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NI_DatabaseTypesStrings.ini 31.61 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
海阔天空 提交于 2020-08-06 11:52 . 这是单位字符串文件。
;; DatabaseStrings.ini - Database Component Strings
;; If you want to create a new resource string file or customize an existing resource
;; string file, you must place it in the <TestStand Public>\Components\Language directory.
;; If you make changes to resource files, you need to restart the TestStand application
;; for the changes to take effect.
;; Note, when adding lines longer that 512 characters, split them into several lines,
;; each less than 512 characters. Use the same tag name for each line, followed by
;; " LineNNNN" where NNNN is the zero padded line number. Example:
;; TagName Line0001 = "super long string that goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; TagName Line0002 = " and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; TagName Line0003 = " and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
DATABASE = "Database"
SUBMENU_NAME = "Database"
;; main panel
OPEN_DATABASE = "Edit Open Database"
HELP = "__Help"
OK = "__OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
;; Connection Attributes panel
CONNECTION_STRING = "__Connection String:"
DATABASE_HANDLE = "__Database Handle (Number):"
SELECT_CONNECTION = "Select Data __Link..."
EXPR_BROWSE = "Expression Browse"
BUILD = "B__uild..."
FILE_BROWSE = "Find File"
VIEW = "__View..."
;; menu and sequence file strings
DEFAULT_NAME = "Open Database"
EDIT_MENU_ITEM = "Edi&t Open Database..."
MENU_ITEM = "Open Database"
SUB_MENU_ITEM = "Database"
DESCRIPTION = "Open Database: "
;; additional results hints
DATABASE_HANDLE_HINT = "Database Handle"
CONNECTION_STRING_HINT = "Connection String"
;; main panel
CLOSE_DATABASE = "Edit Close Database"
HELP = "__Help"
OK = "__OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
EXPR_BROWSE = "Expression Browse"
DATABASE_HANDLE = "__Database Handle (Number):"
DB_HANDLE = "Database Handle"
;; menu and sequence file strings
DEFAULT_NAME = "Close Database"
EDIT_MENU_ITEM = "Edi&t Close Database..."
MENU_ITEM = "Close Database"
SUB_MENU_ITEM = "Database"
DESCRIPTION = "Close Database Handle: "
;; additional results hints
DATABASE_HANDLE_HINT = "Database Handle"
;; main panel
OPEN_SQL_STATEMENT = "Edit Open SQL Statement"
ADVANCED = "Advanced"
HELP = "__Help"
OK = "__OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
;; Statement panel
DATABASE_HANDLE = "__Database Handle (Number):"
STATEMENT_HANDLE = "__Statement Handle (Number):"
SQL_STATEMENT_TXT = "S__QL Statement:"
BUILD = "B__uild..."
EXPR_BROWSE = "Expression Browse"
FILE_BROWSE = "File Browse"
NUM_RECORDS_SELECTED = "__Number of Records Selected: (optional)"
REQUIRES_PARAMETERS = "Statement Requires __Parameters"
;; Advanced panel
USE_DEFAULT = "Use Default"
PAGE_SIZE_IN_RECORDS = "__Page Size in Records:"
MAX_RECORDS_TO_SELECT = "Ma__x Records to Select:"
COMMAND_TIMEOUT = "Command __Timeout:"
CACHE_SIZE = "__Cache Size:"
CURSOR_TYPE = "Cu__rsor Type:"
CURSOR_LOCATION = "Cursor __Location:"
MARSHAL_OPTIONS = "__Marshal Options:"
LOCK_TYPE = "Loc__k Type:"
COMMAND_TYPE = "Comma__nd Type:"
;; ring values
DYNAMIC = "Dynamic"
STATIC = "Static"
FORWARD_ONLY = "Forward Only"
KEYSET = "Keyset"
SERVER = "Server"
CLIENT = "Client"
PESSIMISTIC = "Pessimistic"
READ_ONLY = "Read Only"
OPTIMISTIC = "Optimistic"
BATCH_OPTIMISTIC = "Batch Optimistic"
ALL = "Write All Records"
MODIFIED_ONLY = "Write Modified Records Only"
UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
TEXT = "Text"
TABLE = "Table"
COLUMN = "Column"
STORED_PROCEDURE = "Stored Procedure"
;; Build panel
BUILD_SQL_STATEMENT = "Build SQL Select Statement"
CONNECTION_SOURCE = "Data Link __Name:"
SELECT_CONNECTION = "__Select Data Link..."
INSERT_COLUMNS = "Add/Remove Columns:"
TABLE_COL = "Table:"
COLUMN_COL = "Column:"
ADD = "__Add"
REMOVE = "Re__move"
WHERE_CLAUSE = "__Where Clause:"
EXAMPLE = "(Example: \"Column='\" + Locals.String + \"'\")"
TABLE_DEFAULT = "<Select table>"
COLUMN_DEFAULT = "<Select column>"
COLUMN_ALL = "<Add all columns to SELECT statement>"
CONNECTION_SOURCE_DEFAULT = "<Select data link>"
;; menu and sequence file strings
DEFAULT_NAME = "Open SQL Statement"
EDIT_MENU_ITEM = "Edi&t Open SQL Statement..."
MENU_ITEM = "Open SQL Statement"
SUB_MENU_ITEM = "Database"
DESCRIPTION = "Open SQL Statement: "
;; additional results hints
DATABASE_HANDLE_HINT = "Database Handle"
STATEMENT_HANDLE_HINT = "Statement Handle"
NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SELECTED_HINT = "Number of Records Selected"
;; main panel
CLOSE_SQL_STATEMENT = "Edit Close SQL Statement"
HELP = "__Help"
OK = "__OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
EXPR_BROWSE = "Expression Browse"
STATEMENT_HANDLE = "__Statement Handle (Number):"
SQL_HANDLE = "SQL Statement Handle"
;; menu and sequence file strings
DEFAULT_NAME = "Close SQL Statement"
EDIT_MENU_ITEM = "Edi&t Close SQL Statement..."
MENU_ITEM = "Close SQL Statement"
SUB_MENU_ITEM = "Database"
DESCRIPTION = "Close SQL Statement Handle: "
;; additional results hints
STATEMENT_HANDLE_HINT = "Statement Handle"
;; main panel
SQL_ACTION = "Edit Data Operation"
HELP = "__Help"
OK = "__OK"
EXPR_BROWSE = "Expression Browse"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
;; Action panel
ACTION = "Record/Operation"
STATEMENT_HANDLE = "__Statement Handle (Number):"
RECORD_TO_OPERATE_ON = "Record To Operate On:"
OPERATION = "Operation: "
RECORD_INDEX = "Record __Index:"
COLUMN_VALUES_EXPRESSION = "Column __List Source:"
NEW_RECORD = "New - Create New Record"
CURRENT = "Current - Use Current Record"
NEXT = "Next - Fetch Next Record"
PREVIOUS = "Previous - Fetch Previous Record"
INDEX = "Index - Fetch Record by Index"
FETCH = "Fetch - Fetch Record Only"
SET = "Set - Update Values in Record"
GET = "Get - Retrieve Values from Record"
PUT = "Put - Write Record to Database"
DELETE = "Delete - Remove Record from Database"
SET_AND_PUT = "Set and Put - Update Values and Write Record"
EXECUTE_PROC= "Execute - Set Parameters and Execute"
CLOSE_PROC = "Close - Close and Get Output Parameters"
OPERATION_DEFAULT = "<Select operation>"
;; Column Values panel
COLUMN_VALUES = "Column/Parameter Values"
COLUMN_VALUES_SOURCE = "Column List Source:"
SELECT_CONNECTION = "__Select Data Link..."
CONNECTION_SOURCE = "__Data Link Name:"
SQL_STATEMENTS = "S__QL Statement:"
COLUMN_NAME = "Name/Number:"
PARAM_DIR = "__Direction:"
PARAM_TYPE = "Type:"
PARAM_SIZE = "Size:"
VALUE = "__Value:"
COLUMN_NAME2 = "Name/Number:"
VALUE2 = "Value:"
FORMAT_STRING = "__Format String:"
NEW = "__New"
CUT = "C__ut"
COPY = "__Copy"
PASTE = "__Paste"
CACHE_COLUMN_NUMBERS_FOR_PERFORMANCE = "Cac__he column numbers for performance."
SQL_STATEMENT_DEFAULT= "<Select SQL statement>"
CONNECTION_SOURCE_DEFAULT = "<Select data link>"
WRITE_NULL = "__Write Null"
READ_NULL = "Convert __Null to Default Value"
NULL_STRING = "<Null>"
CREATE_COLUMNS = "C__reate Columns..."
IMPORT_FILTERING = "Onl__y Import Rows that Match the Specified Column Values"
IMPORT_EXPORT_FILTERING Line0001 = "For export, set specified column values with each written row.\n"
IMPORT_EXPORT_FILTERING Line0002 = "For import, get rows that match the specified column values."
PARAMDIR_RETURN = "Return Value"
CAPTION = "Warning:"
COLUMN_VALUE_CHANGES_OUTSTANDING = "The Column Values tab contains unsaved changes. Click Goto\nto return to the Column Values tab or click Discard."
GOTO_BTN = "__Goto"
DISCARD_BTN = "__Discard"
;; menu and sequence file strings
DEFAULT_NAME = "Data Operation"
EDIT_MENU_ITEM = "Edi&t Data Operation..."
MENU_ITEM = "Data Operation"
SUB_MENU_ITEM = "Database"
DESCRIPTION = "Data Operation: "
RECORD = " Record"
DESC_NEW = "New"
DESC_CURRENT = "Current"
DESC_NEXT = "Next"
DESC_PREVIOUS = "Previous"
DESC_INDEX = "Index"
DESC_FETCH = "Fetch"
DESC_SET = "Set"
DESC_GET = "Get"
DESC_PUT = "Put"
DESC_DELETE = "Delete"
DESC_SET_AND_PUT = "Set and Put"
DESC_EXECUTE_PROC = "Execute Procedure"
DESC_CLOSE_PROC = "Close Procedure"
mm/dd/yy = "03/05/1999 (mm/dd/yyyy)"
Dddd, Mmmm d, yyyy = "Tuesday, June 1, 1999 (Dddd, Mmmm d, yyyy)"
hh:mm:ss AM/PM = "05:12:59 AM (hh:mm:ss AM/PM)"
GD = "Short Date Format, GD"
GDT = "Short Date and Time Format, GDT"
GL = "Long Date Format, GL"
GLT = "Long Date and Time Format, GLT"
GT = "Time Format, GT"
US = "US format, [US]"
m = "Month Number (3)"
Mmm = "Month 3 letters (Mar)"
Mmmm = "Month full name (March)"
d = "Day number (5)"
Ddd = "Day of week (Tue)"
Dddd = "Day of week (Tuesday)"
yy = "Year 2-digit (99)"
yyyy = "Year 4-digit (1999)"
hh = "Hour of day (05)"
mm = "Minute of hour (57)"
ss.ssssss = "Seconds in minute (45.1234356)"
AM/PM = "\"AM\" or \"PM\" (AM)"
;; additional results hints
STATEMENT_HANDLE_HINT = "Statement Handle"
OPERATION_HINT = "Operation"
RECORD_TO_OPERATE_ON_HINT = "Record To Operate On"
COLUMN/PARAMETER_VALUES = "Column/Parameter Values"
;; main panel
PROPERTY_LOADER = "Edit Property Loader"
HELP = "__Help"
OK = "__OK"
EXPR_BROWSE = "Expression Browse"
FILE_BROWSE = "File Browse"
INSERT_TAGS = "Insert Reserved Tag"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
IMPORT_EXPORT_PROPERTIES = "Import/Export Properties"
OVERWRITE = "Overwrite Existing Records"
INSERT_NEW = "Insert New Records"
OVERWRITE_FILE = "Create New File"
INSERT_NEW_FILE = "Append to End of File"
;; SQL Statement Panel
SQL_STATEMENT_TITLE = "Select Recordset"
SQL_STATEMENT_LABEL = "__SQL Statement to Select Property Columns:"
;; Source panel
SQL_STATEMENT_TXT = "S__QL Statement:"
SOURCES_TITLE = "Source / Destination"
COLUMN_VALUES = "Filtering"
FILE_TYPE = "D__ata Location:"
PORT_FILE_NAME = "File __Location:"
SOURCES_MAPPING = "Specify Co__lumn to Step Property Mapping:\n(Separate property names with commas)"
PORT_DECIMAL_POINT= "Decimal P__oint:"
PORT_FORMAT = "Fo__rmat:"
FILE_FILE = "File"
FILE_CLIP = "Clipboard"
FILE_DB = "Database"
TAB_DELIMITED = "Tab Delimited Text (.txt)"
COMMA_DELIMITED = "Comma Delimited Text (.csv)"
EXCEL_FORMAT = "Excel File (.xls)"
PORT_START = "Start of Data __Marker:"
PORT_END = "__End of Data Marker:"
PORT_SKIP = "S__kip Rows That Begin With:"
PORT_USE_FIRST_ROW = "First Row of Data Specifies Step __Property for Each Column"
PORT_VIEW = "__View File"
PORT_FILE_BROWSE_TITLE = "Select Limits File"
PORT_BROWSE_TXT_DLG_FILTER = "Tab Delimited Text (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
PORT_BROWSE_CSV_DLG_FILTER = "Comma Delimited Text (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
PORT_BROWSE_XLS_DLG_FILTER = "Excel Spreadsheet (*.xls)|*.xls|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
PORT_BROWSE_SEQ_FILE_DLG_FILTER = "Sequence File (*.seq)|*.seq||"
BUILD = "B__uild..."
PORT_SEQ_FILE_BROWSE_TITLE = "Select Sequence File"
PORT_SECTION_MISSING = "__When Start Marker not Found:"
SKIP_SEQUENCE = "Skip Sequence"
STOP_AND_ERROR = "Stop and Error"
;; properties panel
SELECT_CONNECTION = "__Select Data Link..."
SEQUENCE = "S__equence:"
SEQUENCE_FILE = "Sequence __File:"
SQL_STATEMENT_HANDLE = "S__tatement Handle (Number):"
STEP_NAME_COLUMN = "Step Name __Column:"
PROPERTIES = "Properties:"
AVAILABLE = "A__vailable:"
ADD_LIMITS = "__Limits >"
SELECTED = "Selecte__d:"
DONE = "__Done"
EXPORT = "__Export"
IMPORT = "__Import"
EXPORT2 = "Export"
IMPORT2 = "Import"
APPEND = "Create New Records for All Exported Items"
APPEND_TO_COLUMN = "Append Data T__ype\n to Column Name"
MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH = "Max Size for\n Column Names"
PROPERTY_NAME = "Property Name:"
COLUMN_NAME = "Column Name/Number:"
CONNECTION_SOURCE_DEFAULT = "<Select data link>"
PROPERTY_LIST_EXPR = "Propert__ies List Source:"
CREATE_COLUMNS = "C__reate Columns..."
EXPAND_TO_RELATED_EXE = "Apply Imported Values\n to Related Executions"
CURRENT_SEQ_CHECKBOX = "Import to Run-time Sequence Only"
CURRENT_FILE_CHECKBOX = "Use Current Sequence File"
IMPORT_ALL_CHECKBOX = "Import All Properties from Data Location"
ADD_PROP = "Add..."
ADD_T = "Add..."
PROP_NAME_ALREADY_SELECTED = "Property Name already selected."
PROP_NAME_ALREADY_TITLE = "Property Name Edition"
PROP_NAME_EMPTY_MSG = "Property Name cannot be empty."
PROP_NAME_INVALID_MSG = "Invalid Property Name."
;; Column Value panel
;; Create Columns Panel
COLUMNS = "Columns:"
COL_VAL_COLUMN_NAME = "Column Name/Number:"
SET = "S__et"
PARAMS = "__Parameters:"
CRT_CLMNS = "C__reate Columns"
TYPE_DEFAULT = "<Select data type>"
TABLE_DEFAULT = "<Select table>"
DATA_TYPE = "__Data Type:"
DATA_TYPE2 = "Data Type:"
TABLE = "__Table:"
TABLE2 = "Table:"
COLUMNS_CREATED_MSG = "%d of %d columns successfully created."
COLUMNS_CREATED_MSG_TITLE = "Columns Creation Results"
;; menu and sequence file strings
DEFAULT_NAME = "Property Loader"
EDIT_MENU_ITEM = "Edi&t Property Loader..."
MENU_ITEM = "Legacy Property Loader"
SUB_MENU_ITEM = "Database"
SINGULAR_MENU_ITEM = "Property Loader from Database"
DESCRIPTION = "Property Loader: "
UNABLE_TO_CREATE_COLUMNS_TITLE = "Unable to create columns"
NO_PROPERTIES_SELECTED = "You must select properties before creating columns."
NO_COLUMN_VALUES_SPECIFIED = "You must specify column values before creating columns."
ALL_COLUMNS_EXIST = "All selected properties/column values already exist in the database table."
REVISE_YOUR_SQL_STMT = "Do you want to revise the SQL statement to select the new columns?"
PORT_YES = "__Yes"
PORT_NO = "__No"
PORT_FILE_EXISTS = "The file %s already exists.\nReplace existing file?"
PORT_LOAD_TITLE = "Load Limits From File:"
PORT_SAVE_TITLE = "Save Limits to File:"
PORT_IMPORT_ERR = "An error occurred importing the step limits. %s (%d)\n"
PORT_NUM_IMPORTED = "%d property value(s) were found.\n\n%d property value(s) were imported from %d row(s) of data\n"
PORT_NUM_EXPORTED = "%d limit(s) from %d step(s) were exported."
VARVALUE_NAME = "Variable Value"
MISSING_STEP = "Cannot set property for unknown step '%s'"
BROWSE_DLG_FILTER = "Tab Delimited Text (*.txt)|*.txt|Comma Delimited Text (*.csv)|*.csv|Excel Spreadsheet (*.xls)|*.xls|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
USE_FILE_BTN = "__Select Specific File"
USE_EXPR_BTN = "Use E__xpression To Specify File"
EXPR = "File __Name:"
FILE_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in File Name expression"
START_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Start of Data Marker expression"
END_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in End of Data Marker expression"
SEQ_FILE_PATH_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Unable to evaluate Sequence File expression"
SEQ_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Unable to evaluate Sequence expression"
EXPAND_TO_RELATED_EXEC_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Expand to Related Executions expression"
PORT_SEQ_NAME = "Sequence: %s\n"
PORT_SEQ_FILE = "Sequence File: %s.seq\n"
PORT_WARNING = "Warning:\n\n"
ACCESS = "Access"
ORACLE = "Oracle"
SEQ_FILE_TAG = "<File>"
SEQUENCE_TAG = "<Sequence>"
ALL_SEQUENCES_TAG = "<All Sequences>"
START_PREFIX = "Start_%s"
END_PREFIX = "End_%s"
SEQ_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "(File not found)"
FILTER_COLUMNS_MESSAGE = "You have selected the %s option.\nNational Instruments recommends adding additional columns to filter the records."
FILTER_COL_TITLE = "Filter Records"
ERROR_LOADING_SEQ_FILE = "Unable to load sequence file properly."
ERROR_NO_SEQ_IN_FILE = "Error: The sequence file does not contain sequences."
ERROR_UNABLE_TO_GET_AVAILABLE_PROPERTIES = "Unable to display available properties."
ERROR_INVALID_SEQUENCE_FILE = "Error: Invalid sequence file."
ERROR_INVALID_SEQUENCE = "Error: Invalid Sequence name. The sequence does not exist in the sequence file."
ERROR_READ_ONLY_SELECTED_FILE = "You are not allowed to modify the read-only file.\n %s"
ERROR_LOCKED_SELECTED_FILE = "You are not allowed to modify the locked file.\n %s"
ERROR_SEQUENCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "The file '%s' was not found."
FILE_NOT_SAVED_MSG = "Warning: The selected sequence file has not been saved.\nEnsure that you save the file if you are using the <File> tag as an alias in an expression."
STEP_NAME_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND = "\nThe specified Step Name Column must exist and must be returned by the SQL statement."
SURR_WHITE_SPACE_STEP_NAME_MSG = "Step: '%s', Step group: '%s', Step Index: '%d'.\nThe step name contains preceding or trailing white space characters.\nThis will prevent the properties related to this step from being imported properly.\nCorrect the name and export the properties again to regenerate the destination file."
SELECT_PROPERTIES_TITLE = "Selected Properties List Is Empty"
SELECT_PROPERTIES_MSG = "The step will not import any property.\nSelect properties to import?"
SELECT_PROPERTIES_IN_TOOL_MSG_IMPORT = "You must select the properties to import."
SELECT_PROPERTIES_IN_TOOL_MSG_EXPORT = "You must select the properties to export."
CHANGE_COL_NAME_TITLE = "Invalid Column Name"
CHANGE_COL_NAME_MSG = "The column name \"\" is invalid.\nModify the column name?"
CHANGE_COL_NAME_TOOL_MSG = "Column name \"\" is invalid."
CHANGE_COL_NAME_TOOL_MSG2 ="Column name expression cannot be empty."
CHANGE_FORMAT_TITLE = "File Type Format mismatch"
CHANGE_FORMAT_MSG = "The extension for the selected source file does not match the specified format.\nChange the format?"
UNEXPECTED_DATA_TYPE = "Unexpected data type. Verify that the property is not a reference."
INT64_UNEXPECTED_COLUMN_TYPE = "Unexpected column type.\nIn order to prevent data loss, the column corresponding to this property must be BIGINT,NUMERIC or DECIMAL with a precision of 19 or more and a scale of 0."
UINT64_UNEXPECTED_COLUMN_TYPE = "Unexpected column type.\nIn order to prevent data loss, the column corresponding to this property must be Unsigned BIGINT, NUMERIC or DECIMAL with a precision of 20 or more and a scale of 0."
UNABLE_TO_FIND_COLUMN_TYPE_TITLE = "Unable to find matching type for column"
UNABLE_TO_FIND_COLUMN_TYPE = "Verify the current database management system supports a column type capable to store the property values corresponding to the following columns:\n"
SQL_STATEMENT = "Source / Destination"
DEFAULT_NAME = "Property Exporter"
EDIT_MENU_ITEM = "Edi&t Property Exporter..."
MENU_ITEM = "Property Exporter"
SUB_MENU_ITEM = "Database"
SINGULAR_MENU_ITEM = "Property Exporter from Database"
DESCRIPTION = "Property Exporter: "
;; menu and sequence file strings
NOTSPECIFIED = "<Not Specified>"
FILE = "File: "
AVAILABLE_SOURCES = "Select Data Link"
OK = "__OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
HELP = "__Help"
NEW = "__New..."
REMOVE = "__Remove"
EDIT = "__Edit..."
CHECKED_ITEMS_ARE_OPEN = "__Selected Data Link is Open"
FILE_BROWSE = "File Browse"
BUILD = "B__uild..."
CONNECTION_STRING = "__Connection String"
VIEW = "__View..."
EMPTY_NAME = "You must specify a Data Link Name."
EMPTY_CONTROL_ERROR = "The control cannot be empty."
PROPERTY_NAME_ERROR_TITLE = "Invalid Property Name"
PROPERTY_NAME_ERROR ="Error in Property Name."
YES = "__Yes"
NO = "__No"
OVERWRITE_SQL_STATEMENT = "This operation overwrites the current SQL statement.\n\nDo you want to continue?"
NO_COLUMNS_DEFINED = "No columns are defined."
ERROR_STR = "Error"
WARNING_STR = "Warning"
SELECT_EXPRESSION = "You must select an expression.\n"
NO_COLUMN_BY_THAT_NAME_MSG = "The SQL statement did not return a column with the name of: "
GETTING_DATA_ERROR_MSG = "Error getting data from column \""
PUTTING_DATA_ERROR_MSG = "Error setting data in column \""
COMPARING_DATA_ERROR_MSG = "Error comparing data to column \""
EXECUTE_PROC_DATA_ERROR_MSG = "Error setting parameter \""
CLOSE_PROC_DATA_ERROR_MSG = "Error getting output data from parameter \""
RECORD_NOT_FOUND_MSG = "\nRecord not found.\n"
DB_EXPR_BROWSE_TITLE = "Browse for Expression"
UNSPECIFIED_CONNECTION_SOURCE = "You must select a valid Data Link before performing this action."
UNSPECIFIED_SQL_STATEMENT = "You must specify a valid SQL SELECT Statement before performing this action."
SELECT_DBMS = "Select a Database Management System before\nclosing the Edit Database Options dialog box."
SELECT_DBMS_TITLE = "Select Management System"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_MULTI_MSG Line0001 = "The thread mode for the database components is already\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_MULTI_MSG Line0002 = "initialized to allow multiple thread access. The current\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_MULTI_MSG Line0003 = "setting for the 'Use Single Thread to Access Database'\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_MULTI_MSG Line0004 = "option on the Database Options dialog box is set to use a\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_MULTI_MSG Line0005 = "single thread. This setting can not take effect until the\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_MULTI_MSG Line0006 = "next TestStand session. Restart the application."
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_SINGLE_MSG Line0001 = "The thread mode for the database components is already\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_SINGLE_MSG Line0002 = "initialized to use a single thread. The current setting\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_SINGLE_MSG Line0003 = "for the 'Use Single Thread to Access Database' option on\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_SINGLE_MSG Line0004 = "the Database Options dialog box is set to allow multiple\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_SINGLE_MSG Line0005 = "thread access. This setting can not take effect until the\n"
THREAD_MODE_ALREADY_SINGLE_MSG Line0006 = "next TestStand session. Restart the application."
READING_SQL_SYNTAX_FILE_ERROR_MSG = "An error occurred while trying to read the statement from the SQL syntax file.\n"
DROP_TABLE_CONFIRMATION = "Are you sure you want to drop the table: %s"
DROP_TABLE_ERROR_MSG = "An error occurred while attempting to remove table: %s\nTable not found in the SQL syntax file.\n"
CREATE_TABLE_ERROR_MSG = "An error occurred while attempting to create table %s:\n1Table not found in the SQL syntax file.\n"
NO_RECORD_ERROR_MSG = "No record selected to operate on\n"
NO_OPERATION_ERROR_MSG = "No operation selected to perform\n"
NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_ERROR_MSG = "Not enough memory to perform operation.\n"
OPENING_FILE_ERROR_MSG = "Error Opening File: %s\n"
READING_FILE_ERROR_MSG = "Error Reading File: %s\n"
DATABASE_LIBRARY_NOT_INITIALIZE_PROPERLY = "Database library thread not initialized properly.\n"
PROPERTIES_NOT_APPLIED_ERROR_MSG = "Property Loader step failed to import or export properties."
CONNECTION_ERROR_MSG = "Open Database failed using the following connection string: '"
SQL_STATEMENT_ERROR_MSG = "The following SQL command failed: '"
START_MARKER_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Start Marker expression. "
END_MARKER_ERROR_MSG = "Error in End Marker expression. "
PROPERTY_LIST_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Property List Source Expression. "
RECORD_TO_FETCH_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Record To Fetch Expression. "
VALUE_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Column Value Expression. "
FORMAT_STRING_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Format String Expression. "
COLUMN_NAME_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Column Name Expression. "
COLUMN_LIST_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Column List Source Expression. "
STEP_NAME_COLUMN_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Step Name Column Expression. "
CONNECTION_STRING_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Connection String Expression. "
DATABASE_HANDLE_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Database Handle Expression. "
STATEMENT_HANDLE_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Statement Handle Expression. "
EXPRESSION_LIST_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Expression List Expression. "
LOG_OPT_FILTER_EXP_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Filter Expression. "
SQL_STATEMENT_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In SQL Statement Expression. "
NUM_RECORDS_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error In Number Of Records Expression. "
WHERE_CLAUSE_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Where Clause Expression. "
INDEX_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Record Index Expression. "
EMPTY_COLUMN_NAME_ERROR_MSG = "A Column Name for a property is empty."
ACCESSING_COLUMN_NAME_ERROR_MSG = "Property: %s, Column: %s."
PROPERTY_NAME_EXPR_ERROR_MSG ="Error in Property Name Expression. "
SEQUENCE_FILE_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Sequence File Expression."
SEQUENCE_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Sequence Expression."
SOURCE_FILE_EXPR_ERROR_MSG = "Error in Source File Expression."
NO_STEP_NAME_COLUMN_DEFINED_ERROR_MSG = "No step name column defined."
PROPERTIES_PROCESSED_LINE1 = "%d out of %d database records exported/imported.\n"
PROPERTIES_PROCESSED_LINE2 = "%d duplicate database records deleted.\n"
PROPERTIES_PROCESSED_LINE3 = "%d out of %d property value(s) were processed for %d step(s).\n"
PROPERTIES_PROCESSED_LINE4 = "%d out of %d variable value(s) were processed.\n"
PROPERTIES_PROCESSED_LINE5 = "%d out of %d additional value(s) were processed.\n"
PROPERTIES_PROCESSED_ERROR = "The following errors occurred:\r\n\n"
PROPERTIES_PROCESSED_EMPTY = "No property value(s) were processed.\n"
FILE_PROPERTIES_PROCESSED_LINE1 = "%d values exported.\n"
STEP_NAME_COLUMN_EMPTY_STRING_ERROR_MSG = "The empty string \"\" is not a valid step column name."
INVALID_PROPERTY = "Property %s does not exist or the property\ntype is invalid."
UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IN_DIALOG = "An unexpected error occurred, closing the dialog box."
FILE_NOT_FOUND = "File not found, "
INVALID_ASSIGN_TYPE = "Invalid property type. You must use String, Number, or Boolean."
INVALID_OPERATION = "Invalid operation performed."
INVALID_SQL_HANDLE = "Invalid SQL statement handle."
INVALID_COLUMN_NAME = "The column '%s' was not returned from the SQL statement."
INVALID_PARAM_NAME = "The parameter '%s' was not defined for the SQL statement."
ACCESS_VERSION_WARNING Line0001 = "The Microsoft Access ODBC driver on this system is\nversion 3.50 or earlier. Enable the Use\n"
ACCESS_VERSION_WARNING Line0002 = "Single Thread to Access Database option on this dialog\nbox and restart TestStand before attempting to use this\n"
ACCESS_VERSION_WARNING Line0003 = "version of the ODBC driver."
THREADING_MODEL = "Threading Model:"
USE_SINGLE_THREAD = "Use __Single Thread to Access Database"
COLUMN_NAMES_RESPECIFIED _TITLE = "Column Names Recalculated"
COLUMN_NAMES_RESPECIFIED = "The column names for %d selected properties were recalculated."
ERR_PROPERTY_LOADER_LOAD_SETTINGS = "The previous saved values for the dialog could not be loaded."
ERR_PROPERTY_LOADER_SAVE_SETTINGS = "The dialog settings could not be saved to disk."
ZERO_SEQUENCES_FILE = "Sequence File: '%s' does not contain any sequence.\n"
OpenDatabase = "Open Database"
CloseDatabase = "Close Database"
OpenSQLStatement = "Open SQL Statement"
CloseSQLStatement = "Close SQL Statement"
SQLAction = "Data Operation"
PropertyLoader = "Property Loader"
ErrUnknown = "An unexpected/unknown error occurred."
Err_ErrorOccurredForSchema = "Schema: "
Err_ErrorOccurredForStatement = "Statement: "
Err_ErrorOccurredForColumn = "Column: "
Err_ErrorOccurredForProperty = "Property: "
Err_ErrorOccurredForDataLink = "Connection String: "
Err_ErrorOccurredForRefStatement = "Referenced Name: "
Err_ErrorOccurredForOracleBinaryData = "Additional Information: Refer to the \"Oracle Issues\" section of the \"Database Known Issues\" topic in the NI TestStand Help for more information about this error."
Err_ErrorOccurredForMySQLServerGoneAway = "Additional Information: This error might occur with MySQL when configuring the database results processor to log results in a new thread or when configuring the database options to share a connection between multiple executions. The TestStand Database Logger implements a workaround for this issue when the \"Database Management System\" option in the Database Options dialog is set to \"MySQL\"."
Err_FailureLoggingResults = "An error occurred while logging results to a database schema."
Err_FailureToGetDataLink = "An error occurred while creating or acquiring a data link."
Err_FailedInitConnection = "An error occurred initializing a connection to a data link."
Err_FailedToOpenStatement = "An error occurred opening a statement."
Err_FailedToExecuteStatement = "An error occurred executing a statement."
Err_FailedToInitStatement = "An error occurred initializing a statement."
Err_FailedToSetColumn = "An error occurred while setting a column value."
Err_FailedFilterExpression = "An error occurred evaluating the database logging result filter expression."
Err_FailedPrecondition = "An error occurred evaluating a database statement/column precondition."
Err_LoggingSequenceError = "Invalid use of CTSDBLog class. You must call CTSDBLog::NewUUT first."
Err_ContainerTypeHeterogeneous = "An array of container must contain elements of the same type. For example, you cannot log an array of Container with both number and string elements."
Err_ReferenceTypeNotSupported = "The expression for the column returned a Reference property or array, which is not supported."
Err_ContainerTypeNotSupported = "The expression for the column returned a Container property, which is not supported."
Err_InvalidFormatValue = "The format value specified for the column is invalid or cannot be applied to the value."
Err_InvalidColumnType = "Invalid type for the column."
Err_FailedGetPrimaryKey = "The SQL statement to acquire the primary key for the column failed."
Err_InvalidTraversingOption = "Invalid traversing option for the column."
Err_InvalidResultType = "Invalid result type for the column."
Err_InvalidForeignKeyName = "A foreign key column in a statement references a statement name that does not exist."
Err_32BitOverflow = "A 32-bit value has overflowed."
Err_FailedNoStatementsDefined Line0001 = "There are no statements defined for the selected schema.\n"
Err_FailedNoStatementsDefined Line0002 = "(Note: This error can occur if you use a TestStand 1.0.x process model file with the current release "
Err_FailedNoStatementsDefined Line0003 = "version of the 'Database.seq' file. You must use the TestStand 1.0.x 'Database.seq' file or update "
Err_FailedNoStatementsDefined Line0004 = "your copy of the TestStand 1.0.x process model to use new 'Get Database Options' sequence."
Err_SessionManagerError Line0001 = "Database logging uses the NI Session Manager server to manage shared database connections. A call to create the Session Manager failed. "
Err_SessionManagerError Line0002 = "Confirm that this ActiveX server is properly registered.\n"
Err_InvalidADOVersion Line0001 = "The TestStand database components requires Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) "
Err_InvalidADOVersion Line0002 = "version 2.5 or later to be installed on the computer. The latest versions of MDAC and "
Err_InvalidADOVersion Line0003 = "Microsoft Jet 4.0 are available on Microsoft's Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/data/."
Err_AccessingTraverseOptionsProperty = "An error occurred trying to access the TraverseOptions property of a statement. Verify that the process model uses the correct version of the DatabaseOptions data type."
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