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gogocache.go 2.94 KB
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Gogo authored 2021-10-09 18:55 . feat: 实现持久化
package gogocache
import (
// Hash 哈希函数
type Hash func(data []byte) uint32
// CacheGroup 统一管理多个cache
type CacheGroup struct {
cacheNum int
getter Getter
mainCache []cache
hash Hash
// use singleflight.Group to make sure that
// each key is only fetched once
loader *singleflight.Group
//Getter 定义获取数据源的接口
type Getter interface {
Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
//GetterFunc 实现Getter接口的一个函数
type GetterFunc func(key string) ([]byte, error)
//GetterFunc 实现了getter的接口
func (f GetterFunc) Get(key string) ([]byte, error) {
return f(key)
// NewGroup 新建group的实例
func NewGroup(cacheBytes int64, getter Getter, cacheNum int, fn Hash) *CacheGroup {
caches := make([]cache, cacheNum)
for i, _ := range caches {
caches[i] = cache{cacheBytes: cacheBytes}
g := &CacheGroup{
cacheNum: cacheNum,
getter: getter,
hash: fn,
mainCache: caches,
loader: &singleflight.Group{},
if g.hash == nil {
g.hash = crc32.ChecksumIEEE
file, err := os.OpenFile("./persistence.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDONLY, 0666)
if err != nil {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
key := scanner.Text()
// do anything with strLine
if scanner.Scan() {
value := scanner.Bytes()
g.recover(key, ByteView{Bytes: value})
return g
//getCacheNo 获取key对应的cache下标
func (g *CacheGroup) getCacheNo(key string) int {
hash := int(g.hash([]byte(key))) % g.cacheNum
return hash
// Get 从cache里面查找key
func (g *CacheGroup) Get(key string) (ByteView, error) {
if key == "" {
return ByteView{}, fmt.Errorf("key is required")
cacheNo := g.getCacheNo(key)
log.Debugf("searching %s from %d", key, cacheNo)
if v, ok := g.mainCache[cacheNo].get(key); ok {
log.Debugf("[GogoCache] hit")
return v, nil
} else {
if g.getter == nil {
return ByteView{}, fmt.Errorf("[GogoCache] not hit")
} else {
return g.getLocally(key)
//getLocally 从数据源中获取数据
func (g *CacheGroup) getLocally(key string) (ByteView, error) {
bytes, err := g.getter.Get(key)
if err != nil || len(bytes) == 0 {
return ByteView{}, err
log.Debugf("got from local %v", bytes)
value := ByteView{Bytes: cloneBytes(bytes)}
g.Set(key, value)
return value, nil
//recover 恢复键值对
func (g *CacheGroup) recover(key string, value ByteView) {
cacheNo := g.getCacheNo(key)
g.mainCache[cacheNo].add(key, value)
//Set set加入键值对
func (g *CacheGroup) Set(key string, value ByteView) {
persistence.Record(key, value.Bytes)
cacheNo := g.getCacheNo(key)
log.Debugf("write key: %s value: %v to cache no: %d\n", key, value, cacheNo)
g.mainCache[cacheNo].add(key, value)
马建仓 AI 助手