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tradingcal.py 12.77 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
云金杞 提交于 2022-12-02 09:48 . 更新backtrader的注释
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
from .metabase import MetaParams
from backtrader.utils.py3 import string_types, with_metaclass
from backtrader.utils import UTC
# from tradingcal import * 可以import到的所有的类
__all__ = ['TradingCalendarBase', 'TradingCalendar', 'PandasMarketCalendar']
# Imprecission in the full time conversion to float would wrap over to next day
# if microseconds is 999999 as defined in time.max
# 每天的最大时间
_time_max = time(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=999990)
# 一周七天的常量,周一是0,周日是6
# 判断是周几,没有日期是0,周一是1,周日是7
# 周末是周六和周日
# 是否是周末
# 一天的时间差
ONEDAY = timedelta(days=1)
# 交易日历基类,定义了具体的方法
class TradingCalendarBase(with_metaclass(MetaParams, object)):
# 返回day之后的下一个交易日和日历组成
def _nextday(self, day):
Returns the next trading day (datetime/date instance) after ``day``
(datetime/date instance) and the isocalendar components
The return value is a tuple with 2 components: (nextday, (y, w, d))
raise NotImplementedError
# 返回一天的开盘和收盘时间
def schedule(self, day):
Returns a tuple with the opening and closing times (``datetime.time``)
for the given ``date`` (``datetime/date`` instance)
raise NotImplementedError
# 返回day之后的下一个交易日
def nextday(self, day):
Returns the next trading day (datetime/date instance) after ``day``
(datetime/date instance)
return self._nextday(day)[0] # 1st ret elem is next day
# 返回day之后下一个交易日所在的周数
def nextday_week(self, day):
Returns the iso week number of the next trading day, given a ``day``
(datetime/date) instance
self._nextday(day)[1][1] # 2 elem is isocal / 0 - y, 1 - wk, 2 - day
# 计算当前day是否是这周的最后一天
def last_weekday(self, day):
Returns ``True`` if the given ``day`` (datetime/date) instance is the
last trading day of this week
# Next day must be greater than day. If the week changes is enough for
# a week change even if the number is smaller (year change)
return day.isocalendar()[1] != self._nextday(day)[1][1]
# 判断当天day是否是这个月的最后一天
def last_monthday(self, day):
Returns ``True`` if the given ``day`` (datetime/date) instance is the
last trading day of this month
# Next day must be greater than day. If the week changes is enough for
# a week change even if the number is smaller (year change)
return day.month != self._nextday(day)[0].month
# 判断当天day是否是这一年的最后一天
def last_yearday(self, day):
Returns ``True`` if the given ``day`` (datetime/date) instance is the
last trading day of this month
# Next day must be greater than day. If the week changes is enough for
# a week change even if the number is smaller (year change)
return day.year != self._nextday(day)[0].year
# 交易日历类
class TradingCalendar(TradingCalendarBase):
Wrapper of ``pandas_market_calendars`` for a trading calendar. The package
``pandas_market_calendar`` must be installed
# 在这个类里面,目前来看,似乎没有必须要安装pandas_market_calendar
- ``open`` (default ``time.min``)
Regular start of the session
# open,交易日开始时间,默认是最小的时间
- ``close`` (default ``time.max``)
Regular end of the session
# close,交易日结束时间,默认是最大时间
- ``holidays`` (default ``[]``)
List of non-trading days (``datetime.datetime`` instances)
# holidays,节假日,一些datetime时间组成的列表
- ``earlydays`` (default ``[]``)
List of tuples determining the date and opening/closing times of days
which do not conform to the regular trading hours where each tuple has
(``datetime.datetime``, ``datetime.time``, ``datetime.time`` )
# earlydays,交易时间不符合常规交易日开始和结束时间的交易日
- ``offdays`` (default ``ISOWEEKEND``)
A list of weekdays in ISO format (Monday: 1 -> Sunday: 7) in which the
market doesn't trade. This is usually Saturday and Sunday and hence the
# offdays,周一到周日中不交易的日期,通常是周六和周日
# 参数
params = (
('open', time.min),
('close', _time_max),
('holidays', []), # list of non trading days (date)
('earlydays', []), # list of tuples (date, opentime, closetime)
('offdays', ISOWEEKEND), # list of non trading (isoweekdays)
# 初始化,根据earlydays,获取这些日期,为了加快搜索的速度
def __init__(self):
self._earlydays = [x[0] for x in self.p.earlydays] # speed up searches
# 获取下一个交易日
def _nextday(self, day):
Returns the next trading day (datetime/date instance) after ``day``
(datetime/date instance) and the isocalendar components
The return value is a tuple with 2 components: (nextday, (y, w, d))
# while循环
while True:
# 下一个交易日
day += ONEDAY
# 获取day的日历信息
isocal = day.isocalendar()
# 如果day是周六、周日或者day是节假日,继续循环,得到下一日
if isocal[2] in self.p.offdays or day in self.p.holidays:
# 如果day不是周六周日和节假日,day就是想要的下一个交易日
return day, isocal
# 获取day的开盘和收盘时间
def schedule(self, day, tz=None):
Returns the opening and closing times for the given ``day``. If the
method is called, the assumption is that ``day`` is an actual trading
The return value is a tuple with 2 components: opentime, closetime
# while循环
while True:
# 获取day的日期
dt = day.date()
# 尝试获取交易日是否在earlydays里面,如果在,根据这个得到具体的开盘和收盘时间
# 如果不在,开盘默认是当前最小的时间,收盘默认是当天最大的时间
i = self._earlydays.index(dt)
o, c = self.p.earlydays[i][1:]
except ValueError: # not found
o, c = self.p.open, self.p.close
# 合成收盘日期和时间
closing = datetime.combine(dt, c)
# 如果时区不是None,根据时区对收盘时间进行转换
if tz is not None:
closing = tz.localize(closing).astimezone(UTC)
closing = closing.replace(tzinfo=None)
# 如果day大于收盘时间,跳到下一个交易日,然后重头开始循环
if day > closing: # current time over eos
day += ONEDAY
# 开盘日期和时间
opening = datetime.combine(dt, o)
# 如果时区不是None,根据时区对收盘时间进行转换
if tz is not None:
opening = tz.localize(opening).astimezone(UTC)
opening = opening.replace(tzinfo=None)
return opening, closing
class PandasMarketCalendar(TradingCalendarBase):
Wrapper of ``pandas_market_calendars`` for a trading calendar. The package
``pandas_market_calendar`` must be installed
# 必须要安装pandas_market_calendar
- ``calendar`` (default ``None``)
The param ``calendar`` accepts the following:
- string: the name of one of the calendars supported, for example
`NYSE`. The wrapper will attempt to get a calendar instance
- calendar instance: as returned by ``get_calendar('NYSE')``
# calendar信息,可以是字符串,也可以是calendar的实例
- ``cachesize`` (default ``365``)
Number of days to cache in advance for lookup
# 提前缓存多少的日期用于方便查找
See also:
- https://github.com/rsheftel/pandas_market_calendars
- http://pandas-market-calendars.readthedocs.io/
# 参数
params = (
('calendar', None), # A pandas_market_calendars instance or exch name
('cachesize', 365), # Number of days to cache in advance
# 初始化
def __init__(self):
self._calendar = self.p.calendar
# 如果self._calendar是字符串,使用get_calendar转换成calendar实例
if isinstance(self._calendar, string_types): # use passed mkt name
import pandas_market_calendars as mcal
self._calendar = mcal.get_calendar(self._calendar)
# 创建self.dcache,self.dcache,self.csize
import pandas as pd # guaranteed because of pandas_market_calendars
self.dcache = pd.DatetimeIndex([0.0])
self.idcache = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.DatetimeIndex([0.0]))
self.csize = timedelta(days=self.p.cachesize)
# 获取下一个交易日
def _nextday(self, day):
Returns the next trading day (datetime/date instance) after ``day``
(datetime/date instance) and the isocalendar components
The return value is a tuple with 2 components: (nextday, (y, w, d))
day += ONEDAY
while True:
# 获取day所在的index
i = self.dcache.searchsorted(day)
# 如果index等于self.dcache的长度,代表日期已经使用完了,需要进行更新了
if i == len(self.dcache):
# keep a cache of 1 year to speed up searching
self.dcache = self._calendar.valid_days(day, day + self.csize)
# 如果能够从self.dcache获取到day所在的index,然后转换成时间
d = self.dcache[i].to_pydatetime()
return d, d.isocalendar()
# 获取具体的开盘和收盘时间
def schedule(self, day, tz=None):
Returns the opening and closing times for the given ``day``. If the
method is called, the assumption is that ``day`` is an actual trading
The return value is a tuple with 2 components: opentime, closetime
while True:
# 获取交易日所在的index,然后判断是否需要更新日历数据
i = self.idcache.index.searchsorted(day.date())
if i == len(self.idcache):
# keep a cache of 1 year to speed up searching
self.idcache = self._calendar.schedule(day, day + self.csize)
# 对日历信息进行转换,生成开盘时间和收盘时间的元组
st = (x.tz_localize(None) for x in self.idcache.iloc[i, 0:2])
opening, closing = st # Get utc naive times
# 如果当前的day已经大于收盘时间了,就要跳到下一日,然后更新最新的开盘时间和收盘时间,然后返回
if day > closing: # passed time is over the sessionend
day += ONEDAY # wrap over to next day
return opening.to_pydatetime(), closing.to_pydatetime()
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