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test.py 10.84 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Assaf Shocher 提交于 2019-10-14 15:43 . Add files via upload
from networks import GeoTransform
from PIL import Image
import util
from InGAN import InGAN
from configs import Config
from traceback import print_exc
from skvideo.io import FFmpegWriter
import os
from non_rect import *
def test_one_scale(gan, input_tensor, scale, must_divide, affine=None, return_tensor=False, size_instead_scale=False):
with torch.no_grad():
in_size = input_tensor.shape[2:]
if size_instead_scale:
out_size = scale
out_size = (np.uint32(np.floor(scale[0] * in_size[0] * 1.0 / must_divide) * must_divide),
np.uint32(np.floor(scale[1] * in_size[1] * 1.0 / must_divide) * must_divide))
output_tensor, _, _ = gan.test(input_tensor=input_tensor,
if return_tensor:
return output_tensor[1]
return util.tensor2im(output_tensor[1])
def concat_images(images, margin, input_spot):
h_sizes = [im.shape[0] for im in zip(*images)[0]]
w_sizes = [im.shape[1] for im in images[0]]
h_total_size = np.sum(h_sizes) + margin * (len(images) - 1)
w_total_size = np.sum(w_sizes) + margin * (len(images) - 1)
collage = np.ones([h_total_size, w_total_size, 3]) * 255
for i in range(len(images)):
for j in range(len(images)):
top_left_corner_h = int(np.sum(h_sizes[:j]) + j * margin)
top_left_corner_w = int(np.sum(w_sizes[:i]) + i * margin)
bottom_right_corner_h = int(top_left_corner_h + h_sizes[j])
bottom_right_corner_w = int(top_left_corner_w + w_sizes[i])
if [i, j] == input_spot:
collage[top_left_corner_h - margin/2: bottom_right_corner_h + margin/2,
top_left_corner_w - margin/2: bottom_right_corner_w + margin/2,
:] = [255, 0, 0]
collage[top_left_corner_h:bottom_right_corner_h, top_left_corner_w:bottom_right_corner_w] = images[j][i]
return collage
def generate_images_for_collage(gan, input_tensor, scales, must_divide):
# NOTE: scales here is different from in the other funcs: here we only need 1d scales.
# Prepare output images list
output_images = [[[None] for _ in range(len(scales))] for _ in range(len(scales))]
# Run over all scales and test the network for each one
for i, scale_h in enumerate(scales):
for j, scale_w in enumerate(scales):
output_images[i][j] = test_one_scale(gan, input_tensor, [scale_h, scale_w], must_divide)
return output_images
def retarget_video(gan, input_tensor, scales, must_divide, output_dir_path):
max_scale = np.max(np.array(scales))
frame_shape = np.uint32(np.array(input_tensor.shape[2:]) * max_scale)
frame_shape[0] += (frame_shape[0] % 2)
frame_shape[1] += (frame_shape[1] % 2)
frames = np.zeros([len(scales), frame_shape[0], frame_shape[1], 3])
for i, (scale_h, scale_w) in enumerate(scales):
output_image = test_one_scale(gan, input_tensor, [scale_h, scale_w], must_divide)
frames[i, 0:output_image.shape[0], 0:output_image.shape[1], :] = output_image
writer = FFmpegWriter(output_dir_path + '/vid.mp4', verbosity=1, outputdict={'-b': '30000000', '-r': '100.0'})
for i, _ in enumerate(scales):
for j in range(3):
writer.writeFrame(frames[i, :, :, :])
def define_video_scales(scales):
max_v, min_v, max_h, min_h = scales
frames_per_resize = 10
x = np.concatenate([
np.linspace(1, max_v, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_v, min_v, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(min_v, max_v, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_v, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, 1, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, 1, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, max_v, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_v, min_v, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(min_v, max_v, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_v, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, max_v, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_v, max_v, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_v, min_v, 2 * frames_per_resize)])
y = np.concatenate([
np.linspace(1, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, 1, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, 1, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, max_h, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_h, min_h, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(min_h, max_h, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_h, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, max_h, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_h, min_h, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(min_h, max_h, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_h, 1, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(1, max_h, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_h, max_h, frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(max_h, min_h, 2 * frames_per_resize),
np.linspace(min_h, min_h, 2 * frames_per_resize)])
return zip(x, y)
def generate_collage_and_outputs(conf, gan, input_tensor):
output_images = generate_images_for_collage(gan, input_tensor, conf.collage_scales, conf.must_divide)
for i in range(len(output_images)):
for j in range(len(output_images)):
Image.fromarray(output_images[i][j], 'RGB').save(conf.output_dir_path + '/test_%d_%d.png' % (i, j))
input_spot = conf.collage_input_spot
output_images[input_spot[0]][input_spot[1]] = util.tensor2im(input_tensor)
collage = concat_images(output_images, margin=10, input_spot=input_spot)
Image.fromarray(np.uint8(collage), 'RGB').save(conf.output_dir_path + '/test_collage.png')
def _make_homography_mask(in_mask, target_size, rand_h):
theta = homography_based_on_top_corners_x_shift(rand_h)
target_size4d = torch.Size([in_mask.shape[0], in_mask.shape[1], target_size[0], target_size[1]])
grid = homography_grid(theta.expand(in_mask.shape[0], -1, -1), target_size4d)
out = f.grid_sample(in_mask, grid, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='border')
return out
def test_homo(conf, gan, input_tensor, must_divide=8):
shift_range = np.arange(conf.non_rect_shift_range[0], conf.non_rect_shift_range[1], conf.non_rect_shift_range[2])
total = (len(conf.non_rect_scales)*len(shift_range))**2
ind = 0
for scale1 in conf.non_rect_scales:
for scale2 in conf.non_rect_scales:
scale = [scale1, scale2]
for shift1 in shift_range:
for shift2 in shift_range:
ind += 1
shifts = (shift1, shift2)
sz = input_tensor.shape
out_pad = np.uint8(255*np.ones([np.uint32(np.floor(sz[2]*scale[0])), np.uint32(np.floor(3*sz[3]*scale[1])), 3]))
pad_l = np.abs(np.int(np.ceil(sz[3] * shifts[0])))
pad_r = np.abs(np.int(np.ceil(sz[3] * shifts[1])))
in_mask = torch.zeros(sz[0], sz[1], sz[2], pad_l + sz[3] + pad_r).cuda()
input_for_regular = torch.zeros(sz[0], sz[1], sz[2], pad_l + sz[3] + pad_r).cuda()
in_size = in_mask.shape[2:]
out_size = (np.uint32(np.floor(scale[0] * in_size[0] * 1.0 / must_divide) * must_divide),
np.uint32(np.floor(scale[1] * in_size[1] * 1.0 / must_divide) * must_divide))
if pad_r > 0:
in_mask[:,:, :, pad_l:-pad_r] = torch.ones_like(input_tensor)
input_for_regular[:, :, :, pad_l:-pad_r] = input_tensor
in_mask[:, :, :, pad_l:] = torch.ones_like(input_tensor)
input_for_regular[:, :, :, pad_l:] = input_tensor
out = test_one_scale(gan, input_tensor, out_size, conf.must_divide, affine=shifts, return_tensor=True, size_instead_scale=True)
# regular = transform(input_tensor, out_size, shifts)
out_mask = _make_homography_mask(in_mask, out_size, shifts)
out = util.tensor2im(out_mask * out + 1 - out_mask)
# regular_out = util.tensor2im(out_mask * regular + 1 - out_mask)
# out_pad[:, sz[3] - pad_l: sz[3] - pad_l + out_size[1], :] = out
shift_str = "{1:0{0}d}_{3:0{2}d}".format(2 if shift1>=0 else 3, int(10*shift1), 2 if shift2>=0 else 3, int(10*shift2))
# out = np.rot90(out, 3)
# regular_out = np.rot90(regular_out, 3)
Image.fromarray(out, 'RGB').save(conf.output_dir_path + '/scale_%02d_%02d_transform %s_ingan.png' % (int(10*scale1), int(10*scale2), shift_str))
# Image.fromarray(regular_out, 'RGB').save(conf.output_dir_path + '/scale_%02d_%02d_transform %s_ref.png' % (scale1, scale2, shift_str))
print ind, '/', total, 'scale:', scale, 'shift:', shifts
def main():
conf = Config().parse(create_dir_flag=False)
conf.name = 'TEST_' + conf.name
conf.output_dir_path = util.prepare_result_dir(conf)
gan = InGAN(conf)
gan.resume(conf.test_params_path, test_flag=True)
[input_tensor] = util.read_data(conf)
if conf.test_video:
retarget_video(gan, input_tensor, define_video_scales(conf.test_vid_scales), 8, conf.output_dir_path)
if conf.test_collage:
generate_collage_and_outputs(conf, gan, input_tensor)
if conf.test_non_rect:
test_homo(conf, gan, input_tensor)
print 'Done with %s' % conf.input_image_path
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
# print 'Something went wrong with %s (%d/%d), iter %dk' % (input_image_path, i, n_files, snapshot_iter)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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