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sha3-permute.c 5.26 KB
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/* sha3-permute.c
The sha3 permutation function (aka Keccak).
Copyright (C) 2012 Niels Möller
This file is part of GNU Nettle.
GNU Nettle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of either:
* the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
* the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
or both in parallel, as here.
GNU Nettle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and
the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If
not, see
# include "config.h"
#include "sha3.h"
#include "sha3-internal.h"
#include "macros.h"
#define SHA3_ROUNDS 24
/* For fat builds */
#if HAVE_NATIVE_sha3_permute
_nettle_sha3_permute_c(struct sha3_state *state);
#define nettle_sha3_permute _nettle_sha3_permute_c
sha3_permute (struct sha3_state *state)
static const uint64_t rc[SHA3_ROUNDS] = {
0x0000000000000001ULL, 0X0000000000008082ULL,
0X800000000000808AULL, 0X8000000080008000ULL,
0X000000000000808BULL, 0X0000000080000001ULL,
0X8000000080008081ULL, 0X8000000000008009ULL,
0X000000000000008AULL, 0X0000000000000088ULL,
0X0000000080008009ULL, 0X000000008000000AULL,
0X000000008000808BULL, 0X800000000000008BULL,
0X8000000000008089ULL, 0X8000000000008003ULL,
0X8000000000008002ULL, 0X8000000000000080ULL,
0X000000000000800AULL, 0X800000008000000AULL,
0X8000000080008081ULL, 0X8000000000008080ULL,
0X0000000080000001ULL, 0X8000000080008008ULL,
/* Original permutation:
0,10,20, 5,15,
16, 1,11,21, 6,
7,17, 2,12,22,
23, 8,18, 3,13,
14,24, 9,19, 4
Rotation counts:
0, 1, 62, 28, 27,
36, 44, 6, 55, 20,
3, 10, 43, 25, 39,
41, 45, 15, 21, 8,
18, 2, 61, 56, 14,
/* In-place implementation. Permutation done as a long sequence of
25 moves "following" the permutation.
T <-- 1
1 <-- 6
6 <-- 9
9 <-- 22
22 <-- 14
14 <-- 20
20 <-- 2
2 <-- 12
12 <-- 13
13 <-- 19
19 <-- 23
23 <-- 15
15 <-- 4
4 <-- 24
24 <-- 21
21 <-- 8
8 <-- 16
16 <-- 5
5 <-- 3
3 <-- 18
18 <-- 17
17 <-- 11
11 <-- 7
7 <-- 10
10 <-- T
uint64_t C[5], D[5], T, X;
unsigned i, y;
#define A state->a
C[0] = A[0] ^ A[5+0] ^ A[10+0] ^ A[15+0] ^ A[20+0];
C[1] = A[1] ^ A[5+1] ^ A[10+1] ^ A[15+1] ^ A[20+1];
C[2] = A[2] ^ A[5+2] ^ A[10+2] ^ A[15+2] ^ A[20+2];
C[3] = A[3] ^ A[5+3] ^ A[10+3] ^ A[15+3] ^ A[20+3];
C[4] = A[4] ^ A[5+4] ^ A[10+4] ^ A[15+4] ^ A[20+4];
for (i = 0; i < SHA3_ROUNDS; i++)
D[0] = C[4] ^ ROTL64(1, C[1]);
D[1] = C[0] ^ ROTL64(1, C[2]);
D[2] = C[1] ^ ROTL64(1, C[3]);
D[3] = C[2] ^ ROTL64(1, C[4]);
D[4] = C[3] ^ ROTL64(1, C[0]);
A[0] ^= D[0];
X = A[ 1] ^ D[1]; T = ROTL64(1, X);
X = A[ 6] ^ D[1]; A[ 1] = ROTL64 (44, X);
X = A[ 9] ^ D[4]; A[ 6] = ROTL64 (20, X);
X = A[22] ^ D[2]; A[ 9] = ROTL64 (61, X);
X = A[14] ^ D[4]; A[22] = ROTL64 (39, X);
X = A[20] ^ D[0]; A[14] = ROTL64 (18, X);
X = A[ 2] ^ D[2]; A[20] = ROTL64 (62, X);
X = A[12] ^ D[2]; A[ 2] = ROTL64 (43, X);
X = A[13] ^ D[3]; A[12] = ROTL64 (25, X);
X = A[19] ^ D[4]; A[13] = ROTL64 ( 8, X);
X = A[23] ^ D[3]; A[19] = ROTL64 (56, X);
X = A[15] ^ D[0]; A[23] = ROTL64 (41, X);
X = A[ 4] ^ D[4]; A[15] = ROTL64 (27, X);
X = A[24] ^ D[4]; A[ 4] = ROTL64 (14, X);
X = A[21] ^ D[1]; A[24] = ROTL64 ( 2, X);
X = A[ 8] ^ D[3]; A[21] = ROTL64 (55, X); /* row 4 done */
X = A[16] ^ D[1]; A[ 8] = ROTL64 (45, X);
X = A[ 5] ^ D[0]; A[16] = ROTL64 (36, X);
X = A[ 3] ^ D[3]; A[ 5] = ROTL64 (28, X);
X = A[18] ^ D[3]; A[ 3] = ROTL64 (21, X); /* row 0 done */
X = A[17] ^ D[2]; A[18] = ROTL64 (15, X);
X = A[11] ^ D[1]; A[17] = ROTL64 (10, X); /* row 3 done */
X = A[ 7] ^ D[2]; A[11] = ROTL64 ( 6, X); /* row 1 done */
X = A[10] ^ D[0]; A[ 7] = ROTL64 ( 3, X);
A[10] = T; /* row 2 done */
D[0] = ~A[1] & A[2];
D[1] = ~A[2] & A[3];
D[2] = ~A[3] & A[4];
D[3] = ~A[4] & A[0];
D[4] = ~A[0] & A[1];
A[0] ^= D[0] ^ rc[i]; C[0] = A[0];
A[1] ^= D[1]; C[1] = A[1];
A[2] ^= D[2]; C[2] = A[2];
A[3] ^= D[3]; C[3] = A[3];
A[4] ^= D[4]; C[4] = A[4];
for (y = 5; y < 25; y+= 5)
D[0] = ~A[y+1] & A[y+2];
D[1] = ~A[y+2] & A[y+3];
D[2] = ~A[y+3] & A[y+4];
D[3] = ~A[y+4] & A[y+0];
D[4] = ~A[y+0] & A[y+1];
A[y+0] ^= D[0]; C[0] ^= A[y+0];
A[y+1] ^= D[1]; C[1] ^= A[y+1];
A[y+2] ^= D[2]; C[2] ^= A[y+2];
A[y+3] ^= D[3]; C[3] ^= A[y+3];
A[y+4] ^= D[4]; C[4] ^= A[y+4];
#undef A
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