from __future__ import division
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from inverse_warp import inverse_warp2, inverse_warp
import math
device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")
class SSIM(nn.Module):
"""Layer to compute the SSIM loss between a pair of images
def __init__(self):
super(SSIM, self).__init__()
self.mu_x_pool = nn.AvgPool2d(3, 1)
self.mu_y_pool = nn.AvgPool2d(3, 1)
self.sig_x_pool = nn.AvgPool2d(3, 1)
self.sig_y_pool = nn.AvgPool2d(3, 1)
self.sig_xy_pool = nn.AvgPool2d(3, 1)
self.refl = nn.ReflectionPad2d(1)
self.C1 = 0.01 ** 2
self.C2 = 0.03 ** 2
def forward(self, x, y):
x = self.refl(x)
y = self.refl(y)
mu_x = self.mu_x_pool(x)
mu_y = self.mu_y_pool(y)
sigma_x = self.sig_x_pool(x ** 2) - mu_x ** 2
sigma_y = self.sig_y_pool(y ** 2) - mu_y ** 2
sigma_xy = self.sig_xy_pool(x * y) - mu_x * mu_y
SSIM_n = (2 * mu_x * mu_y + self.C1) * (2 * sigma_xy + self.C2)
SSIM_d = (mu_x ** 2 + mu_y ** 2 + self.C1) * (sigma_x + sigma_y + self.C2)
return torch.clamp((1 - SSIM_n / SSIM_d) / 2, 0, 1)
compute_ssim_loss = SSIM().to(device)
# photometric loss
# geometry consistency loss
def compute_photo_and_geometry_loss(tgt_img, ref_imgs, intrinsics, tgt_depth, ref_depths, poses, poses_inv, max_scales, with_ssim, with_mask, with_auto_mask, padding_mode):
photo_loss = 0
geometry_loss = 0
num_scales = min(len(tgt_depth), max_scales)
for ref_img, ref_depth, pose, pose_inv in zip(ref_imgs, ref_depths, poses, poses_inv):
for s in range(num_scales):
# # downsample img
# b, _, h, w = tgt_depth[s].size()
# downscale = tgt_img.size(2)/h
# if s == 0:
# tgt_img_scaled = tgt_img
# ref_img_scaled = ref_img
# else:
# tgt_img_scaled = F.interpolate(tgt_img, (h, w), mode='area')
# ref_img_scaled = F.interpolate(ref_img, (h, w), mode='area')
# intrinsic_scaled = torch.cat((intrinsics[:, 0:2]/downscale, intrinsics[:, 2:]), dim=1)
# tgt_depth_scaled = tgt_depth[s]
# ref_depth_scaled = ref_depth[s]
# upsample depth
b, _, h, w = tgt_img.size()
tgt_img_scaled = tgt_img
ref_img_scaled = ref_img
intrinsic_scaled = intrinsics
if s == 0:
tgt_depth_scaled = tgt_depth[s]
ref_depth_scaled = ref_depth[s]
tgt_depth_scaled = F.interpolate(tgt_depth[s], (h, w), mode='nearest')
ref_depth_scaled = F.interpolate(ref_depth[s], (h, w), mode='nearest')
photo_loss1, geometry_loss1 = compute_pairwise_loss(tgt_img_scaled, ref_img_scaled, tgt_depth_scaled, ref_depth_scaled, pose,
intrinsic_scaled, with_ssim, with_mask, with_auto_mask, padding_mode)
photo_loss2, geometry_loss2 = compute_pairwise_loss(ref_img_scaled, tgt_img_scaled, ref_depth_scaled, tgt_depth_scaled, pose_inv,
intrinsic_scaled, with_ssim, with_mask, with_auto_mask, padding_mode)
photo_loss += (photo_loss1 + photo_loss2)
geometry_loss += (geometry_loss1 + geometry_loss2)
return photo_loss, geometry_loss
def compute_pairwise_loss(tgt_img, ref_img, tgt_depth, ref_depth, pose, intrinsic, with_ssim, with_mask, with_auto_mask, padding_mode):
ref_img_warped, valid_mask, projected_depth, computed_depth = inverse_warp2(ref_img, tgt_depth, ref_depth, pose, intrinsic, padding_mode)
diff_img = (tgt_img - ref_img_warped).abs().clamp(0, 1)
diff_depth = ((computed_depth - projected_depth).abs() / (computed_depth + projected_depth)).clamp(0, 1)
if with_auto_mask == True:
auto_mask = (diff_img.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) < (tgt_img - ref_img).abs().mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)).float() * valid_mask
valid_mask = auto_mask
if with_ssim == True:
ssim_map = compute_ssim_loss(tgt_img, ref_img_warped)
diff_img = (0.15 * diff_img + 0.85 * ssim_map)
if with_mask == True:
weight_mask = (1 - diff_depth)
diff_img = diff_img * weight_mask
# compute all loss
reconstruction_loss = mean_on_mask(diff_img, valid_mask)
geometry_consistency_loss = mean_on_mask(diff_depth, valid_mask)
return reconstruction_loss, geometry_consistency_loss
# compute mean value given a binary mask
def mean_on_mask(diff, valid_mask):
mask = valid_mask.expand_as(diff)
if mask.sum() > 10000:
mean_value = (diff * mask).sum() / mask.sum()
mean_value = torch.tensor(0).float().to(device)
return mean_value
def compute_smooth_loss(tgt_depth, tgt_img, ref_depths, ref_imgs):
def get_smooth_loss(disp, img):
"""Computes the smoothness loss for a disparity image
The color image is used for edge-aware smoothness
# normalize
mean_disp = disp.mean(2, True).mean(3, True)
norm_disp = disp / (mean_disp + 1e-7)
disp = norm_disp
grad_disp_x = torch.abs(disp[:, :, :, :-1] - disp[:, :, :, 1:])
grad_disp_y = torch.abs(disp[:, :, :-1, :] - disp[:, :, 1:, :])
grad_img_x = torch.mean(torch.abs(img[:, :, :, :-1] - img[:, :, :, 1:]), 1, keepdim=True)
grad_img_y = torch.mean(torch.abs(img[:, :, :-1, :] - img[:, :, 1:, :]), 1, keepdim=True)
grad_disp_x *= torch.exp(-grad_img_x)
grad_disp_y *= torch.exp(-grad_img_y)
return grad_disp_x.mean() + grad_disp_y.mean()
loss = get_smooth_loss(tgt_depth[0], tgt_img)
for ref_depth, ref_img in zip(ref_depths, ref_imgs):
loss += get_smooth_loss(ref_depth[0], ref_img)
return loss
def compute_errors(gt, pred, dataset):
abs_diff, abs_rel, sq_rel, a1, a2, a3 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
batch_size, h, w = gt.size()
crop used by Garg ECCV16 to reprocude Eigen NIPS14 results
construct a mask of False values, with the same size as target
and then set to True values inside the crop
if dataset == 'kitti':
crop_mask = gt[0] != gt[0]
y1, y2 = int(0.40810811 * gt.size(1)), int(0.99189189 * gt.size(1))
x1, x2 = int(0.03594771 * gt.size(2)), int(0.96405229 * gt.size(2))
crop_mask[y1:y2, x1:x2] = 1
max_depth = 80
if dataset == 'nyu':
crop_mask = gt[0] != gt[0]
y1, y2 = int(0.09375 * gt.size(1)), int(0.98125 * gt.size(1))
x1, x2 = int(0.0640625 * gt.size(2)), int(0.9390625 * gt.size(2))
crop_mask[y1:y2, x1:x2] = 1
max_depth = 10
for current_gt, current_pred in zip(gt, pred):
valid = (current_gt > 0.1) & (current_gt < max_depth)
valid = valid & crop_mask
valid_gt = current_gt[valid]
valid_pred = current_pred[valid].clamp(1e-3, max_depth)
valid_pred = valid_pred * torch.median(valid_gt)/torch.median(valid_pred)
thresh = torch.max((valid_gt / valid_pred), (valid_pred / valid_gt))
a1 += (thresh < 1.25).float().mean()
a2 += (thresh < 1.25 ** 2).float().mean()
a3 += (thresh < 1.25 ** 3).float().mean()
abs_diff += torch.mean(torch.abs(valid_gt - valid_pred))
abs_rel += torch.mean(torch.abs(valid_gt - valid_pred) / valid_gt)
sq_rel += torch.mean(((valid_gt - valid_pred)**2) / valid_gt)
return [metric.item() / batch_size for metric in [abs_diff, abs_rel, sq_rel, a1, a2, a3]]
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