轻量级RESTFul开发框架 SlimCustom 可以帮助你快速编写简单但功能强大的 web 应用和 API。 特色:HTTP 路由,中间件,PSR-7 支持,依赖注入,门面模式,模型自动验证,字段预处理,多进程任务管理...
技术交流群 637251928
$SlimCustomFrameworkPath/bin/cmd $application app:make 安装
$SlimCustomFrameworkPath/bin/cmd $application app:remove 卸载
这是一个例子,在 Nginx 虚拟主机上针对域名 example.com 的配置。它监听80端口上的入境(inbound)HTTP 连接。它假定一个PHP-FPM服务器在端口9000上运行。你需要将 server_name, error_log, access_log, 和 root 这些指令修改成你自己的值。其中 root 指令是你的应用程序公共文件根目录的路径;你的 Slim 应用的 index.php 前端控制器文件应该放在这个目录中。
server {
listen 80;
server_name example.com;
index index.php;
error_log /path/to/example.error.log;
access_log /path/to/example.access.log;
root /path/to/public;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
location ~ \.php {
try_files $uri =404;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_index index.php;
/bin/cmd 命令入口文件(linux)
/bin/cmd.bat 命令入口文件(windows)
/bootstrap/autoload.php 自动载入
/bootstrap/dependencies.php 框架依赖
/config/application.php 暂时不用
/config/configs.php 默认配置文件
/config/errors.php 错误配置
/config/validation.php 自动验证配置
/demo/ 应用demo
/docs/Api/ 基于phpDoc2生成的php接口文档
/Libs/Cache/Cache.php 缓存
/Libs/Console/Console.php 控制台
/Libs/Console/Daemon.php 任务管理(支持进程管理)
/Libs/Container/Container.php 容器
/Libs/Contracts/ 约定
/Libs/Controller/Api.php 接口控制器
/Libs/Controller/Controller.php 控制器抽象类
/Libs/Curl/Curl.php curl
/Libs/Filesystem/Filesystem.php 文件
/Libs/Exception/SlimCustomException.php 异常
/Libs/Handlers/Error.php 异常处理
/Libs/Handlers/PhpError.php php错误处理
/Libs/Helpers/Facades.php 助手门面
/Libs/Helpers/Helpers.php 助手函数
/Libs/Http/Response.php 响应
/Libs/Model/Query/PdoQuery.php PDO查询类
/Libs/Model/Query/MongodbQuery.php Mongodb查询类
/Libs/Model/Model.php 数据模型
/Libs/Pageinator/Pageinator.php 分页
/Libs/Session/Session.php session
/Libs/Support/Arr.php 数组
/Libs/Support/Collection.php 集合
/Libs/Support/MessageBag.php 消息包
/Libs/Support/Str.php 字符串
/Libs/Traits/Single.php 单例
/Libs/Valication/Validator.php 验证器
/Libs/App.php 应用核心类
/vendor/ vendor
/index.php 入口文件
/bootstrap/routes.php 路由配置
/configs/configs.php 配置文件
/Console/Console.php 应用控制台
/Console/Commands/Hello.php 命令文件 (hello 命令)
/Controller/ 控制器
/Controller/Admin 控制器分组
/Controller/Admin/Index.php Admin分组下的Index控制器
/data/logs/ 日志生成目录
/data/cache/ 缓存生成目录
/data/daemon/ 任务进程信息生成目录
/docs/ docs
/Middlewares/ 中间件
/Middlewares/Admin/ 中间件分组
/Middlewares/Admin/Index.php Admin分组下的Index中间件
/Models/ 模型目录
/scripts/ 脚本目录
/scripts/Demo.php Demo任务文件
/tests/ 测试
/public/ 开放目录
/public/views/ 视图目录
/public/index.php 入口文件
/public/.htaccess .htaccess文件
// set to false in production
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
// Allow the web server to send the content-length header
'addContentLengthHeader' => false,
// Renderer settings
'renderer' => [
'template_path' => App::publicPath() . '/views/'
// Monolog settings
'logger' => [
'name' => App::name(),
'path' => App::dataPath() . '/logs/' . App::name() . '_' . date('Ymd') . '.log',
'level' => \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG
// session
'session' => [
'driver' => 'cache',
'lifetime' => 120,
'expire_on_close' => false,
'encrypt' => false,
'files' => App::dataPath() . '/sessions/',
'connection' => null,
'table' => 'sessions',
'lottery' => [
'cookie' => App::name() . '_session',
'path' => '/',
'domain' => 'hoge.cn',
'secure' => false
// 缓存
'cache' => [
'default' => 'file',
'prefix' => App::name(),
'stores' => [
'file' => [
'driver' => 'file',
'path' => App::dataPath() . 'cache'
'redis' => [
'driver' => 'redis',
'cluster' => false,
'servers' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
'database' => 0,
'password' => ''
// 数据库
'database' => [
'orm' => 'PDO',
'default' => 'mysql',
'prefix' => 'mxu_',
'connections' => [
'mysql' => [
'driver' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'database' => 'mxu_message_collect',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
'strict' => false
namespace Demo\bootstrap;
use \SlimCustom\Libs\App;
// Routes Example
App::get('/[{name}]', function ($request, $response, $args) {
//Demo log message
$this->logger->info("Demo-Skeleton '/' route");
//Render index view
return $this->renderer->render($response, 'index.phtml', $args);
App::get('/hello/{name}', function ($request, $response, $args) {
return 'hello world';
App::group('/admin', function () {
$this->get('/index/{name}', \Demo\controllers\Admin\Index::class . ':index');
$this->post('/post', \Demo\controllers\Admin\Index::class . ':index');
//$this->get('/index/{name}', \Demo\controllers\Admin\Index::class . ':index')->add(\Demo\middlewares\Admin\Index::class . ':index');
$daemon = Daemon();
$daemon->group('Demo', function () {
// 注册任务‘task1’,每隔10秒运行
$this->call(10, 'task1', function () {
while (true) {
// 注册任务‘task2’,每隔5秒运行
$this->call(5, 'task2', function () {
while (true) {
// 启动任务调度守护进程
* @package index.php
* @author Jing <tangjing3321@gmail.com>
* @link http://www.slimphp.net
* @version 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (c) SlimCustom.
* @date 2017年5月2日
namespace Demo\Controllers\Admin;
use Demo\Models\MessageConfigs;
use SlimCustom\Libs\Paginator\Paginator;
use SlimCustom\Libs\Model\Query\PdoQuery as Query;
use SlimCustom\Libs\Controller\Api;
use Demo\Interfaces\Admin\Index as IndexInterface;
use SlimCustom\Libs\Exception\SlimCustomException;
* Controller Example
* @author Jing <tangjing3321@gmail.com>
class Index extends \SlimCustom\Libs\Controller\Api implements IndexInterface
* Model MessageConfigs
* @var \Demo\Models\MessageConfigs
protected $messageConfigs;
* construct 依赖注入
* @param MessageConfigs $messageConfigs
public function __construct(MessageConfigs $messageConfigs)
$this->messageConfigs = $messageConfigs;
* Action Example
* @param Request $request
* @param Response $response
* @param array $args
public function index(\Slim\Http\Request $request, \SlimCustom\Libs\Http\Response $response, $args)
// Cache
cache()->put('Tokens.timestamp', time(), 1);
$timestamp = cache()->get('Tokens.timestamp', null);
// var_dump($timestamp);die;
// Session
session()->set('User.user_id', 12345);
// var_dump(session()->all());die;
// Validator
$validator = validator(request()->getParams(), [
'key' => 'required|integer'
// var_dump($validator->messages());die;
// Curl
// $res = curl()->post('http://mxuapi-team.cloud.hoge.cn/api/tuji/detail/57?access_token=8925a79d6a0377211d0bdbc00a5734e')->response;
// var_dump($res);die;
// Model
try {
// mysql查询
// 绑定闭包处理rows
$closure = function (\SlimCustom\Libs\Support\Collection $row) {
$this->configs = unserialize($this->configs);
return $this;
$res = model('configs')->where('id', '<', 12)
// 插入
$res = model('configs')->rules([
'name' => 'required|string'
// 更新
$res = model('configs')->rules([
'id' => 'required|integer'
// 删除
$res = model('configs')->rules([
'id' => 'required|integer'
], $request->getParams())
->where('id', '=', $request->getParam('id'))
// 静态方法连贯调用
$res = MessageConfigs::where('id', '<', 12)->rows();
// 使用注入对象
$res = $this->messageConfigs->where('id', '<', 12)
// 使用query对象
$res = MessageConfigs::query(function (Query $query) {
// Sql
$item = $query->select()
->limit(Paginator::COUNT, intval(request()->getParam('page', 1)) * Paginator::COUNT - Paginator::COUNT)
// Page
return new Paginator($item, Paginator::COUNT, request()->getParam('page', 1), [
'mode' => 'list',
'isAll' => request()->getParam('is_all', false)
// Mongodb
// 查询多个
$res = model('runoob')->rows([
'filter' => [
'create_user_id' => 1
// 查询单个
$res = model('runoob')->row([
'filter' => [
'create_user_id' => 1
// 创建
$res = model('runoob')->create($data)->isAcknowledged();
// 更新
$res = model('runoob')->renew([
'$set' => $data
], [
'create_user_id' => 1
// 删除
$res = model('runoob')->remove([
'create_user_id' => 1
// 原生方法调用
$res = model('runoob')->find([
'site_id' => 1
// Response
return response()->success($res->toArray());
catch (SlimCustomException $e) {
return response()->error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
* Renderer Example
* @param \Slim\Http\Request $request
* @param \SlimCustom\Libs\Http\Response $response
* @param array $args
* @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
public function renderer(\Slim\Http\Request $request, \SlimCustom\Libs\Http\Response $response, $args)
return renderer()->render(response(), 'index.phtml', $args);
master(任务调度)-> forker (任务1)
-> forker (任务2)
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ php Demo/scripts/Demo.php help
命令 描述 使用
kill 关闭任务 kill 任务名称
killall 关闭所有任务
start 启动任务 start 任务名称
startall 启动所有任务
list 任务列表
help 帮助
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ php Demo/scripts/Demo.php list
task process lastRunTime stop
task1 36639 2017-07-05 05:59:03 0
task2 36640 2017-07-05 05:59:03 0
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
task result
task1 1
task2 1
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ ps aux | grep php
jingtong 13878 0.0 0.1 2566948 4644 ?? Ss 3:59下午 0:00.01 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
jingtong 13877 0.0 0.1 2566948 4636 ?? Ss 3:59下午 0:00.01 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
jingtong 13876 0.0 0.0 2566948 2488 ?? Ss 3:59下午 0:00.01 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ php Demo/scripts/Demo.php killall
task result
task1 1
task2 1
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ ps aux | grep php
jingtong 13876 0.0 0.0 2566948 2552 ?? Ss 3:59下午 0:00.09 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ php Demo/scripts/Demo.php kill task1
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ ps aux | grep php
jingtong 13878 0.0 0.1 2566948 4644 ?? Ss 3:59下午 0:00.05 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
jingtong 13876 0.0 0.0 2566948 2500 ?? Ss 3:59下午 0:00.05 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ php Demo/scripts/Demo.php start task1
JingTongdeMac-mini:www jingtong$ ps aux | grep php
jingtong 13890 0.0 0.1 2566948 4636 ?? Ss 4:02下午 0:00.01 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
jingtong 13878 0.0 0.1 2566948 4656 ?? Ss 3:59下午 0:00.06 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
jingtong 13876 0.0 0.0 2566948 2544 ?? Ss 3:59下午 0:00.07 php Demo/scripts/Demo.php startall
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