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opt_gelpia.ml 3.51 KB
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(* ========================================================================== *)
(* FPTaylor: A Tool for Rigorous Estimation of Round-off Errors *)
(* *)
(* Author: Alexey Solovyev, University of Utah *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT license *)
(* ========================================================================== *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Optimization with the GELPIA tool *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Interval
open Expr
open Opt_common
module Out = ExprOut.Make(ExprOut.GelpiaPrinter)
(* GELPIA parameters *)
type gelpia_pars = {
x_abs_tol : float;
f_rel_tol : float;
f_abs_tol : float;
timeout : int;
iters : int;
let gen_gelpia_code fmt =
let nl = Format.pp_print_newline fmt in
let p str = Format.pp_print_string fmt str; nl () in
let parameters pars x_tol =
let timeout = max (pars.timeout / 1000) 1 in
p (Format.sprintf "# --input-epsilon %e" x_tol);
p (Format.sprintf "# --output-epsilon %e" pars.f_abs_tol);
p (Format.sprintf "# --output-epsilon-relative %e" pars.f_rel_tol);
p (Format.sprintf "# --timeout %d" timeout);
p (Format.sprintf "# --max-iters %d" pars.max_iters); in
let func expr names bounds=
let vars = List.map2 (fun name b ->
Format.sprintf "%s = [%.20e, %.20e];\n" (ExprOut.fix_name name) b.low b.high)
names bounds in
p (String.concat "" vars);
Out.print_fmt fmt expr; in
fun (pars, cs, expr) ->
let var_names = vars_in_expr expr in
let var_bounds = List.map cs.var_interval var_names in
let domain_size = List.fold_left (fun r b -> max r (abs_float (b.high -. b.low)))
0.0 var_bounds in
let x_tol = domain_size *. pars.x_rel_tol +. pars.x_abs_tol in
parameters pars x_tol;
func expr (List.map (fun name -> "var_" ^ name) var_names) var_bounds
let name_counter = ref 0
let get_gelpia_cmd ()=
let cc = Filename.concat in
let path =
Sys.getenv "GELPIA_PATH"
with Not_found ->
cc (Config.base_dir ()) "gelpia" in
let cmd = cc (cc path "bin") "gelpia" in
if Sys.file_exists cmd then
failwith (cmd ^ " not found.\n" ^
"Set the GELPIA_PATH variable or copy GELPIA to the FPTaylor root directory.")
let min_max_expr (pars : Opt_common.opt_pars) max_only (cs : constraints) expr =
let pars = {
input_epsilon = tol_x;
output_epsilon = tol_f;
timeout = 30;
max_iters = 50000;
} in
let tmp = Lib.get_tmp_dir () in
let gelpia_name =
incr name_counter;
Filename.concat tmp
(Format.sprintf "gelpia_%d.txt" !name_counter) in
let gen = gen_gelpia_code in
let abs_expr = expr in
let _ = Lib.write_to_file gelpia_name gen (pars, cs, abs_expr) in
let cmd = Format.sprintf "%s --mode=%s %s" (get_gelpia_cmd ()) (if max_only then "max" else "min-max") gelpia_name in
let out = Lib.run_cmd cmd in
let min = if max_only then 0.0 else get_float out "Minimum lower bound " in
let max = get_float out "Maximum upper bound " in
min, max
with _ ->
let msg = "GELPIA error: " ^ String.concat "\n" (cmd :: out) in
failwith msg
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