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DFRobot_IICSerial.h 20.85 KB
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Arya11111 提交于 2022-01-10 19:09 . modify foramt
* @file DFRobot_IICSerial.h
* @brief Define the basic structure of class DFRobot_IICSerial
* @n This is a library for IIC to UART module, the maximum rate is 1Mbps;
* @n The band rate, word length, and check format of every sub UART can be set independently;
* @n The module can provide at most 2Mbps communication rate;
* @n Each sub UART is able to receive/transmit independent 256 bytes FIFO hardware cache;
* @n Users can configure FIFO interrupt by programming.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [Arya](xue.peng@dfrobot.com)
* @version V1.0
* @date 2019-07-28
* @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_IICSerial
#ifndef __DFRobot_IICSERIAL_H
#define __DFRobot_IICSERIAL_H
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "Stream.h"
#if ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#if 0 //< Change 0 to 1 to open debug macro and check program debug information
#define DBG(...) {Serial.print("["); Serial.print(__FUNCTION__); Serial.print("(): "); Serial.print(__LINE__); Serial.print(" ] "); Serial.println(__VA_ARGS__);}
#define DBG(...)
#if ((RAMEND - RAMSTART) < 1023)
typedef uint16_t rx_buffer_index_t;
typedef uint8_t rx_buffer_index_t;
class DFRobot_IICSerial : public _Stream{
class DFRobot_IICSerial : public Stream{
* @brief Data format: N for no parity, Z for 0 parity, O for Odd parity, E for Even parity, F for 1 parity.
* @n 8 represents the number of data bit, 1 or 2 for the number of stop bit.
#define IICSerial_8N1 0x00
#define IICSerial_8N2 0x01
#define IICSerial_8Z1 0x08
#define IICSerial_8Z2 0x09
#define IICSerial_8O1 0x0A
#define IICSerial_8O2 0x0B
#define IICSerial_8E1 0x0C
#define IICSerial_8E2 0x0D
#define IICSerial_8F1 0x0E
#define IICSerial_8F2 0x0F
#define SUBUART_CHANNEL_1 0x00 //< Sub UART channel1
#define SUBUART_CHANNEL_2 0x01 //< Sub UART channel2
#define SUBUART_CHANNEL_ALL 0x11 //< All sub channels
#define IIC_ADDR_FIXED 0x10 //< The 4th and 3rd bits of IIC address are fixed, value 1 and 0 respectively
#define ERR_OK 0
#define ERR_REGDATA -1
#define ERR_READ -2
#define FOSC 14745600L//< External cystal frequency 14.7456MHz
#define OBJECT_REGISTER 0x00 //< Register object
#define OBJECT_FIFO 0x01 //< FIFO buffer object
#define IIC_BUFFER_SIZE 63 //< micro:bit IIC can transmit at most 63 bytes each time
#define IIC_BUFFER_SIZE 31 //< mPython IIC can transmit at most 31 bytes each time
#define IIC_BUFFER_SIZE 32 //< UNO, Mega2560, Leonardo(AVR series), IIC can transmit at most 32 bytes each time
typedef enum{
eNormalMode = 0,
typedef enum{
eNormal = 0,
* @struct sIICAddr_t
* @brief WK2132 IIC address format:
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | 0 | A1 | A0 | 1 | 0 | C1 | C0 | 0/1 |
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | addrPre | uart | type |
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct{
uint8_t type: 1; /**< The 0 bit of IIC address, 0 for register, 1 for FIFO */
uint8_t uart: 2; /**< The 2nd and 1st bits of IIC address, sub UART channel 1:0x00, sub UART channel 2:0x01 */
uint8_t addrPre: 5; /**< The 3rd to 6th bits of IIC address, the 5th and 6th bits can be selected by the external DIP switch A1,A0. */
} __attribute__ ((packed)) sIICAddr_t;
* @struct sSierReg_t
* @brief SIER description of WK2132 sub UART interrupt enable register:
* @n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
* @n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct{
uint8_t rFTrig : 1; /**< Receive FIFO contact interrupt enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t rxOvt : 1; /**< Receive FIFO timeout interrupt enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t tfTrig : 1; /**< Transmit FIFO contact interrupt enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t tFEmpty : 1; /**< Transmit FIFO null interrupt enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t rsv : 3; /**< Reserved bit */
uint8_t fErr: 1; /**< Receive FIFO data error interrupt enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
} __attribute__ ((packed)) sSierReg_t;
* @struct sFcrReg_t
* @brief FCR description of WK2132 sub UART FIFO control register:
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct{
uint8_t rfRst : 1; /**< Sub UART receive FIFO reset bit, 1-reset FIFO, 0-disable reset, write 1 to reset, auto back to 0 when completed */
uint8_t tfRst : 1; /**< Sub UART transmit FIFO reset bit, 1-reset FIFO, 0-disable reset, write 1 to reset, auto back to 0 when completed */
uint8_t rfEn : 1; /**< Sub UART receive FIFO enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t tfEn : 1; /**< Sub UART transmit FIFO enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t rfTrig : 2; /**< Sub UART receive FIFO contact setting bit, 00-8Byte(default), 01-16Byte, 10-24Byte, 11-18Byte */
uint8_t tfTrig: 2; /**< Sub UART transmit FIFO contact setting bit, 00-8Byte(default), 01-16Byte, 10-24Byte, 11-18Byte */
} __attribute__ ((packed)) sFcrReg_t;
* @struct sScrReg_t
* @brief SCR description of WK2132 sub UART control register:
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct{
uint8_t rxEn : 1; /**< Sub UART receive enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t txEn : 1; /**< Sub UART transmit enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t sleepEn : 1; /**< Sub UART sleep enable bit, 1-enable, 0-disable */
uint8_t rsv : 5; /**< reserved bit */
} __attribute__ ((packed)) sScrReg_t;
* @struct sLcrReg_t
* @brief LCR description of WK2132 sub UART configuration register:
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | RSV | BREAK | IREN | PAEN | PAM | STPL |
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct{
uint8_t format: 4; /**< Sub UART data format: PAEN sub UART check enable bit, 1-with parity bit(9-bits data), 0-no parity bit (8-bits data) PAM sub UART check mode selection bit, take effect when PAEN bit is 1, 00-0 parity(default), 01-Odd parity 10-Even parity, 11-1 parity, STPL sub UART stop bit length, 0-1bit, 1-2bits, etc.*/
uint8_t irEn : 1; /**< Sub UART IR enable bit, 0-normal mode, 1-IR mode */
uint8_t lBreak: 1; /**< Sub UART Line-Break output control bit, 0-output normally, 1-Line-Break output (TX force output 0) */
uint8_t rsv : 2; /**< Reserved bit */
} __attribute__ ((packed)) sLcrReg_t;
FSR description of WK2132 sub UART FIFO state register:
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @struct sFsrReg_t
* @brief FSR description of WK2132 sub UART FIFO state register:
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @n -------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct{
uint8_t tBusy : 1; /**< Sub UART transmit TX busy flag bit, 0-sub UART transmit TX null, 1-sub UART transmit TX busy */
uint8_t tFull : 1; /**< Sub UART transmit TX full flag bit, 0-sub UART transmit FIFO not full, 1-sub UART transmit FIFO full */
uint8_t tDat : 1; /**< Sub UART transmit FIFO null flag, 0-sub UART transmit FIFO null, 1-sub UART transmit FIFO not null */
uint8_t rDat : 1; /**< Sub UART receive FIFO null flag, 0-sub UART receive FIFO null, 1-sub UART receive FIFO not null */
uint8_t rFpe : 1; /**< Sub UART receive FIFO data check error flag bit, 0- no PE error, 1-PE error */
uint8_t rFfe : 1; /**< Sub UART receive FIFO data frame error flag bit, 0-no FE error, 1-FE error */
uint8_t rFbi : 1; /**< Sub UART receive FIFO data Line-break error, 0-no Line-Break error, 1-Line-Break error */
uint8_t rFoe : 1; /**< Sub UART receive FIFO data overflow error flag bit, 0-no OE error, 1-OE error */
} __attribute__ ((packed)) sFsrReg_t;
typedef enum{
clock = 0, /**< Operate global control register, control sub UART clock */
rst, /**< Operate global sub UART reset register, reset a sub UART independently through software */
intrpt /**< Operate global interrupt register, control sub UART total interrupt */
typedef enum{
page0 = 0,
* @fn DFRobot_IICSerial
* @brief Constructor
* @param wire I2C bus pointer object, default Wire
* @param subUartChannel sub UART channel, WK2132 has two sub UARTs: SUBUART_CHANNEL_1 or SUBUART_CHANNEL_2
* @param IA1 corresponds with IA1 Level(0 or 1) of DIP switch on the module, and is used for configuring
* @n the IIC address of the 6th bit value(default: 1).
* @param IA0 corresponds with IA0 Level(0 or 1) of DIP switch on the module, and is used for configuring
* @n IIC address of the 5th bit value(default: 1).
* @n IIC address configuration:
* @n 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* @n 0 IA1 IA0 1 0 C1 C0 0/1
* @n IIC address only has 7 bits, while there are 8 bits for one byte, so the extra one bit will be filled as 0.
* @n The 6th bit corresponds with IA1 Level of DIP switch, can be configured manually.
* @n The 5th bit corresponds with IA0 Level of DIP switch, can be configured manually.
* @n The 4th and 3rd bits are fixed, value 1 and 0 respectively.
* @n The values of the 2nd and 1st bits are the sub UART channels, 00 for sub UART 1, 01 for sub UART 2.
* @n The 0 bit represents the operation object: 0 for register, 1 for FIFO cache.
DFRobot_IICSerial(TwoWire &wire = Wire, uint8_t subUartChannel = SUBUART_CHANNEL_1, uint8_t IA1 = 1, uint8_t IA0 = 1);
* @fn begin(long unsigned baud)
* @brief Init function, set band rate of sub UART
* @param baud Band rate
* @n Besides the commonly-used 9600, 57600, 115200, it also supports:
* @n 2400, 4800, 7200, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 76800, 153600, 230400, 460800, 307200, 921600
* @return Return 0 if it succeeds, otherwise return non-zero
int begin(long unsigned baud){return begin(baud, IICSerial_8N1, eNormalMode, eNormal);}
* @fn begin(long unsigned baud, uint8_t format)
* @brief Init function, set sub UART band rate, data format
* @param baud Band rate
* @param format Data format: IICSerial_8N1, IICSerial_8N2, IICSerial_8Z1
* @n IICSerial_8Z2, IICSerial_8O1, IICSerial_8O2, IICSerial_8E1, IICSerial_8E2
* @n IICSerial_8F1, IICSerial_8F2
* @return Return 0 if it succeeds, otherwise return non-zero
int begin(long unsigned baud, uint8_t format){return begin(baud, format, eNormalMode, eNormal);}
* @fn end
* @brief Release sub UART to clean up all registers in Sub UART. Call function begin() again to make it work.
void end();
* @fn available
* @brief Get the number of bytes in receive buffer, it should be the total number of bytes in FIFO
* @n receive buffer(256B) and self-defined _rx_buffer(31B).
* @return Return the number of bytes in receive buffer
virtual int available(void);
* @fn peek
* @brief Return the data of 1 byte without deleting the data in the receive buffer
* @return Return the readings
virtual int peek(void);
* @fn read(void)
* @brief Read 1 byte in receive buffer, this operation will delete the data in the buffer.
* @return Return the readings
virtual int read(void);
* @fn read(void *pBuf, size_t size)
* @brief Read a specified number of character from FIFO and store them into a array.
* @n This operation doesn't involve receive buffer.
* @param pBuf Array for storing data
* @param size The number of character to be read
* @return Return the readings
size_t read(void *pBuf, size_t size);
* @fn flush
* @brief Wait for the data to be transmited completely
virtual void flush(void);
* @fn write
* @brief Write one byte into transmit FIFO cache.The following are the overload functions of the byte of different data type.
* @param n data to be written
* @return Return 0 if it succeeds, otherwise return -1
virtual size_t write(uint8_t n);
inline size_t write(unsigned long n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
inline size_t write(long n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
inline size_t write(unsigned int n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
inline size_t write(int n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
* @fn write
* @brief Write data into transmit FIFO cache
* @param pBuf Store buffer for the data to be read
* @param size Length of the data to be read
* @return Output the number of bytes
virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *pBuf, size_t size);
using Print::write; /*!< pull in write(str) and write(buf, size) from Print */
operator bool() { return true; }
* @fn begin(long unsigned baud, uint8_t format, eCommunicationMode_t mode, eLineBreakOutput_t opt)
* @brief Init function, set the band rate of sub UART, data format, communication mode, and Line-Break output
* @param baud Band rate
* @param format Sub UART data format: IICSerial_8N1, IICSerial_8N2, IICSerial_8Z1
* @n IICSerial_8Z2, IICSerial_8O1, IICSerial_8O2, IICSerial_8E1, IICSerial_8E2
* @n IICSerial_8F1, IICSerial_8F2
* @param mode Sub UART communciation mode, can set to UART mode, all enumeration values in eCommunicationMode_t
* @param opt Sub UART Line-Break output control bit, can set to normal output (0) and Line-Break output (1),
* @n all enumeration values in eLineBreakOutput_t or 0/1
* @return Return 0 if init succeeds, otherwise return non-zero
int begin(long unsigned baud, uint8_t format, eCommunicationMode_t mode, eLineBreakOutput_t opt);
* @fn subSerialConfig
* @brief Sub UART parameter configuration
* @param subUartChannel Sub UART channel: SUBUART_CHANNEL_1 or SUBUART_CHANNEL_2
void subSerialConfig(uint8_t subUartChannel);
* @fn subSerialGlobalRegEnable
* @brief Sub UART global register enable
* @param subUartChannel Sub UART channel: SUBUART_CHANNEL_1 or SUBUART_CHANNEL_2
* @param type Global register type, all enumeration values in eGlobalRegType_t
void subSerialGlobalRegEnable(uint8_t subUartChannel, eGlobalRegType_t type);
* @fn subSerialRegConfig
* @brief Sub UART register configuration: SIER, FCR, LCR
* @param reg Register address
* @param pValue Data store buffer, 1 byte
void subSerialRegConfig(uint8_t reg, void *pValue);
* @fn getGlobalRegType
* @brief Get global register address
* @param type Global register type, all enumeration values in eGlobalRegType_t
* @return Return register address
uint8_t getGlobalRegType(eGlobalRegType_t type);
* @fn setSubSerialBaudRate
* @brief Set sub UART band rate
* @param baud Band rate
void setSubSerialBaudRate(unsigned long baud);
* @fn setSubSerialConfigReg
* @brief Set sub UART configuration register
* @param format Sub UART data format: IICSerial_8N1, IICSerial_8N2, IICSerial_8Z1
* @n IICSerial_8Z2, IICSerial_8O1, IICSerial_8O2, IICSerial_8E1, IICSerial_8E2
* @n IICSerial_8F1, IICSerial_8F2
* @param mode Sub UART communicaiton mode, can be set to IR mode or normal mode, all enumeration values in eCommunicationMode_t
* @param opt Sub UART Line-Break output control bit, can be set to normal output or Line-Break output, all enumeration values in eLineBreakOutput_t
void setSubSerialConfigReg(uint8_t format, eCommunicationMode_t mode, eLineBreakOutput_t opt);
* @fn subSerialPageSwitch
* @brief Sub UART register page switch
* @param page Page number, all enumeration values in ePageNumber_t
void subSerialPageSwitch(ePageNumber_t page);
* @fn updateAddr
* @brief Update module IIC address before starting communication
* @param pre The first 5 bits of IIC address, transfered from constructor DFRobot_WK2132
* @param subUartChannel Sub UART channel: SUBUART_CHANNEL_1 or SUBUART_CHANNEL_2
* @param obj Object to be operated: register or FIFO, fill as OBJECT_REGISTER or OBJECT_FIFO
* @return Return 8-bits IIC address
uint8_t updateAddr(uint8_t pre, uint8_t subUartChannel, uint8_t obj);
* @fn readFIFOStateReg
* @brief Read FIFO state register
* @return Return the value of sFsrReg_t construct object
sFsrReg_t readFIFOStateReg();
* @fn subSerialChnnlSwitch
* @brief Sub UART channel switch
* @param subUartChannel Sub UART channel: SUBUART_CHANNEL_1 or SUBUART_CHANNEL_2
* @return Return the switched channel
uint8_t subSerialChnnlSwitch(uint8_t subUartChannel);
* @fn sleep
* @brief Sub UART enters sleep state
void sleep();
* @fn wakeup
* @brief Sub UART wakes up from sleep
void wakeup();
* @fn writeReg
* @brief Write register function
* @param reg Register address 8bits
* @param pBuf Store buffer for the data to be written
* @param size Length of the data to be written
void writeReg(uint8_t reg, const void* pBuf, size_t size);
* @fn writeFIFO
* @brief Write FIFO buffer
* @param pBuf Store buffer for the data to be written
* @param size Length of the data to be written
void writeFIFO(void *pBuf, size_t size);
* @fn readReg
* @brief Read register function
* @param reg Register address 8bits
* @param pBuf Store buffer for the data to be read
* @param size Length of the data to be read
* @return Return the actual length, 0 means failed to read
uint8_t readReg(uint8_t reg, void* pBuf, size_t size);
* @fn readFIFO
* @brief Read FIFO buffer
* @param pBuf Store buffer for the data to be read
* @param size Length of the data to be read
* @return Return the actual length, 0 means failed to read
uint8_t readFIFO(void* pBuf, size_t size);
volatile rx_buffer_index_t _rx_buffer_head;
volatile rx_buffer_index_t _rx_buffer_tail;
unsigned char _rx_buffer[SERIAL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
TwoWire *_pWire;
uint8_t _addr;
uint8_t _subSerialChannel;
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