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谢长东 提交于 2022-12-01 12:52 . 添加初始化数据
-- 网上商城数据库(netshop)
drop database if exists netshop;
create database if not exists netshop
default character set = gbk
default collate = gbk_chinese_ci
encryption = 'N';
use netshop;
-- 1.商品分类表:category
create table category
TCode char(3) primary key not null, -- 商品分类编码
TName varchar(8) not null -- 商品分类名称
-- 2.商家表:supplier
create table supplier
SCode char(8) not null primary key, -- 商家编码
SPassWord varchar(12) not null default '888', -- 商家密码
SName varchar(16) not null, -- 商家名称
SWeiXin varchar(16) character set utf8mb4 not null, -- 微信
Tel char(13), -- 电话(手机)
Evaluate float(4,2) default 0.00, -- 商家综合评测
SLicence mediumblob -- 营业执照图片
-- 3.商品表:commodity
create table commodity
Pid int(8) not null primary key,-- 商品号
TCode char(3) not null, -- 商品分类编码
SCode char(8) not null, -- 商家编码
PName varchar(32) not null, -- 商品名称
PPrice decimal(7,2) not null, -- 商品价格
Stocks int unsigned default 0, -- 商品库存量
Total decimal(10,2) as (Stocks * PPrice), -- 商品金额
TextAdv varchar(32), -- 推广文字
LivePrioritytiny int not null default 1, -- 活化情况(下架 = 0, 在售 = 1, 优先 > 1)
Evaluate float(4,2) default 0.00, -- 商品综合评价
UpdateTime timestamp, -- 商品记录最新修改时间
check(Stocks > 0 and PPrice > 0.00 and PPrice < 10000.00),
index myInxScode(SCode),
index myInxName(PName),
foreign key(TCode) references category(TCode) on delete restrict on update restrict,
foreign key(SCode) references supplier(SCode) on delete restrict on update restrict
-- 4.商品图片表:commodityimage
create table commodityimage
Pid int(8) not null primary key, -- 商品号
Image blob not null, -- 商品图片(最大64kb)
foreign key(Pid) references commodity(Pid) on delete cascade on update cascade
-- 初始化category
insert into category values('1A','水果'),('2B','数码'),('3C','衣物');
-- 初始化supplier
insert into supplier values
-- 初始化commodity
insert into commodity(Pid,TCode,SCode,PName,PPrice,Stocks,TextAdv,LivePriority,Evaluate,UpdateTime) values
(2,'2B','11A','MacBook Pro 16',9999,30,null,default,default,now()),
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