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TestStandStrings.ini.bak 164.73 KB
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海阔天空 提交于 2020-08-10 14:29 . 更新了翻译。
;; TestStandStrings.ini - TestStand字符串(通用字符串、通用字符串和工具字符串)
;; If you want to create a new resource string file or customize an existing resource
;; string file, you must place it in the <TestStand Public>\Components\Language directory.
;; If you make changes to resource files, you need to restart the TestStand application
;; for the changes to take effect.
;; Note, when adding lines longer that 512 characters, split them into several lines,
;; each less than 512 characters. Use the same tag name for each line, followed by
;; " LineNNNN" where NNNN is the zero padded line number. Example:
;; TagName Line0001 = "super long string that goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; TagName Line0002 = " and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
;; TagName Line0003 = " and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"
LOADING_FILE = "正在加载文件: "
COLUMN = "列"
EVAL_VERSION_MSG_TEXT Line0001 = "这是测试台的评估副本。30天后到期。 "
EVAL_VERSION_MSG_TEXT Line0002 = "TestStand发行版中的所有功能都可用;但是,一些功能在使用1小时后将被禁用。 "
EVAL_VERSION_MSG_TEXT Line0003 = "此外,处决时间限制在10分钟之内。"
BUY_ONLINE = "网上买TestStand"
OK = "OK"
CONFIRM_DELETION_MSG = "确实要删除“%1”吗?"
INVALID_DROPTARGET_MSG = "无法移动%1:目标项是源项的子项."
UNTITLED = "无标题"
OBJECT_NAME_NOT_IDENTIFIER = "'%1' 不是有效的名称。属性对象名称只能包含字母、数字和下划线,不能包含空格或以数字开头."
OBJECT_NAME_RESERVED = "'%1' 被保留。它不能用作属性对象名。."
OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS = "属性对象名称 '%1' 已存在."
STATUS_TRACING= "远程跟踪: 步 "
TOOLMENU_ITEM = "为运行时分布收集测试VIs..."
WINDOW_TITLE = "为运行时分布收集测试VIs"
TOOL_MSG Line0001 = "对于所选序列文件中使用LabVIEW标准原型适配器的所有步骤, "
TOOL_MSG Line0002 = "此实用程序将test-VIs保存在相对于目标目录的正确位置, "
TOOL_MSG Line0003 = "并将所有子VIs、运行时菜单和外部子例程保存到单独的VI库中(SupportVIs.llb在目标目录中)。 "
TOOL_MSG Line0004 = "您可以选择从所有VIs中删除图表."
FILE_DIALOG_PROMPT = "请选择一个目标目录:"
DIAGRAMS_PROMPT = "你想保存没有图表的VIs吗?"
YES_BTN = "是"
OVERWRITE_MSG= "VI:%s 已经存在。覆盖它吗?"
YES_ALL_BTN = "覆盖全部文件"
NO_BTN = "否"
ADD_BTN = "添加"
SUCCESS_MSG = "VIs打包成功。记住要将目标目录添加到发行版安装中的TestStand搜索路径列表中."
ERROR_MSG = "打包VIs时出错."
NO_VIS_MSG = "这些序列文件不包含使用LabVIEW标准原型适配器的步骤,或者指定的路径无效."
INVALID_VIS_MSG Line0001 = "此序列文件包含一个或多个使用LabVIEW标准原型适配器但路径规范无效的步骤 "
INVALID_VIS_MSG Line0002 = " "
NO_VIS_TITLE = "收集测试 VIs"
OVERWRITE_SOURCE_MSG Line0001 = "不能将VIs收集到与源VIs相同的目录中.\n\n"
OVERWRITE_SOURCE_MSG Line0002 = "您正在尝试将下列源VIs收集到相同的位置.\n\n"
OVERWRITE_SOURCE_MSG Line0003 = "按“OK”选择另一个目录."
OVERWRITE_DUP_PATH Line0001 = "VI:%s已经存在.\n"
OVERWRITE_DUP_PATH Line0002 = "覆盖它吗?"
ASK_DYNAMIC_MSG Line0001 = "如果测试使用VI服务器动态调用VIs, \n"
ASK_DYNAMIC_MSG Line0002 = "则必须手动添加动态调用的VIs.\n"
DYNAMIC_MSG Line0001 = "如果你使用VI服务器动态调用VIs,那么你必须手动添加那些VIs,以便它们被打包。\n"
DYNAMIC_MSG Line0002 = "单击 ”浏览“ 按钮找到VI,然后修改相对路径,并单击add按钮将VI添加到包中。\n"
DYNAMIC_MSG Line0003 = "按”继续“按钮打包VIs。\n"
VIS_IN_PACKAGE_MSG = "这个包中包含的顶层Vis是:\n"
MENU_NAME = "数据库"
ACCESS = "Access"
ADD = "添加"
Add Missing Items = "添加缺失项"
ALL_RESULTS = "所有结果"
OK = "&OK"
APPLY = "应用 &A"
WARNING = "警告"
ALLOW_EDITING_SCHEMA_WARNING Line0001 = "You are attempting to edit a schema that TestStand installed. Future versions of TestStand might overwrite "
ALLOW_EDITING_SCHEMA_WARNING Line0002 = "any changes that you make to the schema. Instead, use the Copy option from the context menu to copy the selected schema. "
ALLOW_EDITING_SCHEMA_WARNING Line0003 = "Make the changes to the new copy of the schema and check the new schema to make it the default. Future "
ALLOW_EDITING_SCHEMA_WARNING Line0004 = "versions of TestStand will not overwrite the new schema."
ON_THE_FLY_FOREIGN_KEY_WARNING Line0001 = "You are attempting to use on-the-fly database logging with a schema that uses stored procedure statements or "
ON_THE_FLY_FOREIGN_KEY_WARNING Line0002 = "command statements that do not use the INSERT command. You cannot define constraints for foreign keys in "
ON_THE_FLY_FOREIGN_KEY_WARNING Line0003 = "step result statements that references primary keys in a UUT result statement, or foreign keys in a step result "
ON_THE_FLY_FOREIGN_KEY_WARNING Line0004 = "statements that references their own primary keys.\r\n\r\n"
ON_THE_FLY_FOREIGN_KEY_WARNING Line0005 = "If you define constraints for these types of foreign keys, an error will occur because the on-the-fly database "
ON_THE_FLY_FOREIGN_KEY_WARNING Line0006 = "logger cannot execute the statement to create the record that contains the primary key before executing the "
ON_THE_FLY_FOREIGN_KEY_WARNING Line0007 = "statement to create the record that contains the foreign key. "
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_WARNING Line0001 = "You are attempting to use an Oracle database with a schema that logs binary data. You might encounter an error "
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_WARNING Line0002 = "with the current database options settings when you enable the Share Data Link Between Executions "
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_WARNING Line0003 = "option and disable the Use Transaction Processing option on the Logging/Data Link tab of the Database Options dialog "
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_WARNING Line0005 = "Complete one of the following steps to prevent this error from occuring: \r\n"
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_WARNING Line0006 = "1. Disable the Share Data Link Between Executions option on the Data Link tab of the Database Options dialog box.\r\n"
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_WARNING Line0007 = "2. If you are not using on-the-fly database logging, enable the Use Transaction Processing option on the Data Link "
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_WARNING Line0008 = "tab of the Database Options dialog box."
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_ERRORPROVIDER Line0001 = "You are attempting to use an Oracle database with a schema that logs binary data. \r\nYou might encounter an error "
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_ERRORPROVIDER Line0002 = "with the current database options settings when you enable \r\nthe Share Data Link Between Executions "
ORACLE_BINARY_DATA_LOGGING_ERRORPROVIDER Line0003 = "option and disable the Use Transaction Processing option."
ON_FLY_READONLY_LOCKTYPE_WARNING_ON_OK Line0001 = "Lock type is set as Read-Only when one or more statements in the selected schema has "
ON_FLY_READONLY_LOCKTYPE_WARNING_ON_OK Line0002 = "foreign key dependency on the statement {0} and Use On-The-Fly is enabled for database logging.\r\n"
ON_FLY_READONLY_LOCKTYPE_WARNING_ON_OK Line0003 = "On-the-fly database logger might not be able to update the recordset because the lock type is set as Read-Only for the statement {0}."
ON_FLY_READONLY_LOCKTYPE_WARNING_ERRORPROVIDER Line0001 = "Lock type is set as Read-Only when one or more statements in the selected schema has foreign key\r\n"
ON_FLY_READONLY_LOCKTYPE_WARNING_ERRORPROVIDER Line0002 = "dependency on the statement {0} and Use On-The-Fly is enabled for database logging.\r\n"
ON_FLY_READONLY_LOCKTYPE_WARNING_ERRORPROVIDER Line0003 = "On-the-fly database logger might not be able to update the recordset."
MULTIPLE_PRIMARY_KEY_WARNING Line0001 = "Multiple primary keys are not supported in a single statement. In the selected statement, primary key is set in the column '{0}'.\r\n"
MULTIPLE_PRIMARY_KEY_WARNING Line0002 = "Hence unable to set the primary key in the column '{1}'."
UNIQUE_NAME_WARNING = "{0} with the specified name {1} already exists. Specified {0} name is uniquified as {2}."
EMPTY_NAME_ERROR = "{0} name can not be empty."
EMPTY_FOREIGN_KEY_NAME = "Foreign key statement name cannot be empty."
COLUMN_SIZE_ZERO_WARNING = "Column Size cannot be 0 for the specified Column Type.Column Size is set to the default value."
COLUMN_SIZE_EMPTY_WARNING = "Column Size cannot be empty for the specified Column Type.Column Size is set to the default value."
COLUMN_SIZE_EXCEEDED_LIMIT = "Column Size given has exceeded the limit. Resetting the size to maximum possible value."
COLUMN_SIZE_INVALID_FORMAT Line0001 = "Column size given is invalid. Column size should be a number.\r\n"
COLUMN_SIZE_INVALID_FORMAT Line0002 = "Column Size is set to the default value."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING Line0001 = "In the selected schema, the statement {0} is set as the foreign key in one or more columns in the statements above {0}."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING Line0002 = "Database Logger will not be able to generate the foreign key.\r\n"
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING Line0003 = "Complete one of the following steps to prevent this warning from occuring: \r\n"
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING Line0004 = "1. Rearrange the statements such that statement set as the foreign key is above the dependent statements.\r\n"
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING Line0005 = "2. Rearrange the statements such that the database table, to which the statement set as foreign key logs, is logged before dependent statements log the data."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING Line0006 = "\r\nPlease refer to Column->Foreign key->Valid Foreign key statements help topic for more details."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING_ON_MOVING_UP Line0001 = "Selected statement {0} cannot be moved up as one or more columns in {0} has the foreign key set as {1}.\r\n"
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING_ON_MOVING_UP Line0002 = "{1} is the only statement that logs to database table {2} above {0}.\r\n"
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING_ON_MOVING_UP Line0003 = "Remove the foreign key dependency in the statement {0} and retry the operation."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING_ON_MOVING_UP Line0004 = "\r\nPlease refer to Column->Foreign key->Valid Foreign key statements help topic for more details."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING_ON_MOVING_DOWN Line0001 = "Selected statement {0} cannot be moved down as {0} is set as the foreign key in one or more columns in statement {1}."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING_ON_MOVING_DOWN Line0002 = "{0} is the only statement that logs to database table {2} above {1}.\r\n"
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING_ON_MOVING_DOWN Line0003 = "Remove the foreign key dependency in the statement {1} and retry the operation."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_WARNING_ON_MOVING_DOWN Line0004 = "\r\nPlease refer to Column->Foreign key->Valid Foreign key statements help topic for more details."
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_ERRORPROVIDER Line0001 = "You have chosen a foreign key statement that logs to table {1} and none of the statements"
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_ERRORPROVIDER Line0002 = "\r\nabove {0} are logging to table {1}.Database Logger will not be able to generate "
FOREIGN_KEY_DEPENDENCY_ERRORPROVIDER Line0003 = "\r\nthe foreign key for the statement {0}."
FOREIGN_KEY_STATEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERRORPROVIDER = "Specified foreign key statement is not found in the list of statements in the selected schema."
FOREIGN_KEY_STATEMENT_NOT_FOUND = "Specified foreign key statement is not found in the list of statements in the selected schema."
EXPECTED_PROPERTIES_INVALID = "Expected Properties text is invalid."
STATEMENT_TYPES_TO_LOG_INVALID = "Types to log text is invalid."
AND_SIZE = "and size "
APPLY_TO = "A&pply To"
AUTO_GENERATED/COUNTER = "Auto Generated/Counter"
AUTO_GENERATED = "Auto Generated"
BATCH_OPTIMISTIC = "Batch Optimistic"
BINARY = "Binary"
BOOLEAN = "Boolean"
BROWSE = "Browse"
BSTR = "Text/String"
BUILD = "B&uild..."
BUILD_SQL_FILE = "&Build .sql File..."
CANCEL = "&Cancel"
CHECK TO SET DEFAULT SCHEMA = "Check to set default schema."
CLEAR_ALL_SCHEMA_TABLES = "Clear All Schema Tables"
CLIENT = "Client"
COLUMN = "Column"
COLUMNS = "Columns/Parameters"
COLUMN/PARAMETER = "Column/Parameter"
COLUMNOUTPUT = "Output (From DB)"
COLUMNINOUT = "Input/Output"
COLUMNS_IN = "Columns in"
COLUMNS/PARAMETERS = "Columns/Parameters"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The {n} is a placeholder and should not be localized ===={n}是一个占位符,不应该本地化 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
GENERATED_SQL_WARNING_MESSAGE_WITH_CONFLICTS = "Warning - The generated \"SQL\" commands may not work as expected if you execute them directly without resolving the following conflicts (or any additional conflicts that may be present which are not mentioned below):"
GENERATED_SQL_WARNING_MESSAGE_WITHOUT_CONFLICTS = "Warning - The generated \"SQL\" commands may not work as expected if you execute them directly. Please make sure you resolve any conflicts present."
MULTIPLE_CREATE_TABLE_SQL_COMMANDS_EXIST = "Multiple instances of 'CREATE TABLE' SQL commands are present for the table '{0}'. Please retain only one valid instance of the command and remove the others."
MULTIPLE_CREATE_PROCEDURE_SQL_COMMANDS_EXIST = "Multiple instances of 'CREATE PROCEDURE' SQL commands are present for the procedure '{0}'. Please retain only one valid instance of the command and remove the others."
MULTIPLE_DROP_TABLE_SQL_COMMANDS_EXIST = "Multiple instances of 'DROP TABLE' SQL commands are present for the table '{0}'. Please retain only one valid instance of the command and remove the others."
MULTIPLE_DROP_PROCEDURE_SQL_COMMANDS_EXIST = "Multiple instances of 'DROP PROCEDURE' SQL commands are present for the procedure '{0}'. Please retain only one valid instance of the command and remove the others."
MULTIPLE_CLEAR_TABLE_SQL_COMMANDS_EXIST = "Multiple instances of 'CLEAR TABLE' SQL commands are present for the table '{0}'. Please retain only one valid instance of the command and remove the others."
COLUMN_NOT_FOUND = "Column '{0}' not found in the table '{1}'"
COLUMN_SIZE_MISMATCH = "Column '{0}' in the table '{1}' has the maximum size '{2}' which is less than the size '{3}' specified in the current schema."
COLUMN_TYPE_MISMATCH = "Column '{0}' in the table '{1}' has an incorrect data type '{2}'. Expecting '{3}'."
PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND = "Procedure '{0}' not found."
MISSING_SQL_TEXT = "Command Text is not a valid SQL Command Text."
COMMAND = "Command"
COMMAND_TEXT = "Co&mmand Text"
COMMENT = "Co&mment"
COMPONENT_PATH_WARNING Line0001 = "The Datalink entry contains a reference to a file in the %1 directory or one of its sub-directories. "
COMPONENT_PATH_WARNING Line0002 = "You should place a copy of this file in one of the %2 directories and use it in the datalink instead. "
COMPONENT_PATH_WARNING Line0003 = "Future versions of TestStand might replace files in the %1 directories."
CONNECTION_ERROR = "Error connecting to Data Source reason: "
CONNECTION_STRING = "Connection Strin&g Expression"
EXPECTED_PROVIDER_ABSENT = "A '%2'-bit version of the database provider, '%1', required for this file type is absent in this machine. Install this provider or specify a connection string that uses a different provider in the New Data Link Dialog."
ACCESS_64BIT_ERROR = "Refer to the \"Using Access Database with TestStand 64-bit\" knowledge base article for more information on how to resolve this error."
USING_INCORRECT_ACCESS_PROVIDER = "The Access provider/driver specified is not available in 64-bit. Configure a connection string with a 64-bit provider/driver to resolve this error."
COPY = "Copy"
COPY_OF = "Copy of"
CURSOR_LOCATION = "Cursor &Location"
CURSOR_TYPE = "Cursor T&ype"
CUT = "Cut"
DATA_LINK_OPTIONS = "Data Link Options"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The {n} is a placeholder and should not be localized ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
DATA_SYNTAX_NOT_FOUND = "The SQL syntax for a selected data type ({0}) {1}could not be acquired from the provider."
DATABASE_OPTIONS = "Database Options"
DATABASE_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM = "Data&base Management System"
DATETIME = "Date/Time"
DELETE = "Delete"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The %1 and %2 are placeholders and should not be localized ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
DELETE_CONFIRMATION = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 %2?"
DIRECTION = "&Direction"
DISABLE_DATABASE_LOGGING = "&Disable Database Logging"
DLL_LOAD_ERROR = "Could not load file BuildConnectionString.dll or missing function, error number "
DOUBLE = "Double Precision"
Done = "&Done"
DROP_ALL_SCHEMA_TABLES_AND_OR_PROCEDURES = "Drop All Schema Tables and/or Procedures"
DUPLICATE = "Duplicate"
DYNAMIC = "Dynamic"
LOGGING_AND_DATALINK_OPTIONS = "Logging/Data Link Options"
EDIT_MISSING_VALUES = "You have not specified some required values."
EXPECTED_PROPERTIES = "E&xpected Properties"
EXCLUDE_FLOW_CONTROL = "Exclude Flow Control"
EXPRESSION = "&Value to Log"
VALUE = "&Value"
FIX = "&Fix"
FLOAT = "Float"
FOREIGN_KEY = "Forei&gn Key"
FORMAT = "&Format"
FORWARD_ONLY = "Forward Only"
GENERATE_SQL = "&Generate SQL"
REVALIDATE = "&Revalidate"
ADD_MISSING_ITEMS = "Add Missing Items"
DROP_ALL_SCHEMA_TABLES = "Drop All Schema Tables"
GET_VALUE_FROM_RECORDSET = "Get Value from Recordset"
GET_VALUE_FROM_OUTPUT_PARAMETER = "Get Value from Output Parameter"
GET_VALUE_FROM_RETURNVALUE = "Get Value from Return Value"
GET_VALUE_FROM_EXPRESSION = "Use Expression Value"
GUID_DATATYPE_HELP = "Column/Parameter Type must be String or GUID for GUID Primary Key"
HELP = "&Help"
IGNORE_PASSED/DONE/SKIPPED = "Exclude Passed/Done/Skipped"
IGNORE = "&Ignore"
INCLUDE_ADDITIONAL_RESULTS = "I&nclude Additional Results"
INCLUDE_EXECUTION_TIMES = "Include E&xecution Times"
INCLUDE_OUTPUT_VALUES = "Include &Measurements"
INCLUDE_STEP_RESULTS = "Include Step &Results"
INCLUDE_TEST_LIMITS = "Include Test L&imits"
INTEGER = "Integer"
KEYSET = "Keyset"
LOAD_FILE = "&Load .udl File..."
LOCK_TYPE = "Loc&k Type"
LOGGING_OPTIONS = "Logging Options"
MEASUREMENT = "Measurement"
MEASUREMENT_RESULTS = "Measurement Results"
MULTIPLE_TABLES_DEFINED = "There is more than one statement logging to the same table. You should re-validate the schema after you execute the generated SQL statement."
NAME = "&Name"
NEW = "New"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The {n} is a placeholder and should not be localized ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
NO_COLUMNS_DEFINED = "No columns defined."
NO_MISSING_ITEMS = "There are no errors that indicate a missing table or column"
NO_STATEMENTS_DEFINED = "No Statements defined for schema."
NOT_A_KEY = "Not a Key"
ERROR_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION = "Following error/s occured while launching the dialog:\r\n"
COULD_NOT_RELOAD_SCHEMAS = "Unable to load NI database schemas from the '{0}' schema file.\r\nFile Path: {1}"
COULD_NOT_LOAD_SCHEMAS = "Unable to load the NI database schemas from the configuration file {0}.\r\nRefer to help topic for details."
COULD_NOT_LOAD_OPTIONS = "Unable to load database options from the configuration file {0}. Hence setting the options to default values.\r\n"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The {n} is a placeholder and should not be localized ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_MISMATCH = "Number of columns in the SQL Command Text does not match the number of columns/parameters defined in schema."
NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_MISMATCH = "Number of parameter markers in SQL Command Text does not match the number of columns/parameters defined in schema."
OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH = "Object type being pasted does not match selected type."
ALLOW_EDITING_DISABLED = " Editing the selected schema is not allowed. Enable the editing by checking \"Allow Editing of Schema\" in Schema panel."
INVALID_INPUT_STRING = "Entered input string is invalid."
OPEN = "Open"
OPTIMISTIC = "Optimistic"
ORACLE = "Oracle"
PARAMETER = "Parameter"
PARAMETERS_IN = "Parameters in"
PARENT = "Parent"
PASSED/DONE_ONLY = "Passed/Done Only"
PASTE = "Paste"
PESSIMISTIC = "Pessimistic"
PRECONDITION = "Precond&ition"
PRIMARY_KEY = "Primary &Key"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The {n} is a placeholder and should not be localized ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
PRIMARY_KEY_NOT_FOUND = "Column '{0}' is not the Primary Key in table '{1}'"
READ_ONLY = "Read Only"
RECORDSET = "Recordset"
RELOAD_BUTTON = "&Reload NI Schemas..."
RELOAD_DIALOG_NAME = "Reload NI Schemas"
NI_SCHEMAS = "NI &Schemas"
RELOAD_CONFIRMATION Line0001 = "Reloading the default NI schemas will remove all schemas with (NI) in their name and add the selected version of the default NI schemas to the schemas panel. Any modifications done to the existing NI schemas will be lost.\r\n\r\nSelect the version of the default NI schemas you want to reload"
RELOAD_2012_TO_2014SP1 = "2012 to 2014 SP1"
RELOAD_41_TO_2010SP1 = "4.1 to 2010 SP1"
RELOAD_2x_TO_40 = "2.x to 4.0"
RELOAD_2016_OR_LATER = "2016 and later"
RESULT_FILTERING_EXPRESSION = "Result &Filtering Expression"
SAVE_FILE = "&Save .udl File..."
SCHEMA = "Schema"
SCHEMAS = "Schemas"
CHECKED_SCHEMA = "Checked Schema: "
SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND Line0001 = " - The requested schema name was not found in the current configuration."
SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND Line0002 = " This could mean that a National Instruments default schema has been replaced by the current version of Teststand or that the Database Options configuration file has been corrupted."
SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND Line0003 = " Reconfigure Database Options."
SCHEMA_VALIDATION = "Schema Validation - "
SELECT = "Select"
SELECT_DATA_LINK_FILE = "Select Data Link File"
SAVE_DATA_LINK_FILE = "Save Data Link File"
SELECT_TYPES_TO_LOG = "Select Required Types For Statement"
SELECT_EXPECTED_PROPERTIRES = "Select Required Properties For Statement"
SELECT_STATEMENT = "Se&lect Statement"
SERVER = "Server"
SHARE_DATA_LINK_BETWEEN_EXECUTIONS = "Share Data Lin&k Between Executions"
SIZE = "&Size (In bytes)"
SMALLINT = "Small Integer"
BIGINT = "Big Integer"
UBIGINT = "Unsigned Big Integer"
SQL_TOOLS = "SQL &Tools"
STATEMENT = "Statement"
STATEMENT_PROCEDURE = "Stored Procedure"
STATEMENTS = "Statements"
STATEMENTS_IN = "Statements in"
STATIC = "Static"
STEP = "Step"
STEP_RESULT = "Step Result"
STEP_RESULT_PROPERTY = "Property Result"
STORE_GUID = "Store GUID Value"
STRING (BSTR) = "String (BSTR)"
STRING (VARCHAR) = "String (VarChar)"
SYBASE = "Sybase"
DATABASE_OPTIONS_DIALOG_ERROR = "An error occurred attempting to make the Database Options dialog box modal to the application."
DATALINK_BUILD_ERROR = "Unable to launch \"Data Link Properties\" dialog."
ERROR_NUMBER = ", error number "
USE_UDL_FILE_ERROR = "Unable to use UDL file."
LOAD_UDL_FILE_ERROR = "Unable to load UDL file."
SAVE_UDL_FILE_ERROR = "Unable to save UDL file."
LOGGING_DATALINK_ERROR = "Logging/DataLink Tab Errors/Warnings:"
SCHEMA_TAB_ERROR = "Schema Tab Errors/Warnings:"
SYNTAX_ERROR_PREFIX = "Selected Schema: {0}\r\n"
ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS = "Errors and Warnings"
ERRORS_ONLY = "Errors Only"
WARNINGS_ONLY = "Warnings Only"
MESSAGE_LEVEL = "&Message Level"
SYNTAX_ERROR_PROMPT = "Would you like to correct the problem?"
TABLE = "Table"
TABLE_NOT_FOUND = "Table '{0}' not Found."
UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE_PROCEDURE = "Unable to validate procedure '{0}' since a table corresponding to the current statement cannot be found in the database."
TABLES = "Tables"
TEXT = "Text"
DIFFERENCES_FOUND = "The following differences were found after comparing the schema to the data source."
TRAVERSE_OPTIONS_BUTTON = "&Traversing Options..."
TRAVERSE_OPTIONS = "Traversing Options"
TYPE = "Typ&e"
TYPES_TO_LOG = "Type&s to Log"
UDL_FILES = "UDL Files (*.udl)"
UDL_READ_ERROR = "Could not read from .udl file, verify format, error number: "
UDL_WRITE_ERROR = "Could not save to .udl file, error number: "
UNSPECIFIED = "Unspecified"
USE_FILE = "Us&e .udl File..."
USE_ON_THE_FLY_LOGGING = "Use On-&The-Fly Logging"
USE_TRANSACTION_PROCESSING = "Use Transaction &Processing"
VALIDATE = "&Validate..."
VIEW = "&View Data"
Window = "Window"
Err_InvalidDBConfigFile = "The %s file contains invalid information. \nDelete the file and reconfigure the database options."
Err_FileNotFound = "The {0} file could not be found."
IMPORT_DATABASE_OPTIONS_SCHEMA = "Import Database Options Schema"
EXPORT_DATABASE_OPTIONS_SCHEMA = "Export Database Options Schema"
IMPORT = "Import"
EXPORT = "Export"
EXPORT_SCHEMA = "Export Schema"
EXPORT_OPTION = "Export Options"
EXPORT_ALL_SCHEMAS = "Export &All Schemas"
EXPORT_SELECTED_SCHEMA = "Export &Selected Schema"
DATA_FILES = "Data Files (*.ini)"
MOVE_UP = "Move Up"
MOVE_DOWN = "Move Down"
NO_SCHEMAS_FOUND = "No schemas were found in the selected file."
CONNECTION_NAME = " (from Database Options)"
DATALINK_SAVE_ERROR = "The connection string is a reference to a Data Link file. You cannot save a reference in a new Data Link file."
OTF_TRANSACTION_PROCESSING_CONFLICT = "You are attempting to enable Use On-The-Fly-Logging with Use Transaction Processing. Use Transaction Processing option is not available when you enable Use On-The-Fly-Logging. Do you wish to continue?"
;;Error Dialog
ERROR_MESSAGE_TITLE = "Errors/Warnings in Database Options"
DONE = "&Done"
NEXT = "&Next"
BACK = "&Back"
FIX_COLUMN = " Fix "
;;These are written without short cuts to display in the error dialog
CONNECTION_STRING_CONTROL = "Connection String Expression"
FILTER = "&Filter"
INFORMATION_MESSAGE = "No errors and warnings in Database Options."
;;help text for schemas, name should match schema name
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses SELECT statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. The schema uses auto-incrementing fields for primary keys. "
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0002 = "You cannot use this schema with Oracle because Oracle does not support auto-incrementing fields. The SELECT statements use the 'TOP 1' clause to improve performance by preventing the recordset from accessing existing records in the database.\r\n\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
Generic Recordset (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. \r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
Generic Insert (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses stored procedure statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft SQL Server only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses SELECT statements to log results and supports use with Oracle only. The schema uses database sequences to generate primary key values.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0010 = " PROP_RESULT as string values.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to \r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0014 = " PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0015 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
Oracle (NI) Line0016 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with MySQL only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. The data type for string, primary key, and foreign key columns should be \"String (VarChar)\".\r\n\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0002 = "NOTE: If the system specifies a comma(,) character for decimal points, ensure you enable the Don't Use Setlocale\" MySQL ODBC driver option.\r\n\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
MySQL Insert (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with Sybase only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. Use \"String (VarChar)\" as the data type for string, and use \"uniqueidentifier\" as the data type for primary and foreign key columns.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
Sybase Insert (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses SELECT statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. The schema uses auto-incrementing fields for primary keys. "
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0002 = "You cannot use this schema with Oracle because Oracle does not support auto-incrementing fields. The SELECT statements use the 'TOP 1' clause to improve performance by preventing the recordset from accessing existing records in the database.\r\n\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test results to\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0015 = " PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. \r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test results to\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0015 = " PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses stored procedure statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft SQL Server only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test results to\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0015 = " PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses SELECT statements to log results and supports use with Oracle only. The schema uses database sequences to generate primary key values.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test results to\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0015 = " PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with MySQL only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. The data type for string, primary key, and foreign key columns should be \"String (VarChar)\".\r\n\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0002 = "NOTE: If the system specifies a comma(,) character for decimal points, ensure you enable the Don't Use Setlocale\" MySQL ODBC driver option.\r\n\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test results to\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0015 = " PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with Sybase only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. Use \"String (VarChar)\" as the data type for string, and use \"uniqueidentifier\" as the data type for primary and foreign key columns.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test results to\r\n"
TS 2012-2014 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0015 = " PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses SELECT statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. The schema uses auto-incrementing fields for primary keys. "
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0002 = "You cannot use this schema with Oracle because Oracle does not support auto-incrementing fields. The SELECT statements use the 'TOP 1' clause to improve performance by preventing the recordset from accessing existing records in the database.\r\n\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. \r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Generic Insert (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses stored procedure statements to log results and supports use with Microsoft SQL Server only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses SELECT statements to log results and supports use with Oracle only. The schema uses database sequences to generate primary key values.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Oracle (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with MySQL only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. The data type for string, primary key, and foreign key columns should be \"String (VarChar)\".\r\n\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0002 = "NOTE: If the system specifies a comma(,) character for decimal points, ensure you enable the \"Don't Use Setlocale\" MySQL ODBC driver option.\r\n\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema uses INSERT statements to log results and supports use with Sybase only. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. Use \"String (VarChar)\" as the data type for string, and use \"uniqueidentifier\" as the data type for primary and foreign key columns.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0002 = "\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The schema handles results as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0004 = "- Logs UUT Results to the UUT_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0005 = "- Logs Step Results to the STEP_RESULT table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0006 = "- Logs Sequence Call step details to the STEP_SEQCALL table.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0007 = "- Logs Property Results to tables as follows:\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0008 = " - Logs general property information to PROP_RESULT.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0009 = " - Logs string, number, and Boolean values to PROP_RESULT \r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0010 = " as string values.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0011 = " - Logs LabVIEWAnalogWaveform, NI_IviWave, and\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0012 = " NI_IviWavePair to PROP_ANALOGWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0013 = " - Logs LabVIEWDigitalWaveform to PROP_DIGITALWAVEFORM.\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0014 = " - Logs Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test\r\n"
TS 4.1-2010 SP1 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0015 = " results to PROP_NUMERICLIMIT.\r\n"
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0001 = "This schema is for Microsoft SQL Server and Access only. This schema appends new records to open recordsets. The tables used by the statements must "
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0002 = "use auto-incrementing primary keys. Use this schema if you want the data type "
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0003 = "of the keys to be numeric or if you want to log results to a Microsoft Access "
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0004 = "database using a single computer. Note that you cannot use this schema with Oracle "
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0005 = "because Oracle does not support auto-incrementing keys. \r\n\r\n"
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0006 = "The SELECT statements use the 'TOP 1' clause to improve performance by preventing the recordset from accessing existing records in the database."
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Recordset (NI) Line0007 = "to prevent the recordset from accessing existing records in the database."
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Insert (NI) Line0001 = "This schema is for Microsoft SQL Server and Access only. This schema executes Insert commands for each record that TestStand logs. The schema generates "
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Insert (NI) Line0002 = "unique GUID values for primary key values. The data type for primary and foreign key columns must "
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Insert (NI) Line0003 = "be string. This schema is generally faster than the Generic Recordset schema. Use this "
TS 2.x-4.0 Generic Insert (NI) Line0004 = "schema if you want to log results to a single Access database from multiple computers."
TS 2.x-4.0 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0001 = "This schema is for Microsoft SQL Server only. The schema calls stored procedures that "
TS 2.x-4.0 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0002 = "perform Insert commands. Stored procedures are more efficient. The schema generates "
TS 2.x-4.0 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0003 = "unique GUID values for primary key values. Use this schema if the database "
TS 2.x-4.0 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0004 = "server is running on a separate PC. If you are using the Parallel or Batch models in conjunction "
TS 2.x-4.0 SQL Server Stored Proc (NI) Line0005 = "with this schema, do not enable the Share Data Link Between Executions option on the Data Link tab of this dialog box."
TS 2.x-4.0 Oracle (NI) Line0001 = "Use this schema with Oracle only. The schema appends new records to open recordsets, and "
TS 2.x-4.0 Oracle (NI) Line0002 = "uses database sequences to generate primary key values. The schema stores measurement "
TS 2.x-4.0 Oracle (NI) Line0003 = "array results into columns of type BLOB. Oracle 7 does not support the BLOB data type or tables "
TS 2.x-4.0 Oracle (NI) Line0004 = "with multiple large binary data types."
TS 2.x-4.0 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0001 = "Use this schema with MySQL only. The schema executes Insert commands for each record "
TS 2.x-4.0 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0002 = "that TestStand logs. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. "
TS 2.x-4.0 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The data type for string, primary key, and foreign key columns should be \"String (VarChar)\".\r\n\r\n"
TS 2.x-4.0 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0004 = "NOTE: If the system specifies a comma(,) character for decimal points, make sure the MySQL ODBC driver "
TS 2.x-4.0 MySQL Insert (NI) Line0005 = "option \"Don't Use Setlocale\" is enabled."
TS 2.x-4.0 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0001 = "Use this schema with Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere only. The schema executes Insert commands for each record "
TS 2.x-4.0 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0002 = "that TestStand logs. The schema generates unique GUID values for primary key values. "
TS 2.x-4.0 Sybase Insert (NI) Line0003 = "The data type for string should be \"String (VarChar)\" and the data type for primary and foreign key columns should be \"uniqueidentifier\"."
TS 1.x Access/SQL (NI) Line0001 = "This schema is backward-compatible with TestStand 1.x applications that log results "
TS 1.x Access/SQL (NI) Line0002 = "to a database using Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server."
TS 1.x Oracle (NI) Line0001 = "This schema is backward-compatible with TestStand 1.x applications that log results to "
TS 1.x Oracle (NI) Line0002 = "a database using Oracle 7 or Oracle 8."
LOG_OPTIONS = "Log Options"
LOG_LABEL = "Perform the following when the statement executes for the UUT result:"
SKIP_RESULT = "Skip Remaining UUT &Result Statements for this UUT"
SKIP_SUBRESULT = "Skip &Step Results for this UUT (Note: This option does not apply to on-the-fly logging.)"
LOG_OPTIONS = "Log Options"
LOG_LABEL = "Perform the following when the statement executes for the Step result:"
SKIP_RESULT = "Skip Remaining Step &Result Statements for this Step"
SKIP_SUBRESULT = "Skip &Property Results for this Step"
SKIP_BUILTIN = "Skip &Built-in Property Results"
SKIP_CUSTOM = "Skip C&ustom Property Results"
SKIP_ADDITIONAL = "Skip &Additional Property Results"
LOG_OPTIONS = "Log Options"
LOG_LABEL = "Perform the following when the statement executes for the Property result:"
SKIP_RESULT = "Skip Remaining Property &Result Statements for this Property"
SKIP_SUBRESULT = "Skip &Sub-Property Results for this Property"
LOGGING_UUT_TO_DATABASE = "Logging UUT Results to Database"
LOGGING_STEPS_TO_DATABASE = "Logging Step Results to Database"
PreloadWhenOpened = "Preload when opening the sequence file"
PreloadWhenExecuted = "Preload when execution begins"
DynamicLoad = "Load dynamically"
DynamicLoadAll = "Load dynamically"
UseStepLoadOpt = "Use step load option"
UnloadOnPreconditionFailure = "Unload when precondition fails"
UnloadAfterStepExecution = "Unload after step executes"
UnloadAfterSequenceExecution = "Unload after sequence executes"
UnloadWithSequenceFile = "Unload when sequence file is closed"
UnloadWithFile = "Unload when sequence file is closed"
UseStepUnloadOpt = "Use step unload option"
ARRAY = "..."
OBJECT = "..."
PORT_DLG_TITLE = "Import/Export Sequence Limits"
PORT_DONE = "__Done"
PORT_FORMAT = "Fo__rmat:"
TAB_DELIMITED = "Tab Delimited Text (.txt)"
COMMA_DELIMITED = "Comma Delimited Text (.csv)"
EXCEL_FORMAT = "Excel File (.xls)"
PORT_START = "Start of Data __Marker:"
PORT_END = "__End of Data Marker:"
PORT_DESTSRC_LABEL = "Source/Destination"
PORT_CLIP_RADIO = "__Clipboard"
PORT_BROWSE_FILE = "__Browse..."
PORT_VIEW = "__View File"
PORT_IMPORT_OPTS_MSG = "Import Options:"
PORT_SKIP = "S__kip Rows That Begin With:"
PORT_USE_FIRST_ROW = "First Row of Data Specifies Step __Property for Each Column"
PORT_MAPPING = "Specify Co__lumn to Step Property Mapping:\n(Separate property names with commas)"
PORT_IMPORT = "__Import"
PORT_EXPORT = "E__xport"
PORT_HELP = "__Help"
PORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "(File not found)"
PORT_NO_FILE_SPECIFIED = "(No file specified)"
PORT_NUM_IMPORTED = "%d limit(s) were found.\n%d limit(s) were imported from %d row(s) of data\n"
PORT_IMPORT_ERR = "An error occurred importing the step limits, code = %d"
PORT_SAVE_TITLE = "Save Limits to File:"
PORT_LOAD_TITLE = "Load Limits From File:"
PORT_NUM_EXPORTED = "%d limit(s) from %d step(s) were exported."
PORT_FILE_BROWSE_TITLE = "Select Limits File"
PORT_BROWSE_TXT_DLG_FILTER = "Tab Delimited Text (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
PORT_BROWSE_CSV_DLG_FILTER = "Comma Delimited Text (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
PORT_BROWSE_XLS_DLG_FILTER = "Excel Spreadsheet (*.xls)|*.xls|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
PORT_SEQUENCE_FILE = "__Sequence File:"
PORT_SEQUENCE = "Se__quence:"
PORT_TOOLMENU_ITEM = "Import/Export Limits..."
PORT_FILE_EXISTS = "The file %s already exists.\nReplace existing file?"
PORT_EXCEL_FILE_IN_USE = "The file %s is currently loaded in Excel.\nOverwrite spreadsheet contents?"
PORT_YES = "__Yes"
PORT_NO = "__No"
APPEND_TO_END_OF_FILE = "__Append to File"
PORT_DECIMAL_POINT= "Decimal P__oint:"
DLG_TITLE = "Convert Step IDs"
PROMPT_FOR_CONVERT_TYPE = "This sequence converts expressions in the sequence files you specify to use either step names or step IDs. Choose the type of conversion you want to perform:"
PROMPT_FOR_FILE_SELECT_TYPE = "To specify the files to convert, you can either\n1) select a directory in which all files are converted or\n2) select individual files using a dialog box."
SELECT_DIR_BUTTON ="1) By Directory"
SELECT_FILES_BUTTON = "2) By Individual Files"
UNABLE_TO_CONVERT_MSG Line0001= "NOTE: Some expressions using step IDs could not be converted to step names\n"
UNABLE_TO_CONVERT_MSG Line0002 = "because there are multiple steps with the same name and using a step name in the\n"
UNABLE_TO_CONVERT_MSG Line0003 = "expression would refer to the wrong step. "
UNABLE_TO_CONVERT_MSG Line0004 = "To find these instances, search for expressions\nthat contain the text 'ID#:'."
NUM_FILES_UPDATED = "%1 file(s) updated."
TOOLMENU_ITEM_TEXT = "Update Sequence Files..."
PICK_DIRECTORY = "Update: Pick a Directory to Search"
OPEN_CANCELED_MSG = "You canceled opening the file '%1'.\n\n Do you want to continue updating the remaining files?"
OPEN_ERROR_TITLE = "Error Opening File"
OPEN_ERROR_MSG = "The following error occurred while opening the file '%1'.\n\n%2\n\nDo you want to continue updating the remaining files?"
SAVE_CANCELED_MSG = "You canceled saving the file '%1'.\n\n Do you want to continue updating the remaining files?"
SAVE_ERROR_TITLE = "Error Saving File"
SAVE_ERROR_MSG = "The following error occurred while saving the file '%1'.\n\n%2\n\nDo you want to continue updating the remaining files?"
RESULT_TITLE = "Results"
RESULT_NONE_SAVED = "No files were saved."
RESULT_FILES_SAVED = "The following sequence files were saved:\n\n"
YES_ALL_LABEL = "Yes to All"
NO_ALL_LABEL = "No to All"
NUM_FILES_UPDATED = "%1 file(s) updated."
UPGRADE_TO_OLD_VERSION_WARN = "%1\nwas created in an older version of TestStand.\n\nIf you update the file to TestStand %2, you might not be able to open it in earlier versions of TestStand.\n\nUpdate file?"
UPGRADE_TO_NEW_VERSION_WARN = "%1\nwas created in a newer version of TestStand.\n\nIf you resave the file to TestStand %2, some settings from the newer version of TestStand might be lost.\n\nUpdate file?"
PROGRESS_DLG_MSG_FINDING_FILES = "Finding files to convert.\n\n\n"
LV_DEV_NOT_SET_TITLE = "LabVIEW Development System Not Set"
LV_DEV_NOT_SET = "To use this tool, you must configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Development System."
LV_DEV_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE = "LabVIEW Development System Version Not Supported"
LV_DEV_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = "TestStand requires LabVIEW %2 or later to update VIs.\nYou have version '%1' registered. The tool will now close."
TOOLMENU_ITEM_TEXT = "Update VI Calls..."
FILES_TO_UPDATE_PAGE = "Files To Update"
STATUS_PAGE = "Status"
ACTIVE_SEQFILE_LABEL = "Active Sequence File:"
FILES_UNDER_DIRECTORY_LABEL = "All Sequence Files Under Directory:"
SPECIFIC_FILES_ON_DISK_LABEL = "Specific Sequence Files:"
ADD_FILES_BTN = "&Add Files..."
ALL_FILES_IN_WORKSPACE_LABEL = "All Sequence Files in Current Workspace"
TYPE_OF_CALLS_LABEL = "Type Of Calls To Update"
PROCESS_EXPRESS_VIS = "Process Express VI Calls"
PROCESS_STANDARD_VIS = "Process Standard VI Calls"
REPORT_PROBLEMS_ONLY = "Report Problems Only (No Changes Will Be Made)"
RELOAD_PROTOTYPE = "Reload Prototype If Modified"
FORCE_RELOAD_PROTOTYPE = "Force Prototype Reload"
IGNORE_VI_NAMESPACE = "Ignore VI Namespace"
DESTINATION_LABEL = "Destination:"
REPORT_ERRORS_ONLY = "Report Steps With Errors Only"
REPORT_PARAM_CHANGES = "Report Parameters Changes"
TEXT_FILE_FILTER = "Text (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
BROWSE_DIRECTORY_TITLE = "Select the Directory Under which to Update Files"
CONFIG_VI_PASSWORDS = "Passwords..."
UPDATE_CALLS = "Update Calls"
CONFIGURATION_VI_PASSWORD_TITLE = "Configuration VI Passwords To Use"
PASSWORD_LABEL = "Password:"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0001 = "Usage:\n\tUpdateVICallsApp.exe <path> [options]\n\nPath can be a sequence file, a directory, or a TestStand workspace file. If it is a directory, all sequence files in the directory "
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0002 = "or its subdirectories will be updated. If it is a workspace file, all sequence files referenced in that workspace file will be updated.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0004 = "\n/help /? - Print this help.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0005 = "\n/StandardVI:{skip|logOnly|reloadModified|forceReload} - Check all LabVIEW step instances that call a Standard VI unless the skip option is used. See below for a description of the options.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0006 = ":skip - Skips processing Standard VI Call steps.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0007 = ":logOnly - (default) Reports errors only. Does not modify sequence files. Suggestions for updates will be added to the report.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0008 = ":reloadModified - Uses the new VI prototype for steps with VIs that have been modified since the prototype was last read.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0009 = ":forceReload - Reloads the VI prototypes, even if the prototype has not changed since the prototype was last read.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0010 = "\n/ExpressVI:{skip|logOnly|reloadModified|forceReload} - Check all LabVIEW step instances that call an Express VI unless the skip option is used. See above for a description of the options.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0011 = "\n/ignoreVINamespace - Does not use the VI Namespace when finding the absolute path of a VI.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0012 = "\n/logFile <path> - Saves the log of steps updated to the file at the given location. If you specify a file that already exists, TestStand overwrites the file.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0013 = "\n/reportErrorsOnly - Logs only the step instances that fail to update or have any other problem that prevents the step instance from executing.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0014 = "\n/reportParameterChanges - Logs the parameters TestStand adds or deletes if the VI prototype changed. This cannot be used unless /StandardVI:reloadModified, /StandardVI:forceReload, /ExpressVI:reloadModified, or /ExpressVI:forceReload are used.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0015 = "\n/VIPasswords \"<password1>[,<password2>,...]\" - Use this comma separated list of passwords to unlock Configuration VIs when updating Express VI steps.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0016 = "If a password contains a comma, backslash, or quotation mark, use the escape sequences \\, \\\\ or \\\" to represent these characters (respectively). Enclose the entire list in quotes.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0017 = "\n/seqFilePasswords \"<password3>[,<password4>,...]\" - Use this comma separated list of passwords to use to unlock sequence files. Use the same syntax for this list as for password lists used with /VIPasswords\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0018 = "\n/silent - Suppresses output of the tool from the command prompt.\n"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP Line0019 = "\n/env \"<EnvironmentFilePath>\" - Specify the engine environment file. The environment file affects the search directories the update VI Calls tool uses to find code modules."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_GENERIC_ERROR = "Unknown error while updating VI calls. Contact National Instruments support."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_PROCESS_SEQUENCE_FILES_ERROR = "Error while updating VI calls in sequence files."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_LOG_FILE_INVALID = "Unable to write to the specified log file."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_GET_SEQUENCE_FILE_ERROR = "Unable to open sequence file with path '%1'"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_INVALID_CFG_NO_ARGS = "No command line arguments provided. You must specify at least a path, /? or /help. Use /? or /help to display help."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_INVALID_CFG_NO_FILE_PASSWDS = "/seqFilePasswords expects a comma separated list of passwords to unlock the sequence files."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_INVALID_CFG_NO_VI_PASSWDS = "/VIPasswords expects a comma separated list of passwords to unlock locked Express VIs"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_INVALID_CFG_NO_LOG = "/logFile expects the path to a log file."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_INVALID_CFG_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN = "The item '%1' was not expected."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_INVALID_CFG_INVALID_PATH = "The path '%1' is not valid."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_INVALID_CFG_BAD_REPORT_PRAM_CHANGES = "/reportParameterChanges is not a valid option when no prototypes will be changed for Express or Standard VIs."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_COM_EXCEPTION_NOT_REGISTERED = "COM Exception 0x80040154 occurred during initialization. Check that the LabVIEW Adapter is configured to use a version of the LabVIEW Development System which is installed."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_COM_EXCEPTION_SERVER_EXECUTION_FAILED Line0001 = "COM Exception 0x80080005 occurred during initialization. "
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_COM_EXCEPTION_SERVER_EXECUTION_FAILED Line0002 = " Try closing LabVIEW and restarting UpdateVICallsApp.exe."
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_COM_EXCEPTION_SERVER_EXECUTION_FAILED Line0003 = " If this does not resolve the issue, confirm that LabVIEW is running"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_COM_EXCEPTION_SERVER_EXECUTION_FAILED Line0004 = " with the same degree of administrator privileges as UpdateVICallsApp.exe."
TOOL_CONFIGURATION_ERROR = "Update VI Calls configuration is not valid."
;; Log File strings
LOG_TITLE = "Sequence Files Updated On:"
LOG_HEADER_SEPARATOR = "--------------------------"
LOG_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR = "======================================================================"
LOG_DATE = "Date:"
LOG_TIME = "Time:"
LOG_OPERATOR = "By Operator:"
LOG_SEQ_NAME = "Sequence:"
LOG_STEP_NAME = "Step Name:"
LOG_EXPRESS_VI_NAME = "Express VI Name:"
LOG_PROPERTY_CALL_CLASS_NAME = "Property Call Class Name:"
LOG_VI_PATH = "Specified VI Path:"
LOG_VI_NAMESPACE = "VI Namespace:"
LOG_MEMBER_NAME = "Member name:"
LOG_VI_VERSION = "VI Version:"
LOG_VI_STATUS = "VI Status:"
LOG_EMPTY_PATH = "<Empty Path>"
LOG_EMPTY_MEMBER_NAME = "<Empty Member Name>"
LOG_EMPTY_VI_NAMESPACE = "<No Namespace Specified>"
LOG_EMPTY_VI_DESCRIPTION = "<No Description Specified>"
LOG_PROJECT_PATH = "Project Path:"
LOG_CLASS_PATH = "Class Path:"
LOG_VI_URL = "VI Url:"
LOG_CLASS_URL = "Class Url:"
LOG_STATUS = "Status:"
LOG_STEP_STATUS = "Step Status:"
LOG_READ_ONLY_FILE = "Skipped. File is read-only on disk."
LOG_LOCKED_FILE = "Skipped. File is locked."
LOG_VALID_FILE = "Completed."
LOG_UPDATED_EXPRESS_VI_SUCESSFULLY = "Express VI updated successfully to LabVIEW version %1."
LOG_UPDATED_PROPERTY_NODE_SUCESSFULLY = "Property Node call updated successfully to LabVIEW version %1."
LOG_LV_ERROR = "Failed to update Express VI. LabVIEW reported error code '%1'. You must reconfigure the Express VI manually."
LOG_STATUS_NO_CHANGES = "No changes made. Prototype up-to-date."
LOG_SKIP_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "Skipped. File not found."
LOG_USING_OLD_PROTOTYPE_ERROR = "The step was originally configured with LabVIEW 7.1.1 or earlier. The prototype information stored in the step is not compatible with LabVIEW 2012 or later."
LOG_USING_OLD_PROTOTYPE_WARNING = "The prototype information stored in the step is not compatible with LabVIEW 2012 and later. This warning occurs for a step that was last configured using LabVIEW 7.1.1 or earlier. The step will call the module correctly, but TestStand will generate an error when executing the step using LabVIEW 2012 and later. National Instruments recommends that you reload the prototype for the step."
LOG_PROTOTYPE_CHANGED = "Prototype changed."
LOG_FORCING_PROTOTYPE_RELOAD = "Forcing Prototype Reload..."
LOG_PROTOTYPE_STEP_UPDATED = "VI call was updated to use the new prototype."
LOG_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_PROTOTYPE = "Failed to update prototype with following error:"
LOG_PROTOTYPE_NOT_CHANGED = "No prototype change detected."
LOG_PROTOTYPE_STEP_NOT_UPDATED ="VI call was not updated to use the specified prototype.\r\n\tRefresh the VI call before running VI."
LOG_PROTOTYPE_VI_BROKEN = "Skipped. VI calls that point to broken VIs are not updated."
LOG_NEWER_VI_VERSION = "Skipped. VI version is newer than the Active LabVIEW version."
LOG_VI_NAMESPACE_CHANGE = "Expected VI Namespace '%1' is different than current VI namespace '%2'."
LOG_CONFIG_VI_TIMEDOUT = "Skipped. The configuration dialog timed out. Check for any popup dialogs in LabVIEW. You might have to close and relaunch LabVIEW. Also, confirm that the configuration VI is not locked and that you have supplied the appropriate password if so."
LOG_CONFIG_VI_NOT_FOUND = "Skipped. The configuration dialog was not found. Verify that all components of the Express VI are installed."
LOG_VI_PATH_IN_LVLIBP_CHANGED = "Expected VI Path '%1' is different than current VI path '%2' in the specified LabVIEW Packed Project Library."
LOG_VI_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE = "Expected VI Description '%1' is different than current VI description '%2'."
LOG_CLUSTER_MAPPING_ERRORS = "Cluster mapping errors:"
LOG_STEP_SEPARATOR = "__________________________"
LOG_UNABLE_TO_GET_PROJECT_REFERENCE = "Unable to get reference for project at '%1'"
LOG_UNABLE_TO_GET_APPLICATION_REFERENCE = "Unable to get project context reference"
LOG_UNABLE_TO_GET_VI_REFERENCE_WITH_PROJECT = "Unable to get reference for VI at '%1' from project at '%2'"
LOG_UNABLE_TO_GET_VI_REFERENCE_WITHOUT_PROJECT = "Unable to get reference for VI at '%1'"
LOG_PARAMS_ADDED = "The following parameters were added:"
LOG_PARAMS_DELETED = "The following parameters were deleted:"
LOG_PARAM_TYPE_AND_VALUE = "[Type: %1, Value: %2]"
LOG_PARAM_USING_CONFIG_VALUE = "<using configured value>"
LOG_PARAM_USING_DEFAULT_VALUE = "<using default value>"
LOG_STOPPED = "--- Updates were not completed. Stopped by user. ---"
LOG_COMPLETED_SUCESSFULLY = "--- Completed updates ---"
LOG_ELAPSED_TIME = "Elapsed Time:"
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_UPDATE_STEP_ERROR = "Unable to update step '%1'."
;;This error is used if things are so broken we can't even get the step name
UPDATE_VI_CALLS_APP_UPDATE_STEP_GENERIC_ERROR = "Unable to update unknown step"
;; For when no operator is logged in due to the update VI calls tool being used by the stand-alone executable.
;;Will show up in a line like: "Operator: None"
SC_MENU_ITEM_NAME = "Sequence Call"
SC_DEF_STEP_NAME = "SequenceCall"
STRING_MENU_ITEM_NAME = "&String Value Test"
STRING_DEF_STEP_NAME = "String Value Test"
STRING_EDIT_STEP_MENU_NAME = "Edi&t Expected String..."
NUM_MENU_ITEM_NAME = "&Numeric Limit Test"
NUM_DEF_STEP_NAME = "Numeric Limit Test"
NUM_EDIT_STEP_MENU_NAME = "Edi&t Limits..."
MULTI_NUM_MENU_ITEM_NAME = "&Multiple Numeric Limit Test"
MULTI_NUM_DEF_STEP_NAME = "Multiple Numeric Limit Test"
PASSFAIL_EDIT_STEP_MENU_NAME = "Edi&t Pass/Fail Source..."
;; The STEPTYPE_NAMES section is used by sequence file documentation
PassFailTest = "Pass/Fail Test"
NumericLimitTest = "Numeric Limit Test"
StringValueTest = "String Value Test"
Action = "Action"
SequenceCall = "Sequence Call"
Statement = "Statement"
MessagePopup = "Message Popup"
CallExecutable = "Call Executable"
LimitLoaderStep = "Limit Loader"
Goto = "Goto"
Label = "Label"
PropertyLoaderStep = "Property Loader"
NI_VariableAndPropertyLoader = "Property Loader"
NI_Lock = "Lock"
NI_Semaphore = "Semaphore"
NI_Rendezvous = "Rendezvous"
NI_Queue = "Queue"
NI_Notification = "Notification"
NI_Wait = "Wait"
NI_ThreadPriority = "Thread Priority"
NI_BatchSync = "Batch Synchronization"
NI_OpenDatabase = "Open Database"
NI_OpenSQLStatement = "Open SQL Statement"
NI_CloseSQLStatement = "Close SQL Statement"
NI_CloseDatabase = "Close Database"
NI_DataOperation = "Database Operation"
NI_PropertyLoader = "Property Loader"
NI_IviDmm = "IVI Digital Multimeter"
NI_IviScope = "IVI Scope"
NI_IviFgen = "IVI Function Generator"
NI_IviDCPower = "IVI Power Supply"
NI_IviSwitch = "IVI Switch"
NI_IviTools = "IVI Tools Step"
OUT_MSG_DLG_TITLE = "Message From Sequence File Converter:"
CONV_RPTS_ERROR = "The Sequence File Converter, '%1', Reported An Error"
CANT_CONV = "Unable to convert '%1'"
WARN_NEWER_THAN_EXPECTED = "The converter '%1' reports that the file is a newer version than expected.\nAttempt to convert file anyway?"
FILEDLG_TITLE = "Select a file for conversion:"
SUCCESS_MSG = "Conversion Succeeded:\n\nThe file '%1' was generated successfully"
WARN_ALREADY_EXISTS = "The file '%1' already exists.\nDo you wish to overwrite this file?"
SELECT_CONV_DLG_TITLE = "Select a converter:"
EXPLAIN_MULTI_CONV = "More than one converter can convert the selected file. Select the converter you want to use:"
Terminated = "'Terminated' Text"
Failed = "'Failed' Text"
Error = "'Error' Text"
Passed = "'Passed' Text"
Skipped = "'Skipped' Text"
Running = "'Running' Text"
Done = "'Done' Text"
TerminatedBg = "'Terminated' Background"
FailedBg = "'Failed' Background"
ErrorBg = "'Error' Background"
PassedBg = "'Passed' Background"
SkippedBg = "'Skipped' Background"
RunningBg = "'Running' Background"
DoneBg = "'Done' Background"
UUTSeparator = "UUT Separator"
HeaderSeparator = "Header Separator"
TableBorder = "Table Border"
MainBg = "'Main' Background"
SetupBg = "'Setup' Background"
CleanupBg = "'Cleanup' Background"
LabelBg = "Item Label Background"
ValueBg = "Item Value Background"
ReportTextBg = "Step Report Text Background"
FailureStackLabelBg = "Failure Chain Heading Background"
FailureStackValueBg = "Failure Chain Background"
BatchHeadingBg = "Batch Report Heading Background"
0 = "Use Sequence File Setting"
1 = "Use Model Setting"
2 = "Don't Synchronize"
3 = "Serial (One Thread at a Time)"
4 = "Parallel (All Threads Enter Simultaneously)"
5 = "One Thread Only (First Thread Executes Step, Remaining Threads Skip)"
MEAS_NAME_LBL = "Measurement Name:"
END_OF_MEAS_LBL = "End of Measurements"
DOC_MAX_ARRAY_DISPLAY_EXCEEDED = "Maximum Array Element Display Exceeded"
YES_BTN = "Yes"
NO_BTN = "No"
DOC_DLG_COULD_NOT_FIND_DOCGEN_SEQFILE = "Could not find the required sequence file: "
DOC_DLG_UNSAVED_SEQ_FILE = "Unsaved Sequence File"
OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE = " File already exists. Overwrite it?"
DOC_DLG_CANCEL = "__Cancel"
DOC_DLG_HELP = "__Help"
DOC_DLG_GEN_DOC_FOR_LBL = "Generate Documentation For:"
DOC_DLG_SHOW_PARAMS = "Show Parameters"
DOC_DLG_SHOW_FILEGLOBALS = "Show Sequence File Globals"
DOC_DLG_SHOW_GLOBALS = "Show Station Globals"
DOC_DLG_PROPDISP_OPTS_LBL = "Properties/Variables"
DOC_DLG_VALUEDISP_OPTS_LBL = "Value Display Options"
DOC_DLG_SHOW_HIDDEN_PROPS = "Show Hidden Properties"
DOC_DLG_SHOW_SUBPROPS = "Show Subproperties"
DOC_DLG_SHOW_ARRAY_ELEMS = "Show Array Elements"
DOC_DLG_MAX_ELEMS = "Maximum Number of Elements to Show"
DOC_DLG_LAUNCH_VIEWER = "Launch Viewer When Done"
DOC_DLG_DEST_FILE_PATH = "Destination File Path:"
DOC_DLG_FILE_DLG_HTML_FILTER = "HTML (*.html)|*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
DOC_DLG_FILE_DLG_TEXT_FILTER = "Text (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
DOC_DLG_STATUS_GLOBALS = "Documenting Station Globals"
DOC_DLG_STATUS_SFGLOBALS = "Documenting Sequence File Globals"
DOC_DLG_STATUS_PARAMS = "Documenting Sequence Parameters for "
DOC_DLG_STATUS_LOCALS = "Documenting Sequence Locals for "
DOC_DLG_STATUS_STEPS = "Documenting Steps for "
DOC_DLG_LOCKED_FILE_LBL Line0001 = "Note: The sequence file is locked and the contents are not viewable. The sequence file\n"
DOC_DLG_LOCKED_FILE_LBL Line0002 = "documentation will not include any sequence details."
DOC_STATION_GLOBALS = "Station Globals:"
SFDOC_TOOLMENU_TEXT = "Sequence File Documentation..."
SFDOC_TOOLMENU_SUBMENU = "Sequence File Documentation"
TEXT_SFDOC_TOOLMENU_ITEM = "Generate Text Documentation..."
HTML_SFDOC_TOOLMENU_ITEM = "Generate HTML Documentation..."
DOC_TITLE = "Sequence File Documentation"
DOC_HEADER_SEPARATOR = "---------------------------------------"
DOC_HEADER = "Sequence File Documentation Created On:"
DOC_DATE = "Date:"
DOC_TIME = "Time:"
DOC_OPERATOR = "By Operator:"
DOC_LOAD_AND_UNLOAD_OPTION = "Module Load and Unload Options:"
DOC_LOAD_OPTION = "Module Load Option:"
DOC_UNLOAD_OPTION = "Module Unload Option:"
DOC_DISABLE_RESULTS = "Disable Results for All Steps:"
DOC_SEQFILE_LOCKED = "Sequence file is locked"
DOC_SEQFILE_NUM_SEQUENCES = "Number of sequences:"
DOC_SEQFILE_NUM_STEPS = "Total number of steps:"
DOC_SEQFILE_DEFAULT_BATCH_SYNC = "Default Batch Synchronization:"
DOC_SEQFILE_GLOBALS = "Sequence File Globals:"
DOC_SEQ_NAME = "Sequence: "
DOC_SEQ_COMMENT = "Comment:"
DOC_SEQ_GOTO_CLEANUP_ON_FAIL = "Goto Cleanup on failure:"
DOC_SEQ_TYPE = "Type:"
DOC_SEQ_TYPE_CONFIG_ENTRY_POINT = "Configuration Entry Point"
DOC_SEQ_NUM_MAIN_STEPS = "Number of Main steps:"
DOC_SEQ_NUM_SETUP_STEPS = "Number of Setup steps:"
DOC_SEQ_NUM_CLEANUP_STEPS = "Number of Cleanup steps:"
DOC_SEQ_PARAMS = "Parameters:"
DOC_SEQ_LOCALS = "Locals:"
DOC_STEP_NAME = "Step: "
DOC_STEP_TYPE = "StepType:"
DOC_STEP_TYPE_AND_ADAPTER = "StepType, Adapter:"
DOC_STEP_DESC = "Description:"
DOC_STEP_PRECOND = "Precondition:"
DOC_STEP_COMP_TYPE = "Comparison Type:"
DOC_STEP_LIMIT_STRING = "Expected String:"
DOC_STEP_EXEC_FLOW = "Flow Properties:"
DOC_FILE_SELECT_TITLE = "Save Sequence File Documentation:"
DOC_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY_VIEW_NOW = "'%s' was created successfully. View it now?"
DOC_PROGDLG_TITLE = "Generating Sequence File Documentation"
DOC_STEP_STEP_FAIL_SEQ_FAIL = "Step Fail Causes Seq Fail:"
DOC_STEP_IGNORE_RTE = "Ignore Run-Time Error:"
DOC_STEP_PRE_EXPR = "Pre-Expression:"
DOC_STEP_POST_EXPR = "Post-Expression:"
DOC_STEP_STATUS_EXPR = "Status Expression:"
DOC_STEP_LOOP_INIT_EXPR = "Loop Initialization Expression:"
DOC_STEP_LOOP_INC_EXPR = "Loop Incrementation Expression:"
DOC_STEP_LOOP_WHILE_EXPR = "Loop While Expression:"
DOC_STEP_LOOP_STATUS_EXPR = "Loop Status Expression:"
DOC_STEP_LOOP_REC_ITER = "Record loop iteration results:"
DOC_STEP_PASS_ACT = "Pass Action:"
DOC_STEP_PASS_ACT_TARGET = "Pass Action Target:"
DOC_STEP_FAIL_ACT = "Fail Action:"
DOC_STEP_FAIL_ACT_TARGET = "Fail Action Target:"
DOC_STEP_CUST_ACT_EXPR = "Custom Action Expression:"
DOC_STEP_CUST_TRUE_ACT = "Custom True Action:"
DOC_STEP_CUST_TRUE_ACT_TARGET = "Custom True Action Target:"
DOC_STEP_CUST_FALSE_ACT = "Custom False Action:"
DOC_STEP_CUST_FALSE_ACT_TARGET = "Custom False Action Target:"
SFCONV_TOOLMENU_SUBMENU = "Tool for migrated menu item removed from TestStand 2012"
LV_SFCONV_TOOLMENU_ITEM = "Tool for migrated menu item removed from TestStand 2012"
CVI_SFCONV_TOOLMENU_ITEM = "Tool for migrated menu item removed from TestStand 2012"
TOOLMENU_ITEM = "Deploy TestStand System..."
WINDOW_TITLE = "Assemble Test VIs for Run-Time Distribution"
CONTINUE_BTN = "Continue"
CANCEL_BTN = "Cancel"
YES_BTN = "Yes"
OVERWRITE_MSG= "The VI:%s already exists. Overwrite it?"
YES_ALL_BTN = "Yes to All"
NO_BTN = "No"
ADD_BTN = "Add"
SUCCESS_MSG = "VIs packaged successfully. Ensure that you add the target directory to the TestStand search paths list in the distribution installation."
ERROR_MSG = "Error While Packaging VIs."
NO_VIS_MSG = "These sequence files do not contain steps that use the LabVIEW Standard Prototype Adapter, or the specified paths are invalid."
INVALID_VIS_MSG Line0001 = "This sequence file contains one or more steps that use the LabVIEW Standard Prototype Adapter "
INVALID_VIS_MSG Line0002 = "but have invalid path specifications."
NO_VIS_TITLE = "Assemble Test VIs"
READING_VI_PATH_MSG = " Reading VI Paths"
OVERWRITE_SOURCE_MSG Line0001 = "You cannot assemble the VIs to the same directory as the source VIs.\n\n"
OVERWRITE_SOURCE_MSG Line0002 = "You are attempting to assemble the following source VIs to the same location.\n\n"
OVERWRITE_SOURCE_MSG Line0003 = "Click OK to select another directory."
DUPLICATE_PATH_ERROR = "Duplicate path to the following VI:\n"
OVERWRITE_DUP_PATH Line0001 = "The VI:%s already exists.\n"
OVERWRITE_DUP_PATH Line0002 = "Overwrite it?"
MULT_WINDOW_TITLE = "Select Sequence Files"
PACKAGING_MSG = " Packaging VIs"
ASK_DYNAMIC_MSG Line0001 = "If the tests call VIs dynamically using VI Server, \n"
ASK_DYNAMIC_MSG Line0002 = "you must manually add the dynamically called VIs.\n"
DYNAMIC_MSG Line0001 = "If you call VIs dynamically using VI Server, you must manually add those VIs so that they\n"
DYNAMIC_MSG Line0002 = "are packaged. Click the Browse button to find a VI, then modify the relative path and\n"
DYNAMIC_MSG Line0003 = "click the Add button to add the VI to the package. Click Continue to package the VIs.\n"
VIS_IN_PACKAGE_MSG = "The top-level VIs included in this package are:\n"
ABS_PATH_LABEL = "Absolute Path"
REL_PATH_LABEL = "Relative Path"
BROWSE_BTN = "Browse"
DefaultPacking = "Default Adapter Packing"
1BytePacking = "1 Byte Boundary"
2BytePacking = "2 Byte Boundary"
4BytePacking = "4 Byte Boundary"
8BytePacking = "8 Byte Boundary"
16BytePacking = "16 Byte Boundary"
Real32 = "32-bit Real Number (float)"
Real64 = "64-bit Real Number (double)"
Int8 = "Signed 8-bit Integer"
UInt8 = "Unsigned 8-bit Integer"
Int16 = "Signed 16-bit Integer"
UInt16 = "Unsigned 16-bit Integer"
Int32 = "Signed 32-bit Integer"
UInt32 = "Unsigned 32-bit Integer"
Int64 = "Signed 64-bit Integer"
UInt64 = "Unsigned 64-bit Integer"
8BitBool = "8-bit Boolean"
16BitBool = "16-bit Boolean"
32BitBool = "32-bit Boolean"
DispatchPtrObj = "Active X Automation IDispatch Pointer"
UnknownPtrObj = "Active X Automation IUnknown Pointer"
CVIAutomationHandle = "CVI Active X Automation Handle"
CString = "C String (const)"
UnicodeString = "Unicode String (const)"
CStringBuffer = "C String Buffer"
UnicodeStringBuffer = "Unicode String Buffer"
LabVIEWString = "LabVIEW String"
StoreArrayAsMember = "Embedded Array"
StorePointerToArray = "Pointer to Array"
StoreLabVIEWArray = "LabVIEW Array"
StoreStructAsMember = "Embedded Struct"
StorePointerToStruct = "Pointer to Struct"
StoreStringInline = "Inline String"
StorePointerToString = "Pointer to String"
ErrGeneralTitle = "Error"
ErrGeneralDesc = "The following error occurred:\n"
AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE = "ResultServer"
UNKNOWN_ITEM_EXCEPTION = "Expected item does not exist."
MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE = "ResultServer"
COMPLETED_STR = " items completed"
UNPROCESSED_STR = " items awaiting processing"
USER_STR = "User: "
TS_IN_Q_STR = "Waiting in queue"
TS_PROCESSING_STR = "Processing..."
TS_DONE_STR = "Done"
TS_DISABLED_STR = "Disabled"
TS_QING_STR = "Queueing..."
CONFIG_DATABASE_LABEL = "Database Options"
CONFIG_REPORT_LABEL = "Report Options"
PROCESS_MODEL_LABEL = "Process model (Determines available options in dialog boxes)"
CONFIGURE_DB_OPTIONS_DIALOG_TITLE = "Configure Database Options"
BROWSE_LABEL = "Browse..."
USE_INCOMING_RP_OPTIONS_LABEL = "Use report options from client process"
USE_INCOMING_DB_OPTIONS_LABEL = "Use database options from client process"
EMPTY_FILE_NAME_FULL_PATH_TEXT = "(No file specified)"
FILE_NOT_FOUND_FULL_PATH_TEXT = "(File not found)"
SEARCHING_FOR_PATH_TEXT = "(Searching for file . . .)"
INVALID_MODEL_PATH = "You must specify a sequence file that contains the Display Report Options sequence in the model combobox."
SEQUENCE_FILES = "Sequence Files"
END_PAREN = " )"
NO_DELETE_DEFAULT_MSG = "You cannot delete default report and database options."
NO_EDIT_DEFAULT = "You cannot edit default report and database options profile name."
ARE_YOU_SURE_MSG = "Do you want to delete the selected item(s)?"
NO_STATION = "No such station name exists."
NO_EMPTY_STATION_NAMES = "Station name cannot be empty."
COPY_STRING = "Copy of"
NO_ITEM_SELECTED = "You must select a station in the list view to edit."
POLL_LOCATION_LABEL = "Folder that contains incoming result files:"
HELP = "&Help"
FILE = "&File"
EDIT = "&Edit"
CONFIGURE = "&Configure"
VIEW = "&View"
ID_LOGIN = "&Login\tCtrl+L"
ID_LOGIN_PROMPT = "Logs in a new user"
ID_UNLOAD_ALL_MODULES = "Unload All &Modules"
ID_UNLOAD_ALL_MODULES_PROMPT = "Unloads all modules"
ID_APP_EXIT = "E&xit"
ID_APP_EXIT_PROMPT = "Quits the application; prompts to save documents"
ID_DELETE = "&Delete\tDel"
ID_DELETE_PROMPT = "Removes item(s) from list"
ID_SELECT_ALL = "Select A&ll\tCtrl+A"
ID_SELECT_ALL_PROMPT = "Selects all items in the queue"
ID_SERVER_OPTIONS = "&Server Options"
ID_SERVER_OPTIONS_PROMPT = "Configures the server options"
ID_EXTERNAL_VIEWERS = "&External Viewers..."
ID_EXTERNAL_VIEWERS_PROMPT = "Configures external viewers"
ID_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES = "Searc&h Directories..."
ID_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES_PROMPT = "Opens the TestStand search directory dialog box"
ID_CONFIGURE_REPORT = "&Report Options.."
ID_CONFIGURE_REPORT_PROMPT = "Opens the Configure Report Options dialog box"
ID_CONFIGURE_DATABASE = "&Database Options.."
ID_CONFIGURE_DATABASE_PROMPT = "Opens the Configure Database Options dialog box"
ID_UNPROCESSED_RESULTS = "&Unprocessed Results"
ID_UNPROCESSED_RESULTS_PROMPT = "View unprocessed results list"
ID_PROCESSED_RESULTS = "&Processed Results"
ID_PROCESSED_RESULTS_PROMPT = "View processed results log"
ID_VIEW_REPORT = "&View Report"
ID_VIEW_REPORT_PROMPT = "Displays report associated with the selected item"
ID_APP_ABOUT = "&About ResultServer..."
ID_APP_ABOUT_PROMPT = "Displays program information, version number, and copyright"
ID_START_TOOLTIP = "Start Processing"
ID_START_PROMPT = "Start Processing"
ID_STOP_TOOLTIP = "Stop after processing current results"
ID_STOP_PROMPT = "Suspend data processing after current set of results"
ID_TERMINATE_TOOLTIP = "Terminate Processing Immediately"
ID_TERMINATE_PROMPT = "Immediately suspend data processing"
ID_MOVE_UP_PROMPT = "Move item(s) up in queue"
ID_MOVE_DOWN_PROMPT = "Move item(s) down in queue"
ID_DISABLE_PROMPT = "Disable current item(s)"
IDR_MAINFRAME = "ResultServer\n\nResult\n\n\nResultServer.Document\nResult Document"
AFX_IDS_SCSIZE = "Change the window size"
AFX_IDS_SCMOVE = "Change the window position"
AFX_IDS_SCMINIMIZE = "Reduce the window to an icon"
AFX_IDS_SCMAXIMIZE = "Enlarge the window to full size"
AFX_IDS_SCRESTORE = "Restore the window to normal size"
AFX_IDS_SCTASKLIST = "Activate Task List"
RESULT_FILE_LV_HEADER = "Result File Path"
ERROR_CREATING_RP_DIALOG = "An error occurred while initializing the Report Options dialog box. TestStand cannot continue."
ERROR_CREATING_DB_DIALOG = "An error occurred while initializing the Database Options dialog box. TestStand cannot continue."
PropFlags_NotEditable = "NotEditable"
PropFlags_PassByReference = "PassByReference"
PropFlags_Hidden = "Hidden"
PropFlags_HiddenInTypes = "HiddenInTypes"
PropFlags_DontTypeCheckParameter = "DontTypeCheckParemeter"
PropFlags_Propagate = "Propagate"
PropFlags_PermitPropagation = "PermitPropagation"
PropFlags_IsMeasurementValue = "IsMeasurementValue"
PropFlags_IsLimit = "IsLimit"
PropFlags_IncludeInReport = "IncludeInReport"
PropFlags_DontCopyToResults = "DontCopyToResults"
PropFlags_NotDeletable = "NotDeletable"
PropFlags_CommentNotEditable = "CommentNotEditable"
PropFlags_NameNotEditable = "NameNotEditable"
PropFlags_ExcludeFromComparison = "ExcludeFromComparison"
PropFlags_Shared = "Shared"
PropFlags_SharedAtRunTime = "SharedAtRunTime"
PropFlags_ExcludeFromCopy = "ExcludeFromCopy"
PropFlags_UnstructuredProperty = "UnstructuredProperty"
RTS = "Sequence Properties"
EPNameExpr = "Entry Point Name Expression"
EPEnabledExpr = "Entry Point Enabled Expression"
EPMenuHint = "Entry Point Menu Hint"
EPIgnoreClient = "Entry Point Ignores Client File"
EPInitiallyHidden = "Hide Entry Point Execution"
EPCheckToSaveTitledFile = "Save Modified Sequence Files Before Execution"
EPCheckToLoadNewerFile = "Load Stale Sequence Files Before Execution"
ShowEPForFileWin = "Show Entry Point When Client File Window is Active"
ShowEPForExeWin = "Show Entry Point When Execution Window is Active"
CopyStepsOnOverriding = "Copy Steps and Locals When Creating an Overriding Sequence"
OptimizeNonReentrantCalls = "Optimize Non-Reentrant Calls to This Sequence"
ShowEPAlways = "Show Entry Point for All Windows"
ShowEPForEditorOnly = "Show Entry Point Only in Editor"
AllowIntExeOfEP = "Allow Interactive Execution of Entry Point"
Data = "File Properties"
Seq = "Sequences"
FileGlobalDefaults = "File Globals"
ModelFile = "Model File"
LoadOpt = "Load Option"
UnloadOpt = "Unload Option"
ModelOption = "Model Option"
BatchSync = "Default Batch Synchronization"
SFGlobalsScope = "Sequence File Globals Scope"
Users = "Users"
UserTemplates = "Groups"
TS = "Step Properties"
SData = "Module Properties"
Id = "Step Id"
PreCond = "Preconditions"
LoadOpt = "Load Option"
UnloadOpt = "Unload Option"
Mode = "Run Mode"
WindowActivation = "TestStand Window Activation"
NoResult = "Discard Results"
StepFCSeqF = "Step Failure Causes Sequence Failure"
IgnoreRTE = "Ignore Runtime Errors"
PassAct = "On Pass"
FailAct = "On Fail"
PassActTarget = "On Pass Target"
FailActTarget = "On Fail Target"
CustExpr = "Custom Condition Expression"
CustTrueAct = "On Custom Condition True"
CustFalseAct = "On Custom Condition False"
CustTrueActTarget = "On Custom Condition True Target"
CustFalseActTarget = "On Custom Condition False Target"
LoopType = "Loop Type"
LoopWhile = "Loop While Expression"
LoopStatus = "Loop Status Expression"
LoopIncrement = "Loop Increment Expression"
LoopInitialize = "Loop Initialize Expression"
LoopOpt = "Loop Options"
PreExpr = "Pre-Expression"
PostExpr = "Post-Expression"
StatusExpr = "Status Expression"
HasModule = "Has Module"
CanSpecifyModule = "Can Specify Module"
CanEditCode = "Can Edit Code"
CanEditModulePrototype = "Can Edit Module Prototype"
PrecondIntExe = "Precondition Evaluation in Interactive Mode"
UseMutex = "Use Lock"
BatchSyncOpt = "Batch Synchronization Option"
MutexNameOrRef = "Lock Name Or Reference"
SwitchEnabled = "Switch Enabled"
VirtualDeviceName = "Virtual Device Name"
SwitchOperation = "Switching Operation"
RouteGroupConnect = "Route(s) to Connect"
RouteGroupDisconnect = "Route(s) to Disconnect"
MulticonnectMode = "Multiconnect Mode"
OperationOrder = "Connect/Disconnect Operation Order"
ConnectionLifetime = "Connection Lifetime"
WaitForDebounce = "Wait For Debounce"
ResultOption = "Result Recording Option"
GotoCleanupOnFail = "Go to Cleanup on Sequence Failure"
RecordResults = "Record Results"
FailureAction = "Failure Action"
RTS = "Sequence Properties"
SData = "Flexible LabVIEW Adapter Properties"
ProjectPath = "Project Pathname"
ViPath = "VI Pathname"
RemoteProjectPath = "Remote Project Path"
RemoteVIPath = "Remote VI Path"
ShowFrnPnl = "Show VI Front Panel When Called"
ViDescription = "VI Description"
TDChecksum = "Connector Pane Checksum"
AutoDetectLVRT = "Automatically Detect LabVIEW Run-Time Engine"
RemoteHost = "Remote Host"
RemoteHostByExpr = "Specify Host By Expression"
Parms = "Parameters"
SData = "Sequence Adapter Properties"
SFPath = "File Pathname"
SeqName = "Sequence Name"
SFPathExpr = "File Pathname Expression"
SeqNameExpr = "Sequence Name Expression"
ActualArgs = "Actual Arguments"
UseCurFile = "Use Current File"
SpecifyByExpr = "Specify Expressions for Pathname and Sequence"
Async = "Run Subsequence in a New Thread"
AutoWaitAsync = "Wait for Subsequence to Complete at End of Current Sequence"
AsyncThreadExpr = "Expression to Store an Object Reference to the New Thread In"
AsyncApartmentThreaded = "Use Single-Threaded Apartment"
RemoteExecution = "Remote Execution"
RemoteHost = "Remote Host"
RemoteHostExpr = "Remote Host Expression"
SpecifyHostByExpr = "Specify Host By Expression"
UsePrototype = "Use The Stored Prototype Instead Of The One From The Selected Sequence"
SpecifyByExpression = "Specify By Expression"
IgnoreTerminate = "Ignore Terminate"
CreateThreadSuspended = "Initially Suspended"
ThreadOpt = "Multithreading Execution Options"
ExecModelOpt = "Process Model Option"
ExecTypeMask = "Additional Execution Type Mask Settings"
ExecTypeMaskExpr = "Execution Type Mask Expression"
ExecBreakOnEntryExpr = "Break on Entry"
ExecModelPath = "Model Pathname"
ExecModelPathExpr = "Model Pathname Expression"
ExecSync = "Synchronous"
SData = "HTBasic Adapter Properties"
SubName = "Subroutine Name"
SetWorkingDirType = "HTBasic Working Directory"
ShowApp = "Show HTBasic Application When Called"
SeqContextType = "Pass Sequence Context"
ModulePath = "Subroutine File Pathname"
WorkingDirPath = "Working Directory Path"
SData = "DLL Flexible Adapter Properties"
LibPath = "DLL Pathname"
Func = "Function"
Conv = "Calling Conventions"
ModuleSrcPath = "Module Source Path"
Parms = "Parameters"
ModulePrjPath = "Project File"
ModuleWorkspacePath = "Workspace File"
ModuleCreateSrcType = "Create Code Type"
SData = "LabWindows/CVI Adapter Properties"
ModuleSrcPath = "Pathname of Source File Containing Function"
AlwaysRunInProcess = "Always Run In Process"
ModulePrjPath = "Pathname of CVI Project File to Open"
ModuleWorkspacePath = "Workspace File"
LibPath = "Module Pathname"
Func = "Function Name"
Conv = "Calling Conventions"
ModuleType = "Module Type"
Parms = "Parameters"
SeqContextType = "Pass Sequence Context"
ArrayDimensionsSize = "Dimensions"
SData = "ActiveX/COM Adapter Properties"
ObjectVariable = "Object Reference"
ServerName = "Server Name"
CreateObject = "Create Object"
CreateFromFilePath = "Create Object From File Path"
CoClassName = "CoClass Name"
InterfaceName = "Interface Name"
RemoteMachine = "Remote Host"
RemoteMachineByExpr = "Specify Expression for Host"
UseLoadSpec = "Use Step Load/Unload Options to Specify Object Creation Time and Lifetime"
MakeCall = "Call Method or Access Class"
MemberType = "Member Type"
MemberName = "Member Name"
HasMemberInfo = "Has Member Information"
HasReturnValue = "Has Return Value"
TypeLibLocale = "Type Library Locale"
TypeLibVersion = "Type Library Version"
Name = "Parameter Name"
ArgVal = "Argument Value"
ArgDisplayVal = "Argument Display Value"
Type = "Object Type"
DisplayType = "Object Display Type"
TypeValid = "Is Type Valid"
Direction = "Parameter Direction"
IsUserOptional = "Is User Optional"
IsServerOptional = "Is Server Optional"
IsByRef = "Is by Reference"
IsSafeArray = "Is Safe Array"
VTableIndex = "Virtual Table Index"
SData = "DotNet Adapter Properties"
Call = "DotNet Call"
AssemblyPath = "Assembly Path"
AssemblyStrongName = "Global Assembly Strong Name"
AssemblyLocation = "Assembly Location"
ClassVariable = "Object Reference"
ClassName = "Class"
IsStruct = "Is Struct"
CreateInstance = "Create Object or Initialize Struct"
DisposeCreatedInstance = "Call Dispose on Release of Object"
RemoteSpecifyExpr = "Specify Expression for Host"
RemoteURL = "Remote URL"
RemoteUseLoadSpec = "Use Step Load/Unload Options to Specify Object Creation Time and Lifetime"
CallMember = "Call Method or Access Property"
MemberType = "Member Type"
HasReturnValue = "Has Return Value"
Params = "Parameters"
ConstructorParams = "Constructor Parameters"
StructDef = "Structure Definition"
ModuleSrcPath = "Source File Containing Function"
ModulePrjPath = "Visual Studio DotNet Project File"
ModuleSlnPath = "Visual Studio DotNet Solution File"
FunctionName = "Name Of Method"
SData = "None Adapter Properties"
TS = "Step Properties"
Executable = "Executable Pathname"
Arguments = "Argument Expression"
WaitCondition = "Wait Condition"
TimeToWait = "Time to Wait(sec)"
InitialWindowState = "Initial Window State"
TerminateOnAbort = "Terminate Executable If Step is Terminated or Aborted"
ProcessHandle = "Process Handle"
ExitCodeStatusAction = "Exit Code Status Action"
TS = "Step Properties"
TitleExpr = "Title Expression"
MessageExpr = "Message Expression"
Button1Label = "Button 1 Label"
Button2Label = "Button 2 Label"
Button3Label = "Button 3 Label"
Button4Label = "Button 4 Label"
CenterDialog = "Center Dialog"
ShowResponse = "Show Response Text Box"
MaxResponseLength = "Maximum Response String Length"
DefaultResponse = "Default Response String"
ButtonLocation = "Button Arrangement"
ActiveCtrl = "Active Control"
DefaultButton = "Default Button"
CancelButton = "Cancel Button"
TimerButton = "Timeout Button"
TimeToWait = "Time to Wait(sec)"
TS = "Step Properties"
TS = "Step Properties"
Comp = "Comparison Type"
InBuf = "In Buffer"
DataSource = "Data Source Expression"
DataSource = "Data Source Expression"
UseIndividualDataSources = "Specify a Data Source for Each Measurement"
InBuf = "In Buffer"
NumericArray = "Numeric Array"
DataSourceArray = "Data Source Array"
TS = "Step Properties"
TS = "Step Properties"
String = "Expected String Value"
Comp = "Comparison Type"
InBuf = "In Buffer"
DataSource = "Data Source Expression"
TS = "Step Properties"
InBuf = "In Buffer"
DataSource = "Data Source Expression"
TS = "Step Properties"
DisplayType = "Display Type"
IsByRef = "Is By Reference"
IsUserOptional = "Is User Optional"
ArgVal = "Value"
ArgDisplayVal = "Enum Value"
IsSafeArray = "Is Safe Array"
Type = "Category"
ObjType = "Object Type"
StructType = "Struct Type"
NumType = "Numeric Data Type"
NumPass = "Number Pass"
StrPass = "String Pass"
ElemPass = "Element Pass"
ArrayDimensionsSize = "Dimensions"
StrSize = "Buffer Size"
ResultAct = "Result Action"
ArgVal = "Value Expression"
ArgDisplayVal = "Enum Value"
ArgValImag = "Imaginary Value Expression"
EnumerationType = "Enumeration Type"
Type = "Category"
ObjType = "Object Type"
StructType = "Struct Type"
NumType = "Numeric Data Type"
NumPass = "Number Pass"
StrPass = "String Pass"
ElemPass = "Element Pass"
ArrayDimensions = "Dimensions"
ArrayDimensionSize = "Size of Array Dimensions"
StrSize = "Buffer Size"
ResultAct = "Result Action"
ArgVal = "Value Expression"
ArgDisplayVal = "Enum Value"
ArgValImag = "Imaginary Value Expression"
EnumerationType = "Enumeration Type"
ArgVal = "Value Expression"
ArgDisplayVal = "Enum Value"
DisplayType = "Display Type"
IsOptional = "Optional"
CallDispose = "Dispose"
IsArray = "Is Array"
MultiElement = "Array/Struct Elements"
UseDef = "Use Default"
Expr = "Value Expression"
ArgVal = "Value Expression"
ArgDisplayVal = "Enum Value"
WireRequirement = "Wire Requirement"
ArrayType = "Array Type"
ClusterType = "Cluster Type"
NumType = "Numeric Data Type"
ReferenceType = "Reference Type"
StrPass = "String Passing"
DisplayType = "Display Type"
ComplexParts = "Complex Number Parts"
ArrayClusterProto = "Array Cluster Prototype"
ArrayClusterEls = "Array/Cluster Elements"
ConnectorNumber = "Connector Number"
LegacyClusterType = "Legacy Cluster Data Type"
UseDefaultValues = "Use VI Control Default Value"
ArgVal = "Value Expression"
ArgDisplayVal = "Enum Value"
WireRequirement = "Wire Requirement"
ArrayType = "Array Type"
ClusterType = "Cluster Type"
NumType = "Numeric Data Type"
ReferenceType = "Reference Type"
StrPass = "String Passing"
DisplayType = "Display Type"
ComplexParts = "Complex Number Parts"
ArrayClusterProto = "Array Cluster Prototype"
ArrayClusterEls = "Array/Cluster Elements"
TS = "Step Properties"
File = "Limits File"
UseExpr = "Use Expression to Specify File"
FileExpr = "File Expression"
Format = "File Format"
StartMarkerExpr = "String Expression That Indicates Start of Data"
EndMarkerExpr = "String Expression That Indicates End of Data"
Skip = "Skip Rows That Begin With"
MapColumnsUsingFirstRow = "Map Columns Using First Row"
ColumnMapping = "Specify Column for Step Property Mapping"
DecimalPoint = "Decimal Point Format"
TS = "Step Properties"
TS = "Step Properties"
TS = "Step Properties"
Timeout = "Timeout(ms)"
TimeoutEnabled = "Timeout Enabled"
ErrorOnTimeout = "Timeout Causes Runtime Error"
SpecifyBy = "Specify Thread By"
ThreadRefExpr = "Thread Reference Expression"
SeqCallName = "Sequence Call Name"
SeqCallStepGroupIdx = "Sequence Call Step Group"
Data = "File Properties"
Seq = "Sequences"
FileGlobalDefaults = "File Globals"
Data = "File Properties"
Seq = "Sequences"
FileGlobalDefaults = "File Globals"
ColumnListSource = ""
ColumnList = ""
PropertiesListSource = "Properties List Source"
ProperiesList = ""
DataSourceType = "Data Location"
Skip = "Skip Rows That Begin With"
Path = "File Location"
DecimalPoint = "Decimal Point"
UseExpr = "Use Expression to Specify File"
FileExpr = "File Name Expression"
StartMarkerExpr = "Start of Data Marker"
EndMarkerExpr = "End of Data Marker"
MapColumnsUsingFirstRow = "First Row of Data Specifies Step Property of Each Column"
SQLStatementHandle = "Statement Handle"
SQLStatement = "SQL SELECT Statement"
StepNameColumn = "Step Name Column"
AppendTypeName = "Append Data Type to Column Name"
MaxColumnSize = "Max Size for Column Names"
FilterUsingColumnList = "Only Import Rows that Match the Specific Column Values"
PropertyName = "Property Name"
ColumnName = "Column Name/Number"
ColumnName = "Column Name/Number"
Data = "Value"
FormatString = "Format String"
ColumnNumber = "Column Number"
WriteNull = "Write Null"
NameOrRefExpr = "Lock Name Expression"
AlreadyExistsExpr = "Already Exists?"
LifeTimeRefExpr = "Lock Lifetime Reference Expression"
LifeTime = "Lock Reference Lifetime"
TimeoutEnabled = "Timeout Enabled"
TimeOutExpr = "Timeout Expression (seconds)"
ErrorOnTimeout = "Timeout Causes Runtime Error"
NumThreadsWaitingExpr = "Number of Threads Waiting to Lock the Lock"
LockLifetime = "Lock Operation Lifetime"
CreateIfDoesNotExist = "Create If Does Not Exist"
TimeoutEnabled = "Timeout Enabled"
TimeoutExpr = "Timeout Expression (seconds)"
ErrorOnTimeout = "Timeout Causes Run-time Error"
SectionNameExpr = "Section Name"
SectionType = "Section Type"
NameOrRefExpr = "Batch Name Expression"
LifetimeRefExpr = " Batch Reference Lifetime"
AlreadyExistsExpr = "Already Exists?"
ThreadRefExpr = "Object Reference to Thread"
OrderNumExpr = "Order Number (lowest number thread goes first)"
NumThreadsWaitingExpr = "Number of Threads Waiting at Synchronized Sections"
NumThreadsInBatchExpr = "Number of Threads in Batch"
DefaultBatchSyncExpr = "Default Batch Synchronization"
DefaultBathSyncOutExpr = "Default Batch Synchronization (Output)"
NameOrRefExpr = "Semaphore Name Expression"
LifetimeRefExpr = "Semaphore Lifetime Reference"
TimeoutExpr = "Timeout Expression (seconds)"
ErrorOnTimeout = "Timeout Causes Runtime Error"
AlreadyExistsExpr = "Already Exists?"
InitialCountExpr = "Initial Semaphore Count"
NumThreadsWaitingExpr = "Number of Threads Waiting to Acquire the Semaphore"
InitialCountOutExpr = "Initial Semaphore Count (Output)"
CurrentCountExpr = "Current Count"
Lifetime = "Semaphore Reference Lifetime"
AutoRelease = "Auto Release"
TimeoutEnabled = "Timeout Enabled"
AcquireLifetime = "Acquire Lifetime"
NameOrRefExpr = "Rendezvous Name Expression"
LifetimeRefExpr = "Rendezvous Lifetime Reference"
TimeoutExpr = "Timeout Expression (seconds)"
ErrorOnTimeout = "Timeout Causes Runtime Error"
AlreadyExistsExpr = "Already Exists?"
RendezvousCountExpr = "Number of Threads Per Rendezvous"
NumThreadsWaitingExpr = "Number of Threads Waiting for Rendezvous"
RendezvousCountOutExpr = "Number of Threads Per Rendezvous (Output)"
Lifetime = "Rendezvous Reference Lifetime"
TimeoutEnabled = "Timeout Enabled"
NameOrRefExpr = "Queue Name Expression"
LifetimeRefExpr = "Queue Lifetime Reference"
TimeoutExpr = "Timeout Expression (seconds)"
ErrorOnTimeout = "Timeout Causes Runtime Error"
AlreadyExistsExpr = "Already Exists?"
MaxNumElementsExpr = "Maximum Number of Elements"
MaxNumElementsOutExpr = "Maximum Number of Elements (Output)"
NumThreadsWaitingEnqueueExpr = "Number of Threads Waiting to Enqueue"
NumThreadsWaitingDequeueExpr = "Number of Threads Waiting to Dequeue"
NumElementsExpr = "Number of Elements (Output)"
DataExpr = "Location to Store Array of Queue Elements (Output)"
ByRef = "Store by Reference Instead of by Value"
EnqueueLocation = "Insert at"
DequeueLocation = "Dequeue From"
FullQueueOption = "If the Queue is Full"
WhichQueueExpr = "Which Queue?"
TimeoutEnabled = "Timeout Enabled"
RemoveElement = "Remove Element"
NameOrRefExpr = "Notification Name Expression"
LifetimeRefExpr = "Notification Lifetime Reference"
TimeoutExpr = "Timeout Expression (seconds)"
ErrorOnTimeout = "Timeout Causes Runtime Error"
AlreadyExistsExpr = "Already Exists?"
NumThreadsWaitingExpr = "Number of Threads Waiting for Notification"
DataExpr = "Location to Store Data"
ByRef = "Store Data by Reference Instead of by Value"
WhichNotificationExpr = "Which Notification?"
IsSetExpr = "Is Set?"
IsAutoClearExpr = "Is Auto Clear?"
AutoClear = "Auto Clear after Notifying One Thread"
PulseNotifyOpt = "Pulse Notification Option"
TimeoutExpr = "Timeout Expression (seconds)"
ErrorOnTimeout = "Timeout Causes Runtime Error"
ThreadRefExpr = "Object Reference of Thread to Wait For"
TimeExpr = "Specify the Amount of Time to Wait"
WaitForTarget = "Wait for"
SpecifyBySeqCall = "Specify by Sequence Call"
SeqCallName = "Sequence Call Name"
SeqCallStepGroupIdx = "Sequence Call Step Group"
ExecutionRefExpr = "Object Reference of Execution to Wait For"
TimeoutEnabled = "Timeout Enabled"
SetPriorityExpr = "New Thread Priority"
GetPriorityExpr = "Location to Store Thread Priority"
LogicalName = "Logical Name"
InstrOperation = "Operation"
SettingsSource = "Settings Property/Variable"
ACMaxFreq = "Max AC Freq"
ACMinFreq = "Min AC Freq"
MeasFunction = "Measurement Function"
RangeMode = "Range Mode"
Range = "Value (+/-)"
TriggerDelayMode = "Trigger Delay Mode"
TriggerDelay = "Trigger Delay Value"
TriggerSource = "Trigger Source"
MeasCompleteDest = "Multi Point - Meas Complete Dest"
SampleCount = "Multi Point - Sample Count"
SampleInterval = "Multi Point - Sample Interval (ms)"
SampleTrigger = "Multi Point - Sample Trigger"
TriggerCount = "Multi Point - Trigger Count"
VoltageRangeForFreq = " Voltage Range for Freq (Vrms)"
AutoZero = "Auto Zero"
PowerlineFreq = "Powerline Freq"
TriggerSlope = "Trigger Slope"
TransducerType = "Transducer Type"
TCType = "Thermocouple - Type"
TCRefJunctionType = "Reference Junction - Type"
TCFixedRefJunction = "Reference Junction - Value"
RTDAlpha = "Rtd - Alpha"
RTDResistance = "Rtd - Resistance"
ThermistorResistance = "Thermistor - Resistance"
WindowTitle = "Window Title"
ShowModal = "Show Modal"
WaitForClose = "Wait for User to Close Before Continuing"
AllowControl = "Allow Control"
AllowUserToClose = "Allow User to Close"
CloseWhenSessionClosed = "Automatically Close Window When Execution is Released"
UseDefaultLocation = "Use Default Location"
AutoReadInterval = "Auto Read Interval"
Dest = "Measurement Destination"
DataType = "Data Type"
CopyDataToResult = "Copy Data to Execution Results"
TimeoutStatus = "Set Status on Timeout"
Timeout = "Timeout (ms)"
IsOverRangeStatus = "Set Status if Over-Range"
AutoRangeValue = "Get Auto Range Value"
ApertureTimeValue = "Get Aperture Time Info - Time"
ApertureTimeUnits = "Get Aperture Time Info - Units"
ActualRecordLength = "Get Actual Record Length"
SampleRate = "Get Sample Rate"
SampleMode = "Get Sample Mode"
AcquistionStatus = "Get Acquisition Status"
AutoProbeSenseValue = "Get Auto Probe Sense Value"
QueryMaxCurrentLimit = "Max Current Limit (Output)"
VoltageLevel = "Voltage Level (Input)"
QueryMaxVoltageLevel = "Max Voltage Level (Output)"
CurrentLimit = "Current Limit (Input)"
QueryOutputState = "Query Output State"
OutputState = "Value"
InstrOperation = "Operation"
SettingsSource = "Settings Property/Variable"
AcquisitionType = "Acquisition Type"
NumAverages = "Num Averages"
NumEnvelopes = "Num Envelopes"
MinNumPoints = "Horizontal - Min Num Points"
TimePerRecord = "Horizontal - Time Per Record"
AcqStartTime = "Horizontal = Acq Start Time"
MeasLowRef = "Measurement Low Reference"
MeasMidRef = "Measurement Middle Reference"
MeasHighRef = "Measurement High Reference"
Dest = "Measurement Destination"
IsOverRangeStatus = "Set Status if Over-Range"
CopyDataToResult = "Copy Data to Execution Results"
InstrOperation = "Operation"
SettingsSource = "Settings Property/Variable"
AutoStopStart = "Auto Stop/Start"
OutputMode = "Output Mode"
RefClockSource = "Ref Clock Source"
ArbSampleRate = "Arb Sample Rate"
InternalTriggerRate = "Internal Trigger Rate"
AMModulation = "AM Modulation Internal"
FMModulation = "FM Modulation Internal"
PreserveExistingChannels = "Preserve Existing Channels"
PreserveExistingArbWfms = "Preserve Existing Waveforms"
InternalDepth = "Depth"
InternalWaveForm = "WaveForm"
InternalFrequency = "Frequency"
InternalDeviation = "Deviation"
InternalWaveform = "Waveform"
InternalFrequency = "Frequency"
DcOffset = "Dc Offset"
DutyCycleHigh = "Duty Cycle High"
BurstCount = "Burst Count"
StartPhase = "Start Phase"
AMEnabled = "AM Modulation - Enabled"
AMSource = "AM Modulation - Source"
FMEnable = "FM Modulation - Enabled"
FMSource = "FM Modulation - Source"
MaxLoopCount = "Get Max Loop Count"
MaxNumSequences = "Get Max Num Sequences"
MaxSequenceLength = "Get Max Sequence Length"
MinSequenceLength = "Get Min Sequence Length"
MaxNumWaveforms = "Get Max Num Waveforms"
MaxWaveformSize = "Get Max Waveform Size"
MinWaveformSize = "Get Min Waveform Size"
WaveformQuantum = "Get Waveform Quantum"
InstrOperation = "Operation"
SettingsSource = "Settings Property/Variable"
SMReference = "Session Manager Reference"
DriverHandle = "C Driver Handle"
DriverReference = "COM Driver Reference"
ActiveXReference = "ActiveX Reference"
DoIdQuery = "Perform ID Query"
DoReset = "Reset"
OptionsString = "Additional Initialization Options"
ReInitBehavior = "ReInitialization Action"
PrimaryError = "Primary Error Code"
SecondaryError = "Secondary Error Code"
ErrorElaboration = "Error Elaboration"
InstrOperation = "Operation"
SettingsSource = "Settings Property/Variable"
ResetOutputProtection = "Reset Output Protection"
LogicalName = "Logical Name"
VoltageLevel = "Voltage Level (V)"
OutputRnageMode = "Output Range Mode"
VoltageRange = "Voltage Range (V)"
CurrentRange = "Current Range (A)"
CurrentLimitBehavior = "Current Limit Behavior"
CurrentLimit = "Current Limit"
OVPEnabled = "OVP Enabled"
OVPLimit = "OVP Limit"
TriggerSource = "Trigger Source"
TriggerCurrentLimit = "Trigger Current Limit"
TriggerVoltageLevel = "Trigger Voltage Level"
MeasureType = "Measurement Type"
Dest = "Measurement Destination"
LogicalName = "Logical Name"
InstrOperation = "Operation"
SettingsSource = "Settings Property/Variable"
IviOperation = "IVI Switch (True) or Switch Executive (False)"
SetPath = "Set Path"
ConnectDisconnect = "Connection/Disconnection Settings"
SoftFrontPanel = "Soft Front Panel"
GetInfo = "Get Information"
ScanningConfig = "Scanning Configuration"
SwitchExec = "Switch Executive"
RouteGroupToDisconnect = "Route(s) to Disconnect"
RouteGroupToConnect = "Route(s) to Connect"
ConnectionLifeTime = "Connection Lifetime"
WaitForDebounce = "Wait For Debounce"
OperationOrder = "Operation Order"
MulticonnectMode = "Multiconnect Mode"
FindRoute = "Find Route"
FindRouteChan1 = "Find Route Channel 1"
FindRouteChan2 = "Find Route Channel 2"
FindRouteStatus = "Find Route Status"
IsDebounced = "Is Debounced"
IsScanning = "Is Scanning"
CanConnect = "Can Connect"
CanConnectChan1 = "Can Connect Channel 1"
CanConnectChan2 = "Can Connect Channel 2"
IsDebounced = "Is Debounced"
GetPath = "Get Path"
GetPathChan1 = "Get Path Channel 1"
GetPathChan2 = "Get Path Channel 2"
GetNumOfColumns = "Get Number of Columns"
GetNumOfRows = "Get Number of Rows"
ChannelInfo = "Channel Info"
ChannelName = "Channel Name"
GetBandWidth = "Get Bandwidth"
GetCharacteristicImpedance = "Get Characteristic Impedance"
GetMaxACVoltage = "Get Max AC Voltage"
GetMaxCarryACCurrent = "Get Max Carry AC Current"
GetMaxCarryDCCurrent = "Get Max Carry DC Current"
GetMaxCarryDCPower = "Get Max Carry DC Power"
GetMaxDCVoltage = "Get Max DC Voltage"
GetMaxSwitchACCurrent = "Get Max Switch AC Current"
GetMaxSwitchACPower = "Get Max Switch AC Power"
GetMaxSwitchingDCCurrent = "Get Max Switch DC Current"
GetMaxSwitchingDCPower = "Get Max Switch DC Power"
GetSettlingTime = "Get Settling Time"
GetWireMode = "Get Wire Mode"
IsConfigurationChan = "Is Configuration Channel"
IsSourceChan = "Is Source Channel"
ScanList = "Scanning List"
ScanAdvancedOutput = "Scan Advanced Output"
ScanMode = "Scan Mode"
SoftwareScanMode = "Software Scan Mode"
TriggerInput = "Trigger Input"
ScanDelay = "Scan Delay"
ContinuousScan = "Continuous Scan"
WaitOperation = "Wait Operation"
MaxTime = "Max Time"
MakeConfigurationChanChannel = "Make Configuration Channel"
MakeConfiguation = "Make Configuration"
MakeSourceChanChannel = "Make Source Channel"
MakeSource = "Make Source"
SetPath = "Set Path"
ConnectionString = "Connection String"
DatabaseHandle = "Database Handle (Number)"
PageSize = "Page Size in Records"
CommandTimeout = "Command Timeout"
CacheSize = "Cache Size"
MaxRecordsToSelect = "Max Records to Select"
CursorType = "Cursor Type"
CursorLocation = "Cursor Location"
MarshalOptions = "Marshal Options"
LockType = "Lock Type"
CommandType = "Command Type"
DatabaseHandle = "Database Handle (Number)"
StatementHandle = "Statement Handle (Number)"
SQLStatement = "SQL Statement"
NumberOfRecordsSelected = "Number of Records Selected"
StatementHandle = "Statement Handle (Number)"
DatabaseHandle = "Database Handle (Number)"
DatabaseHandle = "Database Handle (Number)"
RecordToOperateOn = "Record to Operate On"
RecordIndex = "Record Index"
ColumnListSource = "Column List Source"
SQLStatement = "SQL Statement"
ColumnList = "Column Values"
MEASUREMENT = "Measurement"
NUMERIC = "Measurement"
CHANNEL = "Channel"
TYPE = "Type"
INITIALX = "Initial X"
DELTAX = "Delta X"
DATA = "Data"
LIMITS = "Limits"
LOW = "Low"
HIGH = "High"
COMP = "Comparison Type"
STRING = "String"
UNITS = "Units"
BUTTONHIT = "Button Index"
TIMEOUTOCCURED = "Timeout Occurred"
RESPONSE = "Dialog Response Text"
EXITCODE = "Exit Code"
NUMLIMITSINFILE = "Number of Limits in File"
NUMROWSINFILE = "Number of Rows in File"
NUMLIMITSAPPLIED = "Number of Limits Applied"
PASSFAIL = "Pass/Fail"
NUMPROPERTIESREAD = "Number of Properties Read"
NUMPROPERTIESAPPLIED = "Number of Properties Applied"
TIMEOUTOCCURRED = "Timeout Occurred"
READING = "Reading"
STATUS = "Status"
EQ = "EQ (==)"
EQT = "EQT (== +/-)"
NE = "NE (!=)"
GT = "GT (>)"
LT = "LT (<)"
GE = "GE (>=)"
LE = "LE (<=)"
GTLT = "GTLT (> <)"
GELE = "GELE (>= <=)"
GELT = "GELT (>= <)"
GTLE = "GTLE (> <=)"
LTGT = "LTGT (< >)"
LEGE = "LEGE (<= >=)"
LTGE = "LTGE (< >=)"
LEGT = "LEGT (<= >)"
LOG = "No Comparison"
CaseSensitive = "Case Sensitive"
IgnoreCase = "Ignore Case"
UnspecifiedError = "Unspecified Error"
NotInitialized = "Not initialized"
CantChangeReportFormat = "The Report Format cannot be changed once execution starts."
InvalidStepGroup = "Invalid Step Group"
InvalidSequenceContext = "Invalid Sequence Context"
ErrorCreatingTempReportFile = "An error occurred creating the temporary report file."
ErrorSavingReportFile = "An error occurred saving the report file."
UnableToLoadLibrary = "Unable to Load Library dbghelp.dll from the <TestStand>\\bin folder"
;; Note to translator: I want to separate an arbitrary number of strings with the word "or",
;; e.g. Number or String or Reference. The string would be build like this:
;; Number INFIX_OR String INFIX_OR Reference POSTFIX_OR. I'm under the impression that in Japanese
;; INFIX_OR and POSTFIX_OR can be the same word and this will make sense.
INFIX_OR = " or "
ELLIPSIS = "..."
NUM_STEPS_PANE_TEXT = "Number of Steps: %1"
CURRENT_STEP_INDEX_PANE_TEXT = "Current Step Index: %1"
STEP_INSERTION_POINT = "<Insertion Point>"
NUM_TESTS_PANE_TEXT = "Number of Tests: %1"
CURRENT_TEST_INDEX_PANE_TEXT = "Current Test Number: %1"
ModuleLoadOptions.LoadOption_PreloadWhenOpened = "Preload when opening sequence file"
ModuleLoadOptions.LoadOption_PreloadWhenExecuted = "Preload when execution begins"
ModuleLoadOptions.LoadOption_DynamicLoad = "Load dynamically"
ModuleUnloadOptions.UnloadOption_AfterSequenceExecution = "Unload after sequence executes"
ModuleUnloadOptions.UnloadOption_AfterStepExecution = "Unload after step executes"
ModuleUnloadOptions.UnloadOption_OnPreconditionFailure = "Unload when precondition fails"
ModuleUnloadOptions.UnloadOption_WithSequenceFile = "Unload when sequence file is unloaded"
WindowActivationOptions.WinActOption_ActivateWhenStepCompletes = "Activate when step completes"
WindowActivationOptions.WinActOption_IfActiveReactivateWhenStepCompletes = "If initially active, re-activate when step completes"
WindowActivationOptions.WinActOption_None = "No activation"
ResultRecordingOptions.ResultRecordingOption_Disabled = "Disabled"
ResultRecordingOptions.ResultRecordingOption_Enabled = "Enabled"
ResultRecordingOptions.ResultRecordingOption_EnabledAndOverrideSequenceSetting = "Enabled (override sequence setting)"
BatchSynchronizationOptions.BatchSyncOption_UseSeqFileSetting = "Use sequence file setting"
BatchSynchronizationOptions.BatchSyncOption_UseModelSetting = "Use model setting"
BatchSynchronizationOptions.BatchSyncOption_NoSync = "No synchronization"
BatchSynchronizationOptions.BatchSyncOption_Serial = "Serial (one thread at a time)"
BatchSynchronizationOptions.BatchSyncOption_Parallel = "Parallel (all threads enter simultaneously)"
BatchSynchronizationOptions.BatchSyncOption_OneThreadOnly = "One thread only (first thread executes step, remaining threads skip)"
EvalPrecondOptions.EvalPrecondOption_EvaluatePrecond = "Evaluate precondition"
EvalPrecondOptions.EvalPrecondOption_NoEvaluatePrecond = "Do not evaluate precondition"
EvalPrecondOptions.EvalPrecondOption_UseStationOption = "Use station option"
PostActionValues.PostAction_NextStep = "Goto next step"
PostActionValues.PostAction_GotoStep = "Goto step"
PostActionValues.PostAction_Terminate = "Terminate execution"
PostActionValues.PostAction_CallCallback = "Call sequence"
PostActionValues.PostAction_Break = "Break"
StepLoopTypes.LoopType_Custom = "Custom"
StepLoopTypes.LoopType_FixedNumLoops = "Fixed number of loops"
StepLoopTypes.LoopType_NoLoop = "None"
StepLoopTypes.LoopType_PassFailCount = "Pass/Fail count"
RunModes.RunMode_Normal = "Normal"
RunModes.RunMode_Skip = "Skip"
RunModes.RunMode_ForcePass = "Force Pass"
RunModes.RunMode_ForceFail = "Force Fail"
SeqCallTraceSettings.SeqCallTrace_UseCurrent = "Use current trace setting"
SeqCallTraceSettings.SeqCallTrace_Enable = "Enable tracing in sequence"
SeqCallTraceSettings.SeqCallTrace_Disable = "Disable tracing in sequence"
SeqCallTraceSettings.SeqCallTrace_UseExecutionSetting = "Use initial execution setting"
HTBasicWorkingDirTypes.HTBasicWorkingDir_DoNotChange = "Do not change working directory"
HTBasicWorkingDirTypes.HTBasicWorkingDir_HTBasicServer = "HTBasic server directory"
HTBasicWorkingDirTypes.HTBasicWorkingDir_SubroutineFileDir = "Subroutine file directory"
HTBasicWorkingDirTypes.HTBasicWorkingDir_AdapterDefault = "Use adapter default"
HTBasicWorkingDirTypes.HTBasicWorkingDir_Specify = "Use specified directory"
SeqCallMultithreadOptions.SeqCallMultithread_None = "None"
SeqCallMultithreadOptions.SeqCallMultithread_NewThread = "Use New Thread"
SeqCallMultithreadOptions.SeqCallMultithread_NewExecution = "Use New Execution"
SeqCallMultithreadOptions.SeqCallMultithread_Remote = "Use Remote Computer"
SeqCallNewExecModelOptions.SeqCallNewExecModel_None = "Do not use a process model"
SeqCallNewExecModelOptions.SeqCallNewExecModel_SpecifyModel = "Use a specific process model"
SeqCallNewExecModelOptions.SeqCallNewExecModel_UseModelOfCurrentFile = "Use process model of the specified client file"
SeqCallWaitForExecOptions.SeqCallWait_BeforeNextStep = "Before executing next step"
SeqCallWaitForExecOptions.SeqCallWait_DoNotWait = "Do not wait"
SeqCallWaitForExecOptions.SeqCallWait_EndOfSequence = "At end of current sequence"
DotNetModuleMemberTypes.DotNetMember_DoNotCall = "Do Not Call"
DotNetModuleMemberTypes.DotNetMember_CallMethod = "Call Method"
DotNetModuleMemberTypes.DotNetMember_GetProperty = "Get Property"
DotNetModuleMemberTypes.DotNetMember_SetProperty = "Set Property"
DotNetModuleMemberTypes.DotNetMember_CallConstructor = "Call Constructor"
SwitchExecOperations.SwitchExecOperation_Connect = "Connect"
SwitchExecOperations.SwitchExecOperation_Disconnect = "Disconnect"
SwitchExecOperations.SwitchExecOperation_DisconnectAll = "DisconnectAll"
SwitchExecOperations.SwitchExecOperation_ConnectDisconnect = "Connect/Disconnect"
SwitchExecOperations.SwitchExecOperation_FindRoute = "Find Route"
SwitchExecOperationOrders.SwitchExecOperationOrder_DisconnectBeforeConnect = "Disconnect Before Connect"
SwitchExecOperationOrders.SwitchExecOperationOrder_DisconnectAfterConnect = "Disconnect After Connect"
SwitchExecLifetimes.SwitchExecLifetime_Manual = "Manual"
SwitchExecLifetimes.SwitchExecLifetime_Execution = "Execution"
SwitchExecLifetimes.SwitchExecLifetime_Thread = "Thread"
SwitchExecLifetimes.SwitchExecLifetime_Sequence = "Sequence"
SwitchExecLifetimes.SwitchExecLifetime_Step = "Step"
SwitchExecMulticonnectModes.SwitchExecMulticonnectMode_None = "No Multiconnect"
SwitchExecMulticonnectModes.SwitchExecMulticonnectMode_Multiconnect = "Multiconnect Routes"
SwitchExecMulticonnectModes.SwitchExecMulticonnectMode_Default = "Use Default Setting for Routes"
FailureActions.FailureAction_GotoCleanup = "Go to Cleanup"
FailureActions.FailureAction_None = "None"
FailureActions.FailureAction_UseStationOption = "Use Station Option"
ReportConst.Header.Title = "Workspace"
ReportConst.Header.Date = "Date"
ReportConst.Header.Time = "Time"
ReportConst.Header.Files = "Files"
ReportConst.Header.Missing = "Missing"
ReportConst.Header.Name = "Name"
ReportConst.Header.Type = "Type"
ReportConst.Header.Path = "Path"
ReportConst.Header.File_Version = "File Version"
ReportConst.Header.File_Format = "File Format"
ReportConst.Header.Modification_Date = "Modification Date"
ReportConst.Header.Workspace_Location = "Workspace Location"
;; SCC is an abbreviation of 'Source Code Control'
ReportConst.Header.SccStatus = "SCC Status"
WSDOC_TOOLMENU_TEXT = "Workspace File Documentation..."
TITLE = "Workspace Documentation"
WORKSPACE = "Workspace:"
FORMAT = "Report Format:"
DESTINATION = "Report Destination:"
REPORT_DESTINATION = "report destination"
TEMPLATE_FILE = "template file"
HTML = "Html"
TEXT = "Text"
DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME = "Workspace Documentation"
PROPERTIES_TO_DOCUMENT = "Properties to Document"
NUMBER_OF_FILES = "Number of Files"
ABSOLUTE_PATH = "Absolute Path"
FILE_VERSION = "File Version"
FILE_FORMAT = "File Format"
MODIFICATION_DATE = "Modification Date"
LAUNCH_VIEWER = "Launch Viewer"
PROGRESS_LABEL = "Generating:"
ERROR_EMPTY = "The %1 is empty. Please select a %1."
ERROR_NOWORKSPACE = "There is no current workspace. Please open the desired workspace to document."
SELECT_WORKSPACE = "Select Workspace..."
REPORT_FINISHED = "Report has been created."
Scc.CheckedIn = "Checked In"
Scc.CheckedOutByOther = "Checked Out By Other"
Scc.CheckedOutByYouAndOther = "Checked Out By You and Other"
Scc.CheckedOutByYou = "Checked Out by You"
WorkspaceObjType_WorkspaceFile = "workspace"
WorkspaceObjType_ProjectFile = "project"
WorkspaceObjType_Folder = "folder"
WorkspaceObjType_SequenceFile = "sequence file"
WorkspaceObjType_OtherFile = "other"
;; section can be deleted when old resource usage profiler is no longer supported
CLEAR = "Clear"
CLOSE = "Close"
RESOURCE_USAGE_PER_THREAD = "Resource Usage per Thread"
THREAD_USAGE_PER_RESOURCE = "Thread Usage per Resource"
FIRST_EVENT_TIME = "First Event Time"
LAST_EVENT_TIME = "Last Event Time"
TIMESPAN = "Total Time Span"
VISIBLE_EVENTS = "Visible Events"
HIDDEN_EVENTS = "Hidden Events"
INCOMPLETE_OPERATIONS = "Incomplete Operations"
TIMESPAN_OF_SELECTED_OPERATIONS = "Time Span of Selected Operations"
LOCK_EVENTS = "Lock Events"
AUTO_SCHEDULE_USE_RESOURCE_EVENTS = "Auto Schedule Use Resource Events"
BATCH_SYNCHRONIZED_SECTION_EVENTS = "Batch Synchronized Section Events"
NOTIFICATION_EVENTS = "Notification Events"
QUEUE_EVENTS = "Queue Events"
RENDEZVOUS_EVENTS = "Rendezvous Events"
SEMAPHORE_EVENTS = "Semaphore Events"
WAIT_EVENTS = "Wait Events"
PROCESS_MODEL_EVENTS = "Process Model Events"
HIDDEN = "hidden"
STEP = "Step"
STEP_GROUP = "Step Group"
SEQUENCE = "Sequence"
FILE = "File"
SOURCE = "Source"
AUTOSCHEDULE = "Auto Schedule"
LOCK = "Lock"
RESOURCE_ALTERNATIVE_INDEX = "Resource Alternative Index"
THREAD = "Thread"
EXECUTION = "Execution"
RESOURCE_NAME = "Resource Name"
OPERATION_NAME = "Operation"
EVENT = "Event"
TIME = "Time (s)"
ABSOLUTE_TIME = "Absolute Time"
TIMEOUT_PERIOD = "Timeout Period (s)"
SOCKET_SUFFIX = "{Socket: %1}"
STEP_INDEX = "Step Index"
TEST_SOCKET = "Test Socket"
OPERATION_INDEX = "Operation Index"
ZOOM_MODE = "Zoom Mode:"
MANUAL = "Manual"
FIT_TO_WINDOW = "Fit to Window"
ZOOM_PERCENT = "Zoom %: "
STATISTIC = "Statistic"
VALUE = "Value"
SUMMARY = "Summary"
RESOURCES = "Resources"
EXECUTIONS = "Executions"
THREADS = "Threads"
OPERATIONS = "Operations"
EVENTS = "Events"
RESOURCE = "Resource"
OPERATION = "Operation"
TIME_IN_USE = "Time in Use (s)"
PERCENT_TIME_IN_USE = "Percent Time in Use"
TIME_BLOCKED = "Time Blocked (s)"
PERCENT_TIME_BLOCKED = "Percent Time Blocked"
CUMULATIVE_TIME_IN_USE_FOR_ALL_THREADS = "Cumulative Time in Use for All Threads (s)"
CUMULATIVE_TIME_BLOCKED_FOR_ALL_THREADS = "Cumulative Time Blocked for All Threads (s)"
ACCESSING_THREADS = "Accessing Threads"
TRUE = "True"
FALSE = "False"
COMPLETED = "Completed"
START_TIME = "Start Time (s)"
END_TIME = "End Time (s)"
DURATION = "Duration (s)"
IN_USE_TIME = "In Use Time (s)"
BLOCKED_TIME = "Blocked Time (s)"
RESOURCE_USAGE_TOOL_ITEM = "Profile Resource Usage"
INDEX = "Index"
THREAD_ID = "Thread Id"
EXECUTION_ID = "Execution Id"
FILE_FILTER = "Resource Usage Profiles (*.tpf)|*.tpf||"
SAVE_PROFILE = "Save Profile"
SAVE = "Save"
OPEN = "Open"
OPEN_PROFILE = "Open Profile"
UNABLE_TO_OPEN_PROFILE_FILE = "Unable to open profile file."
UNABLE_TO_SAVE_PROFILE_FILE = "Unable to save profile file."
UNNAMED_SYNC_OBJECT = "Unnamed Synchronization Object"
WARNING = "Warning"
PLEASE_NOTE = "Please Note"
SAVING_INCOMPLETE_OPERATIONS = "The profile contains %1 incomplete operation(s). Are you sure you want to save?"
PAUSED_DUE_TO_LOAD = "The profiler display paused because you have loaded a profile. Note that profiler retains new events while the display is paused and that these events will become visible if you resume the display."
FILE_MENU = "&File"
OPEN_ITEM = "&Open..."
SAVE_ITEM = "&Save..."
EXIT_ITEM = "E&xit"
EDIT_MENU = "&Edit"
COPY_ITEM = "&Copy"
DELETE_ITEM = "&Delete"
SELECT_ALL_ITEM = "&Select All"
VIEW_MENU = "&View"
SHOW_WAITS_ITEM = "Display Blocked Threads"
SHOW_PROCESS_MODELS_ITEM = "Display Process Models"
SHOW_LOCKS_ITEM = "Show Locks"
SHOW_BATCH_ITEM = "Show Batch Synchronized Sections"
SHOW_QUEUES_ITEM = "Show Queues"
SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS_ITEM = "Show Notifications"
SHOW_SEMAPHORES_ITEM = "Show Semaphores"
SHOW_RENDEZVOUS_ITEM = "Show Rendezvous"
SHOW_WAIT_OPERATIONS_ITEM = "Show Wait Operations"
DISCARD_HIDDEN_EVENTS_ITEM = "Discard Hidden Information"
GOTO_SEQUENCE_FILE_ITEM = "Go to Step in Sequence File"
GOTO_EXECUTION_ITEM = "Go to Step in Execution"
SELECT_ASSOCIATED_ITEM = "Select Associated"
HELP_MENU = "&Help"
HELP_OVERVIEW_ITEM = "&Help Overview"
HELP_TOPIC_ITEM = "Help &Topic"
DISCARD_EVENTS_MSG = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 currently hidden event(s) and discard any future hidden events?"
DELETE_ITEMS_MSG = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 selected %2?\n\n%3 event(s) will be deleted."
DELETE_EVENTS_MSG = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 selected event(s)?"
DELETE_EVENTS_AND_ASSOCIATED_EVENTS_MSG = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 selected event(s) and the %2 associated event(s)?"
DISCARD_HIDDEN_INFORMATION_ENABLED = "(Discarding of Hidden Information is Enabled)"
THREAD_BLOCKED = "Thread Blocked"
RESOURCE_IN_USE = "Resource in Use"
OPERATION_LEGEND = "Operation Legend:"
PAUSE_DISPLAY = "Pause Display"
RESUME_DISPLAY = "Resume Display"
;; section can be deleted when old resource usage profiler is no longer supported
NotASynchronizationMechanism = "Not a Synchronization Mechanism"
Semaphore = "Semaphore"
Lock = "Lock"
Rendezvous = "Rendezvous"
Queue = "Queue"
Notification = "Notification"
Batch = "Batch"
AutoSchedule = "Auto Schedule"
Wait = "Wait"
PROFILER_TOOL_ITEM = "Profile Execution"
CLEAR = "Clear"
CLOSE = "Close"
PROFILER_WINDOW_TITLE = "TestStand Execution Profiler"
ITEM_USAGE_PER_THREAD = "Item Usage per Thread"
THREAD_USAGE_PER_ITEM = "Thread Usage per Item"
FIRST_EVENT_TIME = "First Event Time"
LAST_EVENT_TIME = "Last Event Time"
TIMESPAN = "Total Time Span"
VISIBLE_EVENTS = "Visible Events"
HIDDEN_EVENTS = "Hidden Events"
INCOMPLETE_OPERATIONS = "Incomplete Operations"
TIMESPAN_OF_SELECTED_OPERATIONS = "Time Span of Selected Operations"
LOCK_EVENTS = "Lock Events"
AUTO_SCHEDULE_USE_RESOURCE_EVENTS = "Auto Schedule Use Resource Events"
BATCH_SYNCHRONIZED_SECTION_EVENTS = "Batch Synchronized Section Events"
NOTIFICATION_EVENTS = "Notification Events"
QUEUE_EVENTS = "Queue Events"
RENDEZVOUS_EVENTS = "Rendezvous Events"
SEMAPHORE_EVENTS = "Semaphore Events"
WAIT_EVENTS = "Wait Events"
PROCESS_MODEL_EVENTS = "Process Model Events"
HIDDEN = "hidden"
STEP = "Step"
STEP_GROUP = "Step Group"
SEQUENCE = "Sequence"
FILE = "File"
SOURCE = "Source"
AUTOSCHEDULE = "Auto Schedule"
LOCK = "Lock"
RESOURCE_ALTERNATIVE_INDEX = "Resource Alternative Index"
THREAD = "Thread"
EXECUTION = "Execution"
ITEM_NAME = "Item Name"
OPERATION_NAME = "Operation"
EVENT = "Event"
TIME = "Time"
ABSOLUTE_TIME = "Absolute Time"
TIMEOUT_PERIOD = "Timeout Period"
SOCKET_SUFFIX = "{Socket: %1}"
STEP_INDEX = "Step Index"
TEST_SOCKET = "Test Socket"
OPERATION_INDEX = "Operation Index"
STATISTIC = "Statistic"
VALUE = "Value"
SUMMARY = "Summary"
ITEMS = "Items"
EXECUTIONS = "Executions"
THREADS = "Threads"
OPERATIONS = "Operations"
EVENTS = "Events"
ITEM = "Item"
OPERATION = "Operation"
TIME_IN_USE = "Time in Use"
PERCENT_TIME_IN_USE = "Percent Time in Use"
TOTAL_ACTUAL_TIME_IN_USE = "Actual Time in Use"
PERCENT_ACTUAL_TIME_IN_USE = "% Actual Time in Use"
TOTAL_CPU_TIME = "Cumulative Time"
TOTAL_CPU_IN_USE_TIME = "Cumulative Time in Use"
TOTAL_CPU_BLOCKED_TIME = "Cumulative Time Blocked"
MAX_CPU_TIME = "Maximum"
MIN_CPU_TIME = "Minimum"
TIME_BLOCKED = "Time Blocked"
PERCENT_TIME_BLOCKED = "Percent Time Blocked"
ACCESSING_THREADS = "Accessing Threads"
TRUE = "True"
FALSE = "False"
COMPLETED = "Completed"
START_TIME = "Start Time"
END_TIME = "End Time"
DURATION = "Duration"
IN_USE_TIME = "In Use Time"
BLOCKED_TIME = "Blocked Time"
INDEX = "Index"
THREAD_ID = "Thread Id"
EXECUTION_ID = "Execution Id"
FILE_FILTER = "TestStand Profiles (*.tpf)|*.tpf||"
SAVE_PROFILE = "Save Profile"
SAVE = "Save"
OPEN = "Open"
MERGE = "Merge"
OPEN_PROFILE = "Open Profile"
MERGE_PROFILE = "Merge Profile"
UNABLE_TO_OPEN_PROFILE_FILE = "Unable to open profile file."
UNABLE_TO_SAVE_PROFILE_FILE = "Unable to save profile file."
UNNAMED_SYNC_OBJECT = "Unnamed Synchronization Object"
WARNING = "Warning"
PLEASE_NOTE = "Please Note"
SAVING_INCOMPLETE_OPERATIONS = "The profile contains %1 incomplete operation(s). Are you sure you want to save?"
PAUSED_DUE_TO_DATA_LOAD = "The profiler data collection has paused because you loaded profile data. You can resume data collection at any time."
DISABLED_DATA_DISCARDING = "To avoid accidental loss of data while loading profile information, the profiler has turned off the option to automatically discard hidden profiling information. You can re-enable this option at any time."
FILE_MENU = "&File"
OPEN_ITEM = "&Open..."
MERGE_ITEM = "&Merge..."
SAVE_ITEM = "&Save..."
OPTIMIZE_PROFILING_SPEED_ITEM = "Configure Data Collection..."
EXIT_ITEM = "E&xit"
EDIT_MENU = "&Edit"
COPY_ITEM = "&Copy"
DELETE_ITEM = "&Delete"
SELECT_ALL_ITEM = "&Select All"
VIEW_MENU = "&View"
SHOW_WAITS_ITEM = "Show Blocked Threads"
SHOW_PROCESS_MODELS_ITEM = "Show Process Models"
SHOW_LOCKS_ITEM = "Show Locks"
SHOW_BATCH_ITEM = "Show Batch Synchronized Sections"
SHOW_QUEUES_ITEM = "Show Queues"
SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS_ITEM = "Show Notifications"
SHOW_SEMAPHORES_ITEM = "Show Semaphores"
SHOW_RENDEZVOUS_ITEM = "Show Rendezvous"
SHOW_WAIT_OPERATIONS_ITEM = "Show Wait Operations"
DISCARD_HIDDEN_EVENTS_ITEM = "Discard Hidden Information"
GOTO_SEQUENCE_FILE_ITEM = "Go to Location in Sequence File"
GOTO_EXECUTION_ITEM = "Go to Location in Execution"
SELECT_ASSOCIATED_ITEM = "Select Associated"
HELP_MENU = "&Help"
HELP_OVERVIEW_ITEM = "&Help Overview"
HELP_TOPIC_ITEM = "Help &Topic"
DISCARD_EVENTS_MSG = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 currently hidden event(s) and discard any future hidden events?"
DELETE_ITEMS_MSG = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 selected %2?\n\n%3 event(s) will be deleted."
DELETE_EVENTS_MSG = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 selected event(s)?"
DELETE_EVENTS_AND_ASSOCIATED_EVENTS_MSG = "Are you sure you want to delete the %1 selected event(s) and the %2 associated event(s)?"
DISCARD_HIDDEN_INFORMATION_ENABLED = "(Discarding of Hidden Information is Enabled)"
THREAD_BLOCKED = "Thread Blocked"
ITEM_IN_USE = "Item in Use"
OPERATION_LEGEND = "Operation Legend:"
PAUSE_UPDATES = "Pause Updates"
STEPTYPEMODULE_EVENTS = "Step Type Module Events"
STEPMODULE_EVENTS = "Step Module Events"
STEP_EVENTS = "Step Events"
BATCH_EVENTS = "Batch Events"
LOT_EVENTS = "Lot Events"
SHOW_SYNCHRONIZATION = "Show Synchronization"
SHOW_CODE_MODULES = "Show Code Modules"
SHOW_UUTS_BATCHES_AND_LOTS = "Show UUTs, Batches, and Lots"
LOAD_UNLOAD = "Load/Unload"
IN_USE_ACTIVE = "In Use/Active"
BLOCKED = "Blocked"
SHOW_STEPS = "Show Steps"
HIDE_OPERATIONS_SHORTER_THAN = "Hide Completed Operations Shorter than %1:"
PROMPT_TO_TURN_OFF_OPTIMIZATIONS = "The specified type(s) of information are currently not being collected due to your settings in the Optimize Profiling dialog box.\n\nDo you want to re-enable the collection of these type(s) of information now?"
HIDING_DATA = "The Optimize Profiling Dialog Box specifies that some visible categories of profiler data are not to be collected. These categories of data are now hidden. If you re-enable data collection in the Optimize Profiling Dialog Box, remember to also select from the View menu to show the corresponding categories of data."
HIDING_DATA_WARNING_TITLE = "Hiding Profiler Data"
OLD_RESOURCE_USAGE_PROFILER_FILE = "This profile file is a resource usage profile. You must load it with the obsolete Resource Usage Profiler tool from TestStand 2014 or earlier."
ZOOM = "Zoom%"
AUTO_FIT = "Auto Fit"
ZOOM_IN = "Zoom In"
ZOOM_OUT = "Zoom Out"
ZOOM_TO_SELECTION = "Zoom to Selection"
NO_SERIAL_NUMBER = "<No Serial Number>"
NO_LOT_ID = "<No Lot Id>"
LOT = "Lot: "
MOVE_SELECTED_OPERATIONS = "Move Selected Operations..."
INVERT_SELECTION = "Invert Selection"
NOT_AN_EXECUTION = "<Not-An-Execution>"
TIME_UNITS = "Time Units"
MILLISECONDS = "Milliseconds (ms)"
SECONDS = "Seconds (s)"
SELECT_ALL_INTERSECTING_TIMESPAN = "Select Operations that Overlap the Selection"
SELECT_ALL_WITHIN_TIMESPAN = "Select Operations within the Selection"
RUNNING = "Running"
PAUSED = "Paused"
DATA_COLLECTION_BUTTON_TIP = "Collect Profiling Information"
STOP_COLLECTING_WITH_INCOMPLETE_OPERATIONS_MSG = "Stopped Data Collection.\n\nThere are currently %1 operations still in progress. If the operation(s) complete while data collection is disabled, the profiler will not be aware of the completion and the operations will appear to never complete.\n\nDo you want to delete all operations that are in progress?"
DELETE_LOADED_INCOMPLETE_OPERATIONS_MSG = "There are currently %1 operations in progress. If these operation(s) are from events in a previously saved profile, the operations might never complete.\n\nDo you want to delete all operations that are in progress?"
TOO_SHORT_EVENTS = "Events hidden due to insufficient duration of operation"
DIFF_SELECTED_THREADS = "Diff Selected Threads..."
YOU_MUST_SELECT_TWO_THREADS = "You must select two threads."
DIFF_RESULTS = "%1 pairs of matching operations found and diffed. %2 unmatched operations found and left unaltered."
OPTIMIZE_DIALOG_EXPLANATION_TEXT = "You can reduce the amount that profiling slows execution by reducing the amount of information the profiler collects.\n\nUncheck the types of information you do not need the profiler to collect."
LOCATIONS = "Locations (enables navigation to files and executions)"
PROCESS_MODELS = "Process Models"
SYNCHRONIZATION = "Synchronization"
STEPS = "Steps"
MODULE_LOADS = "Module Loading"
MODULE_UNLOADS = "Module Unloading"
STEP_MODULES = "Step Modules"
STEP_TYPE_MODULES = "Step Type Modules"
ADAPTERS = "Module Adapters:"
ok = "OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
MEMORY_LIMIT_EXPLANATION = "You can limit the amount of memory that profiling consumes by specifying that the profiler periodically discards the oldest profiling events when the number of events exceeds a threshold. You can also specify that the profiler periodically discards events that precede a specified time duration."
LIMIT_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS = "Limit the Number of Retained Events"
LIMIT_PROFILE_DURATION = "Limit the Duration of the Profile in Seconds"
MOVE_OPERATIONS_DIALOG_TITLE = "Move Selected Operations"
MOVE_OPERATION_EXPLANATION = "Change the starting time of the selected operations."
CURRENT_START_TIME = "Current Initial Time:"
NEW_START_TIME = "New Initial Time:"
ok = "OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
MARK_WITH_COLOR = "Mark with Color:"
DO_NOT_MARK = "Do not Mark"
MOVE_TO_UNIQUE_THREADS = "Move to Unique Threads"
DIFF_DIALOG_TITLE = "Diff Selected Threads"
DIFF_OPERATION_EXPLANATION = "For matching operations, reduce the length of the longer operation by the length of the shorter operation and reduce the length of the shorter operation to zero."
ok = "OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
MARK_REDUCED_OPERATIONS_WITH_COLOR = "Mark Reduced Operations with Color:"
DO_NOT_MARK = "Do not Mark"
MOVE_DIFFERENCES_TO_UNIQUE_THREADS = "Move Reduced Operations to Unique Threads"
MERGE_EXPLANATION = "Specify how to merge the new data from the file with the currently loaded data.\r\n\r\nThe currently loaded data extends from %1 to %2.\r\n\r\nThe data in the file extends from %3 to %4."
POSITION_OF_NEW_DATA = "Position of New Data:"
BEFORE_EXISTING_DATA = "Before Current Data"
AFTER_EXISTING_DATA = "After Current Data"
OVERLAP_EXISTING_DATA = "Overlap Current Data"
PRESERVE_ABSOLUTE_TIME = "Do Not Alter New Data Event Times"
ok = "OK"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
MARK_WITH_COLOR = "Mark with Color:"
DO_NOT_MARK = "Do not Mark"
MOVE_TO_UNIQUE_THREADS = "Move to Unique Threads"
NotASynchronizationMechanism = "Not a Synchronization Mechanism"
Semaphore = "Semaphore"
Lock = "Lock"
Rendezvous = "Rendezvous"
Queue = "Queue"
Notification = "Notification"
BatchSynchronization = "Batch Synchronization"
AutoSchedule = "Auto Schedule"
Wait = "Wait"
StepTypeModule = "Step Type Module"
StepModule = "Step Module"
Step = "Step"
Batch = "Batch"
Lot = "Lot"
;; section can be deleted when old resource usage profiler is no longer supported
UseResource = "Use Resource"
TimeMultiple = "Time Multiple"
TimeInterval = "Time Interval"
Thread = "Thread"
Execution = "Execution"
Enter = "Enter"
Exit = "Exit"
Lock = "Lock"
Unlock = "Unlock"
Wait = "Wait"
Set = "Set"
Clear = "Clear"
Pulse = "Pulse"
Enqueue = "Enqueue"
Dequeue = "Dequeue"
Flush = "Flush"
Rendezvous = "Rendezvous"
Acquire = "Acquire"
Release = "Release"
UseResource = "Use Resource"
TimeMultiple = "Time Multiple"
TimeInterval = "Time Interval"
Thread = "Thread"
Execution = "Execution"
Enter = "Enter"
Exit = "Exit"
Lock = "Lock"
Unlock = "Unlock"
Wait = "Wait"
Set = "Set"
Clear = "Clear"
Pulse = "Pulse"
Enqueue = "Enqueue"
Dequeue = "Dequeue"
Flush = "Flush"
Rendezvous = "Rendezvous"
Acquire = "Acquire"
Release = "Release"
Execute = "Execute"
Load = "Load"
Unload = "Unload"
Test = "Test"
BatchSyncType_None = "None"
BatchSyncType_Serial = "Serial"
BatchSyncType_Parallel = "Parallel"
BatchSyncType_OneThreadOnly = "One Thread Only"
;; UI controls
MIGRATION_TOOL = "Migration Utility"
PROGRESS_DLG_TEXT = "Determining Files to Migrate from TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION%"
VER_SEL_COMBO_LABEL = "Select Version to Migrate from:"
NEXT_BTN_LABEL = "Next >>"
BACK_BTN_LABEL = "<< Back"
&FILES_TO_COPY = "&Files to Copy"
FILES_TO_MIGRATE = "TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% Files to Migrate"
FILES_TO_MIGRATE_TOOLTIP = "Select TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% files to migrate to TestStand %TARGET_VERSION%"
SINCE_INSTALL = "Since Install"
SINCE_INSTALL_TOOLTIP = "Indicates whether a file has changed or has been added since you installed TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION%"
NEW = "New"
MODIFIED = "Modified"
IDENTICAL = "No change"
UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
MIGRATION_ACTION = "Migration Action"
MIGRATION_ACTION_TOOLTIP Line0001 = "Indicates whether migrating copies the file to a TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% folder or overwrites an existing file in a TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% folder.\r\n"
MIGRATION_ACTION_TOOLTIP Line0002 = "The tool adds the contents of a copied folder to the contents of a TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% folder if a corresponding TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% folder already exists."
COPY = "Copy"
OVERWRITE = "Overwrite"
OVERWRITE_READONLY = "Overwrite read-only"
MIGRATION_ACTION_TO_NEW="Apply to new models"
MIGRATION_ACTION_TO_LEGACY="Apply to legacy models"
MIGRATION_ACTION_BOTH="Apply to new and legacy models"
&HIDE_UNMODIFIED_FILES = "&Hide files not modified since installing TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION%"
BACKUP_&LOCATION = "&Location for backup of TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% public files:"
&REDIRECT_PATHS = "&Redirect paths in TestStand files that refer to TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% folders to use TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% folders"
&MIGRATE_FILES = "&Migrate Files"
BROWSE_BACKUP_TITLE = "Select Folder for Backup"
NO_DIFFS = "No differences exist between public files in TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% and TestStand %TARGET_VERSION%. Migration is already complete."
NO_FILES_SELECTED = "You have not specified any files to migrate."
OVERWRITE_READONLY_SP1_FILES = "Do you want to overwrite read-only files in TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% public folders? Click Yes to continue and overwrite the following {0} file(s):\n\n"
MORE_READONLY_FILES = "<More files not listed>"
LEGACY_TO_NEW_MODEL_OPTIONS_MIGRATION_LOG = "{0} migrated to configuration '{1}:{2}'"
CONFLICTS_COLUMN_TOOLTIP = "Indicated whether a file or folder has conflicts."
CONFLICTS_COLUMN_TEXT = "{0} Conflict(s)..."
GENERIC_FOLDER_CONFLICT = "Folder contains items with conflicts."
FILES = "Files"
CONFLICTS_EXPLANATION_TEXT Line0001 = "National Instruments has made the following changes to files you modified or files you will overwrite during the migration process.\n\n"
CONFLICTS_EXPLANATION_TEXT Line0002 = "Note: Because migrating these files will overwrite the changes National Instruments has made, "
CONFLICTS_EXPLANATION_TEXT Line0003 = "National Instruments recommends that you merge your changes with the National Instruments changes instead of migrating these files."
NO_CONFLICTS = "There are no conflicts."
CFG_DIR_LOCATION_WARNING_HEADER = "The Configuration Directory for TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% has been configured using Station Options to a custom location:\n {0}"
CFG_DIR_LOCATION_WARNING_RELOC Line0001 = "For the Migration Utility to examine and migrate the contents of the Configuration Directory, you must configure it "
CFG_DIR_LOCATION_WARNING_RELOC Line0002 = "to use the default location or to use a subdirectory of one of the following directories:\n"
CFG_DIR_LOCATION_WARNING_RELOC Line0004 = "Otherwise, you must migrate the contents of the Configuration Directory manually."
CFG_DIR_LOCATION_WARNING_FOOTER Line0001 = "For TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% to use the migrated configuration files, you must use Station Options to set the Configuration Directory "
CFG_DIR_LOCATION_WARNING_FOOTER Line0002 = "to the new location of the migrated files."
CONTINUE_PROMPT = "Would you like to continue with migration?"
HELP = "&Help"
WARNING = "Warning"
ERROR_PARSING_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE Line0001 = "{0} appears to be a Property Object file, but could not be parsed. This may indicate the file has been corrupted.\n\n"
ERROR_PARSING_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE Line0003 = "Treating as a regular file instead."
;; errors and warnings
ERR_NO_SOURCE_VERSIONS = "A version of TestStand equal to or newer than {0} and prior to %TARGET_VERSION% must be installed to use the %TARGET_VERSION% Migration Utility."
ERR_SEQEDIT_RUNNING = "You must shut down the TestStand Sequence Editor before you migrate files."
ERR_TESTEXEC_RUNNING = "You must shut down all TestStand User Interfaces before you migrate files."
ERR_BACKUP_EXISTS = "Cannot back up files because backup folder already exists. You can delete the existing backup folder, select a different backup folder, or wait until the automatically appended date/time has changed. The currently specified backup folder is:\n{0}"
ERR_NO_REG_VALUE = "The value %1 does not exist in the registry."
ERR_BACKUP_FOLDER_NOT_VALID = "You have not specified a valid backup location folder."
ERR_NO_CHECKSUM_FILE = "Cannot determine if files have been created or modified since install because this file does not exist:\n{0}"
ERR_COPY_FILE = "An error occurred trying to copy file:\n{0}\nTo:\n{1}\n\n{2}"
ERR_CREATE_DIR = "An error occurred trying to create folder:\n{0}\n\n{1}"
ERR_NEW_OPTIONS_MIGRATION_FAILED = "The configuration file {0} could not be migrated to configuration \"{1}:{2}\". Error message: {3}"
ERR_CURRENT_VERSION_NOT_ACTIVE = "TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% must be the active version of TestStand to use the Migration Utility."
WARN_NAME_PROCESS_MODEL Line0001 = "You have chosen to migrate the following file(s) with the same name as the TestStand 2012 default process models:\n"
WARN_NAME_PROCESS_MODEL Line0002 = "{0}\n\n"
WARN_NAME_PROCESS_MODEL Line0003 = "Depending on the order of your search directories, these files might be used instead of the default process model files.\n\n"
WARN_NAME_PROCESS_MODEL Line0004 = "Refer to the National Instruments website at ni.com/info and enter the Info Code 'extuuk' to access the National Instruments KnowledgeBase "
WARN_NAME_PROCESS_MODEL Line0005 = "article 'How Can I Use a Custom Process Model from TestStand 2010 or Earlier in TestStand 2012?' for more information about this issue."
;; report
RT_MIGRATION_SUCCESS = "Migration of files from TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% to TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% completed successfully."
RT_MIGRATION_COMPLETE_BUT_ERRORS = "Migration of files from TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% to TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% completed, but one or more errors occurred."
RT_VIEW_REPORT_PROMPT = "Do you want to view the migration report?"
RT_ERROR = "The following error occurred while trying to migrate files:\r\n{0}\r\n\r\n"
RT_MIGRATION_TIME = "Migration Date/Time: "
RT_BACKUP_LOCATION = "Backup Location: "
RT_REDIRECT_PATHS = "Redirect TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% Paths Option: "
RT_ENABLED = "Enabled"
RT_DISABLED = "Disabled"
RT_RESTORE_INSTRUCTIONS_HEADER = "To restore TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% to its state before migration, shut down the Migration Utility, the TestStand Sequence Editor, and any running TestStand User Interfaces. Then run '{0}' or complete the following steps:\r\n"
RT_RESTORE_INSTRUCTIONS_DELETE = "{0}. Delete the contents of this folder:\r\n {1}\r\n"
RT_RESTORE_INSTRUCTIONS_COPY = "{0}. Copy the contents of this folder:\r\n {1}\r\n To:\r\n {2}\r\n"
RT_MIGRATED_FILES = "The tool migrated the following files and folders to TestStand %TARGET_VERSION%:"
RT_MIGRATED_CONFIGURATIONS = "The tool migrated the following result processing option files and folders to new configurations in TestStand %TARGET_VERSION%:"
RT_MIGRATED_CONFIGURATIONS_HELP = "The migrated configuration has been automatically activated. You can change the active configuration in the Result Processing dialog."
RT_NO_MIGRATED_FILES = "The tool did not migrate any files or folders to TestStand %TARGET_VERSION%."
RT_ERROR_MIGRATING_FILES = "An error occurred while trying to copy the following files to a TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% folder:"
RT_UPDATED_FILES = "The tool redirected TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% paths to TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% paths in the following files:"
RT_ERROR_UPDATING_FILES = "Could not redirect TestStand %SOURCE_VERSION% paths to TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% paths in the following files because an error occurred while loading the file:"
RT_OVERWRITTEN_READ_ONLY_FILES = "The tool overwrote the following read-only files in TestStand %TARGET_VERSION% folders:"
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