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context.go 21.15 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
fthandsome 提交于 2021-02-07 12:57 . suport tls
package tcpx
import (
const ABORT = 2019
// Context has two concurrently safe context:
// PerConnectionContext is used for connection, once the connection is built ,this is connection scope.
// PerRequestContext is used for request, when connection was built, then many requests can be sent between client and server.
// Each request has an independently scoped context , this is PerRequestContext.
// Packx used to save a marshaller helping marshal and unMarshal stream
// Stream is read from net.Conn per request
type Context struct {
// for tcp conn
Conn net.Conn
// context scope lock
L *sync.RWMutex
// for udp conn
PacketConn net.PacketConn
Addr net.Addr
// for kcp conn
//UDPSession *kcp.UDPSession
// for k-v pair shared in connection/request scope
PerConnectionContext *sync.Map
PerRequestContext *sync.Map
// for pack and unpack
Packx *Packx
// saves a pool-ref from TcpX instance
// only when TcpX instance has set builtInPool true, poolRef is not nil
// - How to use this?
// `ctx.Online(username)`
// `ctx.Offline()`
poolRef *ClientPool
// signal end, after called `ctx.CloseConn()`, it can broadcast all routine related to this connection.
// It will ensure all related goroutine to die.
recvEnd chan int
recvAuth chan int
// 1- online, 2- offline
// This value will init to 1 by NewContext() and turn 2 by ctx.Close()
// This value is shared among request context, so it must be pointer int,not value int
userState *int
// for raw message
ConnReader io.Reader
ConnWriter io.Writer
// for request scpope,Stream, offset, handlers will be copy when new request comes(same connection)
Stream []byte
// used to control middleware abort or next
// offset == ABORT, abort
// else next
offset int
handlers []func(*Context)
// share some pointer properties With former context, but has independent Stream and handlers
// Not locked. Caller should lock it.
func copyContext(ctx Context) *Context {
var copyHandlers = make([]func(*Context), len(ctx.handlers))
for i, _ := range copyHandlers {
copyHandlers[i] = ctx.handlers[i]
return &Context{
Conn: ctx.Conn,
L: ctx.L,
PacketConn: ctx.PacketConn,
Addr: ctx.Addr,
//UDPSession: ctx.UDPSession,
PerConnectionContext: ctx.PerConnectionContext,
PerRequestContext: ctx.PerConnectionContext,
Packx: ctx.Packx,
Stream: ctx.Stream,
offset: ctx.offset,
handlers: copyHandlers,
poolRef: ctx.poolRef,
recvEnd: ctx.recvEnd,
recvAuth: ctx.recvAuth,
userState: ctx.userState,
ConnReader: ctx.ConnReader,
ConnWriter: ctx.ConnWriter,
// No strategy to ensure username repeat or not , if username exists, it will replace the old connection context in the pool.
// Only used when tcpX instance's builtInPool is true,
// otherwise you should design your own client pool(github.com/fwhezfwhez/tcpx/clientPool/client-pool.go), and manage it
// yourself, like:
// ```
// var myPool = clientPool.NewClientPool()
// func main() {
// srv := tcpx.NewTcpX(nil)
// srv.AddHandler(1, func(c *tcpx.Context){
// type Login struct{
// Username string
// }
// var userLogin Login
// c.Bind(&userLogin)
// myPool.Online(userLogin.Username, c)
// })
// srv.AddHandler(2, func(c *tcpx.Context){
// username, ok := ctx.Username()
// if !ok {
// fmt.Println("anonymous user no need to offline")
// }
// myPool.Offline(username)
// })
// }
// ```
func (ctx *Context) Online(username string) error {
if username == "" {
return errors.New("can't use empty username to online")
if ctx.poolRef == nil {
return errors.New("ctx.poolRef is nil, did you call 'tcpX.WithBuiltInPool(true)' or 'tcpX.SetPool(pool *tcpx.ClientPool)' yet")
ctx.poolRef.Online(username, ctx)
return nil
// Only used when tcpX instance's builtInPool is true,
// otherwise you should design your own client pool(github.com/fwhezfwhez/tcpx/clientPool/client-pool.go), and manage it
// yourself, like:
// ```
// var myPool = clientPool.NewClientPool()
// func main() {
// srv := tcpx.NewTcpX(nil)
// srv.AddHandler(1, func(c *tcpx.Context){
// type Login struct{
// Username string
// }
// var userLogin Login
// c.Bind(&userLogin)
// myPool.Online(userLogin.Username, c)
// })
// srv.AddHandler(2, func(c *tcpx.Context){
// myPool.Offline(userLogin.Username)
// })
// }
func (ctx *Context) Offline() error {
if ctx.poolRef == nil {
return errors.New("ctx.poolRef is nil, did you call 'tcpX.WithBuiltInPool(true)' or 'tcpX.SetPool(pool *tcpx.ClientPool)' yet")
username, ok := ctx.Username()
if !ok {
return errors.New("offline username empty, did you call c.Online(username string) yet")
return nil
// New a context.
// This is used for new a context for tcp server.
func NewContext(conn net.Conn, marshaller Marshaller) *Context {
var online = CONTEXT_ONLINE
return &Context{
Conn: conn,
PerConnectionContext: &sync.Map{},
PerRequestContext: &sync.Map{},
Packx: NewPackx(marshaller),
offset: -1,
recvEnd: make(chan int, 1),
recvAuth: make(chan int, 1),
L: &sync.RWMutex{},
userState: &online,
// New a context.
// This is used for new a context for tcp server.
func NewTCPContext(conn net.Conn, marshaller Marshaller) *Context {
return NewContext(conn, marshaller)
// New a context.
// This is used for new a context for udp server.
func NewUDPContext(conn net.PacketConn, addr net.Addr, marshaller Marshaller) *Context {
var online = CONTEXT_ONLINE
return &Context{
PacketConn: conn,
Addr: addr,
PerConnectionContext: nil,
PerRequestContext: &sync.Map{},
Packx: NewPackx(marshaller),
offset: -1,
recvEnd: make(chan int, 1),
recvAuth: make(chan int, 1),
L: &sync.RWMutex{},
userState: &online,
// New a context.
// This is used for new a context for kcp server.
//func NewKCPContext(udpSession *kcp.UDPSession, marshaller Marshaller) *Context {
// var online = CONTEXT_ONLINE
// return &Context{
// UDPSession: udpSession,
// PerConnectionContext: nil,
// PerRequestContext: &sync.Map{},
// Packx: NewPackx(marshaller),
// offset: -1,
// recvEnd: make(chan int, 1),
// recvAuth: make(chan int, 1),
// L: &sync.RWMutex{},
// userState: &online,
// }
// ConnectionProtocol returns server protocol, tcp, udp, kcp
func (ctx *Context) ConnectionProtocolType() string {
if ctx.Conn != nil {
return "tcp"
if ctx.Addr != nil && ctx.PacketConn != nil {
return "udp"
//if ctx.UDPSession != nil {
// return "kcp"
return "tcp"
func (ctx *Context) InitReaderAndWriter() error {
switch ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() {
case "tcp":
ctx.ConnReader = ctx.Conn
ctx.ConnWriter = ctx.Conn
//case "kcp":
// ctx.ConnReader = ctx.UDPSession
// ctx.ConnWriter = ctx.UDPSession
// udp not support writer and reader
//case "udp":
// ctx.ConnReader = ctx.PacketConn
// ctx.ConnWriter = ctx.PacketConn
return fmt.Errorf("only accept tcp/kcp but got %s", ctx.ConnectionProtocolType())
return nil
// Close its connection
func (ctx *Context) CloseConn() error {
defer func() {
if ctx.recvEnd != nil {
CloseChanel(func() {
if ctx.poolRef != nil {
defer ctx.L.Unlock()
*(ctx.userState) = CONTEXT_OFFLINE
switch ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() {
case "tcp":
return ctx.Conn.Close()
case "udp":
return ctx.PacketConn.Close()
//case "kcp":
// return ctx.UDPSession.Close()
return nil
// set deadline
func (ctx *Context) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
switch ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() {
case "tcp":
return ctx.Conn.SetDeadline(t)
case "udp":
return ctx.PacketConn.SetDeadline(t)
//case "kcp":
// return ctx.UDPSession.SetDeadline(t)
return nil
// set read deadline
func (ctx *Context) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
switch ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() {
case "tcp":
return ctx.Conn.SetReadDeadline(t)
case "udp":
return ctx.PacketConn.SetReadDeadline(t)
//case "kcp":
// return ctx.UDPSession.SetReadDeadline(t)
return nil
// set write deadline
func (ctx *Context) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
switch ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() {
case "tcp":
return ctx.Conn.SetWriteDeadline(t)
case "udp":
return ctx.PacketConn.SetWriteDeadline(t)
//case "kcp":
// return ctx.UDPSession.SetWriteDeadline(t)
return nil
func (ctx *Context) Bind(dest interface{}) (Message, error) {
return ctx.Packx.Unpack(ctx.Stream, dest)
// When context serves for tcp, set context k-v pair of PerConnectionContext.
// When context serves for udp, set context k-v pair of PerRequestContext
// Key should not start with 'tcpx-', or it will panic.
func (ctx *Context) SetCtxPerConn(k, v interface{}) {
if tmp, ok := k.(string); ok {
if strings.HasPrefix(tmp, "tcpx-") {
panic("keys starting with 'tcpx-' are not allowed setting, they're used officially inside")
if ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() == "udp" {
ctx.SetCtxPerRequest(k, v)
ctx.PerConnectionContext.Store(k, v)
// Context's connection scope saves an unique key to the connection pool
// Before using this, ctx.SetUsername should be call first
func (ctx *Context) Username() (string, bool) {
usernameI, ok := ctx.GetCtxPerConn("tcpx-username")
if !ok {
return "", ok
return usernameI.(string), ok
// Context's connection scope saves an unique key to the connection pool
// Before using this, ctx.SetUsername should be call first
func (ctx *Context) GetUsername() (string) {
usernameI, ok := ctx.GetCtxPerConn("tcpx-username")
if !ok {
return ""
return usernameI.(string)
// When you want to tag an username to the context, use it, or it will be regarded as an anonymous user
func (ctx *Context) SetUsername(username string) {
ctx.setCtxPerConn("tcpx-username", username)
// this has no restriction for key, should be used in local package
func (ctx *Context) setCtxPerConn(k, v interface{}) {
if ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() == "udp" {
ctx.SetCtxPerRequest(k, v)
ctx.PerConnectionContext.Store(k, v)
// When context serves for tcp, get context k-v pair of PerConnectionContext.
// When context serves for udp, get context k-v pair of PerRequestContext.
func (ctx *Context) GetCtxPerConn(k interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
if ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() == "udp" {
return ctx.GetCtxPerRequest(k)
return ctx.PerConnectionContext.Load(k)
func (ctx *Context) SetCtxPerRequest(k, v interface{}) {
ctx.PerRequestContext.Store(k, v)
func (ctx *Context) GetCtxPerRequest(k interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
return ctx.PerRequestContext.Load(k)
// Reply to client using ctx's well-set Packx.Marshaller.
func (ctx *Context) Reply(messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
var buf []byte
var e error
buf, e = ctx.Packx.Pack(messageID, src, headers ...)
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
return ctx.replyBuf(buf)
func (ctx *Context) ReplyWithMarshaller(marshaller Marshaller, messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
return ctx.commonReplyWithMarshaller(marshaller, messageID, src, headers...)
// Reply to client using json marshaller.
// Whatever ctx.Packx.Marshaller.MarshalName is 'json' or not , message block will marshal its header and body by json marshaller.
func (ctx *Context) JSON(messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
return ctx.commonReply("json", messageID, src, headers...)
// Reply to client using xml marshaller.
// Whatever ctx.Packx.Marshaller.MarshalName is 'xml' or not , message block will marshal its header and body by xml marshaller.
func (ctx *Context) XML(messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
return ctx.commonReply("xml", messageID, src, headers...)
// Reply to client using toml marshaller.
// Whatever ctx.Packx.Marshaller.MarshalName is 'toml' or not , message block will marshal its header and body by toml marshaller.
func (ctx *Context) TOML(messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
return ctx.commonReply("toml", messageID, src, headers...)
// Reply to client using yaml marshaller.
// Whatever ctx.Packx.Marshaller.MarshalName is 'yaml' or not , message block will marshal its header and body by yaml marshaller.
func (ctx *Context) YAML(messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
return ctx.commonReply("yaml", messageID, src, headers...)
// Reply to client using protobuf marshaller.
// Whatever ctx.Packx.Marshaller.MarshalName is 'protobuf' or not , message block will marshal its header and body by protobuf marshaller.
func (ctx *Context) ProtoBuf(messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
return ctx.commonReply("protobuf", messageID, src, headers...)
func (ctx *Context) commonReply(marshalName string, messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
var buf []byte
var e error
var marshaller Marshaller
if ctx.Packx.Marshaller.MarshalName() != marshalName {
marshaller, e = GetMarshallerByMarshalName(marshalName)
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
buf, e = NewPackx(marshaller).Pack(messageID, src, headers...)
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
e = ctx.replyBuf(buf)
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
return nil
buf, e = ctx.Packx.Pack(messageID, src, headers ...)
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
return ctx.replyBuf(buf)
func (ctx *Context) commonReplyWithMarshaller(marshaller Marshaller, messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
var buf []byte
var e error
buf, e = NewPackx(marshaller).Pack(messageID, src, headers...)
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
e = ctx.replyBuf(buf)
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
return nil
// Divide to udp and tcp replying accesses.
func (ctx *Context) replyBuf(buf []byte) (e error) {
switch ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() {
case "tcp":
if _, e = ctx.Conn.Write(buf); e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
case "udp":
if _, e = ctx.PacketConn.WriteTo(buf, ctx.Addr); e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
//case "kcp":
// if _, e = ctx.UDPSession.Write(buf); e != nil {
// return errorx.Wrap(e)
// }
return nil
func (ctx Context) Network() string {
return ctx.ConnectionProtocolType()
// client ip
func (ctx Context) ClientIP() string {
var clientAddr string
switch ctx.ConnectionProtocolType() {
case "tcp":
clientAddr = ctx.Conn.RemoteAddr().String()
case "udp":
clientAddr = ctx.Addr.String()
//case "kcp":
// clientAddr = ctx.UDPSession.RemoteAddr().String()
arr := strings.Split(clientAddr, ":")
// ipv4
if len(arr) == 2 {
return arr[0]
// [::1] localhost
if strings.Contains(clientAddr, "[") && strings.Contains(clientAddr, "]") {
return ""
// ivp6
return strings.Join(arr[:len(arr)-1], ":")
// stop middleware chain
func (ctx *Context) Abort() {
ctx.offset = ABORT
// Since middlewares are divided into 3 kinds: global, messageIDSelfRelated, anchorType,
// offset can't be used straightly to control middlewares like middlewares[offset]().
// Thus, c.Next() means actually do nothing.
func (ctx *Context) Next() {
ctx.offset ++
s := len(ctx.handlers)
for ; ctx.offset < s; ctx.offset++ {
if !ctx.isAbort() {
} else {
func (ctx *Context) ResetOffset() {
ctx.offset = -1
func (ctx *Context) Reset() {
ctx.PerRequestContext = &sync.Map{}
ctx.offset = -1
if ctx.handlers == nil {
ctx.handlers = make([]func(*Context), 0, 10)
ctx.handlers = ctx.handlers[:0]
func (ctx *Context) isAbort() bool {
if ctx.offset >= ABORT {
return true
return false
func (ctx *Context) IsOffline() bool {
defer ctx.L.RUnlock()
return *(ctx.userState) == CONTEXT_OFFLINE
func (ctx *Context) IsOnline() bool {
if ctx == nil {
return false
defer ctx.L.RUnlock()
return *(ctx.userState) == CONTEXT_ONLINE
// BindWithMarshaller will specific marshaller.
// in contract, c.Bind() will use its inner packx object marshaller
func (ctx *Context) BindWithMarshaller(dest interface{}, marshaller Marshaller) (Message, error) {
return NewPackx(marshaller).Unpack(ctx.Stream, dest)
// ctx.Stream is well marshaled by pack tool.
// ctx.RawStream is help to access raw stream.
func (ctx *Context) RawStream() ([]byte, error) {
return ctx.Packx.BodyBytesOf(ctx.Stream)
// HeartBeatChan returns a prepared chan int to save heart-beat signal.
// It will never be nil, if not exist the channel, it will auto-make.
func (ctx *Context) HeartBeatChan() chan int {
channel, ok := ctx.GetCtxPerConn("tcpx-heart-beat-channel")
if !ok {
channel = make(chan int, 1)
ctx.setCtxPerConn("tcpx-heart-beat-channel", channel)
return channel.(chan int)
} else {
tmp, ok := channel.(chan int)
if !ok {
channel = make(chan int, 1)
ctx.setCtxPerConn("tcpx-heart-beat-channel", channel)
return channel.(chan int)
return tmp
// RecvHeartBeat
func (ctx *Context) RecvHeartBeat() {
ctx.HeartBeatChan() <- 1
// Send to another conn index via username.
// Make sure called `srv.WithBuiltInPool(true)`
func (ctx *Context) SendToUsername(username string, messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
if ctx.poolRef == nil {
return errors.New("'ctx.poolRef' is nil, make sure call 'srv.WithBuiltInPool(true)'")
anotherCtx := ctx.poolRef.GetClientPool(username)
if anotherCtx == nil || anotherCtx.IsOffline() {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("username '%s' not found in pool, he/she might get offine", username))
return ctx.SendToConn(anotherCtx, messageID, src, headers...)
// Send to another conn via Context.
// Make sure called `srv.WithBuiltInPool(true)`
func (ctx *Context) SendToConn(anotherCtx *Context, messageID int32, src interface{}, headers ...map[string]interface{}) error {
return anotherCtx.Reply(messageID, src, headers...)
func (ctx *Context) GetPoolRef() *ClientPool {
defer ctx.L.RUnlock()
return ctx.poolRef
func (ctx *Context) AuthChan() <-chan int {
return ctx.recvAuth
func (ctx *Context) RecvAuthPass() {
const PASS = 1
ctx.recvAuth <- PASS
func (ctx *Context) RecvAuthDeny() {
const DENY = -1
ctx.recvAuth <- DENY
// Decode ctx.Stream.Header["Router-Type"], expected 'MESSAGE_ID', 'URL_PATTERN'
func (ctx Context) RouterType() string {
rt, cached := ctx.routerType()
if !cached {
return rt
// return routertype, cached in ctx
func (ctx *Context) routerType() (string, bool) {
rt, exist := ctx.GetCtxPerRequest("router_type")
if exist {
rtstr, transfer := rt.(string)
if transfer {
return rtstr, true
if len(ctx.Stream) == 0 {
return MESSAGEID, false
header, e := HeaderOf(ctx.Stream)
if e != nil {
Logger.Println("header decode err: %s", errorx.Wrap(e).Error())
return MESSAGEID, false
if len(header) == 0 {
return MESSAGEID, false
routerTypeI, exist := header[HEADER_ROUTER_KEY]
if !exist {
return MESSAGEID, false
routerTypeStr, transfer := routerTypeI.(string)
if !transfer {
return MESSAGEID, false
if routerTypeStr == MESSAGEID {
return MESSAGEID, false
return routerTypeStr, false
// Will reply to client a message with specific url-pattern, used when message_type routing by url-pattern
func (ctx *Context) JSONURLPattern(src interface{}) error {
urlPattern, e := ctx.GetURLPattern()
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
buf, e := NewURLPatternMessage(urlPattern, src).Pack(JsonMarshaller{})
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
if e := ctx.replyBuf(buf); e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
return nil
// Will reply to client a message with specific url-pattern. Its payload is marshalled by protobuf and require src implements proto.Message.
// Used when message_type routing by url-pattern
func (ctx *Context) ProtobufURLPattern(src interface{}) error {
urlPattern, e := ctx.GetURLPattern()
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
buf, e := NewURLPatternMessage(urlPattern, src).Pack(ProtobufMarshaller{})
if e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
if e := ctx.replyBuf(buf); e != nil {
return errorx.Wrap(e)
return nil
func (ctx *Context) setRouterType(routerType string) {
ctx.PerRequestContext.Store("router_type", routerType)
func (ctx *Context) GetURLPattern() (string, error) {
urlPattern, exist := ctx.PerRequestContext.Load("url_pattern")
if exist {
urlPatternStr, transfer := urlPattern.(string)
if transfer {
return urlPatternStr, nil
urlPatternStr, e := URLPatternOf(ctx.Stream)
if e != nil {
return "", errorx.Wrap(e)
ctx.PerRequestContext.Store("url_pattern", urlPatternStr)
return urlPatternStr, nil
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