同步操作将从 泡泡时空/VBA-Library 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Attribute VB_Name = "CollectionTools"
'== =='
'== Copyright 1997-2002 Rudi Breedenraedt - rudi@breedenraedt.be =='
Option Explicit
'Function CollClone : Returns a new Collection object containing the same'
' content as the one passed as argument. '
' Note: Keys on the original collection get lost. '
'See also: BuildCollection, MergeCollections '
Public Function CollClone(ByVal coll As Collection) As Collection
Dim newcoll As New Collection
Dim item As Variant
For Each item In coll
newcoll.Add item
Set CollClone = newcoll
End Function
'Function BuildCollection : builds a collection containing all parameters'
' E.g: Set MyColl = BuildCollection(7,21,24,26,33,39) '
'See also: ParseCollection, FastParseCollection, AppendCollection '
Public Function BuildCollection(ParamArray values() As Variant) As Collection
Dim n As Integer
Dim c As New Collection
For n = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
c.Add values(n)
Set BuildCollection = c
End Function
'Function AppendCollection : builds a collection based on an existing '
' collection and appends further arguments to it '
' E.g: Set MyColl = AppendCollection(HisColl,"John","Linda") '
'See also: BuildCollection, MergeCollections '
Public Function AppendCollection(ByVal coll As Collection, ParamArray values() As Variant) As Collection
Dim c As New Collection
Dim item As Variant
Dim n As Integer
'Copy elements of original collection:
For Each item In coll
c.Add item
'Append additional elements:
For n = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
c.Add values(n)
Set AppendCollection = c
End Function
'Function MergeCollections : builds a collection by merging two or more '
' existing collections '
' E.g: Set Everyone = MergeCollections(Employees,Customers,Suppliers) '
'See also: BuildCollection, AppendCollection '
Public Function MergeCollections(ParamArray values() As Variant) As Collection
Dim n As Integer
Dim c As New Collection
Dim s As Collection
Dim i As Variant
For n = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
Set s = values(n)
For Each i In s
c.Add i
Set MergeCollections = c
End Function
'Function ArrayToColl : Converts an array into a collection. '
Public Function ArrayToColl(Items As Variant) As Collection
Dim coll As New Collection
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(Items) To UBound(Items)
coll.Add Items(i)
Set ArrayToColl = coll
End Function
'Function CollToArray : Converts a collection into an array. '
Public Function CollToArray(coll As Collection) As Variant()
Dim result() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
ReDim result(0 To coll.Count - 1) As Variant
For i = 0 To coll.Count - 1
If IsObject(coll(i + 1)) Then
Set result(i) = coll(i + 1)
result(i) = coll(i + 1)
End If
CollToArray = result
End Function
'Function IndexOf : returns the index of an element in a collection (0 if'
' not found) '
Public Function IndexOf(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal item As Variant, Optional ByVal StartIndex As Long = 1) As Long
Dim collindex As Long
Dim collitemtype As Integer
Dim itemtype As Integer
itemtype = VarType(item)
For collindex = StartIndex To coll.Count
collitemtype = VarType(coll(collindex))
If collitemtype = itemtype Then
Select Case collitemtype
Case 0 To 1: IndexOf = collindex: Exit Function
Case 2 To 8, 11, 14, 17: If coll(collindex) = item Then IndexOf = collindex: Exit Function
Case 9: If coll(collindex) Is item Then IndexOf = collindex: Exit Function
Case Else
Debug.Print "Unsupported type for CollectionTools.IndexOf."
Debug.Assert False
End Select
End If
IndexOf = 0
End Function
'Function Includes : Returns true if the collection includes the given '
' value. '
Public Function Includes(ByVal coll As Collection, item As Variant) As Boolean
Dim collitem As Variant
Dim collitemtype As Integer
Dim itemtype As Integer
'If we leave this function before it's end, it means we found the item:'
Includes = True
itemtype = VarType(item)
For Each collitem In coll
collitemtype = VarType(collitem)
If collitemtype = itemtype Then
Select Case collitemtype
Case 0 To 1: Exit Function
Case 2 To 8, 11, 14, 17: If collitem = item Then Exit Function
Case 9: If collitem Is item Then Exit Function
Case Else
Debug.Print "Unsupported type for CollectionTools.Includes."
Debug.Assert False
End Select
End If
'If we didn't leave the function yet, it means we didn't find the item:'
Includes = False
End Function
'Function IncludesKey : Returns true if the collection includes the given'
' key. '
Public Function IncludesKey(ByVal coll As Collection, IndexOrKey As Variant) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
i = VarType(coll(IndexOrKey)) 'Dummy assignment'
If Err = 5 Or Err = 9 Then
IncludesKey = False
IncludesKey = True
End If
End Function
'Function CollAt : safely returns an element of a collection '
' CollAt returns an element of a collection, based on its index or its '
' key. If the element is not found, a default value (or Null) is '
' returned. '
Public Function CollAt(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal IndexOrKey As Variant, Optional ByVal Default As Variant = Null) As Variant
On Error Resume Next
If IsObject(coll(IndexOrKey)) Then
Set CollAt = coll(IndexOrKey)
CollAt = coll(IndexOrKey)
End If
If Err = 5 Or Err = 9 Then
If IsObject(Default) Then
Set CollAt = Default
CollAt = Default
End If
End If
End Function
'Function CollAdd : adds an item to a collection, only if there is '
' not yet an item with the same key included. Returns True if the item '
' was added. '
Public Function CollAdd(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal key As String, ByVal item As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
CollAdd = True
coll.Add item, key
If Err = 457 Then
CollAdd = False
End If
End Function
'Function CollSet : assigns a value to a particular key/index in a '
' collection; if the key is not found, it is created. Returns True on '
' success. '
Public Function CollSet(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal IndexOrKey As Variant, ByVal item As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
coll.Remove IndexOrKey
On Error GoTo 0
If VarType(IndexOrKey) = vbString Then
coll.Add item, IndexOrKey
If coll.Count >= IndexOrKey Then
coll.Add item, , IndexOrKey
coll.Add item
End If
End If
CollSet = True
End Function
'Function SetAdd : Adds a value to a collection only if the value is not '
' yet included in the collection (the collection is a 'set'). '
' Returns true if the item was added, false if it was already present. '
Public Function SetAdd(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal item As Variant) As Boolean
If Includes(coll, item) Then
SetAdd = False
SetAdd = True
coll.Add item
End If
End Function
'Function RemoveValue : Removes a value from a collection. If '
' AllOccurrences is true, all occurrences of the value are removed, '
' otherwise (by default) only the first occurrence is removed. '
' Returns the number of removed items. '
Public Function RemoveValue(ByVal coll As Collection, value As Variant, Optional AllOccurrences As Boolean = False) As Integer
Dim collindex As Long
Dim collitemtype As Integer
Dim itemtype As Integer
Dim itemsfound As New Collection
itemtype = VarType(value)
For collindex = 1 To coll.Count
collitemtype = VarType(coll(collindex))
If collitemtype = itemtype Then
Select Case collitemtype
Case 0 To 1: GoSub RemoveValue_Found
Case 2 To 8, 11, 14, 17: If coll(collindex) = value Then GoSub RemoveValue_Found
Case 9: If coll(collindex) Is value Then GoSub RemoveValue_Found
Case Else
Debug.Print "Unsupported type for CollectionTools.IndexOf."
Debug.Assert False
End Select
End If
'Remove items backward to avoid index-shift problems while removing items'
For collindex = itemsfound.Count To 1 Step -1
coll.Remove itemsfound(collindex)
'Return number of removed items'
RemoveValue = itemsfound.Count
Exit Function
itemsfound.Add collindex
If AllOccurrences Then
GoTo RemoveValue_End
End If
End Function
'Function ParseCollection : builds a collection based on a string '
' The FastParse~ works faster then the Parse~ function, but ignores '
' nested collections. '
' NOTE: ParseCollection does not yet support nested collections since '
' it's implementation points to FastParseCollection. In a future, '
' ParseCollection may support nested collections. '
' E.g: Set MyColl = ParseCollection("John;Cathy;Bill;Linda") '
' Set MyColl = ParseCollection("C:\My Documents\Word\Letters","\") '
'See also: FastParseCollection, ParseDictionary, FastParseDictionary, '
' Tokenize '
Public Function ParseCollection(ByVal str As String, Optional ByVal ElementSeparator As String = ";") As Collection
Set ParseCollection = FastParseCollection(str, ElementSeparator)
End Function
'Function FastParseCollection : builds a collection based on a string '
' The FastParse~ works faster then the Parse~ function, but ignores '
' nested collections. '
' E.g: Set MyColl = ParseCollection("John;Cathy;Bill;Linda") '
' Set MyColl = ParseCollection("C:\My Documents\Word\Letters","\") '
'See also: ParseCollection, ParseDictionary, FastParseDictionary, '
' Tokenize '
Public Function FastParseCollection(ByVal str As String, Optional ByVal ElementSeparator As String = ";") As Collection
Dim coll As New Collection
Dim epos As Long
If Len(str) = 0 Then
Set FastParseCollection = coll
Exit Function
End If
epos = InStr(str, ElementSeparator)
Do While epos <> 0
coll.Add Left$(str, epos - 1)
str = Mid$(str, epos + Len(ElementSeparator))
epos = InStr(str, ElementSeparator)
coll.Add str
Set FastParseCollection = coll
End Function
'Function ParseDictionary : builds a collection (with keys) based on a '
' string. '
' The FastParse~ works faster then the Parse~ function, but ignores '
' nested collections. '
' NOTE: ParseDictionary does not yet support nested collections since '
' it's implementation points to FastParseDictionary. In a future, '
' ParseDictionary may support nested collections. '
' E.g: Set MyColl = ParseDictionary("Name=John;Age=25;IsHuman") '
'See also: FastParseDictionary, ParseCollection, FastParseCollection '
Public Function ParseDictionary(ByVal str As String, Optional ByVal ElementSeparator As String = ";", Optional ByVal KeyValueSeparator As String = "=") As Collection
Set ParseDictionary = FastParseDictionary(str, ElementSeparator, KeyValueSeparator)
End Function
'Function FastParseDictionary : builds a collection (with keys) based on '
' a string. '
' The FastParse~ works faster then the Parse~ function, but ignores '
' nested collections. '
' E.g: Set MyColl = FastParseDictionary("Name=John;Age=25;IsHuman") '
'See also: ParseDictionary, ParseCollection, FastParseCollection '
Public Function FastParseDictionary(ByVal str As String, Optional ByVal ElementSeparator As String = ";", Optional ByVal KeyValueSeparator As String = "=") As Collection
Dim coll As New Collection
Dim Keys As New Collection
Dim element As Variant
Dim spos As Long
For Each element In FastParseCollection(str, ElementSeparator)
spos = InStr(element, KeyValueSeparator)
If spos > 0 Then
coll.Add Mid$(element, spos + Len(KeyValueSeparator)), Left$(element, spos - 1)
Keys.Add Left$(element, spos - 1)
If Len(element) > 0 Then
coll.Add True, element
Keys.Add element
End If
End If
coll.Add Keys, "__Keys"
Set FastParseDictionary = coll
End Function
'Function CollKeys : returns the keys of a collection '
' CollKeys assumes the collection was build with [Fast]ParseDictionary, '
' if this was not the case, or if the collection was altered afterwards,'
' a collection with all index is returned '
Public Function CollKeys(ByVal coll As Collection) As Collection
Dim key As Variant
If IncludesKey(coll, "__Keys") Then
If (coll("__Keys").Count + 1) = coll.Count Then
Set CollKeys = coll("__Keys")
Exit Function
coll.Remove "__Keys"
End If
End If
'If no __Keys collection found, or collection was altered:
Dim result As New Collection
For key = 1 To coll.Count
result.Add key
Set CollKeys = result
End Function
'Function Tokenize : tokenizes a string and returns tokens as collection '
' Tokinization assumes spaces and tabs are separators '
' NOTE: Tokenize currently does not support tokenization of strings, '
' accepting stuff between double quotes as one single token, and '
' recognize dates between #-chars is for future releases... '
'See also: ParseCollection, FastParseCollection, ParseDictionary, '
' FastParseDictionary '
Public Function Tokenize(ByVal str As String) As Collection
Dim coll As New Collection
Dim token As String
Dim c As String
Dim i As Long
token = ""
For i = 1 To Len(str)
c = Mid$(str, i, 1)
Select Case c
Case "0" To "9", "a" To "z", "A" To "Z", "_"
token = token + c
Case " ", Chr$(9)
If Len(token) <> 0 Then coll.Add token: token = ""
Case Chr$(10)
'Do nothing
Case Chr$(13)
If Len(token) <> 0 Then coll.Add token: token = ""
coll.Add vbCrLf
Case Else
If Len(token) <> 0 Then coll.Add token: token = ""
coll.Add c
End Select
If Len(token) <> 0 Then coll.Add token
Set Tokenize = coll
End Function
'Function FormatCollection : formats a collection into a string '
'See also: ParseCollection, FastParseCollection '
Public Function FormatCollection(ByVal coll As Collection, Optional ByVal ElementSeparator As String = ";", Optional ByVal NullValue As String = "#NULL#") As String
Dim result As String
Dim element As Variant
Dim first As Boolean
first = True
For Each element In coll
If Not first Then result = result & ElementSeparator
Select Case VarType(element)
Case vbString
result = result & element
Case vbNull
result = result & NullValue
Case vbEmpty
result = result
Case vbObject
If element Is Nothing Then
result = result & NullValue
ElseIf TypeOf element Is Collection Then
result = result & "(" & FormatCollection(element, ElementSeparator, NullValue) & ")"
result = result & "#" & TypeName(element) & "#"
End If
Case Else
result = result & CStr(element)
End Select
If first Then first = False
FormatCollection = result
End Function
'Function MidColl : returns subset of a collection '
' Similar to Mid$() on strings. '
'See also: FromToColl, LeftColl, RightColl, ButLastColl '
Public Function MidColl(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal start As Long, Optional ByVal length As Variant) As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
Dim Count As Long
Dim c As Long
Count = coll.Count
If start < 1 Then Error 5
If start > Count Then
Set result = result
If IsMissing(length) Then
For c = start To Count
result.Add coll(c)
ElseIf (length >= (Count + 1 - start)) Then
For c = start To Count
result.Add coll(c)
ElseIf length < 0 Then
Error 5
For c = start To start + Count - 1
result.Add coll(c)
End If
End If
Set MidColl = result
End Function
'Function FromToColl : returns subset of a collection '
'See also: MidColl, LeftColl, RightColl '
Public Function FromToColl(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal FromOffset As Long, ByVal ToOffset As Long) As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
Dim c As Long
If FromOffset > coll.Count Then
Set FromToColl = result
Exit Function
ElseIf FromOffset < 1 Then
Error 5
End If
If ToOffset > coll.Count Then
ToOffset = coll.Count
ElseIf ToOffset < 1 Then
Error 5
End If
If ToOffset < FromOffset Then
Set FromToColl = result
Exit Function
For c = FromOffset To ToOffset
result.Add coll(c)
End If
Set FromToColl = result
End Function
'Function LeftColl : returns left-most elements of a collection '
' Similar to Left$() on strings. '
'See also: MidColl, RightColl, ButLastColl '
Public Function LeftColl(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal length As Long) As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
Dim c As Long
If length > coll.Count Then length = coll.Count
For c = 1 To length
result.Add coll(c)
Set LeftColl = result
End Function
'Function RightColl : returns right-most elements of a collection '
' Similar to Right$() on strings. '
'See also: MidColl, LeftColl '
Public Function RightColl(ByVal coll As Collection, ByVal length As Long) As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
Dim c As Long
If length > coll.Count Then length = coll.Count
For c = coll.Count - length + 1 To coll.Count
result.Add coll(c)
Set RightColl = result
End Function
'Function ButLastColl : returns all but the last elements of a collection'
'See also: LeftColl, MidColl '
Public Function ButLastColl(ByVal coll As Collection, Optional ByVal Last As Long = 1) As Collection
Set ButLastColl = LeftColl(coll, coll.Count - Last)
End Function
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