同步操作将从 andeyalee/erpc 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
// Copyright 2015-2019 HenryLee. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package erpc
import (
type (
// PreCtx context method set used before reading message header.
PreCtx interface {
// Peer returns the peer.
Peer() Peer
// Session returns the session.
Session() CtxSession
// IP returns the remote addr.
IP() string
// RealIP returns the the current real remote addr.
RealIP() string
// Swap returns custom data swap of context.
Swap() goutil.Map
// Context carries a deadline, a cancelation signal, and other values across
// API boundaries.
Context() context.Context
// Logger logger interface
// WriteCtx context method set for writing message.
WriteCtx interface {
// Output returns writed message.
Output() Message
// StatusOK returns the handle status is OK or not.
StatusOK() bool
// Status returns the handle status.
Status() *Status
// inputCtx common context method set.
inputCtx interface {
// Seq returns the input message sequence.
Seq() int32
// PeekMeta peeks the header metadata for the input message.
PeekMeta(key string) []byte
// VisitMeta calls f for each existing metadata.
// f must not retain references to key and value after returning.
// Make key and/or value copies if you need storing them after returning.
VisitMeta(f func(key, value []byte))
// CopyMeta returns the input message metadata copy.
CopyMeta() *utils.Args
// ServiceMethod returns the input message service method.
ServiceMethod() string
// ResetServiceMethod resets the input message service method.
// ReadCtx context method set for reading message.
ReadCtx interface {
// Input returns readed message.
Input() Message
// StatusOK returns the handle status is OK or not.
StatusOK() bool
// Status returns the handle status.
Status() *Status
// PushCtx context method set for handling the pushed message.
// For example:
// type HomePush struct{ PushCtx }
PushCtx interface {
// GetBodyCodec gets the body codec type of the input message.
GetBodyCodec() byte
// CallCtx context method set for handling the called message.
// For example:
// type HomeCall struct{ CallCtx }
CallCtx interface {
// Input returns readed message.
Input() Message
// GetBodyCodec gets the body codec type of the input message.
GetBodyCodec() byte
// Output returns writed message.
Output() Message
// ReplyBodyCodec initializes and returns the reply message body codec id.
ReplyBodyCodec() byte
// SetBodyCodec sets the body codec for reply message.
// AddMeta adds the header metadata 'key=value' for reply message.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
AddMeta(key, value string)
// SetMeta sets the header metadata 'key=value' for reply message.
SetMeta(key, value string)
// AddXferPipe appends transfer filter pipe of reply message.
AddXferPipe(filterID ...byte)
// UnknownPushCtx context method set for handling the unknown pushed message.
UnknownPushCtx interface {
// GetBodyCodec gets the body codec type of the input message.
GetBodyCodec() byte
// InputBodyBytes if the input body binder is []byte type, returns it, else returns nil.
InputBodyBytes() []byte
// Bind when the raw body binder is []byte type, now binds the input body to v.
Bind(v interface{}) (bodyCodec byte, err error)
// UnknownCallCtx context method set for handling the unknown called message.
UnknownCallCtx interface {
// GetBodyCodec gets the body codec type of the input message.
GetBodyCodec() byte
// InputBodyBytes if the input body binder is []byte type, returns it, else returns nil.
InputBodyBytes() []byte
// Bind when the raw body binder is []byte type, now binds the input body to v.
Bind(v interface{}) (bodyCodec byte, err error)
// SetBodyCodec sets the body codec for reply message.
// AddMeta adds the header metadata 'key=value' for reply message.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
AddMeta(key, value string)
// SetMeta sets the header metadata 'key=value' for reply message.
SetMeta(key, value string)
// AddXferPipe appends transfer filter pipe of reply message.
AddXferPipe(filterID ...byte)
var (
_ Logger = new(handlerCtx)
_ PreCtx = new(handlerCtx)
_ inputCtx = new(handlerCtx)
_ WriteCtx = new(handlerCtx)
_ ReadCtx = new(handlerCtx)
_ PushCtx = new(handlerCtx)
_ CallCtx = new(handlerCtx)
_ UnknownPushCtx = new(handlerCtx)
_ UnknownCallCtx = new(handlerCtx)
// handlerCtx the underlying common instance of CallCtx and PushCtx.
type handlerCtx struct {
sess *session
input Message
output Message
handler *Handler
arg reflect.Value
callCmd *callCmd
swap goutil.Map
start int64
cost time.Duration
pluginContainer *PluginContainer
stat *Status
context context.Context
var (
emptyValue = reflect.Value{}
emptyMethod = reflect.Method{}
// newReadHandleCtx creates a handlerCtx for one request/response or push.
func newReadHandleCtx() *handlerCtx {
c := new(handlerCtx)
c.input = socket.NewMessage()
c.output = socket.NewMessage()
return c
func (c *handlerCtx) reInit(s *session) {
c.sess = s
count := s.socket.SwapLen()
c.swap = goutil.RwMap(count)
if count > 0 {
s.socket.Swap().Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
c.swap.Store(key, value)
return true
func (c *handlerCtx) clean() {
c.sess = nil
c.handler = nil
c.arg = emptyValue
c.callCmd = nil
c.swap = nil
c.cost = 0
c.pluginContainer = nil
c.stat = nil
c.context = nil
// Peer returns the peer.
func (c *handlerCtx) Peer() Peer {
return c.sess.peer
// Session returns the session.
func (c *handlerCtx) Session() CtxSession {
return c.sess
// Input returns readed message.
func (c *handlerCtx) Input() Message {
return c.input
// Output returns writed message.
func (c *handlerCtx) Output() Message {
return c.output
// Swap returns custom data swap of context.
func (c *handlerCtx) Swap() goutil.Map {
return c.swap
// Seq returns the input message sequence.
func (c *handlerCtx) Seq() int32 {
return c.input.Seq()
// ServiceMethod returns the input message service method.
func (c *handlerCtx) ServiceMethod() string {
return c.input.ServiceMethod()
// ResetServiceMethod resets the input message service method.
func (c *handlerCtx) ResetServiceMethod(serviceMethod string) {
// PeekMeta peeks the header metadata for the input message.
func (c *handlerCtx) PeekMeta(key string) []byte {
return c.input.Meta().Peek(key)
// VisitMeta calls f for each existing metadata.
// f must not retain references to key and value after returning.
// Make key and/or value copies if you need storing them after returning.
func (c *handlerCtx) VisitMeta(f func(key, value []byte)) {
// CopyMeta returns the input message metadata copy.
func (c *handlerCtx) CopyMeta() *utils.Args {
dst := utils.AcquireArgs()
return dst
// AddMeta adds the header metadata 'key=value' for reply message.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (c *handlerCtx) AddMeta(key, value string) {
c.output.Meta().Add(key, value)
// SetMeta sets the header metadata 'key=value' for reply message.
func (c *handlerCtx) SetMeta(key, value string) {
c.output.Meta().Set(key, value)
// GetBodyCodec gets the body codec type of the input message.
func (c *handlerCtx) GetBodyCodec() byte {
return c.input.BodyCodec()
// SetBodyCodec sets the body codec for reply message.
func (c *handlerCtx) SetBodyCodec(bodyCodec byte) {
// AddXferPipe appends transfer filter pipe of reply message.
func (c *handlerCtx) AddXferPipe(filterID ...byte) {
// IP returns the remote addr.
func (c *handlerCtx) IP() string {
return c.sess.RemoteAddr().String()
// RealIP returns the the current real remote addr.
func (c *handlerCtx) RealIP() string {
realIP := c.PeekMeta(MetaRealIP)
if len(realIP) > 0 {
return string(realIP)
return c.sess.RemoteAddr().String()
// Context carries a deadline, a cancelation signal, and other values across
// API boundaries.
func (c *handlerCtx) Context() context.Context {
if c.context == nil {
return c.input.Context()
return c.context
// setContext sets the context for timeout.
func (c *handlerCtx) setContext(ctx context.Context) {
c.context = ctx
// Be executed synchronously when reading message
func (c *handlerCtx) binding(header Header) (body interface{}) {
c.start = c.sess.timeNow()
c.pluginContainer = c.sess.peer.pluginContainer
switch header.Mtype() {
case TypeReply:
return c.bindReply(header)
case TypePush:
return c.bindPush(header)
case TypeCall:
return c.bindCall(header)
c.stat = statCodeMtypeNotAllowed
return nil
const logFormatDisconnected = "disconnected due to unsupported message type: %d %s %s %q RECV(%s)"
// Be executed asynchronously after readed message
func (c *handlerCtx) handle() {
if c.stat.Code() == CodeMtypeNotAllowed {
goto E
switch c.input.Mtype() {
case TypeReply:
// handles call reply
case TypePush:
// handles push
case TypeCall:
// handles and replies call
// if unsupported, disconnected.
c.input.Mtype(), c.IP(), c.input.ServiceMethod(), c.input.Seq(),
messageLogBytes(c.input, c.sess.peer.printDetail))
go c.sess.Close()
func (c *handlerCtx) bindPush(header Header) interface{} {
c.stat = c.pluginContainer.postReadPushHeader(c)
if !c.stat.OK() {
return nil
if len(header.ServiceMethod()) == 0 {
c.stat = statBadMessage.Copy("invalid service method for message")
return nil
var ok bool
c.handler, ok = c.sess.getPushHandler(header.ServiceMethod())
if !ok {
c.stat = statNotFound
return nil
// reset plugin container
c.pluginContainer = c.handler.pluginContainer
c.arg = c.handler.NewArgValue()
c.stat = c.pluginContainer.preReadPushBody(c)
if !c.stat.OK() {
return nil
return c.input.Body()
func (c *handlerCtx) recordCost() {
c.cost = time.Duration(c.sess.timeNow() - c.start)
// handlePush handles push.
func (c *handlerCtx) handlePush() {
if age := c.sess.ContextAge(); age > 0 {
ctxTimout, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), age)
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
Errorf("panic:%v\n%s", p, goutil.PanicTrace(2))
if enablePrintRunLog() {
c.sess.printRunLog(c.RealIP(), c.cost, c.input, nil, typePushHandle)
if c.stat.OK() && c.handler != nil {
if c.pluginContainer.postReadPushBody(c) == nil {
if c.handler.isUnknown {
} else {
c.handler.handleFunc(c, c.arg)
if !c.stat.OK() {
Warnf("%s", c.stat.String())
func (c *handlerCtx) bindCall(header Header) interface{} {
c.stat = c.pluginContainer.postReadCallHeader(c)
if !c.stat.OK() {
return nil
if len(header.ServiceMethod()) == 0 {
c.stat = statBadMessage.Copy("invalid service method for message")
return nil
var ok bool
c.handler, ok = c.sess.getCallHandler(header.ServiceMethod())
if !ok {
c.stat = statNotFound
return nil
// reset plugin container
c.pluginContainer = c.handler.pluginContainer
if c.handler.isUnknown {
} else {
c.arg = c.handler.NewArgValue()
c.stat = c.pluginContainer.preReadCallBody(c)
if !c.stat.OK() {
return nil
return c.input.Body()
// handleCall handles and replies call.
func (c *handlerCtx) handleCall() {
var writed bool
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
Errorf("panic:%v\n%s", p, goutil.PanicTrace(2))
if !writed {
if c.stat.OK() {
c.stat = statInternalServerError.Copy(p)
if enablePrintRunLog() {
c.sess.printRunLog(c.RealIP(), c.cost, c.input, c.output, typeCallHandle)
if age := c.sess.ContextAge(); age > 0 {
ctxTimout, _ := context.WithTimeout(c.input.Context(), age)
if c.stat.OK() {
c.stat = c.output.Status()
// handle call
if c.stat.OK() {
c.stat = c.pluginContainer.postReadCallBody(c)
if c.stat.OK() {
if c.handler.isUnknown {
} else {
c.handler.handleFunc(c, c.arg)
// reply call
stat := c.writeReply(c.stat)
if !stat.OK() {
if c.stat.OK() {
c.stat = stat
if stat.Code() != CodeConnClosed {
writed = true
// ReplyBodyCodec initializes and returns the reply message body codec id.
func (c *handlerCtx) ReplyBodyCodec() byte {
id := c.output.BodyCodec()
if id != codec.NilCodecID {
return id
id, ok := GetAcceptBodyCodec(c.input.Meta())
if ok {
if _, err := codec.Get(id); err == nil {
return id
id = c.input.BodyCodec()
return id
func (c *handlerCtx) setReplyBodyCodec(hasError bool) {
if hasError {
func (c *handlerCtx) writeReply(stat *Status) *Status {
if !stat.OK() {
serviceMethod := c.output.ServiceMethod()
_, stat = c.sess.write(c.output)
return stat
func (c *handlerCtx) bindReply(header Header) interface{} {
_callCmd, ok := c.sess.callCmdMap.Load(header.Seq())
if !ok {
Warnf("not found call cmd: %v", c.input)
return nil
c.callCmd = _callCmd.(*callCmd)
// unlock: handleReply
c.swap = c.callCmd.swap
c.callCmd.inputBodyCodec = c.GetBodyCodec()
// if c.callCmd.inputMeta!=nil, means the callCmd is replyed.
c.callCmd.inputMeta = utils.AcquireArgs()
stat := c.pluginContainer.postReadReplyHeader(c)
if !stat.OK() {
c.callCmd.stat = stat
return nil
stat = c.pluginContainer.preReadReplyBody(c)
if !stat.OK() {
c.callCmd.stat = stat
return nil
return c.input.Body()
// handleReply handles call reply.
func (c *handlerCtx) handleReply() {
if c.callCmd == nil {
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
Errorf("panic:%v\n%s", p, goutil.PanicTrace(2))
c.callCmd.result = c.input.Body()
c.stat = c.callCmd.stat
c.callCmd.cost = time.Duration(c.sess.timeNow() - c.callCmd.start)
if enablePrintRunLog() {
c.sess.printRunLog(c.RealIP(), c.callCmd.cost, c.input, c.callCmd.output, typeCallLaunch)
// lock: bindReply
if c.callCmd.stat.OK() {
stat := c.input.Status()
if stat.OK() {
stat = c.pluginContainer.postReadReplyBody(c)
c.callCmd.stat = stat
// StatusOK returns the handle status is OK or not.
func (c *handlerCtx) StatusOK() bool {
return c.stat.OK()
// Status returns the handle status.
func (c *handlerCtx) Status() *Status {
return c.stat
// InputBodyBytes if the input body binder is []byte type, returns it, else returns nil.
func (c *handlerCtx) InputBodyBytes() []byte {
b, ok := c.input.Body().(*[]byte)
if !ok {
return nil
return *b
// Bind when the raw body binder is []byte type, now binds the input body to v.
func (c *handlerCtx) Bind(v interface{}) (byte, error) {
b := c.InputBodyBytes()
if b == nil {
return codec.NilCodecID, nil
err := c.input.UnmarshalBody(b)
return c.input.BodyCodec(), err
type (
// CallCmd the command of the calling operation's response.
CallCmd interface {
// TracePeer trace back the peer.
TracePeer() (peer Peer, found bool)
// TraceSession trace back the session.
TraceSession() (sess Session, found bool)
// Context carries a deadline, a cancelation signal, and other values across
// API boundaries.
Context() context.Context
// Output returns writed message.
Output() Message
// StatusOK returns the call status is OK or not.
StatusOK() bool
// Status returns the call status.
Status() *Status
// Done returns the chan that indicates whether it has been completed.
Done() <-chan struct{}
// Reply returns the call reply.
// NOTE:
// Inside, <-Done() is automatically called and blocked,
// until the call is completed!
Reply() (interface{}, *Status)
// InputBodyCodec gets the body codec type of the input message.
// NOTE:
// Inside, <-Done() is automatically called and blocked,
// until the call is completed!
InputBodyCodec() byte
// InputMeta returns the header metadata of input message.
// NOTE:
// Inside, <-Done() is automatically called and blocked,
// until the call is completed!
InputMeta() *utils.Args
// CostTime returns the called cost time.
// If PeerConfig.CountTime=false, always returns 0.
// NOTE:
// Inside, <-Done() is automatically called and blocked,
// until the call is completed!
CostTime() time.Duration
callCmd struct {
start int64
cost time.Duration
sess *session
output Message
result interface{}
stat *Status
inputMeta *utils.Args
swap goutil.Map
mu sync.Mutex
callCmdChan chan<- CallCmd // Send itself to the public channel when call is complete.
doneChan chan struct{} // Strobes when call is complete.
inputBodyCodec byte
var _ WriteCtx = new(callCmd)
// TracePeer trace back the peer.
func (c *callCmd) TracePeer() (Peer, bool) {
return c.Peer(), true
// Peer returns the peer.
func (c *callCmd) Peer() Peer {
return c.sess.peer
// TraceSession trace back the session.
func (c *callCmd) TraceSession() (Session, bool) {
return c.sess, true
// Session returns the session.
func (c *callCmd) Session() CtxSession {
return c.sess
// IP returns the remote addr.
func (c *callCmd) IP() string {
return c.sess.RemoteAddr().String()
// RealIP returns the the current real remote addr.
func (c *callCmd) RealIP() string {
realIP := c.inputMeta.Peek(MetaRealIP)
if len(realIP) > 0 {
return string(realIP)
return c.sess.RemoteAddr().String()
// Swap returns custom data swap of context.
func (c *callCmd) Swap() goutil.Map {
return c.swap
// SwapLen returns the amount of recorded custom data of context.
func (c *callCmd) SwapLen() int {
return c.swap.Len()
// Output returns writed message.
func (c *callCmd) Output() Message {
return c.output
// Context carries a deadline, a cancelation signal, and other values across
// API boundaries.
func (c *callCmd) Context() context.Context {
return c.output.Context()
// StatusOK returns the call status is OK or not.
func (c *callCmd) StatusOK() bool {
return c.stat.OK()
// Status returns the call status.
func (c *callCmd) Status() *Status {
return c.stat
// Done returns the chan that indicates whether it has been completed.
func (c *callCmd) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return c.doneChan
// Reply returns the call reply.
// NOTE:
// Inside, <-Done() is automatically called and blocked,
// until the call is completed!
func (c *callCmd) Reply() (interface{}, *Status) {
return c.result, c.stat
// InputBodyCodec gets the body codec type of the input message.
// NOTE:
// Inside, <-Done() is automatically called and blocked,
// until the call is completed!
func (c *callCmd) InputBodyCodec() byte {
return c.inputBodyCodec
// InputMeta returns the header metadata of input message.
// NOTE:
// Inside, <-Done() is automatically called and blocked,
// until the call is completed!
func (c *callCmd) InputMeta() *utils.Args {
return c.inputMeta
// CostTime returns the called cost time.
// If PeerConfig.CountTime=false, always returns 0.
// NOTE:
// Inside, <-Done() is automatically called and blocked,
// until the call is completed!
func (c *callCmd) CostTime() time.Duration {
return c.cost
func (c *callCmd) done() {
c.callCmdChan <- c
// free count call-launch
func (c *callCmd) cancel(reason string) {
if reason != "" {
c.stat = statConnClosed.Copy(reason)
} else {
c.stat = statConnClosed
c.callCmdChan <- c
// free count call-launch
// if callCmd.inputMeta!=nil, means the callCmd is replyed.
func (c *callCmd) hasReply() bool {
return c.inputMeta != nil
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