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(* ========================================================================== *)
(* FPTaylor: A Tool for Rigorous Estimation of Round-off Errors *)
(* *)
(* Author: Alexey Solovyev, University of Utah *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT license *)
(* ========================================================================== *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Optimization with the Z3 SMT solver (see z3opt.py) *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Num
open Expr
open Interval
open Opt_common
module Out = ExprOut.Make(ExprOut.Z3PythonPrinter)
let gen_z3py_opt_code (pars : Opt_common.opt_pars) max_only bounds fmt =
let z3_seed = Config.get_int_option "z3-seed" in
let nl = Format.pp_print_newline fmt in
let p str = Format.pp_print_string fmt str; nl() in
let p' str =
Format.pp_print_string fmt str;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt () in
let head () =
p "from z3opt import *";
p "from z3 import *";
p "" in
let tail () =
let max_str = if max_only then "True" else "False" in
let bounds_str =
if Config.get_bool_option "z3-interval-bounds" && More_num.check_interval bounds = "" then
Format.sprintf "(%.20e, %.20e)" bounds.low bounds.high
"None" in
p "";
p (Format.sprintf
"l, u = find_bounds(f, var_constraints + constraints, \
f_abs_tol=%e, f_rel_tol=%e, \
timeout=%d, seed=%d, max_only=%s, bounds=%s)"
pars.f_abs_tol pars.f_rel_tol
pars.timeout z3_seed max_str bounds_str);
p "print('min = {0:.20e}'.format(l))";
p "print('max = {0:.20e}'.format(u))" in
let num_to_z3 n =
let s = Big_int.string_of_big_int in
let ns = s (More_num.numerator n) and
ds = s (More_num.denominator n) in
(* "\"" ^ ns ^ "/" ^ ds ^ "\"" in*)
"Q(" ^ ns ^ "," ^ ds ^ ")" in
let const_to_z3 c =
if Const.is_rat c then num_to_z3 (Const.to_num c)
else failwith "gen_z3py_opt_code: interval constant" in
let print_constraint c =
match c with
| Le (e, Const c) ->
Out.print_fmt fmt e;
p' " < ";
p' (const_to_z3 c)
| _ -> failwith "z3opt: print_constraint(): unsupported constraint" in
let constraint_vars c =
match c with
| Le (e, Const _) -> vars_in_expr e
| _ -> failwith "z3opt: constraint_vars(): unsupported constraint" in
let constraints cs =
if cs = [] then
p "constraints = []"
let _ = p' "constraints = [" in
let _ = List.map (fun c -> print_constraint c; p' ", ") cs in
p "]" in
let vars var_names var_bounds =
if var_names = [] then
p "var_constraints = []"
let eq_vars, neq_vars = List.partition
(fun (name, (low, high)) -> low =/ high)
(List.combine var_names var_bounds) in
let eqs = List.map
(fun (name, (low, high)) ->
Format.sprintf "%s = %s" name (num_to_z3 low))
eq_vars in
let constraints = List.map
(fun (name, (low, high)) ->
if low =/ high then
Format.sprintf "%s >= %s, %s <= %s" name (num_to_z3 low) name (num_to_z3 high)
Format.sprintf "%s >= %s, %s <= %s" name (num_to_z3 low) name (num_to_z3 high))
neq_vars in
let names = String.concat ", " var_names in
p (Format.sprintf "[%s] = Reals('%s')" names names);
p (String.concat "\n" eqs);
p (Format.sprintf "var_constraints = [%s]" (String.concat ", " constraints)) in
let low, high = unzip var_bounds in
let low_str = String.concat ", " (map2 (Format.sprintf "%s > %s")
var_names (map num_to_z3 low)) in
let high_str = String.concat ", " (map2 (Format.sprintf "%s < %s")
var_names (map num_to_z3 high)) in
let names = String.concat ", " var_names in
p (Format.sprintf "[%s] = Reals('%s')" names names);
p (Format.sprintf "var_constraints = [%s, %s]" low_str high_str) in
let expr e =
p' "f = ";
Out.print_fmt fmt e in
fun (cs, e) ->
let vars_cs = List.map constraint_vars cs.constraints in
let var_names = Lib.unions (vars_in_expr e :: vars_cs) in
let var_bounds = List.map cs.var_rat_bounds var_names in
head ();
vars (List.map (fun name -> "var_" ^ (ExprOut.fix_name name)) var_names) var_bounds;
constraints cs.constraints;
expr e;
tail ()
let name_counter = ref 0;;
let min_max_expr (pars : Opt_common.opt_pars) max_only (cs : constraints) bounds e =
if vars_in_expr e = [] then
let n = Eval.eval_num_const_expr e in
let t = More_num.interval_of_num n in
(t.low, t.high)
let tmp = Lib.get_tmp_dir () in
incr name_counter;
let py_name = Filename.concat tmp
(Format.sprintf "min_max_%d.py" !name_counter) in
let gen = gen_z3py_opt_code pars max_only bounds in
let _ = Lib.write_to_file py_name gen (cs, e) in
let python_path =
let path = try Unix.getenv "PYTHONPATH" with Not_found -> "" in
let base = Filename.concat (Config.base_dir ()) "z3opt" in
let z3path = Config.get_string_option "z3-python-lib" in
Lib.concat_env_paths [path; base; z3path] in
let lib_path =
let path = try Unix.getenv "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" with Not_found -> "" in
let z3path = Config.get_string_option "z3-bin" in
Lib.concat_env_paths [path; z3path] in
let z3python = Config.get_string_option "z3-python-cmd" in
let cmd = Format.sprintf "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"%s\" PYTHONPATH=\"%s\" %s \"%s\""
lib_path python_path z3python py_name in
let out = Lib.run_cmd cmd in
let fmin = Opt_common.get_float out "min = " and
fmax = Opt_common.get_float out "max = " in
(fmin, fmax)
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