* Copyright 2014-2023 The GmSSL Project. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* SDF API is a cryptographic API for PCI-E cards defined in standard
* GM/T 0018-2012: Interface Specifications of Cryptography Device Application
* Note: this header file follows the specification of GM/T 0018-2012. As we
* know, some vendors provide header files with some differences, especially
* the definations of data structures. So be sure to check the file provided by
* vendors and compare with this one.
* The implementations of SDF API from different vendors might have different
* behaviors on the same function. The comments in this file will show
* information and warnings on these issues. If the application developer use
* the GmSSL implementation, see `crypto/gmapi/sdf_lcl.h` for more information.
#ifndef HEADER_SDF_H
#define HEADER_SDF_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sgd.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct DeviceInfo_st {
unsigned char IssuerName[40];
unsigned char DeviceName[16];
unsigned char DeviceSerial[16]; /* 8-char date +
* 3-char batch num +
* 5-char serial num
unsigned int DeviceVersion;
unsigned int StandardVersion;
unsigned int AsymAlgAbility[2]; /* AsymAlgAbility[0] = algors
* AsymAlgAbility[1] = modulus lens
unsigned int SymAlgAbility;
unsigned int HashAlgAbility;
unsigned int BufferSize;
typedef struct RSArefPublicKey_st {
unsigned int bits;
unsigned char m[RSAref_MAX_LEN];
unsigned char e[RSAref_MAX_LEN];
} RSArefPublicKey;
typedef struct RSArefPrivateKey_st {
unsigned int bits;
unsigned char m[RSAref_MAX_LEN];
unsigned char e[RSAref_MAX_LEN];
unsigned char d[RSAref_MAX_LEN];
unsigned char prime[2][RSAref_MAX_PLEN];
unsigned char pexp[2][RSAref_MAX_PLEN];
unsigned char coef[RSAref_MAX_PLEN];
} RSArefPrivateKey;
typedef struct ECCrefPublicKey_st {
unsigned int bits;
unsigned char x[ECCref_MAX_LEN];
unsigned char y[ECCref_MAX_LEN];
} ECCrefPublicKey;
typedef struct ECCrefPrivateKey_st {
unsigned int bits;
unsigned char K[ECCref_MAX_LEN];
} ECCrefPrivateKey;
typedef struct ECCCipher_st {
unsigned char x[ECCref_MAX_LEN];
unsigned char y[ECCref_MAX_LEN];
unsigned char M[32];
unsigned int L;
unsigned char C[1];
// Extend sizeof(C) to SM2_MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE
// gmssl/sm2.h: SM2_MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE = 255
unsigned char C_[254];
} ECCCipher;
typedef struct ECCSignature_st {
unsigned char r[ECCref_MAX_LEN];
unsigned char s[ECCref_MAX_LEN];
} ECCSignature;
unsigned long Version;
unsigned long ulSymmAlgID;
ECCCipher ECCCipehrBlob;
ECCrefPublicKey PubKey;
unsigned char cbEncryptedPrivKey[64];
} EnvelopedKeyBlob, *PEnvelopedKeyBlob;
#pragma pack()
int SDF_OpenDevice(
void **phDeviceHandle);
int SDF_CloseDevice(
void *hDeviceHandle);
int SDF_OpenSession(
void *hDeviceHandle,
void **phSessionHandle);
int SDF_CloseSession(
void *hSessionHandle);
int SDF_GetDeviceInfo(
void *hSessionHandle,
DEVICEINFO *pstDeviceInfo);
int SDF_GenerateRandom(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiLength,
unsigned char *pucRandom);
int SDF_GetPrivateKeyAccessRight(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
unsigned char *pucPassword,
unsigned int uiPwdLength);
int SDF_ReleasePrivateKeyAccessRight(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex);
int SDF_ExportSignPublicKey_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
RSArefPublicKey *pucPublicKey);
int SDF_ExportEncPublicKey_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
RSArefPublicKey *pucPublicKey);
int SDF_GenerateKeyPair_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
RSArefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
RSArefPrivateKey *pucPrivateKey);
int SDF_GenerateKeyWithIPK_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiIPKIndex,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
unsigned char *pucKey,
unsigned int *puiKeyLength,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_GenerateKeyWithEPK_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
RSArefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
unsigned char *pucKey,
unsigned int *puiKeyLength,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_ImportKeyWithISK_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiISKIndex,
unsigned char *pucKey,
unsigned int uiKeyLength,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_ExchangeDigitEnvelopeBaseOnRSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
RSArefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
unsigned char *pucDEInput,
unsigned int uiDELength,
unsigned char *pucDEOutput,
unsigned int *puiDELength);
int SDF_ExportSignPublicKey_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucPublicKey);
int SDF_ExportEncPublicKey_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucPublicKey);
int SDF_GenerateKeyPair_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
ECCrefPrivateKey *pucPrivateKey);
int SDF_GenerateKeyWithIPK_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiIPKIndex,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
ECCCipher *pucKey,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_GenerateKeyWithEPK_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
ECCCipher *pucKey,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_ImportKeyWithISK_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiISKIndex,
ECCCipher *pucKey,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_GenerateAgreementDataWithECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiISKIndex,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
unsigned char *pucSponsorID,
unsigned int uiSponsorIDLength,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucSponsorPublicKey,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucSponsorTmpPublicKey,
void **phAgreementHandle);
int SDF_GenerateKeyWithECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned char *pucResponseID,
unsigned int uiResponseIDLength,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucResponsePublicKey,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucResponseTmpPublicKey,
void *hAgreementHandle,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_GenerateAgreementDataAndKeyWithECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiISKIndex,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
unsigned char *pucResponseID,
unsigned int uiResponseIDLength,
unsigned char *pucSponsorID,
unsigned int uiSponsorIDLength,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucSponsorPublicKey,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucSponsorTmpPublicKey,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucResponsePublicKey,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucResponseTmpPublicKey,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_ExchangeDigitEnvelopeBaseOnECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
ECCCipher *pucEncDataIn,
ECCCipher *pucEncDataOut);
int SDF_GenerateKeyWithKEK(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyBits,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
unsigned int uiKEKIndex,
unsigned char *pucKey,
unsigned int *puiKeyLength,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_ImportKeyWithKEK(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
unsigned int uiKEKIndex,
unsigned char *pucKey,
unsigned int uiKeyLength,
void **phKeyHandle);
int SDF_DestroyKey(
void *hSessionHandle,
void *hKeyHandle);
int SDF_ExternalPublicKeyOperation_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
RSArefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
unsigned char *pucDataInput,
unsigned int uiInputLength,
unsigned char *pucDataOutput,
unsigned int *puiOutputLength);
int SDF_InternalPublicKeyOperation_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
unsigned char *pucDataInput,
unsigned int uiInputLength,
unsigned char *pucDataOutput,
unsigned int *puiOutputLength);
int SDF_InternalPrivateKeyOperation_RSA(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiKeyIndex,
unsigned char *pucDataInput,
unsigned int uiInputLength,
unsigned char *pucDataOutput,
unsigned int *puiOutputLength);
int SDF_ExternalVerify_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
unsigned char *pucDataInput,
unsigned int uiInputLength,
ECCSignature *pucSignature);
int SDF_InternalSign_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiISKIndex,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int uiDataLength,
ECCSignature *pucSignature);
int SDF_InternalVerify_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiIPKIndex,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int uiDataLength,
ECCSignature *pucSignature);
int SDF_ExternalEncrypt_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int uiDataLength,
ECCCipher *pucEncData);
int SDF_InternalEncrypt_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiIPKIndex,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int uiDataLength,
ECCCipher *pucEncData);
int SDF_InternalDecrypt_ECC(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiISKIndex,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
ECCCipher *pucEncData,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int *uiDataLength);
int SDF_Encrypt(
void *hSessionHandle,
void *hKeyHandle,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
unsigned char *pucIV,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int uiDataLength,
unsigned char *pucEncData,
unsigned int *puiEncDataLength);
int SDF_Decrypt(
void *hSessionHandle,
void *hKeyHandle,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
unsigned char *pucIV,
unsigned char *pucEncData,
unsigned int uiEncDataLength,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int *puiDataLength);
int SDF_CalculateMAC(
void *hSessionHandle,
void *hKeyHandle,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
unsigned char *pucIV,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int uiDataLength,
unsigned char *pucMAC,
unsigned int *puiMACLength);
int SDF_HashInit(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned int uiAlgID,
ECCrefPublicKey *pucPublicKey,
unsigned char *pucID,
unsigned int uiIDLength);
int SDF_HashUpdate(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned char *pucData,
unsigned int uiDataLength);
int SDF_HashFinal(void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned char *pucHash,
unsigned int *puiHashLength);
int SDF_CreateFile(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned char *pucFileName,
unsigned int uiNameLen, /* max 128-byte */
unsigned int uiFileSize);
int SDF_ReadFile(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned char *pucFileName,
unsigned int uiNameLen,
unsigned int uiOffset,
unsigned int *puiReadLength,
unsigned char *pucBuffer);
int SDF_WriteFile(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned char *pucFileName,
unsigned int uiNameLen,
unsigned int uiOffset,
unsigned int uiWriteLength,
unsigned char *pucBuffer);
int SDF_DeleteFile(
void *hSessionHandle,
unsigned char *pucFileName,
unsigned int uiNameLen);
#define SDR_OK 0x0
#define SDR_BASE 0x01000000
#define SDR_UNKNOWERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000001)
#define SDR_NOTSUPPORT (SDR_BASE + 0x00000002)
#define SDR_COMMFAIL (SDR_BASE + 0x00000003)
#define SDR_HARDFAIL (SDR_BASE + 0x00000004)
#define SDR_OPENDEVICE (SDR_BASE + 0x00000005)
#define SDR_OPENSESSION (SDR_BASE + 0x00000006)
#define SDR_PARDENY (SDR_BASE + 0x00000007)
#define SDR_KEYNOTEXIST (SDR_BASE + 0x00000008)
#define SDR_ALGNOTSUPPORT (SDR_BASE + 0x00000009)
#define SDR_PKOPERR (SDR_BASE + 0x0000000B)
#define SDR_SKOPERR (SDR_BASE + 0x0000000C)
#define SDR_SIGNERR (SDR_BASE + 0x0000000D)
#define SDR_VERIFYERR (SDR_BASE + 0x0000000E)
#define SDR_SYMOPERR (SDR_BASE + 0x0000000F)
#define SDR_STEPERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000010)
#define SDR_FILESIZEERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000011)
#define SDR_FILENOEXIST (SDR_BASE + 0x00000012)
#define SDR_FILEOFSERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000013)
#define SDR_KEYTYPEERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000014)
#define SDR_KEYERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000015)
#define SDR_ENCDATAERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000016)
#define SDR_RANDERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000017)
#define SDR_PRKRERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000018)
#define SDR_MACERR (SDR_BASE + 0x00000019)
#define SDR_FILEEXSITS (SDR_BASE + 0x0000001A)
#define SDR_FILEWERR (SDR_BASE + 0x0000001B)
#define SDR_NOBUFFER (SDR_BASE + 0x0000001C)
#define SDR_INARGERR (SDR_BASE + 0x0000001D)
#define SDR_OUTARGERR (SDR_BASE + 0x0000001E)
#ifdef __cplusplus
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