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一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
# Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# below is the format of defining event #
#domain: domain name. [Only one domain name can be defined at the top]
#author: the author name who defined this event.
#date: the date when this event was defined, format is YYYY-MM-DD.
#logged: source file which refer to this event.
#usage: the usage of this event.
#//Define event name and event properties.
#@EVENT_NAME: the event definition part begin.
# // __BASE is used for defining the basic info of the event.
# // "type" optional values are: FAULT, STATISTICS, SECURITY, BEHAVIOR.
# // "level" optional values are: CRITICAL, MINOR.
# // "tag" set tags with may used by subscriber of this event, multiple tags divided by space.
# // "desc" full description of this event.
# @PARAMETER: {type: parameter type, arrsize: array length(optional), desc: parameter description}.
# // follow the __BASE block, each line defines a parameter of this event.
# // "type" optional values are: INT8, UINT8, INT16, UINT16, INT32, UINT32, INT64, UINT64, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING.
# // "arrsize" of the parameter is an array, set a non-zero value.
# // "desc" full description of this parameter.
# DESCRIPTION contains userid,request type.
# REASON contains errno num, and failed interface.
__BASE: { type: FAULT, level: CRITICAL, desc: create file error }
UID: { type: INT32, desc: user id}
ERR_FILE: { type: STRING, desc: failed file }
LINE: { type: UINT32, desc: failed line }
ERROR_CODE: { type: INT32, desc: error code }
FILE: { type: STRING, desc: file name }
TYPE: { type: STRING, desc: operation type }
CALLING_ID: { type: INT32, desc: calling uid }
__BASE: { type: FAULT, level: CRITICAL, desc: local db create file failure }
UID: { type: INT32, desc: user id}
ERR_FILE: { type: STRING, desc: failed file }
LINE: { type: UINT32, desc: upgrade failed line }
ERROR_CODE: { type: INT32, desc: error code }
TYPE: { type: STRING, desc: operation type }
CALLING_ID: { type: INT32, desc: calling uid }
__BASE: { type: FAULT, level: CRITICAL, desc: local database upgrade failure }
ERR_FILE: { type: STRING, desc: upgrade failed file }
LINE: { type: UINT32, desc: upgrade failed line }
__BASE: { type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: thumbnail aging is triggered when the screen is off }
UID: { type: INT32, desc: user id}
TIMES: { type: UINT32, desc: history trigger number }
GNUMS: { type: UINT32, desc: generate thumbnail nums }
ANUMS: { type: UINT32, desc: aging thumbnail nums }
__BASE: { type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: database upgrade }
PRE_VERSION: { type: INT32, desc: pre upgrade version number }
AFTER_VERSION: { type: INT32, desc: after upgrade version number }
COUNT: { type: UINT32, desc: upgrade events count }
__BASE: { type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: synchronization times between the local end and the cloud }
TIMES: { type: UINT32, desc: sync times }
__BASE: { type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: aging state }
TIMES: { type: UINT32, desc: history trigger times }
COUNT: { type: UINT32, desc: the recycle number of aging }
__BASE: { type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: time interval between photo capture and first visit by the app }
PHOTO_ID: { type: STRING, desc: photo id }
TIME_INTERVAL: { type: UINT64, desc: the time interval from taking the photo to the fist visit }
__BASE: { type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: multistages capture request policy }
CALLING_PACKAGE: { type: STRING, desc: calling package name }
HIGH_QUALITY_COUNT: { type: UINT32, desc: high quality policy count }
BALANCE_QUALITY_COUNT: { type: UINT32, desc: balance quality policy count }
EMERGENCY_QUALITY_COUNT: { type: UINT32, desc: emergency quality policy count }
__BASE: { type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: trigger source ratio }
THIRD_PART_COUNT: { type: UINT32, desc: count of third part app trigger multistages capture }
AUTO_COUNT: { type: UINT32, desc: count of auto trigger multistages capture }
__BASE: { type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: multistages capture total time cost }
PHOTO_ID: { type: STRING, desc: photo id }
TOTAL_TIME_COST: { type: UINT64, desc: total time cost of multistages capture }
__BASE: { type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: result of multistages capture }
PHOTO_ID: { type: STRING, desc: photo id }
RESULT: { type: INT32, desc: result of processing multistages capture }
MEDIA_TYPE: { type: INT32, desc: media type }
__BASE: { type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: Medialibrary thumbnail generation statistics, preserve: true }
URI: { type: STRING, desc: The image uri }
SCENE: { type: INT32, desc: The scene triggers thumbnail generation }
OPEN_THUMB_COST: { type: INT32, desc: Open cloud thumbnail cost time }
OPEN_LCD_COST: { type: INT32, desc: Open cloud LCD thumbnail cost time }
SOURCE_TYPE: { type: INT32, desc: The image source that generates thumbnails }
SOURCE_WIDTH: { type: INT32, desc: The width of the source image that generates thumbnails }
SOURCE_HEIGHT: { type: INT32, desc: The height of the source image that generates thumbnails }
TOTAL_COST: { type: INT32, desc: The total cost time that generated thumbnails }
ERROR_CODE: { type: INT32, desc: The error code }
__BASE: { type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: result of portrait restoration }
ALBUM_COUNT: { type: UINT32, desc: number of restored portrait albums }
PHOTO_COUNT: { type: UINT64, desc: number of restored photos with portrait }
FACE_COUNT: { type: UINT64, desc: number of restored face analysis data }
TOTAL_TIME_COST: { type: UINT64, desc: total time cost of portrait restoration }
__BASE: { type: FAULT, level: CRITICAL, desc: The database corruption error }
DATE: { type: STRING, desc: The database corruption time }
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: CRITICAL, desc: mediaLibrary cloud enhancement task statistics, preserve: true }
PHOTO_ID: { type: STRING, desc: photo id }
TOTAL_TIME_COST: { type: UINT64, desc: total time cost of cloud enhancement }
COMPLETE_TYPE: { type: STRING, desc: types of cloudenhancement task completion}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: CRITICAL, desc: Report the under transferred media statistic info before Upgrade Restore task, preserve: true }
SCENE_CODE: { type: INT32, desc: Scenarios }
TASK_ID: { type: STRING, desc: Task ID }
ALBUM_NAME: { type: STRING, desc: Album name }
TOTAL_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Total Assets }
IMAGE_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Total number of pictures }
VIDEO_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Total number of videos }
HIDDEN_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Number of hidden assets }
TRASHED_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Number of deleted assets }
FAVORITE_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Number of Favorited Assets }
CLOUD_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Pure Cloud Asset Quantity }
BURST_COVER_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Number of Cover Images }
BURST_TOTAL_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Total number of continuous pictures }
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: CRITICAL, desc: Report the data transfer result after Upgrade Restore task, preserve: true }
SCENE_CODE: { type: INT32, desc: Scenarios }
TASK_ID: { type: STRING, desc: Task ID }
ERROR_CODE: { type: STRING, desc: Execution result code }
ERROR_INFO: { type: STRING, desc: Execution Information }
TYPE: { type: STRING, desc: Error Type }
BACKUP_INFO: { type: STRING, desc: Asset type }
DUPLICATE_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Number of existing assets of the new device }
FAILED_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Number of assets that fail to be migrated }
SUCCESS_COUNT: { type: INT32, desc: Number of Successfully Migrated Assets }
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