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data_show.py 8.68 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Seven 提交于 2024-08-13 23:16 . Update: :test
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# def read_data(file_path):
# x = []
# y1 = []
# y2 = []
# y3 = []
# y4 = []
# with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
# next(f) # 跳过列名
# for line in f:
# data = line.strip().split(',')
# x.append(float(data[0]))
# y1.append(float(data[1]))
# y2.append(float(data[2]))
# y3.append(float(data[3]))
# y4.append(float(data[4]))
# return x, y1, y2, y3, y4
# def data_show(x, y1, y2, y3, y4, txt_name):
# parts = txt_name.split("_")
# first_part = parts[0]
# second_part = parts[1]
# plt.plot(x, y1, label='BR', marker='o', markersize=10, linewidth=1)
# # plt.plot(x, y2, label='Pro_first')
# plt.plot(x, y3, label='Step_first', marker='H', markersize=10, linewidth=1)
# plt.plot(x, y4, label='Remaining_first', marker='x', markersize=10, linewidth=1)
# plt.xlabel(f'{second_part}')
# plt.ylabel(f'{first_part} (qbqs)')
# # plt.title('Throughput')
# plt.legend()
# plt.xticks(x) # 设置横坐标刻度为所有的 x 值
# plt.grid(True) # 启用网格辅助
# plt.savefig(f'./data/experiment_images/{txt_name}.png')
# plt.clf() # 清除当前图像
# plt.show()
# name_list = [
# 'throughput_connectivity',
# 'throughput_el_remaining',
# 'throughput_scale',
# 'throughput_successPro',
# 'throughput_workload',
# 'waiting_connectivity',
# 'waiting_el_remaining',
# 'waiting_scale',
# 'waiting_successPro',
# 'waiting_workload',
# 'waste_connectivity',
# 'waste_el_remaining',
# 'waste_scale',
# 'waste_successPro',
# 'waste_workload'
# ]
# for txt_name in name_list:
# print(txt_name)
# file_path = f'./data/experiment_data/{txt_name}.txt'
# x, y1, y2, y3, y4 = read_data(file_path)
# # print(x, y1, y2, y3, y4)
# data_show(x, y1, y2, y3, y4, txt_name)
# import pandas as pd
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# def read_data(file_path):
# df = pd.read_excel(file_path)
# return df
# def data_show(df, txt_name):
# parts = txt_name.split("_")
# first_part = parts[0]
# second_part = parts[1]
# x = df.iloc[:, 0] # 第一列作为横坐标
# y_columns = df.columns[1:] # 排除第一列,包含剩余所有列
# markers = ['o','h', 's', '^'] # 定义不同曲线的标记样式
# # markers = ['s', 'o']
# colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'purple']
# # 自定义标签列表,可以根据需要修改
# custom_labels = ['DMES', 'Label 2', 'PPME', 'PIER']
# plt.figure()
# min_y = float('inf')
# max_y = float('-inf')
# for i, col in enumerate(y_columns):
# if i == 1: # 忽略第三列
# continue
# marker = markers[i % len(markers)] # 使用取模运算轮流选择标记样式
# color = colors[i % len(colors)] # 使用取模运算轮流选择颜色
# label = custom_labels[i % len(custom_labels)] # 使用取模运算轮流选择自定义标签
# plt.plot(x, df[col], label=label, marker=marker, markersize=10, linewidth=2.5)
# min_y = min(min_y, df[col].min())
# max_y = max(max_y, df[col].max())
# if second_part == 'scale':
# plt.xlabel(f'Number of nodes',fontsize=16)
# elif second_part == 'workload':
# plt.xlabel(f'Number of SD pairs',fontsize=16)
# elif second_part == 'connectivity':
# plt.xlabel(f'Network connectivity (β in the Waxmax model)',fontsize=16)
# elif second_part == 'successPro':
# plt.xlabel(f'Success prob. to create an EL',fontsize=16)
# elif second_part == 'el':
# plt.xlabel(f'Number of sustainable time slots for EL',fontsize=16)
# if first_part == 'throughput':
# plt.ylabel(f'Throughput(qbqs)',fontsize=16)
# elif first_part == 'waiting':
# plt.ylabel(f'Number of time slots',fontsize=16)
# elif first_part == 'waste':
# plt.ylabel(f'Number of unused EL ',fontsize=16)
# plt.legend(fontsize=15)
# plt.grid(True) # 启用网格辅助
# plt.xticks(x)
# range_padding = 0.2*(max_y - min_y)
# if first_part == "waste":
# plt.ylim(min_y - 0.5*range_padding, max_y + 2*range_padding)
# elif first_part == "waiting":
# plt.ylim(min_y - 0.5*range_padding, max_y + 2*range_padding)
# else:
# plt.ylim(min_y - 1.1*range_padding, max_y + 1.4*range_padding) # 设置纵坐标显示范围
# plt.savefig(f'./data/experiment_images/{txt_name}.svg')
# # plt.savefig(f'./data/experiment_images/{txt_name}.png')
# plt.clf() # 清除当前图像
# plt.show()
# name_list = [
# 'throughput_connectivity',
# 'throughput_el_remaining',
# 'throughput_scale',
# 'throughput_successPro',
# 'throughput_workload',
# 'waiting_connectivity',
# 'waiting_el_remaining',
# 'waiting_scale',
# 'waiting_successPro',
# 'waiting_workload',
# 'waste_connectivity',
# 'waste_el_remaining',
# 'waste_scale',
# 'waste_successPro',
# 'waste_workload'
# ]
# for txt_name in name_list:
# print(txt_name)
# file_path = f'./data/data_to_excel/{txt_name}.xlsx'
# df = read_data(file_path)
# data_show(df, txt_name)
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def read_data(file_path):
df = pd.read_excel(file_path)
return df
def data_show(df, txt_name):
parts = txt_name.split("_")
first_part = parts[0]
second_part = parts[1]
x = df.iloc[:, 0] # 第一列作为横坐标
y_columns = df.columns[1:] # 排除第一列,包含剩余所有列
markers = ['o','h', 's', '^'] # 定义不同曲线的标记样式
colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'purple']
# 自定义标签列表,可以根据需要修改
custom_labels = ['DMES', 'Label 2', 'PPME', 'PIER']
min_y = float('inf')
max_y = float('-inf')
for i, col in enumerate(y_columns):
if i == 1: # 忽略第三列
marker = markers[i % len(markers)] # 使用取模运算轮流选择标记样式
color = colors[i % len(colors)] # 使用取模运算轮流选择颜色
label = custom_labels[i % len(custom_labels)] # 使用取模运算轮流选择自定义标签
plt.plot(x, df[col], label=label, marker=marker, markersize=10, linewidth=2.5)
min_y = min(min_y, df[col].min())
max_y = max(max_y, df[col].max())
if second_part == 'scale':
plt.xlabel(f'Number of nodes', fontsize=16)
elif second_part == 'workload':
plt.xlabel(f'Number of SD pairs', fontsize=16)
elif second_part == 'connectivity':
plt.xlabel(f'Network connectivity (β in the Waxmax model)', fontsize=16)
elif second_part == 'successPro':
plt.xlabel(f'Success prob. to create an EL', fontsize=16)
elif second_part == 'el':
plt.xlabel(f'Number of sustainable time slots for EL', fontsize=16)
if first_part == 'throughput':
plt.ylabel(f'Throughput(qbqs)', fontsize=18)
elif first_part == 'waiting':
plt.ylabel(f'Number of time slots', fontsize=18)
elif first_part == 'waste':
plt.ylabel(f'Number of unused EL', fontsize=18)
plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
plt.grid(True) # 启用网格辅助
# 处理 x 中的 NaN 值
x = x.dropna()
plt.xticks(x, fontsize=15) # 设置 x 轴刻度字体大小
plt.yticks(fontsize=15) # 设置 y 轴刻度字体大小
range_padding = 0.2 * (max_y - min_y)
if first_part == "waste":
plt.ylim(min_y - 0.5 * range_padding, max_y + 2 * range_padding)
elif first_part == "waiting":
plt.ylim(min_y - 0.5 * range_padding, max_y + 2 * range_padding)
plt.ylim(min_y - 1.1 * range_padding, max_y + 1.4 * range_padding) # 设置纵坐标显示范围
# 调整边距
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1)
plt.savefig(f'./data/experiment_images/{txt_name}.svg', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.savefig(f'./data/experiment_images/{txt_name}.png', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.clf() # 清除当前图像
name_list = [
for txt_name in name_list:
file_path = f'./data/data_to_excel/{txt_name}.xlsx'
df = read_data(file_path)
data_show(df, txt_name)
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