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dcat_admin_ide_helper.php 105.65 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
zhugege 提交于 2022-11-30 12:40 . 区块链总后台文件
* A helper file for Dcat Admin, to provide autocomplete information to your IDE
* This file should not be included in your code, only analyzed by your IDE!
* @author jqh <841324345@qq.com>
namespace Dcat\Admin {
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
* @property Grid\Column|Collection name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection version
* @property Grid\Column|Collection alias
* @property Grid\Column|Collection authors
* @property Grid\Column|Collection enable
* @property Grid\Column|Collection imported
* @property Grid\Column|Collection config
* @property Grid\Column|Collection require
* @property Grid\Column|Collection require_dev
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection account
* @property Grid\Column|Collection username
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection country_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection phone
* @property Grid\Column|Collection email
* @property Grid\Column|Collection avatar
* @property Grid\Column|Collection invite_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_grade
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_auth_level
* @property Grid\Column|Collection status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trade_status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection last_login_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection last_login_ip
* @property Grid\Column|Collection created_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection account_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection deep
* @property Grid\Column|Collection path
* @property Grid\Column|Collection password
* @property Grid\Column|Collection payword
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_identity
* @property Grid\Column|Collection login_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection reg_ip
* @property Grid\Column|Collection updated_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection realname
* @property Grid\Column|Collection id_card
* @property Grid\Column|Collection front_img
* @property Grid\Column|Collection back_img
* @property Grid\Column|Collection hand_img
* @property Grid\Column|Collection check_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection primary_status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection usable_balance
* @property Grid\Column|Collection freeze_balance
* @property Grid\Column|Collection address
* @property Grid\Column|Collection log_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection rich_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection log_note
* @property Grid\Column|Collection before_balance
* @property Grid\Column|Collection after_balance
* @property Grid\Column|Collection draw_out_direction
* @property Grid\Column|Collection into_direction
* @property Grid\Column|Collection grade_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection grade_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection grade_img
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ug_self_vol
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ug_recommend_grade
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ug_recommend_num
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ug_total_vol
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ug_direct_vol
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ug_direct_vol_num
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ug_direct_recharge
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ug_direct_recharge_num
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bonus
* @property Grid\Column|Collection names
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order
* @property Grid\Column|Collection cover
* @property Grid\Column|Collection body
* @property Grid\Column|Collection category_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection view_count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_recommend
* @property Grid\Column|Collection admin_user_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection imgurl
* @property Grid\Column|Collection location_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection tourl
* @property Grid\Column|Collection tourl_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pair_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pair_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection base_coin_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection time_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection time_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection seconds
* @property Grid\Column|Collection fee_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection odds_up_range
* @property Grid\Column|Collection odds_down_range
* @property Grid\Column|Collection odds_draw_range
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contact_phone
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contact_position
* @property Grid\Column|Collection listing_fee_budget
* @property Grid\Column|Collection referrer_mechanism_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection issue_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection subscribe_currency
* @property Grid\Column|Collection expected_time_online
* @property Grid\Column|Collection start_subscription_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection end_subscription_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection announce_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection minimum_purchase
* @property Grid\Column|Collection maximum_purchase
* @property Grid\Column|Collection project_details
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection collection_wallet
* @property Grid\Column|Collection type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection note
* @property Grid\Column|Collection datetime
* @property Grid\Column|Collection wallet_address
* @property Grid\Column|Collection wallet_address_image
* @property Grid\Column|Collection payment_method
* @property Grid\Column|Collection receiving_account
* @property Grid\Column|Collection payment_image
* @property Grid\Column|Collection agent_level
* @property Grid\Column|Collection agent_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bet_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bet_coin_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection odds
* @property Grid\Column|Collection range
* @property Grid\Column|Collection fee
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_no
* @property Grid\Column|Collection up_down
* @property Grid\Column|Collection scene_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection scene_sn
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pair_time_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection begin_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection end_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection begin_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection end_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_up_down
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_range
* @property Grid\Column|Collection process_note
* @property Grid\Column|Collection process_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contents
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_process
* @property Grid\Column|Collection key
* @property Grid\Column|Collection value
* @property Grid\Column|Collection full_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection qty_decimals
* @property Grid\Column|Collection price_decimals
* @property Grid\Column|Collection withdrawal_fee
* @property Grid\Column|Collection withdrawal_min
* @property Grid\Column|Collection withdrawal_max
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_withdraw_message
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_recharge_message
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_transfer_message
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_content
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_icon
* @property Grid\Column|Collection symbol
* @property Grid\Column|Collection quote_coin_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection quote_coin_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection base_coin_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection min_qty
* @property Grid\Column|Collection min_total
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sort
* @property Grid\Column|Collection entrust_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trigger_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection traded_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection money
* @property Grid\Column|Collection traded_money
* @property Grid\Column|Collection cancel_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection hang_status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection buy_order_no
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sell_order_no
* @property Grid\Column|Collection unit_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trade_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trade_money
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trade_buy_fee
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trade_sell_fee
* @property Grid\Column|Collection buy_user_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sell_user_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection lang
* @property Grid\Column|Collection json_content
* @property Grid\Column|Collection file
* @property Grid\Column|Collection url
* @property Grid\Column|Collection img
* @property Grid\Column|Collection link_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection link_data
* @property Grid\Column|Collection desc
* @property Grid\Column|Collection parent_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection icon
* @property Grid\Column|Collection uri
* @property Grid\Column|Collection method
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ip
* @property Grid\Column|Collection input
* @property Grid\Column|Collection permission_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection menu_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection slug
* @property Grid\Column|Collection http_method
* @property Grid\Column|Collection http_path
* @property Grid\Column|Collection role_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection module
* @property Grid\Column|Collection tips
* @property Grid\Column|Collection remember_token
* @property Grid\Column|Collection locale
* @property Grid\Column|Collection imgs
* @property Grid\Column|Collection client_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_must
* @property Grid\Column|Collection update_log
* @property Grid\Column|Collection deleted_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection article_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection excerpt
* @property Grid\Column|Collection b_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection nation_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection hand_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bonusable_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bonusable_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_account
* @property Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_address
* @property Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_password
* @property Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_balance
* @property Grid\Column|Collection min_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection appKey
* @property Grid\Column|Collection appSecret
* @property Grid\Column|Collection official_website_link
* @property Grid\Column|Collection white_paper_link
* @property Grid\Column|Collection block_query_link
* @property Grid\Column|Collection publish_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection total_issuance
* @property Grid\Column|Collection total_circulation
* @property Grid\Column|Collection crowdfunding_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_withdraw
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_recharge
* @property Grid\Column|Collection can_recharge
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contract_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection margin_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection used_balance
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bid_plus_unit
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bid_plus_count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bid_minus_unit
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bid_minus_count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ask_plus_unit
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ask_plus_count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ask_minus_unit
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ask_minus_count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection side
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contract_coin_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection lever_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection margin
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ts
* @property Grid\Column|Collection buy_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sell_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contract_coin_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection unit_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection maker_fee_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection taker_fee_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection lever_rage
* @property Grid\Column|Collection max_qty
* @property Grid\Column|Collection total_max_qty
* @property Grid\Column|Collection margin_mode
* @property Grid\Column|Collection liquidation_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection hold_position
* @property Grid\Column|Collection avail_position
* @property Grid\Column|Collection freeze_position
* @property Grid\Column|Collection position_margin
* @property Grid\Column|Collection avg_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection settlement_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection maintain_margin_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection settled_pnl
* @property Grid\Column|Collection realized_pnl
* @property Grid\Column|Collection unrealized_pnl
* @property Grid\Column|Collection code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection en_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Symbol
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Date
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Open
* @property Grid\Column|Collection High
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Low
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Close
* @property Grid\Column|Collection LastClose
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Price2
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Price3
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Open_Int
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Volume
* @property Grid\Column|Collection Amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_1min
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_5min
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_15min
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_30min
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_1h
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_2h
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_4h
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_6h
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_12h
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_day
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_week
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_month
* @property Grid\Column|Collection connection
* @property Grid\Column|Collection queue
* @property Grid\Column|Collection payload
* @property Grid\Column|Collection exception
* @property Grid\Column|Collection failed_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection entrust_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trigger_price_buy_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trigger_price_sell_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_market
* @property Grid\Column|Collection up_or_down
* @property Grid\Column|Collection start_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bid_place_threshold
* @property Grid\Column|Collection ask_place_threshold
* @property Grid\Column|Collection attempts
* @property Grid\Column|Collection reserved_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection available_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_chinese_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_market_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contact_email
* @property Grid\Column|Collection cotes_const
* @property Grid\Column|Collection agency_personnel
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_identification
* @property Grid\Column|Collection placement
* @property Grid\Column|Collection official_website
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_circulation
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_turnover
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_allocation_proportion
* @property Grid\Column|Collection cash_people_counting
* @property Grid\Column|Collection online_bourse
* @property Grid\Column|Collection private_cemetery_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection block_network_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_issue_date
* @property Grid\Column|Collection blockchain_browser
* @property Grid\Column|Collection official_wallet_address
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contract_address
* @property Grid\Column|Collection twitter_link
* @property Grid\Column|Collection telegram_link
* @property Grid\Column|Collection facebook_link
* @property Grid\Column|Collection market_currency_quantity
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_chinese_introduction
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_english_introduction
* @property Grid\Column|Collection remarks
* @property Grid\Column|Collection white_paper
* @property Grid\Column|Collection application_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection remark
* @property Grid\Column|Collection n_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection notifiable_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection notifiable_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection data
* @property Grid\Column|Collection read_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection max_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_bet
* @property Grid\Column|Collection up_odds
* @property Grid\Column|Collection down_odds
* @property Grid\Column|Collection draw_odds
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bet_coin_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection odds_uuid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection open
* @property Grid\Column|Collection close
* @property Grid\Column|Collection high
* @property Grid\Column|Collection low
* @property Grid\Column|Collection vol
* @property Grid\Column|Collection price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection open_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection country_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection birthday
* @property Grid\Column|Collection city
* @property Grid\Column|Collection postal_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection extra
* @property Grid\Column|Collection grade_name_en
* @property Grid\Column|Collection grade_name_tw
* @property Grid\Column|Collection login_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection login_ip
* @property Grid\Column|Collection login_site
* @property Grid\Column|Collection login_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection describe
* @property Grid\Column|Collection image
* @property Grid\Column|Collection limit_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection max_register_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection max_register_num
* @property Grid\Column|Collection min_num
* @property Grid\Column|Collection max_num
* @property Grid\Column|Collection price_usd
* @property Grid\Column|Collection card_enable
* @property Grid\Column|Collection wechat_enable
* @property Grid\Column|Collection alipay_enable
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection deal_count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection deal_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection deal_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection video
* @property Grid\Column|Collection coin_symbol
* @property Grid\Column|Collection update_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection seller_uid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection buyer_uid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection other_uid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection total_price_usd
* @property Grid\Column|Collection total_price_cny
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pay_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection deal_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pay_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bank_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection real_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection card_no
* @property Grid\Column|Collection open_bank
* @property Grid\Column|Collection code_img
* @property Grid\Column|Collection txid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection confirmations
* @property Grid\Column|Collection amount_u
* @property Grid\Column|Collection opt_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection en_project_details
* @property Grid\Column|Collection payment_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection payment_currency
* @property Grid\Column|Collection subscription_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection subscription_currency_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection subscription_currency_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection en_direction_out
* @property Grid\Column|Collection en_direction_in
* @property Grid\Column|Collection tw_direction_out
* @property Grid\Column|Collection tw_direction_in
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_old_grade
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_new_grade
* @property Grid\Column|Collection wallet_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection omni_wallet_address
* @property Grid\Column|Collection s_user_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection logable_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection logable_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection address_note
* @property Grid\Column|Collection address_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection total_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection referrer
* @property Grid\Column|Collection phone_status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection email_status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection google_token
* @property Grid\Column|Collection google_status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection second_verify
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_agency
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_system
* @property Grid\Column|Collection trade_verify
* @property Grid\Column|Collection from
* @property Grid\Column|Collection to
* @method Grid\Column|Collection name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection version(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection alias(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection authors(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection enable(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection imported(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection config(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection require(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection require_dev(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection account(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection username(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection country_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection phone(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection email(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection avatar(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection invite_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_grade(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_auth_level(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trade_status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection last_login_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection last_login_ip(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection created_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection account_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection deep(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection path(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection password(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection payword(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_identity(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection login_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection reg_ip(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection updated_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection realname(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection id_card(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection front_img(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection back_img(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection hand_img(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection check_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection primary_status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection usable_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection freeze_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection address(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection log_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection rich_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection log_note(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection before_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection after_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection draw_out_direction(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection into_direction(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection grade_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection grade_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection grade_img(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ug_self_vol(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ug_recommend_grade(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ug_recommend_num(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ug_total_vol(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ug_direct_vol(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ug_direct_vol_num(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ug_direct_recharge(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ug_direct_recharge_num(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bonus(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection names(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection cover(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection body(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection category_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection view_count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_recommend(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection admin_user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection imgurl(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection location_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection tourl(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection tourl_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pair_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pair_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection base_coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection time_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection time_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection seconds(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection fee_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection odds_up_range(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection odds_down_range(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection odds_draw_range(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contact_phone(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contact_position(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection listing_fee_budget(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection referrer_mechanism_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection issue_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection subscribe_currency(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection expected_time_online(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection start_subscription_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection end_subscription_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection announce_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection minimum_purchase(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection maximum_purchase(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection project_details(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection collection_wallet(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection note(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection datetime(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection wallet_address(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection wallet_address_image(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection payment_method(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection receiving_account(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection payment_image(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection agent_level(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection agent_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bet_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bet_coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection odds(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection range(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection fee(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_no(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection up_down(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection scene_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection scene_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pair_time_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection begin_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection end_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection begin_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection end_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_up_down(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_range(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection process_note(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection process_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contents(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_process(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection key(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection value(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection full_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection qty_decimals(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection price_decimals(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection withdrawal_fee(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection withdrawal_min(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection withdrawal_max(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_withdraw_message(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_recharge_message(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_transfer_message(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_content(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_icon(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection symbol(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection quote_coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection quote_coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection base_coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection min_qty(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection min_total(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sort(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection entrust_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trigger_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection traded_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection money(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection traded_money(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection cancel_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection hang_status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection buy_order_no(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sell_order_no(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection unit_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trade_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trade_money(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trade_buy_fee(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trade_sell_fee(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection buy_user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sell_user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection lang(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection json_content(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection file(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection url(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection img(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection link_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection link_data(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection desc(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection parent_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection icon(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection uri(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection method(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ip(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection input(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection permission_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection menu_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection slug(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection http_method(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection http_path(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection role_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection module(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection tips(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection remember_token(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection locale(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection imgs(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection client_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_must(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection update_log(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection deleted_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection article_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection excerpt(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection b_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection nation_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection hand_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bonusable_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bonusable_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_account(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_address(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_password(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection center_wallet_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection min_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection appKey(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection appSecret(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection official_website_link(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection white_paper_link(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection block_query_link(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection publish_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection total_issuance(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection total_circulation(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection crowdfunding_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_withdraw(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_recharge(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection can_recharge(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contract_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection margin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection used_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bid_plus_unit(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bid_plus_count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bid_minus_unit(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bid_minus_count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ask_plus_unit(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ask_plus_count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ask_minus_unit(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ask_minus_count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection side(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contract_coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection lever_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection margin(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ts(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection buy_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sell_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contract_coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection unit_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection maker_fee_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection taker_fee_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection lever_rage(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection max_qty(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection total_max_qty(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection margin_mode(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection liquidation_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection hold_position(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection avail_position(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection freeze_position(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection position_margin(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection avg_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection settlement_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection maintain_margin_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection settled_pnl(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection realized_pnl(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection unrealized_pnl(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection en_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Symbol(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Date(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Open(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection High(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Low(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Close(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection LastClose(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Price2(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Price3(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Open_Int(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Volume(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection Amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_1min(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_5min(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_15min(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_30min(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_1h(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_2h(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_4h(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_6h(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_12h(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_day(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_week(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_month(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection connection(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection queue(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection payload(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection exception(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection failed_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection entrust_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trigger_price_buy_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trigger_price_sell_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_market(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection up_or_down(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection start_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bid_place_threshold(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection ask_place_threshold(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection attempts(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection reserved_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection available_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_chinese_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_market_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contact_email(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection cotes_const(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection agency_personnel(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_identification(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection placement(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection official_website(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_circulation(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_turnover(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_allocation_proportion(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection cash_people_counting(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection online_bourse(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection private_cemetery_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection block_network_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_issue_date(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection blockchain_browser(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection official_wallet_address(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contract_address(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection twitter_link(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection telegram_link(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection facebook_link(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection market_currency_quantity(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_chinese_introduction(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_english_introduction(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection remarks(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection white_paper(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection application_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection remark(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection n_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection notifiable_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection notifiable_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection data(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection read_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection max_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_bet(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection up_odds(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection down_odds(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection draw_odds(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bet_coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection odds_uuid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection open(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection close(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection high(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection low(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection vol(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection open_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection country_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection birthday(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection city(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection postal_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection extra(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection grade_name_en(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection grade_name_tw(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection login_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection login_ip(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection login_site(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection login_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection describe(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection image(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection limit_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection max_register_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection max_register_num(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection min_num(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection max_num(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection price_usd(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection card_enable(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection wechat_enable(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection alipay_enable(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection deal_count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection deal_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection deal_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection video(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection coin_symbol(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection update_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection seller_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection buyer_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection other_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection total_price_usd(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection total_price_cny(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pay_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection deal_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pay_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bank_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection real_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection card_no(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection open_bank(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection code_img(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection txid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection confirmations(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection amount_u(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection opt_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection en_project_details(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection payment_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection payment_currency(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection subscription_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection subscription_currency_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection subscription_currency_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection en_direction_out(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection en_direction_in(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection tw_direction_out(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection tw_direction_in(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_old_grade(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_new_grade(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection wallet_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection omni_wallet_address(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection s_user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection logable_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection logable_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection address_note(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection address_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection total_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection referrer(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection phone_status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection email_status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection google_token(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection google_status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection second_verify(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_agency(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_system(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection trade_verify(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection from(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection to(string $label = null)
class Grid {}
class MiniGrid extends Grid {}
* @property Show\Field|Collection name
* @property Show\Field|Collection version
* @property Show\Field|Collection alias
* @property Show\Field|Collection authors
* @property Show\Field|Collection enable
* @property Show\Field|Collection imported
* @property Show\Field|Collection config
* @property Show\Field|Collection require
* @property Show\Field|Collection require_dev
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection account
* @property Show\Field|Collection username
* @property Show\Field|Collection pid
* @property Show\Field|Collection country_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection phone
* @property Show\Field|Collection email
* @property Show\Field|Collection avatar
* @property Show\Field|Collection invite_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_grade
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_auth_level
* @property Show\Field|Collection status
* @property Show\Field|Collection trade_status
* @property Show\Field|Collection last_login_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection last_login_ip
* @property Show\Field|Collection created_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection account_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection deep
* @property Show\Field|Collection path
* @property Show\Field|Collection password
* @property Show\Field|Collection payword
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_identity
* @property Show\Field|Collection login_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection reg_ip
* @property Show\Field|Collection updated_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection id
* @property Show\Field|Collection realname
* @property Show\Field|Collection id_card
* @property Show\Field|Collection front_img
* @property Show\Field|Collection back_img
* @property Show\Field|Collection hand_img
* @property Show\Field|Collection check_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection primary_status
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection usable_balance
* @property Show\Field|Collection freeze_balance
* @property Show\Field|Collection address
* @property Show\Field|Collection log_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection rich_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection log_note
* @property Show\Field|Collection before_balance
* @property Show\Field|Collection after_balance
* @property Show\Field|Collection draw_out_direction
* @property Show\Field|Collection into_direction
* @property Show\Field|Collection grade_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection grade_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection grade_img
* @property Show\Field|Collection ug_self_vol
* @property Show\Field|Collection ug_recommend_grade
* @property Show\Field|Collection ug_recommend_num
* @property Show\Field|Collection ug_total_vol
* @property Show\Field|Collection ug_direct_vol
* @property Show\Field|Collection ug_direct_vol_num
* @property Show\Field|Collection ug_direct_recharge
* @property Show\Field|Collection ug_direct_recharge_num
* @property Show\Field|Collection bonus
* @property Show\Field|Collection names
* @property Show\Field|Collection order
* @property Show\Field|Collection cover
* @property Show\Field|Collection body
* @property Show\Field|Collection category_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection view_count
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_recommend
* @property Show\Field|Collection admin_user_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection imgurl
* @property Show\Field|Collection location_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection tourl
* @property Show\Field|Collection tourl_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection pair_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection pair_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection base_coin_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection time_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection time_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection seconds
* @property Show\Field|Collection fee_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection odds_up_range
* @property Show\Field|Collection odds_down_range
* @property Show\Field|Collection odds_draw_range
* @property Show\Field|Collection contact_phone
* @property Show\Field|Collection contact_position
* @property Show\Field|Collection listing_fee_budget
* @property Show\Field|Collection referrer_mechanism_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection issue_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection subscribe_currency
* @property Show\Field|Collection expected_time_online
* @property Show\Field|Collection start_subscription_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection end_subscription_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection announce_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection minimum_purchase
* @property Show\Field|Collection maximum_purchase
* @property Show\Field|Collection project_details
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection collection_wallet
* @property Show\Field|Collection type
* @property Show\Field|Collection note
* @property Show\Field|Collection datetime
* @property Show\Field|Collection wallet_address
* @property Show\Field|Collection wallet_address_image
* @property Show\Field|Collection payment_method
* @property Show\Field|Collection receiving_account
* @property Show\Field|Collection payment_image
* @property Show\Field|Collection agent_level
* @property Show\Field|Collection agent_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection bet_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection bet_coin_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection odds
* @property Show\Field|Collection range
* @property Show\Field|Collection fee
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_no
* @property Show\Field|Collection up_down
* @property Show\Field|Collection scene_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection scene_sn
* @property Show\Field|Collection pair_time_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection begin_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection end_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection begin_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection end_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_up_down
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_range
* @property Show\Field|Collection process_note
* @property Show\Field|Collection process_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection contents
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_process
* @property Show\Field|Collection key
* @property Show\Field|Collection value
* @property Show\Field|Collection full_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection qty_decimals
* @property Show\Field|Collection price_decimals
* @property Show\Field|Collection withdrawal_fee
* @property Show\Field|Collection withdrawal_min
* @property Show\Field|Collection withdrawal_max
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_withdraw_message
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_recharge_message
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_transfer_message
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_content
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_icon
* @property Show\Field|Collection symbol
* @property Show\Field|Collection quote_coin_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection quote_coin_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection base_coin_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection min_qty
* @property Show\Field|Collection min_total
* @property Show\Field|Collection sort
* @property Show\Field|Collection entrust_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection trigger_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection traded_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection money
* @property Show\Field|Collection traded_money
* @property Show\Field|Collection cancel_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection hang_status
* @property Show\Field|Collection buy_order_no
* @property Show\Field|Collection sell_order_no
* @property Show\Field|Collection unit_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection trade_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection trade_money
* @property Show\Field|Collection trade_buy_fee
* @property Show\Field|Collection trade_sell_fee
* @property Show\Field|Collection buy_user_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection sell_user_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection lang
* @property Show\Field|Collection json_content
* @property Show\Field|Collection file
* @property Show\Field|Collection url
* @property Show\Field|Collection img
* @property Show\Field|Collection link_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection link_data
* @property Show\Field|Collection desc
* @property Show\Field|Collection parent_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection icon
* @property Show\Field|Collection uri
* @property Show\Field|Collection method
* @property Show\Field|Collection ip
* @property Show\Field|Collection input
* @property Show\Field|Collection permission_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection menu_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection slug
* @property Show\Field|Collection http_method
* @property Show\Field|Collection http_path
* @property Show\Field|Collection role_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection module
* @property Show\Field|Collection tips
* @property Show\Field|Collection remember_token
* @property Show\Field|Collection locale
* @property Show\Field|Collection imgs
* @property Show\Field|Collection client_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_must
* @property Show\Field|Collection update_log
* @property Show\Field|Collection deleted_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection article_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection excerpt
* @property Show\Field|Collection b_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection nation_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection hand_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection bonusable_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection bonusable_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_account
* @property Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_address
* @property Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_password
* @property Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_balance
* @property Show\Field|Collection min_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection appKey
* @property Show\Field|Collection appSecret
* @property Show\Field|Collection official_website_link
* @property Show\Field|Collection white_paper_link
* @property Show\Field|Collection block_query_link
* @property Show\Field|Collection publish_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection total_issuance
* @property Show\Field|Collection total_circulation
* @property Show\Field|Collection crowdfunding_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_withdraw
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_recharge
* @property Show\Field|Collection can_recharge
* @property Show\Field|Collection contract_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection margin_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection used_balance
* @property Show\Field|Collection bid_plus_unit
* @property Show\Field|Collection bid_plus_count
* @property Show\Field|Collection bid_minus_unit
* @property Show\Field|Collection bid_minus_count
* @property Show\Field|Collection ask_plus_unit
* @property Show\Field|Collection ask_plus_count
* @property Show\Field|Collection ask_minus_unit
* @property Show\Field|Collection ask_minus_count
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection side
* @property Show\Field|Collection contract_coin_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection lever_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection margin
* @property Show\Field|Collection ts
* @property Show\Field|Collection buy_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection sell_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection contract_coin_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection unit_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection maker_fee_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection taker_fee_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection lever_rage
* @property Show\Field|Collection max_qty
* @property Show\Field|Collection total_max_qty
* @property Show\Field|Collection margin_mode
* @property Show\Field|Collection liquidation_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection hold_position
* @property Show\Field|Collection avail_position
* @property Show\Field|Collection freeze_position
* @property Show\Field|Collection position_margin
* @property Show\Field|Collection avg_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection settlement_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection maintain_margin_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection settled_pnl
* @property Show\Field|Collection realized_pnl
* @property Show\Field|Collection unrealized_pnl
* @property Show\Field|Collection code
* @property Show\Field|Collection en_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection Symbol
* @property Show\Field|Collection Date
* @property Show\Field|Collection Name
* @property Show\Field|Collection Open
* @property Show\Field|Collection High
* @property Show\Field|Collection Low
* @property Show\Field|Collection Close
* @property Show\Field|Collection LastClose
* @property Show\Field|Collection Price2
* @property Show\Field|Collection Price3
* @property Show\Field|Collection Open_Int
* @property Show\Field|Collection Volume
* @property Show\Field|Collection Amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_1min
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_5min
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_15min
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_30min
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_1h
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_2h
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_4h
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_6h
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_12h
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_day
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_week
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_month
* @property Show\Field|Collection connection
* @property Show\Field|Collection queue
* @property Show\Field|Collection payload
* @property Show\Field|Collection exception
* @property Show\Field|Collection failed_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection entrust_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection trigger_price_buy_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection trigger_price_sell_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_market
* @property Show\Field|Collection up_or_down
* @property Show\Field|Collection start_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection bid_place_threshold
* @property Show\Field|Collection ask_place_threshold
* @property Show\Field|Collection attempts
* @property Show\Field|Collection reserved_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection available_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_chinese_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_market_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection contact_email
* @property Show\Field|Collection cotes_const
* @property Show\Field|Collection agency_personnel
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency_identification
* @property Show\Field|Collection placement
* @property Show\Field|Collection official_website
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency_circulation
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_turnover
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_allocation_proportion
* @property Show\Field|Collection cash_people_counting
* @property Show\Field|Collection online_bourse
* @property Show\Field|Collection private_cemetery_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection block_network_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency_issue_date
* @property Show\Field|Collection blockchain_browser
* @property Show\Field|Collection official_wallet_address
* @property Show\Field|Collection contract_address
* @property Show\Field|Collection twitter_link
* @property Show\Field|Collection telegram_link
* @property Show\Field|Collection facebook_link
* @property Show\Field|Collection market_currency_quantity
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency_chinese_introduction
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency_english_introduction
* @property Show\Field|Collection remarks
* @property Show\Field|Collection white_paper
* @property Show\Field|Collection application_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection remark
* @property Show\Field|Collection n_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection notifiable_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection notifiable_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection data
* @property Show\Field|Collection read_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection max_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_bet
* @property Show\Field|Collection up_odds
* @property Show\Field|Collection down_odds
* @property Show\Field|Collection draw_odds
* @property Show\Field|Collection bet_coin_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection odds_uuid
* @property Show\Field|Collection open
* @property Show\Field|Collection close
* @property Show\Field|Collection high
* @property Show\Field|Collection low
* @property Show\Field|Collection vol
* @property Show\Field|Collection price
* @property Show\Field|Collection count
* @property Show\Field|Collection time
* @property Show\Field|Collection open_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection country_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection birthday
* @property Show\Field|Collection city
* @property Show\Field|Collection postal_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection extra
* @property Show\Field|Collection grade_name_en
* @property Show\Field|Collection grade_name_tw
* @property Show\Field|Collection login_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection login_ip
* @property Show\Field|Collection login_site
* @property Show\Field|Collection login_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection describe
* @property Show\Field|Collection image
* @property Show\Field|Collection limit_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection max_register_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection max_register_num
* @property Show\Field|Collection min_num
* @property Show\Field|Collection max_num
* @property Show\Field|Collection price_usd
* @property Show\Field|Collection card_enable
* @property Show\Field|Collection wechat_enable
* @property Show\Field|Collection alipay_enable
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_count
* @property Show\Field|Collection deal_count
* @property Show\Field|Collection deal_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection deal_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection video
* @property Show\Field|Collection coin_symbol
* @property Show\Field|Collection update_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection seller_uid
* @property Show\Field|Collection buyer_uid
* @property Show\Field|Collection other_uid
* @property Show\Field|Collection total_price_usd
* @property Show\Field|Collection total_price_cny
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection pay_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection deal_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection pay_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection bank_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection real_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection card_no
* @property Show\Field|Collection open_bank
* @property Show\Field|Collection code_img
* @property Show\Field|Collection txid
* @property Show\Field|Collection confirmations
* @property Show\Field|Collection amount_u
* @property Show\Field|Collection opt_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection en_project_details
* @property Show\Field|Collection payment_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection payment_currency
* @property Show\Field|Collection subscription_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection subscription_currency_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection subscription_currency_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection en_direction_out
* @property Show\Field|Collection en_direction_in
* @property Show\Field|Collection tw_direction_out
* @property Show\Field|Collection tw_direction_in
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_old_grade
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_new_grade
* @property Show\Field|Collection wallet_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection omni_wallet_address
* @property Show\Field|Collection s_user_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection logable_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection logable_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection address_note
* @property Show\Field|Collection address_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection total_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection referrer
* @property Show\Field|Collection phone_status
* @property Show\Field|Collection email_status
* @property Show\Field|Collection google_token
* @property Show\Field|Collection google_status
* @property Show\Field|Collection second_verify
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_agency
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_system
* @property Show\Field|Collection trade_verify
* @property Show\Field|Collection from
* @property Show\Field|Collection to
* @method Show\Field|Collection name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection version(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection alias(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection authors(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection enable(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection imported(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection config(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection require(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection require_dev(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection account(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection username(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection country_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection phone(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection email(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection avatar(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection invite_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_grade(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_auth_level(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trade_status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection last_login_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection last_login_ip(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection created_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection account_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection deep(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection path(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection password(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection payword(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_identity(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection login_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection reg_ip(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection updated_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection realname(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection id_card(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection front_img(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection back_img(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection hand_img(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection check_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection primary_status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection usable_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection freeze_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection address(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection log_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection rich_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection log_note(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection before_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection after_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection draw_out_direction(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection into_direction(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection grade_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection grade_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection grade_img(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ug_self_vol(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ug_recommend_grade(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ug_recommend_num(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ug_total_vol(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ug_direct_vol(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ug_direct_vol_num(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ug_direct_recharge(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ug_direct_recharge_num(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bonus(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection names(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection cover(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection body(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection category_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection view_count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_recommend(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection admin_user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection imgurl(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection location_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection tourl(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection tourl_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pair_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pair_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection base_coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection time_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection time_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection seconds(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection fee_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection odds_up_range(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection odds_down_range(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection odds_draw_range(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contact_phone(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contact_position(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection listing_fee_budget(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection referrer_mechanism_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection issue_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection subscribe_currency(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection expected_time_online(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection start_subscription_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection end_subscription_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection announce_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection minimum_purchase(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection maximum_purchase(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection project_details(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection collection_wallet(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection note(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection datetime(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection wallet_address(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection wallet_address_image(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection payment_method(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection receiving_account(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection payment_image(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection agent_level(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection agent_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bet_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bet_coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection odds(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection range(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection fee(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_no(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection up_down(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection scene_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection scene_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pair_time_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection begin_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection end_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection begin_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection end_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_up_down(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_range(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection process_note(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection process_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contents(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_process(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection key(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection value(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection full_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection qty_decimals(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection price_decimals(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection withdrawal_fee(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection withdrawal_min(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection withdrawal_max(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_withdraw_message(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_recharge_message(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_transfer_message(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_content(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_icon(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection symbol(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection quote_coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection quote_coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection base_coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection min_qty(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection min_total(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection sort(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection entrust_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trigger_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection traded_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection money(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection traded_money(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection cancel_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection hang_status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection buy_order_no(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection sell_order_no(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection unit_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trade_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trade_money(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trade_buy_fee(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trade_sell_fee(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection buy_user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection sell_user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection lang(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection json_content(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection file(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection url(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection img(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection link_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection link_data(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection desc(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection parent_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection icon(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection uri(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection method(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ip(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection input(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection permission_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection menu_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection slug(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection http_method(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection http_path(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection role_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection module(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection tips(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection remember_token(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection locale(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection imgs(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection client_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_must(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection update_log(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection deleted_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection article_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection excerpt(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection b_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection nation_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection hand_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bonusable_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bonusable_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_account(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_address(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_password(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection center_wallet_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection min_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection appKey(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection appSecret(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection official_website_link(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection white_paper_link(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection block_query_link(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection publish_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection total_issuance(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection total_circulation(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection crowdfunding_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_withdraw(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_recharge(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection can_recharge(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contract_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection margin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection used_balance(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bid_plus_unit(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bid_plus_count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bid_minus_unit(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bid_minus_count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ask_plus_unit(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ask_plus_count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ask_minus_unit(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ask_minus_count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection side(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contract_coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection lever_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection margin(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ts(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection buy_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection sell_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contract_coin_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection unit_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection maker_fee_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection taker_fee_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection lever_rage(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection max_qty(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection total_max_qty(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection margin_mode(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection liquidation_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection hold_position(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection avail_position(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection freeze_position(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection position_margin(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection avg_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection settlement_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection maintain_margin_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection settled_pnl(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection realized_pnl(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection unrealized_pnl(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection en_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Symbol(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Date(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Open(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection High(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Low(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Close(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection LastClose(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Price2(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Price3(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Open_Int(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Volume(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection Amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_1min(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_5min(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_15min(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_30min(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_1h(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_2h(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_4h(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_6h(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_12h(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_day(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_week(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_month(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection connection(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection queue(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection payload(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection exception(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection failed_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection entrust_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trigger_price_buy_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trigger_price_sell_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_market(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection up_or_down(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection start_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bid_place_threshold(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection ask_place_threshold(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection attempts(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection reserved_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection available_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_chinese_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_market_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contact_email(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection cotes_const(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection agency_personnel(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency_identification(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection placement(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection official_website(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency_circulation(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_turnover(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_allocation_proportion(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection cash_people_counting(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection online_bourse(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection private_cemetery_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection block_network_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency_issue_date(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection blockchain_browser(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection official_wallet_address(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contract_address(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection twitter_link(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection telegram_link(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection facebook_link(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection market_currency_quantity(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency_chinese_introduction(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency_english_introduction(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection remarks(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection white_paper(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection application_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection remark(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection n_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection notifiable_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection notifiable_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection data(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection read_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection max_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_bet(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection up_odds(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection down_odds(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection draw_odds(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bet_coin_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection odds_uuid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection open(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection close(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection high(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection low(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection vol(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection open_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection country_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection birthday(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection city(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection postal_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection extra(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection grade_name_en(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection grade_name_tw(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection login_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection login_ip(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection login_site(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection login_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection describe(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection image(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection limit_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection max_register_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection max_register_num(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection min_num(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection max_num(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection price_usd(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection card_enable(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection wechat_enable(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection alipay_enable(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection deal_count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection deal_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection deal_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection video(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection coin_symbol(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection update_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection seller_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection buyer_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection other_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection total_price_usd(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection total_price_cny(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pay_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection deal_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pay_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bank_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection real_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection card_no(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection open_bank(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection code_img(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection txid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection confirmations(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection amount_u(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection opt_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection en_project_details(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection payment_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection payment_currency(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection subscription_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection subscription_currency_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection subscription_currency_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection en_direction_out(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection en_direction_in(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection tw_direction_out(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection tw_direction_in(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_old_grade(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_new_grade(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection wallet_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection omni_wallet_address(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection s_user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection logable_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection logable_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection address_note(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection address_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection total_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection referrer(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection phone_status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection email_status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection google_token(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection google_status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection second_verify(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_agency(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_system(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection trade_verify(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection from(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection to(string $label = null)
class Show {}
* @method \Dcat\Admin\Extension\UEditor\Form\UEditor ueditor(...$params)
class Form {}
namespace Dcat\Admin\Grid {
class Column {}
class Filter {}
namespace Dcat\Admin\Show {
class Field {}
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