同步操作将从 wqking1986/ocppClientJ1.6 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
*@file ocpp_process.c
*@author Parikshit Tyagi
*@version 1.4
*@date 20 August 2019
*@brief This library is the entry point of OCPP Process, all the states are handled here.
* With the help of ocpp_helper and ocpp_ws_client, it follows https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/58944/ocpp-1.6.pdf
* for ocpp client implementation. Please read the above link briefly for more understanding between CP and CMS
#include "ocpp_process.h"
* These are the message codes when any RPC call is made from CMS or CP
char *ocpp_message_call_code = "2"; //This message code is used when any RPC call is to be made
char *ocpp_message_response_code = "3"; //This message code is used when response of any RPC call is to be given
char *ocpp_message_error_code = "4"; //This message code is used when there is some error in sending packet or Transport layer
//This is path given for the configuration file
const char *configfilePath = "config.json";
//OCPP buffer used with index matching to ENUM of OCPPStates such that OCPPStates name can be used instead of its ENUM values
char *ocpp_states_Buffer[] = {
OCPP_States ocppstates = BootNotification; //According to OCPP1.6, BootNotification is the first state which registers itself to network
bool isMessageSend = false; //Flag used if message is send from CP to CMS
bool isWSEstablished = false; //Flag used if connection is established between CP and CMS
ocpp_frame *ocppSendFrame = NULL; //OCPP Send Frame defined as per ocpp_frame structure in ocpp_helper.h
ocpp_frame *ocppReceiveFrame = NULL; //OCPP Receive Frame defined as per ocpp_frame structure in ocpp_helper.h
* This function is called when close connection event is called from either client or Server
int onclose(wsclient *c)
fprintf(stderr, "onclose called: %d\n", c->sockfd);
return 0;
* This function is called when any error event has occured in the connection
int onerror(wsclient *c, wsclient_error *err)
fprintf(stderr, "onerror: (%d): %s\n", err->code, err->str);
if (err->extra_code)
errno = err->extra_code;
return 0;
* This function is called whenever the client receives any message from server
int onmessage(wsclient *c, wsclient_message *msg)
fprintf(stderr, "onmessage: (%llu): %s\n", msg->payload_len, msg->payload);
//This condition checks if message was send by CP or CMS
//Switch condition to check which state the current machine is
switch (ocppstates)
//BootNotfication case
case BootNotification:
ocppReceiveFrame = parseOCPPFrame(msg->payload); //calling the function which parses the char *payload to ocpp_frame
if(!strcmp(ocppReceiveFrame->messageCode, (char *)ocpp_message_response_code)) //As mentioned by OCPP, respose code should be checked for RPC call
fprintf(stderr, "Response code matched\n");
//As per OCPP1.6J if the request is made by CP then CMS should send same messageID which is GUID for us
if(!strcmp(ocppReceiveFrame->messageID, ocppSendFrame->messageID))
//Once it is confirmed that it is response from CMS, then checking conditions according to BootNotification.response.req
fprintf(stderr, "MessageID matched with the messageID sent\n");
if(!strcmp(cJSON_GetObjectItem(ocppReceiveFrame->jsonPacket, "status")->valuestring,"Accepted")) //If CP is accepted in the network
fprintf(stderr, "Charging station accepted by CMS\n");
//This functions gets the time from CMS in response and then change the time of client for time synchronization
if(0 != changeTimeOfMachine(cJSON_GetObjectItem(ocppReceiveFrame->jsonPacket, "currentTime")->valuestring))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to change the time of the system\n");
fprintf(stderr, "System time changed successfully\n");
heartBeatInterval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(ocppReceiveFrame->jsonPacket, "interval")->valueint; //Parsing heartbeat interval
ocppstates = Heartbeat; //Changing OCPPState to heartbeat
else if(!strcmp(cJSON_GetObjectItem(ocppReceiveFrame->jsonPacket, "status")->valuestring,"Pending")) //If status is still pending
fprintf(stderr, "assigned retry interval in pending state\n");
retryInterval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(ocppReceiveFrame->jsonPacket, "interval")->valueint; //Assigning retryInterval
else //Third condition when CMS rejects the CP
fprintf(stderr,"Charging station is not accepted, Please register this Charging Station\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Received error while getting the data\n");
return 0;
* This function is called when for the first time connection is maintained between server and client
int onopen(wsclient *c)
fprintf(stderr, "onopen called: %d\n", c->sockfd);
isWSEstablished = true; //Changing the flag to true once connection is established
return 0;
* This is the main entry point for OCPP-Start process and all the OCPP States are handled here only
void ocpp_process_start(void)
printf("\nStarted the OCPP Client\n");
cJSON *configJson = NULL; //assigning JSON pointer for config.json
cJSON *developmentPacket = NULL; //assigning JSON pointer for development information in config.json
configJson = readConfigFile(configfilePath); //This function reads the config.json file and returns cJSON * packet
developmentPacket = cJSON_GetObjectItem(configJson, "development"); //Getting development JSON packet from configJson
if(developmentPacket == NULL)
const char *error_ptr = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
if (error_ptr != NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Error before: %s\n", error_ptr);
* OCPP WebURL --> ws://<IPAddressOfServer>/<ChargePoint ID>
* Rightnow we are using port 8080 for development but in production, for ws it becomes 80 and for wss it becomes 443
* change the port accordingly in ocpp_ws_client void *libwsclient_handshake_thread(void *ptr) function
char *url = NULL; //assigning URL pointer of char type for the URL of the server i.e websocket connection address
//dynamically allocating memory equivalent to URL size
//Total size of URL --> sizeof(WS_URL)+sizeof(chargePointID)+1
url = (char *)malloc(strlen(cJSON_GetObjectItem(developmentPacket, "WS_URL")->valuestring)+(strlen(cJSON_GetObjectItem(developmentPacket, "chargePointID")->valuestring))+ 1);
if(url == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory to the URL\n");
memset(url, 0, sizeof(url)); //initialising URL memory with zero
strcpy(url, cJSON_GetObjectItem(developmentPacket, "WS_URL")->valuestring); //copying the WS_URL from development Packet
strcat(url, cJSON_GetObjectItem(developmentPacket, "chargePointID")->valuestring); //concatinating chargePoint ID after the URL
fprintf(stderr,"URL after concatenation -> %s\n", url);
* This section is used in connecting OCPP Client with server
wsclient *myclient = NULL;
myclient = libwsclient_new(url); //Calling function from ocpp_ws_client to initiate connection
libwsclient_onopen(myclient, &onopen); //Functions to bind Open Event in Websockets with function --> int onopen(wsclient *c)
libwsclient_onmessage(myclient, &onmessage); ///Functions to bind onMessage Event in Websockets with function --> int onmessage(wsclient *c, wsclient_message *msg)
libwsclient_onerror(myclient, &onerror); //Functions to bind onerror Event in Websockets with function --> int onerror(wsclient *c, wsclient_error *err)
libwsclient_onclose(myclient, &onclose); //Functions to bind onclose Event in Websockets with function --> int onclose(wsclient *c)
libwsclient_run(myclient); //Functions binds myclient returned from libwsclient(url) and starts communicating
* Once the connection is established between server and client, OCPP state machine starts
* isWSEstablished becomes true once the CP connection accepted by CMS
switch (ocppstates)
* BootNotification is the first state that comes in OCPP which shares the information of the CP to CMS
case BootNotification:
if(!isMessageSend) //Checking if the BootNotification packet is sent or not
fprintf(stderr, "Sending BootNotification Packet\n");
//calling function to form OCPP Packet for bootNotification
ocppSendFrame = formOCPPFrame(ocpp_message_call_code, ocpp_states_Buffer[ocppstates], bootNotificationRequest(configJson));
//Once OCPP packet is made, it is passed to sendFrameToCMS function, which takecare of OCPP payload to be made and then send it to server
if(0 != sendFrameToCMS(myclient, ocppSendFrame))
fprintf(stderr, "Not able to send packet, please check websocket connection\n");
//On successful sending data flag is made true
isMessageSend = true;
//Waiting for the server to respond
printf("Back to while loop\n");
case Heartbeat:
printf("Inside HeartBeat function\n");
printf("Inside default switch case\n");
//Freeing the memory allocation assigned dynamically
libwsclient_finish(myclient); //closing the websocket connection while finishing connection
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