# coding=utf-8
import sys
import json
IS_PY3 = sys.version_info.major == 3
if IS_PY3:
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.request import Request
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import urllib2
from urllib import quote_plus
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib2 import Request
from urllib2 import URLError
from urllib import urlencode
API_KEY = 'plu6YAB0ZxR9HsdD6jZKHA2O'
SECRET_KEY = 'xn1GVMlUw1K0wnABcqjOqaR4joo1Y33B'
# 发音人选择, 基础音库:0为度小美,1为度小宇,3为度逍遥,4为度丫丫,
# 精品音库:5为度小娇,103为度米朵,106为度博文,110为度小童,111为度小萌,默认为度小美
PER = 4
# 语速,取值0-15,默认为5中语速
SPD = 5
# 音调,取值0-15,默认为5中语调
PIT = 5
# 音量,取值0-9,默认为5中音量
VOL = 5
# 下载的文件格式, 3:mp3(default) 4: pcm-16k 5: pcm-8k 6. wav
AUE = 3
FORMATS = {3: "mp3", 4: "pcm", 5: "pcm", 6: "wav"}
CUID = "123456PYTHON"
TTS_URL = 'http://tsn.baidu.com/text2audio'
class DemoError(Exception):
""" TOKEN start """
TOKEN_URL = 'http://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token'
SCOPE = 'audio_tts_post' # 有此scope表示有tts能力,没有请在网页里勾选
def fetch_token():
# print("fetch token begin")
params = {'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
'client_id': API_KEY,
'client_secret': SECRET_KEY}
post_data = urlencode(params)
if (IS_PY3):
post_data = post_data.encode('utf-8')
req = Request(TOKEN_URL, post_data)
f = urlopen(req, timeout=5)
result_str = f.read()
except URLError as err:
print('token http response http code : ' + str(err.code))
result_str = err.read()
if (IS_PY3):
result_str = result_str.decode()
# print(result_str)
result = json.loads(result_str)
# print(result)
if ('access_token' in result.keys() and 'scope' in result.keys()):
if not SCOPE in result['scope'].split(' '):
raise DemoError('scope is not correct')
# print('SUCCESS WITH TOKEN: %s ; EXPIRES IN SECONDS: %s' % (result['access_token'], result['expires_in']))
return result['access_token']
raise DemoError('MAYBE API_KEY or SECRET_KEY not correct: access_token or scope not found in token response')
""" TOKEN end """
# TEXT = "欢迎使用百度语音合成。"
def speak_au(TEXT):
token = fetch_token()
tex = quote_plus(TEXT) # 此处TEXT需要两次urlencode
# print(tex)
params = {'tok': token, 'tex': tex, 'per': PER, 'spd': SPD, 'pit': PIT, 'vol': VOL, 'aue': AUE, 'cuid': CUID,
'lan': 'zh', 'ctp': 1} # lan ctp 固定参数
data = urlencode(params)
# print('test on Web Browser' + TTS_URL + '?' + data)
req = Request(TTS_URL, data.encode('utf-8'))
has_error = False
f = urlopen(req)
result_str = f.read()
headers = dict((name.lower(), value) for name, value in f.headers.items())
has_error = ('content-type' not in headers.keys() or headers['content-type'].find('audio/') < 0)
except URLError as err:
print('asr http response http code : ' + str(err.code))
result_str = err.read()
has_error = True
save_file = "error.txt" if has_error else 'result.' + FORMAT
with open(save_file, 'wb') as of:
if has_error:
if (IS_PY3):
# result_str = str(result_str, 'utf-8')
# print("tts api error:" + result_str)
# print("result saved as :" + save_file)
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