var trigger = options.auto.faith.trigger;
// Render the tab to make sure that the buttons actually exist in the DOM. Otherwise we can't click them.
for (var name in builds) {
if (!builds[name].enabled) continue;
var build = builds[name];
var require = !build.require ? false : craftManager.getResource(build.require);
if (!require || trigger <= require.value / require.maxValue) {
// Praise the sun with any faith left over
var faith = craftManager.getResource('faith');
if (options.auto.faith.trigger <= faith.value / faith.maxValue) {
storeForSummary('faith', faith.value * (1 + game.religion.getFaithBonus()));
activity('赞美太阳!', 'ks-praise');
build: function () {
var builds = options.auto.build.items;
var buildManager = this.buildManager;
var craftManager = this.craftManager;
var trigger = options.auto.build.trigger;
// Render the tab to make sure that the buttons actually exist in the DOM. Otherwise we can't click them.
// Using labeled for loop to break out of a nested loop
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/label
for (var name in builds) {
if (!builds[name].enabled) continue;
var build = builds[name];
var require = !build.require ? false : craftManager.getResource(build.require);
if (!require || trigger <= require.value / require.maxValue) {
// verify that the building prices is within the current stock settings
var prices = game.bld.getPrices(build.name || name);
for (var p = 0; p < prices.length; p++) {
if (craftManager.getValueAvailable(prices[p].name, true) < prices[p].val) continue buildLoop;
// If the build overrides the name, use that name instead.
// This is usually true for buildings that can be upgraded.
buildManager.build(build.name || name, build.stage);
space: function () {
var builds = options.auto.space.items;
var buildManager = this.spaceManager;
var craftManager = this.craftManager;
var trigger = options.auto.space.trigger;
// Render the tab to make sure that the buttons actually exist in the DOM. Otherwise we can't click them.
for (var name in builds) {
var build = builds[name];
var require = !build.require ? false : craftManager.getResource(build.require);
if (!require || trigger <= require.value / require.maxValue) {
craft: function () {
var crafts = options.auto.craft.items;
var manager = this.craftManager;
var trigger = options.auto.craft.trigger;
for (var name in crafts) {
var craft = crafts[name];
var current = !craft.max ? false : manager.getResource(name);
var require = !craft.require ? false : manager.getResource(craft.require);
var season = game.calendar.season;
// Ensure that we have reached our cap
if (current && current.value > craft.max) continue;
// Craft the resource if we meet the trigger requirement
if (!require || trigger <= require.value / require.maxValue) {
var amount = manager.getLowestCraftAmount(name,craft.limited);
if (amount > 0) {
manager.craft(name, amount);
holdFestival: function () {
// Render the tab to make sure that the buttons actually exist in the DOM. Otherwise we can't click them.
if (game.science.get('drama').researched && game.calendar.festivalDays === 0 && game.villageTab.festivalBtn.model.enabled) {
if (game.calendar.festivalDays !== 0) {
activity('小猫开始举办节日', 'ks-festival');
observeStars: function () {
if (game.calendar.observeBtn != null){
activity('小猫科学家观察到一颗星星', 'ks-star');
storeForSummary('stars', 1);
hunt: function () {
var catpower = this.craftManager.getResource('catpower');
if (options.auto.hunt.trigger <= catpower.value / catpower.maxValue && catpower.value >= 100) {
// No way to send only some hunters. Thus, we hunt with everything
var hunters = game.village.getJob('hunter').value;
storeForSummary('hunt', hunters);
activity('派出 ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(hunters) + ' 波小猫' + (hunters == 1 ? '' : '') + ' 去打猎', 'ks-hunt');
trade: function () {
var craftManager = this.craftManager;
var tradeManager = this.tradeManager;
var gold = craftManager.getResource('gold');
var trades = [];
// Only trade if it's enabled
if (!options.auto.trade.enabled) return;
// Trade when we have enough gold. Don't worry about catpower.
if (options.auto.trade.trigger >= gold.value / gold.maxValue) return;
// Determine how many races we will trade this cycle
for (var name in options.auto.trade.items) {
var trade = options.auto.trade.items[name];
var season = game.calendar.getCurSeason().name;
// Only check if we are in season and enabled
if (!trade.enabled) continue;
if (!trade[season]) continue;
var require = !trade.require ? false : craftManager.getResource(trade.require);
var requireTrigger = options.auto.trade.trigger;
// If we have enough to trigger the check, then attempt to trade
if (!require || requireTrigger <= require.value / require.maxValue) {
// Figure out how much we can currently trade
var maxTrades = tradeManager.getLowestTradeAmount(undefined);
// Try our best not to starve any single race
maxTrades = (trades.length > 0) ? Math.floor(maxTrades / trades.length) : 0;
if (maxTrades < 1) return;
for (var i in trades) {
var name = trades[i];
tradeManager.trade(name, Math.min(tradeManager.getLowestTradeAmount(name), maxTrades));
// Tab Manager
// ===========
var TabManager = function (name) {
TabManager.prototype = {
tab: undefined,
render: function () {
if (this.tab && game.ui.activeTabId !== this.tab.tabId) this.tab.render();
return this;
setTab: function (name) {
for (var tab in game.tabs) {
if (game.tabs[tab].tabId === name) {
this.tab = game.tabs[tab];
this.tab ? this.render() : warning('无法找到标签 ' + name);
// Religion manager
// ================
var ReligionManager = function () {
this.manager = new TabManager('Religion');
this.crafts = new CraftManager();
ReligionManager.prototype = {
manager: undefined,
crafts: undefined,
build: function (name) {
var build = this.getBuild(name);
var button = this.getBuildButton(name);
if (!button || !button.model.enabled) return;
//need to simulate a click so the game updates everything properly
storeForSummary(name, 1, 'faith');
activity('小猫已经发现了 ' + build.label, 'ks-faith');
getBuild: function (name) {
return game.religion.getRU(name);
getBuildButton: function (name) {
var buttons = this.manager.tab.rUpgradeButtons;
var build = this.getBuild(name);
for (var i in buttons) {
var haystack = buttons[i].model.name;
if (haystack.indexOf(build.label) !== -1){
return buttons[i];
// Building manager
// ================
var BuildManager = function () {
this.manager = new TabManager('Bonfire');
this.crafts = new CraftManager();
BuildManager.prototype = {
manager: undefined,
crafts: undefined,
build: function (name, stage) {
var build = this.getBuild(name);
var button = this.getBuildButton(name, stage);
if (!button || !button.model.enabled) return;
//need to simulate a click so the game updates everything properly
storeForSummary(name, 1, 'build');
var label = build.meta.label ? build.meta.label : build.meta.stages[0].label;
activity('小猫建造了一个新的' + label, 'ks-build');
getBuild: function (name) {
return game.bld.getBuildingExt(name);
getBuildButton: function (name, stage) {
var buttons = this.manager.tab.buttons;
var build = this.getBuild(name);
var label = typeof stage !== 'undefined' ? build.meta.stages[stage].label : build.meta.label;
for (var i in buttons) {
var haystack = buttons[i].model.name;
if (haystack.indexOf(label) !== -1){
return buttons[i];
// Space manager
// ================
var SpaceManager = function () {
this.manager = new TabManager('Space');
this.crafts = new CraftManager();
SpaceManager.prototype = {
manager: undefined,
crafts: undefined,
build: function (name) {
var build = this.getBuild(name);
var button = this.getBuildButton(name);
if (!build.unlocked || !button || !button.model.enabled || !options.auto.space.items[name].enabled) return;
//need to simulate a click so the game updates everything properly
storeForSummary(name, 1, 'build');
var label = build.label;
activity('小猫建造了一个 ' + label, 'ks-build');
getBuild: function (name) {
return game.space.getProgram(name);
getBuildButton: function (name) {
var panels = this.manager.tab.planetPanels;
for (var panel in panels) {
for (var child in panels[panel].children) {
if (panels[panel].children[child].id === name) return panels[panel].children[child];
// Crafting Manager
// ================
var CraftManager = function () {};
CraftManager.prototype = {
craft: function (name, amount) {
amount = Math.floor(amount);
if (!name || 1 > amount) return;
if (!this.canCraft(name, amount)) return;
var craft = this.getCraft(name);
var ratio = game.getResCraftRatio(craft);
game.craft(craft.name, amount);
// determine actual amount after crafting upgrades
amount = (amount * (1 + ratio)).toFixed(2);
storeForSummary(name, amount, 'craft');
activity('小猫制作了 ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(amount) + ' ' + cnItem(ucfirst(name)), 'ks-craft');
canCraft: function (name, amount) {
var craft = this.getCraft(name);
var enabled = options.auto.craft.items[name].enabled;
var result = false;
if (craft.unlocked && enabled) {
result = true;
for (var i in craft.prices) {
var price = craft.prices[i];
var value = this.getValueAvailable(price.name);
if (value < price.val * amount) {
result = false;
return result;
getCraft: function (name) {
return game.workshop.getCraft(this.getName(name));
getLowestCraftAmount: function (name, limited) {
var amount = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var materials = this.getMaterials(name);
// Safeguard if materials for craft cannot be determined.
if (!materials) return 0;
var res = this.getResource(name);
for (var i in materials) {
var delta = undefined;
if(this.getResource(i).maxValue > 0 || ! limited) {
// If there is a storage limit, we can just use everything returned by getValueAvailable, since the regulation happens there
delta = this.getValueAvailable(i) / materials[i];
} else {
// Take the currently present amount of material to craft into account
// Only craft "half" (TODO: document this behaviour)
delta = (this.getValueAvailable(i) - materials[i] * this.getValueAvailable(res.name)) / (2 * materials[i]);
amount = Math.min(delta,amount);
// If we have a maximum value, ensure that we don't produce more than
// this value. This should currently only impact wood crafting, but is
// written generically to ensure it works for any craft that produces a
// good with a maximum value.
if (res.maxValue > 0 && amount > (res.maxValue - res.value))
amount = res.maxValue - res.value;
return Math.floor(amount);
getMaterials: function (name) {
var materials = {};
var craft = this.getCraft(name);
// Safeguard against craft items that aren't actually available yet.
if (!craft) return;
var prices = craft.prices;
for (var i in prices) {
var price = prices[i];
materials[price.name] = price.val;
return materials;
getName: function (name) {
// adjust for spelling discrepancies in core game logic
if ('catpower' === name) name = 'manpower';
if ('compendium' === name) name = 'compedium';
if ('concrete' === name) name = 'concrate';
return name;
getResource: function (name) {
for (var i in game.resPool.resources) {
var res = game.resPool.resources[i];
if (res.name === this.getName(name)) return res;
warning('unable to find resource ' + name);
return null;
getValue: function (name) {
return this.getResource(name).value;
getStock: function (name) {
var res = options.auto.resources[this.getName(name)];
var stock = res ? res.stock : 0;
return !stock ? 0 : stock;
getValueAvailable: function (name, all) {
var value = this.getValue(name);
var stock = this.getStock(name);
if ('catnip' === name) {
var resPerTick = game.getResourcePerTick(name, false, {
modifiers: {
'catnip': 0.10 - game.calendar.getWeatherMod()
if (resPerTick < 0) stock -= resPerTick * 202 * 5;
value = Math.max(value - stock, 0);
// If we have a maxValue, and user hasn't requested all, check
// consumption rate
if (!all && this.getResource(name).maxValue > 0) {
var res = options.auto.resources[name];
var consume = res && (res.consume != undefined) ? res.consume : options.consume;
value *= consume;
return value;
// Trading Manager
// ===============
var TradeManager = function () {
this.craftManager = new CraftManager();
this.manager = new TabManager('Trade');
TradeManager.prototype = {
craftManager: undefined,
manager: undefined,
trade: function (name, amount) {
if (!name || 1 > amount) return;
var race = this.getRace(name);
if (!race.unlocked) return;
var button = this.getTradeButton(race.title);
if (!button.model.enabled || !options.auto.trade.items[name].enabled) return;
game.diplomacy.tradeMultiple(race, amount);
storeForSummary(name, amount, 'trade');
activity('小猫和 '+ cnItem(ucfirst(name)) + " 交易了 " + amount + '', 'ks-trade');
getLowestTradeAmount: function (name) {
var amount = undefined;
var highestCapacity = undefined;
var materials = this.getMaterials(name);
var race = this.getRace(name);
for (var i in materials) {
var total = this.craftManager.getValueAvailable(i) / materials[i];
amount = (amount === undefined || total < amount) ? total : amount;
if (race === null || options.auto.trade.items[name].allowcapped) return Math.floor(amount);
// Loop through the items obtained by the race, and determine
// which good has the most space left. Once we've determined this,
// reduce the amount by this capacity. This ensures that we continue to trade
// as long as at least one resource has capacity, and we never over-trade.
for (var s in race.sells) {
var item = race.sells[s];
var resource = this.craftManager.getResource(item.name);
var max = 0;
// No need to process resources that don't cap
if (!resource.maxValue) continue;
// Zebras special cased titanium taken directly from game code
if (race.name == "zebras" && item.name == "titanium") {
var val = 1.5 + (1.5 * game.resPool.get("ship").value / 100 * 2);
max = Math.ceil(val);
} else {
var sratio = item.seasons[game.calendar.getCurSeason().name];
var tratio = game.getEffect("tradeRatio");
var val = item.value + item.value * tratio;
max = val * sratio * (1 + item.delta/2);
capacity = (resource.maxValue - resource.value) / max;
highestCapacity = (capacity < highestCapacity) ? highestCapacity : capacity;
// We must take the ceiling of capacity so that we will trade as long
// as there is any room, even if it doesn't have exact space. Otherwise
// we seem to starve trading altogether.
highestCapacity = Math.ceil(highestCapacity);
// Now that we know the most we *should* trade for, check to ensure that
// we trade for our max cost, or our max capacity, whichever is lower.
// This helps us prevent trading for resources we can't store. Note that we
// essentially ignore blueprints here. In addition, if highestCapacity was never set,
// then we just
amount = (highestCapacity < amount) ? highestCapacity : amount;
return Math.floor(amount);
getMaterials: function (name) {
var materials = {catpower: 50, gold: 15};
if (name === undefined)
return materials;
var prices = this.getRace(name).buys;
for (var i in prices) {
var price = prices[i];
materials[price.name] = price.val;
return materials;
getRace: function (name) {
if (name === undefined)
return null;
return game.diplomacy.get(name);
getTradeButton: function (race) {
for (var i in this.manager.tab.racePanels) {
var panel = this.manager.tab.racePanels[i];
if (panel.name.indexOf(race) > -1) return panel.tradeBtn;
warning('unable to find trade button for ' + name);
// ==============================
// Configure overall page display
// ==============================
var container = $('#game');
var column = $('.column');
var body = $('body');
var button = $('.btn.modern');
var left = $('#leftColumn');
var middle = $('#midColumn');
var right = $('#rightColumn');
var addRule = function (rule) {
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
sheets[0].insertRule(rule, 0);
if (game.colorScheme !== 'sleek') {
fontFamily: 'monospace',
fontSize: '12px',
minWidth: '1300px',
top: '32px'
fontFamily: 'monospace',
fontSize: '12px'
fontFamily: 'monospace',
fontSize: '12px',
width: '290px'
minHeight: 'inherit',
maxWidth: 'inherit',
padding: '0',
margin: 0,
overflowY: 'auto'
height: '92%',
width: '27%'
marginTop: '30px',
height: '90%',
width: '43%'
overflowY: 'auto',
height: '92%',
width: '25%'
addRule('#gameLog .msg {'
+ 'display: block;'
+ '}');
addRule('#gameLog {'
+ 'overflow-y: hidden !important;'
+ 'width: 100% !important;'
+ 'padding-top: 5px !important;'
+ '}');
addRule('#resContainer .maxRes {'
+ 'color: #676766;'
+ '}');
addRule('#game .btn {'
+ 'border-radius: 0px;'
+ 'font-family: monospace;'
+ 'font-size: 12px !important;'
+ 'margin: 0 5px 7px 0;'
+ 'width: 290px;'
+ '}');
addRule('#ks-options ul {'
+ 'list-style: none;'
+ 'margin: 0 0 5px;'
+ 'padding: 0;'
+ '}');
addRule('#ks-options ul:after {'
+ 'clear: both;'
+ 'content: " ";'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'height: 0;'
+ '}');
addRule('#ks-options ul li {'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'float: left;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ '}');
addRule('#ks-options #toggle-list-resources .stockWarn {'
+ 'color: ' + options.stockwarncolor + ';'
+ '}');
// Local Storage
// =============
var kittenStorageVersion = 1;
var kittenStorage = {
version: kittenStorageVersion,
items: {},
resources: {},
triggers: {}
var initializeKittenStorage = function () {
$("#items-list-build, #items-list-craft, #items-list-trade").find("input[id^='toggle-']").each(function () {
kittenStorage.items[$(this).attr("id")] = $(this).prop("checked");
var saveToKittenStorage = function () {
kittenStorage.resources = options.auto.resources;
kittenStorage.triggers = {
faith: options.auto.faith.trigger,
hunt: options.auto.hunt.trigger,
build: options.auto.build.trigger,
space: options.auto.space.trigger,
craft: options.auto.craft.trigger,
trade: options.auto.trade.trigger
localStorage['cbc.kitten-scientists'] = JSON.stringify(kittenStorage);
var loadFromKittenStorage = function () {
var saved = JSON.parse(localStorage['cbc.kitten-scientists'] || 'null');
if (saved && saved.version == kittenStorageVersion) {
kittenStorage = saved;
for (var item in kittenStorage.items) {
var value = kittenStorage.items[item];
var el = $('#' + item);
var option = el.data('option');
var name = item.split('-');
el.prop('checked', value);
if (name.length == 2) {
option.enabled = value;
} else {
if (name[1] == 'limited') {
option.limited = value;
} else {
option[name[2]] = value;
var list = $("#toggle-list-resources");
for (var resource in kittenStorage.resources) {
var res = kittenStorage.resources[resource];
if ($('#resource-' + resource).length === 0) {
if ('stock' in res) {
setStockValue(resource, res.stock);
if ('consume' in res) {
setConsumeRate(resource, res.consume);
if (saved.triggers) {
options.auto.faith.trigger = saved.triggers.faith;
options.auto.hunt.trigger = saved.triggers.hunt;
options.auto.build.trigger = saved.triggers.build;
options.auto.space.trigger = saved.triggers.space;
options.auto.craft.trigger = saved.triggers.craft;
options.auto.trade.trigger = saved.triggers.trade;
$('#trigger-faith')[0].title = options.auto.faith.trigger;
$('#trigger-hunt')[0].title = options.auto.hunt.trigger;
$('#trigger-build')[0].title = options.auto.build.trigger;
$('#trigger-space')[0].title = options.auto.space.trigger;
$('#trigger-craft')[0].title = options.auto.craft.trigger;
$('#trigger-trade')[0].title = options.auto.trade.trigger;
} else {
// Add options element
// ===================
var ucfirst = function (string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
var roundToTwo = function (n) {
return +(Math.round(n + "e+2") + "e-2")
var setStockWarning = function(name, value) {
// simplest way to ensure it doesn't stick around too often; always do
// a remove first then re-add only if needed
$("#resource-" + name).removeClass("stockWarn");
var maxValue = game.resPool.resources.filter(i => i.name == name)[0].maxValue;
if (value > maxValue && !(maxValue === 0)) $("#resource-" + name).addClass("stockWarn");
var setStockValue = function (name, value) {
var n = Number(value);
if (isNaN(n) || n < 0) {
warning('ignoring non-numeric or invalid stock value ' + value);
if (!options.auto.resources[name]) options.auto.resources[name] = {};
options.auto.resources[name].stock = n;
$('#stock-value-' + name).text('库存: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(n));
setStockWarning(name, n);
var setConsumeRate = function (name, value) {
var n = parseFloat(value);
if (isNaN(n) || n < 0.0 || n > 1.0) {
warning('ignoring non-numeric or invalid consume rate ' + value);
if (!options.auto.resources[name]) options.auto.resources[name] = {};
options.auto.resources[name].consume = n;
$('#consume-rate-' + name).text('消耗: ' + n.toFixed(2));
var removeResourceControl = function (name) {
delete options.auto.resources[name];
var addNewResourceOption = function (name, title) {
var res = options.auto.resources[name];
var stock = res && (res.stock != undefined) ? res.stock : 0;
var consume = res && (res.consume != undefined) ? res.consume : options.consume;
var container = $('<div/>', {
id: 'resource-' + name,
css: {display: 'inline-block', width: '100%'},
var label = $('<div/>', {
id: 'resource-label-' + name,
text: cnItem(ucfirst(title ? title : name)),
css: {display: 'inline-block', width: '95px'},
var stock = $('<div/>', {
id: 'stock-value-' + name,
text: '库存: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(stock),
css: {cursor: 'pointer', display: 'inline-block', width: '80px'},
var consume = $('<div/>', {
id: 'consume-rate-' + name,
text: '消耗: ' + consume.toFixed(2),
css: {cursor: 'pointer', display: 'inline-block'},
var del = $('<div/>', {
id: 'resource-delete-' + name,
text: '删除',
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
float: 'right',
paddingRight: '5px',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray'},
container.append(label, stock, consume, del);
// once created, set color if relevant
if (res != undefined && res.stock != undefined) setStockWarning(name, res.stock);
stock.on('click', function () {
var value = window.prompt('库存 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(title ? title : name)));
if (value !== null) {
setStockValue(name, value);
consume.on('click', function () {
var value = window.prompt('消耗率 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(title ? title : name)));
if (value !== null) {
setConsumeRate(name, value);
del.on('click', function () {
if (window.confirm('删除资源控制 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(title ? title : name) + '?'))) {
return container;
var getAvailableResourceOptions = function () {
var items = [];
for (var i in game.resPool.resources) {
var res = game.resPool.resources[i];
// Show only new resources that we don't have in the list and that are
// visible. This helps cut down on total size.
if (res.name && $('#resource-' + res.name).length === 0) {
var item = $('<div/>', {
id: 'resource-add-' + res.name,
text: ucfirst(res.title ? res.title : res.name),
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray'},
// Wrapper function needed to make closure work
(function (res, item) {
item.on('click', function () {
if (!options.auto.resources[res.name]) options.auto.resources[res.name] = {};
options.auto.resources[res.name].stock = 0;
options.auto.resources[res.name].consume = options.consume;
$('#toggle-list-resources').append(addNewResourceOption(res.name, res.title));
})(res, item);
return items;
var getResourceOptions = function () {
var list = $('<ul/>', {
id: 'toggle-list-resources',
css: {display: 'none', paddingLeft: '20px'}
var add = $('<div/>', {
id: 'resources-add',
text: '增加资源',
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray',
borderBottom: '1px solid rgba(185, 185, 185, 0.7)' },
var clearunused = $('<div/>', {
id: 'resources-clear-unused',
text: '清除未使用',
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
float: 'right',
paddingRight: '5px',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray' },
clearunused.on('click', function () {
for (var name in options.auto.resources) {
// Only delete resources with unmodified values. Require manual
// removal of resources with non-standard values.
if (!options.auto.resources[name].stock &&
options.auto.resources[name].consume == options.consume ||
options.auto.resources[name].consume == undefined) {
$('#resource-' + name).remove();
allresources = $('<ul/>', {
id: 'available-resources-list',
css: {display: 'none', paddingLeft: '20px'}
add.on('click', function () {
list.append(add, clearunused, allresources);
// Add all the current resources
for (var name in options.auto.resources) {
return list;
var getToggle = function (toggleName, text) {
var auto = options.auto[toggleName];
var element = $('<li/>');
var label = $('<label/>', {
'for': 'toggle-' + toggleName,
text: cnItem(text)
var input = $('<input/>', {
id: 'toggle-' + toggleName,
type: 'checkbox'
if (auto.enabled) {
input.prop('checked', true);
// engine needs a custom toggle
if (toggleName !== 'engine') {
input.on('change', function () {
if (input.is(':checked') && auto.enabled == false) {
auto.enabled = true;
message('启用自动 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(text)));
} else if (input.not(':checked') && auto.enabled == true) {
auto.enabled = false;
message('禁用自动化 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(text)));
element.append(input, label);
if (auto.items) {
// Add a border on the element
element.css('borderBottom', '1px solid rgba(185, 185, 185, 0.7)');
var toggle = $('<div/>', {
css: {display: 'inline-block', float: 'right'}
var button = $('<div/>', {
id: 'toggle-items-' + toggleName,
text: '项目',
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
paddingRight: '5px',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray'}
var list = $('<ul/>', {
id: 'items-list-' + toggleName,
css: {display: 'none', paddingLeft: '20px'}
var disableall = $('<div/>', {
id: 'toggle-all-items-' + toggleName,
text: '禁用所有',
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray',
marginRight: '8px'}
disableall.on('click', function () {
// can't use find as we only want one layer of checkboxes
var items = list.children().children(':checkbox');
items.prop('checked', false);
var enableall = $('<div/>', {
id: 'toggle-all-items-' + toggleName,
text: '启用所有',
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray'}
enableall.on('click', function () {
// can't use find as we only want one layer of checkboxes
var items = list.children().children(':checkbox');
items.prop('checked', true);
// fill out list with toggle items
for (var itemName in auto.items) {
if (toggleName === 'trade')
list.append(getTradeOption(itemName, auto.items[itemName]));
else if (toggleName === 'craft')
list.append(getCraftOption(itemName, auto.items[itemName]));
list.append(getOption(itemName, auto.items[itemName]));
button.on('click', function () {
element.append(toggle, list);
// Add resource controls for crafting, sort of a hack
if (toggleName === 'craft') {
var resources = $('<div/>', {
id: 'toggle-resource-controls',
text: '资源',
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
paddingRight: '5px',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray'},
var resourcesList = getResourceOptions();
// When we click the items button, make sure we clear resources
button.on('click', function () {
resources.on('click', function () {
if (auto.trigger) {
var triggerButton = $('<div/>', {
id: 'trigger-' + toggleName,
text: '触发条件',
title: auto.trigger,
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
float: 'right',
paddingRight: '5px',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray'}
triggerButton.on('click', function () {
var value = window.prompt('输入新的触发值,取值范围:0到1之间 ' + cnItem(text) + '', auto.trigger);
if (value !== null) {
auto.trigger = parseFloat(value);
triggerButton[0].title = auto.trigger;
return element;
var getTradeOption = function (name, option) {
var element = getOption(name, option);
element.css('borderBottom', '1px solid rgba(185, 185, 185, 0.7)');
var button = $('<div/>', {
id: 'toggle-seasons-' + name,
text: '季节',
css: {cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'inline-block',
float: 'right',
paddingRight: '5px',
textShadow: '3px 3px 4px gray'},
var list = $('<ul/>', {
id: 'seasons-list-' + name,
css: {display: 'none', paddingLeft: '20px'}
// fill out the list with seasons
list.append(getSeason(name, 'spring', option));
list.append(getSeason(name, 'summer', option));
list.append(getSeason(name, 'autumn', option));
list.append(getSeason(name, 'winter', option));
button.on('click', function () {
element.append(button, list);
return element;
var getSeason = function (name, season, option) {
var element = $('<li/>');
var label = $('<label/>', {
'for': 'toggle-' + name + '-' + season,
text: cnItem(ucfirst(season))
var input = $('<input/>', {
id: 'toggle-' + name + '-' + season,
type: 'checkbox'
}).data('option', option);
if (option[season]) {
input.prop('checked', true);
input.on('change', function () {
if (input.is(':checked') && option[season] == false) {
option[season] = true;
message('已启用和 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(name)) + ' 交易在 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(season)));
} else if (input.not(':checked') && option[season] == true) {
option[season] = false;
message('已禁用用和 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(name)) + ' 交易在 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(season)));
kittenStorage.items[input.attr('id')] = option[season];
element.append(input, label);
return element;
var getOption = function (name, option) {
var element = $('<li/>');
var elementLabel = option.label || ucfirst(name);
var label = $('<label/>', {
'for': 'toggle-' + name,
text: cnItem(elementLabel),
css: {display: 'inline-block', minWidth: '80px'}
var input = $('<input/>', {
id: 'toggle-' + name,
type: 'checkbox'
}).data('option', option);
if (option.enabled) {
input.prop('checked', true);
input.on('change', function () {
if (input.is(':checked') && option.enabled == false) {
option.enabled = true;
message('已启用自动 ' + cnItem(elementLabel));
} else if (input.not(':checked') && option.enabled == true) {
option.enabled = false;
message('已禁用自动 ' + cnItem(elementLabel));
kittenStorage.items[input.attr('id')] = option.enabled;
element.append(input, label);
return element;
var getCraftOption = function (name, option) {
var element = getOption(name, option);
var label = $('<label/>', {
'for': 'toggle-limited-' + name,
text: '限制'
var input = $('<input/>', {
id: 'toggle-limited-' + name,
type: 'checkbox'
}).data('option', option);
if (option.limited) {
input.prop('checked', true);
input.on('change', function () {
if (input.is(':checked') && option.limited == false) {
option.limited = true;
message('工艺制作 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(name)) + ': 每个季节限量一次');
} else if (input.not(':checked') && option.limited == true) {
option.limited = false;
message('工艺制作 ' + cnItem(ucfirst(name)) + ': 不限制');
kittenStorage.items[input.attr('id')] = option.limited;
element.append(input, label);
return element;
// Grab button labels for religion options
var religionManager = new ReligionManager();
for (var buildOption in options.auto.faith.items) {
var buildItem = options.auto.faith.items[buildOption];
var build = religionManager.getBuild(buildItem.name || buildOption);
if (build) {
options.auto.faith.items[buildOption].label = build.label;
// Grab button labels for build options
var buildManager = new BuildManager();
for (var buildOption in options.auto.build.items) {
var buildItem = options.auto.build.items[buildOption];
var build = buildManager.getBuild(buildItem.name || buildOption);
if (build) {
if ("stage" in buildItem) {
options.auto.build.items[buildOption].label = build.meta.stages[buildItem.stage].label;
} else {
options.auto.build.items[buildOption].label = build.meta.label;
// Grab button labels for space options
var spaceManager = new SpaceManager();
for (var spaceOption in options.auto.space.items) {
var build = spaceManager.getBuild(spaceOption);
if (build) {
// It's changed to label in
var title = build.title ? build.title : build.label;
options.auto.space.items[spaceOption].label = title;
var optionsElement = $('<div/>', {id: 'ks-options', css: {marginBottom: '10px'}});
var optionsListElement = $('<ul/>');
var optionsTitleElement = $('<div/>', {
css: { bottomBorder: '1px solid gray', marginBottom: '5px' },
text: version
optionsListElement.append(getToggle('engine', 'Enable Scientists'));
optionsListElement.append(getToggle('build', 'Building'));
optionsListElement.append(getToggle('space', 'Space'));
optionsListElement.append(getToggle('craft', 'Crafting'));
optionsListElement.append(getToggle('trade', 'Trading'));
optionsListElement.append(getToggle('hunt', 'Hunting'));
optionsListElement.append(getToggle('faith', 'Religion'));
optionsListElement.append(getToggle('festival', 'Festival'));
// add activity button
// ===================
activitySummary = {};
var resetActivitySummary = function () {
activitySummary = {
lastyear: game.calendar.year,
lastday: game.calendar.day,
craft: {},
trade: {},
build: {},
other: {}
var storeForSummary = function (name, amount, section) {
if (amount === undefined) amount = 1;
if (section === undefined) section = 'other';
if (activitySummary[section] === undefined)
activitySummary[section] = {};
if (activitySummary[section][name] === undefined) {
activitySummary[section][name] = parseInt(amount, 10);
} else {
activitySummary[section][name] += parseInt(amount, 10);
var displayActivitySummary = function () {
// Festivals
if (activitySummary.other.festival) {
summary('举办 ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(activitySummary.other.festival) + ' 节日');
// Observe stars
if (activitySummary.other.stars) {
summary('观测到 ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(activitySummary.other.stars) + ' 星星');
// Praise the Sun
if (activitySummary.other.faith) {
summary('累计 ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(activitySummary.other.faith) + ' 信仰通过赞美太阳');
// Hunters
if (activitySummary.other.hunt) {
summary('派出 ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(activitySummary.other.hunt) + ' 批可爱的小猫猎人' + (activitySummary.other.hunt == 1 ? '' : ''));
// Buildings
for (var name in activitySummary.build) {
summary('建成: +' + game.getDisplayValueExt(activitySummary.build[name]) + ' ' + cnItem(ucfirst(name)));
// Crafts
for (var name in activitySummary.craft) {
summary('制作了: +' + game.getDisplayValueExt(activitySummary.craft[name]) + ' ' + cnItem(ucfirst(name)));
// Trading
for (var name in activitySummary.trade) {
summary('贸易: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(activitySummary.trade[name]) + '次 和' + cnItem(ucfirst(name)));
// Show time since last run. Assumes that the day and year are always higher.
if (activitySummary.lastyear && activitySummary.lastday) {
var years = game.calendar.year - activitySummary.lastyear;
var days = game.calendar.day - activitySummary.lastday;
if (days < 0) {
years -= 1;
days += 400;
var duration = '';
if (years > 0) {
duration += years + ' ';
duration += (years == 1) ? '' : '';
if (days >= 0) {
if (years > 0) duration += '';
duration += roundToTwo(days) + ' ';
duration += (days == 1) ? '' : '';
summary('最近的统计 ' + duration);
// Clear out the old activity
var activityBox = $('<div/>', {
id: 'activity-box',
css: {
display: 'inline-block',
float: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'top'
var showActivity = $('<a/>', {
id: 'showActivityHref',
text: '显示活动项',
href: '#',
css: {
verticalAlign: 'top'
var activityCheckbox = $('<input/>', {
id: 'enable-activity',
type: 'checkbox',
css: {
verticalAlign: 'top'
var activityLabel = $('<label/>', {
for: 'enable-activity'
if (options.showactivity)
activityCheckbox.prop('checked', true);
activityCheckbox.on('change', function () {
if (activityCheckbox.is(':checked') && options.showactivity == false) {
options.showactivity = true;
} else if (activityCheckbox.not(':checked') && options.showactivity == true) {
options.showactivity = false;
showActivity.on('click', displayActivitySummary);
activityBox.append(activityCheckbox, activityLabel, showActivity);
// Donation Button
// ===============
var donate = $('<li/>').append($('<a/>', {
href: 'bitcoin:' + address + '?amount=0.005&label=Kittens Donation',
target: '_blank',
text: address
})).prepend($('<img/>', {
css: {
height: '15px',
width: '15px',
padding: '3px 4px 0 4px',
verticalAlign: 'bottom'
src: ''
// Add some padding above the donation item
donate.css('padding', '5px');
// add the options above the game log
// Initialize and set toggles for Engine
// =====================================
var engine = new Engine();
var toggleEngine = $('#toggle-engine');
toggleEngine.on('change', function () {
if (toggleEngine.is(':checked')) {
} else {
if (console && console.log) console.log(version + " 加载成功!");
var loadTest = function() {
if (typeof gamePage === 'undefined') {
// Test if kittens game is already loaded or wait 2s and try again
}, 2000);
} else {
// Kittens loaded, run Kitten Scientist's Automation Engine
game = gamePage;
马建仓 AI 助手