同步操作将从 andeyalee/erpc 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
// Copyright 2015-2019 HenryLee. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package erpc
import (
type (
// PreSession a connection session that has not started reading goroutine.
PreSession interface {
// Peer returns the peer.
Peer() Peer
// LocalAddr returns the local network address.
LocalAddr() net.Addr
// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
RemoteAddr() net.Addr
// Swap returns custom data swap of the session(socket).
Swap() goutil.Map
// SetID sets the session id.
SetID(newID string)
// ControlFD invokes f on the underlying connection's file
// descriptor or handle.
// The file descriptor fd is guaranteed to remain valid while
// f executes but not after f returns.
ControlFD(f func(fd uintptr)) error
// ModifySocket modifies the socket.
// NOTE:
// The connection fd is not allowed to change!
// Inherit the previous session id and custom data swap;
// If modifiedConn!=nil, reset the net.Conn of the socket;
// If newProtoFunc!=nil, reset the ProtoFunc of the socket.
ModifySocket(fn func(conn net.Conn) (modifiedConn net.Conn, newProtoFunc ProtoFunc))
// GetProtoFunc returns the ProtoFunc
GetProtoFunc() ProtoFunc
// PreSend temporarily sends message when the session is just builded,
// do not execute other plugins.
// NOTE:
// Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection;
// Recommend to reuse unused Message: PutMessage(input).
PreSend(mtype byte, serviceMethod string, body interface{}, stat *Status, setting ...MessageSetting) (opStat *Status)
// PreReceive temporarily receives message when the session is just builded,
// do not execute other plugins.
// NOTE:
// Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection;
// Recommend to reuse unused Message: PutMessage(input).
PreReceive(newArgs NewBodyFunc, ctx ...context.Context) (input Message)
// PreCall temporarily sends TypeCall message and receives message,
// when the session is just builded, do not execute other plugins.
// NOTE:
// Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase;
// The reply parameter is the body receiver;
// The external setting seq is invalid, the internal will be forced to set;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection.
PreCall(serviceMethod string, args, reply interface{}, callSetting ...MessageSetting) (opStat *Status)
// PreReply temporarily sends TypeReply message when the session is just builded,
// do not execute other plugins.
// NOTE:
// Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase;
// The external setting seq is invalid, the internal will be forced to set;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection.
PreReply(req Message, body interface{}, stat *Status, setting ...MessageSetting) (opStat *Status)
// RawPush sends a TypePush message without executing other plugins.
// NOTE:
// The external setting seq is invalid, the internal will be forced to set;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection.
RawPush(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, setting ...MessageSetting) (opStat *Status)
// SessionAge returns the session max age.
SessionAge() time.Duration
// ContextAge returns CALL or PUSH context max age.
ContextAge() time.Duration
// SetSessionAge sets the session max age.
SetSessionAge(duration time.Duration)
// SetContextAge sets CALL or PUSH context max age.
SetContextAge(duration time.Duration)
// Logger logger interface
// BaseSession a connection session with the common method set.
BaseSession interface {
// Peer returns the peer.
Peer() Peer
// ID returns the session id.
ID() string
// LocalAddr returns the local network address.
LocalAddr() net.Addr
// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
RemoteAddr() net.Addr
// Swap returns custom data swap of the session(socket).
Swap() goutil.Map
// Logger logger interface
// CtxSession a connection session that can be used in the handler context.
CtxSession interface {
// ID returns the session id.
ID() string
// LocalAddr returns the local network address.
LocalAddr() net.Addr
// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
RemoteAddr() net.Addr
// Swap returns custom data swap of the session(socket).
Swap() goutil.Map
// CloseNotify returns a channel that closes when the connection has gone away.
CloseNotify() <-chan struct{}
// Health checks if the session is usable.
Health() bool
// AsyncCall sends a message and receives reply asynchronously.
// If the is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name.
serviceMethod string,
args interface{},
result interface{},
callCmdChan chan<- CallCmd,
setting ...MessageSetting,
) CallCmd
// Call sends a message and receives reply.
// NOTE:
// If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name;
// If the session is a client role and PeerConfig.RedialTimes>0, it is automatically re-called once after a failure.
Call(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, result interface{}, setting ...MessageSetting) CallCmd
// Push sends a message of TypePush type, but do not receives reply.
// NOTE:
// If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name;
// If the session is a client role and PeerConfig.RedialTimes>0, it is automatically re-called once after a failure.
Push(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, setting ...MessageSetting) *Status
// SessionAge returns the session max age.
SessionAge() time.Duration
// ContextAge returns CALL or PUSH context max age.
ContextAge() time.Duration
// Logger logger interface
// Session a connection session.
Session interface {
// Peer returns the peer.
Peer() Peer
// SetID sets the session id.
SetID(newID string)
// Close closes the session.
Close() error
var (
_ PreSession = new(session)
_ BaseSession = new(session)
_ CtxSession = new(session)
_ Session = new(session)
type session struct {
peer *peer
getCallHandler, getPushHandler func(serviceMethodPath string) (*Handler, bool)
timeNow func() int64
callCmdMap goutil.Map
protoFuncs []ProtoFunc
socket socket.Socket
closeNotifyCh chan struct{} // closeNotifyCh is the channel returned by CloseNotify.
writeLock sync.Mutex
graceCtxWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
graceCtxMutex sync.Mutex
graceCallCmdWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
sessionAge time.Duration
contextAge time.Duration
sessionAgeLock sync.RWMutex
contextAgeLock sync.RWMutex
lock sync.RWMutex
redialForClientLocked func() bool // only for client role
seq int32
status int32
didCloseNotify int32
func newSession(peer *peer, conn net.Conn, protoFuncs []ProtoFunc) *session {
var s = &session{
peer: peer,
getCallHandler: peer.router.subRouter.getCall,
getPushHandler: peer.router.subRouter.getPush,
timeNow: peer.timeNow,
protoFuncs: protoFuncs,
status: statusPreparing,
socket: socket.NewSocket(conn, protoFuncs...),
closeNotifyCh: make(chan struct{}),
callCmdMap: goutil.AtomicMap(),
sessionAge: peer.defaultSessionAge,
contextAge: peer.defaultContextAge,
return s
// NOTE: Do not change the order
const (
statusPreparing int32 = iota
func (s *session) changeStatus(stat int32) {
atomic.StoreInt32(&s.status, stat)
func (s *session) tryChangeStatus(to int32, fromList ...int32) (changed bool) {
for _, from := range fromList {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.status, from, to) {
return true
return false
func (s *session) checkStatus(checkList ...int32) bool {
stat := atomic.LoadInt32(&s.status)
for _, v := range checkList {
if v == stat {
return true
return false
func (s *session) getStatus() int32 {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&s.status)
func (s *session) goonRead() bool {
return s.checkStatus(statusOk, statusActiveClosing)
func (s *session) notifyClosed() {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.didCloseNotify, 0, 1) {
// CloseNotify returns a channel that closes when the connection has gone away.
func (s *session) CloseNotify() <-chan struct{} {
return s.closeNotifyCh
// IsActiveClosed returns whether the connection has been closed, and is actively closed.
func (s *session) IsActiveClosed() bool {
return s.checkStatus(statusActiveClosed)
// IsPassiveClosed returns whether the connection has been closed, and is passively closed.
func (s *session) IsPassiveClosed() bool {
return s.checkStatus(statusPassiveClosed)
// Health checks if the session is usable.
func (s *session) Health() bool {
status := s.getStatus()
if status == statusOk {
return true
if s.redialForClientLocked == nil {
return false
if status == statusPassiveClosed {
return true
return false
func (s *session) graceCtxWait() {
// Peer returns the peer.
func (s *session) Peer() Peer {
return s.peer
// ID returns the session id.
func (s *session) ID() string {
return s.socket.ID()
// SetID sets the session id.
func (s *session) SetID(newID string) {
oldID := s.ID()
if oldID == newID {
hub := s.peer.sessHub
Tracef("session changes id: %s -> %s", oldID, newID)
// ControlFD invokes f on the underlying connection's file
// descriptor or handle.
// The file descriptor fd is guaranteed to remain valid while
// f executes but not after f returns.
func (s *session) ControlFD(f func(fd uintptr)) error {
defer s.lock.RUnlock()
return s.socket.ControlFD(f)
func (s *session) getConn() net.Conn {
return s.socket.Raw()
// ModifySocket modifies the socket.
// NOTE:
// The connection fd is not allowed to change!
// Inherit the previous session id and custom data swap;
// If modifiedConn!=nil, reset the net.Conn of the socket;
// If newProtoFunc!=nil, reset the ProtoFunc of the socket.
func (s *session) ModifySocket(fn func(conn net.Conn) (modifiedConn net.Conn, newProtoFunc ProtoFunc)) {
conn := s.getConn()
modifiedConn, newProtoFunc := fn(conn)
isModifiedConn := modifiedConn != nil
isNewProtoFunc := newProtoFunc != nil
if isNewProtoFunc {
s.protoFuncs = s.protoFuncs[:0]
s.protoFuncs = append(s.protoFuncs, newProtoFunc)
if !isModifiedConn && !isNewProtoFunc {
var pub goutil.Map
if s.socket.SwapLen() > 0 {
pub = s.socket.Swap()
id := s.ID()
s.socket.Reset(modifiedConn, s.protoFuncs...)
s.socket.Swap(pub) // set the old swap
// GetProtoFunc returns the ProtoFunc
func (s *session) GetProtoFunc() ProtoFunc {
if len(s.protoFuncs) > 0 && s.protoFuncs[0] != nil {
return s.protoFuncs[0]
return socket.DefaultProtoFunc()
// LocalAddr returns the local network address.
func (s *session) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return s.socket.LocalAddr()
// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
func (s *session) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return s.socket.RemoteAddr()
// SessionAge returns the session max age.
func (s *session) SessionAge() time.Duration {
age := s.sessionAge
return age
// SetSessionAge sets the session max age.
func (s *session) SetSessionAge(duration time.Duration) {
s.sessionAge = duration
if duration > 0 {
} else {
// ContextAge returns CALL or PUSH context max age.
func (s *session) ContextAge() time.Duration {
age := s.contextAge
return age
// SetContextAge sets CALL or PUSH context max age.
func (s *session) SetContextAge(duration time.Duration) {
s.contextAge = duration
// PreSend temporarily sends message when the session is just builded,
// do not execute other plugins.
// NOTE:
// Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection;
// Recommend to reuse unused Message: PutMessage(input).
func (s *session) PreSend(mtype byte, serviceMethod string, body interface{}, stat *Status, setting ...MessageSetting) (opStat *Status) {
if !s.checkStatus(statusPreparing) {
return statUnpreparedError
var output Message
defer func() {
if output != nil {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
opStat = statBadMessage.Copy(p, 3)
output, opStat = s.send(mtype, 0, serviceMethod, body, stat, setting)
return opStat
func (s *session) send(mtype byte, seq int32, serviceMethod string, body interface{}, stat *Status, setting []MessageSetting) (Message, *Status) {
output := socket.GetMessage(setting...)
if seq == 0 {
seq = atomic.AddInt32(&s.seq, 1)
if output.BodyCodec() == codec.NilCodecID {
if len(serviceMethod) > 0 {
if body != nil {
if !stat.OK() {
return output, s.doSend(output)
func (s *session) doSend(output Message) *Status {
if age := s.ContextAge(); age > 0 {
ctxTimout, _ := context.WithTimeout(output.Context(), age)
defer s.writeLock.Unlock()
ctx := output.Context()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return statWriteFailed.Copy(ctx.Err())
deadline, _ := ctx.Deadline()
err := s.socket.WriteMessage(output)
if err == nil {
return nil
if err == io.EOF || err == socket.ErrProactivelyCloseSocket {
return statConnClosed
Debugf("write error: %s", err.Error())
return statWriteFailed.Copy(err)
var statUnpreparedError = statInvalidOpError.Copy("Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase")
// PreReceive temporarily receives message when the session is just builded,
// do not execute other plugins.
// NOTE:
// Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection;
// Recommend to reuse unused Message: PutMessage(input).
func (s *session) PreReceive(newArgs NewBodyFunc, ctx ...context.Context) (input Message) {
if len(ctx) > 0 {
input = socket.GetMessage(WithContext(ctx[0]))
} else {
input = socket.GetMessage()
if !s.checkStatus(statusPreparing) {
return input
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
input.SetStatus(statBadMessage.Copy(p, 3))
if age := s.ContextAge(); age > 0 {
ctxTimout, _ := context.WithTimeout(input.Context(), age)
deadline, _ := input.Context().Deadline()
if err := s.socket.ReadMessage(input); err != nil {
return input
// PreCall temporarily sends TypeCall message and receives message,
// when the session is just builded, do not execute other plugins.
// NOTE:
// Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase;
// The reply parameter is the body receiver;
// The external setting seq is invalid, the internal will be forced to set;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection.
func (s *session) PreCall(serviceMethod string, args, reply interface{}, callSetting ...MessageSetting) (opStat *Status) {
if !s.checkStatus(statusPreparing) {
return statUnpreparedError
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
opStat = statBadMessage.Copy(p, 3)
output, opStat := s.send(TypeCall, 0, serviceMethod, args, nil, callSetting)
if !opStat.OK() {
return opStat
ctx := output.Context()
return s.PreReceive(func(Header) interface{} { return reply }, ctx).Status()
// PreReply temporarily sends TypeReply message when the session is just builded,
// do not execute other plugins.
// NOTE:
// Cannot be called during the Non-PostDial and Non-PostAccept phase;
// The external setting seq is invalid, the internal will be forced to set;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection.
func (s *session) PreReply(req Message, body interface{}, stat *Status, setting ...MessageSetting) (opStat *Status) {
if !s.checkStatus(statusPreparing) {
return statUnpreparedError
var output Message
defer func() {
if output != nil {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
opStat = statBadMessage.Copy(p, 3)
output, opStat = s.send(TypeReply, req.Seq(), req.ServiceMethod(), body, stat, setting)
return opStat
// RawPush sends a TypePush message without executing other plugins.
// NOTE:
// The external setting seq is invalid, the internal will be forced to set;
// Does not support automatic redial after disconnection.
func (s *session) RawPush(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, setting ...MessageSetting) (opStat *Status) {
var output Message
defer func() {
if output != nil {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
opStat = statBadMessage.Copy(p, 3)
output, opStat = s.send(TypePush, 0, serviceMethod, args, nil, setting)
return opStat
// Push sends a message of TypePush type, but do not receives reply.
// NOTE:
// If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name;
// If the session is a client role and PeerConfig.RedialTimes>0, it is automatically re-called once after a failure.
func (s *session) Push(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, setting ...MessageSetting) *Status {
ctx := s.peer.getContext(s, true)
defer func() {
s.peer.putContext(ctx, true)
if p := recover(); p != nil {
Errorf("panic:%v\n%s", p, goutil.PanicTrace(2))
ctx.start = s.timeNow()
output := ctx.output
for _, fn := range setting {
if fn != nil {
output.SetSeq(atomic.AddInt32(&s.seq, 1))
if output.BodyCodec() == codec.NilCodecID {
if age := s.ContextAge(); age > 0 {
ctxTimout, _ := context.WithTimeout(output.Context(), age)
stat := s.peer.pluginContainer.preWritePush(ctx)
if !stat.OK() {
return stat
var usedConn net.Conn
if usedConn, stat = s.write(output); !stat.OK() {
if stat == statConnClosed && s.redialForClient(usedConn) {
goto W
return stat
if enablePrintRunLog() {
s.printRunLog("", time.Duration(s.timeNow()-ctx.start), nil, output, typePushLaunch)
return nil
// AsyncCall sends a message and receives reply asynchronously.
// NOTE:
// If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name;
// If the session is a client role and PeerConfig.RedialTimes>0, it is automatically re-called once after a failure.
func (s *session) AsyncCall(
serviceMethod string,
args interface{},
result interface{},
callCmdChan chan<- CallCmd,
setting ...MessageSetting,
) CallCmd {
if callCmdChan == nil {
callCmdChan = make(chan CallCmd, 10) // buffered.
} else {
// If caller passes callCmdChan != nil, it must arrange that
// callCmdChan has enough buffer for the number of simultaneous
// RPCs that will be using that channel. If the channel
// is totally unbuffered, it's best not to run at all.
if cap(callCmdChan) == 0 {
Panicf("*session.AsyncCall(): callCmdChan channel is unbuffered")
output := socket.NewMessage()
for _, fn := range setting {
if fn != nil {
seq := atomic.AddInt32(&s.seq, 1)
if output.BodyCodec() == codec.NilCodecID {
if age := s.ContextAge(); age > 0 {
ctxTimout, _ := context.WithTimeout(output.Context(), age)
cmd := &callCmd{
sess: s,
output: output,
result: result,
callCmdChan: callCmdChan,
doneChan: make(chan struct{}),
start: s.timeNow(),
swap: goutil.RwMap(),
// count call-launch
if s.socket.SwapLen() > 0 {
s.socket.Swap().Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
cmd.swap.Store(key, value)
return true
defer cmd.mu.Unlock()
s.callCmdMap.Store(seq, cmd)
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
Errorf("panic:%v\n%s", p, goutil.PanicTrace(2))
cmd.stat = s.peer.pluginContainer.preWriteCall(cmd)
if !cmd.stat.OK() {
return cmd
var usedConn net.Conn
if usedConn, cmd.stat = s.write(output); !cmd.stat.OK() {
if cmd.stat == statConnClosed && s.redialForClient(usedConn) {
goto W
return cmd
return cmd
// Call sends a message and receives reply.
// NOTE:
// If the args is []byte or *[]byte type, it can automatically fill in the body codec name;
// If the session is a client role and PeerConfig.RedialTimes>0, it is automatically re-called once after a failure.
func (s *session) Call(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, result interface{}, setting ...MessageSetting) CallCmd {
callCmd := s.AsyncCall(serviceMethod, args, result, make(chan CallCmd, 1), setting...)
return callCmd
// Swap returns custom data swap of the session(socket).
func (s *session) Swap() goutil.Map {
return s.socket.Swap()
// Close closes the session.
func (s *session) Close() error {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
return s.closeLocked()
func (s *session) closeLocked() error {
if !s.tryChangeStatus(statusActiveClosing, statusOk, statusPreparing) {
return nil
} // readDisconnected is being called
err := s.socket.Close()
return err
func (s *session) readDisconnected(oldConn net.Conn, err error) {
status := s.getStatus()
switch status {
case statusPassiveClosed, statusActiveClosed, statusPassiveClosing:
case statusActiveClosing:
var reason string
if err != nil && err != socket.ErrProactivelyCloseSocket {
if errStr := err.Error(); errStr != "EOF" {
reason = errStr
Debugf("disconnect(%s) when reading: %T %s", s.RemoteAddr().String(), err, errStr)
// cancel the callCmd that is waiting for a reply
s.callCmdMap.Range(func(_, v interface{}) bool {
callCmd := v.(*callCmd)
if !callCmd.hasReply() && callCmd.stat.OK() {
return true
if status == statusActiveClosing {
if !s.redialForClient(oldConn) {
func (s *session) redialForClient(oldConn net.Conn) bool {
if s.redialForClientLocked == nil {
return false
defer s.lock.Unlock()
// Avoid repeated calls from write and readDisconnected methods
if oldConn != s.getConn() {
return true
if s.tryChangeStatus(statusRedialing, statusOk, statusPassiveClosing, statusPassiveClosed, statusRedialFailed) {
return s.redialForClientLocked()
return false
func (s *session) startReadAndHandle() {
var withContext MessageSetting
if readTimeout := s.SessionAge(); readTimeout > 0 {
ctxTimout, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), readTimeout)
withContext = socket.WithContext(ctxTimout)
} else {
withContext = socket.WithContext(nil)
var (
err error
usedConn = s.getConn()
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic:%v\n%s", p, goutil.PanicTrace(2))
s.readDisconnected(usedConn, err)
// read call, call reply or push
for s.goonRead() {
var ctx = s.peer.getContext(s, false)
if s.peer.pluginContainer.preReadHeader(ctx) != nil {
s.peer.putContext(ctx, false)
err = s.socket.ReadMessage(ctx.input)
if (err != nil && ctx.GetBodyCodec() == codec.NilCodecID) || !s.goonRead() {
s.peer.putContext(ctx, false)
if err != nil {
ctx.stat = statBadMessage.Copy(err)
if !Go(func() {
defer s.peer.putContext(ctx, true)
}) {
s.peer.putContext(ctx, true)
func (s *session) write(message Message) (net.Conn, *Status) {
usedConn := s.getConn()
status := s.getStatus()
if !(status == statusOk || (status == statusActiveClosing && message.Mtype() == TypeReply)) {
return usedConn, statConnClosed
var (
err error
ctx = message.Context()
deadline, _ = ctx.Deadline()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err = ctx.Err()
goto ERR
defer s.writeLock.Unlock()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err = ctx.Err()
goto ERR
err = s.socket.WriteMessage(message)
if err == nil {
return usedConn, nil
if err == io.EOF || err == socket.ErrProactivelyCloseSocket {
return usedConn, statConnClosed
Debugf("write error: %s", err.Error())
return usedConn, statWriteFailed.Copy(err)
// SessionHub sessions hub
type SessionHub struct {
// key: session id (ip, name and so on)
// value: *session
sessions goutil.Map
// newSessionHub creates a new sessions hub.
func newSessionHub() *SessionHub {
chub := &SessionHub{
sessions: goutil.AtomicMap(),
return chub
// set sets a *session.
func (sh *SessionHub) set(sess *session) {
_sess, loaded := sh.sessions.LoadOrStore(sess.ID(), sess)
if !loaded {
sh.sessions.Store(sess.ID(), sess)
if oldSess := _sess.(*session); sess != oldSess {
// get gets *session by id.
// If second returned arg is false, mean the *session is not found.
func (sh *SessionHub) get(id string) (*session, bool) {
_sess, ok := sh.sessions.Load(id)
if !ok {
return nil, false
return _sess.(*session), true
// rangeCallback calls f sequentially for each id and *session present in the session hub.
// If fn returns false, stop traversing.
func (sh *SessionHub) rangeCallback(fn func(*session) bool) {
sh.sessions.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return fn(value.(*session))
// random gets a *session randomly.
// If second returned arg is false, mean no *session is exist.
func (sh *SessionHub) random() (*session, bool) {
_, sess, exist := sh.sessions.Random()
if !exist {
return nil, false
return sess.(*session), true
// len returns the length of the session hub.
// NOTE: the count implemented using sync.Map may be inaccurate.
func (sh *SessionHub) len() int {
return sh.sessions.Len()
// delete deletes the *session for a id.
func (sh *SessionHub) delete(id string) {
const (
typePushLaunch int8 = 1
typePushHandle int8 = 2
typeCallLaunch int8 = 3
typeCallHandle int8 = 4
const (
logFormatPushLaunch = "PUSH-> %s %s %q SEND(%s)"
logFormatPushHandle = "PUSH<- %s %s %q RECV(%s)"
logFormatCallLaunch = "CALL-> %s %s %q SEND(%s) RECV(%s)"
logFormatCallHandle = "CALL<- %s %s %q RECV(%s) SEND(%s)"
func enablePrintRunLog() bool {
return EnableLoggerLevel(WARNING)
func (s *session) printRunLog(realIP string, costTime time.Duration, input, output Message, logType int8) {
var addr = s.RemoteAddr().String()
if realIP != "" && realIP == addr {
realIP = "same"
if realIP == "" {
realIP = "-"
addr += "(real:" + realIP + ")"
var (
costTimeStr string
printFunc = Infof
if s.peer.countTime {
if costTime >= s.peer.slowCometDuration {
costTimeStr = costTime.String() + "(slow)"
printFunc = Warnf
} else {
if GetLoggerLevel() < INFO {
costTimeStr = costTime.String() + "(fast)"
} else {
if GetLoggerLevel() < INFO {
costTimeStr = "(-)"
switch logType {
case typePushLaunch:
printFunc(logFormatPushLaunch, addr, costTimeStr, output.ServiceMethod(), messageLogBytes(output, s.peer.printDetail))
case typePushHandle:
printFunc(logFormatPushHandle, addr, costTimeStr, input.ServiceMethod(), messageLogBytes(input, s.peer.printDetail))
case typeCallLaunch:
printFunc(logFormatCallLaunch, addr, costTimeStr, output.ServiceMethod(), messageLogBytes(output, s.peer.printDetail), messageLogBytes(input, s.peer.printDetail))
case typeCallHandle:
printFunc(logFormatCallHandle, addr, costTimeStr, input.ServiceMethod(), messageLogBytes(input, s.peer.printDetail), messageLogBytes(output, s.peer.printDetail))
func messageLogBytes(message Message, printDetail bool) []byte {
var b = make([]byte, 0, 128)
b = append(b, '{')
b = append(b, '"', 's', 'i', 'z', 'e', '"', ':')
b = append(b, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(message.Size()), 10)...)
if statBytes := message.Status().EncodeQuery(); len(statBytes) > 0 {
b = append(b, ',', '"', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 'u', 's', '"', ':')
b = append(b, statBytes...)
if printDetail {
if message.Meta().Len() > 0 {
b = append(b, ',', '"', 'm', 'e', 't', 'a', '"', ':')
b = append(b, utils.ToJSONStr(message.Meta().QueryString(), false)...)
if bodyBytes := bodyLogBytes(message); len(bodyBytes) > 0 {
b = append(b, ',', '"', 'b', 'o', 'd', 'y', '"', ':')
b = append(b, bodyBytes...)
b = append(b, '}')
return b
func bodyLogBytes(message Message) []byte {
switch v := message.Body().(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case []byte:
return utils.ToJSONStr(v, false)
case *[]byte:
return utils.ToJSONStr(*v, false)
b, _ := json.Marshal(message.Body())
return b
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