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config.toml 1.98 KB
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# hugo server --minify --themesDir ... --baseURL=
baseURL = '/'
title = 'Hugo Book'
theme = 'project'
disableKinds = ['taxonomy', 'taxonomyTerm']
# themesDir = '../..'
# Book configuration
disablePathToLower = true
enableGitInfo = true
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false
uglyURLs = true
# Code highlight
# pygmentsStyle = 'monokailight'
pygmentsCodeFences = true
# (Optional, default 6) Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page.
# Use false to hide ToC, note that 0 will default to 6 (https://gohugo.io/functions/default/)
# You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter
BookToC = 3
# (Optional, default none) Set leaf bundle to render as side menu
# When not specified file structure and weights will be used
BookMenuBundle = '/menu'
# (Optional, default docs) Specify section of content to render as menu
# You can also set value to '*' to render all sections to menu
#BookSection = 'docs'
# (Optional) This value is duplicate of $link-color for making active link highlight in menu bundle mode
# BookMenuBundleActiveLinkColor = '\#004ed0'
# Set source repository location.
# Used for 'Last Modified' and 'Edit this page' links.
BookRepo = 'https://gitee.com/openeuler/docs'
# Enable "Edit this page" links for 'doc' page type.
# Disabled by default. Uncomment to enable. Requires 'BookRepo' param.
# Path must point to 'content' directory of repo.
BookEditPath = 'master/content'
# Configure the date format used on the pages
# - In git information
# - In blog posts
BookDateFormat = 'Jan 2, 2006'
# (Optional, default true) Enables search function with lunr.js,
# Index is built on fly, therefore it might slowdown your website.
BookSearch = true
bookFlatSection = true
bookHidden = true
languageCode = "en-us"
contentDir = "content/en"
languageCode = "zh-cn"
contentDir = "content/zh"
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