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Soldier__ 提交于 2020-03-18 11:45 . add config



VipSystemEx can do you a favor to manage the Vip of your server. The plugin supports permanent, timed, switchable vip group.
VipSystemEx use cached MySQL or SQLite with indexes as database, supporting enable/disable connection pool(default on), which ensures the compatibility and the efficiency.


Commands Description Permission
/vipsys me Get your vip details Null
/vipsys changevip Change activated vip group vipsys.changevip
/vipsys give [Player] [Group] [Time] Give vip(Time format: xdxhxmxs, x days x hours x minutes x seconds) vipsys.give
/vipsys remove [Player] Remove vip vipsys.remove
/vipsys list Show the list of vip vipsys.list
/vipsys look [Player] Get the vip detail of a specific player vipsys.look
/vipsys reload Reload the plugin vipsys.reload


Fundamental Usage


Install the plugin to server,and restart.
You don't need to configure the default group.The plugin will set the default group automatically according to your permission plugin.
Create a vip group named as vip for example.
Note: If you have installed previous version of VipSystem, the data will be imported from the old version.

Give Vip

Assuming that the player to be given vip is Test.You need to give Test a 30-day vip group.
Use the command/vipsys give Test vip 30d
The player can use /vipsys me to check himself vip detail.
To remove vip, use/vipsys remove Test.


If you need to use placeholder provided by VipSystemEx, you need to install plugin PlaceholderAPI.
Use command/papi ecloud download vipsystemto load extension.
Then you can use the placeholders.
Below are the mappings.

Placeholder Description
%vipsystem_vip% vip group name
%vipsystem_expire% vip expire date
%vipsystem_previous% group name before activating vip

Advanced Usage


The plugin has two languages,Chinese & English, built-in.You can setlangtozh_CNorento switch languages.
You can also customize your language,setlangto your own language,reload the plugin,and the plugin will generate a new file named as what you set in foldermessagescopying from en.yml. You can edit it as you wish.


If you enabled online mode
It is recommended to apply uuid: true

Default Group

The plugin will determine the group to return according to the permission plugin.
If you want to override the default group, you can setdefaultGroup: builder
To set the default group to builder or something else.


The plugin use HikariCP as database to connect SQLite database as default.If you don't have special needs, you can ignore the section.
If the plugin goes wrong when enabling, you need to setusePool to false
If you need to use MySQL,you can setuseMySQL to true and configure the jdbc address below.

Global Vip

If you are using GroupManager, you need not to modify the section without special intention.
If you are using PermissionsEx, in case the vip cannot be applied to all the worlds, you need to setisGlobal to false
If the problem still occurs, you need to add all you worlds inworlds

  - world
  - world_nether
  - world_the_end

Custom Command

You can define the command to be executed when activating/disabling the vip.

      - 'say {0} has activated vip!'
      - 'give {0} minecraft:diamond'
      - 'say {0} is no longer a vip'
      - 'say {0} has activated svip!'
      - 'give {0} minecraft:diamond'
      - 'say {0} is no longer a svip'

When activating vip, the commands below will be executed, send messages and give a diamond.

say {0} has activated vip!
give {0} minecraft:diamond

When vip expires, the commands below will be executed, send messages.

say {0} is no longer a vip

If you need to add more groups, it is the same method.
If you don't need the function, you can delete it.


You can useVipSystemAPI.getInstance() to get the instance of VipSystemAPI
Javadoc is on the way.

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