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def define_env(env):
def mlperf_inference_implementation_readme(spaces, model, implementation):
pre_space = ""
for i in range(1,spaces):
pre_space = pre_space + " "
f_pre_space = pre_space
pre_space += " "
scenarios = []
execution_envs = ["Docker","Native"]
if model == "rnnt":
if implementation == "reference":
devices = [ "CPU", "CUDA", "ROCm" ]
if model.lower() == "resnet50":
frameworks = [ "Onnxruntime", "Tensorflow", "Deepsparse" ]
elif model.lower() == "retinanet":
frameworks = [ "Onnxruntime", "Pytorch" ]
elif "bert" in model.lower():
frameworks = [ "Onnxruntime", "Pytorch", "Tensorflow" ]
frameworks = [ "Pytorch" ]
elif implementation == "nvidia":
if model in [ "sdxl", "llama2-70b-99", "llama2-70b-99.9", "mixtral-8x7b" ]:
return pre_space+" WIP"
devices = [ "CUDA" ]
frameworks = [ "TensorRT" ]
elif implementation == "intel":
if model not in [ "bert-99", "bert-99.9", "gptj-99", "gptj-99.9", "resnet50", "retinanet", "3d-unet-99", "3d-unet-99.9" ]:
return pre_space+" WIP"
if model in [ "bert-99", "bert-99.9", "retinanet", "3d-unet-99", "3d-unet-99.9" ]:
devices = [ "CPU" ]
frameworks = [ "Pytorch" ]
elif implementation == "qualcomm":
if model not in [ "resnet50", "retinanet", "bert-99", "bert-99.9" ]:
return pre_space+" WIP"
devices = [ "QAIC" ]
frameworks = [ "Glow" ]
elif implementation == "cpp":
devices = [ "CPU", "CUDA" ]
frameworks = [ "Onnxruntime" ]
elif implementation == "ctuning-cpp":
scenarios = [ "SingleStream" ]
devices = [ "CPU" ]
if model.lower() == "resnet50":
frameworks = [ "TFLite" ]
frameworks = []
if model.lower() == "bert-99.9":
categories = [ "Datacenter" ]
elif "dlrm" in model.lower() or "llama2" in model.lower() or "mixtral" in model.lower():
categories = [ "Datacenter" ]
categories = [ "Edge", "Datacenter" ]
for category in categories:
if category == "Edge" and not scenarios:
scenarios = [ "Offline", "SingleStream" ]
if model.lower() in [ "resnet50", "retinanet" ] and not "MultiStream" in scenarios:#MultiStream was duplicating
elif category == "Datacenter":
scenarios = [ "Offline", "Server" ]
content += f"{pre_space}=== \"{category.lower()}\"\n\n"
cur_space = pre_space + " "
scenarios_string = ", ".join(scenarios)
content += f"{cur_space}### {category} category \n\n{cur_space} In the {category.lower()} category, {model} has {scenarios_string} scenarios and all the scenarios are mandatory for a closed division submission.\n\n"
for framework in frameworks:
cur_space1 = cur_space + " "
content += f"{cur_space}=== \"{framework}\"\n"
content += f"{cur_space1}#### {framework} framework\n\n"
for device in devices:
if framework.lower() == "deepsparse":
if device.lower() != "cpu":
cur_space2 = cur_space1 + " "
cur_space3 = cur_space2 + " "
cur_space4 = cur_space3 + " "
content += f"{cur_space1}=== \"{device}\"\n"
content += f"{cur_space2}##### {device} device\n\n"
# to select the execution environments(currently Docker and Native)
for execution_env in execution_envs:
if (device == "ROCm" or implementation == "qualcomm") and execution_env == "Docker":
continue # docker not currently supported for Qualcomm implementation and ROCm device
if implementation == "nvidia" and execution_env == "Native":
continue # Nvidia implementation only supports execution through docker
content += f"{cur_space2}=== \"{execution_env}\"\n"
content += f"{cur_space3}###### {execution_env} Environment\n\n"
test_query_count=get_test_query_count(model, implementation, device)
if "99.9" not in model: #not showing docker command as it is already done for the 99% variant
if execution_env == "Native": # Native implementation steps through virtual environment
content += f"{cur_space3}####### Setup a virtual environment for Python\n"
content += get_venv_command(spaces+16)
content += f"{cur_space3}####### Performance Estimation for Offline Scenario\n"
content += mlperf_inference_run_command(spaces+17, model, implementation, framework.lower(), category.lower(), "Offline", device.lower(), "test", test_query_count, True, scenarios, code_version).replace("--docker ","")
content += f"{cur_space3}The above command should do a test run of Offline scenario and record the estimated offline_target_qps.\n\n"
else: # Docker implementation steps
content += f"{cur_space3}####### Docker Container Build and Performance Estimation for Offline Scenario\n"
docker_info = get_docker_info(spaces+16, model, implementation, device)
content += docker_info
content += mlperf_inference_run_command(spaces+17, model, implementation, framework.lower(), category.lower(), "Offline", device.lower(), "test", test_query_count, True, scenarios, code_version)
content += f"{cur_space3}The above command should get you to an interactive shell inside the docker container and do a quick test run for the Offline scenario. Once inside the docker container please do the below commands to do the accuracy + performance runs for each scenario.\n\n"
content += f"{cur_space3}<details>\n"
content += f"{cur_space3}<summary> Please click here to see more options for the docker launch </summary>\n\n"
content += f"{cur_space3}* `--docker_cm_repo <Custom CM repo URL>`: to use a custom fork of cm4mlops repository inside the docker image\n\n"
content += f"{cur_space3}* `--docker_cache=no`: to not use docker cache during the image build\n"
if device.lower() not in [ "cuda" ]:
content += f"{cur_space3}* `--docker_os=ubuntu`: ubuntu and rhel are supported. \n"
content += f"{cur_space3}* `--docker_os_version=20.04`: [20.04, 22.04] are supported for Ubuntu and [8, 9] for RHEL\n"
content += f"{cur_space3}</details>\n"
content += f"{cur_space3} You can reuse the same environment as described for {model.split('.')[0]}.\n"
content += f"{cur_space3}###### Performance Estimation for Offline Scenario\n"
content += mlperf_inference_run_command(spaces+17, model, implementation, framework.lower(), category.lower(), "Offline", device.lower(), "test", test_query_count, True, scenarios, code_version).replace("--docker ","")
content += f"{cur_space3}The above command should do a test run of Offline scenario and record the estimated offline_target_qps.\n\n"
run_suffix = ""
run_suffix += f"{cur_space3}<details>\n"
run_suffix += f"{cur_space3}<summary> Please click here to see more options for the RUN command</summary>\n\n"
run_suffix += f"{cur_space3}* Use `--division=closed` to do a closed division submission which includes compliance runs\n\n"
run_suffix += f"{cur_space3}* Use `--rerun` to do a rerun even when a valid run exists\n"
run_suffix += f"{cur_space3}</details>\n"
for scenario in scenarios:
content += f"{cur_space3}=== \"{scenario}\"\n{cur_space4}###### {scenario}\n\n"
run_cmd = mlperf_inference_run_command(spaces+21, model, implementation, framework.lower(), category.lower(), scenario, device.lower(), "valid", 0, False, scenarios, code_version)
content += run_cmd
#content += run_suffix
content += f"{cur_space3}=== \"All Scenarios\"\n{cur_space4}###### All Scenarios\n\n"
run_cmd = mlperf_inference_run_command(spaces+21, model, implementation, framework.lower(), category.lower(), "All Scenarios", device.lower(), "valid", scenarios, code_version)
content += run_cmd
content += run_suffix
readme_prefix = get_readme_prefix(spaces, model, implementation)
readme_suffix = get_readme_suffix(spaces, model, implementation)
return readme_prefix + content + readme_suffix
def get_test_query_count(model, implementation, device, num_devices=1):
if model == "resnet50":
p_range = 1000
elif model in [ "retinanet", "bert-99", "bert-99.9" ]:
p_range = 100
p_range = 50
if device == "cuda":
p_range *= 40
p_range *= num_devices
return p_range
def get_readme_prefix(spaces, model, implementation):
readme_prefix = ""
pre_space=" "
#for i in range(1,spaces):
# pre_space = pre_space + " "
#pre_space += " "
return readme_prefix
def get_venv_command(spaces):
pre_space = " "*spaces
return f"""\n
{pre_space}cm run script --tags=install,python-venv --name=mlperf
{pre_space}export CM_SCRIPT_EXTRA_CMD=\"--adr.python.name=mlperf\"
def get_docker_info(spaces, model, implementation, device):
info = ""
for i in range(1,spaces):
pre_space = pre_space + " "
pre_space += " "
#pre_space = " "
if implementation == "nvidia":
info += f"\n{pre_space}!!! tip\n\n"
info+= f"{pre_space} All the Nvidia benchmarks, except GPT-J and LLAMA2-70B, use the same Docker container. Therefore, if you have already executed the Docker setup command for any benchmark, you can skip the Docker setup command below and run the commands inside the existing Docker container. The Docker container for GPT-J and LLAMA2-70B is the same and can be used for the other benchmarks, but not vice versa. This is because TensorRT-LLM is built specifically for the LLM benchmarks. If you are already inside a Docker container, execute the below Docker setup command without the --docker option for performance estimation.\n\n"
return info
def get_readme_suffix(spaces, model, implementation):
readme_suffix = ""
for i in range(1,spaces):
pre_space = pre_space + " "
pre_space += " "
if implementation == "reference":
if not model.endswith("-99"):
model_base_name = model.replace("-99.9","").replace("-99","")
readme_suffix+= f"{pre_space}* If you want to download the official MLPerf model and dataset for {model} you can follow [this README](get-{model_base_name}-data.md).\n"
if model == "resnet50":
readme_suffix += f"{pre_space}* Please see [mobilenets.md](mobilenets.md) for running mobilenet models for Image Classification."
return readme_suffix
def get_run_cmd_extra(f_pre_space, model, implementation, device, scenario, scenarios = []):
extra_content = ""
f_pre_space += ""
if scenario == "Server" or (scenario == "All Scenarios" and "Server" in scenarios):
extra_content += f"{f_pre_space} * `<SERVER_TARGET_QPS>` must be determined manually. It is usually around 80% of the Offline QPS, but on some systems, it can drop below 50%. If a higher value is specified, the latency constraint will not be met, and the run will be considered invalid.\n"
if "gptj" in model and device == "cuda" and implementation == "reference":
extra_content += f"{f_pre_space} * `--precision=[float16|bfloat16]` can help run on GPUs with less RAM \n"
extra_content += f"{f_pre_space} * `--beam-size=1` Beam size of 4 is mandatory for a closed division submission but reducing the beam size can help in running the model on GPUs with lower device memory\n"
if extra_content:
extra_content = f"{f_pre_space}!!! tip\n\n" + extra_content
return extra_content
def mlperf_inference_run_command(spaces, model, implementation, framework, category, scenario, device="cpu", execution_mode="test", test_query_count="20", docker=False, scenarios = [], code_version="r4.1"):
pre_space = ""
for i in range(1,spaces):
pre_space = pre_space + " "
f_pre_space = pre_space
pre_space += " "
if scenario == "All Scenarios":
scenario_variation_tag = ",_all-scenarios"
scenario_option = ""
scenario_variation_tag = ""
scenario_option = f"\\\n{pre_space} --scenario={scenario}"
if scenario == "Server" or (scenario == "All Scenarios" and "Server" in scenarios):
scenario_option = f"\\\n{pre_space} --server_target_qps=<SERVER_TARGET_QPS>"
run_cmd_extra = get_run_cmd_extra(f_pre_space, model, implementation, device, scenario, scenarios)
if docker:
docker_cmd_suffix = f" \\\n{pre_space} --docker --quiet"
docker_cmd_suffix += f" \\\n{pre_space} --test_query_count={test_query_count}"
docker_setup_cmd = f"""\n
{f_pre_space}cm run script --tags=run-mlperf,inference,_find-performance,_full,_{code_version}{scenario_variation_tag} \\
{pre_space} --model={model} \\
{pre_space} --implementation={implementation} \\
{pre_space} --framework={framework} \\
{pre_space} --category={category} {scenario_option} \\
{pre_space} --execution_mode=test \\
{pre_space} --device={device} {docker_cmd_suffix}
return docker_setup_cmd + run_cmd_extra
cmd_suffix = f"\\\n{pre_space} --quiet"
if execution_mode == "test":
cmd_suffix += f" \\\n {pre_space} --test_query_count={test_query_count}"
run_cmd = f"""\n
{f_pre_space}cm run script --tags=run-mlperf,inference,_{code_version}{scenario_variation_tag} \\
{pre_space} --model={model} \\
{pre_space} --implementation={implementation} \\
{pre_space} --framework={framework} \\
{pre_space} --category={category} {scenario_option} \\
{pre_space} --execution_mode={execution_mode} \\
{pre_space} --device={device} {cmd_suffix}
return run_cmd + run_cmd_extra
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